#and it's effective for some folks for reasons that overlap with but are not exclusively fodmap related
naamahdarling · 7 months
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apptowonder · 4 years
Learning Each Other’s Languages -- Hybridity, Whiteness and Liturgical Inculturation in American Orthodoxy
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Note: The following is an adaptation and expansion of a short paper I submitted for my seminary class on Theology, Race & Culture. 
"Baptism is the transgression of flesh and Spirit that requires assertions of cultural or racial purity to be resisted and renounced. But in this baptismal moment there also lies the profound transformation of the community, for with every new member comes the possibility of transformation, change, and adaptation in its inclusion not only for the welcomed but for those who welcome. The body of Christ shifts and moves and learns new languages as it adds new members. Its body becomes new as the person becomes new."*
Among Orthodox Christians in the United States, there is a common sentiment that the various jurisdictions and hierarchies are living in a state of canonical irregularity, or at any rate in a way that damages Orthodox witness. This is due to the fact that, unlike most other places in the world, the United States does not have a unified Orthodox Archdiocese or Patriarchate to oversee the flock of Orthodox Christians there.** If only we could create an American Orthodox Church, people say, we would solve the problems of Orthodoxy in America. 
Common objections raised include i. the failure of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) to become the unifying ecclesial body due to poor planning and ii. the logistical challenge of compiling all the various Orthodox bishops in the United States into one wholly unified Holy Synod. That is to say, the objections people raise are usually logistical.
However, it is my opinion that not enough attention has been paid to the cultural and theological problems such a project would need to contend with. Orthodoxy in the United States must contend with the realities of whiteness, both around it and inside it. Yet the Orthodox community is also in a unique position in relationship to other Christian communities brought over to the Americas in the colonial era. Orthodoxy, contrary to the belief of some demagogues and even well-meaning laity, cannot excuse itself from the ways it has assimilated to the systems of whiteness. But its relationship to the American articulation of whiteness, as well as the possibility of ways forward, must be handled differently than the relationship of other Christian traditions that have been in this country for longer and with more power to shape its contours.
As a white convert and clergyman in a non-canonical Orthodox jurisdiction, I speak from a position of some distance. I cannot speak with authority to what first, second and third generation immigrant churches will navigate their position as the Orthodox Church in this part of the world. What I am going to do is attempt to trace some of the history of Orthodoxy in the Americas as it has been relayed to me by parishioners and clergy I have been in community with (primarily but not exclusively the Greek church, primarily but not exclusively canonical). I will then attempt to describe some of the questions my own life as an Orthodox convert and seminarian has forced me to wrestle with, and how they might be worth pondering for other converts and “Americanized” Orthodox communities.
As I understand it, the history of Orthodox Christian churches in the United States has had moments of both refusal of and assimilation to whiteness, with assimilation being more and more the dominant trend in Orthodox churches of European descent***. With the possible exception of the Russian church in the Alaska territories, Orthodox communities were not present in the States when the Anglo-Saxon-led colonial Christianity was being shaped initially. When Orthodox Christians came to the United States in the waves of immigration from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, I don't doubt that they too were gradually assimilated to being "white"****. However, given that they were not present to shape the default "white Christianity" of America, my sense from what I've read and seen is that they continued to express their Christian faith within their own cultural idioms (eg, Greek, Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, etc). One interesting side effect of this phenomenon is that there has never been, to my knowledge, a unified American Orthodox Church. The closest attempt, the OCA, was backed by the Russian church and continues to display primarily Slavic liturgical forms in English. However, the Russians did not consult the majority of other Orthodox hierarchs from the various ethnic communities and so the OCA is canonical but not unifying.
White Anglo-Saxon^ converts to Orthodoxy as I’ve experienced tend to fall into one of three categories. There are doubtless more categories and reasons for conversion, but these three stand out as primary tropes specifically for how white Anglo-Saxon converts engage with the intersection of their own culture and Orthodox cultures. We will briefly discuss these categories as a way of examining whiteness in the American Orthodox convert constituency.
I. The “Orthobro”
Many white evangelicals, conservative Christians and some right wing former atheists convert to Orthodoxy because they perceive it as a source of “pure” Christianity (”pure” here meaning always conservative, usually ‘Western’ (despite the prevalence of orientalism in Western European portrayals of Orthodoxy) and often white), in contrast to the ‘degeneracy’ of progressive or even centrist Catholic and Protestant Christianity. These folks often like to ‘LARP’ practices of Byzantium or Imperial Russia, or at the very least have a nostalgia for a mythic past of Christian dominance which maps onto but far eclipses the complex realities of cultural exchange and theological hybridity of Eastern Christianity. These folks tend to advocate for traditionalist ‘family values’, lean towards more rigid expressions of Orthodoxy (usually monastic, often though not always emerging from Russian piety). For the Orthobro, whether they conceptualize it in these terms or not, Orthodoxy is seen as a haven and “safe space” for white Christian identity
II. The Paleo-Occidentalist
Pardon the jargon-y name. This person can overlap with “the Orthobro,” but does not always. Where the Orthobro generally accepts the Eastern Christian traditions of Orthodoxy as part of their white supremacist project^^, the Paleo-Occidentalist wants to leverage Orthodox theological tradition to reinvigorate their own Western rite Christianity. This can be for positive reasons (a desire to confess Orthodox faith without having to abandon one’s sense of cultural, confessional or ethnic heritage) or for more sinister reasons (wanting to prop up Western chauvinism in an Orthodox key). Regardless, these converts tend to coalesce around Western rite projects, and those of goodwill often have very positive and edifying things to say about the ecumenical heritage of the undivided Church. I personally am a bit frustrated by the history of Western rite Orthodoxy and the way it has led to friction within communities, but I do think that the desire to express Orthodox faith in a different cultural context is an admirable one. We will return to some of the possibilities alluded to by Paleo-Occidentalists in the conclusion. For now, though, it’s worth noting that Western rite Orthodoxy has generally taken on two forms: i. Converting current Western liturgies to Orthodox theology by removing or adding individual prayers, while keeping the general flow and structure of, say, the Mass the same. ii. Attempting to reconstruct pre-Schism Western liturgies from historical and archaeological evidence. 
III. The Traditionalist Radical
This third category can overlap with the “Paleo-Occidentalist” depending on liturgical preference, and it is the category I myself fall into. Most “TradRads” I’ve met are Eastern rite. This may be because, ironically, we are engaged in a similar flight from American cultural Christianity but for starkly different reasons than the “Orthobro”. The TradRad who seeks out Orthodoxy in the Eastern rite generally wishes to find a tradition that is rooted in the core creeds of Christianity but is distant enough from their own religio-political context to provide a fresh start. On this foundation, the TradRad draws from the political implications of the Church Fathers and Mothers, as well as the tradition of Orthodox contemplation and spirituality, to build a foundation for the pursuit of social justice in harmony with the Gospel and the tradition of the Church. In general, we are socially progressive and/or leftist, but theologically traditional (invested in taking the Creeds and spirituality of the Church at their word).
As a result of this phenomenon, my life so far as a convert to Orthodoxy has been one of expressing my faith in worship through liturgical forms of a culture that is not my own. I have gravitated towards the Greek use, since that was the community I was initially welcomed into and which has a theological tradition and aesthetic I have the most affinity for. In so doing, I have tried to be mindful of place, history, and the people I worship alongside in ways that are faithful to our life in community.
My liturgical life has become more complex lately as I have stepped into a ministry leadership position in a small mission parish which currently consists entirely of converts to Orthodoxy and inquirers from not historically Orthodox cultural/ethnic backgrounds. We continue to use the Greek/Constantinopolitan "use" of the Byzantine rite as it has become one of the authentic matrices in which Orthodox prayer life is expressed in the United States (along with the Slavonic rite, the Antiochian use, etc). In an Orthodox parish composed of parishioners from historically Orthodox cultural backgrounds, the hybridity and transformation through encounter of "learning new languages" tends to happen more organically, with the various cultural traditions of the community members being woven into worshiping life. As I pursue formation and explore a vocation to the priesthood, I continue to wrestle with these dynamics. How can we as a community of primarily cultural "outsiders" who identify with Orthodox faith but do not have recourse to Orthodox resources from our own cultural backgrounds** empower the transformation of our community towards greater hybridity and multiplicity? 
As mentioned above, one common answer has been the attempt to articulate a “Western-rite Orthodoxy” in various ways. While this is potentially a valuable pastoral project, and I don’t doubt the sincerity or Orthodox piety of my Western--rite compatriots, it often feels to me that those hierarchs who oversee the Western rite are more trying to fit a different theological tradition to a standard of arbitrary Orthodox "purity," rather than adapting what has emerged organically in Orthodox contexts to a Western liturgical style or engaging possibilities of hybridity. This is not to say that, even in convert communities, we should do away with the Eastern rite or Eastern hymnody. I will likely always default to the Divine Liturgy in Byzantine chant. But I do think it’s worth imagining new ways that cultural hybridity could shape American Orthodoxy in ways that reflect its diverse constituents. What would it look like, for example, to celebrate the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom with Western style polyphonic chant or choral hymnody? How might we draw on the influence of Orthodox saints who lived in the Christian West (say, St. John Cassian or St. Irenaios of Lyons)? Could it be possible to incorporate musical traditions of the parishioners that are not from historically Orthodox countries, with input and direction from those parishioners (ie, gospel music or Latin American music)? What about iconography?
None of these suggestions are complete answers, nor would I adopt them personally without deeper thought and consultation with my own communities. But I think they’re worth thinking about. How do we as converts embrace the heritage of one another’s culture as we come alongside each other in a common Orthodox faith? I don’t have an answer for that yet (and indeed, there will never be one definitive answer), but I have a feeling that the answers that Orthodox communities discover to these questions will shape the future of American Orthodoxy far more profoundly than attempts to unify the hierarchies on a structural level. 
*Dr. Brian Bantum, Redeeming Mulatto: A Theology of Race and Christian Hybridity (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2010), 159.
**If we think about it for more than a minute, we will realize that there are other parts of the world where this is also true of Orthodoxy. Consider, for example, the unfortunate situation in Ukraine. However, the United States is certainly the largest landmass where this phenomenon holds true, and therefore gets the most attention.
***The situation of American Orthodox Christian communities constituted by immigrants from the Middle East and the Horn of Africa is more complex, and depending on the region, some parishes will also be multiethnic and/or multiracial, which comes with its own challenges and opportunities that are beyond the scope of this response to fully address
****For more, see Jacobson, Whiteness of a Different Color
^ While “Anglo-Saxon” is in some ways here a reductive term, I use it to refer to people of an Anglo-Saxon or similar background who formed the dominant class of white settlers in America. As someone of English and German extraction, I place myself in this category for the purposes of how my body is read.
^^ Lest I be misunderstood, let me make it very clear that the Eastern rites are not inherently white supremacist. What I mean here is that the Orthobro tends to co-opt the particularity of the Eastern rite as a sign of the “purity” of his white Christianity, deploying it contrastively against the Western rite, rather than seeing it as the theological expression of particular communities who are not inherently better or worse than Western Christian communities.
**There have been attempts to develop a "Western rite" in Orthodoxy, some of which have canonical blessing from an Archdiocese or Patriarchate. In my opinion, however, these have been inadequate as they primarily consist in taking a Catholic or Anglican rite and removing any prayer that is deemed 'non-Orthodox'. While this is potentially a valuable pastoral project, it feels more like trying to fit a different theological tradition to a standard of arbitrary Orthodox "purity," rather than adapting what has emerged organically in Orthodox contexts to a Western liturgical style or engaging possibilities of hybridity. The closest thing to this more organic approach has been the attempt to reconstruct pre-Schism Western rites such as the Gallican Missal. However, these projects in my estimation can and are easily co-opted by ideologues with ethno-nationalist leanings. The Eastern rites are not immune to this, but Western rite reconstruction projects in my opinion have been more often directly deployed by Western chauvinists.
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thatssogayvenrp · 5 years
A Brief History of Lossan
(this is one of the things Nari read in the bookshop in Sixth Terrace)
A Brief History of Lossan and Foreword to the Seventh Edition, by Sindhail Opalback, Honored Historian: Though I may be censured for the words to follow, I would be neglecting my duty as a historian and citizen if I were not truthful about my beloved city’s history and its more contemporary developments. My role as a historian is not only to report events as they have happened, but to examine such events through a lens that tells the broader story. That such a story looks grimly upon certain members and movements in this country is not a fault of mine, as their actions and the effects of their actions are their own for which they must accept responsibility.
As many know, Lossan is one of the prominent ancient coastal cities, known for its rich history as influenced by the iron trade to which it owes its national prominence.
Borders and fortifications
The north of the city is bordered by the Kismet Ocean. Shipbuilding and fishing have become prominent industries on this northern coast of the city and the beaches are necessary to visit if one is touring the area. Sailors and fisherman who have lived and worked on the coast for many years always muse to bar patrons, their protégées, and tourists that there is little more humbling than looking out into the vastness of this ocean.
