#im so proud of the tarots tho
throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
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psst guess what i'm working on ;3c
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
What attracts SKZ at first sight?
🍄For this reading i used the Erotic Fantasy Tarot Deck🍄
*Keep in mind this post is solely for entertainment purposes and does not state facts!
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Chan - Page of Swords
His cards were incredibly easy to shuffle and sprung out very quickly and clearly. He def has something that catches his eye instantly and knows it and doesn't mind sharing information, thats something i picked up on in the past as well, he's very open and kinda even wants to share. Physically he likes athlethic looking women, almost with slight masculine look to them (lean muscular legs, lean (not skinny) muscular stomach, he likes a straight athlethic posture and kind of "hard" vibes. Maybe girls that are a little bit snappy and a tiny bit mean, someone that would tease him or roast him a bit. I feel like he likes powerful, dom looking women, i get siren / mommy typa vibe. Like a bit mysterious and scary, and i think he is kinda into someone that gives off toxic vibes at least based on their looks. And he knows it and is proud of it too😂 doesn't disagree. He likes women that wouldnt mind stepping on someone or hurting someones feelings to protect themselves or to get the respect they deserve. I believe this is something he actually wants to do/be himself, but cant allow himself to do so, and thats why he admires it so much on women. Although if a man were to exhibit those qualities i feel he would be annoyed cuz it would trigger him that another man allows himself to do what he cant allow himself. And by saying that im not assuming his sexuality, its just that this specific piece of information came like that. That specific behavior, when exhibited by women is attractive, when exhibited by men it puts him off. That all being said, based on the reading im getting the vibe he leans more towards women, but with a bit of masc qualities.
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Leeknow - Page, Knight, 10 of Cups
The deck was quite for a bit and than BAM 3 cards. All continuous cups, shows he is attracted to consistency in the building of the connection. Someone that seems serious. He doesn't have something to catch his eye immediately based on looks or personality wise. He is open to get to know any kind of person if they show genuine interest and are consecutive in their actions. He wants someone reliable in their emotions, someone who is self aware and comfortable with their emotions. Someone mature, that is visible that they have worked on themselves in the past to achieve the level of comfort and understanding they've achieved in themselves. He wants someone he can grow and build with. Contrary to Chan tho, his reading isn't that focused on romantic or sexual interest. The vibe is more platonic. Which also shows me, for him to actually feel attracted to someone in a romantic/spicey way, he has to know that person on a deeper level and possibly be friends for a while first.
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Changbin - King of Cups
The deck acted very dense, as if it wanted to stick together and shield itself from spilling anything. He is someone with deep running emotions, hard exterior but very soft and deep on the inside. He has to be conscious of himself not to overspill as this has caused hem feelings of rejection, pain and feeling misunderstood. I believe he has a bit of trauma regarding that. Feeling like too much for most people. I believe he doesn't "choose" based on looks or even personality. He goes by vibe! Even if he has a specific set of features he finds attractive, they don't hold that much weight in actually attracting him. That said, i think he has A LOT of traits, aesthetics and logical/personality traits he looks for/likes in a partner, when the vibe isnt there right away. I would say he is also someone that doesnt really have a set type, even if he thinks he does. He might have a few versions of girls he has in his head that he likes, but in reality those dont mean anything cuz the girls he actually falls for are never coherent with the type he actually has, and girls that would be his perfect type, he doesnt care for them. This is something thats confusing to him and might cause him some distress in his love life as he feels uneasy trusting his gut, and thinks he should stick to what his head thinks he likes. But he's a very hearty, gutty, intuitive person and generally speaking, in life the best decisions he can make always come from his gut and heart, not from his head. Also im getting the very strong vibe he's into women. Overall a very sensitive, deep person, that doesn't want to see or accept his depth and constantly keeps trying to be "normal" or like the "others" when it comes to this specific aspect, hence why he has over-logicalified his idea of a perfect partner. This may be something causing him to constantly choose a partner thats not really fit for him, leading to a love life full of disappointment and honestly trauma. All those ideas and features he has in mind go all out the window, tho, when he actually meets someone thats meant for him and the chemistry begins "torturing" him.
