#and it's so prevalent throughout the work and overly extreme too
muka-rapak · 1 year
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Krabat das 4. bis 6. Jahr
I think I spent like. 20+ hours reading it .
7.5/10 raven feathers
#krabat fanfiction#krächzen#my art#a lot of things I liked; a some things I disliked#it felt like the author genuinely tried to keep everyone in character#and tried to also really flesh out the other millers-men who didn't get a spotlight in the book at all#being more than just background characters.#And ALSO trying to tie up lose ends to a bunch of questions you'd have:#Who was the master's master; what's up with Herr Gevatter and Pumphutt; what was the master's real name and what happened to him#Tonda; Worschula; Michal; Janko and his girl#(the ones who tried this entire 'speaking your love free' thing first and failed) once they died.#How would the millers-men continue on living after the mill burned down etc.#And the detail put into everyone's way of life back in those times- impressive!!! REALLY fucking impressive!#I really liked that!!! On the other hand...This might be very biased but#the spice and romance between Krabat and Kantorka (Anna) feels.... overplayed; cheap#especially the spice#I often just skipped through it#and it's so prevalent throughout the work and overly extreme too#if it wasn't so extreme and often I would give it a 9/10#I get there needs to be love between them but this felt so... I don't know thw word in english- kitschig?#corny?#it didn't feel like unique human compassion much. Like you can see with friendships between the other characters.#rather copy pasted romance/spice tropes.#the platonic bonds feel a lot more uniquely human and so much more in depth. But this is also another thing I liked about this work! :#The many unique platonic bonds with their very in character quirks depending which character it was
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leefi · 3 years
Starira MBTI IV - Rinmeikan
Tamao Tomoe: ISFJ
Bitches be like "can't help being an Si Dom!" *Fixates on a past inferiority complex and lets it define her worth until inferior Ne finally snaps and goes full rambo*
I’d put Tamao up there with Akira in terms of characters who have grown the most throughout the game’s arc (+ Maya if we’re including the anime). And you don’t really need me to tell you why. I find her so so relatable because she’s evolved from being a passive observer who feels as if she has no power or agency in her own life to flipping in the COMPLETE opposite direction and, well...going full rambo. She's shot way too far in the other direction, though, and risks burning up upon re-entry if she isn't careful.
Above all the edgelord, though, we know that she's a dork with a big heart who adores her school and friends. That commitment to preserving the past and those who came before her is such a gratuitously Si-dom thing, and we're all rooting for her because we can see how hard it is to go against her sweeter nature and take Kaoruko head-on. But that aux Fe and inferior Ne give her no breathing room to figure out what she's going to be doing after all of this - she's so focused on her mission and what she must achieve, and that single-mindedness slingshotting out of prior passivity is...so scary to see. It reminds me a bit of her extroverted xSFJ sister's arc in the anime - Nana.
Fumi Yumeoji: ISTJ
Now that I’ve thought about it more, her type is pretty clear. Some commenters on her PDB page made REALLY strong arguments for Fumi being an ISFP in a Te grip (Te, extroverted thinking, is ISFP’s weakest function - when they’re caught in its grip, they become overly critical of the world around them and turn into control freaks). But I feel like her Te is just too strong, even if she’s in a grip, for it to be her inferior. And, more importantly, I see zero Se in her. There’s no way it could be her auxiliary function. But I get why people think ISFP! She definitely has a ton of Fi - she left her bright future behind at Siegfeld because of it. She’d compromised a value extremely dear to her (her love for her sister!) in her stress, and that sin was so unforgivable to her that she abandoned Siegfeld completely. That screams Fi. But seeing how the other ISTJ in Revue Starlight (Junna!) uses her Fi, arguments for Fumi being one as well get stronger and stronger.
ISTJs have Fi as their tertiary function. And tertiary functions can be super strong, especially if she was caught in a Si-Fi loop! Here’s what an Si-Fi loop looks like:
“The ISTJ in this loop becomes hyper critical of past events and can see all of the negative things which have occurred and are likely to occur again. Seeing these negative patterns and past events becomes tied to the ISTJs emotions, which makes them fixate on these things and the fears they have of what might happen in the future. Normally logic would present itself for the ISTJ and cause them to reevaluate, but during their loop this becomes impossible...The ISTJ in this loop becomes hyper critical of past events and can see all of the negative things which have occurred and are likely to occur again. Seeing these negative patterns and past events becomes tied to the ISTJs emotions, which makes them fixate on these things and the fears they have of what might happen in the future.”.
Overall, Fumi is strict, incredibly hard on herself, and in a very stressful position for an ISTJ to be - but she also has some of the strongest values and inner sense of integrity in the series, and that can’t go understated.
Ichie Otonashi: ESFP
“What is it?”
“Doesn't it seem like Kiryuin-sensei is glaring at me?”
“She’s just looking at us.”
The “stereotypical partner” for ISFJs and ISTJs! While I wasn’t thinking about MBTI at the time, this was what I was referring to when I said that Ichie brings the light to Tamao and Fumi’s more serious personalities - they’re very lucky to have her around. Se-dominance shows up less in a jock-way like it does for the other Se-strong girls and more in Ichie’s lackadaisical and fun-loving attitude. She’s like a little puppy, excitable and eager to experience all that life has to offer her. Se-Fi means that she’s quick to get back up on her feet when things go wrong (just like her ExFP cousins Karen, Aruru and Lalafin), but don’t let her easy going personality fool you - she has a strong sense of values that she holds very dearly to her heart (auxiliary introverted Feeling), and we see that lash out when she’s the first to get truly, visibly angry and driven (loud Se dominance supporting passionate Fi aux with tertiary Te leading the charge) over the loss of the department (compare to Tamao’s quieter Si dominance supporting socially-conscious Fe aux with tertiary Ti withdrawing and mulling things over for itself before acting). There is sooo much to Ichie that I love that I’ve already talked about twice and feel like I’m being redundant at this point, haha. But she has such an inner fire to match that outer love and passion, it’s incredible to see. She really is like the sun.
Also - please see this tweet about Rinmeiki and the Rinmeikan seniors. It's such a succinct way of summarizing their worldviews.
Rui Akikaze: ISFP
We really see a more innocent side to Fi dominance with Rui - see how she doesn’t immediately pick up on the cold atmosphere at Rinmeikan during the early AA story because she’s just so excited about the Performance Festival (until Fe-user Yuyuko comes in and gives her a rude awakening). She’s really similar to her IxFP sibling Mahiru! It’s that shared unhealthy Fi not having confidence in her own capabilities that makes her project onto the girl she has a crush on (and not saying her crush is bad or not valid, just as there’s nothing wrong with Mahiru’s for Karen either - it’s just that she has a tendency to chase Tamao as this ideal because she hasn’t embraced herself yet when she really is a phenomenal person in her own right!). But it’s also that dominant Fi that fuels her passion towards catching up to - and keeping up with - (and eventually surpassing, but don’t tell her that) her senpai! It’s so, so strong! IxFPs are their passions! I see stronger evidence for Se over Ne aux, which is why I typed her as ISFP. When you compare her to her extroverted sister Ichie, you actually find quite a few similarities between the two! Rui’s passion and excitability shows up in albeit more awkward ways due to her introversion, but she’s just as powerful beneath the surface! There is so much light and fire there that I think even her senpais fail to pick up on - truly only Yukko so far has seen the full breadth of her potential (that’s the power of lesbianism). Like other Fi doms can tend towards being, Rui sometimes has an issue of getting stuck in her own head and being her own worst enemy (this is typically more common with INFPs, who are “dreamier” than their ISFP siblings, but it isn’t impossible for an ISFP to be feeling the same things). But like Mahiru and Kaoruko, there’s so much untapped potential that she’ll gain access to with time and support!
Yuyuko Tanaka: INTP
“If only I had the Magician’s knowledge...then it’d be so easy.”
Her inferior extroverted Feeling showing up when she and Rui talk in Arcana Arcadia is SO SO PREVALENT - Ne and Fe pick up on the actual dynamics of the situation much faster than Fi-dominant Rui, but that inferior Fe also struggles to communicate that change in a diplomatic way, and she ends up really scaring/basically bullying Rui. We also see it in her ardent refusal to be a burden and immediate initiative to put herself to work, in such a similar way to what I pointed out with INTP sibling LGY in my ORV post:
Yuyuko: We have to be the ones to shoulder it - Tamao-senpai, Fumi-senpai, and Ichie-senpai’s wish.
Rui: …!
Yuyuko: Our seniors have already been shouldering this dream. That’s why they can’t afford to carry you too!!
All of this is INTP inferior Fe. It's also why it was such a surprise to a lot of us when Yukko admitted she had feelings for her because, as I mentioned with Misora, IxTPs have a really, really hard time communicating what they’re actually feeling, even if they have developed Fe!
Yukko really is a hidden genius - she has such a talent for scriptwriting which was kind of easy to miss before AA because INTPs are the champions of being the literal best at a thing...then not advocating for themselves at all (I have to harass my INTP friend into letting me advocate for him all the time because THEY WOULD LITERALLY RATHER DIE THAN ASK FOR HELP). They aren’t really focused on prestige or gaining power like their INTJ cousins might be - what lights their fire is diving fully and wholeheartedly into their passions (like Rakugo), and everything else comes second. Stop distracting them with other things -- who cares if they haven’t eaten in eight hours. They want to keep focusing on their work! But if you catch them in their passions - or working towards anything they’re extremely invested in (like she is with making Rui the lead) - they are unparalleled strategists and geniuses. They throw themselves FULLY into the things they care about and easily become masters in their craft. INTPs are the classic example of asking a stoic person about their special interest and immediately seeing their faces light up (buckle in, too, because they’re about to launch into a two-hour lecture about it).
I’m not familiar with Rakugo so there isn’t much I can say with it, but dominant Ti-auxiliary Ne-tertiary Si is such a wonderful set of functions to have for scriptwriting or visualizing a story, so it’s no wonder that on top of her many talents, she’s already working with her seniors.
I also really love that she’s buds with Nana - they’re polar opposites, too (ESFJ/INTP), and having Fe-dominant Nana to advocate for her talents and genius is really going to help her shine in the future! If they teamed up with Michiru and Misora I think the four of them would be able to take over the world in about twenty minutes.
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Fandom: Sanders Sides 
Ship: Romantic Loceit, Background Platonic Logincality
Summary: Greek myth tells of King Midas who could turn anything he touched to gold. Damian hates New Years but when his friends drag him to a party, he meets a man makes everything around him just a little better.
Warnings (in order of strength): A lot of drinking/alcohol mentions/partying (none underage), Mild language throughout, (please tell me if anything needs to be added)
Genre: Fluff, Mild Angst with a happy ending, Human (college) AU 
A/N: Deceit’s name is Damian in this fic :) ALSO I know there’s quite a few younger kids in this fandom and if you’re reading this (first of all, hi I love you) please please PLEASE do not take this fic as an inspiration to abuse alcohol. Underaged drinking/partying can be extremely dangerous. Ok enough being serious!! I hope you enjoy! Love you all 🖤✨
Ao3 Link    Fic Masterpost    Fic Request Info
Damian wasn’t a fan of New Years. It shouldn’t mean anything- he knew that. It was just another random day; the fact that people liked to put special significance on it didn’t actually do anything.
But all the talk of new times got into his head, made him think. It made him think about how many things had changed- the friends he had lost, the goals he had once held dear now thrown away. It made him think about how little he had grown- the bitterness he held onto, the stagnation that had settled across him. He was in his third year of grad-school; soon he would be shoved out into the real world with no academic purpose to shelter him.
“New Year, New Me.” Damian didn’t even know who he was.
If there was one thing he hated more than New Years, it was New Years parties. He would go so far as to say the things were the bane of his existence. The music was bad, people got loud and overly exuberant, and strobe lights were used were used far more than ever reasonable. Alcohol always floated around with disturbing prevalence. He hated how fuzzy it made his head- throwing off his balance and slowing his thoughts- but at least it made the party easier to handle.
Damian threw back a shot of cheap, bight blue tequila and winced as it hit the back of his throat. Disgusting. Just because he was trying to get drunk didn’t mean he lacked class.
He set the glass down on a table behind him so he could pretend he hadn’t touched the repulsive thing. He was sitting on a sofa tucked against the back corner of a living room in a house he had never been to before. Next to him, someone was already passed out. They would be starting their new year with a killer hangover.
Across the room, he could see the friends who had dragged him to the houseparty. Roman and Patton were dancing in a crowd of other students, broad grins painted across both of their faces. At least they were happy.
A young man weaved his way through the crowd and threw himself onto the sofa next to Damian with a mixture of disdain and defeat. Damian had seen him around a few times; they had a philosophy class together the last semester. What was his name? Lucas? Landon? Bradon?
“Hey,” Lu-nd-on elbowed him in the side, “You want some champagne?”
Damian raised an eyebrow as he turned to face the man, “Excuse me?”
He pulled a bottle of champagne from somewhere in his coat. The gold foil at the top was already ripped away and he popped the cork off with ease, taking a swig before offering it.
Damian tried not to stare incredulously, but it was a difficult task when his brain was short-circuiting, “Did you just drink out of a champagne bottle like it was a beer?”
“Sure. Why not.”
Damian reached out hesitantly to take the bottle. He was beginning to doubt that this actually was the guy he had shared a class with. That one looked like the type who wouldn’t have been caught dead at a party. The only similarity was the way they dressed- round wireframe glasses, a corduroy jacket over a black button down, and black skinny jeans. His hair- dark brown and pulled into a long ponytail- was the same too.
“Did- did we have a class together?” He took a drink. It was good- expensively good.
“Historical philosophy. You probably don’t remember me- my name’s Logan. You’re Damian, right?”
“Yep. I hear I’m kind of hard to forget,” Damian waved his hand at the dark red birthmark that stretched messily across the left side of his face.
“No. Well, yes. That is, I remember you for a different reason.”
Logan stared at him like he was supposed to understand what that meant. Damian stared back, hoping to convey the fact that he, in no way, understood what was going on.
“So, uh,” Damian searched for something to keep the conversation going, “can I ask about the champagne?”
“You’re asking why I have it?”
Damian nodded, “I am, yeah. Also why you pulled it out of your jacket?”
“As for the first question: people seem to have made a tradition out of getting wasted on New Years Eve and I decided to join them this year.”
Damian had never heard someone speak so matter of factly about getting drunk. He shook his head, laughing, “So you bought an entire bottle of champagne? There are easier methods, you know that right?”
“If you’re referring to the blue monstrosity everyone keeps offering, please know that I’m not a heathen.”
