#and it's hard to be happy when idt the team would also be not happy with this result
maranello · 3 years
… but Ferrari was better today? Charles was battling a Red Bull… *the* Red Bull? And I was watching the times and there were moments that Charles was faster than Max. And Carlos with the old engine was really holding his own. Yeah they both had slow stops. But a lot of teams had slow stops. Checo had a slow stop. DR had a slow stop. Could be the temps as well. Part of me felt it was (thermodynamics and metallurgy thing - and before people criticize me for saying this, because I go through this a lot, I hold degrees in both Physics and Engineering). I remember races before when conditions were too hot or cold, there were a lot of pitstop issues. I think they were great today but the weather was a huge factor… and that was down to Charles. Cuz Carlos def made the right call, telling the team even before the rain really started pouring.
I’m just a bit confused about why people think Ferrari suck so much this season. They were bad last season, yes. But they improved so much this year. I’ve been watching since 1996-1997 (I’m old) and I think this is soooo much better than some of the seasons I’ve watched. I don’t know if people expect them to go from stupid to winners in one year. Cuz engineering wise, that’s a hard ask. Not impossible, but a hard ask.
Sorry, its just that I have been a Ferrari fan my entire life, and chose to my studies in the hopes I do get to work in an F1 team. And in the slim chance I do (lol not happening. Got my degrees anyway,) its like I feel I won’t ever be able to make the fans happy and it sucks and it makes me so demotivated to try. I understand the passion of the tifosi, since I am one myself, but I also understand how frustrating it is for the team to get results like this and think that “wow… ok promising, we can do this. Step in the right direction!” then somehow, fans are still disappointed.
To be clear, I’m not having a go at anyone. I’m really trying to understand.
Oh, not at all, this is interesting for me to read!
I was mostly speaking from emotions, really. I don't think Ferrari sucks that much this season (esp compared to the last one!) and I actually have a lot of faith in the team taking small steps in the right direction! But sometimes, be it bad luck or even small misjudgments, I think we tifosi take it especially hard in the moment because of that same amount of passion and pure emotion it is to be/watch a race as tifosi. Rationally speaking, our team wasn't the only one who made slow pit stops or the wrong calls, and there are definitely positives to take away from how Carlos' side of the garage bounced back as well as Charles' amazing pace throughout the race (and how he was managing the tyres too imo!) We even got a podium, which is a great result for the team!
Emotionally speaking however, I am gutted for the team as a whole that Charles was doing so well and had the position to do so much better but have nothing to show for it in the end. And it has felt like luck just really hasn't been on his side this whole season even though he has been driving really consistently and getting better all the time. And it's hard to see other people label Ferrari as clowns or some bs for making mistakes like making the wrong call/having miscommunication with Charles on changing to inters and the pit stops because it's so perpetuated and tired. I just desperately want Ferrari to be good on all fronts as soon as possible because I know next year is important and I know everyone on the team has been working really hard, and I just want everyone else to be able to see it and appreciate it. Basically, I think public opinion outside of tifosi or even with tifosi have not been very kind to Ferrari for a long, long time. The expectation to be on top, the force that the team has to make you believe it will win- that comes with the cost of making it difficult emotionally when it's not there yet or when it has failed to deliver on that promise for nearing 15 years now :')
but I do genuinely believe that we are working in the right direction. things like strategy, however, is just harder for like an average fan to understand how to improve on THAT front in particular, and that's been one of Ferrari's Achilles heels in our past championship contentions since well. 2007. and if we’re not fixing that now, and everyone has a feeling that the 2022 regulations can be a good opportunity for us.........
Also for Charles in particular, his season has been some epic highs, underrated consistent driving that goes unsung, and devastating lows. largely A Series of Unfortunate Events lately. and to lose a good result today within just the last laps only to end up all the way down in P15 with nothing to show for..........that hurts
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calliecat93 · 3 years
For the ask game
Nuts & Dults
Black Sun
Oh wow, that’s a lot. Okay, let’s see here:
Rosegarden, White Rose, Nuts & Dolts, Black Sun, Ladybug
Don’t ship it
Why don't you ship it?: So I put all of these together because of both the same answer and they have the same reason: I like the friendships more. Now Black Sun IS an exception since I did ship it in the early days and up to at least Volume 5. That ended in Volume 6. The reason I dropped it is simple: they were clearly veering towards Bumblebee by the end of it and V 7 and 8 has only made that clearer. Canonicity doesn’t mean one has to stop shipping something, but it caused most of my interest to fizzle out and at this point any shipping interest is dead. I also mildly shipped Rosegarden and Ladybug for a bit, but that also fizzled out even more quickly. If anyone ships any of these that’s great, but I just don’t. Whiterose I never shipped and I see no signs of it becoming canon, so that’s that.
What would have made you like it? IDK. Maybe more focus on certain pairs, but Nuts & Dolts has a truckload and while I see why people ship them and if it were canon I’d be fine with it, I personally never did I’m not a huge shipper in fandoms to begin with with RvB (which for reaosns I’m no longer involved with) and Star Trek TOS/AOS (which I am VERY much still into) being the two major exceptions. But even for those it was only one or two (Grimmons and Washnut for RvB (and Griflina to a lesser extent) and any variation of the Triumvirate (Kirk, Spock, McCoy) for ST). So maybe more focus would have helped... but honestly knowing me unless it became canonical, I likely wouldn’t have shipped any of them or as was the case with a few, gotten over it.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?: I still love all of these relationships. They’re all really good, really sweet dynamics. I no longer ship Black Sun, but Sun being in Blake’s life was vital for her to stop running away and not only regain her will to face the White Fang and in turn Adam, but to face her teammates again. Nuts & Dults os so pure and beautiful and... painful considering recent events but gosh I love their friendship so much. And you have NO idea how hard I squeeled when V8 FINALLY had Ruby and Blake interactions and it was as as lovely as I had hoped. I don’t ship any of these, but I still love their dynamics so much~!
Ship It
What made you ship it?: I didn’t for a VERY long time. People were insisting it was canon since V1, when they had barely interacted. People insisting that something is canon instea dof letting me have my own optnions/make my own conclusions is my biggest turn off with anything fandom related, and thus while I left the shippers be, I never got into it. Shipping Black Sun at the time was also a bit of a factor, though IDT I ever claimed it was canon (if I did I was wrong to do so). That started to change some in V5, but it wasn’t until V6 that I finally decided to accept it, amd even then I remained neutral. I needed to see if they were legit devoted to doing this... and after V8 I was convinced that yes, they are legit doing this. While I still am not a huge shipper of them and care about other stuff int he show more than them, their dynamic, the development that has gone into it in the recent years, and it being a well-developed pair with two strong female characters and it giving some positive LGBT+ rep make me happy for them and for their fans.
What are your favorite things about the ship? I like how mutually supportive of each other they are. That was a big thing in V6 and it’s been going strong ever since. They’ve both suffered. They’re both been wounded and hurt not just by Adam and life circumstances, but by each other. But they worked it out and not only became stronger and better people and teammates, but their relationship became stronger. No matter what, they can rely on each other. Plus they are still their own individual person with their own opinions, motivations, and care about other people aside form each other. For me to ship something, I have to both care about the characters involved AND have them able to have lives outside of each other. It’s why it took me a long while to ship Renora and why their development in V8 made me happy. But going back to Bumblebee, it’s a sweet dynamic and gives them that one thing that they always needed: someone who will always be there for them.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Aside from that I don’t love it as much as others? Nothing comes to mind.
Yeah... I’m not a big shipper with RWBY. The only ones I was hardcore into was Black Sun, which why I’m not anymore I already explained, and Arkos which... well we know how THAT went. But even back then, I cared more about the friendships and team dynamics than I did the romance, and I still do. So I love all these pairs, but for the most part I prefer gen/friendhsips with them and Bumblebee is the only exception because it’s pretty clearly edging towards canon and to deny so is just silly. But it’s not a priority for me.
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nichester · 4 years
Weekly Watchlist!
Yall I’m watching so many dramas lately... someone come kick my ass I don’t have time for this...
Hospital Playlist, Healer, and The Romance of Tiger and Rose all under the cut because I don’t know how to shut up!
Hospital Playlist (episode 9-11):  Ok I've talked a lot in a serious way about different aspects of hospital playlist's writing and construction, so THIS time I'm gonna talk about my ship and no one can stop me!
This team is very good at writing pining as deep as your bones, the kind that’s lasted years, and this show is no different it's killing me I love it. Ik Jun and Song Hwa have been friends for probably close to 20 years. He's been married and divorced in that time. He's had a kid! I do not think that he's had active, at least not conscious feelings for Song Hwa all this time. For one thing, that would be spectacularly shitty if he got married while pining for another woman. But mostly because that's just not realistic. It was a missed connection back when they were young that probably makes him a little wistful to think about, but that's nothing compared to decades of genuine close friendship. So what's changed to make him bring these feelings up now? Because he is making moves…very very slow moves. I think that now they're working together at the same hospital for the first time in years and he's seeing her every day. He's going through his divorce and his friends are there for him, and he starts to think that maybe he could live like this, with her, for the rest of his life. I think it's not so much having other characters express interest in Song Hwa that shakes him up, but that it's having her be a much bigger presence in his life, coinciding with his divorce, all making him think that maybe the timing is right to say something.
But! I do anticipate her saying that she's moving will throw him off track in a BIG way. Now he has a decision to make, and I'm terrified the writers are going to leave us on a cliffhanger. Does he say something right before she leaves and risk starting a new relationship long distance? Does he ask her to stay, therefore asking her to give up something she wants just to be with him? Does he not say anything and just wait, risking missing his chance again? I just hope we get this question answered in the last episode!