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Hyunjin - Ace of Swords
He likes striking, high contrast features, maybe some sharpness in the face or the body as well, probably someone on the taller side who's also pretty slender. Could be of either gender. I believe he likes more of a masculine look, if its for a woman for example someone like keira kneightly or jung hoyeon. Those two just popped into my mind. Someone with a good style, someone who KNOWS THEIR style. Like their hair, maekup, outfits, jewlery, shoes etc, are all picked up for a reason and consciously put together. He likes it when people put thought into their appearance and express themselves through it. He thinks it sends a message that this person is worth it and deems themselves and is of high value, someone that takes good care of themselves. He likes small charmies too. Like if the person has an incredibly unique charming smile. Or if they have a rare unique eye color or shape. If they have exceptionally long hair or an exceptional hair color. If they have their signature earrings or signature scent, or nails or whatever. He likes a classy aura, well put together style, but with something unique that sets that person apart from the others. Something he can remember them by. People like this leave an impression on hyunjin.
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Han - Empress & High Priestess
I immediately get the vibe that he likes older women. Women that are wise, have experience and are of a mothery nature. Women that take care of him. This could also apply to men that exhibit those mothery qualities. There's not much else to add here, this leads me to believe that this specific thing is kind of the "boss" and theres not much else that matters when it comes to first impressions regarding attraction.
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Felix - 7 of Wands
The deck kept blurting out groups of cards, but then not, but then yes, then another group etc. I feel like his type changes constantly and quickly so he can't really put his finger on what he likes and doesnt like. This is very dependable on the people itself and what experience he has with them. For example he meets a redhead and they hit it off right away, and suddenly his type are redheads. Then after a week he gets bored and then he suddenly doesnt like redheads anymore. Then he starts vibing with a short person, now his types that. A month later they have a fight or something, now he keeps away from short people, yk...his type fluctuates and is HEAVILY influenced by the emotion thats evoked in him during interactions & experiences.
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Seungmin - Emperor
Stern looking people. I think he likes tsunderes. People that look cold and stern on the outside and he enjoys the honor of making them smile, making them soft for him later on. He also admires the stability and confidence they excude. He also sees coldness as a sort of power. Like its an ability to choose who enters and who doesnt, and he likes 1. to feel exclusive when he gets in, and he also likes the privacy of being around someone like that or having a partner like that. I want to say he likes the emptinness a relationship like that would bring. Like theres no unneccessary drama, opinions, etc. theres enough empty space for them to be whoever they want and do whatever they want.
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I.N - 2 of Pentacles
Thats very random but he really likes bright green eyes. This is a feature that instantly catches his attention and no matter the other features of that person, if they have green eyes they immediately become highly attractive to him, or at least their attractiveness level rises, like from a 3 they're now a 6. He also likes ankles and looks at the shoes, those are things that can impress him. His reading is very different, he has very set things he knows about and almost actively looks for, i feel like he would be someone that has a list of things he looks for in a partner, some things being even as shallow as the type of shoes they like to wear, and he would date a person just solely based on this list of his that he has. And i think he would be pretty happy too😂 like i don't see much emotion, in the sense that he falls in love without him wanting to because that feeling is stronger than him - no, he deliberately chooses who he feels attracted to.
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hauntedberries · 2 months
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my 30th attack gets a whole post to itself because its SPESHIL and i spent a WHOLE DAY ON IT!!!!!! attack for GravellyMistaken / @graveys-art-blog featuring their twp guys YAYYYYY
extra analysis bits under the cut (shamelessly copy pasted from my twt). mwah!
the first sketch is so funny to me i put all my energy into sam and then went eh fuck dat for the other two AHAHAHAHA im sorry i swear i have better sketches of vitor and uri im too lazy to pull them out
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initially i wanted the soldier poet king themeing hence the arrangement (sam soldier, vitor poet, uri king), n u can see here that uri was supposed to have a blood splatter crown for the 'king' part but it wasnt coming out right.. i really had 0 idea what to do w her background until i Had to do it. it was just all trial n error and i was working until 4am so brother were there Errors. but i think it came out nice in the end! and while drawing i realized uri's themed after the king of diamonds/hearts so it looped back into the king themeing luckily AHAAHHAA
speaking of uri's bg tho, one random detail i like that somehow made it better for me was this streak at the back which could be interpreted as a river of blood OR smoke from a gun. cool fun stuff
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i also wanted to do a thing w the composition where its like.. this is so scuffed but this. just so their poses didnt look completely random? sam n uri have one arm folded and the other doing whatever, while both of vitor's arms are folded. so it kinda has some sense of cohesion
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and the border! i am a big fan. i took a lot of inspo from the tarot card series ive yet to continue. here's a wip image of it from april though. u can see the similarities of it w the one here!