To guide ships returning to port, there are 3 lighthouses named for elven deities. The central lighthouse has been affectionately named “Lady Moonbow” after elven goddess Sehanine Moonbow. The western lighthouse is called Lady Hanali for the elven goddess of romantic love and beauty. The eastern lighthouse is called Lord Naralis, named for Naralis Analor, the minor elven god associated with healing. These lighthouses and their corresponding deities were praised and honored as guides to bring home returning travelers. They were also places one could get healing if needed when returning form a voyage, but also places of safety and protection in times of invasion and war. Not only are these places of great utility as lighthouses (and outfitted with battlements and other wartime protections), but they are often frequented and revered by visitors as if they are also temples to the elven deities.
Despite the protection provided by the Kismet Ocean to the north and Two Moon Bay on the city’s eastern and southern borders, the city’s planners over the past many centuries have nonetheless erected a wall around the city, as is seen protecting many of the landlocked cities. Fortifying the city has been a priority since the city’s founding from both coastal/foreign and domestic invasion, the latter of which was more pressing around the period of the Reign of Human Kings but less pressing after the peace and unification under the Free State of Falschegal. The former, in contrast, was more of a prominent concern prior to the arrival of humans on the landmass that would become known as Falschegal. The city’s elven and dwarven founders protected the city from invading nations to the west, most of all humans. Humans would eventually arrive on Lossan’s shores claiming a desire to peaceably integrate themselves into the city’s society. The native non-human populations would, over time, watch the human population burgeon and displace the founding and native families in civic and other prominent positions of power. 
As this history has long passed, every generation of the city’s leaders since then has been jokingly chided for maintaining the coastal fortifications. The truth, everyone knows, is that the lighthouses and the Northern Wall are integral parts of the city’s heritage.
Though coastal and foreign invasion was a frequent concern throughout the city’s history, the more contemporary worry since the rise of Dunghill Kunt has been domestic invasion from the east. The city’s Western Wall has, as a result, garnered more attention in recent years. That is the only part of the city bordered entirely by land, and though the adjacent cities have historically been Lossan’s allies, the city’s leaders have still not wanted to risk adjacent cities being used as pathways for other domestic invaders. The Western Wall’s fortifications have been strengthened over the past few years as a result, and the city’s liaisons to the neighboring towns have insisted that it is nothing personal against their allies. Human followers of Dunghill Kunt have used the situation to their advantage, attempting to sow discord among Lossan and its allies, with the hope that Lossan will find itself isolated and more vulnerable to attack when the time comes.
The iron mines for which the Iron Coast is known are not located in Lossan and her sister city, Angesco. For Lossan, rather, the mines are clustered around the city along its western edge. Historically, Lossan and Angesco rose to prominence as mining populations in adjacent cities sought nearby locations for commerce, recreation, and eventually long-term habitation. As Lossan and Angesco have also played prominent roles in converting saltwater to freshwater in their respective parts of the region, they have burgeoned over the years as sprawling metropolises. While smaller in size and population than Broadison and Wells Pier, Lossan is nonetheless larger and more populous than its southern brethren, Atlas and Sixth Terrace.
To the south, the Iron Bridge connects Lossan to a neighboring city, Haeldürn. Founded by dwarves who were heavily involved in the iron industry, inhabitants of Haeldürn have remained allies with Lossan (though, anecdotally, the uncouth, rough-handed miners have had a thing or two to say about the “softness” of Lossan’s city folk). To the east, the Waller Bridge connects Lossan to another ally city, Khleebur, which was founded by elves and grew around one of the Iron Coast’s more prominent universities. There is arguably more cultural and intellectual similarity between Khleebur and Lossan than Lossan and Haeldürn, which has led to good relations between Lossan and Khleebur through both cities’ histories. Indeed, students from Khleebur often find themselves in Lossan for recreation when they are taking breaks from their studies.
Topography and climate
Lossan is perhaps most known for its hilly topography. Indeed, the hills rise the farther one travels into the city, and from a distance outside of the city, it is clear that the hills have raised the center of the city high above the walls at the city’s borders. Such is one of many visual quirks that speak to Lossan’s uniqueness and beauty. Some say it is a cornerstone of a childhood in Lossan to have stood at the top of one of these hills and let a smooth marble or a wheeled toy race down a steep hill, rejoicing as gravity accelerated the chosen objects down to the bottom. It is also for this reason that the city government and records are housed at the center of the city, where the hills are highest (the rationale being that, in the case of invasion, the higher ground would be the most secure and harder to storm).
Naturally, the variant topography has affected the distribution of the population within the city by social class over the past few centuries. The center of the city has been hailed as more prestigious, particularly because of its higher ground and greater protection. Those that have made the City Centre their home or place of business tend to be wealthier and are able to afford the requisite transportation to get them to the tops of the hill. The wealthier occupants of the city are also rumored to have exclusive, heavily-guarded destination circles for teleportation to avoid strenuous uphill travel, though existence of these circles has never been confirmed. In contrast, the poorer populations have found themselves relegated closer to the city walls and farther from the City Centre.
Aside from its hilly topography, Lossan is also known for its warmer weather, despite being farther north than many inland cities that experience colder average temperatures all year round. That being said, a morning chill has been to known to overtake the city, as does a distinct fog that surrounds the Iron Bridge before dissipates by the early afternoon.
Culture and relations
Culturally, Lossan is distinct in its own right while also being emblematic of a broader common culture on the Iron Coast. Lossan bears similar cosmopolitan characteristics as Angesco, Broadison, Southport, Wells Pier, Sixth Terrace, and Atlas in that the city’s population is more diverse in the races and species that occupy and pass through the city daily. Such diversity has normalized an acceptance and peace among varied races and species that are less common in smaller towns farther inland, where many towns have self-segregated by race and species, with human towns being the most insular.
Anecdotally, it is often observed that those from the Iron Coast are far less tense than those on the Lake Coast, particularly those living in or near Broadison. Again, most of these observations are entirely anecdotal in nature, with very few studies or empirical evidence confirming this distinction or its causes. Nonetheless, one only needs to think of friends or family raised on the Iron Coast and compare their general disposition to those raised on the Lake Coast — the reader is free to come to their own conclusion about these alleged regional differences.
There is often a playful rivalry with the Iron Triangle regarding the competing iron mining, processing, and manufacturing industries. Such a rivalry is most prominent in the dwarven populations from both competing regions, as dwarves have historically been most proactive in the rise of the iron industry. Around the time of Falschegal’s unification and the expansion of travel, there was some brief competition between the two regions, as they both fought to retain overlapping buyers and distributors in equidistant regions. Overtime, however, the competition surrounding mining has tapered off, as the quality of the iron itself from either region was found to be comparable. The primary difference was found to be in the manufacturing process and the purposes for which the iron was used. As the dwarven miners were less responsible for what happened to iron ore after it was mined, they let the rivalry carry over to the manufacturers and distributors. Thankfully, the rivalry now is mostly in jest, as many of those who work in the iron industry gather from all over the country, from Iron Coast and Iron Triangle alike, to amicably discuss the status of mining in their respective regions, compare techniques and seasonal yields, and revise standards for worker safety.
My contributions to the Seventh Edition have come at a time of great strife throughout our country, and it is my greatest hope that readers now and in the future will look upon these writings as informative and an accurate representation of both current events and Lossan’s history. Lossan was a city founded upon and continues to be a city that emphasizes inclusivity, cooperation, and acceptance. My greatest hope is that my beloved city carries on in this great heritage for years to come, no matter what darkness befalls her and the country at large.
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mitroophel-blog · 5 years
Read My Mind
Helpful Buckeye did have a conversation with a guy on the trail who was limping a bit. Many thanks for taking a read here, good to know I have a fan and appreciate you nice words. People taking lisinopril hydrochlorothiazide may experience dizziness, irregular heartbeat, swelling, joint and muscle aches and tingling and numbness. Sadly, the quantities of people in the market that are pressing pain medicine without prescriptions as well as bogus on the web health-related services make it difficult for your genuine, reputable online doctor consultation to sparkle. Yet, more thought must be given on how to structure these initiatives, to avoid overlaps but also to make sure that all stakeholders affected are involved in the process. Now I am happy to report that 30-something year old me eats a much more varied, healthy diet than 20-something year old Leah. This makes a career in pharmaceutical sales much in demand and very stable. Treatment ought to be bit by bit pulled back generally the side effects you are being treated for may return more extreme than previously (bounce back sleep deprivation and nervousness). However, with a bit of trial and error it is possible to reduce the amount of soap dispensed by the Lysol No-Touch. Do you not wash away the germs using an anti-bactirial soap anyway! How can you count the calories you are eating and work out how many calories you are using? But lately there has been an emphasis on taking multivitamins and nutrients and it seems a lot of people are buying into this. Prescription Justice Action Group brings together doctors, lawyers, public health advocates, canadian online pharmacies and companies dedicated to helping people afford medication. It is no wonder the phenomenon of buying prescription drugs online or out of the country has become so tempting. Ask exactly what health condition or ailment the drug is being prescribed for and find out if natural alternatives may be appropriate based on individual circumstances. Buying drugs from Internet pharmacies that do not provide a street address and telephone number may pose serious health risks. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported in the Second Nutrition report, based off of their ongoing NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), deficiencies in the US from 1999-2006 varied by gender, age, and ethnicity. These combinations might include one or more drugs not approved for that disease. And are there more witnesses in the theater who saw accomplices? Teramadol is used in treating pains that are either moderate or moderately severe, and it also treaats trigeminal neuralgia. Most of these formulas are available exclusively online. Most addicted persons are embarrassed of their dependence and do not want their peers to judge them for it. Some even are nonexistent. 600 million a year. The addiction to the prescription drug vicodin is a very powerful addiction that impacts the lives of so many Americans each year. This fact in and of itself makes prescription drugs scarier and deadlier than drugs of the past. We all know that a medicare prescription in required on some drugs and with the Canada meds, you can place an order for three months with one prescription. 4. Canada isn't going to carefully scrutinize drugs bound for the United States. This app gives you the most reliable information about drugs and medical news. Texas also implies its approval of this process in its State Board of Medical Examiner's statement on Telemedicine, and Maryland Board of Physicians does so in its analogous statement. Almost all of the articles related to Gladio appeared in 1990 when Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti publicly admitted Italy’s participation in the process. Both male and female TIs report a variety of "attacks" to their sexual organs. We have had several folks tell us about RV travels in Mexico which they report as fantastic. Each person may have their own answer to that question - perhaps you feel cleaner or just enjoy the convenience. If a person is nauseous, faint, green, extremely pale, icy cold, or very tired with a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach, this remedy may be indicated. In Jakarta, Indonesia, Tamiflu, an immediate cure for simple fever killed 25 people in the town of Menteng in a span of one and a half years. The people here desperately need our tourist dollars, though, and that is a good reason to visit. This drug has been endorsed for you. Is there evidence to support the off-label use of this drug to treat my type of cancer? After a few months, Girard says, the harassment abruptly stopped. Contextual analyses distributed in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine show that a few patients have encountered a conduct called rest dietary issue, or night dietary problem, in the wake of taking Ambien. But the liquid form digest faster for individuals that have a problem digesting tablet-vitamins. HIM: Correct. They come every 3 months and I know I am allowed to do that. Another interesting fact: Aurora is considered to be the mother of the morning star, also know as the Light Bringer, or Lucifer. In other words, manipulate such that you could create any world/reality for an individual. Witch hazel is a natural astringent. Containing the highest level of natural occurring Vitamin C in the world, camu camu has long been used for its medicinal and nutritional benefits in the Amazonian basin countries namely Peru, Brazil, Columbia, Bolivia and Ecuador.
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jameserenninger · 3 years
Screen as well as Blue Light Reading Glasses - The Issues With Clear Blue Light Eyeglass Solutions
Guide - Over the last number of years, as palm-held devices like cell apple iPad, tablets, and phones have actually become a lot more preferred, some people are experiencing signs like migraines and wooziness, and even insomnia. Current research studies have advised that the blue light emitted by these types of tools is actually the resource of these issues. I have had many folks call me along with questions regarding the signs they are actually experiencing while using these units.
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Blue Light
The spectrum of light that is actually of worry is the around the aspect of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has actually been recognized for a long time that UV light, both UV-An and also UV-B, may be harmful to the eyes. Just recently, research studies have actually presented that Near UV-A could also be unsafe.
Symptoms and Problems
People utilizing these devices have actually mentioned indicators like loss of concentration, migraines, and sleep problems. Loss of concentration and migraines might result from not possessing proper restorative analysis or computer system analysis glasses and/ or even centering intensely for long periods of your time at a near aspect and dropping holiday accommodation. Indicators like vertigo or even sleep problems are actually not normal but also indicate another cause or result in the studies.
I was checking out in the evening.
