#oh my god so much text
forecast-rain · 2 years
Oc ask game: 3, 5/6, 7, 9
Sylvia and/or Lilly
ooo they! :D The girls! :D
disclaimer: I rambled a lot so I'm putting this under a read more. i love them okay?
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
tbh I don't really. headcanon voices for my ocs. They just all sound like me lmao.
That said, I guess I could describe Lilly's voice as like a bell? Like those little bells or whatever idk. windchime. high-pitched but smooth. Girl. I think she's a decent singer but she hasn't ever really practiced so like the possibility is there. She just never really tried to do anything with it. Or maybe she sucks at singing but loves it and does it anyway. idk.
Sylvia's voice is a bit deeper definitely. I keep thinking of those quiet anime girls... Like a carpet. Or a bed actually. Comfortable, warm. cat. Medium-tone. Maybe flat tone most of the time. I'm throwing words out there. She can probably sing pretty well but she's not really interested in it. She often ends up singing for the other kids at the orphanage/group home/wherever she lives though. They really like it so why not.
5. What kind of clothes is your oc most comfortable wearing?
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
For Lilly it's definitely fashionable stuff that she feels most comfortable in - she likes it when an outfit comes together. Her outfits are usually cute with pink as the main color along with a Lot of hearts. She LOVES hearts they're just so <333 she can't get enough of them. Honestly I don't think she could stand having to wear clashing patterns. Or like, patterns at all. They're very... specific. To her.
For Sylvia, it's whatever's most practical though she can't deny she enjoys wearing her school uniform. The combination of a white button-up shirt, a tan sweater vest, skirt and white socks is just... really nice. She likes it. Most of the time though, she just ends up wearing hoodies or some other thing because, well. Money problems and that is her School Outfit she Can't Wear That Around The House It'd Get Damaged. Honestly, she would probably end up with multiple copies of the same outfit if she had the agency to. Texture. Also why change up her outfit when she can just have One that Works.
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
The only songs I have that remind me of ocs are for Astro,,,
wait oh my god two birds on a wire for Lilly and Olive,,,,,,,,,,, I don't know wether it would match up with the type of music she likes but,,,,, oh my god,,, this is,,,, this is their song,,,,, oh 🥺honestly this might even just be a this universe song. My writing song. Oh my god. Oh my god. Thank you mind. Oh my god. song. a. I need a moment.
Music taste. I don't have a set in stone one for Lilly but I know that Sylvia would like instrumental stuff. Or stuff with a lot of instrumental work. Piano, violin, harps, flutes. Actual instruments, not like video games. Actually maybe Lilly would like stuff that has Guitar. Like love songs with Guitar, favorites often ending up being a singer just playing on a guitar. idk.
9. What are your oc’s goals for the future? Relationship-wise, career-wise, or other?
Lilly is looking for her Special Someone <3 She doesn't really have many big goals for the future other than that though. Doesn't even really need to with her dad being a ceo of a successful company and all. She'll probably learn about managment and stuff, take over his position eventually, she doesn't know. Maybe she'll end up doing something with makeup? She really doesn't know. She's just focusing on making friends. (perhaps she'll become a psychologist- mental health has been a side interest of hers for as long as she can remember so... why not try, right?)
Sylvia! She is trying Very Hard in school because she Wants To Get A Good Job (probably be a doctor or something, maybe lawyer, something that pays well) and that's all that matters. She doesn't have Time for other things. Even if she did, she doesn't care for romance or things like that. It doesn't help her social stuff that she's so blunt and ruthless that people are intimidated by her and often just don't like her. She doesn't mind though, it doesn't eat up her time at least. She has barely enough of it as it is, what with helping around the orphanage/group home.
So yeah ! ocs ! :)
I think I may have kinda. rambled. haha-
(ask game)
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mikaikaika · 1 year
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skellagirl · 5 months
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Gordon/Barney/Alyx is really really funny to me conceptually bc it's like, two hot geniuses in their 20s who look at the 40-something smartass who hangs around and go 'yeah that guy. we both want him carnally'
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mdverse · 4 months
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go go go!! (x)
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ash-arts-but-sinful · 8 months
Whoa sudden thought, Pinocchio being jealous because of Carlo.