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THE top is the symbol i use for twp, which is a butterfly with eyes and the morse code for SOS. its encased in whats supposed to be the portal w 7 tentacles coming out of it to represent eri's 7 fragments!
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as for the side border, its supposed to be quiro, lanluy, burmelio, then kh'elle, which is the order of the kingdoms the spinoff party visits in their adventure!!!! u can also see the morse code repeated :3
lastly their body language! sam is closed off, quite literally shielding their heart w their sword. they both look ready to strike but defend too.
vitor is juggling but i also wanted it to look like he's shrugging! to represent his kinda go with the flow attitude, but also how his arc has themes of being left in the dark bc my ouppy is a . fucking. dumbass
u can also see above that at first uri's pose had her holding the book closer to her but it made for a bad silhouette.. and it felt more ic to me to have her have a more open pose? bc she's eager to learn and spunky and confident!
e knee way those are just my extra thoughts on this piece. i had a lot of fun making it and i hope u have just as much fun Looking at it HAHHAHAHA im really proud of this one >_<
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thevampirearchive · 2 years
Commentary on Interview With The Vampire - Episode 1 (Spoilers)
Shorter thoughts vers
Barely fully in and it already looks beautiful. Was the budget in the billions because this shit is so crisp, fuck!
Hannah Baker was out-fucking performed. TAPES RO HARRASS A DYING MAN WHO DIDNT USE YOUR VAMPIRE SECRET? Lestat would be so proud!
I am so happy this is the direction they chose — brining us to modern time, the only time I wanna hear about the pandemic in entertainment media. And all while humanity does, Louis is stuck in his high tower with some high tech ass Dubai apartment? Purr.
Nvm, Mans seem sick of it lmao. Stuck there in his own personal house-coffin (I’d still prefer a coffin, and I feel like Lestat would have never chosen a place penthouse. He’s too French for modern builds. “Louis? NO QUALITY WOODEN COFFIN?” He’d say, in a French accent, in disgust.
I am a whore for period piece and they’re taking us to 1910 AND New Orleans? Spoiled. We’ve been spoiled.
Gosh the vulgar language, I am shaking from excitement! Pls!
I know a lot of black folks hate it when they have the white say the n-word, but that ‘unhand me nigger’ comment killed me, that white man forgot where he was for a second
I too agree, anal without consent is against god (I screamed, the whores are funny)
Not Paul tryna play captain save a Ho, man’s brough a Bible Too — I love him.
THE BRAWL! And this whole time Lestat is watching like it’s forplay for later.
HE PULLED A SWORD ON HIS OWN BROTHER? That’s cold Lou, but I respect it, gotta do what you gotta do.
Lestat watching, BRICKED UP, and I cannot believe nobody’s falling in love like this ANYMORE. WE USED RO BE A SOCIETY! (How I imagine Lestat internally, as he watch his man pull a whole sword out of his Pimp 3000 Cain)
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Pls not the disgusted faces on the white men watching Louis walk in!!! Fighting for their lives to not say sum — TRY IT :^b
The lines should have been “damn so they just letting anybody in” so I could have really lost it. His racism wasn’t racist enough — I predicted they’d make him a proper French (racist) but they didn’t drive it all the way, and I get why. Can’t have the protagonist calling the other protagonist a nigger after all (well I haven’t seen Ep. 2 so perhaps) but it would be accurate. I just don’t believe white ppl weren’t racist, even the DOCTOR was sliming it around and that’s the homie, y’a know?
Awww Lestat is like a tarot girlie after watching one Tiktok reading and suddenly she sees 11.11 everywhere. “Ah Louis?! I was heading to St. Louis? Hahah so you’re my saint haha”, Lestat pls you look desperate pls breath baby breath (same tho)
His French is so good!  Ça m’a pris par surprise! Qu’est-ce qu’il est français ou il est juste un bon acteur? I could Google it, but how else will I flex that I too, speak French. Lestat is actually my cousins neighbor, oui oui baguette.
LMAOOOO “that explains the attire” SHOTS FIRED. Man’s came for his whole fit, and Lestat laughed it off cuz he’s in love, wow.