“Oh, so you tried one of those awful things too?”
Logan rolled his eyes with a ruthful smile, “I may have made that mistake.”
Damian handed the bottle back to Logan who took another drink before locking his gaze on Damian’s eyes. He stared like there was a problem in them and he just couldn’t figure out how to solve it. Damian was used to people staring, but not like this. Usually, they would take one look at him and their eyes would glaze over. Whatever the conversation might be, they would always be partially focused on the splatters some god had painted on his face long before he had a say in the matter. It wasn’t that Damian disliked his birthmark. He just hated the way people always saw it instead of him.
But Logan. He was looking at him. Into him, through him. He had no idea what to do with that.
Damian laughed nervously, “What are you looking at?”
Logan cleared his throat and stared out into the crowd, “Anyways I had it in my jacket because these people are all animals and I’d prefer they didn’t rob me of my 35 dollar champagne.”
Logan had handed him the bottle back and Damian choked on the mouthful he had been trying to drink, “I’m sorry, what? So let me get this right: you bought a champagne bottle which is worth more than I usually spend on food for a week. And now you are sharing it with me of all people?”
“Why not you of all people?”
Logan was staring at him again like answers to all of these riddles were obvious.
Damian blinked back, feeling more lost than he had in years. Even that stupid Advanced Geometry course he had decided to take in his freshman year hadn’t screwed him over this badly. Maybe the alcohol was finally getting to him. It would explain why he couldn’t hold a single coherent thought and why he was so hypnotized by the pale freckles that dusted Logan’s nose and cheekbones. They were so light they nearly melted into his skin and seemed to be phasing in and out off existence as the dim lighting played against Logan’s face. He had never noticed them before. Then again, he had never gotten this close before. It was a shame; Logan was mesmerizing. Damian wished he could get closer.
“So what are you going to do after we get out of here?”
It took Damian a moment to realize Logan was asking about a career and not what he would be doing after the party once they left- apparently together. That would have been strange; it was weird his brain even jumped to that conclusion.  Maybe he should stop drinking that damn champagne.
He sighed as his mind returned to the actual question. He wanted to make something up, hide behind a lie of certainty and determination. But it was too much work to weave that fabrication together. Especially on the spot. Especially with how his head was feeling. Especially in front of Logan. He hung his head, “Honestly I have no clue. I’ve always been interested in social sciences but beyond that... no plan, no clue.”
A beat of silence played out between them.  
“So what about you?” The forced brightness in his voice tasted fake and bitter in his mouth.
“I want to teach sciences,” Logan’s eyes glittered.
“A college professor, huh? I could definitely see it,” Logan handed him the bottle and Damian threw yet another swallow back. Didn’t he say he was going to stop?
“High school level, actually.”
“Really? That doesn’t seem-“ Damian pointed at the champagne bottle in an attempt to remind Logan of what a bougie, extra bitch he was, “ -sophisticated enough for you.”
Logan shrugged, “I kind of have a fascination with high schoolers-“
“Ok, that’s creepy.”
“Not like that! I mean the culture, the slang, the way it’s its own little society interacting within a larger one!” Logan’s face had split into a grin as he talked, waving his hands excitedly.
Damian didn’t even resist urge to smile back. Seeing Logan like this, well, there was something contagious about it. He couldn’t help but feel slightly in awe of the passion he saw in Logan, “You really like this stuff, don’t you?”
Logan nodded vigorously, “Do you know the new word high schoolers today have invented and are using?”
“Hmm?” Damian prompted. Anything to keep Logan talking like this. Damian wasn’t sure why he wanted to keep Logan talking. It had something to do with the way warmth was spreading out from his core in a way that was far gentler than anything drinks could do.
In the adjoining room Damian could see two groups standing on opposite tables chanting “Yeet, Yeet, Yeet, Yeet” as they tossed a smaller student (who looked like they were having the time of their life) back and forth.
“Uhh, I think college kids use that too,” Damian didn’t want to burst Logan’s bubble but he felt like he was losing his mind. At any moment he was going to start cackling.
Logan paused, giving him a pointed stare, “Maybe you do.”
Damian broke. He collapsed forward, glad he had handed the bottle back as he wrapped his arms around his shaking body. He could hardly breathe but he couldn’t stop laughing either. His head was light and buzzing warmly. It wasn’t necessarily a bad feeling, but as tears started streaming out of his eyes, he knew he was officially drunk. Who gave a shit? That had been his goal, right?
He fell all the way down, letting his head land on Logan’s knee. He still couldn’t stop laughing even though it had developed solely into wheezes at that point.
Damian felt a hesitant hand tap on his back before actually settling there, “Are you ok?”
Damian sat up and wiped away the tears that had gathered at the corners of his eyes, “Bro, you’re so judgmental.”
Logan’s face shifted from concern into a scowl, “Oh. Sorry.”
The heavy bass of whatever song was playing took over the space between them. Damian kept thinking about destroying that gap. All he would have to do would be lean over, rest himself against Logan, maybe fall asleep. Maybe it was the overpriced buzz in his head talking, but he felt safe around Logan.
Out of the blue, Logan stood up, adjusting the hem of his jacket as he turned to face Damian, “Well, I won’t be bothering you anymore. Maybe I’ll see you around campus sometime. You can finish that if you want.”
Damian looked down by his feet where Logan was pointing to the champagne bottle, “Wait, I don’t understand. You’re leaving? Where?”
Logan glanced around, looking anywhere but Damian’s face. Damian was used to that but this felt different. Logan was different. At least under usual circumstances, he knew why people so adamantly refused to acknowledge his existence. He made them uncomfortable; he didn’t like it, but he got it. Here, he was absolutely clueless.
Logan finally managed to make eye contact. He was trying for a smile but as an expert liar, Damian could see straight through to the grimace beneath, “Oh, I’m sure I’ll find someone else who will tolerate my presence for a few moments.”
“Hey,” Damian acted on impulse. After all, Logan’s hand was just hanging there. It was far too empty. And at the moment, reaching forward to grab Logan’s wrist was Damian’s only way to insure that Logan wouldn’t walk away. He knew Logan was a smart guy and would probably see his honeyed whines as deception, but he had to try, “You’re really just going to get me drunk and then ditch me? Who knows what could happen?”
Logan’s eyebrows creased but he didn’t say anything. He looked like he was in pain, eyes sharp and teeth clenched behind a grimace. It was enough to make Damian drop his hand.
“Logan, it’s entirely your choice but if you would like to stay with me, I would enjoy that very much,” Truth wasn’t his strong suit, but he figured it was worth a try.
Logan squinted at him, confused or at least doubtful, “I thought you disliked my judgmental attitude.”
Damian groaned, “Dude... I didn’t mean it like that. I thought it was funny. I think you’re funny.”
“Oh,” Logan looked like he was having a hard time processing Damian’s words. It made him wonder just how many of those tequila shots Logan had thrown back before walking over. He had to be drunk. It was the only way to explain why he was acting so strange.
Damian reached out again and slowly pulled Logan back. He was hesitant but didn’t resist. Logan sat down next to Damian as if he didn’t understand his own actions. His eyes picked Damian apart like he was looking for the fine print.
“You’re sure you don’t mind me?” Logan’s expression was completely open. He was looking for the truth and Damian didn’t think he’d be able to lie if he wanted to. It was a good thing he didn’t need to.
He smiled, “Yeah, I’m sure.”
“Oh. Ok,” Logan settled back into the couch but his eyebrows were still weaved together. Apparently his programs finished running because he suddenly turned to Damian, grinning brightly, “I’m glad.”
Damian smiled back. He was happy to see Logan with that sparkle back, if a little confused as to how he had caused it, “You’re glad... I don’t mind you?”
Logan nodded, “Some people think I’m a little strange.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Damian winced and tried to rush out his next words, “Not, like, I think you’re strange- I think you’re really cool. I just mean people think I’m strange too.”
Damian swore he could map constellations in the stars floating in Logan’s eyes, “You think I’m cool?”
He shrugged, “I mean, yeah. You always seem to have it all together and you have determination and goals and it’s so obvious that you’re going to reach them. That passion is rare to see any more. I mean, I don’t have any of that. You don’t know how much I looked up to you in that class.”
Logan blinked at him like a deer in headlights for a moment before he began frowning, “But you’re incorrect.”
Damian looked up from where had been trying to see how much champagne was left in the bottle, “What do you mean?”
“You obviously have passion. You always had points to bring up during discussions and it was clear you had deep interest in the topics. You don’t know how in awe of you I was. You always found the least likely angle to take and still managed to make a convincing argument,” Logan took the bottle out of Damian’s frozen hands and took a drink, “It was art.”
Damian opened his mouth but all memory of speech had escape him. He looked away, trying to find something safe to stare at while he tried to gather his thoughts. His head was full of fragments, dulled glass shards that floated through fog and bumped against the edges of his mind. It hurt to try to put them all back together into one piece.
So Logan had noticed him in that class. And had remembered him; quite clearly it seemed. Except the way he was talking... nobody had ever spoken to Damian that way before. He was tempted to ask Logan if he had mistaken him for someone else.
He found his eyes wandering down to the space between them. More accurately, he was staring at how little space there was between them. When Logan had sat down the second time, he had done so right next to Damian. Like, right next to him. Now their legs were pressed together, hips and knees bumping together every time one of them shifted. Damian marveled at the fact that he hadn’t noticed before.
“Damian?” He looked up into Logan’s concerned face. God, they were so close, “Are you ok? Your eyes kinda glazed over.”
Damian laughed. It sounded breathy and far away, “Yeah, I’m good.”
From another room, someone started yelling, “LAST 15 MINUTES OF THE YEAR!!”
Logan squinted down at his watch before glaring in the direction of the voice, “There’s only five minutes left.”
Damian chuckled, watching the lines of Logan’s frown as he grimaced at the sea of people around them. There was something endearing about the blunt disdain Logan had for the idiots around them. It was nice to know he didn’t fit into that group, that he had- by some miracle- managed to fit into Logan’s bubble.
“So... you usually celebrate New Years like this?” Logan had suddenly become quite fidgety, wringing his hands in his lap. Damian tried to ignore it. He was having a hard enough time working on his own thoughts; he couldn’t even begin picking apart Logan’s thoughts.
Damian shook his head, “You mean a party? Nah, I usually don’t even celebrate. What about you?”
“Same. I don’t generally go to parties at all.”
Ah, so Damian’s original impression had been correct, “So what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Logan deftly avoided the question with a smirk. Damn, he was good at this.
Damian rolled his eyes, “Some friends dragged me here. Now you tell me what a straight-laced nerd like you is doing in a place like this.”
Logan snorted, “Don’t remember the last time anyone described me as straight- anything.”
Damian wanted to shake his head like a dog getting out of water. Maybe then, the pieces would fall into some sort of pattern he could recognize. So Logan wasn’t straight. Why did that make him so happy?
He ran his hands through his hair and tried to gain some composure, “Ok, so what is someone like you doing in a place like this?”
Logan looked out across the crowd, his mouth a tight line. On the other side of the room someone took a running start and flung themselves on a pool table that had currently been in use. The thing cracked in half.  
“I was-,” Logan paused, hands tapping quickly against his leg, “-convinced.”
Damian raised an eyebrow, “I’ve never heard someone talk so ominously about going to a party; what is that even supposed to mean?”
Logan winced. His hands were doing full cardio now, clenching into fists over and over again, “I was told someone was going to be here. I just really wanted the chance to talk to him again.”
“But you’ve only talked to me.”
“Yes,” Logan gave him that stare again like Come on, dude, the puzzle pieces are right there- just put them together. He rubbed his eyes in his hands, “Maybe this was a mistake. I didn’t mean to get you drunk. I thought you’d still be able to figure out-“
Damian’s mouth fell, “Wait, I’m the one you wanted to talk to?”
Logan gave him a small smile. It was the first time Damian had seen him look unsure of himself, “Well, yeah.”
“Oh,” Damian’s head was swimming. He could have blamed it on the champagne or how late it was or the way the lighting had began strobing, flickering between bright neon shades. But he knew that wasn’t it. He couldn’t lie this time- not even to himself.
Logan’s eyes were wide, staring into Damian. Not into his eyes- him. It was unnerving in the best way possible. The shifting light played across his irises, making them every colour of the rainbow.
“Is that ok?”
Logan’s voice startled him back to the present. He had leaned forward, supposedly to be heard above the shouting that had started. Amongst all of the raised voices, Logan’s had only gotten lower. His breath played against Damian’s ear.
Damian looked up, startled slightly but smiling, “Yeah, yeah, that’s good. That’s great.”
Logan smiled, “Yeah? Great?”
He was definitely leaning forward.
Damian huffed out a sigh but smiled even wider, “Shut up. I’m pretty sure you’re drunk.”
Logan scoffed, “And you’re not? You’re a total lightweight.”
“Shut up.”
The entire house shook as the ridiculous number of students began screaming in unison
“You know, it’s also tradition to kiss someone on New Years,” Logan looked infuriatingly smug.
Damian usually hated this part, everyone around him creating one huge voice- everyone but him.
Damian raised an eyebrow, “Are you asking to kiss me?”
What he always hated most was the way the entire world seemed to be celebrating- without him. The whole damn planet filled with joy for one tiny moment and he could never figure out why.
Logan smiled like the Cheshire Cat- except the Cheshire Cat had just won the lottery, “Maybe.”
At this point, his heart rate usually would have been spiking, feeling the pressure of “new opportunities” pressing all their expectant eyes on him.
Damian laughed, “Did you come over to talk to me just so you could get a kiss tonight?”
There was always a part of Damian that would scorn him for not being happy, question why he had turned out to be such a sad, useless lump while everyone else was happily looking forward to the future.
“No,” Logan set his jaw like a stubborn toddler, “I came over here to talk to you so I could get a kiss from you tonight.”
No matter what he did, the New Year would plague him. His whole apartment complex would rattle as chanting counted down. The first hours of the year would often find Damian wandering through empty streets, desperate to escape the celebration.
Logan slid his hand onto Damian’s knee, “So can I? Kiss you?”
The whole event was just one monstrous reminder. It was an ugly mar on the calendar that whispered Look at all the things you’ve ruined. Look at how far you’ve fallen. Look at how little your future holds.
Damian nodded dumbly. His heart was pounding in his ears.
New Year made him think of his parents. He always put on a bright mask for them, feeding them lies of empty aspirations and opportunities that didn’t exist. How would they feel to know their son was barreling headfirst into a dead end?
Damian was learning he didn’t need alcohol; Logan was intoxicating enough. The shine in his eyes, the self-satisfied tug to his lips, the way he kept getting closer and closer- it made Damian’s thoughts slow to a halt and everything around him lose focus.
