#and lowkey want comissions of them all}
makercursed-a · 6 years
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A more comprehensive overview of Hawke’s dai companion verse. It’s mostly used in AUs where the Inquisitor is someone Hawke cares about (i.e. @vigilflight​‘s bethquisitor au) but if other Inquisitors want to use it, then we’ll say Hawke came out of hiding early because she heard Varric had been kidnapped by Cassandra and was near the Temple when it exploded. She tracked rumours of him to Haven, and decided getting herself arrested or killed would probably be worth it to find out if Varric was safe/rescue him if need be.
Not long after the start of the game, a cutscene plays when the Inquisitor returns to Haven from whatever quests they’ve been doing. There’s a huge commotion happening by the gates. Upon investigating, the Inquisitor will find Hawke flanked by Inquisition soldiers, yelling at Cullen and demanding to see Varric/the Inquisitor. 
 The Inquisitor can then attempt to calm Hawke down. If they’re someone she cares about then she’ll instantly relax and tell them how glad she is that they’re alive, and ask if they need help getting away from all this shit. If they’re not one of her friends, she’ll demand to see Varric and ask bluntly if he’s being kept prisoner. The Inquisitor can choose to get Varric, in which case he and Hawke will embrace, and he’ll call her an idiot for putting her life on the line to come find him. 
Hawke, once calmed down, can either be recruited into the Inquisition (you’re here now, and we could use your help) sent away (you’re too dangerous to be here) or arrested (it’s time you answered for what you did in Kirkwall). If arrested she’ll be sent to Orlais for trial, but a war table mission will later say that she murdered the soldiers accompanying her, escaped and has not been seen since. Josie will ask allies to look out for her, Cullen will send forces after her, and Leliana will send her spies. None of the agents sent to look for her will return to the Inquisition. Varric will not bring her to Skyhold for Here Lies the Abyss, and instead the Inquisitor has to meet her at a hiding spot on the Wounded Coast. She agrees to help, but threatens the Inquisitor not to try any shit. 
If recruited, at Haven she can be found on the training ground, and at Skyhold on the rampart/towery bit she’s usually found at pre-Here Lies the Abyss 
Allying the mages will cause Hawke to greatly approve, conscripting them will cause her to slightly disapprove. Likewise allying the Templars will cause her to greatly disapprove, and disbanding them will cause slight approval. 
In Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts she approves of Briala and Celene ruling together, or Briala ruling through Gaspard. She disproves of a truce between the three of them, celene ruling alone, or Gaspard ruling alone. She approves of stabbing Florianna right there on the dance floor
Her opinion on who drinks from the well depends on her relationship with the Inquisitor. For a high approval inquisitor she will approve of Morigan drinking from the well, otherwise there will be no approval change 
Generally speaking she approves of pro-mage, anti-circle and anti-chantry sentiments. She approves of blunt honesty, aggressive or violent dialogue to people threatening the Inquisition or generally being idiots, she also approves of helping ordinary people, and dealings with criminals such as lyrium smugglers. 
Generally speaking she dislikes of anti-mage, pro-circle, pro-templar or pro-chantry sentiments. She also dislikes lying, being too diplomatic rather than dealing with problems head on, being too lawful good, and being flirted with by a male Inquisitor.
During the Inquisitor being named, she will approve of the “I will lead to do what’s right” “a mage/qunari/dwarf/elf will lead us all” options, and disagree with the “for personal power” or “holy calling” options 
Dialogue options asking her about Anders, or Kirkwall may cause approval or disapproval depending on what exactly the Inquisitor says about it all
If Hawke’s approval reaches low enough she will leave. After a final argument with the Inquisitor in a cutscene, the Inquisitor can then go to her usual spot to find a note saying that while she wants Corephyeus dead as much as the next person, she will not and cannot support the Inquisitor. She will warn that she will not hesitate to lead forces against the Inquisition if it comes to that, and that if the Inquisitor dares hurt Varric then she’ll find out about it, and she’ll come for them
The “Family Business” war table missions will concern Hawke’s cousin Charade Amell and her work with the Red Jenny’s. Charade is in need of supplies and allies to help keep the little people of Kirkwall safe. If Charade is helped Hawke will approve, and Sera will also slightly approve. 