Lestat is such a scorpio sun libra Mercury scorpio mars because who tells a story, LEANS FOR A SLUTTY KISS and continues with the same elegance? He’s such a slut, I love it!
The way he just had foreplay and the whole time Louis fighting for his life to not bust. Cuz what? Watching a man touch a woman that way with their gaze fixed on you only? He’s playing with you Lou! RUN (not to fast tho, make it clap as you go tihi)
Am I wrong for thinking Louis was not just mad that Lestat froze him but that he knows without much effort? He knows Louis a raging homosexual and it’s been what? Minutes? Pls!
“I’ve emptied a bank volt to sample” LESTAT! He’s a whore but I’m still shocked, I knew this BUT IM STILL SHCOKED!
He really saw Louis in the act for seconds and decided to not just stay but get a home, furnish it, get a wardrobe, ignore that it’s basically a red light district (sure there’s buisness but he comes off too french to ever accept to live near the sound of cheeks being clapped) JUST cuz Louis is there. When will it be me god?
“You are his destiny Louis”— istfg if I do not experience this soon I will combust. PlS!
The bidding war was so hot and then he placed his ring and I felt it in every fiber of my being. Can’t beleive Lilly didn’t say ‘just get y’a cocks out and let’s do it the proper way’ the way they were slinging
Louis’ idk if I wanna be him, beat him or fuck him moment was real, man’s was fighting gay thoughts with all his might (and looses, later)
His mind filled with just Lestat huh? So the gay thought’s won? I wonder if he tells Lestat that? If he does I think lestat’s head will grow too big for his hats.
Thé poker game was smooth and I love how Louis just went meh, and didn’t question the time freezing, the voice in his mind or the enormous compliment — you are worth more, king. Big ups.
Pls Not them having put and Louis bring smt to read, he’s such a weirdo bro we know you know he’s basically taking you out on dates and you love it! PUT THE BOOK DOWN AND FLIRT BACK *holds up a gun*
THE CINEMA! Such cultured lads! I love them. Out here watching while Lestat watching his snack, I MEAN HIS MAN, I MEAN HIS BUISNESS PARTNER
‘He’s not white he’s French’ — this is what all white Man’a whore tell themsleves. Didn’t I fucking predict they’d say that? Lmaoo I did!
NOT HIM CALLING HIS MOM MAMMA DU LAC! He’s tryna fit in and Paul fighting back from saying sum (not too hard tho cuz now he’s going in lmao GET HIM LIL BRO)
“What’s the nature of your relationship with my brother” All my mind can think off is ‘everybody knows… everybody knows that he fucks you’. Cuz why would he ask that? Clearly that’s your future brother in law AND PAUL KNEW! The voices told him he was amongst the gays tihi
Okay Lestat pls don’t trauma dump on Paul lmao, answer the question or politely ignore it cuz I feel like Paul has some ‘you’ve got the wrong time but the right bitch’-him and just swing cuz what? But I think he’s being pulled in so he couldn’t even move if he wanted to.
NOT LOUIS SETTING IT STREIGHT! Idk why I thought he’d be a pushover after all the dreamy stairs Lestat has given him:)
This is all I can imagine Lestat thinking as he dinned with black ppl probably for the first time ever — rich and educated at that.
Please! A Lilly for his front pocket and a Lilly for Louis to do nothing with but entertain him, tihi
Not her revealing he’s gay, girl, bffr. “It’s okay” this strange white man now knows too fucking much babes but whatever
THE ALMOST TOUCH! I had to close the screen sorry I am used to fluff only (no I am not, but that yanked me)
now he’s in his head, fucking his mind and eyes and watching him get hard for him cuz Lilly ain’t doing shit but be a buffer. A pretty buffer getting a taste of Lestats man FOR NOW! Good *gets closer to screen* IS THAT FINGER SUCKING? Even pulling away in disgust was not convincing babes, !BE WHO YOU ARE!
THE FIGHT FOR DOMINANCE! MY GOSH AND THE RELEASE! It’s like he was pretending before going full ‘yeah now after we’ve kissed and touched titties, you know I’m into it so let me chill’ and he went lax, and now they floating, fucking and sucking. Gosh, this better win an award.
