#and like all other characters thsi doesn't apply to in any way
forecast-rain ยท 2 years
Oc ask game: 3, 5/6, 7, 9
Sylvia and/or Lilly
ooo they! :D The girls! :D
disclaimer: I rambled a lot so I'm putting this under a read more. i love them okay?
3. What does your ocโ€™s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, whatโ€™s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
tbh I don't really. headcanon voices for my ocs. They just all sound like me lmao.
That said, I guess I could describe Lilly's voice as like a bell? Like those little bells or whatever idk. windchime. high-pitched but smooth. Girl. I think she's a decent singer but she hasn't ever really practiced so like the possibility is there. She just never really tried to do anything with it. Or maybe she sucks at singing but loves it and does it anyway. idk.
Sylvia's voice is a bit deeper definitely. I keep thinking of those quiet anime girls... Like a carpet. Or a bed actually. Comfortable, warm. cat. Medium-tone. Maybe flat tone most of the time. I'm throwing words out there. She can probably sing pretty well but she's not really interested in it. She often ends up singing for the other kids at the orphanage/group home/wherever she lives though. They really like it so why not.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
For Lilly it's definitely fashionable stuff that she feels most comfortable in - she likes it when an outfit comes together. Her outfits are usually cute with pink as the main color along with a Lot of hearts. She LOVES hearts they're just so <333 she can't get enough of them. Honestly I don't think she could stand having to wear clashing patterns. Or like, patterns at all. They're very... specific. To her.
For Sylvia, it's whatever's most practical though she can't deny she enjoys wearing her school uniform. The combination of a white button-up shirt, a tan sweater vest, skirt and white socks is just... really nice. She likes it. Most of the time though, she just ends up wearing hoodies or some other thing because, well. Money problems and that is her School Outfit she Can't Wear That Around The House It'd Get Damaged. Honestly, she would probably end up with multiple copies of the same outfit if she had the agency to. Texture. Also why change up her outfit when she can just have One that Works.
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
The only songs I have that remind me of ocs are for Astro,,,
wait oh my god two birds on a wire for Lilly and Olive,,,,,,,,,,, I don't know wether it would match up with the type of music she likes but,,,,, oh my god,,, this is,,,, this is their song,,,,, oh ๐Ÿฅบhonestly this might even just be a this universe song. My writing song. Oh my god. Oh my god. Thank you mind. Oh my god. song. a. I need a moment.
Music taste. I don't have a set in stone one for Lilly but I know that Sylvia would like instrumental stuff. Or stuff with a lot of instrumental work. Piano, violin, harps, flutes. Actual instruments, not like video games. Actually maybe Lilly would like stuff that has Guitar. Like love songs with Guitar, favorites often ending up being a singer just playing on a guitar. idk.
9. What are your ocโ€™s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
Lilly is looking for her Special Someone <3 She doesn't really have many big goals for the future other than that though. Doesn't even really need to with her dad being a ceo of a successful company and all. She'll probably learn about managment and stuff, take over his position eventually, she doesn't know. Maybe she'll end up doing something with makeup? She really doesn't know. She's just focusing on making friends. (perhaps she'll become a psychologist- mental health has been a side interest of hers for as long as she can remember so... why not try, right?)
Sylvia! She is trying Very Hard in school because she Wants To Get A Good Job (probably be a doctor or something, maybe lawyer, something that pays well) and that's all that matters. She doesn't have Time for other things. Even if she did, she doesn't care for romance or things like that. It doesn't help her social stuff that she's so blunt and ruthless that people are intimidated by her and often just don't like her. She doesn't mind though, it doesn't eat up her time at least. She has barely enough of it as it is, what with helping around the orphanage/group home.
So yeah ! ocs ! :)
I think I may have kinda. rambled. haha-
(ask game)
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