Healer (episodes 11-13): Straight up I do NOT remember the plot of this show, possibly because this is the point where the plot starts to go a little off the rails? What this means, however, is that when my sister is on the edge of her seat yelling at the tv, I don't get to sit smugly back and laugh at her anymore--I'm right there next to her!
Main thoughts about these episodes: it hurts to see Healer* be so hostile toward Moon Ho. I know that from his perspective he's protecting Young Shin, which is admirable! But it must hurt Moon Ho so deeply to see this kid he thought of as a little brother treat him like the enemy. Interestingly, it could be argued that Ajumma wronged Healer in exactly the same way as Moon Ho--keeping secrets, manipulating him--but his reaction to her is very different. His anger is defused by his trust that she cares for him, and did it to try to keep him from getting hurt (similar to his relationship with his mom). He's so angry at Moon Ho because he can finally vent all of his frustrations on someone he doesn't love, and who he doesn't think loves him. My sister and I both agree though that Healer's suffered enough and it's time for him to receive some affection! Poor kid gets lots of tough love, but that's not all he needs. I happen to remember things get worse before they get better, so the next episode will have to wait until we can find the time to binge at least two more and get ourselves through the angst!
To conclude, here's something to make all the Ji Chang Wook stans gasp. Last episode she thoughtfully goes, "you know, I guess he is attractive… I really didn't see it before." ….tough crowd.. but Healer got her in the end!
*I'm gonna keep calling him Healer until he actually tells Young Shin the truth lol I figure it's just easiest especially since idt my sister remembers his real name
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (episode 1-6): This is such a charming drama, and really really funny too! Genuinely had me laughing hard enough to make my parents ask me what I was watching. The premise has great comedic potential--a screenwriter struggling to rework her script gets sucked into it as a minor (villainous!) character she intended to kill off in episode 3! Now she has to figure out a way to manipulate the story to save her own skin, and hopefully keep things on track for the happy ending she'd initially planned. (If any writer has ever felt that their characters are getting away from them, check this show out)
The female lead won me over very quickly--she's smart, kind, and most importantly a very good comic actress--but the rest of the cast is also really fun to watch. (I particularly love her loyal, beleaguered servant) For a drama that’s mainly a comedy, I was surprised by how good the central romance has been! The set up is about as classic as a romcom can get--he thinks she loves him, so he decides to encourage it, not realizing that he's falling head-over-heels for her until it's too late. Yes, we are going Beatrice and Benedick best couple in shakespeare fight me, which is very hard to do well. You don't want it to seem as though the only thing he likes about her is that she flatters his ego. Instead, it comes across as a pretty natural direction for his thoughts to go, seeing as this is the first time poor murder kitty (™ dangermousie) has someone who seems to care about his safety and happiness. Of course he's going to fall for her! Meanwhile our heroine, Qianqian, is just doing her best to stay alive and try to get the story back on track (including trying to set him up with her sister) all the while totally unaware of the fact that he's madly in love with her. It's delicious--I'm only 6 episodes in but at this point I highly recommend to anyone who's interested in a lighthearted romcom with a lot of fun parody elements!
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borgevino · 7 years
aforementioned processing post. extremely long
this is an attempt to make sense of the timing of the alfred series of events. since it’s been so unremittingly awful and i’d really like to track it from the beginning.
dramatis personae (names changed)
my team: samuel (lead, great, v similar to me), irina (instructional associate (IA) like me, love her), dave (another IA, isn’t quite on the same wavelength as the rest of us bc he doesn’t know us like we knew each other already but a good guy nonetheless)
other team: alfred (lead, already doesn’t get along with samuel, they try to get along but it doesn’t work), matthew (also a full instructor, tries very hard but in the wrong direction, a cat who needs herding), zachary (an IA, one of my former classmates)
calvin & lev: TAs, former classmates
chris & betsy: managers
Mar 8
alfred wants to know if I’ll be his IA
Mar 14-15
I spend some time going back & forth about the IA position
Initial interview
convo with samuel about TA vs IA. samuel “if you want my advice, TA, this would give you the chance to debug and always be coding while you have the daytime to work on applications etc”
talked to irina about what the team would look like
Mar 16
interview with chris
talked with samuel about lectures & so on. he wasn’t sure if id be on his team but chris was pretty sure
alfred forwards me a job posting that one of his recruiters sent him, I have to let him know that I’m taking the IA job with GA
Mar 20 - 26 – planning week
starts off well
couple of times throughout the week there are some warning signs, most notably alfred asking me to come and teach responsive design
in fact alfred asked a couple of times for us to go in and teach some lectures in their class without offering to come in and teach with us at all
another iffy moment was that alfred was out both thurs and fri
zachary started stressing out around this time also
my team was all set with planning and so on but theirs was much less settled in any kind of real way
we planned our schedule, we sent it to zachary, zachary passed it on to alfred
overheard alfred say on a remote call with zachary and matthew that they had to “be careful” copying what ada cohort was doing
alfred still seemed obsessed with the idea of collaboration
samuel gets stuck on installfest concept for a couple days
i get stuck on assessment concept for a couple days
Mar 27 - Apr 2 – week 1
student from alfred’s class asked on the first day to be switched to our class, which sort of immediately set the tone for the rest of the course. said she liked our vibe better and liked samuel’s teaching style.
samuel & i discussed it some on tues
samuel: But, it was very validating in a way to see that our fears that we share were picked up on after we literally just said a 5 minute hello. We have an awesome team and it just sucks that I think we all basically refuse to work with the other side.
me: & i have some thoughts abt the other thing as well (we can discuss) but i think it boils down to, our definition of working together & theirs are pretty different (wrt the time involvement required, the purpose behind collaboration, etc.). i’d be fine to work with them if it was on our terms but idt it would be
alfred mentions on tues that he’d like to meet more frequently, sets up a meeting for wed. samuel is not into the idea as one of the things samuel was hoping for from the course was less time in meetings
samuel very stressed wed for no particular reason
“is it ok if i add alfred to our gh.” on thurs
strong talk with samuel on tues or wed about him not taking on too much. eventually did have an effect
Wed meeting with other team to discuss possibility of collaboration. consensus seemed to be one lecture from us over to them and a couple of morning exercises.
thurs morning, alfred says ‘that’s not what i agreed to’ when it clearly was what he had agreed to
alfred: Hey samuel, we’ll get back to you. I want to see how we can all contribute to this for both cohorts. In the meantime can you guys send us the timeslots that we can key into our course tracker for the guest lectures. I need this asap, as I will have to share this with various parties.
samuel: alfred, this is not what we discussed yesterday. I thought we were going to let unit one take it’s course and have j do the planning lesson. And then we’d take a look at unit 2 soon.
matthew: I know we discussed both options and i think the agreement was that for Unit 1 we would begin to cross pollinate with morning exercises for now and for Unit 2 we would discuss where instructors could find opportunities to reteach topics as that approach worked really well last time around
alfred: That’s not what I agreed to. The expectation is to share on all units. For example, if the wire framing is happening In unit 1, I want it to be done in unit 1 and any other lessons that we can all benefit from.
samuel: Yes I agree with matthew, morning exercises and he wireframing.
i taught thurs all day, then went out for drinks with the team, then met with matthew to discuss how i’d done the css lecture, then hung out with friend for a couple of hours
thurs during lunch had walk in the park with samuel where he talked a lot about the situation with alfred. notable: “I have to not lose my cool. …. how do i do that????”
thurs night samuel has the realization that he’s trying to do too much & needs to delegate more, irina & i rejoice. it’s a momentous and great occasion.
during friday internal meeting samuel metnions that he thinks what alfred is doing to him is gaslighting. irina and i sit in the back of the classroom after lunch and nod with strong emphasis along to a psychology today article on gaslighting.
we all four go out for drinks and talk some shit and it’s good.
brief HM reunion; samuel gets to meet ryn; ryn, mimi, jen, & i go out for drinks
Apr 3 - 9 – week 2
talked with calvin & lev for about half an hour after the building closed. theyve noticed that alfred is never around and doesn’t help his students, and that zachary looks totally miserable a lot of the time
zachary is miserable for most of the week, we get lunch on monday and discuss. alfred is reading over his shoulder with messages and shit, sees him trying to send a message to chris about the situation, tells zachary that he should go to him (alfred) first with those types of concerns
i find out that alfred & matthew aren’t grading any homeworks, theyre letting zachary do all of it. and having calvin & lev help out. since they have two instructors compared to one IA this really is not how the work load should balance out
i gave a strong talk about not copying about homework
one of the higher-ups asks me to mentor one of the students in alfred’s class. “maybe she’ll lighten up on matthew and alfred if she gets to talk to J more often” is what i gather the reasoning is.
somewhere in here i have a weird meeting with alfred and zachary for a couple hours to discuss the saturn homework. originally it was meant to be just zachary & i but alfred decided he wanted to sit in and follow along.
becoming clearer and clearer that alfred’s goal is not “help out the students” but “do as little work as possible”.
at some point in this week also i say something along the lines of “we would be happy to collaborate if it were on our terms but it won’t be on our terms so we can’t.” samuel thinks this is extremely correct and mentions the term “rules of engagement”
Apr 10 - 16 – week 3
Tues drama: irina teaches in other classroom, is left on her own to handle unfamiliar students. samuel righteously furious
samuel: Hey fellow instructors/IAs. One of my class’s IAs gave a lecture in your class today. Excellent. While I’m fully confident that she was able to handle it on her own 100%, without a doubt, I’m also very annoyed that she was left completely alone during that lecture. As in, she didn’t even have an IA there in case she needed help during a lab. Moving forward I want to be 100% clear. Under no circumstances will that happen again. I really want everyone’s lives to be less stressful during units 2, 3, and 4, but I’ve made it a point that in my class, I, as an IL, am present for every moment of every lecture. Which is to say, if my amazing colleagues are not afforded the same consideration in your class, they will no longer be guest lecturing there. And this is not because they are IAs. When I, as an IL, am lecturing, I have back-up. So they, deserve it. that scenario honestly boggles my damn mind… as if we didnt insist that IAs were present during our lectures….