No because I fully beleive being drank from by a vampire is the closest thing humans will ever get to experience true euphoria and that’s why I will not simply be turned immediately. MAKE ME YOUR BLOODBAG FOR AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS AND SEVEN NIGHTS PLS I need to feel the THRILL
That was the most romantic, tender yet agressive love making bloodsucking scene I’ve ever witnessed. I’m bricked up, down there and up here (holds heart)
The wedding! This about to be good cuz y’all know black ppl know how to celebrate!
Thé dancing! Arghhhh this show is so freaking black, I love it! Anne is probably rolling in her grave, arguing with Satan to be resurrected so she can sue. Love it here
THE THROWN MONEY! YAAAAAAAS! Y’all don’t understand! This how we really be!!!! Black folks RISE! This one’s for us!
Now they climbing a whole roof just to … see the sunset? Babes… bffr.
Awww “I love you-“ why did that sound like a Goodby! Where is HEGOING NO-
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Noooooooo! I’m fenna cry, PLEASE NOT PAUL! (I knew he dies but I also forgot but I also was just enjoying myself and they caught me slipping. Now I’m pausing to take deep breaths…)
And that was his last sunrise? Yeah, cuz the fucking cameras.
Pls not death is boring… Speak for yourself, some of us have yet to try >:( ( but I’ll probably agree. It’s so inevitable like boo, give us smt fresh, smt unexpected!)
Not his mama tryna blame him… pushed? Babes be fucking Fr rn. Fuck sakes. And his sister not defending or nun. She probably wanted him gone and now she got it.
I just feel bad cuz suicide is a sin and still he did it :/ sad.
MANS PULLED UP TO THE FUNERAL! Lestat you are sick (I love it). PLEASE NOT HIM ACTUALLY NOT GAF! Didn’t even wear black, even tho I know that wardrobe fully stocked!
“Not here” Louis says and Lestat is on sims ‘I texted, I called, I send a pigeon and nothing, ignoring me huh?
THE GASP THAT LEFT ME! NO LESTAT YOU CANT SAY THAT AT THE WALK TO THE FUNERAL! All in attempt to ‘pick me, choose me, love me’ into Louis’ heart, now Louis ready to fist fight you in the same streets you fell for him tsk me tsk tsk. Maybe y’all should step to the side and kiss. Cuz clearly Lestat was NOT leaving …
This is the lvl of toxic and possessiveness I thought I’d see in twilight… y’all fooled me. Cuz Bella would have loved this ngl and I’d have loved it more but Edward is a runner and a track star. Lestat tho? He’d probably kill the whole town for Louis to notice him.
This man went to the burial, didn’t even wait for his obsessive fangirl behavior, AND he killed Lilly leaving nobody for Louis to turn to. Now man’s fighting for his life and all I’m wondering is why no other vampire in history has ever been this obsessive so I’d know this is how fucked up I am (derogatory) wow. Went to every fucking limits just so Louis wouldn’t know peace.
NOT THE CONFESSIONAL WITH THE PRIEST! Louis you don’t even beleive! It’s giving “Ariana! What are you doing here!”
Did Lestat not think of the priest? Tsktsk didn’t even eliminate all sources of outlet! Should have burnt the church, house, brothers and had every townsman flee just to get a text back. For legal reasons I am joking…
Nvm, he barely got into the juicy bits before man’s was dragged out and is now being devoured. (Kinda hot. Didn’t even let Louis finish)
At this point, whenever Louis doesn’t breath is Lestat direction it’s PICK ME CHOOSE ME LOVE ME. He’s so obsessive *plays obsessed by Mariah Carey*
All I see is Lestat being so angry and hurt that Louis went to confess to a god he does not beleive in before he came to Lestat. Like damn. You’d rather come here then come to me ? “Do I mean that little to you-“ type of hurt. :( Aww babes, he’s just afraid cuz once he comes to you, it’s over. That’s the beginning of a life he doesn’t beleive he can have and he’s want all of you … can’t be gay and black in these parts (time + place) I fear
Please not the stabbing! 😭 babes pls you know this man isn’t a regular man, he drank from you and you decided to never speak to him again for a reason.
Pls not the slowmo! It looks so fucking cool! Even when he eats ppl it’s so agressive and looks so painfull! Love messy eater vampires.
“I’m not the devil- but I can give you death-“ Pls why has nobody offered me this ?? It’s not fair! “I love you Louis, you are loved.” Nawl I’m fenna cry. (And I am crying)
Envious that this is not my character arch, I am stuck consuming it rather then being CONSUMED! He wanted to create an infinity Between them. Remove death AND life from the equation!
