#and ive been obsessed with this one for Helia
floralovebot 2 years
just got done studying now to reward myself with Blorbo Brain Time
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itsmebytch001 1 year
hi!! i love your fics 馃挒
i was wondering if you could made a yandere platonic morales family fic with a reader who's been sneaking out to go on dates?
(of course you don't have to make this if you don't want to)
(Yas 100%)
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Late Friday afternoon you looked over yourself in the mirror tucked away in your room. You were proud of your look and especially proud of youre makeup, you looked good and were excited for your date with Helia he was tall, broad and sweet, and said he would pay!
You packed your bag, juts with a phone, keys, perfume and emergency charger and headed for your front door, rushing past your Dad Aaron, and your cousin Miles.
Aaron: "Ay, where you going?"
Y/n: "On a date?"
Miles: "With who?"
Y/n: "Helia, I told you"
Aaron: "I don't remember you telling me"
Y/n: "I'm certain I did" And you had, like 3 times. You showed him a picture of him, gave him Helia's number and told him where you were going and he had said yes.
Aaron: "Why you dressed like that?"
Y/n: "Its a date?"
Miles: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No I don't think so"
Aaron: "have I met him?"
Y/n: "No but I gave you his number, and showed you pictures!"
Both Miles and Aaron raised a brow at you.
Aaron: "You can't go out with a boy I haven't met in a dress like that"
Y/n: "Are you serious ?"
Aaron: "Do I not sound serious?"
Y/n: "it is a long length body con!" You gestured to your covered legs
Miles: "How do you know he won't try something?"
Y/n: "baecuse he's not like that, he's nice"
Miles: "uh huh" He said, rasing an eye brow/
Aaron: "I don't remember buying you that dress"
Y/n: "Yeah you didn't, I did"
Aaron: "And with who's money?"
Y/n: "My money?"
Aaron: "Why you wasting your money on clothes? You already have to many"
Y/n: "I'm 17, Dad. Clothes is what you buy when you have cash"
Miles: "Where you getting money from?" He asked susbiusly as if maybe you were stealing.
Y/n: "My weekend job? The one you pick me up from beacuse your so damm paranoid!"
Miles: "I don't see anything wrong with wanting you to be safe"
Y/n: "Miles, my coworkers think youre a stalker"
Miles: "Did you tell them I'm your cousin?"
Y/n: "Yeah, that just made it worse"
Aaron: "maybe Mile's could come with you on your little date"
Y/n: "Are you serious?"
Miles: "Yeah why not?"
Y/n: "Miles, It Is A DATE, I can't have my cousin just hanging round!"
Miles: "I could vet him out, make sure he's safe"
Y/n: "Miles, not every man on the earth wants to hurt me"
Miles: "yeah but they might"
Y/n: "Helia is a good guy, I know him through Flora, he's like a passafist of something"
Aaron: "or something?"
Miles: "So you don't actually know him?"
Aaron: "ummmhmm" He hummed in agreement.
Y/n: "He's friends with Flora, you really think Flora is the type to hang out with bad men? Ive' hanged out with him before with others, Ive slept over with him at Floras house and he's never tried anythin-"
Aaron: "You sleeping at other's peoples houses behind my back?"
Y/n: "No, Its not like that, you knew where I was!"
Miles: "what do you mean you slept over with him?"
Aaron: "I didn't know there were boys over though, did I?"
Y/n: "Nothing bad! Just he'd sleep in the same room and never tried anything!"
Miles: "I still think maybe I should go aswell"
Aaron: "I agree"
Y/n: "Miles' why can't you just be a normal cousin?"
Miles: "If you act right maybe I'll consider it"
Y/n: "So you agree it's weird? That you follow me, stalk my friends, my work and socials like a mad man"
Aaron: "Y/n that's your cousin, he's just trying to look out for you"
Y/n: "And it's not even just him anymore! Auntie Rio is obsessed with my sex life, that I don't even have by the way, always trying to scare me, giving me condoms I DONT NEED or trying to dress me, going through my wardrope and throwing out clothes she dosen't like!! like a normal auntie, right?"
Aaron: "Calm down Y/n"
Y/n: "And Uncle Jeff, sending him, a POLICE OFFIECER to run after me when I'm not even doing anything wrong, searching my fucking bag an-"
Aaron: "Enough!"
Aaron rose form the couch, your father looming over you.
Aaron: "Get to you room"
Y/n: "No, I'm going out"
Now Aaron, or Miles wasn't above physically stopping you, but they wanted to see your resolve.