matthew: we only meant to step out for few minutes to finalize the project prompt which we needed to deliver immediately after the afternoon lectures and it took a bit longer than expected. That being said I do agree that IA’s should have support at this stage during their lectures and we will make sure that one of our team remains behind to support them…
alfred: Also, a couple of house rules: Lets make sure proper communication and behavior is practiced on this channel. Be respectful and treat individuals the way you would want to be treated. If there are any concerns/confusion, feel free to reach out, but use your judgement on best course of action and tone. Let’s make this pleasant..
samuel & i discussion about it wednesday night
samuel: Was my.message about the not support for irina too abrasive. I think the “damn mind” part went too far. But otherwise did I cross a line in your opinion. I ha EA to work on that and honestly I sent all that when I was wasted lol
me: i genuinely don’t think so, it was strongly worded but you made yourself very clear. and considering the fact that it REALLY shouldn’t have happened i thought the tone was appropriate. might have gone over better in person? is the only thing
matthew seems on verge of quitting
we plan unit 2 and send it to alfred & co. alfred & co intentionally arrange their next unit so that there’s no chance we can collaborate
this is a direct about-face from their previous attitude for no reason??
i help a couple students from their cohort and then tell samuel about it
me: i helped a couple hypatia students
samuel: oooh. you have to be careful about that. if alfred sees you he will be pissed
samuel is not wrong because i did actually check out the floor before i went and helped the students to check and make sure alfred wasn’t going to find me talking to his students but also i hate this concept so much
this is the point whereupon i decide i really cant deal with it
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krysrawfiggs · 8 years
1.Full name:Krysten Alexandra Figueroa but you will reffer to me as Krysfiggs
2.Zodiac sign:Im a cusp baby born as the day changed. I am a leo/virgo
3. 3 Fears:Spiders, being alone forever, my fam disowning me for being gay
4. 3 things I love:Being surrounded by awesome people, video games, outdoor activities
5. 4 turns ons:Firey passion, neck biting, n eyes.. its always the eyes, n intelligence
6.4 turns offs: Lack of intelligence, if youre rude in general, if youre clingy, lack of understanding n compassion
7. My best friend:I have a coupleNadia, amanda, n bree (when shes not being an idiot)
8. Sexual orientation:Lezzzzzzzzbbbbiiiiannnnnnnnn
9. My best first date:So far going out into town in the middle of a rainstorm running dancing n dickin round and then showing up soaked n eating at friendlys
10. How tall am I:Im 5'5"11. What do I missNot paying bills
12. What time were I born:12am on the dot
13. Favourite colour:I like deep colors. I used to say deep blue but i do love red n grey too
14.Do I have a crushXD maybe! Ok yea. I do. But i aint tell you.
15. Favourite quoteGod theres too many…
16.Favourite placePuerto rico
17. Favourite foodGawd this is hard ok. I have the soul of a very very fat man. If i had to pick one thing…itd have to be my moms pernil (pork shoulder)
18. Do I use sarcasmNever im a sweetheart😆
19. What am I listening to right nowEvie- last dinosaurs
20.First thing I notice in new personEyesss…eyess…eyess…….!
21.Shoe size822. Eye colourBrown anytime of dayGold in the sun
23.Hair colourBlack as the normBrownish in the sunlightBlue when its overcast
24.Favourite style of clothingandrogynous 25. Ever done a prank call?Yup i bothered the fuck outta kymmie for months before i gave myself up xD
26.What colour of underwear I’m wearing now? Burgandy See thru lace
27. Meaning behind my URLWelp minus the word raw its just my name. If my father didnt delete my 1st blog and of someone in asia didnt take my old username right after it wouldnt be as stupid.
28. Favourite movieToo many brahhh
29. Favourite song
30.Favourite bandBloc party, last dinosaurs, split milk society
31.How I feel right nowHorngry n lonely. Lusting for warm weather and beach weather
32.Someone I love.In what context?
33.My current relationship statusSingle af
34.My relationship with my parentsCurrently ok..
35. Favourite holiday Hmm i dont have one
36.Tattoos and piercings?I have average ear piercings But i want a lip ring n a tatoo of leo n virgo fighting inside of the sun ony shoulder
37.Tattoos and piercing i wantWhoops jumped the gun. Please refer to 36
38.The reason I joined TumblrMy friends at the time
39.Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope we’re cool
40. Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used too from my so. But now its just my good friend manny
41.Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Hmmm no
42. When did I last hold hands?Non romantically:I held hands with my lil sister cuz she doesnt know how to cross a freggin road without getting hit by a car! But romantically: its been over a year and a half.
43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 10mins
44.Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?Its been a good 6/7 months. Im at man status rn
45.Where am I right now? Trapped on a bus with zombies from nyc somewhere on the way to newburgh
46.If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? In oswego it would be chance. Here.. idk it hasnt happend.. but my best bet would be nadia
47.Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Both. Depends where i am
48.Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yes. Please dont ask how its going. Its not well.
49.Am I excited for anything?Yes. The 3 day weekend
50.Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?No i only have 2 chill male friends
51.How often do I wear a fake smile?Often enough
52.When was the last time I hugged someone?That would be last sunday i hugged holly. We went for a movie and a bite n caught up since inhavent seen her in 5ever
53.What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?Its w/e as long as you happy n your not like eating face
54.Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Yea
55.What is something I disliked about today?Evelyn being passive agressive towards me. Makes me uncomf. But i could care less.
56.If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Rebecca sugar
57. What do I think about most? Its gonna be one of 3 things, women, video games, food
58. What’s my strangest talent?I can get really creepy really fast. Iv been told to try out to be villians or serial killers in movies
59.Do I have any strange phobias?Spiders
60.Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both
61. What was the last lie I told?
62.Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Im old skool ill show up at your house ;) jk phone so no one can see this akward mess
63.Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes
64.Do I believe in magic?Yes
65. Do I believe in luck? Yes
66.What’s the weather like right now? Bloody cold
67. What was the last book I’ve read? Allegiant
68. Do I like the smell of gasoline?Addicted
69. Do I have any nicknames?Krys, elmo, jesus
70. What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I have 12 stiches on my thumb both for cuts by blades oh n the one time i was going down a mt. On my longboard n i fell and got the worst road rash on my ass.
71. Do I spend money or save it?Both
72. Can I touch my nose with a tongue?No
73. Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Idts?
74.Favourite animal?Otter
75. What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Hehhhh better not say
76. What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Idfk
77.What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Anything fr the last dinosaurs
78. How can you win my heart? Compassion understanding and a drive no one else has.
79.What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Im not gonna be burried.
80. What is my favourite wordOogle
81. My top 5 blogs on tumblr Ill answer later
82.If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
83.Do I have any relatives in jail?Yes
84.I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Speed
85.What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Feelings are a tough subject
86. What is my current desktop picture? An image from second son
87. Had sex?Why yes i have
88.Bought condoms?Nopes
89.Gotten pregnant? Nopes too gay for that shit90. Failed a class?Several
91. Kissed a boy? Yep im not a gold star lezzy no more
92. Kissed a girl? Many
93.Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes. Im super cheesey i do things like that all the time
94.Had job?I have a job95.Left the house without my wallet?Keys and liecensexD
96. Bullied someone on the internet? Nope
97.Had sex in public? Yes
98. Played on a sports team? Several
99. Smoked weed? Yasss
100. Did drugs? Ive tried some shit
101. Smoked cigarettes? Never now thats nasty
102. Drank alcohol? Yes
103. Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never
104. Been overweight?yes
105. Been underweight?yes
106. Been to a wedding?yes
107. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Days
108. Watched TV for 5 hours straight? When i was younger
109. Been outside my home country?yes
110. Gotten my heart broken? Many times
111.Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112. Broken a bone? Do Teeth count?
113. Cut myself? Not on purpose
114. Been to prom? Unfortunaly. Thats an akward story. If i didnt go i coulda stayed in puerto rico longer. But nooo joe had to ask my parents…
115. Been in airplane? Yes
116. Fly by helicopter? No. But ive been in some heavy duty military air craft
117. What concerts have I been to?Walk the moon, in hs i saw i see stars mega concert there were like 20 bands there idr them all, versaemerge, dragonforce
118.Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yeaaa im megagay
119.Learned another language?I can fully understand spanish. But i cant speak it.
120. Wore make up? Im alergic to eyeliner xD
121.Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yes
123. Had oral sex? Yes.😍
124.Dyed my hair?Ive never dyed my hair
125.Voted in a presidential election? Yes both times for obama♡ . n fuck you, you lil orange dicked cheeto (donald trump)
126.Rode in an ambulance?Yes i did when i sliced my thumb deep with an exacto and was bleeding everywhere
127. Had a surgery?No
128. Met someone famous? Yes i have i met that guy from “what would you do” when i was staying in maryland. Also i stick around after theater shows and concerts to meet the actors, performers, and musicians
129.Stalked someone on a social network?Guilty
130. Peed outside?Um who hasnt?
131. Been fishing?Yes. Anyone wanna join me this spring?
132. Helped with charity? Yea every 3 weeks i participate in a soup kitched in poukipsee with my siblings and my cousins.
133. Been rejected by a crush?I have unfortunate luck.
134. Broken a mirror? Haha yea i did once
135. What do I want for birthday? Id love to go somewhere amazing and warm with awesome people. If im dating someone id love to actually have a birthday kiss. #neverhadoneonmybirthday
136.How many kids do I want and what will be their names?By kids you mean dogs? N id have all of them. Theyd have really crude/harsh spanish names.