No wait think about it, Carlo is confident, outgoing, but above all he’s human. Human like you. Why would you bother staying with a puppet if you could have somebody who is not only human, but looks almost exactly like Pinocchio himself.
Carlo would be well aware of the jealousy too and he’d take full advantage of it to get under his counterparts metaphorical skin. Despite the strong emotions Pinocchio may feel and how far he’s come with his adventures through Krat he still isn’t fully human, but OH can he feel those emotions and he didn’t know how strong jealousy could be.
So taking every chance he could, Carlo would throw flirtations your way. Every pick up line, any chance to touch you, every wink, every smirk, but only when Pinocchio was within sight. The annoyance on his face would be clear instantly, his eye would twitch. He’d scrunch up his face, the furrow of his brow and scrunch of nose clear along with the slightest hint of his lip curling. The worst tell would be the twitch in his legion arm would return full force.
Of course, Carlo would tell Romeo all about it, delighting in how HILARIOUS he found it and, of course again, Romeo would advise him against it. He’s seen first hand what Pinocchio is capable of and maybe pushing his buttons would get him sent through a wall at worst, getting him punched in the face at best. He’d reassure his concerned… ‘friend’, that whenever you’d reject his advances Pinocchio would calm down almost instantly.
Romeo was right though because one day he pushes it a bit too far, hand on the wall beside your head, his other hand on your chin as he gazes down at you, smirk plastered on his face. Your annoyance would be clear, but that doesn’t stop a metal hand firmly landing on Carlo’s shoulder before it’s jerking him around.
At least Pinocchio was nice enough not to use his legion arm to give him a bloody nose.
Romeo got to say ‘I told you so’ (yet again) that day.
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b4kuch1n · 10 months
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he <3
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kitnita · 20 days
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thomas harley for nhl network   —   EDM vs DAL;   game 1   —   05.23.24
[i want to ask you just one last question about — just, the makeup of this team, ‘cause i always joke that dallas has two cores. there’s, like, the veteran core group, and then there’s the young guys. when you guys are out at team events, like … does it stay that way? who mixes with who? like, what is the dynamic when you guys are just spending time together? like, does the youth stick together i guess is what i’m asking.]   yeah, us young guys stick together. um — me and johnny still room together on the road. we, uh, we gotta keep that going. but, yeah, the old guys kinda stick to the old guys, the young guys stick with the young guys, so it’s — it’s pretty much what you’d think it’d be.  [last one for you — just, miro heiskanen, and what he is like to play with, what he’s like on the bench. is he a vocal guy? ‘cause he seems quiet, to the outsiders; is that actually how he is all the time?]   yeah, he’s pretty quiet. um … i like to get him going a little bit.   [how do you do that?]   just — excuse the language, but give him some shit. um, yeah. just kinda poke him, a little bit. um — kinda be a younger brother to him. 
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puppyeared · 1 day
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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introspectivememories · 9 months
high school timber is all about repression!!!
