#and its hard canon that he loathes monsters sooo
heroes-writing · 5 years
Hello new friend! Could I please request a scenario for Amai Mask with an s/o who had been turned into a kinda grotesque monster, and he was on her way to save her, but she didn't make it in time? The person who captured reader was out to ruin Amai, so The only way to transform her back, is to announce at his next concert (a huge one) that he was dating her, kiss her in front of everybody, and wait 24 hours. That works, but does he do it? Thank you!
Very interesting! I tried to make this as in character as possible lol?! Amai Mask is kind of a grey character for me, but I happen to believe him to be hiding dark depths. (In the manga he can be very ruthless and vain so ahh I felt very sorry for his monster s/o for a hot minute…)
So TBH: since -I- personally don’t trust this guy with the safety of any monster, regardless if it’s his s/o or not-- and because you gave me the option of “does he do it?” Weeellll! Read on and find out how he-- and the reader! Handles it!
Warnings: Dark themes, unhealthy relationships(?), inevitable break up.
Word Count: 1766
“Tell me where (Name) is before I slaughter you both—”
The woman in question flinched, her eyes watering and spilling over onto pallid grey cheeks.
The scientist holding her shackles reared his head back and belted out a cruel, shrieking cackle. The sound bounced around the cavernous lab. The mixture he had poured over (Name) sloshed in large beaker he held in a gloved hand, and he gestured with it almost drunkenly.
“Why Amai Mask—She’s right here!!” With a rough shove, her binds were released, and (Name) fell to the floor with a cry. Even in this cruel form, all hard and shell like in places, the fall hurt. A sob tore from her lips as her hot tears rained on the ground.
Even monsters can cry…(Name) thought as she sniffled and picked herself up. In a burst of hope, she dared to meet Amai’s gaze—She hoped to see a protective glare, or worried shock.
…Instead there was an ominous shadow cutting across his features, and his eyes were burning bright.
Not from recognition, not from love—All (Name) could see was hate.
His beautifully clenched jaw, his sculpted brows raised in apathy... (Name) had never seen this dark side of him directed AT her before. It was almost unthinkable to see him react so viciously.
The veins in her lover’s face were pulsing. It was a dangerous signal that every fiber of his being was flexing in white hot anger. She had cooed over it once before when he had dispatched a monster on one of their first dates, but not now.
He snapped his head to the side, making his flawless hair lay just so across his forehead to hide it. She assumed he would have threaded a hand through his perfect blue locks if both palms weren’t dripping with blood.
I’ve never seen him this angry…
Doesn’t he know it’s me?!
His eyes were growing hazy as he stared at (Name)—his irises doubled as they flickered at high speeds over her form.
He was judging her tears as weakness and analyzing her every flinch for signs of retaliation. There was not a hint of recognition within them, and she couldn’t help but whimper and hide her face in her heavily clawed hands.
The scientist laughed again, “You really don’t know!! How pathe—hiii!!" Their words were cut short as Amai released a low snarl.
Bloodlust flooded the room as if a dam had given way. The intent to kill was suddenly so thick in the air the scientist choked on his word and screamed instead.
The situation was becoming too stressful for (Name) to overcome. Her bulky shoulders hitched as heaving sobs wracked her body. Her tears were murky and discolored like mud—
Amai Mask swiped his hands low, perfectly dispelling the gore on them. The impact of the splash laid holes in the ground as if it had been sprayed with acid.
“I’d be careful if I were you…I don’t have to make your death quick, villain!”
He stepped closer, and something in (Name) flashed in bright neon lights: Danger! Keep away!
“Tell. Me. Where. (Name). Is!!”
(Name) shivered as a mirage of her lover flickered behind her.
As she turned in shock, the scientist was kicking his legs in the air. His voice squawking with the effort to keep his throat protected while Amai lifted him by his tie and collar..
“T-There—She—SHE’S RIGHT THERE!!” He pointed with both hands at (Name), and the solution he held crashed to the floor. The concoction was so strong it transmuted even the concrete into a monstrous shape.
Amai’s golden eyes peered down, before he slowly turned to face (Name) again. The scientist swung and scrabbled to lift himself up in Amai Mask’s iron grip.
Her lover’s face was devoid of emotion. “You really expect me to believe that you turned her into this monster?”
His voice was so cold…If her form hadn’t been changed, she would have never doubted his resolve to rescue her.
But now…
Doubt was thick and rotten in her stomach as she looked down at her body. She didn’t even recognize herself as she glanced down at her oozing and crusty hands and feet. Her clothes were shredded, but present. Surely, he could see the evidence of her transformation.
Her only other saving grace against Amai Mask’s brutal fury…Was that her voice was unchanged.
“Love….Love, it’s me, (Name)! I-I’m sorry I look like this!--”
His eyes glinted red as he bared his teeth, “Don’t try to save your pitiful life with lies!!!”