137.Was I named after anyone?No but krysten means follower of chridtXD
138.Do I like my handwriting? Sometimes
139. What was my favourite toy as a child? Why it was my stuffy scooby doo
140.Favourite Tv Show? Gawd theres so many. But steven universe👌🖒
141.Where do I want to live when older?Puerto rico when i hit the lotto
143. Play any musical instrument? I can play the trumpet, the recorder, basic drum beat, and im learning the uke
144.One of my scars, how did I get it?Sliced my thumb with a woodcutter one year. Then the next year same thumb with a brand new exacto. Landed me in the hosp 2ice total 12 stiches
145.Favourite pizza toping? Extra cheese
146.Am I afraid of the dark? Sometimes. Im more worried bout the it under the bed that comes out when you dont have sheets on.
147.Am I afraid of heights?No. In my stage craft class i was the only one who wasnt scared of heights they sent me high up to work on stuff they also sent me 60ft up to the grid too 😎
148.Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes and i had my ass handed to me on a silver platter several times.
149.Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yes. All the time.
150.What I’m really bad atBeing social. Talking to girls. Drawing.
151.What my greatest achievements are. Being the first to graduate college.
152.The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meYou should see the list of stuff my parents have told me since i was little. Its a little too awful to put on here.
153.What I’d do if I won in a lottery. Top secret Plans back the fuck up
154. What do I like about myself Um my bed head. Idk
155.My closest Tumblr friend Haha nadia
156.Something I fantasise about my exTisk tisk ladies n gents we shouldnt be reopening wounds like this. *points finger n shakes it like a noodle*
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things That I Disliked ABout RvB: Singularity
(Top 5 Likes Post Link)
Well, it’s been about four months since RvB17 concluded. The shortest season in the series thus far, RvB17 has had overall very positive reception with good humor, compelling drama, and nice character development. I enjoyed it… but I would be lying if I said I loved it unconditionally. And I’d be lying even more if I said that it was better than the sadly often derided S16. The season has its pros and it has its cons, as every season of the show does. The cons this time probably annoy me more than some due to what I like and dislike, so that’s important to know before going further into this post.
So, it’s time for another Top 5 Likes/Dislikes about the recent RvB season! Now normally I do this shortly before the upcoming season, so why am I doing this now and not when RvB18 starts? Well, I’ve had a lot of these on my mind for a while, and after completing a recent rewatch, I want to go ahead and get it all out. To compensate, when RvB18 does roll around I’ll likely do a post about the past three seasons, and maybe some other stuff like what I’d like to see. And of course, as always, this is just my opinion and I will be as fair as possible, so take everything that I say with a grain of salt.
Anyways, let's get the part that I always hate doing done first: the Top 5 Dislikes.
I hate being negative. I really, really do. Overall, S17 was a very enjoyable season and I liked it in spite of its flaws, as I do with most media that I get into. But I do have issues, more so than I did 15 and 16, and I do want to talk about them. Most of you who’s followed my blog probably already know them, but I’m gonna try to be more detailed about why I disliked it. So we’ll start with something nit-picky, and work our way up. So let's get started with...
#5. Execution of the time travel/The Everwhen
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This one is probably the most minor, but the whole thing just… confuses me. So for those unaware, the Everwhen is essentially a giant time portal that allows you to possess your past self at any point in time. This is… not a bad concept at all. It’s a really cool one and they use it to great effect by going to various points in the show’s history. Then using the past variations of Halo also makes us more invested since we recognize those periods. And while I wish we got to see more moments in those periods that we didn’t see, the few that we got in Episode 5 with Wash and Carolina was very well done. I only have two real issues with the Everwhen. First being an excuse for the mass amount of nostalgia banking, but at least it served a purpose… well, the Freelancers did. The Mercs were totally unnecessary. But that can easily just be a me thing and I get that it made a lot of fans happy, so I won’t harp on it. The other reason though is the reason why it made this list.
The execution is confusing as Hell when you really think about it.
First, how does this exist? I guess we’re supposed to believe that Chrovos made it, which I guess that I can buy. But aside from a line in Episode 1 about how the Reds and Blues time period was the backswing that caused the paradox, there isn’t really anything about how this gateway suddenly exists. Which presents another problem, the Reds and Blues inside it. Okay, so the paradox happened and it messed their memories up. That I understand… but why are they having deja vu in the past?! Shouldn’t they have been like Wash was? In some period where they did and didn’t break time? I get that they were in the middle of the paradox while Wash had been in the present, but in that case, how did they get knocked back to the past? At first, I assumed that Chrovos put them there, which would have made sense in order to keep them out of the way. But that’s never said. The implication is that they just got put there randomly, but because of Wash’s state, it really doesn't make any sense for them to be there.
But I think I get why it was like this. On The SHizno Podcast, Jason explained how the original pitch was that the Reds and Blues were going to be in a simulation of Blood Gulch that Chrovos put them in. Think S9 when Epsilon was in the Memory Unit… which it being too similar is one of the reasons why that plan got rejected. It probably explains why they used Halo 2 Anniversary in the S16 finale if the simulation plan was still in effect when Joe wrote it. But that would explain why they were in the past and having memory issues while Wash wasn’t. And it being a simulation is what I thought it was... until Huggins was able to move through it without going through the portal, which made everything even more confusing. As much as I get being too similar to S9, I can’t but feel that it would have been the better move and not given me a headache over how this stupid Everwhen worked. Because it being a simulation and not the actual timeline made a heck of a lot more sense.
Ultimately, this is Number 5 because as I said, it’s nitpicky. Time travel is a mess no matter how it’s utilized, so I’m pretty lenient on it because thinking about it too hard is painful and not worth it. Plus it may just be my own stupidity confusing me. Still, it DID bother me and it made Episodes 7 and 8 especially a pain in the ass to watch through. But since again it’s overall more nitpicky, I’ll leave it at Number 5.
#4: The Simmons Labyrinth
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Yeah, we all knew that this was going to be on here.  What’s left to be said that I haven’t talked about already? I think we all know why this was hated. First, it isn’t funny. I mean don’t get me wrong, the delivery of the joke was fine, but the joke itself sucked and made no sense for Simmons’ character. Say what you want about Grif’s Labyrinth, whether you saw it as good or terrible, but at least it made sense for his character. Simmons… is afraid of aliens cutting off his private parts. I’m…. fairly sure that RvB has done a joke like that before, and it was likely better there. Plus it didn't fit the tone. All the Labyrinths, even Grif’s, were portrayed as either serious or at least uncomfortable for the victim. I guess they wanted something to lighten the mood, but… it failed. Badly. It just took me out of it until we got back to Carolina’s. Even knowing Jason’s original plan of the alien being Simmons dad, while that would have been more impactful, still would have been treated as the final cut was and still would have taken me out of it.
What could have been done instead? IDK. Could have had Simmons relive one of his many embarrassments in high school. Could have been focused on the test anxiety that made him fail and get shipped off to Red Boot Camp. It could have been one of the many traumas that his dad inflicted on him, like being forced on the women’s volleyball team or something. All of those are still lighter than some of the other Labyrinths and could have had a comedic edge, but it still tells us something about Simmons and would make sense for him. I… am still trying to figure out how what we got fits Simmons at all or tells us anything about him. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. 
The reason that this is Number 4 is because the scene was ultimately brief and Simmons didn’t exactly have a major role up to that point. It was incredibly stupid and not funny, but IDT it ruined his character or anything. Plus at this point, I and many others have gone on about it and there is really nothing left to say until we see what happens in the future. Jason seems to be aware of the critiques, and I imagine that others behind the show would also be aware by now. Maybe it'll be taken into account in future seasons and they’ll finally give Simmons the attention that he deserves.
#3. Huggins
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Ho boy, I’ve been waiting to let this out since the season ended. So for those who were reading my blog when S16 was airing, you know that Huggins was one of my favorite parts of said season. She was likable and fun, her friendship with Grif was adorable and helped his character massively, and she was just a bundle of joy who made me smile every time that we saw her. Her death, while I knew even then it was likely a fakeout, was a huge shock and had me praying that it being a fakeout was correct. Which it was! I was so happy… until we saw how she was actually handled this season.
Personality-wise, Huggins was fine. Her being able to go through time made sense and was even referenced in S16. But… well, she’s used to discovering that Black Holes lead to the beginning of time, goes through time to find the paradoxes that Genkins made, and… that’s it. In other words, Huggins was nothing but a damn plot device. I have a problem with character shafting, but this one was just unfair. Maybe Jason couldn’t think of anything else to do with her? Maybe her VA wasn't available for much? Maybe they didn’t have the budget to animate since Miles did say that they had a slightly smaller budget at RTX? IDK. There’s any number of reasons why, but it was annoying nevertheless. I mean Huggins only appeared in THREE EPISODES, and the first was only at the very end. After Episode 8, she just… disappeared.
There’s a lot of reasons why I hated this. First, just dropping a character like that despite her clearly being important and prominent is an insult to the character. I have issues with how the Reds and Blues were shafted aside from Donut, Wash, and Carolina, but at least they were still around. Huggins leaves to go find paradoxes in Episode 8 and then is gone. Last we hear of her is in the finale from Donut. But the bigger issue is that, if you remember, she was understandably angry at Grif for deciding to go with the plan to save Wash, even though he knew what would happen. It happened and… there’s zero reconciliation. None. Yes, Grif was happy to see her. Yes, he clearly felt remorseful. Yes, he did apologize. But Huggins never really forgave him, saying that she can't be mad at him at the moment because of the larger picture. But it was pretty clear that, while not enraged, she was still unhappy with him… and they don’t allow the two to talk? At all?! After everything in S16, we couldn’t get closure on that?! Really?!
