#and let her wrap it around her head while they were walking home bcuz he knows that she feels uncomfortable without it
br1ghtestlight · 2 years
its so funny when ppl assume that louise's family hasn't seen her without her bunny ears since she was a toddler?? like she takes bathes/washes her hair and also they're her FAMILY they live with her they've seen her without her ears, its probably not a big deal to them like they obviously know what she looks like They probably see her without them like once every few weeks at least??? but other than gene tina bob and linda i would say probably nobody else has seen her without her bunny ears since she was a toddler and some ppl like rudy probably never have bcuz she sleeps and swims while still wearing them
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scandiyatt · 5 years
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After having being turned into a merman, and stayed in that form for months, it was quite weird and, somewhat, uncalled for when he finally turned human again. Luna, the mermaid that had helped him these past few months, and the one that was once captured in a tank in his office years prior, it was hard to leave her behind. She had showed him and taught him so much about the ocean, in so many ways that others could only dream of. Standing at the beach, feeling the sand under his feet again was rather strange and unfamiliar. Hearing a few splashing sounds behind him, he turned and found her standing there, looking at him with a quite confused expression, but it wasn’t because he was human again, it was because of his own expression.
What is it? Isn’t this what you wanted? // she asked, tilting her head.
Yeah...it was. // he replied, looking into his palms.
Then what’s wrong? // she then asked, looking even more confused.
It...came a bit quicker than I expected. // he said softly, shifting his eyes over to the female.
Oh...How come? // she asked again, tilting her head to the other side.
He bit his lower lip, not sure how to tell her. For the months he had spent with her, he had found himself getting quite attached to the mermaid. All the moments, the experiences and adventures they had under the surface had put him in a quite difficult position, emotionally.
Because...I’m going to lose something… // he muttered softly.
Lose something? Have you lost something? Is it close by? I can get it in a hurry if you want to? // she said, looking around herself.
Gladion chuckled softly, finding her innocence sweet. He started to walk out to her, stopping right in front of her, telling her that it wasn’t a thing he had lost, or would lose, which made her even more confused. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck while looking down, seeing that she were using her tail to stand up and preserve energy while talking to him. His chest grew tight, swallowing thickly as his mind started to race, trying to find something to say that wouldn’t make it worse for him, or even her. Looking up and directly at her, meeting her grey eyes. She averted her eyes from him, sounding somewhat disappointed, thinking that she wouldn’t be able to find whatever he had lost, only to get her mind interrupted by him lifting her chin up, planting his lips onto hers. Taken by surprise, she didn’t fight it, but rather leaned into it and as she did, he gently wrapped his arms around her waist.
You’re the one i’m losing… // he muttered softly as their lips parted.
Gladion… // she muttered softly.
I’m sorry, that just blurted out of me and I shouldn't have done that. // he said and let go of her, backing off a little.
She just stood there, watching him back off and then turn around, walking up to the shore again. She gently touched her lips, looking down into the water before diving off in a hurry. Gladion could hear the soft sobs from her as she disappeared under water, fighting his own emotions as he continued up at the beach, heading to the streets and the city, starting to head home.
I’m sorry, Luna... ---------- Last lonashipping week prompt "Water". And a little bit of angst bcuz why not? ;)
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thorne93 · 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 27)
Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 2077
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes,
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong-archive challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes@like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong-archive for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo…. @carryonmyswansong​
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Over a year had gone by since you’d spoken to Chris that night.
Surprisingly, and happily, all was well in your world. In less than a week, you would be marrying Tom. A June wedding, at a venue you both loved, in a gown you searched far and wide for. With loved ones all around, to music you both picked, eating food you both tasted. It was like a dream come true.
Tomorrow night was your bachelorette party, where Elizabeth, AJ, and Scarlet were the hosts. Your cousins and some friends from college and films were going to be attending. You knew what some of the night held, but some of the night was still a mystery to you. Two nights after that was your rehearsal dinner. You thought a dinner before the wedding was sort of stupid, making the joke that, “I already know how to eat, why do I need to rehearse it?” but Tom said he wanted to do it right. He wanted to have a sort of casual get together with family and close friends before the big day.
The film with Tom had wrapped up four months ago and you were both on to other projects right now. Your charities were doing extremely well, and animals and children around the globe were getting help they desperately needed.