it's about bernard desperately trying to prove to himself and his parents that he's straight!! because his parents already don't like him and he cannot be gay. not now not ever!!!! so he puts up this front of a ladies man and he picks a girl he cant ever get together with and maybe he kisses like 3/4 of the female population at grieves and gains a reputation but hey! at least he's not gay! but he's so caught up in making sure his eyes don't to stick too long on tyrone's face or michael-from-biology's eyes or kabir-from-study-hall's thick thighs that even his attraction to women is under a filter. and it's not that he doesn't like women, he does! very much so!! but it's that he's soo caught on not being perceived as gay that he cant show his attraction to women the way he'd like to. it's all under this filter of what he thinks Real Men who are attracted to women act like so it's this brash, loud, crass, thing and it's not him at all. it's "ooh tim, ms. winters is soooo hot!" or "hey kayla, why don't you and i get to know each other a little better, if you know what i mean?" or "god her tits are soo big. she's so fucking hot!" and all this other shit when he really means, "tim, why the fuck does your stepmom have such a pretty smile?" or "kayla, you said you liked yugioh? i'd love to hear more about it!" or "god fuck, that girl has such pretty hands. i think if i held them i'd combust." but none of that is how a Real Man likes women so he shuts that shit down before it even has a chance to come up. it's fine, he's fine. so what if no one ever holds him like he holds those girls? it's fine. he'll take the manwhore label and the fuckboy title and he'll give out as many kisses as those girls want and if sometimes when he's kissing a girl he wonders what it'd be like to sit on kabir's thighs or if tyrone's lips really are as soft as they look, that's just the devil speaking. and if sometimes when he walks back into the cafeteria at lunch, lipstick still smudged on the corner of his mouth, after making out with a girl and his eyes skirt over tim's lithe body and he wonders what it'd be like to draw out the same sounds he's heard girls make when he kisses them, or what it'd be like to brush his thumb over tim's hands, or what it'd be like to hold tim or press a kiss to his shoulder, or a million and one other things, well that'll just have to be another one his secrets.
and it's about tim who's in a relationship with stephanie and his dad knows he's robin and he doesn't have time to figure out why his mouth goes dry when the light hits bernard's hair just right. he's too busy trying to figure out a way back to his nightlife. and so what if bernard has pretty pink lips that look very plush? so what if he's looked at some of his teammates and thought they were handsome? he's not blind!!! he has a girlfriend! and he loves her! and so what if his hand brushes bear's during fourth-period bio? so what if the tingles last all day? it was just some static! and it doesn't matter that when bear laughs his eyes get squinty and they water over -- cause bear always laughs so hard he almost cries -- and it sounds like bells. and it doesn't even matter, that sometimes when bernard walks back into the lunchroom, 10 minutes before the bell rings, lipstick smeared across the corner of his mouth, lips tilted up in the most charming smirk he's ever seen, that his chest fills with jealousy. it doesn't matter that his hands clench into fists so hard that his nails leave crescents marks all day. it doesn't matter that he wants to be bear's flavor of the day, week, month, whatever. he wants to leave the lipstick marks!! he wants to know if bear really is as good as he hears the girls speak about!!! he wants to know "that thing bernard does with his tongue!" is! he wants to drape himself over bear the same way he sees those girls do! he wants to know what bear's hands feel like gripping his waist. he wants, wants, wants!!! but it doesn't matter. it doesn't. he's got a girlfriend, her name is stephanie, she's gorgeous and, most importantly he loves her. he's too busy for bernard anyway.
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bottlehawk · 11 months
hello guys. the fucked up ecto-inverse of dirkjohn isn't davejake. it's davejane. this has been a psa. and you're welcome
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undead-knick-knack · 24 days
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priyemma · 26 days
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Priya is so blinded by her focus on the game that she shows little to no empathy for Emma feeling betrayed (after being lied to!) because she thinks it’s for the good of the game. Literally forcing her to answer and not showing any guilt or remorse. This isn’t Priya hate btw it’s angst because ugh! I love her! And she was wrong!
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desceros · 3 months
runs up and grabs my knees to catch my breath huff huff huff SYMPHONY CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR IS HERE huff huf
i wanted to get this chapter out before the stardew valley update dropped and SUCCESS i am a WINNER WHO WINS
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jazzy-a · 1 year
Mello: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
BB: Schrödinger's boys.
Matt: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
L: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
L: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Mello: ...
BB: ...
Near: ...
Matt: ...
L: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
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smokewars · 9 months
no bc now im thinking of how both hokma and roland (tried to) have faith in angela choosing the right choice in the end and to not be selfish. how many opportunities both of them gave her and hokma stuck to his hope while roland faltered and felt like he couldn't have faith in her anymore. how angela both depends on hokma, who she sees as a fatherly figure, and roland, who she sees as her first ever friend. how she asks for advice from both of them and turns to them for guidance. how they both act as the first person she's ever trusted (benjamin being the first person she ever did so with and roland being the first person who wasn't a part of l corp)
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