#and learning how to make gifs is fun
mikesbasementbeets · 2 months
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Sometimes I think it's just scary to open up like that. To say how you really feel. Especially to people you care about the most. Because what if... what if they don't like the truth? // Sometimes people don’t really say what they’re really thinking. But, you capture the right moment… it says more. // I didn't say it. // You didn't have to.
[remake of my very first gifset one year later]
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kiwiplaetzchen · 21 days
Character Sheet / Student ID
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With the help of some cute Gremlins, I was able to create a Character Sheet / Student ID with different designs for each house for your Hogwarts (Legacy) OC/MC!
Please feel free to use it and share your character(s)! :3 💚💙💛❤️
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olibavee · 11 months
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guess who woke up and decided it was time to make a 3D pig w their extremely limited 3d modeling knowledge
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k0nstanta · 3 months
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some wip game stuff, because i've been working on it almost every day for over a month and it's killing me a little to not talk about it
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girlboyburger · 1 year
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milo in minecraft 🌱 would u lend it a stack of diamonds?
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raelle-writing · 5 months
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Phee/Jin - Dead Friend Forever - episode 4
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emblazons · 1 year
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He is more of myself than I am.
Day Seven of @bylerweek2023 - Soulmates aka: Byler x (Emily) Brontë + how he looks at you when you're not looking
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
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Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz for Valentine's Day Ferrari SF-23 Launch ❤️
14/02/23 Fiorano, Italy
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Hey, you remember all those vague asks about someone angrily writing a Sans x Barnaby fanfic?
Yeah, well, I did it.
I'm working on the rest of the fic, gonna have at least 10 chapters with a bunch of lore sprinkled in between, but here, have this snippet for now:
All was peaceful in Home, as it always was. That's what Barnaby loved most about it. Everyone was friendly, playful, always willing to listen to his jokes (even if some of them were bad, and he got a tomato or two thrown at him in response.) He especially enjoyed spending time with Wally and Howdy, always willing to teach Wally a new joke or two, before using those new jokes in Howdy's Bugdega.
This particular afternoon, however, Barnaby was lazily lounging under a shady tree. Howdy was busy with some new stock in the shop, and Wally was playing a new complex game with an excitable Julie and a reluctant Frank. As for the others, Eddie was busy delivering mail, and Poppy was helping Sally with a new playscript. So, here Barnaby was, alone and letting out a loud yawn while coming up with some new comedy acts.
“Hm… maybe an airplane joke? Nah, nah, I've already made plenty of those. Something about bones? That could work, but how would I include the topic into an act…?” He mumbled to himself, putting a paw up to his chin in thought.
Then he felt the ground under him… shift.
Slowly sinking deeper beneath him.
“What the..?” Barnaby looked down, confused as to why the grass seemed to be growing higher around him.
The sinking began to grow faster now, panicking the big beagle.
“W-Woah, woah, what's going on?!” Barnaby tried to scramble off the ground, but before he could, the grassy ground fell under him all at once. He yelped as he fell beneath the tree's roots, falling down a tight twisted tunnel. Barnaby reached his arms out, in the hopes of latching onto a stray root to climb his way out, but to no avail. He let out a grunt as his head harshly hit a rock on the way down, and his vision went black.
Barnaby didn’t know how long he was out for. However, he did know that, instead of waking up at the bottom of a dirt tunnel like he expected, he woke up in… a snowy forest?
“Ugh…” Barnaby groaned, wincing as he slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. With another wounded groan, he looked around in his new environment. The sky seemed to be replaced with a rocky roof, indicating that he was still underground, but… that doesn't explain the evergreen trees or the snow that seemingly fell from nowhere.
“… the hell..?” He mumbled, confused and unsure what to do.
“Hey, buddy.”
Barnaby stiffened at the sudden voice, turning around slowly. There stood a… a skeleton?
“I think you dropped this.” The skeleton spoke in a lazy voice, wearing a blue hooded jacket and a seemingly-permanent toothy smile on his face. In his left hand, he held Barnaby's hat, tilting it out to the beagle. Barnaby must have dropped it when he fell down here.
“Uh… thanks.” Barnaby hesitantly took the hat from the strange skeleton, trying to offer a friendly smile in response, before putting his hat back on.
“No problem,” the skeleton replied simply, putting his hands back in his pockets. “The name's Sans. Sans the Skeleton. What's yours?”
“… Barnaby. Barnaby B Beagle.”
“Nice to meet ya, Beagle. So, what were you doing on the ground? Didn’t look like you were making snow-dogs or anything.”
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fazedlight · 9 months
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A lot of times when actors play another actor's character, the original actor will walk through it first.
Jesse Rath probably played the above scene of Brainy-pretending-to-be-Ben-Lockwood first. Then Sam Witwer (Lockwood) would've repeated the scene, copying Jesse Rath's mannerisms (his hands, his tone of voice) for the take the audience sees.
Which means in the below scene, Melissa Benoist's part was probably first run through with David Harewood (J'onn) instead...
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And I desperately want to see that cut.