Aaron: "If you leave now, you won't be welcome back in"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "Go on and stay at one of your little friends houses"
Miles: "Or this Helia guy"
Y/n: "Okay"
Aaron: "I'm serious Y/n"
and with out saying another word, you simply left. And once the door shut behind you, Aaron was genuinley stunnded.
Miles: "Oh my god she left"
Aaron inhaled slowley, before sitting back down on the couch and inviting Miles to do the same.
Miles: "Should...Should I go after her?"
Aaron: "nah man, let her do her thing"
Hours since then had passed, at at this point Aaron assumed that you would come back, apologise, have your phone and laptop taken away and not allowed to leave the house for a few days, but you hadn't.
It was now 23:33 And Aaron was begging to freak, pacing back on fourth calling you over and over to no avail, while Miles eletred the family chat.
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Unknown to you, Miles actually had a Notes page dedicated too the names, birthdays and addresses of all your main friends.
Musa Harada, sep 11th 2005, Malcoms Road 119th street.
Tecna Petrov, Sep 17th 2005, Opens Road, 100th street.
Ayesha Layla Andros, August 9th,2005 Greenway road, 88th street.
Flora James Rosie Hernandez, Oct 9th,2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
Stella Marks Solaria, July 8th, 2005, Solarian Estate, Celetail's field.
Bloom Smith Jamie, September 11th 2005, Red Reid Road, 33rd street.
You know, normal cousin things.
Meanwhile, you and Helia were having a picnic date, he had prepared a lovley spread of tiny sandwhiches and fruit, along with a bottle of wine, was it underage drinking? yes but really who cared. Certainley no one in this park.
Helia: "You look really nice by the way"
Y/n: "Thank you, you too but i'm sorry in late, My dad had a thing"
Helia: "Oh, Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah, totally!"
It's 1000% not. Once this date ends, what are you going to do, where are you going to go? You half exepected your stuff to be in boxes once you got back, and the front door locked, and if he did let you in, he would take your phone, your laptop, your sketch books, have your Auntie Rio go through your wardrobe to throw away all your nice clothing, put bars on your windows put a outdoor outside lock on your door and whenever you would be allowed outside, it would only ever be with Miles, leaning over you, following you round shops and choosing wether if you stopped to talk to friends.
So you began to ponder the idea of staying at a friends house for a few days, though that may just make it worse for a few days, avoiding your family for days at a time would only make them more upest.
Who would you stay at? Musa's home wasn't really safe, Ayesha's Mom wouldn't let you stay, Flora's house was ran by her loud annoying siblings that she hated, but maybe you could stay with Tecna? Her parents were nice and they had a guest bedroom.
Meanwhile, Jeff was driving over to Flora's house, and once he finally pulled up outside, he knocked on her front door to be greeted by her Mom.
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh! Hello officer, How can I help?"
He huffed in the hallway, consuming the doorway.
Jeff: "Hello Mrs Hernandez, I was wonder if your daughter, Flora was here?"
Mrs Hernandez: "FLORA, THRES A MAN HERE TO SEE YOU" She basically screamed into the house, drawing her down the stairs case to see Mr Morales.
They didn't know each other well, but initanlly the Morales side liked her as she was the only one of your friends that spoke Spanish, butt Flora knew why Mr Morales was here, posing all normal like a normal officer.
Flora: "Hey...Mr Morales"
Mrs Hernandez: "You know this man?" She whispred to her daughter.
Flora: "it's Y/n uncle"
Mrs Hernandez: "Oh..."
Jeff gestured for Flora to follow him into the living room which he welcomed himself into, sitting down on the blue crush velvet sofa, Flora sat infront of him.
Jeff: "So, Flora..."
Flora: "Yeah..?"
Jeff: "Have you heard about Y/n?"
Flora: "Uhhh, nooo?" She knew what this was, she had heard the storys of your cousin breaking into Blooms house to drag you out late into the night, or your Uncle putting out APB's just for you, or your Dad simply not letting you out the house a few days at a time.
Jeff: "She's had another break down, and ran out the house...with a boy"
Flora: "oh..." She also knew that whenever your family would band together to find you, they would tell friends you were 'having a break down' or a 'crisis of mental health'.
Flora: "I'm sorry but is this police, or you?"
Jeff: "Excuse me?"
Flora: "Are the police, or are you looking for Y/n?"
Jeff: "Listen Flora, I don't want to create problems for you or your family" He said, leaning over the table between them.
Jeff: "But I just wont to know where she's off too...with this boy Helia"
Now Flora didn't want to rat you out, but she also didn't want problems with your family...
Flora: "Helia is a good guy Mr Morales"
Jeff: "We just want to know she's safe Flora"
Flora: "He said he'd take her to the east park"
Just as she said, Jeff sweeped out the house and simply left .
getting in his crusier, he drove off to the east park to go on walk about for you, he thought about what he would say to you once he got you back in cruiser, lecturing you, maybe even the boy, Helia too in order scare him off.