It shows up that folks experience more of these signs and symptoms in the evening and unaware, without using outside light sources.
Devices That Emit Blue Light
There are lots of, and they are actually not just handhelds:
iPad tablets, tablets, cell phones, personal computer displays, specific neon lights, and even more.
Easy Solutions
Prescribed glasses or going through glasses along with a blue blocking lens. These lenses have a special form of window tint with a yellow or even yellow golden different colors and UV and B filters.
Monitor Glasses
While high-quality sunglasses ought to block UV, you definitely would not want to use all of them while going through in the evening. There are actually several forms of no-power glasses that are actually created to strain blue light, Near UV-A, UV-An, and UV-B, like the clear blue light glasses and the Gamers Edge.
For more information about blue light, visit: https://www.swanwicksleep.com/collections/day-swannies
Display Reading Glasses- These are the same as Monitor Glasses; however, they are actually created along with analysis lenses or even bifocal analysis lenses along with an exclusive color.
The magnifying you pick relies on just how distant you review your selected unit. Your total reading power is what you would certainly prefer if you review at about 12 to 14 inches. If you read through about the division's span, at that point, one-half of that energy would certainly be what you will pick.
The most effective means to identify your analysis electrical power is to acquire an eye test, but there are actually basic analysis exams that you can take online that, if carried out carefully, may offer really good outcomes.
A Few Visual Health Reading Tips
Move your stare off of near items every five moments approximately to something distant.
Don't review a light-sending unit in complete night. Ensure there is actually a light source behind you and facing you, like a bedside table lamp and an additional light or even light in the same room.
Many standard screen TVs have back area lights. Utilize them.
Use Monitor Glasses or even Monitor Reading Glasses that possess a blue blocking shade.
Get a routine eye assessment as well as associate any type of problems you may be actually experiencing with your eye care expert.
Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into three primary bands or even groups, depending on insight:
1. UVC radiation - 100 to 290nm.
UVC rays are soaked up by the critical ozone level that surrounds the Earth as a portion of the outer atmosphere, thereby preventing this radiation from reaching the ground.
2. UVB radiation - 290 to 320nm.
UVB radiation is actually the absolute most risky, as this is what may damage the eyes and result in sunburn to the skin layer. UVB is actually the cause of snow-blindness, where the radiation causes a photochemical response in the cornea as well as overlapping conjunctiva after a handful of hours of exposure, producing swelling of the cornea (edema) and inflammation of the bordering tissue. The swollen, oedematous cornea comes to be gloomy - hence the tarnished eyesight, and likewise very distressing. There is actually photophobia (disapproval of any exposure to light) and also a contraction of the eyelids. It usually lasts a number of times and is merely eased by using nearby anesthetic declines, amethocaine 1%, to decrease the ache, and adrenalin goes down 0.01% to relieve the congestion.
UVB radiation does not go through glass, so a simple glass lens will stop it from hitting the eye. Polycarbonate, a sort of plastic often utilized for sight as well as sunglass lenses, likewise quit completely.
Some feel that routine exposure to UVB radiation can, over a time frame, result in flood buildup at an earlier grow older than ordinary, and may also trigger the progression of pterygia, which are actually growths of cells that encroach over the cornea coming from the edges.
3. UVA radiation - 320 to 400nm.
In contrast to UVB, which differs in magnitude with the amount of time, UVA radiation is even more steady along with less variety. Likewise, it is actually certainly not shut out through the glass and so can still pass through to reach the eye. The clear lens of the human eye takes in most of the UVA radiation; thus, hardly any sort of UVA is permitted to pass through to the back of the eye. There is actually no known evidence that UVA results in damage to the eye, although the clinical point of view is still split as well as under controversy.
UVA radiation was actually originally thought to have merely a slight effect on the skin layer, yet the latest research studies have actually presented that whilst UVB creates damage to the surface levels of the skin as sunburn, the UVA infiltrates into the much deeper coatings of the skin layer, creating harm additionally down.
Demonstrated Light.
UV radiation certainly not just reaches our company directly from the sunlight, but a considerable section is actually reflected coming from several surfaces around our company, to reach our eyes as well as skin layer indirectly. Fresh new snow can mirror the most, with up to 80% mirrored UV radiation. On holiday on the beach, sand can show 15% UV light, along with cement structures and wall structures, and so on. A foaming, frothy sea mirrors 25%, whereas still water, as well as typical ground, shows around 10% UV radiation.
You are choosing your Sunglass window tint.
Preferably, you must opt for a color that soaks up at least 98% of both UVA and also UVB radiation. If you find a label "UV400", this suggests that all radiation up to 400nm (thus all UV radiation) is absorbed or even shut out by the lens.
Dark gray, grey/green, or brownish are the three primary colors to pick from and are actually a personal taste. On my own, I like gray or even grey/green, given that it seems to be to keep the colors lifelike, yet many individuals like brownish considering that it can enrich the comparison, therefore helping to help make things seem sharper. Yellow-brown colored tints are used to screen blue light, which again boosts contrast, so producing the picture sharper. Yellow-brown tints can easily, therefore, be made use of for snow skiing, cruising, flighting, intended capturing, and so on.
. Lens helped make coming from polycarbonate absorb the majority of UV radiation, and also coil layouts are good for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Children as well as UV Light.
As UV damage usually tends to develop over many years of direct exposure, including happening holiday to cozy brilliant climates or playing outdoors on a sunny time, children, as well as young people, go to certain threat, and also you must regularly look at some sort of glasses defense for all of them despite the fact that they appear to cope with vivid light better than us adults (when dipping into the seaside, as an example). Using a peaked hat is actually not really sufficient security, like a ton of the UV radiation is mirrored off the ground (view earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a soft sand seaside. Ensure the sunglasses have full UV security.
Blue Light -The sphere of light that is of worry is actually the near part of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has been actually recognized for some opportunity that UV light, both UV-An, and UV-B, maybe actually unsafe to the eyes. Golden colored window tints are made use of to block out blue light, which again improves contrast, therefore producing the photo sharper. Lenses made coming from polycarbonate absorb a lot of UV radiation, and cover around layouts are excellent for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Using a peaked limit is actually certainly not truly enough protection, as a whole lot of the UV radiation is actually shown off the ground (see earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a sandy seashore.
? Listen to our podcast: https://pod.co/podcastlive/4-reasons-to-get-clear-blue-light-glasses
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source https://swanwick.weebly.com/blog/screen-as-well-as-blue-light-reading-glasses-the-issues-with-clear-blue-light-eyeglass-solutions3093754
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Do u believe in women should have female exclusive spaces?
I actually do.
And I know that this is sort of a contentious point for some folks, because they believe that it is sexist to give either gender an exclusive space, but like most issues there’s some nuance here that you need to acknowledge. My alma mater actually was forced to close its Women’s Study Lounge a few years ago, following a law suit by a Men’s Right Asshole who claimed that it was a violation of Title IX to have a women’s lounge if we didn’t also have a men’s lounge. (Title IX, if you’re unfamiliar, is a bit of legislation that prevents schools from offering something to one gender only; it was created so that women wouldn’t be excluded, but men’s rights idiots now use it to keep men from being excluded, as if that were a problem.) Superficially I would agree that it seems unfair to tell a group of people that they can’t have something because of their gender identity, but in this case it actually makes sense.To see why, you need to look at the reason for the space existing. And let’s not mince words here, the reason women’s safe spaces exist is simple: predatory men. No, not all men are sexual predators; and yes, some sexual predators are not men. But in the venn diagram, the overlap between “men” and “sexual predators” is absolutely large enough to cause concern, and so it makes sense to give the targets of male sexual predation a space where they don’t need to worry about it. Hence, women-only spaces.I’ll readily admit though that there are flaws in the idea of a women’s space. For one, sexual predators target other groups as well, and it could get a little cumbersome to have a separate safe space for each potentially targeted group. You can kinda handwave this by saying that women are the largest group, so their needs take precedence, but I don’t love that approach. The two best options, as I see it, are to either have a women’s safe space and also a “catchall” safe space, or to just combine them.In the former example, I’d probably call the catchall space a “queer/LGBT+ lounge” or something similar. It would give people who don’t fit into the binary, or who are men but still targets for predation (gay men, for instance) a place to gather safely. It lacks the individuality of a women’s lounge, but it would serve the overall purpose at least. The latter example - joining it with the women’s lounge - is obviously less than ideal, but might be more plausible for smaller organizations that can’t provide separate spaces for the two groups. I also think that it would mostly have the same effect, since by and large members of the queer community are less likely to prey on women; trans men, despite being male, do understand the troubles women face from being assigned female for some portion of their lives. And of course, no space is ever perfectly safe from predators; there are sexually predatory lesbians, who would be allowed in the women’s only lounge anyhow. You just need to deal with those on a case by case basis.There are also those who will claim that having a women’s only space puts a spotlight on women and makes them a bigger target, but that rings false to me. Sounds kinda like the “only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” line, in that it is a veiled attempt to say “don’t change anything.” Even if it’s true that some assholes will become resentful of women for having their own safe space, not having the space just leaves those women succeptible to the assholes who are already resentful. And more than that, bowing to the whims of idiots is just a bad policy in general; people also get mad that we teach evolution in schools, but we shouldn’t stop that just to appease them.
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sportsrumorsblog · 4 years
Wow Classic Beginner Guide
No doubt, just on the off chance that Blizzard experiencing the agonies of re-delivering old programming on present day workers to satisfy fan clamor that is arrived at breaking point has missed you, 
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World of Warcraft Classic is a particularly old-school insight. A lot of that has to do with the low-res illustrations and splotchy surfaces, however Classic likewise reviews a time when World of Warcraft put the 'RPG' in MMORPG. In layman's terms: to a lesser extent a versatile game, more a get-ganked multiple times before the-Blackrock-Depths gateway experience.
So on the off chance that you began playing after Cataclysm and showing up at vanilla Warcraft unexpectedly, don't stress, I have your back. I began playing in 2005, and have stayed aware of each development since, giving me a smart thought of a portion of the things more youthful explorers ought to be careful about when they sign into Azeroth and find their Dungeon Finder missing. Here are eight things you have to know for World of Warcraft Classic.
Your class adaptability is extremely restricted
At the point when I previously got my duplicate of World of Warcraft I rolled a Dwarf Paladin. The fantasy was to turn into a heavenly juggernaut, cutting down armies of undead debris with divine reprisal. Paladins can wear plate covering, for the wellbeing of god. Just a single different class can wear that. I was stirred.
Quick forward a couple of seasons later. I'm at long last at level 60, in my first assaulting society, prepared to get middle age on the murderous savages in Zul'Gurub. One moment, says the senior Paladin who's encouraged me. I'm advised to respec Holy. You know, the mending tree. Not just that, the Paladin advised me to trade out my entire being gear for Intellect and Spirit-polishing stuff. I was unable to locate a decent mending breastplate along these lines, rather, I was advised to trade what I had with calfskin protection.
Note:Also read here more about wow classic.
Calfskin reinforcement.
This was the appalling truth for Paladins in vanilla. The class was just suitable in PvE as a healbot. That is fine, I really figured out how to adore playing support, yet my unique desires were crushed. Today, classes in World of Warcraft are multifaceted; Druids can tank, recuperate, and bargain gigantic spell harm in equivalent measure. In any case, in 2005, in the event that you were a Druid in an attacking organization, you weren't doing considerably more than spamming Innervate and Restoration. Fighters were basically solely failing. Mages were speccing Frost. Trackers regularly wouldn't gather their pets. You get the thought.
Also read here about best pc games.
What I'm stating is, do your exploration. The class you pick will be much more prohibitive than what you experience on live workers today.
Today, you can kill essentially everything in World of Warcraft without so much as a second thought. Be that as it may, vanilla had this odd framework where on the off chance that you executed restricting group NPCs set apart as "regular folks"— think merchants, landlords, and so on.— it would consider a shameful slaughter. Despicable executes were truly merciless. They'd quickly tank your complete honor, which means you'd no longer approach the upper levels of the PvP sellers' lootbox.
Simply be cautious when you're raging The Crossroads, alright?
Emergency treatment is basic
The First Aid calling was taken out from World of Warcraft in Battle for Azeroth. It appeared well and good: it was essentially futile in a period where players' wellbeing recovers in nanoseconds. Yet, in vanilla, First Aid was one of the most significant resources in anybody's armory. Your characters were feeble. Like, truly powerless. What's more, wellbeing pools set aside a long effort to top off. In this way, by effectively step up your wrapping capacity, you had the option to hold yourself over substantially more productively subsequent to having a frightful disagreement with a Defias crook in Westfall.
It wasn't even select for DPS classes either. Druids, Paladins, Priests, and Shamans additionally kept their First Aid ability solid, notwithstanding the way that they could close up wounds with mana. Truth be told, I particularly recall a few very good quality societies straight up requiring individuals in their overlap to have a covered First Aid ability.
So don't auction that Linen Cloth! It's more significant than you can envision.
