#and left some pretty big marks on Zib
violintrees · 2 years
I know it’s been ages but… 39 in angst with Z-18…
It was easy to work on mechanical things. It kept their mind focused. Keeps their robotic joints from getting stiff after all the rest they do these days. But the fact that the ship wasn't ready yet was making them nervous. They had run off again in the middle of the night to this little cove by the shore. They hadn't wanted to leave with Two sleeping their arms like that, but..
but what? This need to prove themself right was taking away what little time they had left in this nicer world. They should get back before Two notices anything is off again. They hate to worry him.
They wiped the grease from their goggles and lifted them up and turned to leave before jumping in surprise at Two standing right at the entrance of the cave.
Big pink tears streamed down his face. He clung violently to his arms and cloak. Patience dissipating in the sea of wretched grief Z had probably just put him through again. "WHY DO YOU KEEP TRYING TO LEAVE ME?"
It was like a plasma blast right to his chest. It knocked the air out of Z and they squeezed their eyes shut. The reaction must have been so terrible, because Two immediately realized what came out of his mouth and moved forward to remedy things while tears still rolled down his face.
"I'm sorry!! I shouldn't have said that I- I know that's what they must have said to you. I just-"
"No, no it's okay. I deserved it and"
"No you didn't. You aren't required to.. you can always go. Of course you can. I just don't understand."
Two sits down on the dark gray sandy floor with a crunch and buries his eyes into his hands.
"I worry everyday they are going to come and take you and then there are these days where I wake up and see you are gone and I just-" His throat hitches awkwardly as he tries to push words out. "I don't understand why you want to go so much."
Irkens weren't designed to sob.
"Why won't you open your eyes Z?" Zib still had his eyes squeezed closed as he had sunken himself to sitting on the floor.
“Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you. Again.”
Two is silent after that. Mouth likely agape. Do they risk a peek? They cover their face and look through the little spaces between their mechanical hands.
"That's why I keep thinking it will be easier to just silently go. Rather than let you know and let you convince me to stay. I know I can't.. this can't be forever. It's just a matter of time before they decide this dream is enough."
".. And how long will you believe that?"
"I.. I don't know."
"Again, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. You are of course free to go, but there are now two conditions."
"One. You MUST tell me when you are leaving and you are not allowed to be captured by the empire again."
"Oh I am not allowed?"
"No. You aren't. Do you accept my terms?"
"Quite the deal maker you are." Z slides over to where Two is sitting and wraps him up in a hug. "I do agree. And.. if I do go and if I really.. if you really helped free me from them for good.
I will find you again."
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