News about the breakup with Chris hit the tabloids a little over month after it happened. At first they just suspected the breakup because you two were no longer seen in public together. Then, they noticed the change of rings on your finger. Suddenly, they put two and two together that you were with Tom constantly, and no Chris in sight. But quickly it spiraled into a frenzy of fans being split between Tom and Chris. Your fans would pick who they thought you should be with. Chris’s fans hated you and Tom now. Tom’s fans hated you for taking him off the market, or they loved you for making him happy.
Can’t make everyone happy, right?
Rumors about affairs, babies, and secret weddings circulated you two on and off for a year. But you didn’t care. Lies and rumors in the tabloids wouldn’t be a first, and it wouldn’t end with you. You and Tom ignored it, going on happily. You two knew the truth, and that’s all you cared about.
Trying to take your mind off some of the wedding chaos and work, you decided to take a stroll near the beach. Tom was away in Vancouver right now, expected to return home in two days. Your feet carried you lazily over the boardwalk as ocean mist wrapped around your body, making your hair flow. Only a handful of people were out here, seeing as it was already late at night.
Your head was down for a moment, a small smile on your lips as you thought of Tom and the wedding, but when you brought your head back up, it was as if you’d seen a ghost.
He donned a dark beard, his hair slicked back. He was wearing a black jacket, as the air was rather cool tonight, and dark blue jeans. He didn’t see you at first, giving you a chance to take him in and adjust to seeing him for the first time in over a year.
Then, his eyes caught yours. He recognized your hair, your body, and he took a closer look. He was walking toward you, only about thirty-five feet away. A smile touched your lips and he returned it. You took this as an invitation to walk towards him.
Within a minute, you were in front of him.
“Hey,” you greeted kindly.
“Hi,” he returned.
“What are you doing here?” you wondered, glancing around. Chris being in LA, on this boardwalk, was just too surreal. He had no reason to be here.
“I have a layover. My flight takes off in the morning. Thought I would come clear my head. Couldn’t really settle down in my hotel,” he confessed.
“Ah, I see. So you just wanted a walk by the ocean?” you asked with a teasing smile.
His eyebrows shot up delicately in agreement. “Yes, exactly.” After a moment, he gestured to you. “And you? What’re you doing out roaming the streets of LA so late for?”
“Just needed to get some fresh air. Lots of… wedding plans,” you carefully stated.
His eyebrows raised and then lowered while he bobbed his head knowingly. “Ah, the wedding.”
“Yeah, it’s in a few days…” You chewed your lip for a second before adding, “I would’ve invited you it’s just… I didn’t want it to be awkward or weird for you and…”
He held up a hand. “Hey, no need to explain. I get it. I would’ve liked to seen you in your pretty wedding gown, but I don’t want to make that day weird for either of us.”
“Thanks… So you out filming?”
“Yeah, got a couple of things in the works,” he informed. “How about you?”
“Same here. Busy with work, and the wedding and everything. How have you been?”
“Good… Work has been steady. Dodger is doing really good. Taught him a couple new tricks.”
“Oh yeah? That’s awesome!”
“Yeah, he seems to like it. I’m getting to bring him along to filming more too. Trying to find more pet friendly hotels and stuff.”
“That’s wonderful. I’m so glad.”
The two of you nodded, realizing you had started walking down the pier, only two couples at the very far end were on it.
“So how about your family?” you inquired. “Mom and Dad good?”
“Yeah they’re doing great. I think Carly has found another teacher to date,” he stated.
“Oh, do you like the guy?”
“He’s alright. Seems smart and good to her. So can’t complain. What about you? Family still good?”
“Dad’s having a little bit of trouble. But he’s been getting to the doctor and getting care for his heart so that’s good. Mom’s working to the bone. Clint just changed jobs. Seems to really like it. My niece has grown up a lot,” you stated, laughing.
The two of you finally reached the end of the long pier. You leaned on the banister, gazing at Chris. He copied your figure and leaned, looking at you.
“Did her red hair ever change?”
“No,” you stated, laughing. “It just got stronger. It’s fire red now.”
“I bet it’s cute.”
“Yeah it is. Let me show you.” You pulled out your phone and showed him a few photos and one video of you two. Your niece was only three now.
“Cute,” he complimented, handing your phone back.
“Thanks… So… have you found anyone new or…?” you questioned, wanting to address the slight elephant in the room.
He made an amused, sad smirk. “Uh, no. No I’ve been out of the dating pool,” he answered.