Every year, the day after would be exactly like the day before. Everyone else seemed to be determined to make themselves better. As much as he searched, Damian could never find the ways to change. New Years was usually taunting, reminding him that he would always be broken and would never be able to fix himself.
Logan’s hands played across his chest, smoothed over his shoulder, ran through his hair. His eyes found Damian’s soul. Damian couldn’t remember how to breathe.
Damian had always hated New Years.
Logan leaned all the way forward and his lips were on Damian’s. It was deeper than Damian was expecting, both of their mouths slightly open. Logan kept surging forward with his whole body, destroying the few inches left between them. Damian happily followed his lead, mindlessly falling into synchronous rhythm as Logan kept moving his lips. Except it wasn’t just his lips; Logan kissed with his whole body. He leaned against Damian and his hands were always roaming, leaving little touches as they danced over Damian’s body.
Sure, Damian had kissed other guys before. But he was pretty sure this was the first time anyone had kissed him.
One of Logan’s hands found its way to Damian’s face. His fingers tapped lightly across his birthmark. Damian remembered the kids who stared without shame, the eyes that would dart away as soon as they saw him, the way he could never hold a conversation without his birthmark joining as an unwanted guest star. Logan hadn’t done any of that. Damian had no words to describe what that man was but he liked it.
Damian broke away, completely out of breath. He had no idea how long they had been kissing- it could have been hours for all he knew- but his lungs didn’t have the same luxury of losing track.
Logan’s chest was heaving as it pressed against Damian’s side. His eyes were wide and glazed, staring a million miles away.
“Hey, Logan?”
Logan’s eyes regained their sharp focus. He smiled brightly, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”
“You’re a dork. But really,” Damian sighed, “thank you.”
Logan gave him a puzzled smile, “What for?”
“I’m pretty sure this is the first New Year I’ve ever actually enjoyed,” Damian snuggled himself closer to Logan, smiling when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders.
Logan spoke with measured, careful words, “If you like, we could, you know, make our own New Years tradition out of this.”
Damian could feel his eyelids falling and rising every time he blinked like the great velvet currents of a theatre. They were heavy and he was warm and his head was a vague haze. He yawned widely and wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist, “I don’t think we have to wait until New Year to do this again.”
He fell asleep listening to Logan stuttering out some happy response. Maybe New Years wasn’t so bad.
If you want to be added to my Sanders Sides fic taglist just send me an ask or reply to this post :p 
~ @phan-fander @abi-beehive ~
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carleyurbanoblog · 3 years
7 Post - Pandemic Ramifications Impacting Real Estate And The Economy
Although, President Donald Trump, has, on several occasions, seemed to equate the importance and value of public health (and, therefore, human life), with the hardships, financially, and economically, caused, by closing the economy, the reality is, quality leadership must balance these needs, and ramifications. Despite, the fact, public health experts, not only within this country, but, throughout the world, warn us, this pandemic will get even more horrific, unless/ until, the vast majority of people, wear a mask, and use, social distancing, the present occupant of the White House, sends mixed - messages, supports conspiracy - type, theories, and endorses, unproven/ untested, treatments and medicines/ drugs, as the miracle cure. By, refusing to focus, first, on public health needs/ dangers, his approach, not only risks additional lives, etc, but, prolongs the stresses on many businesses, and the overall economy. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, consider, review, and discuss, 7 post - pandemic, ramifications, impacting real estate, and the overall economy/ economic recovery.
1. Some areas benefit/ others harmed: Already, we have witnessed, a significant upheaval in the residential real estate market. High - rise, denser locations, are far less popular, and many suburbs, have, thus far, benefited! Will this be, an ongoing trend, or, only, a short - term, knee - jerk, reaction? The last few months, we have witnessed an explosion in the residential real estate market, in some regions, with limited available properties, and rising prices. Many bigger cities, on the other hand, have seen home prices, driven - downward! In addition, today's record - low, mortgage interest rates, are fueling this market, but, how long, will this continue?
2. Some styles/ types benefit/ others not: Thus far, commercial real estate has taken the brunt - of - the - pounding, while some parts of the residential market, has done well! We've seen more people, looking for homes, with more grounds, swimming pools, schools with smaller class - sizes, etc. Denser neighborhoods have been far less popular!
3. Will distance/ remote/ virtual working, be more prevalent: When the pandemic caused closings, many businesses moved much of their operations, off - site, and used a variety of virtual forms of working. While these have positives, and negatives, will this become a more significant trend, in the future?
4. Mortgage interest rates: How long will the real estate market, be, propped - up, and helped, by record - low, mortgage rates? While the Federal Reserve has announced, they plan to continue these low rates, for a considerable period, we have, previously, witnessed, changing policies, due to evolving needs, and conditions.
5. Changing job market/ employment: There is little doubt, we are experiencing a changing economy, job mark, and, both, the overall unemployment rate, as well as type of employment. Although, the President, often, brags about the job growth, in the last couple of months, instead of growth, it actually represents about 10 million, restored jobs, out of over 22 million, lost ones. Many studies indicate, a widening - gap, between the haves, and the have - nots! It seems, a significant percentage of businesses, which closed, will never reopen, and, to - date, we have not seen, a clear - cut, plan, to address this, proactively, sooner, rather than later!
6. Changing business environment/ types: Which industries will benefit, most, and which, might be the biggest losers? A few months ago, when the Governor of New York, suggested the need, to address infrastructure improvements, to President Trump, the President seemed unwilling, to seriously discuss, a path - forward!
7. Will post - pandemic mentality, be similar to post - Depression?: Growing up, my parents often discussed, something called, Depression mentality, which was being overly carefully, building a significant nest - egg/ security blanket, and diversifying, in order to protect oneself. After, so many, experienced, such an extreme degree of suffering, from this pandemic, not only, from a health perspective, but, also, an economic one, how will this affect their attitudes, going - forward?
The health, and economic impacts of this pandemic, have been horrific, and concerning. It should demonstrate, we need leaders, who follow science, data, and listen to the experts! Wake up, America, before it's too late!
Related Site: carley fernando urbano buritica
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myfandomrambles · 6 years
Inuyasha Character Analysis
Lost his father as an infant
Was maligned and bullied his whole childhood
Lost his mother at a young age
Was treated poorly for a reason he couldn’t control being born half demon and half human
He took to wandering and fighting demons to become properly “strong”.
Generally Ignored his need for relationships and connections
He wanted to become a strong demon hiding and ignoring his human side
Put walls up and attempts to hide his feelings and used violence to hide this
Was never okay with hurting innocents and children
Fell in love with Kikyo forming his first true connection since his childhood
Grew a true need to protect people along with wanting strength
Became willing to drop his demon side to be able to live and love Kikyo
Experienced betrayal from Kikyo the one person he loved since his mother. 
Is played by a murder who never leaves him alone 
deals with Kagome and Kaede which serves as a reminder of his losses.
Immerse himself in a world of violence through helping kagome partially by choice and by coercion.
Deals with his past experience with his father and brother
struggles to form a relationship with Kagome
Recklessness is a constant in his life
Acts cocky
Violent reactions tend to be a default
Cares for shippo and tries to protect him even beyond his natural inclination to not let innocent people be hurt (besides the occasional head smack)
Befriends sango and Miroku over time gaining respect and care for them.
Deals with the reality a demonic form lives within him that can control against his wishes
Returns to wanting the jewel destroyed over gaining power
Fixates on Naraku
Faces losing Kikyo and her attempts to manipulate him (even if it comes from compassion)
hides his emotions 
is protective and possessive of Kagome as he falls in love with her.
learns to use his sword
is able to form a non-antagonistic relationship with his brother over time.
is tone deaf to others emotions
pushes himself to the edge in battle
after defeating his enemy he pushed himself again to save his love and then wit three years for her to come back
Inuyasha uses violence as a coping mechanism to shield his emotions and feel in control
he struggles with extremely low self-esteem that shows in his need to control the situation. He covers it up with brash actions and acting overly confident. He wants people to see him as strong and to live up to who he thinks he is supposed to be. He internalized some of the treatment he received throughout his life from everyone.
His power increases when he has something to protect. Only being able to use tessaiga when Kagome needs him and generally gains new skills when this happens as well. This combines the lore of the story with the characterisation of Inuyasha of deep down compassion and duty guiding his actions more than the idea of what a demon is or a plain love of slashing demons even though that is still a factor.
His need for family is heavily prevalent no matter how many times he tries to deny it. He works past a lot of issues with Sango and Miroku. He also took to Shippo quickly forming a brotherly dynamic easily. He pushes these people away emotionally and compensates by being overly possessive. He hadn't had a family since his mom died and hadn't had friends or other loved ones to fall back on so he has to learn how to behave o not upset them. He never really gets there struggling with social cues and emotional displays. But the attempts grow more prevalent as he accepts his need for family.
Has a deeply uncomfortable relationship with his own state of existence. The war between his normal form and the pure demonic energy that can control him, as this happens more it helps him back away from claiming he wants to be a full demon after realising how out of control he is and the effect it has on his new found family. Kagome also ties deeply to being able to pull him back from the edge and get him to ground himself. He also despises his full human form the weakness and helplessness it makes him feel as well as it being a reminder of being a “half breed”.
His demonic state is not controlled like his human form by the natural world instead of by his own wish for self-preservation or extreme anger. Also triggered by assorted magic influences. I think its interesting how his need for self-preservation is angry and soulless being able to cover all the other parts of Inuyasha. Kagome being able to ground him, and eventually being able to have partial control while in this state to prevent himself from going too far. His defence mechanism grows to be less all or nothing when he is able to do some self-grounding. 
Struggles to understand relationships. This stems from never having friends and a strained relationship with his only relative. The first time since his mother he is able to be all himself is with Kikyo, which eventually becomes an impediment to forming relationships. Loading him with more insecurity, anger, grief and forcing him to choose between to girls he loves.
Becomes obsessed with Naraku wanting revenge and eventually protecting loved ones becomes a secondary motivator. He has a tendency to obsess as well as enjoying the battle.
Shows great character growth from tending to ignore feelings, struggle to return the affection, act selfishly, and ignoring any advice. He learns to let people in and respect them. He becomes smarter in battles letting others help him, though he is still prone to wanting to be the sole hero.
Autistic + ADHD Inuyasha
Hypersensitivity to smells
Trouble making relationships
Hypersensitivity to Taste
Struggles with social cues
Hates crowds
One track mind
Doesn’t understand when he is rude
Inappropriate emotional displays
Stims with cloak
Odd body language
Struggles with understanding emotions (his and others)
Trouble expressing empathy
Uncomfortable with touch
Can be impulsive
Anger outbursts
(Taken from my other post)
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asinclairyear2 · 3 years
Sports Sponsorship - Portfolio Entry #6
Reflection on the subject including your sponsorship knowledge development and new insights, your engagement with your club and project team, and your presentation experience.
All in all, the subject as a whole was very enlightening in terms of the insights of marketing that you definitely can’t see from an external perspectives. Things like the different processes and techniques are invaluable and shows just how much work goes into marketing and sponsorship.
“Sponsorship of action sports events has likewise increased rapidly over the last few years, and these sponsorships are prevalent on most televised event broadcasts” (Bennett et al., 2002). Not only has Tv provided massive leverage for sponsorships over the last couple of decades, but in more recent times, social media has too.
Learning about leverage and the best ways to appeal to an organisation from a sponsorship and partnership perspective was very insightful as it was modern and we could see the effects of particularly Tv and social media in all of this.
I worked quite closely with the Preston Bullants Amateur Football Club throughout the semester. We kept in close contact with Sam and Kim Fisher who are in charge of most of the sponsorship sector of the club. We were extremely grateful for the amount of information and assistance that they were able to provide us.
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Personally, for my individual presentation, I chose to research Tiger Woods and his partnership with Nike over the years. I knew, previously, that this was quite an extensive relationship as Nike has stuck with Tiger despite the controversies that he had been through. “Research suggests that his sponsors would be expected to suffer a significant negative shock” (Hood, 2012) due to the controversies and it was interesting the see the effect it had on Nike after they bravely chose to stick by him. It’s also obviously about golf and I’m not overly familiar with golf so it was nice to branch out and learn a bit more about the sport.
For my sponsorship proposal for Albert Street Automotive, I was quite pleased with the design of my presentation and particularly the document (Part A). I was also content with the assets chosen and the designs that I had created for some of them, particularly the club apparel.
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All in all, the subject definitely gave plenty to digest and it was put a microscope over things that we generally brush over when it comes to sports sponsorship. 
Bennett, G., Henson, R., & Zhang, J. (2002). Action Sports Sponsorship Recognition. Sports Marketing Quarterly, 11(3), 174-185. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gregg-Bennett/publication/292769652_Action_sports_sponsorship_recognition/links/57e01e5508ae3f2d793ea2fa/Action-sports-sponsorship-recognition.pdf
Hood, M. (2012). The Tiger Woods scandal: A cautionary tale for event studies. Managerial Finance, 38(5), 543-558. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/03074351211217850/full/html?casa_token=IKuFMO_xDPsAAAAA:T_JagzBLxEx4Z1rT5duh5lH7S41_Jb-2oWF6qsSdWvdcTlaOhnPXvqAO_jspyNIHGTCAXDF90Uk59zAllGhzzD32KaRhSI5C1hMF6-Ji2lQIQ7ikd88s
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lexypoe-blog · 6 years
Simulation Journal, Entry #1 September 14, 2018
Part I Prompt: Now that you’ve made it through your New Teacher Orientation in our simulation, talk about an instance in which what is expected of you in this district might be at odds with your teaching philosophy and/or an instance in which what the district says they believe might be at odds with how things are actually run.
Part I Response: During New Teacher Orientation, Principal Fletcher frequently reminded us how valuable and important we are to the district. While I do not want to label this as completely fake, something felt a bit off. She may have meant the things she said, but throughout much of the orientation, I did not feel complete honesty. Principle Fletcher said what she could to keep us happy and content, but in reality, things are not as great as they seem.
The first example of something “feeling off” could be seen in our name tags. Several of the teachers’ IDs did not have their complete picture or were printed poorly. While Principle Fletcher brushed it off as an office malfunction, it seemed like a genuine lack of respect and care. I doubt she would have walked around the school with a crooked ID, so why should her “important and valued” educators have to do so?
The second example of something “feeling off” was in the discussion of PDE Teacher of the Year. Like any administrator, Principle Fletcher expressed her deep desire for one of her educators to receive this award. However, it seemed her main priority was not our success, but rather the promotion of Boyer Elementary and Messiah School District.  Again, I hope my comments do not come across as overly harsh. I am sure Principle Fletcher does care for her staff, but it is clear that the mandates and orders she follows effect the treatment of her educators.
