#and liam and damien is just so much hurt/comfort and trying to understand each other. is great and beautiful
cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
bunni please talk about miridami + if you want to, liam and damien (platonic) they mean so much to me
thank you thank you thank you tha-
okay so yeah Miridami? basically me dying over the aesthetics. main reason why i ship them is aesthetic reasons lmao cause like cutesy princess x bad boy prince is sooooo good actually. idk it's just. so pretty. so badass. its perfect in everyway. love a lil mermaid who just goes "*puffs out cheeks* guards take him away; maybe an execution will make him change his mind" and its so fun and shes adorable. damien loves it and finds her so cute when she gets all murder-y. and miranda loves damien very much, mainly because she loves the idea of a knight in shiny armor coming to save her in her tall tower--like from a fairytale, but with a lot more fire and murder. and also the small arc miranda goes through with trying to change damien into a "true prince" that she's always dreamed of and told about from her family, but slowly learning that she loved damien for who he was. that while she did daydream about a dragon-slaying hero, she also fell just as hard for a dragon-slaying demon who did the job just as well (just with more fire and more of a chaotic-neutral then a lawful-good). like hes just as cool and hot and he just takes her breath away. also her favorite thing to do is make him flustered, because he gets all red and warm (which is like his normal state but shhh), and he gets all embarrassed is is very cute <3 and also damien just loves her so much. miranda is just so cute and is passionate about art and her kingdom. and yeah, the merkingdom is a bit of a touchy conversation, mainly because he very much disagrees with how her family runs it, and wishes she could see how bad things are there. they disagree on a few things (especially that specifically), but i can see them both growing from the relationship. i can see miranda possibly learning that just maybe the way the mierkingdom is being run is sorta bad, and damien learning to enjoy other people's company and being more open in his interests with others. idk i just love these two so so so much and this ship is very good imo. love them so much
(putting second half under readmore because this is getting kinda long ^^;;;)
also thank you for asking for Damien & Liam, because you are so right, these two mean the world to me and is like my top platonic pairing for liam personally (he and zoe is like a very close second tho) because like,,,,these two. they understand each other. despite liam's skepticism, damien does understand him. he understands liam's want to bury his interests, his need to be cold and aloof. okay, he might not understand or know why, but he gets it, at least a little bit. he can understand and empathize. and liam understands damien....a bit. okay he doesnt really understand why damien does these idiotic things and why he doesnt think things through but eh. hes entertaining to be around. plus, sometimes he can be sorta chill, and i think liam likes to hang around someone like that. he generally gravitates more towards people like vera or polly because (while polly is usually v loud and eccentric), they can be quiet and be serious when need be. and idk i feel like liam could get pissed over the fact that damien says he understands, but when in fact he really fucking doesnt but...idk something about damien caring tugs on his cold and rusty heartstrings. and also he very much appreciates the fact that damien keeps up the facade along with him of not caring about his shit. that he doesnt care about whatever liam's talking about, but is in fact paying attention to the fact that liam likes the restaurant down the block because they kill their humans in the most humane way possible. idk damien acts aloof and all cool like, and i feel like even though its a bit obvious to liam that hes faking it, he still appreciates it in a weird way. and like damien likes how straight forward liam is. because he is in fact the straight man of the group, and damien finds that hilarious. and hes fun to tease and bring about on dumb adventures. and hes just so brutally truthful, and damien appreciates something like that. hes just someone who is easy to talk to, and doesnt hold back on criticism and the truth. and surprisingly liam was the one who made damien accept himself and who he was, that he can still be a total badass but still be into drag and makeup, that he can enjoy whatever the hell he wanted to enjoy. which is ironic because sometimes he it feels like liam doesnt enjoy anything. but its def more of a "do as i say and not as i do" because liam doesnt really let himself enjoy mainstream things as much as he should so :/ idk i feel like in the end those two just have a lot of quiet bonding moments. times when no one else is around and they pour their hearts out, and then pretend it never happened the next morning lol but these two have a lot of potential i feel like; they're opposites and yet understand each other on some sort of level, and idk i feel like they're just very good friends (and dont make me mention the caganer ending in prom because i have SO many feelings on it. liam is invited for the holidays in the LaVey household and that's that on that)
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
Howdy! Sorry to bug you, but could I request the main Monster Prom cast helping their S/O through an anxiety attack? Mine get really bad, to the point where I can't move or talk, and having someone by my side always helps me through them a little easier. Thank you so much, I love your writing!
