#and ive had 0 motivation to post anything and it sucks bc I wanna laugh and draw and just interact with other people but i cant do it rn
s3v3r3dh3ad ยท 5 months
The struggle of wanting to talk to people but then being too nervous to DM first but even when you get DM'd first then you're constantly too tired or just not motivated to talk for some reason even though you truly do want to talk and so you accidentally leave that person who tried to initiate the conversation unanswered for longer than you meant to and then you start thinking that they must think you hate them or don't want to talk to them bc that's the conclusion you would jump to if it happened to you and then you feel bad because now you made things awkward for yourself and everyone involved and then it makes you remember why you don't talk to people ๐Ÿ˜
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