Whilts he was driving in the direction of East, you were ringing Tecna.
Tecna: "hey"
Y/n: "Hey, its me, do you mind if I come over for a few nights?"
Tecna: "Can I ask why?"
Y/n: "My Dad's back on his bullhshit"
Tecna: "Ah, I see"
Y/n: "So, do you mind if I come over?"
Tecna: "I'm sorry I'm not at home right, but I'll be back tmorrow, you can come them I'm sure"
Y/n: "Ah, okay I understand"
Tecna: "I'm sorry"
Y/n: "Don't worry about it"
You hang up, what are you going to do for tonight? You can't go back, you'll he hulled to your room and trapped there if you do.
Helia: "Is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Not really, I'm a bit stuck"
Helia: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "I can't go home tonight, I need somewhere to stay"
Helia: "What's wrong with home?"
Y/n: "My Dad's got problems, I don't really know"
Helia put his hand's round your waist.
Helia: "You could stay with me for the night?"
Y/n: "Sure"
So you And Helia began to walk out the park, on the way to his house while across the park, your Uncle Jeff was scoping the area, he called Miles:
Miles: "hey, You good?"
Jeff: "Come round The East Park, She's round here"
Miles: "M'kay, coming"
And so Miles entered The East Park from the exit, that unfortunaltley you and Helia were heading for concurrently.
Meanwhile Your Dad, Aaron was pondering on the couch what to do with you once your brought home, while Rio was making Coffee in his kitchen.
Rio: "I keep telling you Aaron, Y/n may be a clever girl but she need's more supervision, I mean she go's out the house for days at a time to sleepovers, or sneeks out for parties and come back the next day hang over!"
Aaron: "Yeah I know but...What else Can I do to watch her? Like I already go through her phone every few days or so, and her laptop but she's real sneeking now, I look under her bed, through her closet just to find nothing"
Rio: "She's just hiding it from you...I used to be a teenage girl, let me see?"
Aaron: "Be my guest" He gestured to your room, Rio swiftly entered your room, leaving the door open as she began to rummage through your stuff, after about twenty minutes she had found a diary, a bear full of cash and a book full of phone numbers.
Aaron: "oh..."
Rio: "Hasn't been that long since I was young"
Aaron: "Why the bear full of cash?"
Rio: "Probablly emergncy money for what ever she's doing when she runs out"
Aaron: "uh huh"
Rio: "You need to do something about that door"
Aaron: "what do you mean?"
Rio: "Like, maybe take it off the hinges for a few months, show her your in charge"
Aaron: "Bit much"
Rio: "No! She's sneaking out, seeing boys, drinking! You must stop this while you can!"
Maybe she was right, Aaron thought.
So he went to collect his tool kit, where he began to unscrew the door from its hinges one by one, leaving it bare.
Whilts you and Helia where beginning to approach the exit gate, you saw someone familiar in the distance, looking down at his phone while walking in your direction, not noticing you...Its Miles.
Oh shit
You grab onto Helias arm.
Y/n: "How about we go on a de tour?" You giggle nerveoulsy, pulling him out into the bushes.
Helia: "hehe, is everything okay?"
Y/n: "Oh yeah! Just want to see more of the trees" What a batter way of saying 'my family is mad and are hunting me!'
Helia: "...okay?"
And so you and Helia, poor Helia who didn't understand what the hell was happening began to walk back deep into the wooded area of the woods.
Miles called his Dad.
calling Dad.
Jeff: "Hey"
Miles: "Hey, I'm entering the park, where are you?"
Jeff: "Near the fountain, Its where most the teens hang out"
Miles:" okay, So I'll-"
Jeff: "Wait, wait hold on"
Miles: "Okay?"
Jeff had stoptted you, just for a second walking through the bushes, with a guy, tall lanky fellow with long black hair, following you.
Jeff: " I think I see them"
Miles: "Y/n?"
Jeff: "Yeah...with the guy"
Miles: "Near the fountain?"
Jeff: "Yeah...in the bushes"
Miles: "I'll be right there"
Miles said hanging up, and sprinting off into the wooded area inorder to find you.
And in the distance, he saw you in that black dress you left in, and you heard him coming, you heard his footsteps, you saw him rushing over.
Miles: "AY, Y/n!!"
Fuck Fuck Fuck
you turned to Helia.
Y/n: "Start running"
Helia: "What?"
Y/n: "Run!"
You screamed begging to take off into a sprit, not getting all that far in that damm dress, as Helia was already so far ahead of you, looking back at you trying to get you to keep up and you heard the yelling again,
Miles: "Y/N!!"