He raised the scientist up, his arm fully extended and clenching hard, “I’m tired of your games—” He raised his other fist and curled it into a fist, threatening a killing blow.
The scientist knew the jig was up.
“N-nonono! If you want to turn her back! It’s simple! J-just hold a concert in my honor—I MEAN!” They squeaked as Amai squeezed, “Kiss your monster lover in front of a crowd and I’ll turn them back—” With sweat dripping down his forehead and cheeks, he managed a small impish smile.
Both (Name) and the scientist froze…
“…W-what?” The scientist’s eyes bulged behind foggy glasses, “D-don’t you want them to return to normal?!”
“I’m going to kill you now.”
Amai Mask hushed him and set the scientist down with a scoff. He leveled them with stare of pure indifference.
“There’s one thing you must understand first since you’re human…”
“--As a hero, I will not buckle under the threat of others.”
The grip Amai had on the scientist crunched in a sickening sound. His musical voice carried over the sudden rush of desperate screams.
“As an idol, I won’t ruin my reputation for such a bold-faced lie.”
With a move so fast (Name) couldn’t comprehend, Amai Mask threw the scientist to splatter against the furthest wall. Computers shattered and buzzed with electricity. The foundations shook, the lights flickered, and dust rained from the ceiling in a sudden choking cloud.
Amai didn’t even flinch and instead brushed off his shoulders. He barely reacted at the sound of (Name)’s breaths turning shallow in her throat. He didn’t twitch when (Name)’s hazy vision made her sway in place.
He seemed to watch her curiously before he finally decided to face her. His hands slipped into his designer jean pockets as he hummed and blinked as if bored.
To have that gaze directed at her…It paralyzed (Name) from the neck down. Growths of all kinds dotted her form, and they shivered and folded back like a cat’s ears in response.  Even as she gulped and cowered, her display of surrender was clear.
…But she knew--!!
Amai Mask hated monsters. Wanted them all dead--
“They must not live. They are evil.” She had heard those words before, and they were ringing in her skull like a siren.
“I-It’s me!! I can prove it!!” She sniffled and pressed a sincere hand against her chest.
“Go on, then.” He replied coolly.
Biting her lip with sharp teeth she panted, “I-I know you were stressed out about your movie premiere! You told me in the green room before your interview—T-that you weren’t sure if the—the film would surpass your one from last year.”
He stepped closer, his heels clacking on the ground.
She buckled deeper into herself, cradling her head in her hands.
“You liked the strawberry mango smoothie I got you on our first date—” her voice warbled at the memories.
“You ate it for me even though you said you were dieting!”
(Name) shook her head hopelessly, “Amai, there has to be an antidote somewhere. Something that can change me back!!”
Before she knew it, he had closed the distance. The sight of his shoes tapping impatiently just before her knees turned her blood to ice. Wincing in on herself, she heard the slight gentle jingle of his many bracelets as he squatted.
“No, please, Amai…” She pleaded.
She didn’t want to raise her face—not if she had to meet her doom at the hands of her love, but one of his fingers dared to tap at one of the growths on her chin.
Shivering and crying, she squeezed her eyes shut and lifted her head.
“(Name), if that’s really you, then tell me what I prioritize most as a hero…”
The words formed unbidden in her throat, “You—You have to be beautiful, strong, and skillful…always.”
He paused for a long moment, before sighing.
He pressed his hands against his knees and stood smoothly. He didn’t offer her his handkerchief as he usually would, nor did he lend a hand to help her stand. His attitude was distant as he reached into his jacket and flipped open his cellphone.
He barely looked at her as he dialed a number.
“I’ll call the association. We’ll get some scientists to try and create an antidote if one can’t be found around here…” Then as if composing himself, he closed his eyes and nodded to (Name), as if she were a person he had bumped shoulders with on the street.
“I’m sorry this happened to you, (Name). For not being able to save you, I’ve gone against my own code of excellence...” He placed a hand on his chest, before turning away again.
(Name) blinked, speechless, as Amai walked away and began ordering the association at the other end into action. He walked and walked…
He carried on right out of the room.
Unsure of how to proceed, (Name) sat there shivering until a team of H.A. scientists arrived in contamination suits. The lab was swept, (Name) was put into immediate care, and Amai kept his distance—
No, he kept busy, is what he told the news outlets regarding (Name)’s disappearance.
“She has fallen ill, unfortunately. Please pray for her good health.”
His smile was, as usual, perfect in every way as he glittered on the tv in (Name)’s private room…She hadn’t seen him in person since his “heroic rescue.” But then again, she didn’t want to.
The growths were going away, slowly but surely. Her skin was returning to its normal pallor, the shells and carapace fell away to reveal her hair, but she had an awful feeling that’s all Amai Mask would see if he looked at her even now. She had no idea what to believe was real about that man anymore.
(Name) was almost glad he chose to stay away. It would make breaking up a hell of a lot easier.
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