#and killer just listened like ‘k guess I’ll just starve’’
therubberducklad · 4 months
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It’s NM’s first henchmen he can’t be expected to remember all that
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survivorparr · 5 years
the sun and her moon, pt 1/8 (Ex Wives/No Way)
In Which Everyone Knows that Anne Loves Cathy (Except for Anne and Cathy)
(Eep I don’t know what this is and I haven’t written anything in the longest time but it’s Thinking About Parrlyn hours and I wanted to do something productive... if this doesn’t flop, I’ll be shocked)
Kat looked up from her wet nails at Anne perched precariously on the couch, her gangly legs splayed in opposite directions, her thick brows furrowed in confusion at something on her phone screen.
“Anne? What are you looking at?” Kat questioned. Picking up on the concern in her friend’s voice, Anne crinkled her nose.
“Have you seen this, Kitty? Here - ‘hashtag Parrlyn’. Have a look”. She thrust her phone a little too close to Kat’s face. Kat repositioned the screen and began scrolling through photo after photo - Anne carrying Cathy piggy-back style backstage at the show, Cathy staring adoringly at Anne during a performance of DLUH, a clip from Megasix of the two shimmying suggestively together.
“I don’t get it, Annie - what’s this all about?”
“Can’t you see? People are saying I’ve got a thing for Cathy. Cathy?!? Has everyone gone daft? I mean, do we get on well, yeah, of course. Do I think she’s fit? I mean, I do have eyes... but do I have a THING for her?!? Are you nuts, mate?” Anne let out a long, exaggerated scoff, followed by one of her patented killer eye rolls. “Get real. I mean, can you believe?”
Kat scrutinized Anne’s face. She couldn’t help but notice the flush in her friend’s usually pale cheeks and the way Anne was chewing nervously at her lower lip. She raised one wary eyebrow, but quickly broke out into a reassuring smile - “‘Course not, Annie. I swear, some people have nothing better to do than to make stuff up about us. Don’t pay it any mind. Just the other day, I came across a chart someone had made that claimed I’ve only said ‘fuck’ once. As fucking if!”
Anne chuckled, and her body seemed to relax. Kat handed her back the phone, shifted her weight onto her other leg, and turned her attention back to clear-coating her nails. Anne went back to scrolling absentmindedly, now hanging upside-down on the couch by her legs in a way that had to have been making her dizzy.
“It’ll be nice to have her back, though...” she murmured into the silence after a few minutes, seemingly to nobody in particular. Kat looked up.
“Who’s that?”
“Ah, right.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Grace has been absolutely killing it these past few weeks, but it just feels... different without her, know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I do. I keep looking to my left during specific parts of the show to do our usual interactions and then remembering she’s on holiday”.
Both girls turned their heads as the door to the house swung open, revealing Aragon and Cleves, glistening with sweat and toting pilates mats.
“...at the end of it all, I just wasn’t even all that bothered about it, know what I mean? It kind of felt like getting fired from a job I never really wanted in the first place.”
“Oh totally, he was all like, ‘Sorry babe, I’m a Protestant now,’ and I was like, ‘Well I ain’t protestin’ that!’ Over it.”
“SO over it”.
Kat gingerly waved a still-drying hand, and Anne threw up a peace sign from where she still hung upside down on the couch. Cleves smiled brightly and waved back, while Catherine called, “Morning, queens”.
“Breakfast’s on, girls,” Jane called from the kitchen.
“Yo, alright-“
“-I am STARVED-”
“-Bless your heart, Jane!”
“Actually, I think I’ll have a shower before the Divorce Force has a go at the hot water.” Anne waggled her eyebrows mischievously as Aragon bristled. “What, it’s not my fault you lot reek!”
Aragon opened her mouth to retort - “Why, you-”
“Girls, food’s going cold!! Get a move on!” Anne took advantage of the momentary distraction and pranced up the stairs to the bathroom.
Aragon scowled deeply and then followed the others into the kitchen, where Jane had breakfast waiting. Kat was humming to herself and setting out plates. Cleves was carrying platters stacked high with eggs, bacon, toast, potatoes, and sausage from the stove to the table. Jane was pouring drinks at each of her friends’ seats: for Kat, chocolate milk; for Cleves, grapefruit juice; for Catherine herself, coffee, black. The kettle went off, signifying the readiness of Jane’s tea. Aragon busied herself with putting out cutlery for four.
Once all of the girls were sat around the table happily eating, Kat announced through a mouthful of eggs, “I’ve an update...” Three pairs of curious eyes focused raptly on her.
“Go on then,” Cleves prompted.
“Alright. Annie somehow found her way into the Parrlyn tag on tumblr-“
“-she what?!”
“-this ought to be good-”
“-Listen! So she’s all, ‘Kat, can you believe, me and Cathy, how crazy is that -“
“-HA! I told-“
“-come ON, but it’s so-“
“-nah mate, I don’t buy-“
“-owe me 10 bucks, Seymour-“
“-Let me finish!! She said she thought it was crazy, but she was chewing away at her lower lip the entire time,” Katherine finished defiantly.
