#dreamtale nightmare
nebulanightsky · 2 days
Someone asked to see the bonus, and I'm giving them the bonus..
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bonezboneman · 2 days
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Nightmare I love you I hope u get hit by a car
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xmelic · 2 days
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oops @papyrus-14567
I may or may not have got a little silly for this. 💜
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someverygaymoth · 1 day
I just think, NM looking at his boys laid over the floor and couch with blankets and pillows and mess. They're all asleep, whatever dumb movie series they were marathoning on Netflix is paused by the "are you still watching?" Screen. They're all dead asleep.
Watching his pieced together little family, they look so peaceful. He pulls blankets over them, and turns off the TV. Then he looks at them, tucked in, resting together, some of them snuggled up together... and he cries.
What would he do without them?
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If you couldn't tell I was having fun with the special brush in da background >:3
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labryveinth · 3 days
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nightmare sans design!! how does this website work
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neverniko101 · 10 hours
The Eclipse (4/5)
Tw: trypophobia, bugs, distortion, general disturbing imagery
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Dreamtale by Joku
The Twins
The Famine
The Wild
The Eclipse ⭐️
The Light
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lucygriefer · 2 days
Apothecary Nightmare design
I've been listening to the Apothecary diaries anime dub and was inspired to make this idea. Enjoy. The original Dreamtale creator is Jokublog
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This AU idea was inspired to me by "The Apothecary Diaries". There's a good bit of text explaining the AU as I want to leave myself some notes and ideas (Some that may be scrapped some changed who knows right now).
In this AU Dream and Nightmare are both heirs to the Floral Empire. Nightmare having more of a chance to take over as he was the first born. Nim having been killed when her sons were 4 by assignation via a slow acting poison. So she and the food taster didn't survive. Being picky eaters Dream and Nightmare were saved from the same fate. Nightmare wasn't as liked but no one really cared. Till the twins turned 5 Dream was about to be cursed by someone, but Nightmare pushed him out of the way and became corrupted. After that almost everyone of the empire secretly turned on him. The two not knowing till the two turned 6.
A group kidnapped Nightmare in the night. Placing special made restraints that are normally used for prisoners awaiting trial. To weaken his magic and prevent him from using his tentacles. They were cruel and gave him extremely heavy restraints despite how small he was. He never learned the true weight and simply guesses that they are possibly 60 pounds. They kept him drugged and carried him far away, wanting to sell him for a high profit. Only for an avalanche in the snowy mountains to happen and take their lives, with only Nightmare surviving.
When Nightmare finally awake he couldn't return home as he does not know how to return home. So he traveled. Trying to find help. During so he broke his crown and started hiding it around his neck under the metal collar not wanting to lose his crown.
Eventually finding a village and being taken in by some women who works in a brothel. Being raised by them while also becoming an apothecary. Working with poison and finding cures to them. Doing this for 16 years and seeing the women of the brothel as step parents. Eventually at the age of 22 he was kidnapped again and sold as a servant to the X empire.
One day he learned about two of the heirs having been sick and concluded that it was poison. So he left a written note to warn them and went on with his day not wanting to be seen as anything that important.
This caught the interest of Cross and his concubine (Killer, Dust, and Horror). So Cross worked to find who it was that saved his children Arch and Mo (Mochi just without the chi part). When they found out it was Nightmare and learned of his skills as an apothecary, he moved him up to poison taste tester, and is waiting to make him his fourth concubine. Being made into a concubine is a high honor. A tradition in Cross' family is to have 4 concubine. For now Nightmare is not a concubine and won't be for another year or two. As Cross wants Nightmare to get use to them all. They also don't know of Nightmare’s royal background.
I won't have Nightmare and Dream reunite for a while. There are also other empires that I'll be adding later. I'll be making artwork of all the other characters later, as I do wish to make some short comics with this idea. Also the restraint design might change, I'm still trying to figure out how it'll look. I might also change Nightmare's clothing design idk at the moment. So look forward to seeing Apothecary AU designs of Cross, Horror, Killer, Dust, Error, and others.
Pffh XD I just noticed this. The Nightmare in the corner eating a piece of sushi testing for poison. I accidentally drew the missing pinky tip on the wrong hand XD . I drew it on his right hand instead of left XD
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justapersonvibing · 3 days
Wasn’t feeling very good today, so here’s a idea!
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I have been wanting to practice my fanfic writing skills, so is there any scenario I should write?
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I’ll do the one that receives the most votes (or most asked) when I check back on it!
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marisunshine903 · 2 days
Was supposed to do a funny skit of this with an audio based off an rp me and my friends did but didn’t end up finishing it so just have this.
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katmankorpse · 3 days
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AAaa!¡ :3
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titanpotato1 · 3 days
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Nightmare’s reaction to errors story (real time not clickbait!)
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night-og · 2 days
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drk-mnd-fds · 2 days
5 hours of work and I was able to finish it... In fact, I was very pleased to draw this art. I just wanted to draw a Human!Nightmare, so I decided not to deny myself the pleasure
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Nightmare Sans belongs to Jokublog
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itsxroxannex · 3 months
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It's the grandpas with their past self aaa
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
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mildarka · 4 months
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just posting my rarepair dont mind me~
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