“Oh? Why? You’re breaking a lot of hearts you know,” you teased, hitting him gently with your purse.
A sorrowful smile touched his face. “Yeah, I just…” He shook his head. “Nah, not for me. Not ready yet. Not exactly thrilled to go out there and repeat heartbreak all over again.”
You nodded understandingly. You wanted to offer an apology, but at this point, you’d said you were sorry many times and it wouldn’t help anything.
“I’m sorry,” you uttered anyway. You felt you needed to say it, at least. Even if it didn’t mean anything. Even if it offered no consolation, you wanted to say it.
“Hey, you don’t have to be sorry,” he said, waving you off.
“I know but… I… I feel awful for breaking your heart. I hope you know that. I hope you know I never intended to do that.”
“Sweetheart, it’s fine. You loved Tom. Hell, I think I could see it and I didn’t want to.”
You frowned. “You could?”
“Sure. I mean, you were right. While I watched the game, you were reading. When I drug you along to the sporting events you texted Tom. When you dragged me to the museums, I wasn’t as interested in them as he would be.”
You shrugged, not knowing how to respond. All you could do was agree.
“In a perfect world, we could look past that. I mean, people are gonna have different interests. But with this… yeah, we had some compatibility issues. It took me a long time to realize it, but you were right.”
“About us…?”
“Yeah. It still sucks ass. But I saw how I was steering everything we did, and I didn’t want to do that. You and I love and want different things, and that's okay.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it is. You’re perfect, Chris. I hope you know that. Everything from your teeth to your amazing laugh,” you said with a loving grin. “Just not perfect for me… but hey, maybe you’ll find a chick that loves going to the games with you and believes Boston is the best city in the world.”
“Yeah, I hope so. But hey, if it doesn’t happen, at least I had three amazing years with you.”
“I’m glad you’re delusional enough to believe that,” you joked.
But Chris’s face remained serious. “I’m serious. No matter what happened between us, I was happy and you were happy. We had a good thing going and I think that’s what matters.”
You nodded your agreement. “It does... Yeah. We really did have a good time.”
“I hope Tom doesn’t mess this up because losing you is the hardest thing that’s happened to me.”
For a moment you were quiet, you didn’t know what to say. “So far he is great. Now, that all might change after the wedding. He may start letting himself go, be a dick…” you joked, Chris joining you in chuckling.
“He’s a good guy,” he affirmed. “Other than proposing to my fiance, that is.”
You bobbed your head side to side. “Everyone has their downfalls.”
To this, he laughed.
“All the other shit aside, I’m really happy for you, Y/N. I miss you like crazy, and I still love you, but if we weren’t meant to be, then it is what it is. I know you didn’t want to hurt me and I’ve accepted that. So long as you’re happy and okay, that’s all I want.”
A tear stung your eye. “You too, Chris. I just want you to have the world, you deserve it.”
He gave you a fond smile before opening his arms, inviting you in. “Come’mere.”
You smiled through the tears and embraced him. This felt… nice. It felt therapeutic to talk to him, to have this time together, to know he was doing okay. To know you hadn’t completely broken one man for another.
When you finally let go, you peered at him, still holding onto his biceps. “But you’re really okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah I’ll be fine. I’m doing good.”
The two of you started to walk back away from the end of the pier, back towards the boardwalk.
“Good. Don’t know if this would be too weird to ask, but you’re welcome to come to the wedding, if you’d like.”
“Would Tom be okay with that?”
You shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I think he’ll be okay as long as I’m there, the rest is just… details.”
“I’ll think about it. Shoot me a text with the info.”
“Will do.”
A little bit of small talk flowed between you two before you said goodbye to each other. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and you held him tightly. Telling him you hoped to see him at the wedding. He said he would try and be there.
You walked away that night finally feeling better about how things ended between you two. You’d tried to justify in your head how you’d hurt Chris unintentionally but it wasn’t until you heard him say that he understood why you left, that you felt it was okay. Even though you’d never stay with Chris just to keep him happy, you still felt guilty for breaking his heart. He didn’t do anything wrong, he didn’t ever make you feel bad. In the end, it just wasn’t meant to be. And you wanted to know if he would be okay.