Up ahead, you heard another yell, It was Helia, having been grabbed by your Uncle, Jeff taking him down.
You felt Miles hand grab your forearm while running and pull your back into him.
Miles: "Gotcha"
Y/n: "get the hell off me!"
Miles: " Calm down, we got you"
Y/n: "GET OFF ME" You screamed as you struggled against his grip, you knew he was spiderman, you knew his strengh was something you couldn't quite shrug off.
Jeff was holding Helia by his forearm, tightly, Helia, clearly not knowing what the hell was happening began to hyperventilate.
Jeff walked Helia to you and Miles, where he looked down on you being held tight by Miles, again trapped by your family, Jeff leant over you and whispred over to Miles.
Jeff: "I'll take Y/n home, you talk to this Helai guy, M'kay?"
Miles: "Okay"
And So Miles let go of you, only for you to be immdedialy grabbed by your Uncle Jeff whom began to pull you out the park, now it was just Helia, and Miles.
Helia: "Do I know you?"
Miles: "How do you know my cousin Y/n?"
Helia: "Oh...She's your cousin I see"
Miles: "I asked you a question"
Helia: "uhhh, I'm sorry but what the fuck is happening?"
Miles: "Are you fucking deaf or something? I asked you a question, how do you know My cousin?"
Helia: "I know her through Flora, jeez"
Miles: "And How do you know Flora?"
Helia: "Uh, I know her through a class I took"
Miles: "Uh huh"
Miles approched Helia slowly.
Miles: "Listen man, I can't have you hanging round my cousin like that, m'kay?"
Helia: "I don't understa-"
Miles: "Listen, just stay the fuck away from her before I take you out, you understand?"
Helia: "...Okay"
Miles nodded at him, and simply walked off out the woods.
Meanwhile, Your Uncle Jeff was shuffling you out the park and into the police cruiser.
With Miles short behind, he followed you into the car, sitting next to you in the back with Jeff in the front, boxing you in the car.
Jeff: "Care to explain yourself?"
Y/n: "Not really, no"
Miles: "Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt him?"
Miles: "What?"
Y/n: "Did you hurt Helia?"
Miles: "No, just gave him some words of encourment"
Y/n: "oh my fukci-"
Jeff: "Don't swear in my car"
Y/n: "Then let me out the car!"
Jeff: " Y/n, all Iv'e done today, all Miles has done today was run around trying to find you"
Y/n: "I didn't ask you too!"
Jeff: "Let me finish, We bend over backwards trying to find you when you go running round town, doing God knows what and all you do once we find you is give us flac"
Y/n:" Yeah, beacuse it's weird! You, a grown man and your son go hunting for me whenever I do anything"
Jeff: "We are trying to protect you Y/n"
Y/n: " From WHAT?"
Miles: "Y/n, You don't understand what goes through a man's head"
Jeff: "Exactly"
Y/n: "That sounds like a self report to me"
Miles: "Excuse me?"
Y/n: "You heard what I said"
About a half hour later, you pulled up outside your building where you were basically carried up to your apartment, when the door opened revelaing your Auntie Rio, and your Dad Aaron waiting for you on the couch, while your Uncle and Miles stood behind you, creating a human wall for you to get past.
Aaron: "I see you came to your sense's"
Y/n: "Not really, I was brought back here, by your Brother and his Son, again"
Rio: "Don't be rude Y/n, your just digging yourself a bigger whole"
You see your stuff laying on the table, your cash teddy, Your diary and your phone book.
Miles flicked through it, looking confused.
Miles: "Why do you have a phone book?"
Y/n: "In case Aaron takes my phone, I can call people since no one remembers phone numbers"
The room fell quite.
Aaron: "...Aaron?"
Y/n: "...is that not your name?"
You saw the colour in Miles face drain out. Rio and stood and stepped to you.
Rio: "How DARE you! GET TO YOUR ROOM!" She pointed to your doorless area of 'privacy'
Aaron: "I think you mean my door, beacuse this is my house, and you are my daughter and until you start acting right I'll be keeping my door out the frame"
Y/n: "There is a rectangluar whole in the door!"
And as you sulked over to your room, you went to slam the door,Only to remeber, it was gone, you looked back at your family staring you down as you turned the corner.
Rio: "Adios mio that girl"
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florelia12 2 years
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floralovebot 2 years
anyway i've been watching wednesday and of course my winx brainrot is always trying to find connections so i just think helia with morticia's personality and mannerisms (脿 la angelica huston)
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floralovebot 3 years
anyway does anyone want to talk about winx? i'd like to cleanse my palette now
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