Stock up on food and water
Given how gradually your assets renewed in vanilla, any fruitful player tries to stop by their food and drink merchant to keep their wellbeing and mana pools solid. You know the natural product merchant that strolls around Ironforge? The one that appears to be totally self-assertive? Trust us, they had a truly significant reason quite a long time ago.
Leveling is the game
These days, when a World of Warcraft extension comes out, Blizzard is putting forth a valiant effort to usher you towards the level cap as fast and as effectively as could reasonably be expected. Indeed they make some lovely zones, yes they recount a pleasant story, yet the game aspect of this game occurs after your last ding. That wasn't the situation in 2004. Snowstorm had 60 levels to play with, and they guaranteed the cycle was agonizingly slow. It took me almost a year to hit my initial 60. (I was likewise a pre-teenager and didn't have the foggiest idea what I was doing, yet whatever.)
So don't stress over the cap. Try not to stress over hurrying through the experience. Try not to carry 2019 rationale to a 2004 item. That is not the sort of interactivity vanilla Warcraft needed to empower.
Set aside your cash: mounts are costly
They part with mounts like candy in World of Warcraft nowadays. You can essentially play a round of Hearthstone and have a pristine flying mount added to your Battle.net account. Be that as it may, in vanilla, making it to level 40 with enough gold in your bank to cull a starter mount off the parcel was a troublesome undertaking. In all out they cost 100 gold, which could almost burn up all available resources back then, well before the economy was expanded past the stratosphere. No one needs to be the level 45 person without a mount. Be prudent with your wallet.
Keys open entryways
In the Dungeon Finder time you line for an example and are transported straightforwardly to a prison's entryways. At that point you mass-AOE each experience without saying a word to the individuals in your arbitrarily various gathering. This wasn't the situation in old-school World of Warcraft for an assortment of reasons, yet above all, newcomers to Classic need to acclimate themselves with the idea of attunement.
A huge amount of the very good quality substance in World of Warcraft regularly required at any rate one part in the gathering to finish a journey chain giving them the way to enter the prison itself. In Molten Core, for example, each major part in the 40-man assault would need to finish a brisk mission bind that permitted them to penetrate the internal sanctum of Ragnaros' den. Wanna do Upper Blackrock Spire? Amazing! However long you know somebody who completed a tangled multi-part visit that included psyche controlling a monster in Dustwallow Marsh.
This is one of the extras from World of Warcraft's more customary, tabletop RPG roots. Like, clearly the miscreants have the entryways bolted, y'know? Be that as it may, in case you're simply showing up now, it may take some becoming acclimated to. It additionally fills in as a wonderful chance: you'll make yourself way more significant to a gathering or a society in the event that you have the Blackrock Depths key.
Your notoriety goes before you
Today, you can move away without addressing a solitary soul in World of Warcraft. The game has been explicitly advanced to be a performance experience. At the point when you have to bunch up, Blizzard will cheerfully reach across domain lines to discover accomplices. That wasn't the situation in vanilla. Not exclusively did questing content on the world guide frequently require a gathering, however on the off chance that you were going into a prison, you expected to define an arrangement from the current spirits on your worker. That implies on the off chance that you acquire a notoriety for being languid, insatiable, or uncouth, you won't get welcomed back.
Old hands completely recall what it resembled when some dolt ninja-plundered Onyxia and had his name posted on the domain gatherings with a distinct notice. Who knows whether the equivalent profoundly isolated network feeling will persist into Classic. Fail on the mindful side, and stay out of trouble clean.
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lsesu · 7 years
Choosing modules at LSE
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When you study at LSE, you have the opportunity to learn not only about your chosen field of interest, but also about other subject taught at LSE. Choosing your modules therefore can be quite a lengthy process, as there are so many to choose from! But it’s totally worth it. 
Every course at LSE is very different. Some require you to take more compulsory modules than others – you can find a full layout of the structure of your course in the programme regulations here. 
However, all courses allow you to take at least one approved outside option from any other department at LSE if you wish at some point in your LSE life.
Here is an overview of the different kinds of modules at LSE, and the best ways you can go about choosing the right ones for you. I know it’s a bit of a long post, but stick with me – it’ll be worth it, I promise!
Keep an eye on your course’s structure
The make-up of each course is different at LSE; some courses have more compulsory modules than others, and like you to stay very much within their department, whilst others have more space for outside options beyond your primary department.
The structure of your course changes each year too, so you may find again that you have more or less of a chance to explore options outside your department as you move from year to year.
Make sure you read through the course outlines of any compulsory modules you have, as this will help you choose the best outside options that compliment elements of your course.
Here is a link to ALL COURSE REGULATIONS AND STRUCTURES for the 17/18 academic session.
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What are outside options?
Outside options are basically any modules that are taught outside your department, and mean you are able to study a subject that is different to that of your degree.
So you can literally study any subject you like – from French to Psychology, Economics to Maths!
Taking a different subject that compliments your degree can help add context and background to your learning. For example, as a first year Philosophy student, I took Sociology as my outside option, and found it helped me really put my degree into context and see how it could apply in real-life situations.
 What are timetable clashes and how can I avoid them?
The approval of your module choices is subject to whether they have any timetable clashes, which is where two or more of your lectures/classes overlap; you physically wouldn’t be able to attend both at the same time.
Now, to my knowledge, there isn’t a device which allows you to be in two places at once (don’t worry, I’m working on it though folks), so unfortunately it usually means you will have to choose a different module. 
So when you are reading up on which modules you’d like to take, make sure you have a few back-ups that you can swap in just in case you do have any clashes.
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Is the course available this year?
Some courses, for reasons unbeknown to any LSE student, are suspended for a year or two. So make sure your course is available for your current session (e.g. 17/18) before falling in love with it…
However, if you’re already head over heels, don’t worry - courses usually become re-available after a year or two, or they get scrapped altogether - so you’ll have closure either way.
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Is the course available for your degree?
Always double check that the course is available for your type of degree; you can’t take a Bsc course if you’re doing a masters and vice versa.
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 Is the course capped?
Be aware that some courses at LSE are capped – which means the number of participants it can take is limited. Generally, getting accepted onto a capped course requires you to submit a supporting statement on why you’d like to take that course.
The best advice for sculpting the perfect supporting statement is to do your research. Explain your interests and goals for the course, show your enthusiasm, click send and wait with all of your body parts crossed.
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First Year Options
First year courses are different to second and third; you can’t take second or third year options in first year, and vice versa. First year courses are generally an introduction, so don’t be afraid to study something that you’ve never tried, or even heard of before. The full list of first year outside options can be found here.
Second & Third Year Options
When choosing your second year options, bear in mind the choices you are leaving yourself for third year too. If you can have a rough idea of what you are interested in, or even if you have any ideas for your dissertation, it’s wise to choose modules that can help give you background and context to either of the former.
The full list of second & third year outside options can be found here.  
ALSO: Some courses are mutually exclusive and may not be combined – the full list of courses that cannot be taken together can be found here. 
Half Units vs. Full Units
Every course at LSE is either a half unit or a full unit. Full (1.0) unit courses are taught throughout the whole year, during both the Michaelmas and Lent terms.
Half unit courses are either taught in the Michaelmas term or the Lent term – you will need to choose two half (0.5) units – one to study during Michaelmas term, and one to study during Lent term. (If timetables allow, I believe you are technically able to do two half units in one term, but you would be creating an AWFUL lot of work for yourself!).
Make the most of Auditing
There is no need to worry if you go to your first lecture and don’t like it - this happens to lots of people. If the module is not compulsory for your course, you can change it.
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LSE has this brilliant system called auditing, where you can audit modules to see if you like them – you can effectively ‘try before you buy’.  You can sit in any classes you like – the timetable for all modules can be found here – in fact, you could sit in every single class available if you really, really, really wanted…
Most universities only give you a 24-hour window to make any course changes, but LSE gives you two weeks. That means you get to go to two lectures and two classes, which I think is fantastic – it really gives you an idea of whether you’d like to study a module. The 2017/18 deadline for course choices is 5pm on the 9th October. 
Look at the assessment criteria
All courses combine formative and summative assessments throughout the year.
Formative coursework is non-assessed, and is designed to prepare you for the summative (assessed) work you will complete later on in the year. Formative coursework might include essays, problem sets, presentations or mock examinations. The main purpose of formative coursework is to provide feedback, and to get you accostumed to the style requirements of summative coursework.
Summative coursework counts towards your final degree mark, and comes in all shapes and sizes, including
An exam
An essay
A presentation
Or a combination of 2 or 3 of the above.
If you want to be really tactical, you can choose modules that suit your strengths, e.g. you might perform better in exams rather than essays, and choose to take a module that is assessed 100% by exam.
Identify Your Objectives:
This follows on nicely to identifying your objectives; what do you want to get out of your degree. Different people all have different priorities and strengths, but this is the great thing about LSE; you can really tailor your degree to your own interests and goals.
Whilst any kind of module combination at LSE will help to broaden your horizons and provide you with an inter-disciplinary perspective (thanks LSE100),  you can also be strategic in your choices to provide you with the kind of degree that you feel will benefit you the most.
 These strategies can include:
Courses that are assessed mostly by exams.
Courses that are assessed mostly by essays.
Courses your friends are taking so you can split the readings.
Courses being taught by teachers you already know/like/respect.
Courses which nobody has failed in years!
Courses which compliment your primary degree modules to provide more reading sources/background info in essays.
Courses that are completely different to your degree – to provide you with a bit of variation.
Courses about basic finance or economics (usually more attractive to employers)
Courses that have no 9am starts! 
These variables are completely personal to you; have a real think about what you’d truly like to learn about over the next year, and go from there. I
If you can keep a few main objectives in mind, this will make choosing your courses easier, and you may feel like they work together better if they are all working towards one goal.
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Be Open Minded
Keep an open mind towards the different subjects at LSE. University is all about challenging yourself and exploring out of your comfort zone, so don’t be afraid to take a subject that you’ve never studied before; there will be lots of people in the same boat.
Lastly, click here for an online demonstration of how to choose your modules on LSE For You.
Good luck and happy auditing! 
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gastonlibrary · 7 years
2017 Oscar Predictions
It’s that time of year again! It is time for the annual Oscar predictions from our resident Oscarologist Andrew Pierce, our Circulation Technician:
Best Picture
Will Win – La La Land 
Could Win – Moonlight or Hidden Figures
Should Win – La La Land
Commentary – I am a stats guy. I look at Oscar history, and the important precursors that usually lead to Oscar victory. For example, last year everyone was jaw-dropped when Mark Rylance beat out Sylvester Stallone for Best Supporting Actor. But hindsight really is 20/20. The only awards that Stallone had won were the Globe and the Critics Choice. Those are both nice trophies on a mantle, but when it comes to Oscar voting, they do not have any overlapping members with the Academy. Mark Rylance won BAFTA, and there is approximately a 10-15% overlap with AMPAS. The stats favored Rylance, and yet all of us Oscarologists went with our gut, and we were embarrassingly wrong. La La Land is a sweeping, exuberant musical, and my personal favorite film of the bunch. It has won the Producers Guild (PGA), Directors Guild (DGA), five BAFTAs including Best Picture, the ACE Eddie (American Cinema Editors), the CAS (Cinema Audio Society – for Sound Mixing), an MPSE (Motion Picture Sound Editors) award, an ADG (Art Directors Guild) award, and this week took home the CDG (Costume Designers Guild) award in their contemporary film category. That is a broad swath of the industry, showing the support that La La Land is going to have up and down the ballot. However, there is one stat that still bothers me. No film since 1995 when Braveheart won, has won the Best Picture Oscar without at least a nomination in the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) Ensemble category. The actors are the largest branch of the Academy, and time and time again we have seen actor or ensemble driven films beat out more director-driven achievements. Spotlight beat out The Revenant and Mad Max: Fury Road. 12 Years a Slave beat out Gravity. The Hurt Locker over Avatar, The King’s Speech over The Social Network, Argo over Life of Pi, The Artist over Hugo. So when La La Land missed that nomination, it stuck out to me. As we saw with Ben Affleck and Argo a few years ago, rules are made to be broken. Still that one has been one of the most reliable in recent memory, and if La La Land is somehow upset on Sunday, that will be the stat that I point to. So now the question is: can anything beat La La Land? Moonlight is clearly beloved by this Academy,  as is Hidden Figures, and on the preferential ballot where votes in the number two and number three slots are as important as number one votes, watch for those two films as the dark horses.
Best Director
Will Win – Damien Chazelle “La La Land”
Could Win – Barry Jenkins “Moonlight”
Should Win – Damien Chazelle “La La Land”
Commentary – The preferential ballot will always keep things interesting on the Best Picture side, but this director’s race is one the easiest to guess. Damien Chazelle has not lost a major directing award all season, and I have no reason to suspect his run will suddenly end. If he wins, he will be the youngest winner in this category, and the first American director to win since Kathryn Bigelow for The Hurt Locker back in 2009.