Now that you knew he was, you felt like you could take this next huge step in your life with no baggage, or worries. Just you and Tom, forever.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark​ @tacohead13​
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thorne93 · 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 25)
Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 1509
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes,
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong-archive challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes@like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong-archive for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo…. @carryonmyswansong
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The New York filming had ended, and now there was a break for filming while the scout traveled to Europe to find a couple locations for the next four scenes you would be shooting. It was only a week break, but a break nonetheless.
However, bad for you, it allowed time for you and Tom to be alone together.... With no interruptions.
You hadn’t heard one word from Chris or Seb. An apology from Seb would’ve been nice, and some sort of response about the baby would’ve been nice from Chris. But alas, your phone had been practically radio silenced. Great, not even a distraction from other friends had come through.
The first night you were alone, Tom offered to get dinner out and bring it home. You said that would be nice and you got the house cleaned up while he went out. In under an hour, he was back with Italian food.
“Thank you for getting that,” you said softly as you sat down at your small table.
“You’re very welcome. I thought we would treat ourselves for the first night we have together that we aren’t filming. What would you like to do tonight?” he asked.
“Uh, I actually wanted to talk to you,” you said, your palms already sweating as your stomach began to grow queasy, the giant knot filling your entire torso.
“Oh? What about?” he wondered, grabbing his water to drink.
“Can you promise me that what I’m about to tell you won’t change anything between us?” you requested, reaching over and holding his hand.
His eyes traveled to your hand. “Um, I’d like to, but I don’t know what you’re about to say so… But I can tell you that I love you very much and there are very few things that would change that,” he promised.
Well, that was better than nothing, you supposed.
“Okay… um… Tom… I… I’m… uh…” You took a deep breath to keep from shaking -- it wasn’t working. “I’m… um… I’m pregnant…” you finally said, keeping your eyes down. You couldn’t bear looking at him right now.
“You’re… you’re what?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, looking up. “It was before you and I got together, I swear. It’s Chris’s. We were careless just before the stabbing and--”
“How… how is this possible?” he asked, stunned.
“I… I mean, it’s only been like four weeks since I’ve been with Chris so…. Um…”
“Did you take a test? Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It was positive.”
Tom nodded, taking a deep breath. “Okay… Well… I mean we need to tell Chris, since it’s his child-- Jesus, I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he said, getting up and running one hand through his hair, the other hand on his hip. “I can’t believe I’m talking to my fiance about her ex’s baby.”
“Yeah, I know this sucks… But… I…. I already told Chris,” you informed, awaiting the lash back.
Tom’s eyes flashed up to you, his hand dropping from his neck rubbing. “You already told him? When?”
“Uh, last week, when I was in New York… I made a trip to Boston.”
“You… you went to Boston, to see your ex, and told him about the baby?”
“Well, like you said, he has a right to know.”
“Yes, he does. After me. I’m your fiance... You would think something this huge you would come to me.” He stared at you a moment, wanting you to say something else. “Why did you not tell me?” he asked.
You shrugged, having no explanation for your decisions. “I didn’t want to worry you. I wasn’t sure what to do so I went to my friends.”
“Your friends? Who all did you go to?” he asked, his voice slightly raising.
You sighed. “Sebastian, who told me to fuck off… Elizabeth, and Chris. That’s it.”
“Oh, that’s all. So I’m the fourth one to know?! So when you need help on something as big as a pregnancy you went to your friends, not your fiance.”
“Tom, I’m so sorry. I was scared. I didn’t know what to do… Elizabeth told me to talk to Chris, so I talked to him first…” you explained.
He shook his head firmly. “No, you needed to talk to me first. Marriage means both of our lives are affected, your problems are my problems. If you feel like you can’t bring your problems to me, then we shouldn’t even be doing this.”
“Tom, no, please. I’m sorry. I should’ve come to you, I know. I’m just saying--”
“Just what? Just thought I was the best last resort to come to when it came to whether or not you’d be pregnant? I’m sorry but that isn’t how a partnership works. You communicate your problems your obstacles to each other.”
“I know that. Don’t talk to me like I’m a child,” you warned. This was already stressful. You needed the best friend Tom. Not the judgemental Tom.
“Well maybe when you stop acting like one and become an adult! An adult would’ve gone to her fiance first, not the last guy she laid!”
You sat, taken aback at his sudden outburst. You had nothing to say to that.
Tom heaved a sigh, looking down, lowering his hands. He pressed his lips into a hard line before looking at you again.
“I’m sorry… I just… When I asked you to be with me, I did it with the intention that our relationship would stay the same.”
“And it did,” you stressed.