(A/N): I am so sorry for how long this took me to get out, hun! I’m really glad you reached out with this request, I always glad to write anxiety attacks imagines because I know it helps a lot of people. I really hope you’ll enjoy these!
Warning: Anxiety attacks.
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Miranda Vanderbilt:
You and Miranda were attending a royal ball at her palace when you suddenly excused yourself out of the grand room, telling your girlfriend that you needed to go to the bathroom. She let you go easily, not noticing the stressing look on your face as you left, and continued to party with her family and her ‘happy’ serfs for while. Though she starts worrying when you don’t seem to be coming back, and so she decides to leave the ballroom for a few moments to try and find you.
Her first guess is to go to the nearest bathroom, since this is where you said you were going when you left her side, only for her heart to drop in her stomach when she enters the room: your body’s laying on the ground while trembling, tears coming out of your wide opened eyes while painful sounds escape from your throat every two seconds.
“Love!” She can’t help but panic at the sight of you like this, the two serfs that were accompanying her watching her drop on her knees without knowing to do. “Love, what happened? Are you hurt?”
Your eyes snap towards her when you hear her voice, your mouth slowly opening to try and form words… but without any success. Miranda can see the pain in your eyes and how you seem to silently scream for her help, but what kind of help do you need? How can she know?
“Don’t stand there!” She snaps at her serfs, who shrieks back in fear at her outburst. “Go get the royal doctor!”
“Yes, Princess!”
They leave the bathroom as fast as they can, her blue eyes sending daggers to the door as it closes loudly.
Her head turns back to you in a second and she takes one of your hands in hers, squeezing it to give you some comfort. “Don’t try to speak if it hurts, love. Help’s on the way.”
‘It’s useless’, you want to say. You can already the anxiety slowly decreasing with her presence. You don’t know you didn’t tell her why you were really leaving the room… maybe if you had told the truth, she would have come sooner… Then again, maybe you should have taken the time to tell her about those anxiety attacks you get sometimes… but you were so scared that she would see you as weak that you didn’t say anything.
“Mir…anda…” Your body slowly stops trembling and you squeeze back, not liking to see the worrying tears in her eyes. “I’m… feeling better… already…”
“Do you really, love?” You manage to slowly nods, the tears coming out of her eyes profusely in relief. “Oh, I’m so glad…!”
She helps you sit up from the ground, not liking to see you laying on that spotless yet filthy in her eyes bathroom floor. “T-thank you…”
“Oh my dear, what was that? Why were you in so much pain?”
“Ah… that was… a very bad anxiety attack…” You give out a weak smile when you see her eyes go wide in shock, wanting to reassure her. “It happens sometimes, but… I’m better now that you’re here.”
“Oh, love!” She doesn’t wait for another second to throw her arms around your body and to hug you close to hers, surprising you. “You must promise to tell me next time you feel one of those coming! I absolutely hate the idea of you hiding your pain from me…”
Your lips stretch out in a genuine smile just as you hug her back. “Okay… I promise…”
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Damien LaVey:
Damien was watching one of his favorite beauty shows in the living room while you were somewhere else doing whatever. He just knows you walk by the living room at some point and gave him a smile before disappearing towards the other end of the house, not saying anything. He didn’t think much of it,  you both share this apartment, you can do whatever you want.
His head snaps back towards your shared bedroom when he hears a loud noise, like something that suddenly dropped on the floor or something. He picks up the TV remote and lowers the sound so he can try to hear you when you’ll respond.
“Everything alright, babe?” He frowns when he doesn’t get a response, and so this time he pauses his show and stands up from the couch. “(Y/N)?”
He walks over the closed door of the bedroom, opening it like it’s nothing only to reveal darkness.
“(Y/N), you’re okay?” He flips the light switch, but his eyes go wide when he sees your body on the floor. “Oh shit!”
He runs over to you and turns your body towards him in a panic, the stress rising in his entire being when he hears your heavy breathing and your eyes going in every direction… as if you can’t settle them anywhere.
“Fuck, (Y/N), what’s happening to you?”
You don’t answer and he doesn’t know why. Can you speak? Can you even hear him right now?
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” He takes his cellphone out of his pocket and calls the first number he sees, his mind clouded with worried and confused thoughts.
“Since when do you call me, Damien”
Great. Out of all people, he had to randomly call the one person who annoys the hell out of him.
“Liam, something’s wrong with (Y/N), they’re not moving or talking, they-I… Fuck!”
“… are you sure they’re not sleeping?”
It wouldn’t be the first time Damien showed the world his stupidity.