Best Actor
Will Win – Denzel Washington “Fences”
Could Win – Casey Affleck “Manchester By the Sea”
Should Win – Either Washington or Affleck
Commentary – If you are betting money on some of these races, I would avoid this category if possible. This is the closest race of the major awards, and by some standards it is locked right now in a 50-50 split. The funny thing is that these two performances are so different, that you would think that voters could easily pick their favorite. Both are emotional powerhouses, but Casey is so quiet and brooding, while Denzel wears his heart (or in this character’s case, lack of heart) on his sleeve with a bravura and bombastic performance. Yet the two major precursors SAG and BAFTA split. In the end, I think Denzel will win. I find it hard for voters to reward Viola Davis (See Supporting Actress below) without also giving it to Denzel, Oscar voters love big performances and Denzel is easily the biggest of the bunch. Plus if campaigning does matter (which we know it does), Denzel has been out there kissing babies, shaking hands, walking dogs, and doing whatever it takes to campaign for his film. On the opposite side of that spectrum in Casey, who has some controversial personal issues that have cropped up recently, and seems to avoid the spotlight as much as possible. In a close race, reaching a few extra voters with charm might make the difference for the great Washington, who, if he wins, will be the first African American actor to win three Oscars, and joins an exclusive club of actors who have three or more Oscars. For the record, that list includes Katharine Hepburn, Daniel Day-Lewis, Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson, and Ingrid Bergman.
Best Actress
Will Win – Emma Stone “La La Land”
Could Win – Isabelle Huppert “Elle” or Meryl Streep “Florence Foster Jenkins”
Should Win – Emma Stone “La La Land”
Commentary – Emma Stone has won the Globe, BAFTA, and SAG Award for her performance, a trifecta that normally leads to Oscar glory. However, this is an unusual year, because this will be the first time that Isabelle Huppert and Emma Stone have faced off at an awards ceremony. Both have been campaigning a lot recently, although Stone has been building a ground game for months, and Huppert is just now starting to catch up. Huppert is a beloved French actress with a lot of respect within the Academy, even if the majority of American filmgoers have no idea who she is, or what movies she has been in. All of that being said, I don’t think she has done enough to overtake the front runner Emma Stone, and if the movies themselves matter, I can guarantee that more voters have seen La La Land, than Elle. Is there a dark horse? Whatever your politics, we all know that Hollywood has a liberal slant, so after that incredibly political Golden Globes speech, don’t be surprised if voters rally around Meryl Streep. It doesn’t hurt that she is the finest working American actress, and gives yet another top-notch performance.
Best Supporting Actor
Will Win – Mahershala Ali “Moonlight”
Could Win – Dev Patel “Lion”
Should Win - Mahershala Ali “Moonlight”
Commentary – Dev Patel’s BAFTA win shows that Lion is gaining, thanks to the expert campaign strategy of Harvey Weinstein. It doesn’t hurt that Patel has been working it lately, and like Denzel or Emma in the previous categories, has been dialing up his presence at as many events as possible. This time though, I don’t know if he has enough to overcome Mahershala Ali from Moonlight. Moonlight is so beloved by a lot of people, and I think that this category and screenplay are going to be their chances to honor it, as La La Land sweeps everything else. Plus, after that SAG speech that folks are still talking about, here on the American side, where Moonlight is more well-liked than on the British side of the ocean, I think voters will respond with an Oscar.
Best Supporting Actress
Will Win – Viola Davis “Fences”
Could Win – Michelle Williams “Manchester By the Sea”
Should Win – Viola Davis “Fences”
Commentary – I will literally throw something at the television if Viola Davis does not win this Oscar.
The Rest of the Categories
Best Adapted Screenplay – Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McRaney “Moonlight”
Best Original Screenplay – Kenneth Lonergan “Manchester By the Sea”
Best Animated Feature – Zootopia
Best Documentary Feature – O.J.: Made in America
Best Foreign Language Film – A Man Called Ove (Sweden)
Best Cinematography – La La Land
Best Costume Design – Jackie
Best Film Editing – La La Land
Best Makeup and Hairstyling – Star Trek Beyond
Best Original Score – La La Land
Best Original Song – La La Land – City of Stars
Best Production Design – Arrival
Best Sound Editing – Hacksaw Ridge
Best Sound Mixing – La La Land
Best Visual Effects – The Jungle Book
Best Animated Short – Piper
Best Documentary Short - The White Helmets
Best Live Action Short - Ennemis Intérieurs
4 notes · View notes
dillenwaeraa · 5 years
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update
Updated Sep 10, 2019. Changes include:
Remove rows no longer relevant due to retirement of old Google Search Console.
Update many rows to refer to reports in new Google Search Console.
Remove reference to rel=next/prev markup.
Updated Oct 1, 2018. Changes include:
Changed language on some issues to make it clear how they fit in the hierarchy.
Removed several redundant lines.
Fixed typos affecting meaning of a couple lines.
Added new section relevant to mobile-first indexing.
Updated September 13, 2017. Changes include:
Made each line easier to understand
Added pointers for going straight to the relevant reports in each tool#
Changed which tool to use for some rows
Added more Google references
Removed a couple dubious lines (site speed, HTTP/2)
Removed superfluous timing column
Removed whole sections that made the audit less MECE
Fixed cases where some cells would say “Incomplete” and others wouldn’t
Thanks everyone who has provided feedback over the last year!
Technical audits are one of the activities that define SEO. We’ve all done them. But audits are only as valuable as their impact. Whether you’re a practitioner or an agency partner, your job really begins when you finish the audit. You must take your recommendations and make them a reality. Distilled thrives on this “effecting change” mindset.
Yet the (long, laborious) audit has still got to be done. We sift through crawls, consider best practices, analyze sitemaps—the list goes on.
But we’re committed to the technical audit. So if we’re going to audit a site, why not do the audit in a way that makes the fun part—making change happen—much easier?
The challenge
With that in mind, we asked “Can we design an audit that helps make real change happen?” The result is an aware technical audit checklist. It considers the underlying problems we’re tackling (or trying to prevent). It makes technical audits faster, more effective, and more impactful.
Read on for more about how to put the checklist to use. Many on our team find it self-explanatory, though, so if you want to get cracking have at it! And then let us know what you think.
Get The Audit Checklist
Every great audit starts with a checklist!
There are lots of technical checklists out there. A good technical audit inspects many things in many places. Checklists are perfect for keeping track of this complexity. They’re simple tools with lots of benefits. Checklists are:
Comprehensive. Without a checklist, you may still discover the obvious technical problems with a site. Using a checklist ensures you remember to check all the relevant boxes.
Productive. Working without a checklist takes more effort. At each stage you have to decide what to do next. The checklist answers this question for you.
Understandable. Unfortunately an intern can’t osmose your intuition! Rigorously defining your work with a checklist lets you delegate audits.
This checklist is better
Technical SEO has one purpose: ensure site implementation won’t hurt search visibility. Everything we uncover leads back to that point. This defines the scope of the audit.
Beyond that, many folks break down technical to-dos by where they need to look or what tool they need to use. They might look at all on-page elements, then move on to all sitemap issues. That’s a valid way of approaching the problem. We’ve got an alternative.
We look ahead to the conversations we’ll have after we’ve done the audit. Consider this (realistic) statement: “We’re concerned that important content isn’t indexed because URLs aren’t discovered by crawlers. Submitting a sitemap to Search Console might help fix the problem.”
This is a coherent technical recommendation. It explains why to make a change. It has 3 parts:
Outcome - important content isn’t indexed.
Cause - URLs aren’t discoverable by crawlers.
Issue -  we haven’t uploaded sitemaps to Search Console.
That’s the difference: you’ll see this is exactly how we’ve structured the checklist. Take a moment to jump over and inspect it with this model in mind. By now you’re probably getting the idea—this isn’t just a technical checklist. It’s a also a tool for communicating the value of your work.
The structure encourages completeness
Each row of the checklist represents a problem. By including the right problem at each level, we also make it as complete as possible, without adding redundancy. The principle of MECE (“Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive”) is what makes it work. At each level of analysis, we:
include all possible problems, and
ensure problems don’t overlap.
Let’s illustrate, using the highest level of analysis. The checklist as a whole is investigating whether “we have a technical problem with our site that is reducing search visibility”. There are 3 reasons we could lose search traffic because of a technical issue:
there is a technical reason good content isn’t indexed, or
there is a technical reason indexed content doesn't rank for desired terms, or
there is a technical reason site content isn't well-presented in search.
These represent all the possible problems we could be dealing with (“comprehensively exhaustive”). They also don’t overlap (“mutually exclusive”).
By applying the same way of thinking recursively, we expose all sub-problems in these areas. Then we list all issues that could be causing these sub-problems. This makes the checklist as thorough as possible, without redundant checks that could slow us down.
A few pointers
Getting started
This checklist template is available to the public. When you open it, you’ll discover that you only have “view” permissions for the master document. To use it, you’ll first want to create a copy:
Marking status
Mark each issue with Pass, OK, or Fail:
Pass means you have no concerns.
OK means the issues doesn’t seem relevant currently.
Fail means something appears to be wrong.
When you update an Issue, the grade for the Cause and Outcome will also be updated. If any Issue’s score is Fail, the Cause and Outcome will also Fail.
Find what you’re looking for quickly
People new to search engine optimization can still start using this sheet. We’ve now added a “Start Here” column to make it faster than ever to get started.
For new users of some of these tools, it might not be clear where to find relevant information. The “Start Here” column points you to the exact place you can find the details you need.
Understand what’s at stake
If you’re the person analyzing the audit after it’s done, you want to get a high-level picture quickly. Use the structure of the sheet to simplify that view by filtering the Issues rows.
Filtering for Outcomes and Causes gives you a quick-and-dirty summary of a site’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the first thing I look at when I see a completed audit!
Filtering related tasks
If you’re the one doing the audit, you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the structure of the sheet to group things
Take advantage of the structure of the sheet by showing only the issues you’re inspecting right now. Try filtering by the “Where” column—for “Google Search Console”, for instance. This will let you grade all Issues for that tool at once.
We want to learn from you, too
This checklist is a living document. We appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to jump in the comments section here or find me on Twitter: @BenjaminEstes.
Interested in working with us?
This audit is an example of the way Distilled approaches consulting. We aren’t limited to SEO—we also help our clients with marketing strategy, content design and production, paid search, and more. If our approach sounds interesting, please reach out!
from Marketing https://www.distilled.net/resources/technical-audit-checklist-for-human-beings/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
donnafmae · 5 years
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update
Updated Sep 10, 2019. Changes include:
Remove rows no longer relevant due to retirement of old Google Search Console.
Update many rows to refer to reports in new Google Search Console.
Remove reference to rel=next/prev markup.
Updated Oct 1, 2018. Changes include:
Changed language on some issues to make it clear how they fit in the hierarchy.
Removed several redundant lines.
Fixed typos affecting meaning of a couple lines.
Added new section relevant to mobile-first indexing.
Updated September 13, 2017. Changes include:
Made each line easier to understand
Added pointers for going straight to the relevant reports in each tool#
Changed which tool to use for some rows
Added more Google references
Removed a couple dubious lines (site speed, HTTP/2)
Removed superfluous timing column
Removed whole sections that made the audit less MECE
Fixed cases where some cells would say “Incomplete” and others wouldn’t
Thanks everyone who has provided feedback over the last year!
Technical audits are one of the activities that define SEO. We’ve all done them. But audits are only as valuable as their impact. Whether you’re a practitioner or an agency partner, your job really begins when you finish the audit. You must take your recommendations and make them a reality. Distilled thrives on this “effecting change” mindset.
Yet the (long, laborious) audit has still got to be done. We sift through crawls, consider best practices, analyze sitemaps—the list goes on.
But we’re committed to the technical audit. So if we’re going to audit a site, why not do the audit in a way that makes the fun part—making change happen—much easier?
The challenge
With that in mind, we asked “Can we design an audit that helps make real change happen?” The result is an aware technical audit checklist. It considers the underlying problems we’re tackling (or trying to prevent). It makes technical audits faster, more effective, and more impactful.
Read on for more about how to put the checklist to use. Many on our team find it self-explanatory, though, so if you want to get cracking have at it! And then let us know what you think.
Get The Audit Checklist
Every great audit starts with a checklist!
There are lots of technical checklists out there. A good technical audit inspects many things in many places. Checklists are perfect for keeping track of this complexity. They’re simple tools with lots of benefits. Checklists are:
Comprehensive. Without a checklist, you may still discover the obvious technical problems with a site. Using a checklist ensures you remember to check all the relevant boxes.
Productive. Working without a checklist takes more effort. At each stage you have to decide what to do next. The checklist answers this question for you.
Understandable. Unfortunately an intern can’t osmose your intuition! Rigorously defining your work with a checklist lets you delegate audits.