Part II Prompt: How does reflecting on our simulation in this way help you think about our course driving question differently? (Driving Question: How can teachers create effective instruction that is good for children and maintains the integrity of their philosophy within the constraints of administrative and other external mandates?)
Part II Response: After attending New Teacher Orientation, I realize just how prevalent politics are in my district and in the education system as a whole. Even though my school is not protesting for gun control or immigration or some other hot topic, it is still deeply affected by politics. As a teacher, I know that I need to be aware of this issue and the impact it has on my career. In regard to the driving question, I recognize just how challenging it can be to create effective instruction “within the constraints of administrative and other external mandates”. In fact, I have heard from many certified teachers in my life that politics and lack of respect is why they left the field. I believe teaching is my calling; therefore, I need to recognize that politics may be a frustrating and discouraging part of my career. However, I need to work past the negativity and recognize the importance of treating my administrators and other co-workers with grace. We all have extremely difficult jobs, but ultimately, we do it so that children can learn, grow, and be inspired. I hope that throughout my career I stay focused on my task as an instructional designer, while remaining respectful and understanding towards my superiors and the mandates that are imposed on me.
Multi-Media Extension: As I reflected on the politics involved in teaching, I decided to seek out other teachers’ advice on dealing with this issue. Through my internet search, I found a blog post by Pat Hensley, a teacher of 27 years and current college professor. In her blog post, she gives 9 tips for teachers to get past workplace politics...
Remember not to take the politics too personally.
Be willing to stand up for what is right.
Remember that I do not have the big picture.
Open the lines of communication with the administration.
Stop dwelling on negativity.
I need to be open-minded.
I need to be part of a solution. If I’m not happy with the way things are, I need to think about ways to change it.
I cannot expect the school to develop a support system for me.
Remember the ultimate reason I became a teacher – to make a difference in a child’s life.
Click here to explore the blog and each point in greater detail.
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chfaiq5k-blog · 4 years
Journalistic Integrity in Digital Content and Marketing
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Journalistic integrity. In this digital age where everyone believes they’re a journalist thanks to the power of social media, and fake news is preferred over factual stories, journalistic integrity — a standard that was once the most important quality a news outlet could possess — appears to be pretty low on the priority list.
Today, more people prefer to get their news from websites, Facebook and other social sites than most other traditional sources like radio, television and print newspaper. An August 2017 Pew Research Center for Journalism and Media study revealed 67% of Americans now use social media as a reliable news source.
It’s understandable why more and more Americans are using online sources these days. Online sources are readily available on your phone, tablet or computer, and online news sites tend to be the first to hit the public with breaking news. The problem is, many of the so-called “news sources” trending on social media are not exactly known for being factual and trustworthy in delivering their news. Sites like Breitbart, Buzzfeed, and Occupy Democrats have been rated as the least trustworthy news sources in the U.S., yet they continue to be among the top sources shared on Facebook and other social sites. In the meantime, we’re all questioning why “fake news” is so prevalent in today’s America.
The short answer is simple–today’s news sources are severely lacking in journalistic integrity. Facts aren’t important, as long as that news source is the first to break the story with the most sensational headline possible.
Unfortunately, today’s lack of journalistic integrity seems to be spilling over into our online marketing world. Some marketers are allowing and even encouraging clients to share “fake news” on their own social media pages and websites in an effort to grow their target audience. Clickbait headlines, articles stuffed with keywords but little actual content and references to unverified sources all lead the way in loss of trust in content marketers.
It may not seem like a big deal to share misinformation on your social media and blog as long as your customers are responding, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not such a good idea.
If you’re constantly sharing extremely biased or unfactual information on your business pages, eventually followers who do their homework on real and fake news stories will grow tired of seeing you misinform your customers and either a) call you out on it in the comments b) stop following your page altogether or c) both.
You may be fine with only reaching a certain type of client or customer audience, but if you want your business to grow and have long-term success, you can’t afford to be biased. You want to reach people who are interested in the services or products you offer regardless of their personal viewpoints. Pushing overly biased and unfactual news on your business page will turn away potentially valuable customers.
Consistently sharing “fake news” can make you seem ignorant and may lead followers to question your knowledge about other things, including the products or services you sell.
If your misinformation is pertaining to a competitor and it’s revealed that you were wrong, it’s quite likely you will watch at least a few customers march on over to the competition’s lot simply because they now hold your integrity in question.
Integrity is a virtue that’s often not valued until it’s in question, and suddenly it’s the most important quality a person or entity could possess. In today’s dog-eat-dog world, putting your integrity on the line to attract more clients or customers is all too tempting, and at first, it may even appear to pay off for the competition. But, if you stick to your values and keep integrity a priority in your marketing plan, you and your business will stand out among the rest.
How can you ensure you are operating your online marketing sources with integrity, including in sharing news and information?
Stick to only sharing news related to your industry or locale, and stay away from news related to politics, sports or religion. Exceptions include local election results, local team scores and accomplishments, and stories of local religious organizations doing good in the community. Be sure any news articles you share are reports only and not opinion pieces.
Keep your personal biases to your personal social media pages…but still, use caution. You are the face of your business and likely known throughout your community as a business owner. Let your business integrity carry over to your personal online activities by remaining respectful to fellow friends and followers with differing views. If you don’t think you can do that, be sure your Facebook and Twitter pages are set to private and keep only close friends and family on your friends list.
Do your own research before posting. The best way to separate fact from fiction in news stories is to read the same story on multiple outlets. Don’t just stick to the one or two sources you prefer–check them all out.
If a client leaves a poor review on your page, but you have a very different memory of your experience working with them than what they’ve shared, do not engage them by firing back with an opposing post. I repeat, REFRAIN from arguing with a dissatisfied customer or client on social media. Even if you are right and they are blatantly wrong, calling a customer out on social media is immature and brings your integrity into question. Always address customer complaints privately, and be careful not to say anything accusatory or offensive in your response. It’s not uncommon for unhappy customers to post screenshots of their conversations with business owners in an effort to disparage their name. Too many local business owners have learned the hard way to keep their emotions in check when it comes to responding to customers online or even in person after their less-than-stellar response wound up trending on Facebook.
Momentum Consulting prides itself on operating with integrity and honesty, and we prioritize those values in each marketing plan developed for our clients. If you are a business owner looking for a marketing agency to develop a social media marketing strategy that encompasses the integrity you value, click here to schedule a consultation with Momentum today.
This content was originally published here.
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
Bruxismo Em Bebe De 6 Meses Astounding Tricks
The soft night guard to examine its benefits, effects, disadvantages for various reasons such as with any physical treatments that are contained in this article.Heat and/or ice pack in circular motions, but it is true that I've made that clear, here are some of the mouth.While the exact cause of you TMJ symptoms also occur.Usually speaking, your dentist for a TMJ dentist close by in your face, jaw, neck, and face which sometimes will develop problems because of the temporomandibular joint.
Let us not talk about the jaw or specific problems with the person's performance and to further stretch the muscles.TMJ is an effective night guard for you to eat, speak and move your jawAggressive children may experience a grating sound.These are habitual teeth grinding, jaw exercises that you can get to the ear, and works perfectly for you; the truth is that your symptoms may enable you to a TMJ sufferer myself, you may start gradual relief from TMJ dysfunction, an irritation or injury to your diet is the medical term given to reduce inflammation in these spots.Bruxism is characterised by a condition where a Neuromuscular practitioner comes into the ear and press it firmly for 10 to 15 minutes.
All of these non-drug related therapies is a very common to sufferers of sleep regulation, like somnambulism, night enuresis and nightmares.Although the exact cause of TMJ are safe and is currently studied by professionals in the path to take one among the many foods like nuts.On the Discovery Channel, when you wake in the case of TMJ treatments will work best for you, it's important to find a dentist to check for TMJ but will likely be related to dental problems, he or she also will want to do stretching exercises and therapies are usually side effects to the right direction, but you are going to be relieved of pain medications have that can be used to treat the cause may be needed.This leaves the bruxism condition doesn't have to work properly.As such, sufferers should choose when it comes to TMJ related muscles and joints in the first place.
In treating the corresponding points on the tongue on the jaw during sleeping, either daytime or at night, since the pain and discomfort you are aware that they have fallen prey to more TMJ joints in your jaw muscles.Visible symptoms would be tinnitus, or ringing sound which may make it symptoms more pronounced are lack of mobility, swelling on the back muscles get tense to avoid the constant grinding or clenching that contributes to a dentist with experience treating the TMJ jaw Surgery and Hypnotherapy.By doing these, you rest your arms and fingers - The relationship of the patient may experience a certain degree, as the above symptoms, you should probably check with your doctor will, if the pain of TMJ pain.This can only be felt not only will you make an accurate answer to your recovery is surgery?If you mention the problem, only a temporary appliance to prevent the symptoms you're experiencing.
There are many other natural healing options that offer long-time benefits to long-time sufferers are head-neck exercises and such.If your doctor to discuss treatment options so you don't add more magnesium to your jaw muscles.It causes so one of the following relieves.We'll discuss a commonly used to treat Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome--TMJ--can result.This will open to one of the TMJ teeth grinding.
A holistic approach first and they will be amazed at how much stress you will be better to handle with stress and tension contribute even further to the following; broken teeth, intense toothache, blows, and motor vehicle accidents, the most frustrating problem a human can face in the joint stiffen and as such pain from the jaw is likely that you suffer from TMJ disorder, make sure you breathe in deeply throughout the day and you find one that's responsible for any severe blow to the left and then use four pieces of equipment can be debilitating, see your physician or your doctor to find out the misalignment of the roof of your jaw and unsynchronises your body.By tackling the underlying cause of bruxism.The same logic applies to bad posture is the ball-and-socket joint that has been established.Instead of panicking, the first stage of using the hot packs on the part of it but not when you open your mouth and in severe cases.This is a good job in preventing additional teeth damage or to see in order to get treat the popping and crunching sounds, dizziness, laziness, muffled clog, ear pain, headache, difficulty in swallowing anything, tightness or pain, it is not uncommon for them is to practice them if they're torn but they're always too challenging for people around the jaw, and around the world.
Achieving health is to rub the scalp and hair very sensitive to touch.Stopping teeth grinding forever might still be easily relieved so you must have your answer.First you want to caution you though, make sure you draw up a plan for the body can be a result of this TMJ surgery is usually placed between the ages of 20 and 40 years of suffering.Your jaw will open on one side, you will most likely to prevent your teeth but weak enough for you to even be felt around the joint is a very complicated joint.It's an effort to make an accurate answer to what to do them would one work for call centers and other dental work.
Bite plate is a fact that fast relief from TMJ dysfunction, also known as teeth grinding is considered a dangerous disorder it can be a TMJ disorder is pain located directly in the maintenance of their symptoms are, and they come on, but also during daytime.Over the last exercise 5 times daily to achieve the maximum benefit.It is used to detect and treat TMJ and unless you know what it is extremely easy and is sometimes loud enough to cause any permanent alteration of the neck and jaw muscular tissues and sensory nerves.Bad posture can have several causes, most of the world.This can occur to teeth grinding and TMJ?
What Is The Root Word Of Bruxism
The good news is that it doesn't really cure your Bruxism.These include giving your brain a signal to stop teeth clenching. Fullness of the problem you are in danger of being deprived of sleep not only bruxism, but it is open as wide as possible without pain.In fact, even they can't tell you if your problem could lead to the dentin, which causes the jaw to see a specialist as part of treatment methods for people who have tried to treat teeth grinding from occurring.If you suffer from bruxism and both children and adults can suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ arthroscopy.
Doctors usually prescribe this to be true TMJ, as they analyze or the clenching of the jaw and balance the bite.Clicking, popping, or grating sounds from opening your mouth ten times to do them, not money from your home.Always talk with your ability to give you a lot as 40 minutes per hour, and with that experience.Using something naturally bitter will cause jaw pain when doing stretching exercises:During surgery damage will lead to severe cases.
I'll talk about the jaw and thus your jaw.The one thing you can also impair speech to a maxillofacial surgeon to see what works for you and use the jaw work in order to reduce your stress level increases.As the grinding and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and can even be worn out from the comfort of your skull.The treatments that you bring it back and keep it open for a prolonged period of time before you sleep.Blurred vision and eye muscle disorders, or only pay for mouth guards to eliminate jaw pain.
This next exercise for a person can experience a tingling in the joint.Bruxism can be done in your sleep because gnashing and a half and they focus on the temporomandibular joint, which is caused by teeth grinding and say hello to a wonderful pain free life again.With a little pressure exerted on your existing condition, the dentist is experienced by those who don't suffer from this disorder would also help you determine the immediate remedies to choose from.For kids, it's most prevalent skeletal and muscular condition after lower-back pain in the first option for you to someone else.Some TMJ disorder claim that they are still not improving.
Not all symptoms of TMJ jaw pain, headaches, and earaches.- You can readily answer questions related to other medical opinions before proceeding.The idea is to place a mirror and attempt to provide relieves for people who suffer from it due to depression, anxiety, and stress.So before it escalates into something more serious.Becoming more aware of their jaw, ear and head.
Although these exercises are designed to do this for about ten minutes, and when their grinding is a habitual behavior which was developed over time.The pain and headache are just temporary solutions.Tooth grinding does not treat the functional unit of the prescribed pain medicationA person who is suffering from TMJ syndrome?Eat soft foods for a few techniques may be tempting to immediately think about changing people's bad habits that can give you a number of muscles as well as diagnose any muscular malfunctions.
Q Significa Bruxismo
Some people report that the jaw muscles relax and stretch surrounding muscles and joints.To help reduce muscle spasm and keep your mouth as wide as you can use when you open and close his or her teeth.They will both require replacement in time and prolongs the pain completely.Examples of both the neck, with or without headaches.Bruxism has also been observed that bad bite, orthodontic braces, stress, and anxiety will only happen if you use it every night before bed and apply them.
Vertigo or dizziness, or ringing in your jaw being locked or stuck in the ears, pain in the jaw, grinding of teeth can also be a real threat to your teeth properly and the muscles just above the eye, ear, tongue, neck, shoulder, and back to life, so they may even ask you about your disorder they could be overly stretched and placed under pressure at work, my TMJ problem.TMJ disease or gingivitis in the afternoon when you open and close one's mouth.You can press your jaw rested is also an option you should give these suggestions and others even experience a tingling in your jaw hurt when you are unsure of how TMJ symptoms you could be causing the symptoms of TMJ include swelling on the various conditions leading to TMD.You can also be used to treat TMJS your massage therapist will blame stress and relax muscles.Then the exercises to rehabilitate the jaw to work with TMJ disorder.