That was what pissed me off. It pissed me off for Grif’s character, but trust me I’ll be going more into that shortly. But for Huggins, it pretty much just says ‘yeah, we are only bringing this character back for exposition and nothing more’. I know many hated S16, but Huggins was easily one of the factors that people enjoyed. I enjoyed it. As I said, her and Grif’s relationship was easily my favorite part of it and I still enjoy rewatching all of their interactions. IDK if she’ll be back in later seasons. I really hope so because, at the very least, she and Grif should reconcile. But even so, she deserved better than what she got. She was a good character, and she deserved better than what she got. I shouldn't be wondering if her remaining dead would have been a better alternative afterwards. I really shouldn’t. So… hopefully future seasons can maybe fix things, but for now, this remains a major problem for me.
#2. Grif Character Shafting
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In general, Season 17 had a BAD case of character shafting. Now it’s a huge ensemble cast, so not everyone is going to be able to get attention. I wasn’t that upset that characters like Sarge, Caboose, and Simmons (even if that doesn’t excuse his Labyrinth) not getting much attention because they had already been more lowkey in this story arc. I didn’t mind it with Tucker wither since he got PLENTY of attention with Chorus. Hell, I honestly wish that they kept Wash and Carolina more lowkey because they ALWAYS get the majority of the focus, but for S17’s story it’s understandable why they would so I can forgive it. But you should probably NOT shaft a character who has been one of the central focuses in an ongoing story arc and still had a ton of character development that had to be wrapped up.
You know… like Grif.
Yeah, I won’t lie. While I thought that Grif acted IC and everything… they really dropped the ball with him. I wouldn’t mind that much had S15 and 16 not happened. Those are two seasons that gave Grif a ton of character development. He was essentially the main protagonist in S16, the one most involved in the plot despite how much he tried not to, and began resolving his issues. He went from doing everything in his power to avoid the plot, to openly confronting it and even rejecting the pizza that he had wanted so bad. He was the only one who knew what was about to happen after openly being mocked by Genkins, and despite his best efforts, he failed to stop it…
...and this got aBSOLUTELY NO FOLLOW UP? WHAT THE HELL?! THat’s like if, after Season 11, Tucker acted like none of the events during S11 affected him and didn’t grow as a leader and a soldier. It would come off as super weird since 12 followed the aftermath of S11 and would have been a huge disservice to the character and his development. That’s how it felt here with Grif. At first, it looked like they may show stuff since Grif DID believe Donut at first. But he had to ignore it since Donut isn’t allowed to be listened to. When he got his memory back, everything should have been hitting him then and there. There should have been more anger and probably some guilt about how even when he tried, he still failed and now they have even more bullshit to deal with. But they just… bizarrely ignore it.
I wouldn’t say that Grif regressed, but the fact that there is NO follow-up to his development in a storyline that allowed said development to begin with is a disservice. I get it, they only had 12 episodes and Donut and Wash were the more important. I understand that. And hey, S18 could follow up on it. But there still should have been something. Maybe the reveal about him lying about the enlistment was supposed to be that. Which I did like that… but that was not enough imo. He didn’t reconcile with Huggins. There’s no follow-up about how he failed to stop the paradox. Even for someone as lazy as Grif, we should still be seeing some emotions there. His Labyrinth, while I ultimately don’t hate it and I do see how it can apply to his character, probably should have been something stronger like being stuck back on Iris with the volleyballs mocking him or something.
Character shafting does have to happen in an ensemble cast. But Grif should NOT have been one of them. IDK how they could have incorporated him better while still keeping everything intact, but it’s still frustrating. Again, maybe S18 can provide something. I hope that at least Grif is allowed to reconcile with Huggins and realize that he should actually talk about his issues because I do think that his scene with Kai was an important moment for him. Whether you like to hate the retcon, it makes sense for his character to run away and he’s actually offering to talk about it. Okay, it’s more for Kai’s sake than his own, but he’s still willing to talk about his feelings, which is not something that I could have seen him done without his S15 and 16 development. Hence why I think that is S18 has him be more willing to talk to say Kai or Simmons and about how much S15 and 16 really did affect him instead of trying to brush it aside by calling himself hateglue, he can have a complete character arc. But as far as S17 goes, there’s no excuse for it and was a big problem for me.
Honorable Mentions
 Aka, the things that annoyed me, but not by much or I didn’t feel were bad enough to add onto the list.
Tucker not taking responsibility/talking to Wash: It was his idea to go and save Wash despite knowing the consequences, so he’s as guilty as Carolina imo. There should have been more focus on that, and about him reconciling with Wash and accepting what had to happen. The fact that they had zero interaction was bizarre tbh. But it isn’t as big of a deal as other things, so I kept it off. Consider this Number 6.
Character shafting: I hated it, and everyone outside Donut, Wash, and Carolina felt wasted. But it’s already a huge cast, so it was bound to happen and Grif’s was the one that manly pissed me off. So I spared it.
Nostalgia banking: That’s a me thing, so I didn’t feel it was fair to add it, especially since it overall did serve a purpose.
Carolina guilt trips need to die: I forgive it here because it worked for the story and was well executed. But... writers, you’ve done Carolina guilt trips since at least S10. It’s lazy and boring now. Come up with something new for her. Let it die.
Donut being ignored: Mainly, I think they played it up too much. DOnut displayed no noteworthy flaws in this season, and pretty much everything revolved around him. On rewatch, this was annoying and made him seem better and more important than everyone else. That’s unfair. But after all the years where he got shit treatment, he earned it honestly, so I forgave it.
And that’s it! So onto Number One!
I thought long and hard about what Number One could be. Grif Shafting almost made it, but again the finale scene did actually make me happy. As such, I had only one real option left…
#1. The 12 Episode Count
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Imo, this is I think the cause of many of the problems with S17 that I have. This should not have been a 12 episode season. 15 maybe, like last time. But not 12. Now there’s any number of reasons that they decided to go with that. Miles did say at RTX that they had a slightly smaller budget, so maybe they just simply couldn’t afford to do more than what they were able to do. Maybe they just thought that 12 episodes wrapped up the story and that there was no need to exceed that number or try to avoid stressing themselves and others out more. Production is hard and not cheap and you’re not going to be able to do everything that you want or even need to be able to do. As such, I’m not angry at them for deciding this since most likely, they had to work with what they had available.
That being said, it is still a problem. A 12 episode season has both its pros and its cons. With the pros, they were able to keep an overall steady pace and focus on what needed to be focused on without having to extend it or cram in filler. But the cons are you have to cram in as much as possible with limited time and put aside the things that aren’t as important. Grif wasn't as important as the other things. Huggins wasn't as important as the other things. They didn’t have time to elaborate on all the time travel, so they did as much as they could and then focus on the story. And Simmons Labyrinth was just a bad idea and would have still sucked even with a longer episode total, so nothing to say there.
My point is, while I do think that 12 episode seasons could work for RvB, they probably shouldn't have done it in the middle of a story arc. Again, they might not have had a choice, but it’s still an annoyance. The first half was fine and the best of the season. But the second half felt much more rushed and overstuffed. Episodes 7 and 8 shoved in exposition and it came across as more confusing than informing. Donut forgave everyone FAR too easily and it didn’t feel like they genuinely felt sorry after being called out. Which made the moment where he did call them out feel slightly less impactful. Only slightly, Then we rush through fixing the paradoxes and The Labyrinth within like four episodes, which when watching all the episodes together really makes it and the ending feel really anti-climactic. It’s like they shoved a ton of character stuff within like ten minutes, but we don’t get to explore it naturally. A problem that I think 15 episodes would have helped solve, but 12… it just… was not enough.
If they do go with 12 episodes again, I think it’ll work better since they’ll have a new story arc that they cal plan properly for. They didn’t have that luxury here. That, on top of Joe having to leave and Jason having to take over writing duties. Which is another annoyance. IDK the circumstances obviously and not to diminish Jason, but Joe should have been allowed to finish his own damn story, the fans' opinion on if he was good or not be damned. But again for all I know he chose to walk out, so I’m not going to go any further than that. Considering what they did have, the fact that they did make a good product is to be admired. But there’s still a lot of problems imo. Ones that I think that the episode count ultimately caused most of. As such, it is the thing that I dislike about RvB17 the most.
Again, this is only my opinion. There was a lot that I did like about RvB17, and when I write the Likes post I’ll gladly talk about them. That being said, I do think that this wasn't as good as 16 and IDC how many people think I’m insane for saying that. It had story issues, character issues, and the second half was ultimately just a mess. A fun mess, but still a mess. No, IDK how any of these could have been done better and IDT it’s so bad that it can’t be amended in later seasons. But overall, these issues did damper my enjoyment and things that I hope to see improved in the future.
Okay! Dislikes are done! Thank God! Now I can do the happy stuff! Hopefully, the Likes post will be ready in a few days. But thank you all for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed~
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things I Liked About RWBY Volume 2
(Top 5 Dislikes)
I’m gonna be honest, I think that V2 is a pretty good volume. Sure, it doesn’t have much in terms of story and that’s its biggest weakness as well as having no true accomplishments. But what it makes up for is it’s character writing and development. V1 was our intro, and V2 begins to flesh out many of them. If someone like say… Weiss didn’t appeal to you in V1 cause of her being mean, this one puts her in a much more positive light, for example. I was worried that I would dislike the volume more upon rewatch… but my opinion is pretty much the same as when I watched it in 2014: I really enjoy it.
I had to stretch hard for the Dislikes post. I did not, however, have to stretch at all for this post. So let’s waste no time and go over the Top 5 Things I Liked About RWBY Volume 2~
#5. Improved Pacing/Runtime
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One of the biggest problems with V1 was it’s pacing. It could feel all over the place, and the reason why was due to chapter runtimes. With a few exceptions, the majority were under ten minutes. This could cause storylines that in the current standard could have been done in one or two episodes, like Jaune’s Arc. But since it got stretched out for four weeks with short runtimes… yeah, it annoyed people, to say the least. CRWBY got the hint since I remember before the volume began, they mentioned how the extended the runtimes. It came at the cost of fewer episodes, but honestly? That was for the best?