This checklist is better
Technical SEO has one purpose: ensure site implementation won’t hurt search visibility. Everything we uncover leads back to that point. This defines the scope of the audit.
Beyond that, many folks break down technical to-dos by where they need to look or what tool they need to use. They might look at all on-page elements, then move on to all sitemap issues. That’s a valid way of approaching the problem. We’ve got an alternative.
We look ahead to the conversations we’ll have after we’ve done the audit. Consider this (realistic) statement: “We’re concerned that important content isn’t indexed because URLs aren’t discovered by crawlers. Submitting a sitemap to Search Console might help fix the problem.”
This is a coherent technical recommendation. It explains why to make a change. It has 3 parts:
Outcome - important content isn’t indexed.
Cause - URLs aren’t discoverable by crawlers.
Issue -  we haven’t uploaded sitemaps to Search Console.
That’s the difference: you’ll see this is exactly how we’ve structured the checklist. Take a moment to jump over and inspect it with this model in mind. By now you’re probably getting the idea—this isn’t just a technical checklist. It’s a also a tool for communicating the value of your work.
The structure encourages completeness
Each row of the checklist represents a problem. By including the right problem at each level, we also make it as complete as possible, without adding redundancy. The principle of MECE (“Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive”) is what makes it work. At each level of analysis, we:
include all possible problems, and
ensure problems don’t overlap.
Let’s illustrate, using the highest level of analysis. The checklist as a whole is investigating whether “we have a technical problem with our site that is reducing search visibility”. There are 3 reasons we could lose search traffic because of a technical issue:
there is a technical reason good content isn’t indexed, or
there is a technical reason indexed content doesn't rank for desired terms, or
there is a technical reason site content isn't well-presented in search.
These represent all the possible problems we could be dealing with (“comprehensively exhaustive”). They also don’t overlap (“mutually exclusive”).
By applying the same way of thinking recursively, we expose all sub-problems in these areas. Then we list all issues that could be causing these sub-problems. This makes the checklist as thorough as possible, without redundant checks that could slow us down.
A few pointers
Getting started
This checklist template is available to the public. When you open it, you’ll discover that you only have “view” permissions for the master document. To use it, you’ll first want to create a copy:
Marking status
Mark each issue with Pass, OK, or Fail:
Pass means you have no concerns.
OK means the issues doesn’t seem relevant currently.
Fail means something appears to be wrong.
When you update an Issue, the grade for the Cause and Outcome will also be updated. If any Issue’s score is Fail, the Cause and Outcome will also Fail.
Find what you’re looking for quickly
People new to search engine optimization can still start using this sheet. We’ve now added a “Start Here” column to make it faster than ever to get started.
For new users of some of these tools, it might not be clear where to find relevant information. The “Start Here” column points you to the exact place you can find the details you need.
Understand what’s at stake
If you’re the person analyzing the audit after it’s done, you want to get a high-level picture quickly. Use the structure of the sheet to simplify that view by filtering the Issues rows.
Filtering for Outcomes and Causes gives you a quick-and-dirty summary of a site’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the first thing I look at when I see a completed audit!
Filtering related tasks
If you’re the one doing the audit, you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the structure of the sheet to group things
Take advantage of the structure of the sheet by showing only the issues you’re inspecting right now. Try filtering by the “Where” column—for “Google Search Console”, for instance. This will let you grade all Issues for that tool at once.
We want to learn from you, too
This checklist is a living document. We appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to jump in the comments section here or find me on Twitter: @BenjaminEstes.
Interested in working with us?
This audit is an example of the way Distilled approaches consulting. We aren’t limited to SEO—we also help our clients with marketing strategy, content design and production, paid search, and more. If our approach sounds interesting, please reach out!
from Marketing https://www.distilled.net/resources/technical-audit-checklist-for-human-beings/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
davidrsmithlove · 5 years
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update
Updated Sep 10, 2019. Changes include:
Remove rows no longer relevant due to retirement of old Google Search Console.
Update many rows to refer to reports in new Google Search Console.
Remove reference to rel=next/prev markup.
Updated Oct 1, 2018. Changes include:
Changed language on some issues to make it clear how they fit in the hierarchy.
Removed several redundant lines.
Fixed typos affecting meaning of a couple lines.
Added new section relevant to mobile-first indexing.
Updated September 13, 2017. Changes include:
Made each line easier to understand
Added pointers for going straight to the relevant reports in each tool#
Changed which tool to use for some rows
Added more Google references
Removed a couple dubious lines (site speed, HTTP/2)
Removed superfluous timing column
Removed whole sections that made the audit less MECE
Fixed cases where some cells would say “Incomplete” and others wouldn’t
Thanks everyone who has provided feedback over the last year!
Technical audits are one of the activities that define SEO. We’ve all done them. But audits are only as valuable as their impact. Whether you’re a practitioner or an agency partner, your job really begins when you finish the audit. You must take your recommendations and make them a reality. Distilled thrives on this “effecting change” mindset.
Yet the (long, laborious) audit has still got to be done. We sift through crawls, consider best practices, analyze sitemaps—the list goes on.
But we’re committed to the technical audit. So if we’re going to audit a site, why not do the audit in a way that makes the fun part—making change happen—much easier?
The challenge
With that in mind, we asked “Can we design an audit that helps make real change happen?” The result is an aware technical audit checklist. It considers the underlying problems we’re tackling (or trying to prevent). It makes technical audits faster, more effective, and more impactful.
Read on for more about how to put the checklist to use. Many on our team find it self-explanatory, though, so if you want to get cracking have at it! And then let us know what you think.
Get The Audit Checklist
Every great audit starts with a checklist!
There are lots of technical checklists out there. A good technical audit inspects many things in many places. Checklists are perfect for keeping track of this complexity. They’re simple tools with lots of benefits. Checklists are:
Comprehensive. Without a checklist, you may still discover the obvious technical problems with a site. Using a checklist ensures you remember to check all the relevant boxes.
Productive. Working without a checklist takes more effort. At each stage you have to decide what to do next. The checklist answers this question for you.
Understandable. Unfortunately an intern can’t osmose your intuition! Rigorously defining your work with a checklist lets you delegate audits.
This checklist is better
Technical SEO has one purpose: ensure site implementation won’t hurt search visibility. Everything we uncover leads back to that point. This defines the scope of the audit.
Beyond that, many folks break down technical to-dos by where they need to look or what tool they need to use. They might look at all on-page elements, then move on to all sitemap issues. That’s a valid way of approaching the problem. We’ve got an alternative.
We look ahead to the conversations we’ll have after we’ve done the audit. Consider this (realistic) statement: “We’re concerned that important content isn’t indexed because URLs aren’t discovered by crawlers. Submitting a sitemap to Search Console might help fix the problem.”
This is a coherent technical recommendation. It explains why to make a change. It has 3 parts:
Outcome - important content isn’t indexed.
Cause - URLs aren’t discoverable by crawlers.
Issue -  we haven’t uploaded sitemaps to Search Console.
That’s the difference: you’ll see this is exactly how we’ve structured the checklist. Take a moment to jump over and inspect it with this model in mind. By now you’re probably getting the idea—this isn’t just a technical checklist. It’s a also a tool for communicating the value of your work.
The structure encourages completeness
Each row of the checklist represents a problem. By including the right problem at each level, we also make it as complete as possible, without adding redundancy. The principle of MECE (“Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive”) is what makes it work. At each level of analysis, we:
include all possible problems, and
ensure problems don’t overlap.
Let’s illustrate, using the highest level of analysis. The checklist as a whole is investigating whether “we have a technical problem with our site that is reducing search visibility”. There are 3 reasons we could lose search traffic because of a technical issue:
there is a technical reason good content isn’t indexed, or
there is a technical reason indexed content doesn't rank for desired terms, or
there is a technical reason site content isn't well-presented in search.
These represent all the possible problems we could be dealing with (“comprehensively exhaustive”). They also don’t overlap (“mutually exclusive”).
By applying the same way of thinking recursively, we expose all sub-problems in these areas. Then we list all issues that could be causing these sub-problems. This makes the checklist as thorough as possible, without redundant checks that could slow us down.
A few pointers
Getting started
This checklist template is available to the public. When you open it, you’ll discover that you only have “view” permissions for the master document. To use it, you’ll first want to create a copy:
Marking status
Mark each issue with Pass, OK, or Fail:
Pass means you have no concerns.
OK means the issues doesn’t seem relevant currently.
Fail means something appears to be wrong.
When you update an Issue, the grade for the Cause and Outcome will also be updated. If any Issue’s score is Fail, the Cause and Outcome will also Fail.
Find what you’re looking for quickly
People new to search engine optimization can still start using this sheet. We’ve now added a “Start Here” column to make it faster than ever to get started.
For new users of some of these tools, it might not be clear where to find relevant information. The “Start Here” column points you to the exact place you can find the details you need.
Understand what’s at stake
If you’re the person analyzing the audit after it’s done, you want to get a high-level picture quickly. Use the structure of the sheet to simplify that view by filtering the Issues rows.
Filtering for Outcomes and Causes gives you a quick-and-dirty summary of a site’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the first thing I look at when I see a completed audit!
Filtering related tasks
If you’re the one doing the audit, you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the structure of the sheet to group things
Take advantage of the structure of the sheet by showing only the issues you’re inspecting right now. Try filtering by the “Where” column—for “Google Search Console”, for instance. This will let you grade all Issues for that tool at once.
We want to learn from you, too
This checklist is a living document. We appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to jump in the comments section here or find me on Twitter: @BenjaminEstes.
Interested in working with us?
This audit is an example of the way Distilled approaches consulting. We aren’t limited to SEO—we also help our clients with marketing strategy, content design and production, paid search, and more. If our approach sounds interesting, please reach out!
0 notes
swanwickusa · 3 years
Screen as well as Blue Light Reading Glasses - The Issues With Clear Blue Light Eyeglass Solutions
Guide - Over the last number of years, as palm-held devices like cell apple iPad, tablets, and phones have actually become a lot more preferred, some people are experiencing signs like migraines and wooziness, and even insomnia. Current research studies have advised that the blue light emitted by these types of tools is actually the resource of these issues. I have had many folks call me along with questions regarding the signs they are actually experiencing while using these units.
Tumblr media
Blue Light
The spectrum of light that is actually of worry is the around the aspect of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has actually been recognized for a long time that UV light, both UV-An and also UV-B, may be harmful to the eyes. Just recently, research studies have actually presented that Near UV-A could also be unsafe.
Symptoms and Problems
People utilizing these devices have actually mentioned indicators like loss of concentration, migraines, and sleep problems. Loss of concentration and migraines might result from not possessing proper restorative analysis or computer system analysis glasses and/ or even centering intensely for long periods of your time at a near aspect and dropping holiday accommodation. Indicators like vertigo or even sleep problems are actually not normal but also indicate another cause or result in the studies.
I was checking out in the evening.
It shows up that folks experience more of these signs and symptoms in the evening and unaware, without using outside light sources.
Devices That Emit Blue Light
There are lots of, and they are actually not just handhelds:
iPad tablets, tablets, cell phones, personal computer displays, specific neon lights, and even more.
Easy Solutions
Prescribed glasses or going through glasses along with a blue blocking lens. These lenses have a special form of window tint with a yellow or even yellow golden different colors and UV and B filters.
Monitor Glasses
While high-quality sunglasses ought to block UV, you definitely would not want to use all of them while going through in the evening. There are actually several forms of no-power glasses that are actually created to strain blue light, Near UV-A, UV-An, and UV-B, like the clear blue light glasses and the Gamers Edge.
For more information about blue light, visit: https://www.swanwicksleep.com/collections/day-swannies
Display Reading Glasses- These are the same as Monitor Glasses; however, they are actually created along with analysis lenses or even bifocal analysis lenses along with an exclusive color.
The magnifying you pick relies on just how distant you review your selected unit. Your total reading power is what you would certainly prefer if you review at about 12 to 14 inches. If you read through about the division's span, at that point, one-half of that energy would certainly be what you will pick.
The most effective means to identify your analysis electrical power is to acquire an eye test, but there are actually basic analysis exams that you can take online that, if carried out carefully, may offer really good outcomes.
A Few Visual Health Reading Tips
Move your stare off of near items every five moments approximately to something distant.
Don't review a light-sending unit in complete night. Ensure there is actually a light source behind you and facing you, like a bedside table lamp and an additional light or even light in the same room.
Many standard screen TVs have back area lights. Utilize them.
Use Monitor Glasses or even Monitor Reading Glasses that possess a blue blocking shade.
Get a routine eye assessment as well as associate any type of problems you may be actually experiencing with your eye care expert.
Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into three primary bands or even groups, depending on insight:
1. UVC radiation - 100 to 290nm.
UVC rays are soaked up by the critical ozone level that surrounds the Earth as a portion of the outer atmosphere, thereby preventing this radiation from reaching the ground.