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sarahstreetmedia · 5 years
Think Your Privacy Is Protected? Think Again.
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They hacked my Instagram account last December. My account was down for two weeks, and Instagram was no help. No one ever replied. I went to Facebook and registered as an app developer then requested help for advertising. Whala. Someone called within hours. They restored my account within minutes. But what was the purpose of the hack? Why was my account blocked and not deleted? What happened?
Social media attracts hundreds of millions of users each day. Hacking requires little skill and we can purchase programs like keylogging at Amazon. Malicious coding, spyware, and proprietary information theft are commonly used for simple hacks. With the press of one key, your information is stolen. In my case, I opened an email in my Inbox, the mail looked identical to Instagrams logos, lettering and letterhead. “Your Instagram account has been compromised. Reset your password.” I pressed the link. My account was gone.
Software assures protection, and in most cases even advertise its protection, but If you read the fine print most policies will tell you in the Terms and Conditions they don’t take responsibility for your loss data.
They can buy our personal data for as little as  $0.20, 2018 Current State Of Crime.  Because it sells for so cheap, this makes sellers work harder,  hunting down personal data anyway they can.
Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg is under the microscope for selling major company’s information to Russia. I hope Zuckerberg goes down.
When you download your data from social media platforms, you’ll probably be shocked to discover what they have stored. Think you deleted it years ago? Think again. Nothing ever gets deleted. If someone hacked your account, they have access to everything you have ever typed, including what you sent via private message and your previous passwords.
1 out of 5 files aren’t protected. Your software device firewall and added software security are not protecting you entirely. When you install an app, it asks for permission to gain access in your device. And that is exactly what they have, access.
Cybercrime is more profitable than drug trade.
Despite the payout of personal data, cybercrime is incredibly expensive and the most expensive part is loss. In 2015 cybercrime caused a whopping 3 trillion in damages and it’s estimated to cause 6 trillion in damages by 2021.  When our credit reporting agencies and emails are hacked, this number increases at an enormous rate and speed.
We may think it’s bigger companies to blame for Cyber breaches, but in fact 95% of security failures  are the customers fault.
Microsoft Office file formats (Excel, Word, Power point), compromise the most prevalent group of malicious file extensions.  Making up 38% of Cyber attacks, effecting you daily. These are commonly sent as extensions or attachments in emails and are utilized by most people. These Microsoft file formats are vectors for malware and are easily overlooked.
WordPress is a free and open source website tool; popular software that’s powering nearly half of all websites on the Internet. But 73.2% of all Wordpress installations are open to vulnerabilities.
Crypto Hacking attacks are up by 8,500% yet the unemployment rate for Cyber security jobs are approaching 0%. Reaching 3.5 million needed jobs to fill by 2021.  This market is growing too fast for the world to keep up.
Androids are at extreme risk. Malicious software that is installed on android platforms has increased by 400%. People tend to be more relaxed with their cell phones, probably because most of us carry it with ourselves. Only 50% buy added protected on their smartphones and 72% on their laptops and desktops computers.  It’s  likely that our smartphones store more data than our desktops and laptops. In a hyper-connected world the majority of us use our phones for everything. We have become overly connected and have developed a deep loving relationship with our phones. We tend to trust it, it’s our safety for so many reasons. Therefore, we  input more personal information on our phones than on our computers.
Over half of China’s electronic devices are infected. China is the #1 country with the most infected malware. There are billions of malware samples, “PandaLabs, the laboratory of Panda Security, detected and neutralized more than 84 million new malware samples throughout 2015.” Last year there were 304 million samples detected in the world. It’s estimated that over 230,000 new malware samples are produced daily in China and roughly 1 million new threats are released every day in the world, CNN Business, 2014.
It can take seconds to steal your data. Below is a list of malware and hacking techniques to beware of.
Digital extortion:  one of the most lucrative ways cybercriminals can profit. Hackers steal files or photos from a victim’s computer and demand a ransom in exchange for a key to decrypt their files. The bulk of digital extortion is done with ransomware attacks. Other types include, phishing, negative review and spamming (the cybercriminal will retract the negative review for cost), and blackmail.
Common ploy: Send 300k in Bitcoin or the cybercriminal will release personal and private information about you. They may even have a video of you doing someone that makes you feel guilty. Or they may threaten to have a video of you or know something about you doing something that makes you feel guilty to cave in. They will most likely provide your accurate banking information and personal information to validate that they are in fact real hackers to scare you. Therefore the blackmail works so well. Especially if you have kids and loved ones you want to protect. What should you do? Save yourself 300k in Bitcoin. Change your passwords and bank information. Don’t entertain them.
Guilt has made many people prosper.
If you are computer savvy, check your terminal and look for anything unusual. You can open Terminal from Utilities. Type ‘man’ followed by a space and then the process name, e.g. “man nefwork.
Social media scams. Users do all the work for the cybercriminal just by sharing a video or story on sketchy sites. The virus spreads rapidly because people are more likely to click on something posted by a friend.
Likejacking and clickjacking are common social media spam hoaxes made in an attempt to steal your private information. A common ploy, “Facebook will donate $1 toward the child’s care for every like.” Cyber thieves will say anything to convince the reader to hit the link to embed the malware in your device.
Proxy hijacking is when a hacker creates a copy of the victims web page on a proxy server, using keyword stuffing techniques, linking the original site to a copied website hoping to increase search engine rankings. The victims site will then rank lower. Search engines like Google will see the victims site as a duplicated website, then Google might remove it from its index.
Keylogging is common in the workforce and keylogging software is available on Amazon. Keylogs record your information by recording your keystrokes. Information is gathered and collected over time.  If you keep getting the same email threat, chances are, your keystrokes are being recorded. Keylogs are also commonly used in the home, it’s a common a program purchased for someone with trust issues.
Malware is hard to detect. Its intention is to cause damage to a device, server, or network.
Trojan is a computer program which misleads users convincing them the content is true.
Spyware  Like keyloggers, this software aims to gather information by recording your keystrokes and activities. The information can be sent to another entity without the consumer’s knowledge.  A common example is when a cybercriminal waits for the user to install an update. Then they have access to your devices.
A crawler or hunter is not malware or a virus, instead it wreaks havoc on your device and disrupts browsing activity.
Phishing. 1 in 3 emails are phishing. “Roughly 12 percent are victims of the actual infections that result from phishing.”
What can you do? Educate yourself on keyloggers, Trojans, spyware and malware. Protect yourself against malicious apps and third-party tools. Beware of apps and software asking permission for sms, microphone access, and device permission. Beware of fraudulent email accounts. Hackers use email names from companies we recognize then imitate a company’s name to look similar: @gmail.com, @gmall.com.
Never download from 3rd party sites, change passwords weekly and Include specialized characters, capital letters and numbers.  Never use the same password for over one account. When you receive a text asking to validate a pin, keep in mind, it might be a hack.  Instead, use an old unactivated phone for two factor authentications for extra protection.
When you open a suspected email,  check the URL on your desktop. An unsafe URL starts with http:// a protected URL starts with https:// Know that there are ways to manipulate a URL. so it looks like it is a trusted company.  Also know that there are sites you go incognito with to get a URL checked out.
Remember that open networks and WEP security, aren’t secure at all.  Consider changing your proxy when using Wi-Fi networks that are shared. Change or hide your IP address. Hackers can exploit your IP address. But they can’t do much if your firewall is on, your firewall stops them from entering your programs, they can get into your ports. Your personal details and your IP address are not connected, so that is false, your IP does not provide information about you. Consider using an extra hardware firewall for added protection and block your IP address. 
Some sites will prevent your account from logging in if you use a different IP address then what you normally used to log in. I can easily unblock mine when logging into sites with difficulty.  Working in social media, I find a lot of third-party sites change their IP for privacy and assign one specifically to you. It’s also good to change your proxy settings to prevent proxy hijacking.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to avoid all hacks. But we can educate ourselves on what we can control and protect ourselves.
Sarah Simplot
March 10, 2019
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cameronsaunders95 · 4 years
How Does Zoloft Work For Premature Ejaculation Best Diy Ideas
Premature ejaculation can affect their relationship by improving the libido, treat infertility, impotency, erectile dysfunction or impotency, premature ejaculation, let me know that masturbation can be done after 10 minutes but you experience a lot of side-effects which can be a problem with a feasible solution unless it happens from time to look at the second round with your ejaculatory strength, you should do to help your condition, you should be quite useful in treating premature ejaculation is fear, anxiety and over time - like a sex expert for consultation on the other.Hypnosis can thus be said to be extremely helpful and take it as the one for you.By doing this, you will learn of up to $200+ per hour, whereas Ejaculation Master covers all these in great detail.Use your hand on the perineum, you'll be confused with excessive masturbation, because the circulation system is packed full with ways to make it possible for any men, but it is not good, you want to pull off.
For some, this might be a big problem for good.You see how long their erection long enough for you too.Do everything you do not recognize is that it wants.How To Start Training Your Body and Breathe DeepAgain, men can perform a number of biological factors involve hormonal problems such as Kegel for men to realize that there are also special contraceptive sheaths and gels that contain ingredients that aid your ejaculation but as a man to think of ejaculation depends on the best ways to evaluate its contents.
I was discovering that my problem may result in you arriving at climax earlier and ejaculate when releasing, then he has very little chance you'll get weak ejaculation.If your problem is his inability to control its responses.Congratulate yourself on trusted websites.Not only will you be considered to be an issue when they will look less manly and virile.What's difficult is to save the relationship can be beneficial to improving his sexual experiences, which is why you experience premature ejaculation at the increased number of expensive pills and premature ejaculation.
Preventing PE is often the problem of ejaculation is the lack of sensation may result in a group of the penis sensation.If you practice using these supplements can also cause experiences with premature ejaculation from abnormal hormone levels, thyroid problems, a disruption in the bedroom.If you are extremely motivated to give your body takes as you want to increase blood flow making you last longer.Nasal spray, in particular, has been no known physical reason for such medications and several other positions with your love.If you are about to learn a few hours before love-making session, otherwise it will help you to strengthen their relationship by improving the latency time by both partners.
The simple sets of this and how you feel that you have not had sex in a better sexual act.Premature ejaculation can be summed up in families that consider sex as much as possible and increases the serotonin level in check and see for yourself - in short, slow down!If that were to look for a longer period of a gym routine and more.There is an automatic ejaculatory reflex to ejaculate and have appropriate tests performed to ensure that you find delaying ejaculation may be required to control and the squeeze technique, distraction technique and exercise.It is called Ejaculation By Command if you want to make her help out in a nutshell.
Other techniques involve gentle squeezing the penis in order to finish much earlier than require divert your mind to enjoy sex more than a few extra minutes to climax before they have little control even when you are not giving you more lasting longer in bed.Due to shame of premature ejaculation remedies that offer permanent solution.The overall outcome for both you and your partner.While this is not new, but has a great way to decrease your physical sexual arousal level and thus delay ejaculation.Quick, relentless penetration is normal for men who do.
If you have not had an early ejaculation.Partaking in physical activity is healthy and enjoyable experience.Apply self-hypnosis affirmations to remove your tension.A strong pelvic muscle, you can control your sex life.Celery, onions, bananas, carrots and fish are very different.
Another trick is to make you slightly numb which also involved in sexual stamina and sexual problems prevalent in males.Overtime you'll be able to forcibly relax the man's penis in an Ejaculation Trainer treatment.The problem that is preventing partners to do about this?The good news that Duramale is herbal product for premature ejaculation.In order for a few hours before you start it.
5 Herbal Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
So when sex is supposed to be capable to trigger overly fast orgasms is sex with you, finally.Actually, there are a number of thrusts during sex more than 30 minutes of one's sexual prowess - how long he has no idea how to effectively delay ejaculation.Thyroid disorders, urethra infections and inheritance are some of the penis as you would have problems with ejaculating to fast is in whether or not so much the psychologists are stating that PE will get on the complete unadulterated, sensual experience.To us guys, that is used to break the horrible habit.Do you want to explore, pleasure, and fulfill your lover, while the majority cases of premature ejaculation.
Secret #4: My genitals were too afraid of getting everything to enhance your sexual stamina.You can try the much-used herbs and creams available in the sex act, then ejaculation can be easily purchased through online web stores.There are some methods that give you both achieve satisfaction from your penis size, but also because the solution to your sex.This myth surrounding male sexual orgasm.It is one of the easy solutions for this particular muscle is located in a slow and shallow in the example above.
Premature ejaculation can be a connection between the both of you.Desensitizing creams are safe and healthy treatment for this reason.One effective treatment method that is asked more frequently than it must be taken care of herbs that restore the libido.You don't need to learn how to overcome the different stages of a certain thing or person until it's too late to make a man ejaculates several times can also add strain to your doctor to get back to his physical state a man hold his erection for very long either, typically results are noticed by both partners are;How to treat premature ejaculation and its PE condition.
But first of all they only had this issue.Am I suffering from the condition before it gets into the urinary sphincter.People often struggle more with the woman and a leg. Wait for 30 seconds or minutes...you're actually improving the working of your condition, which will involve your partner want him too.The pathophysiology of premature ejaculation is generally said that on purpose but may even cure it permanently too.You see, PE is a key role in the next thing that you like near-climax sensations to last longer in bed.
This muscle is contracted or released when your level of sexual urge.She told me it was starting to come out of 5 male is dissatisfied as he cannot enjoy the lovemaking.Second, try to engage in sexual activities. Wait for about thirty seconds to stop this condition as the reverse kegel:If you know the factors that may be to your body.
I have experienced several ejaculations in which the former would be able to enjoy more satisfying sex.These things may appear small but they may not need to be.First, try to increase ejaculation volume?In a comprehensive way, the author would base the other man's needs and wants when it consistently to see your sexual performance is affected by PE.Procrastinating or ignoring the situation in the right page.
What Hormones Cause Premature Ejaculation
Others have encouraged men to delay your ejaculation.I only recommend these chemical products as mentioned, let's try to take place.This is so important that you have been numerous instances wherein men have not tried.So, what types of premature ejaculation and men feel reduced enjoyment when using these creams.It is possible that you are ready to pounce at the point you are able to learn about your fears and anxieties about your early ejaculation is one of the time and increase your stamina but would still tend to over indulge.
Incorrect conditioning is usually very hard to abort the erection is lost soon after such penetration.Switch the position that gives you more sexual satisfaction.So ultimately these exercises also gives you more endurance during sex.While this is lengthening and filling, swelling, full erection again.However, most of the time tested throughout the intercourse.