After the first “Annexing Kirkwall” mission comes through on the war table the Inquisitor can talk to Hawke about it in a cutscene. Hawke will say some very unflattering thing about Sebastian, before asking the Inquisitor to help her put an end to this once and for all 
The Inquisitor then has the option to send a letter to Sebastian saying that The Champion of Kirkwall wishes to meet him personally to discuss the future of Kirkwall, and hopefully put an end to the fighting there. Sebastian will send a letter back agreeing to the meeting. 
A location will then open on the map for the Inquisitor to accompany Hawke to meet Sebastian for a “diplomatic meeting to settle their differences.”  
Once they travel to the location they will be attacked by soldiers from Starkhaven. Once the soliders were dead, Sebastian will come forward after a few minutes and say that he did not order the soldiers to attack, and regrets that there has already been bloodshed, Hawke will say quite frankly that she doesn’t believe him.  The Inquisitor then has the option to talk to Sebastian about his point of view, the destruction of Kirkwall Chantry, and the role Anders played in it. Sebastian will then ask Hawke to tell him Ander’s location in return for him leaving Kirkwall alone. Hawke will tell him to fuck off 
The Inquisitor can then: 
persuade Hawke to tell Sebastian where she last saw Anders in order to save the lives of people in Kirkwall, causing Hawke to greatly disapprove. 
Allow Hawke to hide Anders’ location, but allow Sebastian to continue with the annex of kirkwall, in which case Hawke will greatly disapprove 
 Convince Sebastian that it’s more important for the Inquisition to be an ally of Starkhaven, and offer him the Inquisition's aid in Starkhaven if he leaves Kirkwall alone. Sebastian will agree to leave Kirwall, but vows to continue his search for Anders. Hawke will disapprove
Tell Sebastian that neither the Inquisition nor Hawke will help him, and that the Inquisition will do everything in it’s power to protect Kirkwall from him. Hawke will approve. 
Allow Hawke to threaten Sebastian, and duel him there and then. While she will not kill him, Sebastian will leave wounded and threatening to bring the Inquisition down. Hawke will greatly approve.
A little while after coming to Skyhold, the Inquisitor will be able to confront Hawke about her use of blood magic. Much like softening Leliana or taken Cullen off lyrium, from this point on the Inquisitor will be able to stop Hawke using blood magic. 
A high approval Inquisitor  will eventually be able to persuade her that blood magic isn’t worth the risk on her health and those around her. This is also easier to do if the Inquisitor did not allow her to fight Sebastian. Eventually Hawke will stop using it. At the end of Trespasser, if Mary is softened and persuaded to give up blood magic, it is shown that she has moved back to Kirkwall to aid in rebuilding the city, help Varric, and is working closely with the new college of enchanters. 
On the other hand a low approval Inquisitor and one who encouraged her to fight Sebastian will now be able to convince her to stop using blood magic. After Trespasser she is believed to have moved to Ferelden, but everyone other than Varric soon loses contact with her as she shuts herself away from the rest of Thedas.  
Hawke’s specialisation is “Force of Nature” which combines elemental and force magic with devastating effects, as well as some physical damage from her staff. I can’t be arsed to come up with a whole skill tree, but one of the moves would be force punching the ground while pulling up shards of ice at the same time. Another would involve imbuing her staff with fire before using it to physically hit people, that kind of thing. 
Force of Nature is actually a nod to some Bela dialogue in Mark of the Assassin because I love her  
Initial tarot card: The Tower, a card that represents immense change that shakes the foundations of one’s very life. The card depicts a tall Kirkwall building burning behind Hawke, who stands with her head bowed
High approval/blood magic given up tarot: Strength. Representing inner strength and the power of an individual to overcome obstacles in their life with a compassionate approach. The card depicts Hawke with her head held high, and her hand on a mabari at her side. 
Low approval/blood magic continues tarot: The Devil. This card represents addiction, negativity, fear, and harmful impulses. The card depicts Hawke facing forward, with two Kirkwall slaver statues chained at her feet. 
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Okay I know that Axel woudn't have PDA with his s/o because he don't want them to be a target but I wonder what his reaction would be when something happen and they just calmly shoot all the people trying to kill them :))) they was an assassin ( not from the Comission ) and just doesn't want to tell anyone about their past.
Omg I lowkey love this idea!!!
Let's say someone DOES place a personal target on your back because of your own assassin work.
Axel isnt with you when it happens. The enemy is seeking revenge and suffering, so they leave little clues to paranoy him cause they think he knows about you. They are wrong. Man was clueless, but he been getting bad vibs lately. Either way, while he was out and about one day without u he finaly peiced it all together and PANICKED
He rushed home to the sound of gunshots and burst in on you shooting the last one dead, standing in triumph over them. You turn to look at him, and you just freeze.