Volume 2’s runtimes range from 12-15 minutes on average, with the longest being 17 minutes. This has essentially been the standard ever since for the most part, and it was a very good change. It also helps that instead of going for a more episodic approach as they did in V1, they told one continuous story. It can be divided into three sections with the first four episodes, the Dance Arc covering 5-7, and Mountain Glenn covering 8-12. But they all connect with each other and flow together much more naturally. As such since unlike V1 I watched V2 episode by episode, I never felt like it dragged or anything overstayed it’s welcome. It’s one of the best-paced volumes, to be honest. 
I’m pleasantly surprised that it flowed so well. Pacing in recent volumes have been an issue, mainly with 4 and 5, but that’s due to the split storylines. Something that I think that Miles and Kerry have learned was maybe a little too ambitious afterward and have gone back to this kind of formula. They pretty much use this three-act structure in V6, and it worked amazingly there. T seems to be what works best for RWBY, and this volume is what kicked it off. So yeah, good work CRWBY~
#4. Jaune and Pyrrha Relationship
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I love these two. They have always been my favorite ship in RWBY, and still is despite… certain events. While I was kinda harsh on Jaune in the last post due to how cringey he was regarding Weiss, his relationship with Pyrrha is what saved him. He’s gotten a lot of flack in the past for not noticing Pyrrha’s feelings, but… I don’t really blame him. Pyrrha never tried to tell him herself or really let on that she had romantic feelings for him. Jaune isn’t a mind-reader, he can’t just magically know if Pyrrha won’t say anything. Nora practically points it out when Pyrrha advises Jaune to just go and ask Weiss out without any stupid gimmicks and just speak from the heart. “Practice what you preach.” indeed. That’s not to be harsh on Pyrrha because it’s clear why she doesn’t. She knows that Jaune likes Weiss and wants him to be happy, so she tries to be content with just supporting him with his pursuits and his training. She’s just that nice of a person.
It’s not like Jaune is careless regarding Pyrrha either. We see in Chapter 5 that he appreciates Pyrrha helping him train and in Chapter 7, he is shocked that no one asked her out. I mean, is everyone blind? Pyrrha is an amazing person? How could no one ask her out? Well… it’s because she’s Pyrrha. She’s a world-class fighter. Too many, she’s out of their league. Remember in Chapter 5 when Mercury calls off the fight, saying that Pyrrha’s out of his league? We all know that was a lie, it was because he got the info that he wanted about her Semblance, but you can see how much that hurt her. It reminded her how she can’t really be normal or form real relationships because of her fame and status. The only person to treat her like a real person? Jaune. He didn’t even know her name when they first met. And it’s after that when Jaune pretty much throws his own needs out the window, puts on that dress with no shame, and dances the night away with Pyrrha.
These two have such a beautiful relationship. Pyrrha helped Jaune find value in himself and grow not just as a fighter, but as this volume shows as a person. Pyrrha got to find happiness and a sense of normalcy through Jaune, which let her form friendships and find love. Even if she still can’t say it out loud, she got to be with Jaune, and that was enough for her even right to the end. Jaune still doesn’t know that Pyrrha has feelings for him and IDT he fully realized his own feelings, but he was still willing to be humiliated just to give that girl a good time at the dance. Because she earned it more than anyone else in that moment. It makes their relationship that much greater, and their ultimate end that much more tragic. But this volume really demonstrates them at their best. It shows Jaune mature and recognizes his friend’s feelings, hence why I can forgive his cringe. It’s painful to see, but he got over it. I just love it so much, and it’s still a bright spot of this volume.
#3. Blake Development
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I love Blake. She’s gotten so much hate in recent years because of utterly stupid reasons. While I had issues with her in V4, I’ve always loved her and her story. V1 got me interested in her story after the final two episodes, and this one made me love her even more. You can tell that the White Fang is getting to her, and it makes sense why. We don’t know the whole story, but we do know that the WF was a peaceful group when she was younger, and when it became a terrorist group she broke away. So seeing them act with a human, something that she knows that they would never due, would understandably catch her attention and make her obsess over it as well as reawaken any negative feelings.
In V1 while she was reserved, she clearly was capable of opening up and clearly did want to be friends with these three girls. Some say that she was OOC in The Badge and the Burden, but I disagree. She was trying to form a new life and tried to adjust to her new teammates, so yeah her being a little light-hearted and silly makes sense to me. But with the WF back in her life, it puts her back in a bad place. It makes her obsess over what they’re panning because it can’t be anything good. She tries to close herself off until Weiss reminds her that she promised to open up to them. She does, and her friends are on board with her pursuits.
Then we get the Dance Arc, where the WF obsession is actually affecting her health and performance. Her grades are slipping. Her attitude is at it’s lowest. She doesn’t care about the dance because she’s worried about the WF doing who knows what with them all utterly unprepared. Her harsh dismissal of Sun and her rejecting her team’s help despite them assuring her that they’re going to make sure that everything is fine demonstrates this. Blake feels guilty for her involvement int he WF and doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. To her, she feels like she has to stop them and like it’s her weight to bear. And this is before we know anything about Adam, which she starts to open up about him as well as why she left the WF to her team in Mountian Glenn. But we’ll get to that later.
It’s why Yang’s interference is so important. Yang understands that Blake is getting obsessed to an unhealthy point because she went down the same road. She and RUby almost got killed because she made a dumb decision and went out on her own when she found out about Raven. When talking to her one-on-one doesn’t work, she makes Blake realize that her unhealthy state means that she can’t fight before finally hugging her and essnetially asking her to stop and to trust her and the others. It’s a really beautiful scene that really does make Blake see reason. While I myself don’t see anything romantic in this scene, at least no more than Blake and Sun’s scenes in this arc, there’s a reason why so many care about the Bumblebee ship. Yang genuinely tried to reach out to Blake because she understood where she was coming from, and wanted to help her when no one else could. She didn’t have to, but she did because he wanted to. They’re teammates. Partners. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
This was when Blake truly began to trust Yang. To trust her team. She goes to the dance and has a fun time. It makes you wonder how long it had been since Blak ever relaxed. How long it had been since she laughed. She got to have one night where she could just have fun,  makes  By the end of the volume, she’s in a better place and is clearly happy with her friends. Even though they don’t stop the WF or uncover their overall plans, she’s okay with what they did manage to do and isn’t obsessing or driving herself to exhaustion anymore. Without that progress, then who knows if she’d have been able to bounce back after what happened in V3. Blake here is great, and I loved seeing it again… despite how much it hurt due to what happened next. But that’s a tale for another day.
#2. Mountain Glenn Arc
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This arc was fantastic. By far, the best part of Volume 2. First, it has Doctor Oobleck. We saw him once in V1, but all we learned is that he talks and moves fast. This volume gives him much more character. She’s certainly quirky and not the image of a badass Huntsman, but he’s freakin’ great. One, he’s funny and really adds to the RWBY dynamic to the arc. He’s intelligent and knowledgable on history and tracking. But most of all, he’s insightful. He’s clearly a good teacher as he subtly gives guidance to these girls and gets them to question their motivation and dedication to the paths that they’re on. He may not be teaching them cool fighting skills, but he is teaching them about life essentially and prepping them for the harsh life of being Huntresses. With what happens later down the road, that was a good thing. He’s just great. Also his coffee urn weapon? Best.
But speaking of motivations and dedication, that is what makes this arc so great. It answers an important question and was one that I was surprised by when this arc started, why did the RWBY girls decide to be Huntresses? And we find out here. Yang did it for the thrill, Weiss did it as she felt it was her duty, Blake did it to do good in the world, and Ruby… well… she actually doesn’t get questioned. Why? I’ll go into that in a bit. But having their motivations questioned really shakes up WBY quite a bit, making them reflect on their reasonings on choosing the paths that they took. Which is good, because it allows us to learn more about them and their characters.
We see WBY talk about their motivations deeper. Weiss chose to be a Huntress because she recognizes how much her father has ruined her family name and the company and she wanted to change things, but not in Atlas. She decided to do it as a Huntress. Blake opens up about Adam and how she felt that the WF fell, so she became a Huntress to do good. But she hadn’t thought past that and is afraid of not being able to make up for her mistakes and end up running away again. Yang doesn’t really have anything driving her, she just wanted to have the adventurous lifestyle that being a Huntress would give her and didn’t really think anything else of it. Safe to say, none of them I think really expected Huntress life to be the way that they experienced it here.
But where does Ruby factor into this? Well as I said, Oobleck never questions her motives. We do hear about his though. He became a Huntsman because when he looked at history, he saw lives that could have been saved. He wants to pass that history and knowledge onto his students so that more lives can be saved and not end the way that Mountian Glenn did. As for Ruby herself, she’s always wanted to be a Huntress, Even as a child, this was what she wanted. She didn’t do it for thrills. She didn’t do it to redeem her family name. She didn’t do it to make up for any past sins. She did it for one simple reason: to make the world a better place. Her dedication has always been clear and later volumes have shown this. Even after V3, she got up and pushed on anyway. During V6, even after all the secrets and The Apathy messing with her mind, she remained dedicated to the cause. Why? Because her dedication has never wavered. He chose that life, the other three needed to understand what they had chosen as well.
The arc offers really good character insights and makes the girls more three-dimensional. It is what made me love all four of them. It showed that they were just more than their anime stereotype. They felt like real people who were trying to figure their lives out and what it is that they truly wanted. Ruby may have known what she wanted, but the other three weren’t 100% sure. This is when they began to understand. V6 would more solidly solidify it when it became even more than anyone bargained for, but this was still a very good step. It was such a joy to rewatch, and it is still a highlight for me.