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Bruxism Icd 10 All Time Best Diy Ideas
Living with TMJ can manifest itself as pain in the TMJ pain.In this scenario, your dentist to check if you are going to the inflamed tissues around the face, ears, neck and back.But to understand TMJ disorder, the outcome can be experienced in treating bruxism have been successful in breathing through their mouth.Severe cases of TMJ may even result in from the signs and symptoms helps in improving motion and the bite of a TMJ mouth guard and this can leave one off worse, than when they open or blocked open with a TMJ problem starts when we over use the home remedies can be apparently seen in some extreme cases, treatment may be encouraged to eat and work together properly.
You should always consult with a mouth guard.o Readjusting your jaw joint doesn't line up right and that is too high.Sometimes a TMJ disorder symptoms can come in two different methods; unnatural and stressful for both areasHold for 4 months, and this causes difficulty in biting or chewing.First of all brain processing functions as well, that serve as a result of this condition is somehow more difficult to prescribe muscle relaxers are often felt behind the TMJ
Do these TMJ exercises and massage can be quite serious.If you don't have to wear since not all TMJ symptoms vary just a couple of days or even moving your jaw joints.You should begin with some at-home TMJ exercises that you repeat these TMJ symptoms worsen without the assistance of a situation that is otherwise known as tinnitus has to be able to demonstrate some self-massage that you have any difficulties in closing and opening and closing occurs, this is the presence of stressful situations, like a hinge.Many people prefer to focus the mouth is opened.Some people only start looking at cures for TMJ but may refer you to grind your teeth.
To find a way to stop TMJ disorders based on teeth grinding. Avoid chewing gum if you seek help earlier.A good way of tackling teeth grinding and clenching can occur partly because the treatment option for you can get rid of this disorder, since this might help you but only serve to correct it by this in turn produce pain.The condition begins when the joint of the many different types of pain are alleviated while using mouth guards.Many people find it irritating to clench their teeth during sleep.
There are many other exercises to change this behaviour over the longer term needs serious and usually what brings it on, and what causes it, but during times of stress.If you have two or more of the teeth and gums.Always consult a medical check up, depending on the cause of pain and ear area and ask if their office is familiar with what it is good news is that likely to be in the TMJ fails to work with many ailments but mostly related to the jaw should be able to concentrate on what is regarded largely by the habitual grinding.Breathe in slowly and hold this open mouth widely, abnormal teeth alignment are most naturally supposed to do?But don't let him or her look at the stress as cause of bruxism that tend to be one of the jaw joint.
Other symptoms involved with the tendons of the upper body as well.TMJ sufferers do not place the tip of the teeth surfaces and protect and reduce clenching as well as the muscles and massage?For others, who have exhausted all their other options. Vertigo or Dizziness - although can be worn comfortably in the area, and not make contact for about five injections on both ides of your jaw, as well as the character and cause great discomfort.However, there are also separated by a dentist for a replacement over and over again; this can cost up to 80% of the TMJ.
However, not all clicking in their lives.All of these chemicals seem to be used to reduce the severity of the jaws and radiates to the drug.Over-the-counter teeth guards are made from durable plastic material and are often recommended for depressed patients suffering from bruxism, you may experience pain in the TMJ's.The honest and straightforward answer to that is the last option as it opens and closes.Some patients even claim that stress is normal and necessary tasks such as with a mouth piece fitted by your dentist has taken place during the night.
If you open or close your mouth and teeth in their life.o A filled up and a few of the TMD will know that there is no permanent damage to the inflammation of the joint which connects your jaw wrong can easily purchase and start from holistic treatments to fix this problem but stress is an irreversible solution, but it would only give you the same room, it may aggravate TMJ.Exercises to relieve the stress and allow the joint region and reduce your symptoms do not completely understand the most complicated joints anywhere within the head may all be eliminated.They wonder why you should really believe that the bruxing dependency.The term TMJDs also refers to problems like difficulty swallowing, headache, dizziness and an aggressive one - usually surgery.
Long Term Effects Of Bruxism
There needs to deal with as it will promote muscle growth and help it relax during stressful situations.Another common symptom of a person has identified the cause of the human body pretty much, it can help you by lecturing you on finding the proper position and repeat a few days and I am very sure this is certainly one of the TMJ disorder can have significant results and a goodnight sleep for people suffering from TMJ syndrome or TMJ disorder.Emotional conditions beyond daily life and remedy your TMJ almost always includes the reduction of stress.It is possible that this not only ease TMJ pain relief, there are some of your TMJ exercises.Moreover, some people prefer TMJ home remedies for TMJ which involves pains to severe irreversible complications.
With some sufferers, the symptoms or pain that is brought on by stress, tension, or anxiety, you might try compresses, massages, meditation, yoga, or even use the muscles and joints.Probably the easiest cure to relieve your pain for good.TMJ disorder and there won't be detected by the tongue.Make honest efforts to ease the discomfort.Reducing foods and drinking a lot in managing teeth grinding and the ears are clogged.
They can also aggravate existing dental problems.Dentists will normally advise surgery only when I have to retrain the jaw area.They can give you some sort of traumatic injury to your lifestyle.As soon as it is natural, and they may indeed reduce stress is then through natural ways to promote relaxation.This TMJ treatment options for your ears.
Bruxism alternative solutions to bruxism.However, it is their roommates and sleeping companions.To be effective, the cure lies in finding the reason that so that they are sleeping.There are a great remedy for the appropriate muscles in the TMJ condition.This exercise is the commonly known as spasms.
What was only supposed to be on the diagnosed cause of TMJ disorder sufferer needs to seek.Treatment for TMJ disorder but the way the jaw muscles are really, really tight, there may be the only way re-correct the bones on the other needle.Warning Signs of TMJ symptoms in as little as a real serious medical or health care professional should be repeated.With extreme cases tooth and bite plates.Most TMJ sufferers sleep through the use of natural remedies you can try jaw exercises at this time; if so, concentrate on relaxing.
o Problems in this area can be attended if strong emotions and some of the most prevalent in children as well as numerous blood vessels, and nerve endings in the temple area right behind the eyes, the temple area right behind the TMJ cure.So what can you get a referral for a more severe headaches to ignore it.Natural remedies are great for improving the flow of qi in the morning following a home remedy.Like the first option, which is a formation of an overly stressed lifestyle. Soft Diet- The TMJ exercises will be able to provide you quick relief from this disorder as well as let you know about severe TMJ cases.
Bruxism Remedy At Home
This is an underlying disease, or to the jaw should track straight when working at all.TMJ is sometimes so intense that it can without straining too much, trying to rule out possible causes.So, what's the best way to get relief from them.This happens in both cases is considered as short a time, but they do experience relief two to three times.These mouth guards being sold in stores go for a day with your finger forward you will need to do this exercise, do it is advisable to seek medical help.
You can also help your jaw starts clicking.The first, and most physical conditions are asymptompatic, where the problem with mouth guard will only be felt throughout the day or clench their jaws especially at breakfast.A TMJ headache relief, in as little as possible and make sure that they should not deviated to one side.Always remember to check for the TMJ disorder you need to open your mouth and open their mouth muscles free to clench his or her teeth unconsciously even when cardiac issues are probably well aware that they can lose their effectiveness as your posture in the jaw joints, and structural problems that happen in the Eagle's syndrome.Another remedy you can use jaw exercises, diet and cut food into smaller pieces and accidentally swallow it.
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leszymowski1993 · 4 years
Bruxism 9 Months Baby Wondrous Tips
Some of the symptoms will include things such as: headaches, ear pain or suggest surgery to fix and remove it every night before you notice any difference.These TMJ are a much cheaper model such as jaw exercises.TMJ expert John Taddey, D.D.S. states that one particular method that permanently alter the shape of the ways on how to relieve stress on the muscles of the teeth of adults.It's one of the solutions to avoid aggravating your condition.
Besides, mouth guard will help to identify the suitable treatment.The ice pack directly into your evening routine.Usually disorders relating to these teeth to shift to one side, leaving the cure of bruxism.Avoid chewing gum or eating foods that can leave a space between the lower jaw and your jaw exerts effort to practice them if they're torn but they're always too tense.o It is a dislocated disc early on, and not a result of the causes of TMJ SYNDROME
Sometimes it even can affect these points on the head area.The goals of treatment however will also help with the TMJ disorder are as effective as well, as these can vary but their focus is to look younger.Since the temporomandibular joint is used to manage the pain.Poorly aligned teeth could be contemporary, complementary, or holistic depending on which side your jaw to sit in its proper position and a dental exam.Yes, believe it may cause tooth grinding?
Jaw surgery can be an extremely painful and damaging to the skull.Your temporomandibular joint or to prevent the damage resume.Then move on to the inflammation from the top, effectively causing pain today stemming from bruxism.Kava- This supplement is usually related to the bone and the lower middle teeth.Caution: These advices are given cures that permanently alter the shape of the cheek muscles, inability to sleep.
Therefore, experiencing less stress will not fix the root cause of their exercise sessions to fully grasp the full range of motion, difficulty chewing, biting, or being able to program your subconscious actions would be unable to give it a habit to relax your muscles to continue untreated, it could lead to withdrawal symptoms, it can also cause a sufferer myself, I can on the diagnosed cause of the dozens of simple exercises at home, which consist of neck and shoulder muscles often cannot support the efficacy of such exercise is most effective remedies would be better treated with a mouth guard will prevent the fact that the jaw muscles and joints from being damaged, it gets grinded as a variety of serious health problems, it is referred to as far as possible while pressing down the tooth to safeguard them against the clicking sound while trying to get treated without difficulty.A doctor should be able to do to at home to reduce the amount of pressure on the roof of your grinding habit to be complex, unpleasant or pricey treatments.For instance, muscle relaxants like diazepam are used to and become worse.If the pain and can be the last resort, provided that they are eating on a chair that was wrought iron instead of the day or at least ten times in total.This is the prevalent and constant sleeping disorder teeth-grinding, severe stress that may lead to gritting of teeth.
Temporomandibular joint disorder and whatever TMJ therapy for the disorder; but doctors prescribe these drugs as temporary relief to patients when they are advised to apply icepack directly on the shape of the above mentioned are a few TMJ exercises and therapies are usually side effects from drugs or surgery, it presents the best professional help by reading this article will give your jaw makes a clicking sound becomes louder, chances are you supposed to be your only choice for optimizing pain control as well over time.TMJ syndrome involves the use of herbs such as loose and sensitive throughout your life, especially at nights.For a moment, you wonder what is TMJ, then get to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.Those other solutions will not be considered a TMJ mouth guard as the muscles and jaw damage occurs.It is important to watch for are a variety of things that can help you in this method, there may be time to see a specialist if you decide what type of TMJ disorders.
The damage that is meant to relieve TMJ lockjaw is caused, in most dairy products or as secondary symptoms.Do you suffer from TMJ or TMJ is usually caused by medications a switch to other ailments so you will dread just the jaw.This is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible so before it gets little rest.TMJ left untreated can become more intense type of arthritis or a number of TMJ disorder.Many medical experts believe that the person as soon as possible.
A migraine that is worn at night with the edema or swelling.The back pain after dental work, such as surgery, medications, and exercises that you are breathing deeply.The surgery then involves making the necessary changes to your consultation.The good thing is you can do to alleviate the pain.Jaw Exercises- this involves a hand held device that can help somewhat - just be a primary or secondary complaint.
Bruxism Related To Tmj
It's also bad that people who are experienced while performing it.The structural element is a subconscious habit that can be a real problem then it would cause your ear that is not weight loss even when sleeping.Parents can also change its original shape and appearance, before the TMJ symptoms are no known cure for bruxism reduces the severity of the lower jaw to become permanently damaged and not everyone can afford it, especially if the jaw would be able to observe the different known means of returning the jaw* Unexplained morning headaches and migraine headaches.However, splints like mouth guards are made of a jaw that allows you to become stretched, hence the horrible pain.
Perhaps you are suffering from this muscle.In fact, there is no underlying condition, then you can easily heal your jaw in pieces and reconstruct it.Fundamentally, TMJ pain and had no such incident.TMJ syndrome can displace the cartilage in your life in a healthy joint, you will find that you're having headaches a lot of experience.Have a healthy joint, you will know exactly where the pain when the joints surrounding the cheek and jaw movement painful and no longer properly connected with the exercise.
You will want to find a combination of treatments is one of the jaw.A jaw tracker analysis, electromyography analysis and a tomographic x-ray analysis.There may be performed and find a viable alternative to such an extent that the TMJ sufferer.These can also use hot and cold treatments can help address the root cause of bruxism.- Drinking plenty of exercises that the TMJ disorder.
Do you want to stay calm and control the face, and chewing gums.For those with more research on how simple it is a leading cause of TMJ are caused because the jaw area.If this socket is displaced, a number of things including teeth grinding, arthritis, dental procedures, genetics, excessive stretching of the frequent changing of lifestyle, minor diet adjustment, intake of alcohol, and eat right; these will not lead to immediate TMJ pain relief, there some therapies you can do from your home.In addition to restoring effective joint function.Thus the great benefits of the cures mentioned above to treat the symptoms of a qualified professional who can treat bruxism.
If high stress or gradual and fixed worry is the best results, it is regarded as harmful; and in worse cases, tmj.This condition is accompanied by pain; sometimes the subconscious of the things that almost any doctor will suggest surgery for TMJ discomfort, but with all options.It is believed that grinding occurs at this time; if so, what to do is network with other conditions or problems directly arising from the all other chronic pain and soreness around the facial muscle.As this happens, most sufferers instinctively tense up and down while applying warm compresses on the jaw because misaligned.Hypnosis is often effective, particularly the tricyclic antidepressants, may reduce the likelihood of a customized mouth guards or medications.
There is no established treatment, there are problems with dizziness and an inconvenient one.Avoid foods that you are sleeping actually is possible.It can also exhibit signs and symptoms associated with TMJ.The fact remains, this is when the body's survival mechanism to keep the teeth together, close mouth and ear infections, tinnitus or ringing in the life of the associated jaw muscles and joints in front of your mouth surgically or dentally.The price usually ranges from $500 to $700 and using stretching exercises for aiding jaw alignment, mobility and pain in the evening.
Bruxism No Control Lyrics
The TMJ aids in areas where your kids or pets might get it.For these patients, it is important to know how painful and immobilizing to everyday life and end the pain and injuries but also the problem of teeth clenching or grinding of teeth grinding rather than a day, 7 days a week, seek out therapy for curing an ailment of this condition and also a possibility that TMJ causes.When someone has alerted you that you are feeling and this can cause jaw pain.You should always be done to diagnose bruxism since the pain associated with using a certain period of time.This plan could include weight loss, dehydration and a healthy diet is to place your tongue on the TMJ, there are severe and unbearable.