That was the most beautiful asking ever. The way their just :’) This is such a tender, romantic, loving moment. That moment was … beautiful. I have no words! I too forgot the barbaric scene (lmao as did Louis ofc)
AND THEN CAME THE NOD! THE KISS AND THE BITE! The way he kissed him, alone, I could tell he released all fears and pain he had in this life. Fear of loving a man, of being who he was, pain of being at fault for things — for his role as a pimp, him as a son, a brother to his brother, a provider for his family. The one who promised his father strength without truly ever wanting it but doing it because he was good at it. He was hurting so much and Lestat just liberated him (too bad Louis doenst realize this too is a prison, but with a nice view, unhinged love of your life and a future daughter, have fun)
That was perfect. The description of the transformation — THE HAARTBEATS! Gosh I wanna be able to have senses heightened this much! ImGAINE!
I am SCREAMING it was so quick! I’m a whore for varsity in transformations! Some vampires die and require burials. Some are dead for much longer! EVERYYING! EVERYTHING
This was dead ass the best vampire tv show I’ve ever seen. They gave me black ass moments and I am living! TENDERNESS, POSSESSION! OBSESSION, trauma, laughter, depth! Script was INCREIDBLE! These are really good writers! What a team! And the actors? Give those two their fucking awards RIGHT NOW!
I cannot believe we’re witnessing the best vampire show unfold right before us.
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what if i say san’s fs is my girl crush too 👀 woah that was an insane reading. i kinda felt such an heavy energy from her but then sun did rise ☀️ 
1- “Leo moon”
one of my favorite tarot readers also said his fs is gemini sun and leo moon and it perfect with san being cancer sun and gemini moon! the way she’s being a complex person and changing quickly gives off a gemini vibe too haha 
2- “Her appearance is definitely unique.”
i often see this for san fs readings! Readers often say she’s so pretty but in a unique way (a uniqueness she doesn’t like but she’s still confident in her looks) so people find her intimated. i loved your take!
3- her being a workaholic and probably have a lot of jobs give off entj vibe to me. it’s the perfect match for san’s mbti too. san is a workaholic as well, i feel like it’ll be a reason for him to get closer to her more. they can understand each other, encourage or comfort each other. 
4- you think she’s probably changing job right now. so far we have actress-writer-content creator for her. so it wouldn’t be a surprise if she’s pursuing a new career now to add here. indeed a workaholic. but it seems like she’s not coming from a wealthy family, and she was kinda pushed to be successful since she was a kid, so i can totally see why she keeps want to work. obviously, she doesn’t want to go back to 0. i relate to that feeling. literally GO GIRL
5- this is literally a woman profile i could draw beside san. i have been his fan since 2019, and based of his personality and life style, i always thought he would be with someone who can be an inspiration for him, someone he will respect (and the others will respect too,) a hard worker, cool, mature (i always thought he would go with an older person tho 3-5 years old gap), maybe a foreigner as san doesn’t seems to care about it, but definitely someone popular (probably a celebrity but can have different jobs tho.)
6- the family issues are always there. poor girl.  but everything has a reason in life right. she’ll get the biggest love from san. im happy for her
now your reading is one of my favorites! it’s very close to the readings my favorite tarot readers did here. im excited to see your future readings now 🤍
So, just to make sure this is all true, I drew some follow up confirmation cards. So yes, she’s ENTJ. I got a no on her being a Leo moon though. Maybe a water moon? I’m not sure. The vibes are there but the cards are saying she isn’t. I did a follow-up with another card for that. Either she’s an undeveloped Leo moon or her moon is in the fifth house, giving it that Leo quality, or on the cusp of Leo. That’s what I’m getting. Though I’m getting she IS a Gemini sun.
Granted these cards don’t give specifics, but some cards can indicate yes and no. So I’m going off of that and card meanings here.
But yeah, I’m glad you liked it! And I always get oddly proud when people analyze my readings and kind of point out what they liked the most. I dunno. But I definitely want to make this into a mini series now. Like a non-invasive FS series for Ateez and maybe some others. Never thought I’d end up doing FS readings but how the tables have turned
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makercursed-a · 6 years
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A more comprehensive overview of Hawke’s dai companion verse. It’s mostly used in AUs where the Inquisitor is someone Hawke cares about (i.e. @vigilflight​‘s bethquisitor au) but if other Inquisitors want to use it, then we’ll say Hawke came out of hiding early because she heard Varric had been kidnapped by Cassandra and was near the Temple when it exploded. She tracked rumours of him to Haven, and decided getting herself arrested or killed would probably be worth it to find out if Varric was safe/rescue him if need be.