There were me other great things too. First, Zwei! Zwei is best~! We got some good info on the Grimm and how they aren’t just brainless monsters. The Goliaths especially are fascinating with how Oobleck describes them, but also terrifying because the waiting just for the right moment to strike. We get word building in how Mountain Glenn was a disaster but shows how people tried to make lives within the world of Remnant and deal with Grimm. There were fantastic fight scenes and the train battle was especially super fun. Especially with how we got our first taste fo Raven in it. The finale is... well, not the best-received thing in the world, but was still fun to watch. Just an overall super enjoyable arc with plenty of comedy, badassery, and most of all heart.
But speaking of Team RWBY!
#1. Team RWBY Becoming a Team
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V1 is when Team RWBY formed, but it’s V2 is when they actually felt like a team. It might be because while half the volume was on the forming the team and the other half on school hijinks, this one keeps the four center stage. There’s a real sense of friendship and sisterhood that comes off them in this volume, and I love it. There’s the food fight, the card game in CHapter 2, them all devoting themselves to investigating the White Fang, them trying to get Blake help, the Mountain Glennmision, a lot of things. Even just their interactions show off their comradery so well. They all play off each other very well and are honestly at their best when together.
It was just so much fun to see the girls working together, laughing together, supporting each other, etc. From the team attack names to just silly banter, you get the feeling that these girls are friends. That they’re a team. After how long they were separated in recent volumes until V6, it was so much fun to focus on just them. As I said, this volume is what got me to love these four as their own characters. It’s also true int hat it got me to love them as a team. After how much RUby and Weiss bickered in V1, they feel like genuine friends here. Weiss kept her word about improving herself as a teammate and not caring about Blake’s Faunus status. Blake started to open up more and trust int hem. Yang acted motherly and comforting to everyone. Ruby pretty much acted like the little sister of the group, but also acted as the leader when it was necessary like coordinating the previously mentioned team attacks.
It just works so well. The chemistry between the four is fantastic. I think it really was something that we missed in V4 and 5, and I’m so glad that we got it back in V. I expect that V7 won’t be lacking in that area either. Seeing Team RWBY again during the simpler times was really nostalgic and got me to appreciate them so much. For that, this will always be my favorite thing about V2~!
Okay, so… I’m supposed to do Likes/Dislikes for V3 next. But… well… check back tomorrow cause lets just say that it’s gonna be slightly different with that one.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 2
(Top 5 Likes)
It’s hard to believe that Volume 2 aired over five years ago now. Unlike V1 where I watched it just as it ended, I watched V2 as it was airing and I still remember my excitement over it. It was a different time back then as well as this aired during the Summer, while every volume after happened halfways through the Fall. Ah, the days of innocence. Anyways, IDT that V2 is as memorable as other volumes, which IDT is necessarily a bad thing but it’ not one that you see many people talk about as a result. But ho boy, do I remember the discussions going around during the time that it aired, especially about the finale. Oh God, the finale...
So then, what are my thoughts? Well, I’ve got a few. Let's go ahead talk about my… not so good ones. Which tbh, these are mainly nitpicky cause I really don’t dislike much about V2. It’s overall a good volume. Not as good as others, it’s my five on the list and may drop to six depending on how V7 goes. But I don't have any rela issues with it, but I was able to brain up a few. Therefore, here are my Top 5 Thing That I Disliked About RWBY Volume 2!
#5. The Dance Arc
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As I said, this list was hard.  I was able to come up with four things that I disliked, but I couldn’t think of a good fifth one I thought about doing Ironwood and Glynda’s Ship Tease that went nowhere, but… it was a lot minor than I remembered and didn’t bother me like I thought it would. Anything else that I thought of I already had written down and going through my old posts from back when V2 aired provided nothing, so… the Dance Arc was the only thing that I could think of to fill in the spot. Which is kinda unfair because all in all, the arc is fine. It’s more of just dance arcs being a pet peeve of mine. It brings the story to a screeching halt to focus on relationship drama that I nor ally don’t give a shit about. A good example is the Yule Ball in Harry Potter, which single-handedly made Goblet of Fire my least favorite entry in the series, both with the book and with the movie.
RWBY’s arc though avoided most of that. It doesn’t do much in terms of story, but it does have Cinder’ break-in that’ll have consequences later. There isn’t really any relationship drama or nothing that felt overblown. Blake in particular hd some good development and seeing her happy at the dance was really nice. Jaune had some… bad moments. Moments that I’m gonna talk about here in a bit. But nothing so bad that I was annoyed. It did a lot of good character stuff, had the great JNPR dance sequence, and was overall just nice. But it’s not an arc that I particularly care about either, and I’m hoping that V7 won’t do a Ball like I know that a lot of people do half because it likely will focus on relationship drama there and because it’ll just be repeating V2. Still, it’s overall fine, but I needed something to fill in the Number 5 slot. So.. there we go. It was fine, but I could also live without it.
#4. The Season Finale
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To this day, I can STILL remember how much the finale was derided by the fanbase when it aired. Kinda funny now since people seem to get bad if RWBY doesn’t end with a massive brawl, but people hated it when they did it here. I didn’t min the finale when it aired… and tbh, I still don’t. But I do have a better understanding of why people disliked it now. Part of it is something I’m going to get into later, but… what did the finale really wrap up? Not much. It was just a bunch of fights just to have a bunch of fights. Monty maybe went a little overboard with it here and it really feels like nothing truly wrapped up as a result. But IK how else they could have done a proper finale without messing up things that happen later, so… meh. Again, the finale doesn’t bother me and I do think that it feels more like a finale than V1 at least. But it certainly is one of the weaker ones and I don’t blame people at all for not liking it.
Oka, so 5 and 4 only barley count as dislikes. They’re more nitpicks than anything else tbh. Can’t say the same about the other three though. Speaking of…
#3. Jaune Cringe
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In this volume, we see Jaune trying hard to get Weiss to go out with him. He continues to fail and makes himself look like an idiot. Now in itself, this isn’t so bad… but IDT that it’s aged well. Mainly because the narrative kinda feels like Weiss is int he wrong for continuously rejecting Jaune’s advances. It’s kinda hard to say how much that’s intentional because she doesn’t get punished for it or anything. And it does end with Jaune essnetially letting it go, calling Neptune out on his petty reason for rejecting Neptune despite liking her, and getting him to quit worrying about looing cool to make Weiss feel happy. It shows that Jaune can realize his mistakes and make it right and that he isn’t into Weiss just because she’s pretty or rich. He did have genuine feelings for her, and gave it up once he finally realized that Weiss wasn’t interested and was looking at other people. He hasn’t repeated it since aside from RWBY Chibi, where he suffers for his idiocy, so I do think that he learned. Which is good!
But… ti is really hard to watch. The narrative frames it like we’re supposed to find Jaune an idiot, but also sympathize with him. And we’re supposed to find that Weiss is being cold and harsh in how she keeps rejecting him. Again, this has not aged well. I don’t think that Miles and Kerry had any bad intentions whatsoever and would probably do ti differently nowadays, but… Weiss was completely in the right to keep turning Jaune down. He refused to get the hint and just move on. Sure, he knows how stupid it was now, but the narrative makes it feel like we should feel bad for Jaune. But.. why should we? He kept being an idiot. He refused to just get the hint no matter how many times that Weiss said no. Do I hold him against him? No. He’s no Adam. As I said by the end, he seemed to let it go and his part with Pyrrha greatly redeemed him. But I do wish that Jaune got called out for it and that they did a better job at painting him in the wrong because he was. Weiss could have maybe been nicer about it, but we saw as early as V1 that Jaune acted like this, so she’s been dealing with it for a pretty good while so… yeah, I don’t blame her in her reactions.
Again, I don’t hold it against Jaune. His character has grown greatly since this volume and he hasn’t repeated his cringe since. If anything, I appreciate how far he’s come after seeing this again. But it was not fun to revisit and I’m glad that we’re past this part for good.
#2. The Post-Credit Stinger
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UUUUGGGGHHHH! This stupid stinger! So… as we all know, at the end of every volume, they put in a scene after the credits. These have all been canonical in some fashion...except for this one. This one ended with Yang finding Raven at the Beacon Courtyard, in which the unmask herself and says that she and Yang have a lot to talk about.
And then Yang doesn't meet Raven in person until Volume 5, three volumes later… okay!
So… I know that some stuff changed when they began working on V3. For example, the Maidens thing was created by Monty in between Volume 2 and 3 and when he passed away, they decided to keep it. I can only assume that after they decided to make her the Spring Maiden, the plans for Raven changed, so whatever the plan was with the stinger got tossed aside. I don’t mind that so much since I was perfectly happy with what they did go with. But every time that I watch V2 and we get to this, I just get… annoyed. Really, really annoyed because this scene exists, and is apparently non-canon.
It’ hard to get mad about it because I get it. Plans change. But at the same time the show pretty much promised us something and didn’t deliver it. It’s like if Volume 4’s stinger that showed Oscar meeting Qrow suddenly got tossed out in V5, making a promise that they ended up not upholding. It’s frustrating as a viewer, especially since you gotta figure out what to do with that scene after. I guess we can just say that Yang dreamed it, but still. It’s not that big a deal now and so far, they haven’t repeated that mistake with the later stingers. Still, I remember how much this frustrated me all the way up to V4 when I finally realized that the stinger was non-canon now, so I still hold it against this volume. Hopefully, this won’t happen again, but you never know what’ll happen.
#1. What Does This Volume Accomplish?
