#and like besties pls hurry up cause i need to put in to have my work schedule changed like asap
gerards-way · 1 year
i’m so not ready to start school in two weeks
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slythmyth · 6 years
Expect The unexpected
Chapter 2 Expect the unexpected
Warning: Fluff, Strong language but just sometimes.
Reader x Taehyung
Picture is not mine!*
Once you’ve met someone you never really forget them
It was the 1st January 2019, 11 am to be exactly. You’ve never had such an hangover before. Your head is aching and you have a strange feeling in your stomach.„ wait what happened at the party? “ you asked yourself. It didn’t matter how much effort you put into remember what happened you just simply couldn’t remember except a beautiful boxy smile.
You stood up and tried to walk to your guests room where your bestie was sleeping. You stepped inside and watched her slowly waking up.„Did you sleep well (Y/bfs/N)?” „yeah kinda i had a strange dream, don’t ask me what about.” you sat right next to her and wondered if she could remember what happened.
„do you remember what happened yesterday i cant remember a single thing!” „well” said you bestie with eyes wide glued at the ceiling„ I danced with the hottest guy in the whole club!, we talked for kinda 10 min about his career and hobbies, we had shots, danced like wild and you-“„Me what?” you said with curious voice. „nothing I thought i could remember something but i just can remember what i was doing but not 100%.” your eyes saddened and your head looked on the floor. You thought that your bestie could help you remember that guy from the party but without any success. Your bestie looked at you and saw your disappointment. „But “ she started„ I think i can remember something, yeah i think my hook up and your mystery man know each-other, ergo they must be friends you know what that means noona?” „ That you will never learn that you cant call me noona?” you said with a sarcastic smile. „No stupid, it means if i can remember the name of my hook up we surly are going to find out the name of your mystery man!” she said with a proud smile. You first looked ar her with a disbelief in your expression but after thinking about it you start to believe that idea. it’s just logical but you know your best friend that if she wants something unconditionally, she gets it, but wait she cant even remember what she said 10 mins ago? how is she going to try remember a name, while she was drunk? „sweetie dont worry i got this” said (Y/Bfs/N) with a confident smile. 30 min after talking you walked to the bathroom, took your clothes off and started to pour water in the bathtub. You took your favorite scent vanilla and pour it in. You set in and put on some music. Moments after you relaxed, your best friend ran into the bathroom with her hands on her head grabbing her hair.„NOONA omg I remember something!” „CANT THAT WAIT PLS? FOR GODS SAKE!” you said while trying to cover yourself.„No cause I remember some names and i will forget them if i don’t tell you now!”you knew it was important so u said:„alright turn around cover your eyes and give me the towel and tell me.” „alright, so what I can remember is someone’s name was sugar i guess? and then Cookie, hope, jimmy, tea, worldwide something and something with monster. I’m 100% sure that my hook up was the monster but he told me his real name but i kinda stuck with Moon and joon something in between but i lend him my phone, i dont even know why!”You looked at her with a confused glance and said: "wait he used ur phone??? GO AND GET IT HURRY! “ „why whats the matter?” asked your now confused friend. „idiot he could’ve gave you his number or he took a picture now go and get that damn thing already !” your best friend rushed to her room and searched for her phone after finally getting it she couldn’t believe her eyes when she unlocked her phone. She found a blurry picture of herself with her hook up but she couldn’t recognize him. You run with your towel around yourself towards her.„And??? did u find something suspicious?” „well yeah this strange picture and well a unknown number on whatsapp wait a sec the initials are RM" Said (Y/bfs/N) with shocked face.„ I guess we found your hook up, write him something” you said nervous cause it was the only way to find that mysterious man from last night. So (Y/bfs/N) wrote a simply : Hey are you that guy from the new years eve party?”You both waited and waited for so long that you couldn’t wait any longer. „You now what crazy is when you have a simply 1 % chance to find maybe the love of your life with the help of a total stranger who maybe don’t even know him...” you said with all lost of hope. „wait noona he will write back i know it! HE WILL”
You put on your black ripped jeans, with your black low vans, and oversized wine red hoodie and walked to your closet where your black jeans jacked was hanging. „ I will never find him, sooner or later i’m going to forget him anyway so who cares.” „where you going?” asked your bestie while starring at her phone. „I’ll need some fresh air that’s all, be right back bye.”
