#and like. ive been drawn to butchness since forever and ever since i was a little kid since i didnt know sth like that even existed
lesb0 · 2 months
Have you ever been into femmes? I find a lot of women attractive but im mostly drawn to a masc women and I know there isn’t a specific box but how did you figure it out so to speak lol
I've always had little crushes on fem women! Ive loved kstew since she was like, 12. I had an early sexual awakening from kate moennig and angelina jolie like every baby dyke lol. my high school gf was fem. but it was all personality based, or having an intimate connection.
when I was younger I thought there was something asexual and wrong with me for feeling 0 physical attraction to femininity and loving masculinity while knowing I only desired and loved the female body, it was so confusing because I kept mis-projecting my desire on boys and got super disgusted and angry at them for having a male body. but then I felt so annoyed with girls for not being boyish enough and liking makeup.
I knew I definitely wasn't bisexual after 17 and started using every internet micro label that existed in 2010. but that year I had a butch sociology feminist teacher at college and realized that the beauty of female masculinity would illuminate my entire world forever. I thought I WAS one which was a hilarious phase. I tried sooo hard to be butch but then I started researching butch/femme as a history project and I was like ohhh that's me, that's what I'm doing
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