He shook his head. “No, it didn’t because if this were anyone else right now, you would’ve come to me first. You always came to me first when you had a problem. Now I’m the last to know. How do you think that makes me feel, Y/N?” he stressed.
“I know how it looks. I just… I didn’t want to ruin anything by telling you.”
“You didn’t… you ruined it by not telling me.”
“Tom…” you tried, knowing there wasn’t much you could say right now.
He held up his hand, in a non threatening manner. “Just... give me a moment to think, please?” he requested.
You nodded, taking a step away from him, letting him have room to breathe.
After that, he walked away, back to your bedroom, shaking his head. You heaved a sigh and put your head on the counter, tears spilling out freely. Now, this was it. This was as bad as it could get, right?
Fifteen minutes drug by as Tom paced in your bedroom before he finally came out to confront you again.
“I can’t lecture you on communications and then walk out and not talk with you,” he suddenly said from behind you. You lifted your head and wiped your tears. “I just… I have to know why you didn’t tell me first. Why did you feel like you couldn’t come to me?”
“It’s something I’ve always done with the people I’ve been romantic with. They’re the last to know. I guess I didn’t want to burden them or make them feel like I was full of problems. I didn’t want to look like the girl with nothing but baggage.” You shrugged, knowing it sounded extremely lame, but it was the truth. You didn’t want to burden those you loved with your problems.
“You know I don’t see you that way. I’ve seen you at your worst and your best,” he stated sadly.
“I know… but I’m not used to that. It’s going to take time, but I know I can get there. I just have to learn how to share myself with you like that. I was used to you being my best friend. I could throw all my shit on you and you were always there for me. But this? This affects you, me, us… I thought if you found out, you’d leave me.”
“Like I said before, I asked for your hand with the full intention that nothing between us would change. And I’d like to know that’s what’s going to happen.”
“It will. I’ll tell you. Everything, promise.”
He took a few steps closer, closing the gap as he came over. He placed his hands on your shoulders and kissed your forehead. “Good, that’s all I want. And I want you to know you aren’t going to go through this alone. Let’s go to the doctor and get verification… and if this is real, I’m with you the whole way.”
You stared up at him in awe, your mouth agape. “Really? Even though it’s not your child?”
“Neither of us can change the past or what may come of it, but I know I love you and I want to be with you.”
“And I you. Thank you so much, Tom. I don’t deserve you,” you said, wrapping your arms around him and your head resting against his chest. You remained seated at your bar stool while he stood above you and held you in his arms. It felt like you were finally home.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark​ @tacohead13​
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thorne93 · 7 years
Missed Connection
Prompt: Imagine you and Bucky having a thing for each other, but every time you get close to starting something, it’s cut short...
Word Count: 2154
Warnings: maybe language?
Note: For @girl-next-door-writes birthday/christmas challenge! I had to combine them for you, sweetie. I hope that’s okay and I hope you liked it! Song was: Build Me Up Buttercup by The Foundations. Beta’d by the ever perfect @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz she’s a bawss like that.
Forever Tags: @capsmuscles @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise1982sand @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @marvelloushamilton @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @hardcollectionworldtrash @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaeling
Bucky Barnes: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @its-not-a-tulpa
Being great at many things had its advantages. For instance, being head of IT for the Avengers was a grand plus, surpassing Natasha, and at times, even Tony. Or being the fastest on the team right behind Cap, that was pretty good too. But something you were bad at, was hiding your romantic feelings. Especially when James Buchanan Barnes was in the room.
Meeting Bucky was a crazy moment in your life, seeing as when you met, he was being shot at as you tried to help Steve defend his friend. But after the ability to get the brainwashing out of his head, he was on the team. And thus began a beautiful friendship between you two.
He was funny, sarcastic, kind, compassionate, and protective. Why wouldn’t you be head over heels for the guy? Every mission he impressed you. Every time you hung out he made you laugh and smile like no one ever had. Every time you trained together, he was patient and kind. So, maybe you had a crush on him, or it was mildly interested, or madly in love. All you knew, was when he was around, you had trouble keeping eye contact and you blushed so much you could feel it heat up the space around you.
Thankfully, he seemed to have mutual feelings for you. He flirted a little, touched you often, and lately he’d been trying to ask you out, but to that, you were oblivious.
He’d tried once during mid-morning as you grabbed a snack before running to the gym.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Buck,” you greeted with a wide grin.
