#and lestat just let’s them do this even went to sleep w his hair all done up one time
literatureandshit · 2 years
louis helping claudia on their wash days. louis detangling her hair from the ends to the roots. louis making sure claudia has all her hair care stuff whenever they travel. louis trying to give her new hairstyles and failing miserably at first but making them look amazing after trials and errors. louis moisturizing her hair because she always misses the layers underneath the top one. louis pulling hair out of her mouth when she’s done feeding because blood in her hair is so hard to get out. claudia trying to do her hair on her own for once but going to louis with a comb stuck in her hair and tears in her eyes. louis and claudia being father and daughter
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Chapter 3
((Hey Guys! The last chapter was a roaring success! So  have no w made the third one! The 4th ones is coming sonner than soon! Its fangstastic!))
Chapter 3: Huh? 
 Oh I...you're back again? Oh you wanted to know what happens next? Well... I'm totally annoyed, Seeing Diors sexy but annoying face really got me fangry. He walked in all slowly, he didn't even walk sexy. Just slow. Everyone at the table was severely annoyed, I can't believe that were actually letting this toadstool tool, into my home. Uncle Louis stood up with his arms open wide and a slight smile on his pale, kind of veiny face. "Dior welcome, please come sit" he said. Dior came to the table, and pick the seat next to me. If I had skin that felt heat or coolness I would have shivered.
 I looked over at him and rolled my eyes, he's such a dweeb. He looked over at me, and then Rickky and then Angelica. We all rolled our eyes again. He chuckled, and in a whisper I could totally hear him cussing at us for not dating him. "How dare they treat me this way these gross girls not date me, I'm so hot. I'm a demon, ill have you all" He was barely Whispering, I know for a fact that my uncle's could totally hear him but they were being nice so they decided not to say anything. But I was totally going to cuss him out.
 I opened my mouth but then there was a knock at the door and the servant had decided to go on break all of a sudden during lunch, so Angelica stood up to get it. She walked over to the door and was like so happy because her boyfriend Zwei, who is a werewolf from Nebraska. He bought with him his cousin Merlin vialoux who is also a werewolf and has also been training to become a wizard. 
Recently he's been demanding that we call him the wizard Merlin, and he's really Jewish. I never thought I would meet a Jewish werewolf, but since Angelica started dating her boyfriend I have met him ans he's a werejew. At least that's what he says. All of a sudden she started screaming I had no idea why until a tall tan man with purple hair, and blue contacts came in it was... Rap monster! She grabbed her boyfriend's hand and let everyone in. She brought them over to the dinner table, and when her boyfriend saw Dior. All of a sudden he let go of angelic of hand and grabbed your by the neck. Then he let his neck go, and used his arm to smack him in the neck like a giraffe. 
Everyone at the table was totally in shock. Why would he do that? I'm not too fond of him anyways, he's a werewolf I'm a vampire it doesn't really work out for us. Zwei grabbed his neck again and pull them out of the chair "Whatr you doing here, you know this is my turf, you herb" Dior got insulted, he's probably tired of everybody knowing that he's a herb and throwing it up in his face but I mean it's pretty obvious. "How dare you insult me, you fool" Dior said "Sure I'm a fool but you're still a herb you herb, get outta town. I heard you were going to destroy the world because these girls dont want you, you sack of cilantro"  he said back. Uncle Lestat and Louie had no idea what was going on, at this point Uncle Lestat was just focused on trying to eat his pasta. I think he had to work in the morning or something, even though it was only lunch time Uncle Louie had gotten really tired so in the middle of the argument he decided he was going to sleep so he left us.
 Zwei lifted Dior into the air, and they started floating because werewolves have this ability to jump really high, and if they stay up in the air long enough their bodies will begin to float. But because Zwei had spend some time with Jacob, who is a total hottie. And while he was hanging out with Jacob, he imprinted on a ghost named Felicity and although he really loved her he found out that he loved Angelica more so they broke up but he got her ability to float so now he floats for even longer. Add a really fast time Zwei went full werewolf and started to scratch dior's face. Dior push him off and they both started to fight in the middle of the air, do you or pushed him into the wall and broke a really old window. But he fell inside the house not outside. He stood up and jumped at the door, roaring and foaming at the mouth and his hair was flying all over the place. But his jeans, we're super tight and they stayed on him. They fought back and forth for a really long time, it was really a big Brawl. 
Angelica stood up, and shouted at her boyfriend to stop fighting because they would have to clean up the mess because the servant went on break. So they stopped fighting. Dior was so pissed that he grabbed and Delica and threw her at the ceiling. And she floated in the middle of the air because she also has the ability to float, thanks to being with her boyfriend they get to share the floating power. Dior shouted at all of us " angels are demons, witches or Wizards, ghouls or ghosts, you will all love me, and I will be the best ruler and boyfriend" I didn't understand why he said ruler, I thought he was just going to ruin the world. "Huh?" I said He looked at me, and totally try to reach out for me but I backed away from him as fast as I could becaubecause I don't want his gross but sexy hands on my body. 
Slowly Angelica started to float down to the ground. She look like she was flying for a second, so I totally complimented her and said she looked really graceful. Dior never answered my question. "Who says just angles can fly amirite?" Rap monster said. Ricckys neck shivered, "don't say that there can only be one angel here at a time" And just to mess with her  Angelica  laughed and She started singing no angel by fifth harmony, she skipped the "no" in the chorus at one point and started laughing. Rickky turned to her chuckling "don't do that I'm the angel" she said looking into angelicas sunglasses. Angelica kept laughing "my name is technically angel if you think about it" I totally didn't know her name was Angel or had angel in it, it never came into my head. Rickky rolled her eyes "its not the same" see or was getting really tired of us not paying him any attention, I could see it in his pale skin. everyone was like "what?" Rickky pulled out her hand book, and started to read her angel guide on how not everybody is allowed to be an angel, and there's only allowed to be one angels in the room at a time because the angel aura would be too strong and kill everybody. But Merlin and zwei would probably live because werewolves are immune to it I think. "So be careful what you say or you all could maybe die" I totally roll my eyes, and Dior was getting sick and tired of us ignoring him.
 So he yelled at the top of his lungs and left, I have no idea where he's going and I don't know what he's going to do next I'm kind of worried about it because what if he does something crazy. I turned to Rickky "you guys having this conversation all the time is like totally getting crazy It's like you're saying left is left and right is right, you said the same thing you just didn't say it the same way you have to be careful what is Dior going to do next" Rickky flapped her wings that turned, grey.   "No! Left IS left and right IS right, gosh at least try and get it right" Rap monster stepped up, "uh guys, I think Dior went to start his plan" Riccky and Angelica talked to eachother one last time before we really had to be serious. "there's only one Angel here, and it needs to stay that way so nobody has to blow up. You be a demon and I'll be an angel and that way everyone stay safe". Angelica nodded, "fine" Before they could hug and make up, there was a huge boom outside. And a mushroom cloud coming from probably about a hundred miles away. 
We wasted our one chance to really talk to Dior and now we have to go save the day.
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