He rushes over to see if you are injured, finding you not. Yall have a TALK let me tell you. Also cuddles
He understands your reasoning for keeping it secret ofc, but he has lowkey been babying you just a lil bit and he feels guilty. U can handle urself, so that helps him worry less. He doesnt press you to tell him about your past if you dont want to, instead he helps u clean up and dispose of the body's. Afterwards, it was a chill day.
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jrbalufbfnzl · 4 years
Smoking in the morning is deadass the death of me. I want to quit so bad for motivation,health and money and also bc i don't want to be addicted to anythibt bc it sucks and i want my creativity back (as if i ever had some ) but overall im just utterly unhappy and lowkey anxious all the time. I also want to stop eating and take pills to sleep all day for it to be painless but i have to ttzke care of my son and my daughter its really hard to be in the middle of smth rlly healthy abd hezling and having all the demons glazing on the other side. I mean i have erything i wabt and need (nice house,two d
of my fav dog breeds,designer shoes i always wanted,all the music instruments i ever wanted, a fire ass computer and i worked my ass off for all that. I swear ill get to work when all my paint stash will be dried n expired. I quit hard drugs a year ago n stopped taking pills to have fun or numb out the pain since months idk how many exactly cuz im actually kind of scared of suffering while i die n shit or havr my brain permabebtly damaged. I have so many projects i cant get my mind to do,i dobt have aby motivation although i actuallu trust in my projects. Except from smokibg thered nothing i can turn into a routine, not even starving or feeding n walking my two children. I lost 1kg and put them back on in a two week spawn i dont have anu motivztion to workout, i canna cut my legs off. Its bot uch but its a lot to me sincr i was 3kg away from my goal wright so thats 1/3rd of the rozd. I relapsed w self harm like a month ago,it was pretty bad but i known worse. Idk what to di w my life and my bf but im focusing on ly life and if he leaves my ass its ok he wasbt the one and its one problem less, ion have any strenght to fight for him i can only passively stay bc i just dont feel like i have anh value to him. But he told me he thought i was pretty this morning and i will journal evrry sweet momebts and compliments to feel safe again. Ion wannz seek for jis validatiob that much but its painful to be w someone n thinking they dont value u or even think youre pretty. Even tho know i hav a bad relationship w my appearence and looks in general. The first toll on my self esteem and when things started to go downhill wzs a yezr ago. We had grrat moments since of course but nothong substancial compared to our first months i think ? I least secually because i was never happy, not even once, xith my body since a yezr. It weighs hevzy. I want to go back to ballet classes so bad aswl. I hate this pandemic for the first time and its not making me bend towards resistznce, i comply and isolate and im just looking around thibkine damn son. V first world problem ik. I have no onr to talk to in the sense of i dont really wanna complain bc thats all ill do. The brain fog thibgy is pretty bad eveb tho ik i recovered parts of my ability to read b focus znd stuff but smoking is bringing me down again i soent so much time fighting the fatigue when i couldve solve things. But anxiety is a bitch so i guess i have to deal with it as well. im grateful that i have a new shrink n a good one even tho it costs money. I have an appoibyment this evening to talk ab surgery to my psychiatrist and well see what she thinks of it bc i wont be able to change her after i comed cleab but well see, if its a hard no im paying for that mf straight up and ill see later for my tooth ? Idk. cant borrow money to this friend no more because im not in good terms w him bc of my bf n im afraid to work bc im afraid thzt he hurts me bc hes bummed about it. Im afraid of vengence where i wish he would aprove,empower me to do it, come w me to protect me and pick me up when im done. Ik its a lot to ask and thts why im even more grateful for my best friends support.
My bfs mom is coming over n i cannot stznd her toxic ass so im staying in bed pretending to sleep. Ik itd disrespectful but i dont rrally care at that point. I feel dead and empty.
I have an unpaid comission work to fo n i have 0 willpower and focus even tho the elements of composition n the composition itself for the drawing are laid down already. First shitty draft was 90% i approved i just dont have aby energy to focus and make it good. Ill to it anyway bc rhe deadlines in a few days.
I hate the phone and how long i spend staring at it
My nails are soft i cant scratch i hate it aswl
Went to sleep woke up m gna sleep again til my appt w the shrink
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