You walked out of your house heading to the city. It was cold and yet the sun was shining. You needed something to eat and get yourself some coffee, so you decided to enter the Starbucks coffee shop. You ordered a english breakfast with a latte macchiato for on the way. You sat down on a settle and ate your little breakfast as soon as you finished you stood up and walked along the streets. You saw a Shop for Artists, they sell utensils for paintings you didn’t know what it was but you had a strange feeling that you needed to enter this shop, as your life would depend on it. Your heart started to race as you would know that something or someone was in there.„Strange maybe i see something i need too finish my drawing at home.” you said yourself. As you entered the shop a familiar smell of paint got into your nose, kinda feels like home. You walked up to the acrylic colors and crash into someone who was taller then you. „oh i’m sorry my bad, here let me help you!” said the stranger lending you his hand. „this voice wait it sounds familiar to me.” You thought yourself right after that you looked up to him he had a kind smile on his face and honey tanned skin with a black headband, black jeans and black long sleeved shirt.
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„No it was my fault, should’ve watched my steps.” He disagreed and helped you to grab all your stuff that fell on the ground.„Thank you..-“ „V” he replied fast.„V? wait that actually can’t be your full name.” you said with a suspicious look. „yeah you right it’s not my real name but you could not pronounce it.” he replied with a smirk.„ oh yeah let me try it then.” He took a piece of paper and wrote his name down so you could pronounce it.„Kim Taehyung, what a beautiful name.” He looked at you with a very surprised face and said:„ well thank you but wow you could pronounce it perfectly, what’s your name?” „Y/N Y/L but I know that’s going to sound a bit weird but did we’ve met before?”„ actually we did at the party you remember?” „well now as you mentioned it yeah the only thing i could truly remember was that beautiful boxy smile.” As soon as you said those words you started to realize what you’ve just said and started to blush but you weren’t the only one. Taehyung touched his neck and looked on the floor while blushing like a little shy boy. You both talked for hours and drank hot chocolate in the Artist shop. You talked about so much that you didn’t realize it was almost 4 o’clock, you’ve spend almost 4 hours just talking with him. You phone buzzed multiple times so you looked at it and saw the 20 missed calls of your best friend it must be very important if she calls so much times. „Is everything okey?” Tae asked. „yeah it’s just my best friend called me multiple times and i’m worrying right know that something might happened.” he put his hand on yours and told you that you should go home and look after her. as soons as you agreed you both stood up put on your jackets and walked to the exit as Tae paid both hot chocolates. You both stared at each other like it could last forever and walked to the bus station. „It was very fun to see you again i wouldn’t mind if we can meet each-other like that again what do you think?” You couldn’t believe what you just have heard you felt a strange but familiar feeling in your stomach. „Of course we can i would love to” shortly after that he gave u a hug and before you could even react to it you noticed the bus that was waiting for you to enter. „I need to goo, thank you Taehyung for this amazing day I’ve never had so much fun in a long time!” Before he could even respond and ask your number you got pushed in by other passengers that almost missed the bus. He waved goodbye and said to himself:„No Y/N i thank you that we’ve met each other.”
You just have arrived at home and as soon you opened your door (Y/Bfs/N) stood in-front of you with wide eyes. „Noona omg you finally here RM wrote me back and thats not his real name btw its Rap Monster well actually its Namjoon but anyway you never going to believe me what i’m going to say to you.”
You rushed upstairs with your bestie put on some comfy clothes and sat on your bed.
„It doesn’t matter what it is I have something better so-“ „NO NOONA YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!” you looked at her tried to calm her down. “Look Y/N remember yesterday at the bus station we saw the 7 handsome men dancing on the tv?” you nodded.„well guess Rm is that guy from that BTS video, the one with the greenish hair and he knows the name of your mystery man it is V-“ „Taehyung” you said sharply after her. „Taehyung?” you bestie said with confused look. „Yeah V is just a nickname and Guess what i met him at the artist store today! we talked and drank Chocolate, wow why didn’t I recognize him when I saw him at the party?”
„Anyway he send me that picture just 5 min ago and look its your boy V.” You took your besties phone and couldn’t believe what you saw. It’s him.„Okey Namjoon invited me to a concert of them and he said I could bring someone with me that means you could see V again! isn’t that nice?! “ „Thats great cause I don’t have his number and its better if you wouldn’t ask RM cause i think its better that way.” you said with a smirk on your face.
RM continued to write the date of the concert and all the infos. You were laying on your bed an thought about the amazing day, You knew from the beginning that you would see him again even if you weren’t 100% sure. „Maybe we really never forget someone after we’ve met once.” Afterwards you fall in a deep sleep and dreamed about V.
That was Chapter 2 Hope you liked it!
Chapter 3 Idol
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