2. UVB radiation - 290 to 320nm.
UVB radiation is actually the absolute most risky, as this is what may damage the eyes and result in sunburn to the skin layer. UVB is actually the cause of snow-blindness, where the radiation causes a photochemical response in the cornea as well as overlapping conjunctiva after a handful of hours of exposure, producing swelling of the cornea (edema) and inflammation of the bordering tissue. The swollen, oedematous cornea comes to be gloomy - hence the tarnished eyesight, and likewise very distressing. There is actually photophobia (disapproval of any exposure to light) and also a contraction of the eyelids. It usually lasts a number of times and is merely eased by using nearby anesthetic declines, amethocaine 1%, to decrease the ache, and adrenalin goes down 0.01% to relieve the congestion.
UVB radiation does not go through glass, so a simple glass lens will stop it from hitting the eye. Polycarbonate, a sort of plastic often utilized for sight as well as sunglass lenses, likewise quit completely.
Some feel that routine exposure to UVB radiation can, over a time frame, result in flood buildup at an earlier grow older than ordinary, and may also trigger the progression of pterygia, which are actually growths of cells that encroach over the cornea coming from the edges.
3. UVA radiation - 320 to 400nm.
In contrast to UVB, which differs in magnitude with the amount of time, UVA radiation is even more steady along with less variety. Likewise, it is actually certainly not shut out through the glass and so can still pass through to reach the eye. The clear lens of the human eye takes in most of the UVA radiation; thus, hardly any sort of UVA is permitted to pass through to the back of the eye. There is actually no known evidence that UVA results in damage to the eye, although the clinical point of view is still split as well as under controversy.
UVA radiation was actually originally thought to have merely a slight effect on the skin layer, yet the latest research studies have actually presented that whilst UVB creates damage to the surface levels of the skin as sunburn, the UVA infiltrates into the much deeper coatings of the skin layer, creating harm additionally down.
Demonstrated Light.
UV radiation certainly not just reaches our company directly from the sunlight, but a considerable section is actually reflected coming from several surfaces around our company, to reach our eyes as well as skin layer indirectly. Fresh new snow can mirror the most, with up to 80% mirrored UV radiation. On holiday on the beach, sand can show 15% UV light, along with cement structures and wall structures, and so on. A foaming, frothy sea mirrors 25%, whereas still water, as well as typical ground, shows around 10% UV radiation.
You are choosing your Sunglass window tint.
Preferably, you must opt for a color that soaks up at least 98% of both UVA and also UVB radiation. If you find a label "UV400", this suggests that all radiation up to 400nm (thus all UV radiation) is absorbed or even shut out by the lens.
Dark gray, grey/green, or brownish are the three primary colors to pick from and are actually a personal taste. On my own, I like gray or even grey/green, given that it seems to be to keep the colors lifelike, yet many individuals like brownish considering that it can enrich the comparison, therefore helping to help make things seem sharper. Yellow-brown colored tints are used to screen blue light, which again boosts contrast, so producing the picture sharper. Yellow-brown tints can easily, therefore, be made use of for snow skiing, cruising, flighting, intended capturing, and so on.
. Lens helped make coming from polycarbonate absorb the majority of UV radiation, and also coil layouts are good for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Children as well as UV Light.
As UV damage usually tends to develop over many years of direct exposure, including happening holiday to cozy brilliant climates or playing outdoors on a sunny time, children, as well as young people, go to certain threat, and also you must regularly look at some sort of glasses defense for all of them despite the fact that they appear to cope with vivid light better than us adults (when dipping into the seaside, as an example). Using a peaked hat is actually not really sufficient security, like a ton of the UV radiation is mirrored off the ground (view earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a soft sand seaside. Ensure the sunglasses have full UV security.
Blue Light -The sphere of light that is of worry is actually the near part of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has been actually recognized for some opportunity that UV light, both UV-An, and UV-B, maybe actually unsafe to the eyes. Golden colored window tints are made use of to block out blue light, which again improves contrast, therefore producing the photo sharper. Lenses made coming from polycarbonate absorb a lot of UV radiation, and cover around layouts are excellent for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Using a peaked limit is actually certainly not truly enough protection, as a whole lot of the UV radiation is actually shown off the ground (see earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a sandy seashore.
🎧 Listen to our podcast: https://pod.co/podcastlive/4-reasons-to-get-clear-blue-light-glasses
from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dPAiKx via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d5m5tN via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3fV8irD via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wJOaPa via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3tjuQpC via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3t1Hny1 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mBmPKm via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wJ7uMu via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wIWSwV via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dTXVS3 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s7khVw via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3a0sep6 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s477IJ via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3261a3o via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/325DJap via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3a0VtYU via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s1vsyY via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dTu789 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mFbNE2 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dQgcQt via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dXd8SJ via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d8rdxj via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2Qbpe2c via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mCWYS7 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/321t2pq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/323F3ur via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2Qg7tPq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2PX1tep via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dRnoMe via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dUSliq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3tcTTuw via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s8dRW7 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d8yY6w via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3uM3usR via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2OH1YZC via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3fZ5CZV via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wOlvZm via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3250rj3 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3t97naV via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d6LBPd via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3uIHBKM via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dUMEkD via IFTTT
0 notes
jameserenninger · 3 years
Screen as well as Blue Light Reading Glasses - The Issues With Clear Blue Light Eyeglass Solutions
Guide - Over the last number of years, as palm-held devices like cell apple iPad, tablets, and phones have actually become a lot more preferred, some people are experiencing signs like migraines and wooziness, and even insomnia. Current research studies have advised that the blue light emitted by these types of tools is actually the resource of these issues. I have had many folks call me along with questions regarding the signs they are actually experiencing while using these units.
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Blue Light
The spectrum of light that is actually of worry is the around the aspect of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has actually been recognized for a long time that UV light, both UV-An and also UV-B, may be harmful to the eyes. Just recently, research studies have actually presented that Near UV-A could also be unsafe.
Symptoms and Problems
People utilizing these devices have actually mentioned indicators like loss of concentration, migraines, and sleep problems. Loss of concentration and migraines might result from not possessing proper restorative analysis or computer system analysis glasses and/ or even centering intensely for long periods of your time at a near aspect and dropping holiday accommodation. Indicators like vertigo or even sleep problems are actually not normal but also indicate another cause or result in the studies.
I was checking out in the evening.
It shows up that folks experience more of these signs and symptoms in the evening and unaware, without using outside light sources.
Devices That Emit Blue Light
There are lots of, and they are actually not just handhelds:
iPad tablets, tablets, cell phones, personal computer displays, specific neon lights, and even more.
Easy Solutions
Prescribed glasses or going through glasses along with a blue blocking lens. These lenses have a special form of window tint with a yellow or even yellow golden different colors and UV and B filters.
Monitor Glasses
While high-quality sunglasses ought to block UV, you definitely would not want to use all of them while going through in the evening. There are actually several forms of no-power glasses that are actually created to strain blue light, Near UV-A, UV-An, and UV-B, like the clear blue light glasses and the Gamers Edge.
For more information about blue light, visit: https://www.swanwicksleep.com/collections/day-swannies
Display Reading Glasses- These are the same as Monitor Glasses; however, they are actually created along with analysis lenses or even bifocal analysis lenses along with an exclusive color.
The magnifying you pick relies on just how distant you review your selected unit. Your total reading power is what you would certainly prefer if you review at about 12 to 14 inches. If you read through about the division's span, at that point, one-half of that energy would certainly be what you will pick.
The most effective means to identify your analysis electrical power is to acquire an eye test, but there are actually basic analysis exams that you can take online that, if carried out carefully, may offer really good outcomes.
A Few Visual Health Reading Tips
Move your stare off of near items every five moments approximately to something distant.
Don't review a light-sending unit in complete night. Ensure there is actually a light source behind you and facing you, like a bedside table lamp and an additional light or even light in the same room.
Many standard screen TVs have back area lights. Utilize them.
Use Monitor Glasses or even Monitor Reading Glasses that possess a blue blocking shade.
Get a routine eye assessment as well as associate any type of problems you may be actually experiencing with your eye care expert.
Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into three primary bands or even groups, depending on insight:
1. UVC radiation - 100 to 290nm.
UVC rays are soaked up by the critical ozone level that surrounds the Earth as a portion of the outer atmosphere, thereby preventing this radiation from reaching the ground.
2. UVB radiation - 290 to 320nm.
UVB radiation is actually the absolute most risky, as this is what may damage the eyes and result in sunburn to the skin layer. UVB is actually the cause of snow-blindness, where the radiation causes a photochemical response in the cornea as well as overlapping conjunctiva after a handful of hours of exposure, producing swelling of the cornea (edema) and inflammation of the bordering tissue. The swollen, oedematous cornea comes to be gloomy - hence the tarnished eyesight, and likewise very distressing. There is actually photophobia (disapproval of any exposure to light) and also a contraction of the eyelids. It usually lasts a number of times and is merely eased by using nearby anesthetic declines, amethocaine 1%, to decrease the ache, and adrenalin goes down 0.01% to relieve the congestion.
UVB radiation does not go through glass, so a simple glass lens will stop it from hitting the eye. Polycarbonate, a sort of plastic often utilized for sight as well as sunglass lenses, likewise quit completely.
Some feel that routine exposure to UVB radiation can, over a time frame, result in flood buildup at an earlier grow older than ordinary, and may also trigger the progression of pterygia, which are actually growths of cells that encroach over the cornea coming from the edges.
3. UVA radiation - 320 to 400nm.
In contrast to UVB, which differs in magnitude with the amount of time, UVA radiation is even more steady along with less variety. Likewise, it is actually certainly not shut out through the glass and so can still pass through to reach the eye. The clear lens of the human eye takes in most of the UVA radiation; thus, hardly any sort of UVA is permitted to pass through to the back of the eye. There is actually no known evidence that UVA results in damage to the eye, although the clinical point of view is still split as well as under controversy.
UVA radiation was actually originally thought to have merely a slight effect on the skin layer, yet the latest research studies have actually presented that whilst UVB creates damage to the surface levels of the skin as sunburn, the UVA infiltrates into the much deeper coatings of the skin layer, creating harm additionally down.
Demonstrated Light.
UV radiation certainly not just reaches our company directly from the sunlight, but a considerable section is actually reflected coming from several surfaces around our company, to reach our eyes as well as skin layer indirectly. Fresh new snow can mirror the most, with up to 80% mirrored UV radiation. On holiday on the beach, sand can show 15% UV light, along with cement structures and wall structures, and so on. A foaming, frothy sea mirrors 25%, whereas still water, as well as typical ground, shows around 10% UV radiation.
You are choosing your Sunglass window tint.
Preferably, you must opt for a color that soaks up at least 98% of both UVA and also UVB radiation. If you find a label "UV400", this suggests that all radiation up to 400nm (thus all UV radiation) is absorbed or even shut out by the lens.
Dark gray, grey/green, or brownish are the three primary colors to pick from and are actually a personal taste. On my own, I like gray or even grey/green, given that it seems to be to keep the colors lifelike, yet many individuals like brownish considering that it can enrich the comparison, therefore helping to help make things seem sharper. Yellow-brown colored tints are used to screen blue light, which again boosts contrast, so producing the picture sharper. Yellow-brown tints can easily, therefore, be made use of for snow skiing, cruising, flighting, intended capturing, and so on.
. Lens helped make coming from polycarbonate absorb the majority of UV radiation, and also coil layouts are good for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Children as well as UV Light.
As UV damage usually tends to develop over many years of direct exposure, including happening holiday to cozy brilliant climates or playing outdoors on a sunny time, children, as well as young people, go to certain threat, and also you must regularly look at some sort of glasses defense for all of them despite the fact that they appear to cope with vivid light better than us adults (when dipping into the seaside, as an example). Using a peaked hat is actually not really sufficient security, like a ton of the UV radiation is mirrored off the ground (view earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a soft sand seaside. Ensure the sunglasses have full UV security.
Blue Light -The sphere of light that is of worry is actually the near part of the UV-A band phoned, Near UV-A. It has been actually recognized for some opportunity that UV light, both UV-An, and UV-B, maybe actually unsafe to the eyes. Golden colored window tints are made use of to block out blue light, which again improves contrast, therefore producing the photo sharper. Lenses made coming from polycarbonate absorb a lot of UV radiation, and cover around layouts are excellent for avoiding light coming from getting in the eye from the sides.
Using a peaked limit is actually certainly not truly enough protection, as a whole lot of the UV radiation is actually shown off the ground (see earlier "reflected light") and directly into the eyes, particularly on a sandy seashore.