“HAH! That lying... liar!” Jane squealed. “Everyone knows she only chews her lip when she’s fibbing. Annie and Cathy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-“
“Quit it, Jane, Cathy will absolutely cringe if she finds out about any of us making a fuss,” Aragon chided. “You know how private she is”.
“Plus, it doesn’t seem like Boleyn is ready to talk about it just yet,” Anna added.
“I know, I know, I’m just excited is all,” Jane pouted.
“Well, Cathy gets back tonight before our choreo brush-up, so I guess we’ll just... keep our eyes peeled for any further developments?” Kat suggested. The other three women nodded their agreement.
Just then, Anne came flying down the stairs, feet half in her sneakers, thick strands of wet, dark hair matted to her face. “Further developments in what?”
“C-Catherine has a rash!” Jane blurted. “F...rom her yoga mat”. Aragon’s jaw dropped in protest, eyes blazing with fury.
“Yeah! It’s reeeeal gross, Annie, you wouldn’t want to see, on account of you being all squeamish.”
“...Kat, darling, I’ve had my head chopped off. Do you really think I can’t handle a rash?”
“What makes you think I’d let you see it anyways, Boleyn?”
“Oh my good god, I don’t want to see the rash!”
“Alright, enough of this ridiculousness! We’ve got to head out now if we’re going to make call,” Jane declared.
Anne pulled an oversized green jumper over her head, secured her tote under one arm, shoved her heels in her shoes, and followed Kat’s bobbing fuchsia ponytail towards the bus. She tucked her wet hair behind one ear, secretly thankful that she’d run out of her own conditioner as notes of jasmine and coconut washed over her, and with them, thoughts of her absent friend. Sighing, she closed the door to the house behind her and bounded over to the bus where her friends were waiting for her to join them.
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We Are Young [Redux] [Parental G3/Geovin] [Chapter 3 - Gavin’s First Playdate]
Title: We Are Young [Redux]
Pairing: None/Family G3/Geovin
Rating: K
Genre: Fluff/Family
Words: 1539
Prompt/Summary: [by Unknown] [Original Prompt] Some family cuteness with Gav as Geoff and Griffon’s adopted son :3 Maybe a few cute moments as he grows up and Geoff and Griffon try and make him a Mama/Daddies boy?
A/N: Sorry this chapter was delayed; work is killer right now! ~No One
While Gavin found school enjoyable, he had also found that the routine of getting up early and constantly moving throughout the day was more tiring than he thought. Still, he made sure to go to school excited every day, and he always made sure he was sitting next to Michael. The already-close friends had found themselves in trouble often, but neither of them had seen it as a problem. Until Griffon brought it up to him one night.
“Gavin, I heard from Mrs. Dunkelman that you’re talking in the middle of class,” Griffon brought up. “What’s going on?”
“Uh…” Gavin refused to meet Griffon’s stern stare. “I just… I get so excited when I see Michael at school that I just can’t help but talk, even if I know better! I’m not doing it to be mean, Griffy, I’m just ‘cited to have a friend!”
Griffon nodded carefully. “I’m glad you have a friend, Gavin. I really am. But do you know why it’s a problem that you’re not listening to Mrs. Dunkelman?” Gavin shook his head. “The teacher is trying very hard to help you learn things you’ll need to know later, and if you’re too busy talking to Michael, you’re not listening to what she has to say. That isn’t fair to her, is it, Gavin?”
“No…” Gavin sniffed, and gave Griffon a sad look. “I’m sorry, Griffy…”
“Don’t cry, Gav. We all make mistakes sometimes, and through making those mistakes, we learn how not to do it again.” Griffon smiled warmly. “Now I’ve got a question for you. If I let Michael come over and play tomorrow, can you promise me that you’ll hold off on talking to Michael until it’s appropriate, like during recess and at lunch?”
Gavin’s face immediately lit up, and he nodded, bouncing in place. “That would be top! Yes! I’ll be good forever! Can he really come over, Griffy?”
“Of course, he can. I asked Michael’s mom about it when we were at the meeting, and she would be happy if Michael got to spend some time with you.” The tattooed female smiled at her son’s excitement. “She even said that he could stay for a sleepover. But you need to promise me that you’ll do what I asked, okay?”
“Yeah! I promise!”
“That’s my boy.” Griffon nodded. “Now, let’s get you ready for bed. You’ve got school tomorrow, and then you have a whole weekend to play with Michael.”
The next day at school seemed to drag on forever, but Gavin tried his hardest to be quiet during class time so Griffy wouldn’t get upset with him again. He kept to his word and only played with Michael during free time and recess, and by the end of the day, both boys were nearly vibrating with excitement. When the afternoon bus pulled up to Gavin’s house, Michael and Gavin tore out of the bus and towards the house in a full sprint, only to run into Geoff on his way out the door. “Woah, slow down, you two. No running in the house. Right, Gavin?”
“Yeah, sorry!” Gavin giggled. “No running inside, Michael. Let’s go play in the back yard! I’ll show you my camera!” The small Brit lead Michael into the house, tossing his school things on the couch and grabbing the old camera off his nightstand. “It’s old, but Griffy said she’d get me a new one when I learned, uh… I don’t remember the word she used. ‘sponsibility or something.”