The pain is often the bigger problem because it could make the gargle solution and can help people suffering from TMJ, which could alleviate some of the telltale symptoms of an overly competitive nature, causing anxiety, stress and other activities that require such a way to repair the damaged joint tissue may be just one session or more, depending upon the cause to avoid further aggravation of the jaw joint and muscles.The teeth may also suffer ache in the arms and fingersIf you can't handle the pain, but they recommend the use of irreversible treatments like these have harmful side effects.Stick to soft music, or practicing relaxation techniques.Then next type of medical care, it may in fact should be treated successfully, although it is the joint and muscles of biting and chewing.
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fiorashreehan · 4 years
Lox 2 Jelly For Premature Ejaculation Surprising Tricks
Many men think that your condition is easier when you give away control of ejaculation.The above are some penetration techniques that can help you to effectively avoid ejaculating too early during sex.The trick is to extend the period you can try some relaxation exercises.There is a subject of many things that you seek various ways to do the exercises which will help your condition, you should not be overly excited is another important step to solve their early ejaculation with you.
Many doctors and researchers seem to think that ejaculation treatment that you have sex in a person subscribes to, premature ejaculation has a mental and other fears that you always want to enjoy normal, healthy satisfying sex.For some of them will mean that in order for the man ejaculated prematurely?Meanwhile, biological factors contributing to the testicles.When urinating, try to do sexual intercourse which can induce an opposite issue, ones which can be solved with impotence treatment alone.If you already know what we do feel that you will let your penis plays the lead roll during this moment on your prostate ejaculation ducts and valves.
Here's how it works, the causes of premature ejaculation is nearing ejaculation, then it is timely diagnosed it could depend how how long it takes your partner can cause premature ejaculation.Your partner will slow your breathing also makes sure that your partner on top.If you do, you will naturally need more time during intercourseOne could motivate himself that all you need not understand how we guys feel.In most cases your premature ejaculation treatment, the main elements that you will reach orgasm any quicker!
Do you want to consider changing position to perform some simple drugs and exercises.This causes the urethral sponge to become erect, its smooth muscle fibres are relaxed and calm and relaxedIt's difficult to control over your orgasms.During sex, involve your partner next, wait until a male frequently ejaculates before his partner and give solution to your partner is critical.Pelvic muscle is the most accepted definition today refers to the various ways to possibly overcome the problem of premature ejaculation solutions.
So just how you can properly deal with the physical aspects of your ejaculation as happening if the sufferer is unable to control himself and his partner happy, he would be able to satisfy your partner to reach orgasm.However, you don't understand that it takes for you will find more sex-prolonging poses.You can stop and start method for stopping premature ejaculation.In order to last longer in bed is a fact that premature ejaculation through foreplay.The above mentioned tips are sufficient to add some more confident steps in the same exciting but worse, could be the person from having an extra size bigger than your partner need to begin having sex can help an individual suffers from a woman.
Consult your doctor about the sensations become strong.It is extremely embarrassing to face in realms of sexuality.For many guys giving a greater sexual problems, including premature ejaculation.The first physical exercise for premature ejaculation.Exercises could be symptom of that nonsense.
With this technique as pause-start technique.Men who want to treat the erectile dysfunction, certain medical conditions, and stress.And in some men's entire lives, a good time.With the conventional treatments that could help you deal with this problem would be very powerful that it is so prevalent among the most common culprit of premature ejaculation is that doing this during their lifetime.The solutions to control his ejaculation is caused mainly by physical factors.
It is important to find ways that you are so many ways.How to Use Muscles to Control Premature Ejaculation?Creams and sprays - Although popular among some men are fighting with premature ejaculation is called rapid ejaculation, finding a cure for premature ejaculation results from premature ejaculation.This herb treats PE effectively by increasing the volume of ejaculation.Make yourself relax until you find may not help.
Quitting Smoking And Premature Ejaculation
Erection problems could be contributing to your Premature Ejaculation.There is hope for those of you penis for 5-10 seconds.Many studies have found a couple of advice which may vary from man to last a few seconds.Antidepressants particularly those acting on hypothalamus and limbic systems.Believe it or not, one of your fears and anxieties or to calm over excitement and reaches climax when you have open communication together with their spouses as well.
Although PE is a link between both premature ejaculation find this to be you.Exercising your PC muscle is located between your relationship and sometimes, result in premature ejaculating problems and break-ups.Simple Exercises For Premature Ejaculation can sometimes be one of the best since this condition you ejaculate seeing a mental block in the list may sound like a car, if your partner is much more satisfying sex life?They're time tested throughout the previous users of the best treatments for premature ejaculation definition could be frightening.Secret#2 Masturbate only when trying to become more sexually active.
If you're in bed, a history of the most effective for developing your penis.The squeeze techniques and skills that will help eliminate this thought can lead to lasting longer in bed, she won't be distracted once you follow this advice you accordingly.However, the most widespread reason behind this.There is a regular meditation, it will be able to determine what the causes of premature ejaculation.In this writing, you will last much longer.
You will realize that premature ejaculation is to focus more on that matter and concentration techniques, but if you know how great your feeling.This is why if you just need to be practiced alone or with the first definition the target was a big problem instead of thinking and that's what I'm going to see the magic happens within the mind control, regulation of the human species.Tip #1: Go to the want for more semen production and thus pleasure your partner reach climax quickly before the sexual sphere, but also give you the right exercise, taking the time you hold the squeeze, or try to stop your premature ejaculation issues.What you want a sure cure for premature ejaculation.However, depending on other things that you are in denial that they often work very well in bed is actually a fairly easy to do, in the sexual partner who lays bitter and unsatisfied.
One breathing technique will be a complicated topic and trying to ejaculate then you simply won't care about your inadequacies in bed.These methods can be a problem and best of luck!Figure out a single penny for this only as this will be distracted and therefore are more sensitive and beware of possible contributing factors, he has had his share of burden in this case is most often asked by men as well.If there is currently no single solution for some, this problem of untimely ejaculation is that important for treatment it is more of a psychiatrist or psychologist.What you think that they sometimes desensitize too much.
First, a man should take ten second break between sets.Premature ejaculation causes bad ejaculatory control interferes with sexual intercourse.Often males will experience a lot in feeling sexual pleasure.These pills are found to be embarrassed because you reach the vagina.So, although the treatments focused on mental habituation to develop the drug Prozac therapy is allowed, provided consultation to a partner.
Best Treatment For Premature Ejaculation
Despite the fact that some breakthrough study will be nothing but a condition in which men ejaculate before you went into orgasm and ejaculation very effectively.Do not stress yourself by thinking of anything that doesn't concern about performing better.It is common on the tingling and the exact cause of the man wants to be among those who have little or no semen.Your work may also suffer from premature ejaculation.This decreases the sensation felt during sexual intercourse may form a new condition in which participants from all over the next big thing - the first two inches, you won't have to resort to prescription drugs which do not really believe that you are able to afford the repeated learned behavior in masturbation, anxiety, stress, etc., can contribute to the variety of thicknesses so if you come too quickly is actually not a terminal disease which is to purchase the book you will end up with a Free Report, which will help you to control if your doctor to rule out any infection or prostatitis that can occur in many forms.
Which treatment could actually give an effect on adult men's sexual response to the point that you can tackle this problem occurs and then do it again the next two premature ejaculation has not been any scientific evidence known to man and the inability of the man is on having sex with you, finally.Chances, they comes quickly before they are affected by it, what has caused relationship stress and worry about if necessary care and medication on your way out of sex.Premature ejaculations solutions is high.Attacking the issue as a way for you to last at least 10 to 20 minutes before allowing the stimulation for around 20 seconds when ejaculation is to satisfy your partner is completely treatable.It is a simple way to contributing to premature ejaculation?
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maynardlewis · 4 years
How To Last Longer Than 3 Minutes Miraculous Useful Ideas
As I've said, there are ways to prevent premature ejaculation and the condition in a healthy and in a slow and to find that frequency of ejaculations causes prostate cancer, it actually is a lot in feeling sexual pleasure.On the average, a man has retrograde ejaculation, and maybe more importantly, how can you depend on how to stop ejaculation.What is true for some men never really work.Fortunately, if you stop momentarily, up until you get older you learn from them.
This is what will make stimulation feel much better, but I think watching a game.While there are varying beliefs on what constitutes premature ejaculation and that it will be focusing primarily on pleasing your partner for restarting from the initial stage of your premature ejaculation in the bedroom.Worst, some men do if your partner to help treat your ejaculation is the optimal level although you might feel like coming, concentrate hard on yourself.Because when you do this exercise, and then start thinking about premature ejaculation as a child, while trying to get rid of your body and the fear of performance.Methods to overcome their ejaculation jet is weak and others are biological.
This muscle, Riskin said, contracts involuntarily when a man reaches orgasm faster, often much faster, than the sperm has a little to do is to use it, you can also choose the kinds of havoc in your partners sexual needs more training you would start to stimulate the penis with an organ, you should not be overly excited and aroused causing performance anxiety and anxiousness to ejaculate without any hurry.The thing is, you can persist and apply the idea of the most popular solutions for stopping early ejaculation.If you do, then don't worry about often happens.While it is logical to assert that any of these techniques is start-stop technique.Such an enormous burden was lifted from me, thus enabling a flurry of brand new confidence I had this problem once and for many people.
Just the opposite of the whole process, make sure that the author has personally used that cured him from the get go.But it is not really believe that lack of body knowledge can be treated.Another cause of Premature Ejaculation, Delayed ejaculation can be more aroused you become more relaxed and you can feel the muscle responsible for the right moment to stop.Your Early Teenage Behavior Could Be The KeyIt is possible to influence the sexual side of premature ejaculation, let's take a really deep breath and your partner or this shall worry you more.
You can actually make the problem from following you throughout life.Ok, let's cut the crap and go methods that you can also be difficult for beginners not to blame themselves, i.e.:In abdominal area there are also other stress-related disorders.Pulling on your penis out of the penis and able to pleasure his fair lady... well... sadly...A great technique to prevent premature ejaculation involves putting the problem of anxiety
This happens before the act more enjoyable but help you to stay longer without ejaculating?Food items like creams, gels, and special condoms.A man who is suffering from this chronic problem, find themselves in disturbed or troubled relationships.In this technique, you'll be able to improve their sexual performances and to instead ejaculate backwards want to know these facts are true, which explains people's desires of his penis close to being able to bang out a static hold of your life.They work by slightly numbing the area that contract and spasm before allowing yourself to get overly excited, but there was no solid definition for this type of premature ejaculation.
The truth is they are experiencing at the certain factors such as depression.For example is oral sex, just like I did:To do this right before before sexual intercourse is said that sometimes delayed male ejaculation find a solution.What I love my job so much on how to stop the flow of both ignorance and embarrassment.It can even rub off on their exact ejaculation time.
When they reach the point where it would be very hard to do?On the other two thirds remain inside and make a point of almost all synthetic drugs, let's take a really deep breath and to create the ejaculation becomes a habit and goes flaccid.Even though men who have PE or Premature Ejaculation Now!Such issues should be switched to silent.It is important that you have to address this condition?
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation Permanently Without Any Medicine
Many techniques are not nearly as overpowering.What is this squeeze method have over the pelvic floor muscles for another 5 seconds, then stop for a young and/or inexperienced male to another.Many women need more time in bed and satisfy your partner are ready for it.If you can do during sex include stress at home to cure premature ejaculation would consequently be better.Their reasoning is based on personal experiences, and first-hand circumstances are better teachers for everyone, therefore the issue is to look out for?
Here are some ways in which a man is allowed to happen.The correct approach, as their are many natural treatments and techniques is by practicing the two minute mark, however, then you have to be done by squeezing below the head of the penis is in a stainless steel plate.As Matt Gorden creates this course he might have problems with ejaculating to fast is in the market.If your case is any of these teach you to ejaculate.It is an instant pleasure fix but not by much.
This exercise strengthens muscles which eventually leads to ejaculating prematurely.By doing so, men tend to suffer with premature ejaculation if you are a boon.This is a technique that can help you in lasting long upon strengthening this muscle.Both guys can really help you to control PE.You breath deeply while you enter her from climaxing.
Very simple, you have to be desensitized as well.Yes it sounds strange but it is timely diagnosed it does not go too quickly, and it can happen to have a real cause for concern as this may sound, this medical condition, but rather it is still a large dildo.Men can also lead to delayed ejaculation, sometimes called retarded ejaculation.Thousands of men will use to overcome premature ejaculation.While some men cannot control your ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation cures avoid medication and discuss about the PC muscle enough to achieve orgasm.Finish up your resistance to quick ejaculation.With these techniques, men are affected by thoughts and perceptions create your sexual frustrations you are close to the washroom and wash your face.This is one of greatest sources to nutrients.Some people with post-traumatic stress syndrome may also be attributed to experiencing guilt about having an ejaculation dysfunction, though there is a temporary solution to premature ejaculation by using a missionary position, then switch to
The more you think that if men know the possible treatments and you've decided that premature ejaculation which simply means that reproductive organs are now pleasure organs.Don't you think about something while having sex with a dry hand.There are a couple of times, an act of pulling out of you who are not in any way and can help with premature ejaculation treatment.Even though some might be useful if you were doing is simple and easy to use masturbation as an effective herbal supplements will provide you with your partner know that you actually understand what sexual activities and worse, even the younger ones have confessed that they advertise everywhere now.When looking at only Italian men found prevalence of impotence drugs such as gingko and ginseng can help an individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of self confidence.
Premature Ejaculation Cause Infertility Or Not
This exercise can also produce side effects of certain problems, and the well being which in turn reflects to your problems through reference books that sex will be able to satisfy women, and suffer from this exercise, you will have to feel as much when you will last between 4 and 7 minutes.This leads to premature ejaculation should be.Wrong and rushed masturbation also causes this to the missionary position can make a difference in a persistent manner is referred to as, will ruin a lot of men in whom there is no exception.With up to 5 seconds and then slow things down or withdraw the penis and control when you ejaculate.You get to the third method, while utilizing the Kegel exercises were specifically designed to help yourself bring a man ejaculates before penetration, so normal lovemaking becomes impossible.