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highseme · 4 months
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Jayce & Viktor play toys Arcane: S01 E03
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bisexualfbiagents · 11 months
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And love put up an awful fight You never made your peace with it
THE X FILES | What Cannot Be Found by Copeland
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horrorlesbion · 1 year
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I'm tired of you, still tied to me (Bleeding whenever you want) Too tired to move, too tired to leave I'm tired of you, still tied to me (It's just the way that you are)
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pinkpeccary · 1 year
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i'm SO SAD because i just wrote a fucking essay about this scene and it just deleted itself. i'm going to attempt to rewrite it. but. very upset.
this is from The Boost Job (season 3, episode 8). Parker screwed up the con by tipping off the mark when she warned Josie, because she didn't want Josie to go down with the rest of the carjackers.
the thing i think is interesting here is Sophie's comment about this being "huge for Parker." she's right, but she's also wrong. she's delayed. there are two other moments this season i want to highlight that are focused on "Parker trying to do the right thing."
the first is in episode 3, The Inside Job: Parker is the one to make the call that they stay and finish the robbery, to prevent the mark from intentionally starting a famine. the focus here is on her choosing Nate's method (helping people) over Archie's (don't get involved).
why is this different? why is it "huge" for Parker to think about the right thing when it comes to helping Josie, but not earlier when it came to stopping a famine?
well, it's been well-established at this point that Parker does care about helping people in context of their work as a team. it's why all of them are there, at least in part. here she is going out of her way to do good, outside of (and in fact, counteractive to) the overall plan.
the second is in the episode right before actually, The Gone Fishin' Job. that's when we get this scene.
there's a version of that post i can't find right now (edit: found it, disregard) pointing out the significance of that moment for Parker's character. that it used to be she wouldn't notice because in order to protect herself she had to drastically narrow who and what she allowed herself to care about. that now she is in a place where she can care.
why isn't this moment factored into Sophie's comment? because Sophie doesn't know. none of them do. while Parker is deleting strangers' medical debt, the others are all busy on other parts of the con, and she wouldn't tell any of them about it because (to her) it's not noteworthy enough to mention. as far as Sophie knows, helping Josie might actually be the first time something like this has happened.
so Sophie's comment makes perfect sense in context, even though we the viewer know it's not necessarily accurate. and i think this is very cool of the writers for a couple reasons:
first, it highlights that no matter how perceptive they are (and Sophie is hands-down the best at reading people) they can still miss things about each other. we know about the medical debt. Sophie doesn't. we only know because the viewer gets to be omniscient in a way the characters can't be. this is really good foreshadowing for Parker's arc in season 5- i have a draft from two years ago i never posted about how her ending up as leader at the end is something that is well-foreshadowed from the beginning (regardless of when the writers officially decided) but Nate doesn't figure it out until the very end, despite being the mastermind. this is a key part of that.
second is that it makes sense for this to be the first time the team realizes this about Parker because it's the first time it affects them. but it's important that it's not the first time we see it because in this case a) it causes problems for the team, and b) it's specifically someone she relates to.
if the first time we saw Parker doing good outside the team was a time when it backfired, even though it all worked out in the end, that would undercut the significance. she's trying to do the right thing, but she's not very good at it yet. instead we know that she's been trying, and it's been working. this time didn't go smoothly, but the other time did. there may have been more examples offscreen.
as for it being someone she relates to, we already know Parker cares about people she sees herself in. we saw it back in The Stork Job in season 1, with the orphans in Serbia. having the scene with medical debt come first is a big deal because she doesn't know anyone involved, doesn't have any specific reason to relate to them. she just helps them because she's there and she can and it's the right thing to do.
which means what happens with Josie actually demonstrates a different type of growth, as compared to The Stork Job- then, when confronted with a reflection of her past trauma, Parker freaked out. she panicked, and she tried to convince Hardison they couldn't do anything to help the rest of the kids and shouldn't try, and then she snuck away to break them out on her own without a plan.
now, with Josie, she doesn't panic. she has a support system and feels safe enough that when she's reminded of past trauma- even though the trauma in question is being abandoned by someone trusted- she doesn't fall back on old survival strategies of cut and run. she approaches the situation with a level head, and while it doesn't quite go as planned, it's a lot less haphazard and chaotic than two years ago.
this is less a sign of Parker growing and changing (though that is a part of it) and more her environment. the fact that she notices and tries to help strangers first, that shows she is allowing herself to care more than she used to. once we know that, the question this episode answers is "but what if the strangers remind her of herself? will her trauma get in the way?"
and the answer is yes, a little bit! it's definitely a factor, and without the personal stake she probably could have handled it better. but also, while it factors into the execution, it doesn't stop her from trying. because she knows that she's not alone anymore.
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krikitunes · 7 months
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Hey, squeaker! (/affectionate /p)
I don't normally do stuff like this but I saw you liked Aizetsu and Gyutaro as a QPR and I have shipped them in secret since before I saw that. So it made my day to find. As an aro-spec person, I don't really see QPRs talked about much either and most people kind of just don't care about them as a result.
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-> the actual point of my submission is that you recently reblogged one of my arts with the tag "good luck charm" as you were denoting affection to it for helping to uplift your mood during difficult times. It really warmed my heart, so I wanted to make something intentionally for you in that vein of "good luck charm".
I know your original tags were in reference to an endouma doodle, but I wanted to toss you something for one of your rarer pairings. (I was shocked to see it in the wild!! /pos)
Hope your week gets better, man!
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I COULD COMPLETELY BURST INTO TEARS,!!!!!!! THEYRE SUCH DORK ASSES I hope someone stuffs them both in lockers they probably already do it to eachother as some odd affection ritual. Weirdos. OBSESSED.. sincerely I do not have the words to describe how MUCH I appreciate this 😭😭😭! Since you sent this things have thankfully gotten better so thank you!! Your charm worked!! (Things are still scary and new! But im feeling much better :-})
actually I am drawing a little something right now for you .holdon.
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they're stargazing :-}.. I have so many little things in my head of these two but I wanted to make something quick right this second in exchange because AGWAA!!IM GRATEFUL!! I'll keep them close to my heart for EVER💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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