#and its laena/alyn (aka the spares) who are the future of the family
thevelaryons · 7 months
There are some incredible implications in how Corlys’ children seem to mirror each other: Addam to Laenor and Alyn to Laena.
Addam and Laenor looked similar, they rode the same dragon, had Corlys petitioning for their position as heirs, possibly implied to have the same sexuality, and had complicated relationships with Rhaenyra, BUT while Laenor never conformed to his duties, Addam was presented as Corlys’ perfect heir.
Meanwhile, Alyn and Laena were the two that had similar adventurous personalities to Corlys. It’s their bloodline that continued House Velaryon. Both had twins! There’s a lot of bisexual vibes with these two as well. Laena married Daemon and Alyn married Daemon’s mini-me, Baela. Oh, and their hasty decision making nearly risked causing political backlash from Braavos.
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