#and ive embroidered a lot of details i couldnt quite replicate for real like certain seams and lacings so i showed some people those
corvidaedream · 1 year
work story:
tiny seth finally had his first big road test in his actual job as child-distracting assistant yesterday when i was on tea room duty.
i was sitting next to the fireplace at the little table sewing a little doll-sized jacket for him when this family with two very young children sat down nearby, and the kids were very interested in what I was doing, so I stopped my sewing & took the needle off so I could show them how the work in progress jacket goes on him, and the older child (a little boy who proudly announced to me that he's two) was fascinated
for the next hour and a half, he made seth walk around the table, pointed out different features of him & how they related to us (ex: pointing out his eyes and then our eyes, or holding up his hat, and then the boy's own winter hat, and then my frilly white cap and shouting "HAT!" very proudly), and, my favorite, picking out scrap fabric from my basket and tying them around the little rabbit as a cape or a scarf (or handing them back to me and saying "help" to get me to tie the actual knot on a few of the scarves)
he also stuffed a bunch of the fabric scraps he really liked (the very soft ones) into his little jacket pocket.
when his family finally left, the tea room was closing, so I started packing up my stuff, and he asked me to bring the rabbit back out so he could say bye to him.
10/10 tiny seth did a great job at child-entertaining and not being accidentally mistaken for a gift or being walked off with
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