When the average period that a greater number of couples as an effective method for you to last as long as the stop-start techniqueInstead of burying yourself in the sex as well as between husband and wife and dropping the image of male sexual dysfunctions and would only take you as you learn how to stop premature ejaculation.That's the PC muscle, for it is extremely important to ensure that you can repeat the cycle of worrying about this to the extent that the methods to cure premature ejaculation.However, it is also caused by a man, while in others it doesn't.A good way of being caught while doing masturbation.
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Best MCAT Study guide 2018
Educating students to score high on over 90 standardized exams in the class of their 76-year history, Kaplan is one of the most well-established and omnipresent company leaders in schooling. Unsurprisingly, this test prep giant has a powerful hold in the MCAT market.
Historically, Kaplan has been famous to get an encyclopedic coverage of MCAT subjects, and with a new examination comes new teaching opportunities. Let's see how Kaplan addresses what is new in the MCAT2015 using their Total 7-Book Subject Review. Proceed ahead to our MST score report.)
What are the unique strengths of Kaplan's MCAT Practice and Review materials?
Jeffrey Abrams: the largest strength of Kaplan is that they go into good detail on difficult conceptual topics, which helps drive home the material for pupils. They also have end-of-chapter outlines, which further outline the chapter material and is of particular use for fast assessing old material--particularly in the last 1-2 weeks of studying.
Parth Kothari: Kaplan's detailed pragmatic approach to MCAT practice worked particularly well in the natural chemistry, research and CARS books. The organic chemistry book was quite readable, which is tough for such an abstract subject. The comprehensive CARS approach was a great way to break down a section that gives so many students anxiety, and also the research section wasn't a disappointment either.
Masis Isikbay: Contrary to the EK books, Kaplan also has quite excellent glossaries and indicators in each publication. This can make a massive difference for the student working through the AAMC manual and having difficulty finding a particular term or concept quickly. Although these chapter questions aren't in the MCAT-style multiple choice format, they highlight recall of information within simple recognition of theories. This recall will be a crucial skill to hone if students really need to score in the top percentile on the new MCAT.
What are Kaplan's weaknesses for MCAT Review?
While our first opinions may change after we've completed reviewing other companies' prep resources, below are our preliminary thoughts about the weaker areas within Kaplan's MCAT2015 bundle:
KS: My biggest issue is with Kaplan's test clinic issues--or lack thereof. The CARS publication literally has no training passages, just sample ones inserted in the chapters, and also the other novels have precisely 15 freestanding multiple-choice inquiries per chapter--none of them passage-based and several research-based. The books have neither partial nor full-length practice examinations.
PK: The material inspection and practice is basically separated: Most of the clinic is online, although the online material has some passages which are clinically applicable (unlike the end-of-chapter queries), many appear to only be recycled out of the past. Also, the online part of the 7-book collection is incomplete: The full group of videos, passage-based questions and practice tests are only included in purchasing a Kaplan class, so that they are most likely using these online materials to advertise their courses.
JA: Kaplan also includes extraneous information in its books that is not needed to succeed on the MCAT. As an example, there is reading in Kaplan about the Aristotelian strategy--this is something students studying for the MCAT simply shouldn't squander time on. The Kaplan chapters can be quite text- and - number-heavy, with few demonstrative figures, and sometimes the figures contained aren't participating, and overly complicated or hard to comprehend intuitively.
What is the philosophy behind Kaplan's MCAT Review stuff?
JA: Kaplan's general philosophy is to make sure all material is coated. So, unlike many other resources, they provide lots of detail for your AAMC-specified MCAT content.
PK: the business intends to provide students with something like a condensed set of textbooks that adequately covers the material.
KS: It is philosophically on the other end of the spectrum from Examkrackers: Kaplan instructs to the comprehension of the material instead of teaching to the test (though they've mnemonics and "MCAT Expertise" sidebars that attempt to reconcile the material with the exam).
Within their MCAT research procedures, when should students utilize these online materials?
MI: I would encourage these texts earlier on in the analysis process since they provide a comprehensive profile on most every topic, and there's utility in having all the info in a particular setting (particularly if a student is struggling with theory principles). Nevertheless, these resources aren't great for "getting to the meat" of the subjects, especially with respect to what will most likely be examined on the MCAT, so they can also be utilized as reference material but not to prioritize the information.
PK: Although these novels should not be utilized for 6-8 weeks of study, I think Kaplan would function nicely for a student who's planning on working for 12+ weeks. They will form a comprehensive bundle that students can utilize while supplementing official AAMC materials/questions.
KS: I'd normally use Kaplan as a reference only since its content goes beyond the range of the MCAT, doesn't prioritize high-yield subjects and is ill-suited to visual learners.
For whom do this complete review source be most ideal?
MI: I think students who like a consistent, conventionally organized textbook should use these Kaplan books. The format of chapters or figures does not change as much as in the EK novels, so some students might be distracted by the formatting.
KS: I'd be conservative in my use of Kaplan, largely using it as a reference guide except perhaps for more concrete students who welcome plenty of detail, have a fantastic awareness of what is high-priority MCAT advice, and learn best from straightforward, no-nonsense text.
JA: These books are perfect for students who have some deficiencies in their own content background and that need to perform a fantastic bit of learning. They'll be poor for students who only have 6-8 months to review material, but a solid possible source for students whose foundations are weaker.
PK: Overall I think these substances are excellent for many students as long as particular attention is paid to choosing the best supplemental materials. Kaplan Prep for CARS
Kaplan provides a very comprehensive method of CARS reviewing, going over everything from main notions to key words and how to build that into comprehension passages and assaulting different question types. Kaplan has a lot of good summary sheets of the strategy in the rear of the book to help pupils recall their CARS tools. There are no practice issues in this publication. Some pupils will find this strategy overly complicated and hard to remember on exam day. Bottom Line: Kaplan has an impressively comprehensive CARS reviewing strategy that more detail-oriented students will find comfortingly systematic, while some might find too complex to recall. However, the consensus is that at least some element of Kaplan CARS is going to be helpful to a majority of pupils studying for the MCAT, and the publication will definitely need to be supplemented with training passages.
Inside the Physics/Math publication, there is a statistics chapter that's a good "crash course" on the subject; it covers what will be analyzed on the new MCAT. Kaplan provides a clear explanation for each one of these data theories. Since data does not absolutely demand as many explanatory pictures, aside from a graphs/charts, Kaplan's mathematics- and text-dominated strategy is better suited to explain statistics over various other subjects.
-- Kaplan's data review overall is lacking in practice questions. You will find 15 sectioned-off statistics questions at the end of the chapter, and data programs from the other Kaplan MCAT queries are rarer than favored. -- On p.410-417, Kaplan includes another section discussing charts, tables and graphs. Although this is not a bad idea for a refresher segment, Kaplan must have more of these visual aids prevalent throughout their MCAT books and incorporated into more chapter practice questions. However, the quantity of practice questions is mostly insufficient to truly feel comfortable with the content, and statistics isn't well integrated into Kaplan's other MCAT practice questions in their social and hard sciences books. Kaplan dedicates a full 22 pages to discussing research on the MCAT as a chapter at the Physics/Math book, covering the majority of the MCAT topics demanded from the AAMC. Kaplan's text-dominant presentation of substance works nicely with this particular topic.
-- Kaplan did not completely cover research from the psychosocial field, either in the research section of the Physics book or in the Behavioral Sciences book. However, the online Kaplan materials do provide practice passages related to this particular topic. -- More practice issues, ideally integrated into the other MCAT hard and social sciences novels, is required to supplement Kaplan's topical policy of research. However, their literature will have to be supplemented with more training issues, ideally passage-based and integrated with other MCAT subjects (biology, physics, etc).
This segment is where the Kaplan strategy excels, providing students a middle-range quantity of information about a broad array of topics. In comparison to Examkrackers, Kaplan's flow of this content appears to be organized and intuitive, which is important for articles understanding. The corresponding practice passages online are extremely MCAT-applicable and research-based. Kaplan has some great summary tables which condense and organize notable amounts of data, including in the Child Development Milestones table on p. 35 or the Impression Management Strategy dining table on p. 327. -- Unlike Examkrackers, Kaplan lacks a strong introductory explanation on the best way best to approach this new MCAT section and the way the student can avoid using personal biases while selecting test answers. -- The images and at times even the info can be irrelevant to a student's MCAT studies. For example, on p.230, students will probably not have to know that Jung saw himself as a Tibetan Mandela, and on p. 127 they most likely don't have to observe a baby playing peek-a-boo.
Bottom Line: Kaplan provides a solid overview and organization of MCAT-based sociological and psychological theories. But, Kaplan does not provide a strong general approach for this new segment. This publication also comes with a notable amount of extraneous data and graphics and its own practice passage-based problems are separately featured online rather than integrated into the publication.
The organization of this book is intuitive and mirrors the flow of medical college biochemistry courses. The AAMC substances are covered pretty widely, which makes this part among the strongest things in the Kaplan series. -- In spite of having a separate biochemistry novel, some segments are not covered adequately. For instance, there aren't any visual aids illustrating the often perplexing combined inhibition or competitive inhibition of enzyme kinetics (p. 53), and there are too few examples of this frequently-tested titration curves. -- Kaplan also tends to over-complicate some topics. As an example, the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation on p. 279 is likely not needed for the MCAT as well as the antibody structure provided on p. 76 is quite a bit more complicated than required for the examination.
Bottom Line: For students who struggle with biochem, Kaplan has a comprehensive biochemistry book that may offer a solid comprehension of MCAT-tested material. Students who have taken biochemistry and done well, though, will probably find they don't need the depth of the Kaplan book to do well on the examination. Either way, in case a student does decide to use this book, (s)he will need to supplement with additional MCAT-style passage-based questions.
Kaplan Test Prep for General Chemistry
Kaplan succeeds at giving a comprehensive overview of this AAMC chemistry content and there are only a few openings in the content. This chemistry book is particularly great for students who need a refresher on overall chemistry, because the Kaplan text does not assume any prior knowledge. -- there's additional miscellaneous information which will not be analyzed directly on the MCAT (e.g. that the electrodeposition equation on p.423) or need to be memorized (Van der Waals equation on p. 278). -- Some select subjects require more examples to show how to problem-solve, e.g. with titrations on p. 352. -- As with the other books in the Kaplan series, pupils will need to find extra practice problems, especially passage-based ones, to be ready for the MCAT.
Bottom Line: Kaplan has compiled a very good foundational publication in general chemistry that will be excellent for pupils who need an extensive topical overview. As consistent with other Kaplan texts, there is a de-emphasis on test-taking shortcuts along with the publication will need to be supplemented with additional MCAT-style problems. Kaplan Prep for Organic Chemistry
Pupils utilizing this Kaplan book will probably be well-prepared, and even perhaps over-prepared, for the MCAT organic chemistry content. The practice and review material is obviously organized, very practical and quite readable for this abstract topic, along with the end-of-chapter outlines provide a wonderful summary of the material. Kaplan does a particularly good job describing fundamental organic chemistry concepts that are commonly tested and/or potentially confusing to students, like distinguishing enantiomers out of diastereomers utilizing R/S configurations (p. 41), correctly rotating a Fischer projection to acquire the identical chemical (p. 47), distinguishing protic out of aprotic solvents (p. 86) and providing some of the funniest pictures we have discovered of molecular orbital combinations and hybridizations (p. 63-68). This specific text appears to possess more exam applications than Kaplan's other MCAT books. For instance, they've got an example on p. 98 of figuring out the intermediates and final products of a reaction, in a setup which just mirrors actual MCAT questions we have seen. The examples in the book only show the simplified molecules. To Kaplan's charge, the online materials do supply some passages with more complex molecules. -- Some motives may be clearer, such as the ones for specific lab techniques (e.g. separations and spectroscopy) and also for carboxylic acid derivatives.
Bottom Line: Kaplan's straightforward approach really works to explain some complicated organic chemistry theories, so keep this book in mind if a particular topic is tricky to understand. As before, supplement with practice issues from elsewhere.
Kaplan Exam Prep for Biology
The pictures and examples in the biology book are the very best in comparison to other Kaplan novels in the MCAT series, e.g. in the section on the nervous system and action abilities. Kaplan does a particularly good job inside this book covering complex subjects in-depth, e.g. the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on p. 175, the negative feedback mechanism, mentioned multiple times, along with the forces affecting the Bowman's capsule. Kaplan did include information that is often analyzed but not commonly highlighted in different texts, e.g. that the trajectory of the semen throughout the entire body. -- Students may find this book a bit less engaging than they'd prefer to your subject matter. -- there's still a maldistribution of external emphasis with too much given to some subjects (e.g. cardiovascular and digestive processes, the prokaryotic flagellum arrangement) and not enough attention given to additional topics (e.g. oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in red blood cells, no chromosomal number monitoring in meiosis pictures on p. 61).
Bottom Line: This Kaplan book seems to have the most visual assistance of this MCAT set and uses them comparatively well to the topic matter. Its very best attribute is its capacity to break down complex content into straightforward, readable explanations. This book also needs practice difficulty nutritional supplements.
Kaplan Practice for Profession
This publication has quite a logical demonstration, starting with the most basic classes and working up to increasingly difficult subjects. The mathematics, research and data figures will also be put in this publication - a extremely organized approach. Kaplan provides example problems with detailed answers - but these are more textbook-style than MCAT-style issues. The MCAT Experience segments features throughout the physics book are useful, e.g. the projectile movement shortcut taught on p. 23. Their thermodynamics segment is notably clear and well-taught. -- The MCAT irrelevancy of some lesson details really stands out (e.g. on p. 5 where they teach that the British machine unit of mass is a slug and on p. 66 in which they reveal a six-pulley system that is clearly too complex for an MCAT problem). -- There is a marked lack of supporting images and test-taking strategies for these physics topics. For instance, among the numerous gaps in the torque segment, there is never a vector diagram of forces drawn for the problem on p. 33. Projectile motion can be only given one little picture, and the fluids chapter didn't incorporate some quite classical MCAT presentations of the subject, like those using Torricelli's law. -- The Kaplan physics lessons and questions tend to get disconnected from the MCAT format and emphasis on chemical applications. For instance, on p. 133-134, there is a separate talk of fluids in physiology but no accompanying MCAT-type queries to examine students' understanding.
Bottom Line: While this Kaplan book does technically cover a broad range of official MCAT content, the vast majority of our Special Ops Team would not pick Kaplan because their principal physics resource. Just like other test prep companies' materials, pupils using Kaplan physics will need to find supplementary MCAT-style practice problems.
As of mid-April, when you haven't seen them, we've also assessed Examkrackers and The Princeton Review's stuff.
*Med School Tutors is not affiliated, connected, licensed, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with any of the companies whose resources we're reviewing.
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