#and like pgregs exists lil!
mihrsuri · 2 months
Sometimes I think about making a post about the Mizrahi Jewish Experience Of Getting Into The Tudors and then I don’t because well :/.
(inspired by post I just reblogged etc)
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period-dramallama · 4 years
Spanish Princess Episode 8: it’s the final countdown *kazoo*
Y’all it’s been a privilege roasting this show with you *salutes*
-oh wow the first scene is intense.
-Henry’s doublet, OTOH, looks... OK.
-the actress playing baby Mary is just perfect and when she smiles...my lil heart...grows three sizes. 
-Maggie don’t shout that the king is a monster in a public corridor of the king’s own palace when he’s literally just turned the corner what are you doing
-Also if you hear the king raging, the wise thing to do is probably to hide, not to go towards the noise.
-Yes, it’s cold and foolish of Katherine to be like “screw up again Maggie and I’m not saving you” but honestly?? you can’t save people that stupid?? and katherine only has so much influence she can’t run around saving you dumbasses??
-OTOH, pissing off the women who know your darkest secret... is like tap dancing on a minefield. 
-poor Vives in the background. He’s already been through so much before he even got to England, RUN VIVES RUN
-good costumes on Alexander Stewart. This episode i started to see why megander is a ship.
-”what the fock is this” it’s the finale baybeeee
-Maggie looks so done. Everyone looks so done.
-There’s a black iron doorbell in the background of Maggie’s house, i think it dates from the Victorian period. Pretty sure doorbells weren’t a sixteenth century thing.
-”I prefer your sister Mary” I can’t stop laffin
-Albany’s like “ok fine have your own way i do not get paid enough to deal with your love life.” Maybe the guy wasn’t even acting. 
-Imo Henry Fitzroy has stage fright, I don’t think the kid is stupid.
-I *do* like the friendly smile and the compliment Thomas More gives bby Fitzroy here. Like yeah he’s evil but I’m glad they didn’t do what they do with 99% of their villains and make him twirl his moustache and be an ass for no reason.
-”Wolsey fans the flames to further his own power” WE KNOW! WE’VE WATCHED HIM DO THAT FOR SEVEN EPISODES!
-Leave Papa Boleyn alone!! He did not pimp his daughters!! Henry sought her!!
-No Mary Boleyn/Henry affair? No wonder PGregs is unhappy, you retconned TOBG out of existence.
-Maggie is it necessarily a good idea to tell the king this?? Because he might be so mad at you for keeping secrets that he doesn’t reward you anything, and then you’re worse off than you were before.
-As my eminent colleague has shown, in one shot Vives is there behind Katherine, then he’s missing in the next shot, then in the next shot he’s back again! He can teleport! Hone your powers my baby boy!! Teleport your ass out of England!!!
-The dialogue is so bad but the sass is so good
-”Did you bring Wolsey here to kill me?” Wolsey as ninja assassin? Now you’re ripping off Elizabeth as well as The Tudors
-Lina and Oviedo did emigrate IRL, but they went back to Spain not to the Ottoman Empire
-I think they did Maggie dirty, the real Margaret Pole refused to surrender the jewels of either Mary or Katherine and was their supporter through the KGM. Her lands weren’t confiscated afaik until after Katherine died. 
-”daughters should be part of the household as her ladies” WHAT HAVE ANNE AND MARY BEEN DOING ALL SEASON?? IF NOT BEING CATHERINE’S LADIES?? WHAT??? DID YOU FORGET??
-I was not prepared for the nudity
-Anne I Iove you so much but comb your goddamn hair why is your hair so scruffy for your midnight flashing sesh?
-”Advance!” He says like he has more than 2 homies
-Meg’s gone crazy. See this is what happens when you’re too empowered, showrunners make you crazy. What’s with the freaky close ups. (Though she does look like Alexandra Moen, so well done)
-So relieved that it’s canon that she wanted to shoot Henry not Anne.
-This episode went heavy with the Bible quotes. It’s like they remembered at the last minute that it’s the sixteenth century
-Lina and Katherine of Aragon saying I love yous... they nailed that scene so I love it out of context. I wish Katherine complimented Lina more than vice versa, but it was still beautiful.... completely unearned but I’m a sucker for women being tender with other women. :’)
-”i believe I am wealthier, Your Majesty” Alexa play Snoop Dog’s La-da-da-da-dahh
-Maggie at the beginning of the episode: those who have everything should be afraid. Maggie at the end of the episode: whoop time to ignore my own advice
-no cathartic downfall of Wolsey, after all his moustache twirling?? No Blackfriars dramatic speech?? Okay then...
-My prediction was correct! We have a montage!
-My last thought of the entire show is......will the parrot be OK?? I don’t think that parrot’s gonna be OK, I think a hawk’s gonna nab it in five seconds flat. How’s it going to find food when it’s been fed all its life by humans? The parrot!
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