“For fuck sake, no, they’re not fucking sleeping!” He notices the tears coming out of your eyes when he hears a whimper, his own eyes widening in upper fear. “They’re breathing really loud and keep looking everywhere, I…”
“Sounds like a bad anxiety attack.”
“The fuck am I supposed to do with an anxiety attack? I-” Damien gives out a loud sigh, not liking how your body seems to start shaking. “Just tell me what to do, please.”
“Okay, listen: you need to make them look at something specific… then help them ease down her breathing. If they need to, let them hold onto you, even if it hurts. They’re gonna need you to slowly bring them back to reality.”
“Okay, okay… Okay, I’ll try to do that…”
“Call me again if it gets worse.”
Liam hangs up before he can do anything else, and so Damien drops his phone on the ground before he puts his hands on each side of your head and turns it towards him.
“Babe, look at me. Look at me.” Your eyes finally settle on his face, a small light of recognizance going through them once you do. “You need to breathe… okay? Just breathe. In… and out… Can you do that for me?”
You stare at him for a while, your breathing still heavy, until you finally let out a long breath out of your mouth then shakily breathe in again, repeating the process a few times while concentrating on Damien’s face.
“Good, good… just breathe, that’s it, babe. You can do it.” He gives out a small smile to give you more encouragement, his hands moving down to take yours and make you hold onto his arms. “You’re here, I’m here… everything’s fine.”
You blink rapidly for a moment, your mouth slowly opening. “Everything’s… fine…”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it.”
After a few minutes of helping you breathing, you eventually manage to move again. So he helps you sit up, his hands moving behind your back to gently rub it with his fingers in a comforting way to help ease down your trembles.
“Feeling better?”
“Yeah…” You give him a small smile, your eyes still full of tears. “I’m sorry…”
“No need to.” He wipes a few tears away from your cheeks as he kisses your forehead. “I’m glad I could help.”
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Scott Howl:
Scott has no idea about what is going on right now.
One minute you were both leaving a party that was happening at one of his cousin’s places, your smile still present on your face while he was waving goodbye at his family member from the sidewalk, the next you were dropped against the side of the car with tears streaming down your cheeks, breathing loud and body constantly jolting from electrical panic.
“(Y/N), what’s happening? What’s going on?” He’s standing in front of you with his hands in front of him, ready to catch you if you ever fall even though he can feel his own tears soaking his face. “Why are you hurt?”
He remembers how sometimes evil things will reach your mind and you would suddenly be paralyzed by them, not being able to speak or move because of it.
“Is it the evil things? I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them to reach you…” The only he gets is a croaked whimper coming out of your throat, which makes his bottom lip quiver in fear. “I should have been paying more attention… I should have been a good boy.”
Poor boy doesn’t understand the concept of anxiety attacks. He just thinks something invisible is out there trying to hurt you and he wasn’t strong enough to stop it. All he can think to do was to bring you close to him and to wrap his arms tight around you, his tears falling harder and harder while he seems to not be able to control his cries.
“I’m so sorry…” He doesn’t seem to notice how your trembles seem to slowly go away, still focused on the fact that he couldn’t stop this to happen to you. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N), please forgive me.”
He eventually resumes to just hold you and cry loudly along with your silent ones, his tight embrace giving you enough comfort and strength to get a grip back onto reality. It’s when you finally manage to hug him back that he notices the change, and so he frees you to look at your face.
“You’re back!” His lips break out into a wide smile despite the tears. “The evil things freed you.”
“You… freed me, Scott.” You give out a small smile back, your eyes sweetening despite still feeling a little out of it.
“I did?”
“Hm-hm…” You slowly close your eyes, suddenly feeling really tired. “… can we go home?”
“Yeah, of course!” He doesn’t let you say or do anything else that he’s already opening the door of the car and helping you sit down, his fingers struggling to put your seatbelt on for a while before he finally succeeds. “I’m glad I fought off the evil things…”
You let your hand cup his right cheek, giving out a loving smile. “Me too.”
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Liam de Lioncourt:
Liam comes in the apartment holding bags full of groceries, a neutral expression settled on his face as he takes a few steps deeper into your shared home. He didn’t mind you didn’t come with him to shop, since it’s something he knows you do alone quite often anyway, though he did notice that you weren’t looking well. He hoped it wasn’t something too bad and that you’re feeling better, since he knows how bad your stress can get sometimes…
He stops in his tracks when he spots you sitting against one of the kitchen’s walls, your hands grabbing your hair as you whimper in complete fear and can’t seem to be able to move.