“Going running, huh?” he asked politely as you grabbed an apple and a snack pack of peanut butter.
“Yep. Wanna come?” you wondered.
“I was actually wondering if you’d want to go--”
“Y/N!” Tony called loudly as he sauntered into the kitchen. “Need your help.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll be right there,” you said sweetly before turning back to him. “Did you wanna ask me something?”
“Uh..Nah. It can wait. Go on,” he encouraged, the thunder draining from him.
That was the first try.
The second time was right as Steve called an emergency mission. He didn’t even get to pose the question. As soon as he saw you in your room, reading, he was about to walk in when Steve shouted for you two to haul ass with gear to the jet. Bucky clenched his jaw tight, wanting to bitch his friend out, but he knew it was futile. Another time, he was going to ask if you wanted to go to lunch as soon as he saw you, but you and Wanda were laughing as you were heading out to go shopping, so he stopped.
Finally, he got to ask you out. You were in your lab, working, editing the code in Tony’s suits, when he walked in, spit out what he wanted to ask, and you said yes. Problem was, later that night, you accidentally stood him up. Alone at the restaurant, he was worried you’d changed your mind or just knowingly blew him off. Instead, the American government needed your help to stop someone from trying to hack the CIA infrastructure.
The next day you apologized profusely, and he knew you were telling the truth because Nat and Tony had accompanied you to the mission, but it still hurt that he went all out getting dressed well for you, shaving, picking a restaurant…
He swallowed the loss and you asked for a rain check. The two of you scheduled again for lunch in a week’s time. But best laid plans....
Yet again, you were needed. You were thirty minutes late to meeting him at the elevators so you two could walk to the restaurant together, but you’d been needed for an outside contract not related to Avengers. He didn’t know this until he texted you and you replied, stating you’d have to cancel again.
Although it was more than frustrating, he knew you weren’t doing it on purpose. In a way, not getting to see you on a date was making him want you more and more. Building up the suspense to when he could finally see you in date attire, hold your hand, kiss you…
Finally, one date happened, and it was beyond either of your expectations. The two of you knew you had chemistry, had a good vibe, but on a date, it blew you away how happy you seemed to make each other. Elevating from best friends to this romantic plane had been one of the best decisions either of you had ever made.
But the thrill didn’t get to last long, as you two couldn’t find time for another date. Bucky would ask but you’d either already have something planned, or get pulled away again. Life seemed to be incredibly hectic for you lately. So the two of you just had that first date to hold on to, to remind you of the magical spark between you. Being old fashioned, you couldn’t see yourself dating Buck inside the Avengers compound. You needed real dates, a place away from work and home to get to know him, to know each other.  
That was a little over a month ago since the first date, both of you slightly frustrated, but willing and patient to wait for the right time to have a traditional date.
But now everyone was running around for Christmas goods and goodies. Everyone bought their own decorations for their room, and Tony had the main living parts of the compound decorated. The team was going out getting gifts every now and again, Bucky with you. The two of you holding hands, but nothing more, still taking things slow. You could hardly call Christmas shopping a date.
If you weren’t shopping, you were wrapping, going overboard, as you did every year. A bad habit of yours was buying and buying and buying gifts, simply because you didn’t know when to stop. You didn’t know when enough was enough for Christmas.
Not to mention, you helped Tony with a million Christmas cards for him, the team, and any families. Next, Tony had asked for assistance in planning a huge Christmas party, which was a lot of work and yet another thing to keep you and Buck apart. Finally, Wanda and you went to work on getting the Christmas meal menu set up, buying the groceries for all the dishes you’d listed.
Now, it was Christmas Eve, or to you, your birthday. With all the hustle and bustle for the following day, your birthday was always outshined by Baby Jesus. But your birthday didn’t matter. Tomorrow was the big day and you had a turkey to brine, green beans to simmer, and cookies to bake. Vision helped in the kitchen as best he could. Wanda and you shuffled about in the kitchen all day, trying to get things prepared, as the rest of the team brought all their presents to sit under the giant tree, something you’d have to remember to do later. The pile of presents actually started to stack higher than the tree as Steve and Sam arranged the presents in a nice fashion.
Tony’s gifts would probably be the most expensive, no doubt. Nat’s would be the most touching, seeing as she has ears on everything. It would be a gift you wanted that you didn’t expect to get. Sam’s would be functional, but something you need and happy to have. Vision’s would be whatever you had outright told him to get you. Bucky’s would be sentimental. Steve’s would be something to make you feel good. Wanda’s would be completely frivolous. But all of them would be wonderful.