? Listen to our podcast: https://pod.co/podcastlive/4-reasons-to-get-clear-blue-light-glasses
from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dPAiKx via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d5m5tN via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3fV8irD via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wJOaPa via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3tjuQpC via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3t1Hny1 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mBmPKm via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wJ7uMu via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3wIWSwV via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dTXVS3 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s7khVw via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3a0sep6 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s477IJ via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3261a3o via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/325DJap via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3a0VtYU via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s1vsyY via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dTu789 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mFbNE2 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dQgcQt via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dXd8SJ via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d8rdxj via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2Qbpe2c via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3mCWYS7 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/321t2pq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/323F3ur via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2Qg7tPq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/2PX1tep via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dRnoMe via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3dUSliq via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3tcTTuw via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3s8dRW7 via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3d8yY6w via IFTTT from Swanwick https://ift.tt/3uM3usR via IFTTT via Swanwick https://ift.tt/2OH1YZC
source https://swanwick.weebly.com/blog/screen-as-well-as-blue-light-reading-glasses-the-issues-with-clear-blue-light-eyeglass-solutions3897418
0 notes
anthonykrierion · 5 years
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update
Updated Sep 10, 2019. Changes include:
Remove rows no longer relevant due to retirement of old Google Search Console.
Update many rows to refer to reports in new Google Search Console.
Remove reference to rel=next/prev markup.
Updated Oct 1, 2018. Changes include:
Changed language on some issues to make it clear how they fit in the hierarchy.
Removed several redundant lines.
Fixed typos affecting meaning of a couple lines.
Added new section relevant to mobile-first indexing.
Updated September 13, 2017. Changes include:
Made each line easier to understand
Added pointers for going straight to the relevant reports in each tool#
Changed which tool to use for some rows
Added more Google references
Removed a couple dubious lines (site speed, HTTP/2)
Removed superfluous timing column
Removed whole sections that made the audit less MECE
Fixed cases where some cells would say “Incomplete” and others wouldn’t
Thanks everyone who has provided feedback over the last year!
Technical audits are one of the activities that define SEO. We’ve all done them. But audits are only as valuable as their impact. Whether you’re a practitioner or an agency partner, your job really begins when you finish the audit. You must take your recommendations and make them a reality. Distilled thrives on this “effecting change” mindset.
Yet the (long, laborious) audit has still got to be done. We sift through crawls, consider best practices, analyze sitemaps—the list goes on.
But we’re committed to the technical audit. So if we’re going to audit a site, why not do the audit in a way that makes the fun part—making change happen—much easier?
The challenge
With that in mind, we asked “Can we design an audit that helps make real change happen?” The result is an aware technical audit checklist. It considers the underlying problems we’re tackling (or trying to prevent). It makes technical audits faster, more effective, and more impactful.
Read on for more about how to put the checklist to use. Many on our team find it self-explanatory, though, so if you want to get cracking have at it! And then let us know what you think.
Get The Audit Checklist
Every great audit starts with a checklist!
There are lots of technical checklists out there. A good technical audit inspects many things in many places. Checklists are perfect for keeping track of this complexity. They’re simple tools with lots of benefits. Checklists are:
Comprehensive. Without a checklist, you may still discover the obvious technical problems with a site. Using a checklist ensures you remember to check all the relevant boxes.
Productive. Working without a checklist takes more effort. At each stage you have to decide what to do next. The checklist answers this question for you.
Understandable. Unfortunately an intern can’t osmose your intuition! Rigorously defining your work with a checklist lets you delegate audits.
This checklist is better
Technical SEO has one purpose: ensure site implementation won’t hurt search visibility. Everything we uncover leads back to that point. This defines the scope of the audit.
Beyond that, many folks break down technical to-dos by where they need to look or what tool they need to use. They might look at all on-page elements, then move on to all sitemap issues. That’s a valid way of approaching the problem. We’ve got an alternative.
We look ahead to the conversations we’ll have after we’ve done the audit. Consider this (realistic) statement: “We’re concerned that important content isn’t indexed because URLs aren’t discovered by crawlers. Submitting a sitemap to Search Console might help fix the problem.”
This is a coherent technical recommendation. It explains why to make a change. It has 3 parts:
Outcome - important content isn’t indexed.
Cause - URLs aren’t discoverable by crawlers.
Issue -  we haven’t uploaded sitemaps to Search Console.
That’s the difference: you’ll see this is exactly how we’ve structured the checklist. Take a moment to jump over and inspect it with this model in mind. By now you’re probably getting the idea—this isn’t just a technical checklist. It’s a also a tool for communicating the value of your work.
The structure encourages completeness
Each row of the checklist represents a problem. By including the right problem at each level, we also make it as complete as possible, without adding redundancy. The principle of MECE (“Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive”) is what makes it work. At each level of analysis, we:
include all possible problems, and
ensure problems don’t overlap.
Let’s illustrate, using the highest level of analysis. The checklist as a whole is investigating whether “we have a technical problem with our site that is reducing search visibility”. There are 3 reasons we could lose search traffic because of a technical issue:
there is a technical reason good content isn’t indexed, or
there is a technical reason indexed content doesn't rank for desired terms, or
there is a technical reason site content isn't well-presented in search.
These represent all the possible problems we could be dealing with (“comprehensively exhaustive”). They also don’t overlap (“mutually exclusive”).
By applying the same way of thinking recursively, we expose all sub-problems in these areas. Then we list all issues that could be causing these sub-problems. This makes the checklist as thorough as possible, without redundant checks that could slow us down.
A few pointers
Getting started
This checklist template is available to the public. When you open it, you’ll discover that you only have “view” permissions for the master document. To use it, you’ll first want to create a copy:
Marking status
Mark each issue with Pass, OK, or Fail:
Pass means you have no concerns.
OK means the issues doesn’t seem relevant currently.
Fail means something appears to be wrong.
When you update an Issue, the grade for the Cause and Outcome will also be updated. If any Issue’s score is Fail, the Cause and Outcome will also Fail.
Find what you’re looking for quickly
People new to search engine optimization can still start using this sheet. We’ve now added a “Start Here” column to make it faster than ever to get started.
For new users of some of these tools, it might not be clear where to find relevant information. The “Start Here” column points you to the exact place you can find the details you need.
Understand what’s at stake
If you’re the person analyzing the audit after it’s done, you want to get a high-level picture quickly. Use the structure of the sheet to simplify that view by filtering the Issues rows.
Filtering for Outcomes and Causes gives you a quick-and-dirty summary of a site’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the first thing I look at when I see a completed audit!
Filtering related tasks
If you’re the one doing the audit, you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the structure of the sheet to group things
Take advantage of the structure of the sheet by showing only the issues you’re inspecting right now. Try filtering by the “Where” column—for “Google Search Console”, for instance. This will let you grade all Issues for that tool at once.
We want to learn from you, too
This checklist is a living document. We appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to jump in the comments section here or find me on Twitter: @BenjaminEstes.
Interested in working with us?
This audit is an example of the way Distilled approaches consulting. We aren’t limited to SEO—we also help our clients with marketing strategy, content design and production, paid search, and more. If our approach sounds interesting, please reach out!
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update was originally posted by Video And Blog Marketing
0 notes
heavenwheel · 5 years
Technical SEO Audit Checklist for Human Beings: September 2019 Update
Updated Sep 10, 2019. Changes include:
Remove rows no longer relevant due to retirement of old Google Search Console.
Update many rows to refer to reports in new Google Search Console.
Remove reference to rel=next/prev markup.
Updated Oct 1, 2018. Changes include:
Changed language on some issues to make it clear how they fit in the hierarchy.
Removed several redundant lines.
Fixed typos affecting meaning of a couple lines.
Added new section relevant to mobile-first indexing.
Updated September 13, 2017. Changes include:
Made each line easier to understand
Added pointers for going straight to the relevant reports in each tool#
Changed which tool to use for some rows
Added more Google references
Removed a couple dubious lines (site speed, HTTP/2)
Removed superfluous timing column
Removed whole sections that made the audit less MECE
Fixed cases where some cells would say “Incomplete” and others wouldn’t
Thanks everyone who has provided feedback over the last year!
Technical audits are one of the activities that define SEO. We’ve all done them. But audits are only as valuable as their impact. Whether you’re a practitioner or an agency partner, your job really begins when you finish the audit. You must take your recommendations and make them a reality. Distilled thrives on this “effecting change” mindset.
Yet the (long, laborious) audit has still got to be done. We sift through crawls, consider best practices, analyze sitemaps—the list goes on.
But we’re committed to the technical audit. So if we’re going to audit a site, why not do the audit in a way that makes the fun part—making change happen—much easier?
The challenge
With that in mind, we asked “Can we design an audit that helps make real change happen?” The result is an aware technical audit checklist. It considers the underlying problems we’re tackling (or trying to prevent). It makes technical audits faster, more effective, and more impactful.
Read on for more about how to put the checklist to use. Many on our team find it self-explanatory, though, so if you want to get cracking have at it! And then let us know what you think.
Get The Audit Checklist
Every great audit starts with a checklist!
There are lots of technical checklists out there. A good technical audit inspects many things in many places. Checklists are perfect for keeping track of this complexity. They’re simple tools with lots of benefits. Checklists are:
Comprehensive. Without a checklist, you may still discover the obvious technical problems with a site. Using a checklist ensures you remember to check all the relevant boxes.
Productive. Working without a checklist takes more effort. At each stage you have to decide what to do next. The checklist answers this question for you.
Understandable. Unfortunately an intern can’t osmose your intuition! Rigorously defining your work with a checklist lets you delegate audits.
This checklist is better
Technical SEO has one purpose: ensure site implementation won’t hurt search visibility. Everything we uncover leads back to that point. This defines the scope of the audit.
Beyond that, many folks break down technical to-dos by where they need to look or what tool they need to use. They might look at all on-page elements, then move on to all sitemap issues. That’s a valid way of approaching the problem. We’ve got an alternative.
We look ahead to the conversations we’ll have after we’ve done the audit. Consider this (realistic) statement: “We’re concerned that important content isn’t indexed because URLs aren’t discovered by crawlers. Submitting a sitemap to Search Console might help fix the problem.”
This is a coherent technical recommendation. It explains why to make a change. It has 3 parts:
Outcome - important content isn’t indexed.
Cause - URLs aren’t discoverable by crawlers.
Issue -  we haven’t uploaded sitemaps to Search Console.
That’s the difference: you’ll see this is exactly how we’ve structured the checklist. Take a moment to jump over and inspect it with this model in mind. By now you’re probably getting the idea—this isn’t just a technical checklist. It’s a also a tool for communicating the value of your work.
The structure encourages completeness
Each row of the checklist represents a problem. By including the right problem at each level, we also make it as complete as possible, without adding redundancy. The principle of MECE (“Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive”) is what makes it work. At each level of analysis, we:
include all possible problems, and
ensure problems don’t overlap.
Let’s illustrate, using the highest level of analysis. The checklist as a whole is investigating whether “we have a technical problem with our site that is reducing search visibility”. There are 3 reasons we could lose search traffic because of a technical issue:
there is a technical reason good content isn’t indexed, or
there is a technical reason indexed content doesn't rank for desired terms, or
there is a technical reason site content isn't well-presented in search.
These represent all the possible problems we could be dealing with (“comprehensively exhaustive”). They also don’t overlap (“mutually exclusive”).
By applying the same way of thinking recursively, we expose all sub-problems in these areas. Then we list all issues that could be causing these sub-problems. This makes the checklist as thorough as possible, without redundant checks that could slow us down.
A few pointers
Getting started
This checklist template is available to the public. When you open it, you’ll discover that you only have “view” permissions for the master document. To use it, you’ll first want to create a copy:
Marking status
Mark each issue with Pass, OK, or Fail:
Pass means you have no concerns.
OK means the issues doesn’t seem relevant currently.
Fail means something appears to be wrong.
When you update an Issue, the grade for the Cause and Outcome will also be updated. If any Issue’s score is Fail, the Cause and Outcome will also Fail.
Find what you’re looking for quickly
People new to search engine optimization can still start using this sheet. We’ve now added a “Start Here” column to make it faster than ever to get started.
For new users of some of these tools, it might not be clear where to find relevant information. The “Start Here” column points you to the exact place you can find the details you need.
Understand what’s at stake
If you’re the person analyzing the audit after it’s done, you want to get a high-level picture quickly. Use the structure of the sheet to simplify that view by filtering the Issues rows.
Filtering for Outcomes and Causes gives you a quick-and-dirty summary of a site’s strengths and weaknesses. This is the first thing I look at when I see a completed audit!
Filtering related tasks
If you’re the one doing the audit, you want to get it done as quickly as possible. Take advantage of the structure of the sheet to group things
Take advantage of the structure of the sheet by showing only the issues you’re inspecting right now. Try filtering by the “Where” column—for “Google Search Console”, for instance. This will let you grade all Issues for that tool at once.
We want to learn from you, too
This checklist is a living document. We appreciate any feedback you have. Feel free to jump in the comments section here or find me on Twitter: @BenjaminEstes.
Interested in working with us?
This audit is an example of the way Distilled approaches consulting. We aren’t limited to SEO—we also help our clients with marketing strategy, content design and production, paid search, and more. If our approach sounds interesting, please reach out!
from Digital https://www.distilled.net/resources/technical-audit-checklist-for-human-beings/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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