“What do you record with it?” Michael looked at the object with interest.
“Geoffy showed me how to use this weird setting on it that records things in like… super slow speed. It looks super cool!”
“Let’s go record some things, then!”
Griffon watched both boys run outside, and a smile spread across her face. Her distracted state allowed Geoff to sneak up behind her, jumping her slightly. “Jesus, Geoff. I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“I don’t think you would have heard a bomb go off unless it involved those kids,” Geoff said with a laugh. “You were in your own world, Griff.” He glanced at the boys in the yard. “He’s growing up fast, isn’t he?”
“Too fast. He’s small right now, but it’ll seem like only a year’s gone by when he’s in high school, getting ready to graduate.” Griffon smiled sadly. “I just want to cherish the trivial things, because he’ll want nothing to do with me in no time. He’s such a good kid, and Michael’s been good for boosting his social skills.”
Geoff nodded his agreement. “I was worried for a while that he wouldn’t make any friends because he’s so quiet when he meets new people. But the next day, all I heard was ‘Michael this’ and ‘Michael that’. Don’t forget ‘Oh, Geoffy! My new friend Michael is so cool!’ He was so proud of himself.”
“As he should be.” Griffon turned away from the door. “Help me cook dinner, won’t you? The boys are bound to come inside soon and insist they’re starving to death.”
“Griffy! Griffy, look!” Gavin ran up to his mother, shoving the camera in her face. “I made a video of Michael running and made it slow, and it looks cool!”
Taking the camera from the child, she watched the short video and smiled. “Looks great, Gav.” She watched as Michael finally walked inside, hands covered in dirt. “I’m guessing you boys played in the sandbox?”
“We started in the sandbox, Mrs. Ramsey,” Michael started. “But then we just played in the dirt. Gavin tasted some, but he thought it was yucky.”
“Hey! You tasted some, too!” Gavin stuck his tongue out at Michael. “But yeah, he’s right. It was yucky, and I can still taste it.”
Griffon just laughed and shook her head. “I bet you won’t do that again. Gavin, take Michael and get washed up, will you? Dinner will be ready in a minute.”
“Sure. This way, Michael.” Gavin dragged his friend towards the bathroom. “Griffy loves my videos. She said that someday, I can even put them on the net where she puts her chainsaw videos!”
“Mrs. Ramsey uses chainsaws?” Michael’s eyes widened. “That’s so cool! Your parents are awesome!”
“Yeah they are! And Griffy’s cooking is great, too. Come on, Michael. Let’s go before Geoffy eats it all!”
Gavin sat atop the counter, helping Griffon put clean dishes away while Michael was on the phone with his mother. “Griffy, do you think me and Michael can use the Xbox to play Minecraft before bed? I promise we won’t touch any of Geoffy’s games!”
Griffon raised an eyebrow. “You’re not even supposed to know about his games… But if you stay on Minecraft, I don’t mind. Not for too long, though. I don’t want you two to be overtired tomorrow.”
“Yay! Thanks, Griffy!” Gavin gave her a hug and finished putting the dishes away. After Griffon set him back on the floor, he ran into the living room. “Griffy said we can play Minecraft on the Xbox!”
“Get changed into your pajamas first!” Geoff called.
The two excited boys ran off in separate directions, changing into their pajamas quickly, and bolting back out. Michael wore a pair of Ninja Turtle pj pants and a white t-shirt, and Gavin wore a small pair of basketball shorts and one of Geoff’s old football jerseys.
“’scuse me, Mrs. Ramsey?” Michael held his glasses up to the female. “Can you please hang onto these so I don’t lose them? Mama told me to make sure they were in a safe place.”
Griffon nodded and took the delicate frames. “Of course. And you’re welcome to call me Griffon or Griffy if you want, sweetie.” She heard Gavin call for Michael and laughed. “Go on, now. Gavin’s waiting for you.”
“Thanks, Mrs- Uh, Griffy!” Michael giggled and ran into the living room, plopping down on the floor next to Gavin.
Griffon took a seat on the couch, halfheartedly reading a book as she watched the boys interact. She laughed as they learned how to build a house, and as they had to keep rebuilding because of the creepers. Shortly after she stopped paying attention to her book, she noticed that the boys had fallen asleep in the middle of playing, laying belly-first on the floor with controllers loose in their hands. “Geoff,” she called quietly. “Come and help me get the boys into bed.”
Geoff wandered into the living room and chuckled, snapping a picture of the sleeping boys with his phone before picking Michael up, headed for Gavin’s bedroom. “I’m not surprised that they’re exhausted. They’ve been running around nonstop since they got home, and it’s way past their bedtime.”
“It was Gavin’s first sleepover. I wasn’t going to make him go to bed early.” Griffon used her foot to roll out the tuck-away bed under Gavin’s bed once the toddler was laid down, allowing Geoff to lay Michael down. “My poor, tired boys.” After making sure both boys were tucked in, she shoed Geoff out of the room. “Good night, Gavin. Good night, Michael. Sweet dreams.” She then turned on the night light in the corner and closed the door.
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