The only problem was, you wanted a birthday gift. Just one. From anyone, really. If one person remembered your birthday in this chaos, it would mean the world to you. Last year, Steve had remembered it and he got you something small, but no one else on the team seemed to know. His efforts were amazing though. All you wanted was maybe a cupcake. Maybe five minutes to forget about Santa, gifts, candy canes, stockings, and trees and just focus on you and your time on this Earth.
You wouldn’t pout or cry if it didn’t happen. If it didn’t, you’d understand, but if it did, you’d be overjoyed.
“I’m going to go shower while those bake, yeah?” Wanda said as she brushed her forehead of sweat, wiping her hands on the flour covered apron.
You nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on them,” you promised as you stood at the kitchen island, reading the recipe for the next dish to prepare.
“Thanks. You’re the best,” she said as she beamed at you before walking past you.
You smiled at her before turning back to the recipe book, about to turn and go find the ingredients you needed when you heard a familiar voice.
“Why do you build me up, buttercup?” Bucky asked as he leaned against the island looking at you.
A smile pulled at the edges of your lips.
“What?” you asked as you looked up at him.
“You build me up, all the time, just to let me down,” he remarked, a faux sorrowful look on his face.
“What do you mean?” you wondered.
“Well, we went on one date, before that you stood me up I don’t know how many times...And now, I can’t get one more date out of you,” he informed, giving you a slight shrug. “So what is it? Is it the hair?” he asked, pointing to to his dark locks.
You laughed. “No, Buck, your hair is perfect,” you assured, working on the recipe.
“Oh,” he said as you walked between him and the counter. “So then it’s my clothes,” he noted, pulling at his sweater.
You shook your head. “No, all of your clothes are perfectly fine.”
He stood with his hand resting on his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Ah! It’s the accent. You don’t like that I’m from Brooklyn.”
You threw your head back at his absurdity. “No! I swear. It’s not you. It’s me. I’ve just been crazy busy and now with Christmas and--”
“And your birthday?” he suddenly asked in very serious tone, a 180 from how he was just acting. It made you stop in your tracks.
“You...You know it’s my birthday?” you asked quietly in disbelief, your eyes lifting up to his, a tear pricking your eye.
“Of course. I remembered from last year. I also remembered that everyone here was an ass and didn’t get you anything,” he stated as he pulled out a present, one side wrapped with Christmas paper, the other side with birthday paper.
A laugh escaped you as happy tears rolled down your face.
“Oh my god, wow...Bucky, this is great. Thank you,” you said, setting the gift on the counter and leaning in to hug him tightly. He gripped you back for a long moment before you heard a voice.
“So we just gonna watch them or are we gonna do her birthday?” Sam asked.
The two of you pulled apart and you saw the entire team standing before you, a gift in everyone’s hand, save for Steve who was holding a cake with lit candles.
“Oh my god,” you said as you nearly squealed. Your eyes flashed between Bucky and the rest of the team. “Did you do this?” you asked, excited beyond comprehension.
He nodded. “I wanted to be sure everyone remembered. When I told them, everyone immediately jumped at the idea of a mini-surprise party.”
You held your hands to your chest. “This is too much! You all....” You couldn’t finish the thought.
“You better go blow out the candles, birthday girl,” Bucky encouraged, running a gentle hand across your back.
Nodding and smiling you hurried over to everyone, thought quickly of a wish, and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered as Steve sat down the cake, while the others busied themselves with getting the cake cut, and grabbing plates and utensils.
Bucky re-emerged from beside you. “Hope this is okay. Sorry we couldn’t do more…” he offered, seemingly feeling guilty.
“Buck, this is perfect. I wouldn’t want it any other way,” you assured, gazing at him with a whole new layer of adoration.
“So what’d you wish for?” he wondered.
You pulled him close to you, lingering for a second, before placing your lips on his, a sweet, earnest kiss blossoming between you two. Your first kiss...and it felt better than you could’ve dreamed.
“That,” you breathed after you pulled away, resting your heads on each other’s.
“Hey, love birds, come over here and open presents,” Steve teased, waving you two over to the table with cake and gifts.
You walked over, hand in hand, relishing that this was the best birthday you’d ever had, by far.
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