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Each volume of RWBY has a clear goal… except for this one. V1 introduced us to the world and characters. V3 had the Fall of Beacon. V4 was reaching Haven. V5 was the Battle of Haven and getting the Relic. V6 was reaching Atlas. We can argue about how well the volumes accomplished those goals, but they did accomplish them. Volume 2… what is the end goal? Hat does this volume want to be? I didn’t think about it much back when it aired, but now? I… honestly don’t know what this volume’s purpose was.
I guess it was to bring Team RWBY closer together? Flesh the girls and their motivations out? Which is fine… but the story itself doesn’t seem to have a clear place where it wants to end. It’s why I think that the finale was how it was, there was nothing to truly wrap up. The girls couldn’t figure out the villains’ plans because then V3 shouldn’t go the way that it did. But since finding out what the bad guys’ plan was their goal and they don’t do that… it just makes you wonder why you invested our time in it. The girls’ reaction makes it seem like they know that the ending is flimsy, but that the viewers are just going to have to accept it. The good guys didn’t make any progress. The villains were no closer to being defeated than they were before, and none of the hurdles like the bombs going off early did anything to affect them. Which makes them look OP as Hell.
Volume 2 is not a bad volume. In the character development department, it is very good. It’s pacing and flow is better than Volume 1, hence why I place it above it. But it also doesn’t feel like it 100% knew what it wanted to be. At least, it didn’t know where the final destination was. So I still pace 3-6 above it since all of those knew where they wanted to end. Even if some had bumps in the road, they did accomplish their primary goal and I could see what that goal was. IDK what Volume 2 was meant to do outside develop characters. I guess it did do that, but it didn’t really progress the story. I guess it made V3’s impact all the greater, but still… it makes me conflicted.
Okay, that’s one post down. One more to go. Likes will hopefully be up later this afternoon. So I hope that you’ll all enjoy that~!
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RWBY V6 CH10: Stealing From The Elderly
Lets get this out of the way first, this has the best episode title EVER! But to the point, we're nearing the homestretch people. Needless to say,t hat means that these next few chapters are going to be insane. Will the first chapter of the new year be able to deliver? Well lets take a look!
It's a new day at the Argus Atlas Base, where we see Cordovan escorting Weiss and... Saphron... who is there for some reason. Yeah, they never explain why she's there. But in any case, it seems that Weiss has turned over a new leaf and is willingly going back home without any of the others. She also has a rather unusually large suitcase. Cordovan escorts her to a ship where the two guards form last time will be transporting her. When they try to help her with her bag, Saphron and Adrien initiate their plan with Adrien crying. The power of babies ladies and gents! Wonder if Saphron uses that often to get out of stuff. In any case, the guards go to console the child, allowing Weiss to get onto the ship.
As you can guess, this is all a part of the team's panned heist. Weiss has Maria in her suitcase... yeah, for real. Maria is far form pleased. With Ruby, Qrow, and JNR on standby, the plan is for Weiss and Maria to get the ship out of radar range while Blake and Yang make their way tot he relay tower. Terra has explained to them how to take down the base's radar without affecting the rest of the city. Blake's task is to sneak in, disconnect the connection, which will allow Weiss and maria to double back with the ship to pick everyone up without detection. That... is a pretty damn good plan! Blake leaves Yang to not increase numbers, leaving Yang on standby on her own... well she has Bumblebee at least!
Things go smoothly at first. Weiss kicks the guards out (but gives them a parachute, how nice!) as she and Maria take over the console. Maria is able to give her eyes an upgrade to see properly... though Weiss is still understandably concerned since Maria still need sot repair them. Oh, and I guess maria can pilot. Nice! But yeah, better buckle up Weiss! Soon, the ship is out of range and Ruby signals for Blake to do her part... only to get no reply. Yang is just as confused and worst, as Weiss and Maria double back, Cordovan's men pick it up on radar.
The base calls to find out what's going on, to which Maria tries to play along... but she's an old woman so it fails. Cordovan is pissed, so how does Maria reply? Chew on some cashews and say that she doesn't care! Did I ever mention that I love Maria? But yeah, this looks bad. Qrow, who has just been sulking the whole time, starts to flip out. He blames himself, Ozpin, and everyone else in his generation for getting everyone into this situation and asks what he was thinking pulling them all into this. Ruby's response? That she knows that Qrow has only ever tried to do his best, and that they would have come with or without him. He needs to quit acting like they are his responsibility, they aren't. Qrow is taken back by this, asking when Ruby grew up so fast. Simple, she had good role models.
But the sweet moment can't last. Everyone feared that Cordovan would launch fighter jets... but she doesn't. What doe she do instead? Unleash a megazord! No, really, that's pretty much what it is! She sends a HUGE shot of electricity and while Weiss and Maria are unharmed, Cordovan's clearly lost it. She plans to take them all down in the name of order. Everyone is shocked, save for Ruby, who tells Maria to hurry to the ground. They're going to need her if they plan on taking that beast down. During all of this, Yang moves to go and find out what happened to Blake.
Speaking of, what DID happen to Blake? Well the good news is she made it to the relay tower. The bad news? She was met by Adam. Yep, turns out that Adam had been stalking Blake up to this point and now that she's alone, he's ready to carry out his revenge. The two fight, Blake making it clear that she wants no part of Adam's life and just wants him to leave her alone. But Adam is still angered that she left him and blames her for ruining his life. The have a pretty dang intense fight which eventually knocks them out of the tower, into some trees, and they land on the ground. Blake tells Adam to leave the past behind, for his own good. But Adam refuses, accusing Blake of just leaving their memories together behind and he won't let her go ever again. They brace themselves to continue their clash, ending the episode.
Hot damn man. This was both the funniest AND craziest thing thus far. So the heist... was actually pretty well thought out. Using Weiss' status to their advantage, using Blake's stealth and past experience to their advantage, having clear coordination, it could have legit worked. IDK if all of it was thought by Jaune, I imagine that Ruby also helped in this, but it shows how tactful the boy really he. Jaune's greatest strength isn't his combat ability, but his strategic ability. That's why he got made the leader, and I feel that this plan demonstrated that. It only failed because of Adam, which none of them could have predicted.
Speaking of Adam... yeah, I knew this was coming. With his previous appearances this volume and the Adam Character Short, him not being involved wouldn't feel right. But yeah, ever since Chapter 1 when Blake saw him on the train, I knew that she couldn't just be flashing back. Why? Because Adam was in his current attire, not the attire that he wore in the Black Trailer. When Yang had her flashback in Chapter 5, Adam was in his Beacon attire, so I do believe that in that case he was just a hallucination. But with Blake? I seriously doubt it, and this seems to confirm that.
Here's what I think went down. After killing what remained of the White Fang, all that Adam had left was his hatred of Blake. He wanted revenge, so he decided to get just that. Since they didn't leave for two weeks, Adam had plenty of time to find out where Blake would be going and to sneak onto the train. How? Well Dee and Dudley had slacked off to brag to the group, so he could have easily sneaked on then. When the train cars got broken off, Adam remained on the one to Argus. He knows who Blake is traveling with by now, so he would know that she would make it to Argus eventually. Then since the group have gone around the city, he would be able to find out where she was, what she was doing, and all he had to do was wait for her to be alone and make his move. You know, like a stalker! The only issue is he now has a cloth over his eyes, which makes sense since wearing the mask would draw attention. But in the Character Short, he tossed it away seemingly while still returning to the White Fang... and was wearing it again when he got there. So... yeah, continuity error there.
In short, yeah I'm not surprised that Adam is there and he's acting exactly as expected. I guess this will make up for those who felt like Adam was KO'd too easily last volume. I disagree for reasons, but hey I won't protest to an awesome fight. And what we got so far was awesome! It was fast-paced, the camera angles were excellent, Blake is both clearly terrified and angry, and her telling him off made me happy. She has come so far since the beginning. She fully recognizes that Adam is terrible, and now wants nothing to do with him. With how he emotionally manipulated her, attacked her friends and family, and now stalked her across the continent, can you blame her? And she holds her own against him! I fully expect Yang to come in later and have to face her trauma, but needless to say I am SO GLAD that she and Yang are finally going to get to kick Adam's ass. It is a LONG time coming.
But of course, there's more to this episode. Firs,t it was downright hilarious. Maria was especially great with her trash talk at Cordo and Weiss clearly regretting all of her life choices. Cordovan has lost it, and no one is shocked at all. Wasn't expecting a RWBY/Gen:Lock crossover this soon though XD. And the little moments like Oscar assuring Ruby that it'll be okay and Ruby telling Qrow that they aren't his responsibility added a lot as well. It DOES make me worry about Qrow, which is kind of good since I've just been pissed off at him these past couple of chapters. Still, they were nice and added weight to what was happening.
So... we've got three chapters left to go. What do I think is going to happen? IDK about how it'll go against Cordovan, but I do think that Blake and Yang will beat Adam. IDK if they will for good or if he'll die or not, but they'll beat him and reach a reconciliation between them. But in regards to getting to Atlas... I think that there is a VERY good chance that Qrow will sacrifice himself. IDT he'll die, but he'll distract the military to allow the other sot get Blake and Yang and be on the trek to Atlas. He'll be arrested and take the blame as the mastermind, which will mean that while the others are still in trouble, it won't be as rampant as it would otherwise be. This would hit them all hard, Ruby especially, but they'd have to press on by themselves. With how Ruby has stepped up and Qrow is feeling more and more unfaithful in everything, this would not only show that he has faith in his niece, but him taking responsibility and giving the kids the chance that they need to press on. I'm probably wrong, but I do think it's highly plausible.
Final Thoughts
This may have only been 11 minutes, but damn I loved it! The animation was great, the comedy was on point, the action was energetic and intense, and does it leave a LOT to look forward to next week. We're in the homestretch now people. IDK what's going to happen, but it's gonna be one Hell of a ride.
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