“(Y/N)!” He doesn’t hesitate to drop the grocery bags on the floor, not caring if the almond milk is now spilling all over the floor, before he instantly drops on his knees in front of you and brings your hands away from your head. “I’m here. I’m here, okay? Listen to me, you are not alone in this.”
Your eyes flicker back to him and you open your mouth. “L… L… L-Lia…”
“You don’t have to speak. Just breathe, okay? I won’t leave your side. Breathe in, breathe out.”
This isn’t the first time you’ve had an anxiety attack in front of Liam, nor would it be the last, he’s afraid so. But the purple vampire has been alive for so many centuries, he knows what to do to help you, and he always does his best to bring you back to him.
“That’s it. You’re doing great, (Y/N).” He rubs your arm to give you warmth and comfort while you continue concentrating on your breathing, your eyes starting to blink rapidly. “See? Everything’s fine. We can get through anything.”
“Yes, anything.”
Your eyes look away from his eyes for a second, a small glint of worry passing through them as you look behind him. “The… milk…!”
“I’ll clean it up later, we didn’t even need it anyway.”
“I-I feel bad though…”
“You don’t have to.” His lips press against your forehead instantly cease down your worrying thoughts, a small smile coming onto your face. “The important thing is that you’re okay.”
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Polly Geist:
Polly knows exactly what to do when she sees you paralyzed on the couch.
Sure, she a ghost who likes to party too much and all the time, but you have to remember that she was a human once… a human coming from a family full of successful people, which meant that she had to be as successful as her ancestors and, well… sometimes, the stress would get to her and she would have anxiety attacks. She was lucky enough to always have her mother by her side, but now she had to be by yours.
She floats over the couch without even thinking, settling down beside you with worry in her eyes. She hates to see how violently your body’s trembling and to hear the cries coming out of your throat, but she knows that you need right now more than anything else in the world, and so she wraps her arms around your torso and brings you close to her.
She whispers a few comforting things into your ears, trying to soothe you down with words first, which seems to work a little, then she starts humming your favorite song until she finally settles to sing the lyrics as low as she can.
The singing helps you immensely, though you’re still going through your anxiety attack, you can feel it slowly decreasing with each note that Polly sings to help you. It’s once you finally stop trembling that Polly stops singing.
“You’re feeling better, babe?”
She then slowly kisses your temple in a loving way before hugging you even closer, both of you simply staying silence for the rest of the evening and enjoying each others’ embrace.
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Vera Oberlin:
Both you and Vera were fleeing from a failed heist when you suddenly dropped against one of the walls, your breathing loud and getting stuck in your throat over and over as Vera tried to ask you what was wrong. You couldn’t tell her anything though, the anxiety taking over your entire being, but Vera couldn’t wait for you to calm down and so managed to drag you into a closet so to not get caught… which is where you’ve been for the last ten minutes.
Being stuffed in a closet with another person doesn’t help with any anxiety attack, especially not when you’re in the middle of a heist with security guards on your trail. All you could do is look helplessly for Vera’s face in the dark as you tried to get some air into your lungs, Vera simply holding onto your arms to try and let you know that she’s there and that she’s not leaving you here.
You’ve told her about your anxiety attacks and how bad it could get, but she never had to deal with one of them before. Her sister never got one, nor has her friends ever did, so she doesn’t know the first thing on how to deal with someone having one. But she knows that if she doesn’t do something soon, your attack is gonna get even worse and even more painful, and that’s the last thing that she wants to happen.
She suddenly remembers a moment from her childhood…. Where her father was a little late to pick her up from primary school and she suddenly believed that he had abandoned her there, just like her biological mother did when she was born. She remembers starting to breathe heavily and crying, just like you’re doing right now, and she was only able to stop when her teacher made her sit down and put their hand on her heart to help her settle it down.
Maybe that could work with you?
She steady your back with one of her arms and puts her free hand on where your heart is supposed to be, your eyes soon catching hers as soon as she does so.
“W-what are you-”
“Shh…” Vera puts her forehead against yours, hearing your shaky breath coming out of your mouth soon after. “Just breathe, okay? I got you.”
You somehow manage to move a shaky hand up to put against hers, your breathing slowly but surely calming down a few seconds after.
“T-the… heist-”
“We can stay here as long as you need.” She gives you a small smile, just happy to be able to help even a little. “If they come in here, I’ll kick their ass.”
Your lips slowly stretch out into a smile, feeling glad to have her with you in this moment.
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