Not long after the start of the game, a cutscene plays when the Inquisitor returns to Haven from whatever quests they’ve been doing. There’s a huge commotion happening by the gates. Upon investigating, the Inquisitor will find Hawke flanked by Inquisition soldiers, yelling at Cullen and demanding to see Varric/the Inquisitor. 
 The Inquisitor can then attempt to calm Hawke down. If they’re someone she cares about then she’ll instantly relax and tell them how glad she is that they’re alive, and ask if they need help getting away from all this shit. If they’re not one of her friends, she’ll demand to see Varric and ask bluntly if he’s being kept prisoner. The Inquisitor can choose to get Varric, in which case he and Hawke will embrace, and he’ll call her an idiot for putting her life on the line to come find him. 
Hawke, once calmed down, can either be recruited into the Inquisition (you’re here now, and we could use your help) sent away (you’re too dangerous to be here) or arrested (it’s time you answered for what you did in Kirkwall). If arrested she’ll be sent to Orlais for trial, but a war table mission will later say that she murdered the soldiers accompanying her, escaped and has not been seen since. Josie will ask allies to look out for her, Cullen will send forces after her, and Leliana will send her spies. None of the agents sent to look for her will return to the Inquisition. Varric will not bring her to Skyhold for Here Lies the Abyss, and instead the Inquisitor has to meet her at a hiding spot on the Wounded Coast. She agrees to help, but threatens the Inquisitor not to try any shit. 
If recruited, at Haven she can be found on the training ground, and at Skyhold on the rampart/towery bit she’s usually found at pre-Here Lies the Abyss 
Allying the mages will cause Hawke to greatly approve, conscripting them will cause her to slightly disapprove. Likewise allying the Templars will cause her to greatly disapprove, and disbanding them will cause slight approval. 
In Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts she approves of Briala and Celene ruling together, or Briala ruling through Gaspard. She disproves of a truce between the three of them, celene ruling alone, or Gaspard ruling alone. She approves of stabbing Florianna right there on the dance floor
Her opinion on who drinks from the well depends on her relationship with the Inquisitor. For a high approval inquisitor she will approve of Morigan drinking from the well, otherwise there will be no approval change 
Generally speaking she approves of pro-mage, anti-circle and anti-chantry sentiments. She approves of blunt honesty, aggressive or violent dialogue to people threatening the Inquisition or generally being idiots, she also approves of helping ordinary people, and dealings with criminals such as lyrium smugglers. 
Generally speaking she dislikes of anti-mage, pro-circle, pro-templar or pro-chantry sentiments. She also dislikes lying, being too diplomatic rather than dealing with problems head on, being too lawful good, and being flirted with by a male Inquisitor.
During the Inquisitor being named, she will approve of the “I will lead to do what’s right” “a mage/qunari/dwarf/elf will lead us all” options, and disagree with the “for personal power” or “holy calling” options 
Dialogue options asking her about Anders, or Kirkwall may cause approval or disapproval depending on what exactly the Inquisitor says about it all
If Hawke’s approval reaches low enough she will leave. After a final argument with the Inquisitor in a cutscene, the Inquisitor can then go to her usual spot to find a note saying that while she wants Corephyeus dead as much as the next person, she will not and cannot support the Inquisitor. She will warn that she will not hesitate to lead forces against the Inquisition if it comes to that, and that if the Inquisitor dares hurt Varric then she’ll find out about it, and she’ll come for them
The “Family Business” war table missions will concern Hawke’s cousin Charade Amell and her work with the Red Jenny’s. Charade is in need of supplies and allies to help keep the little people of Kirkwall safe. If Charade is helped Hawke will approve, and Sera will also slightly approve. 
After the first “Annexing Kirkwall” mission comes through on the war table the Inquisitor can talk to Hawke about it in a cutscene. Hawke will say some very unflattering thing about Sebastian, before asking the Inquisitor to help her put an end to this once and for all 
The Inquisitor then has the option to send a letter to Sebastian saying that The Champion of Kirkwall wishes to meet him personally to discuss the future of Kirkwall, and hopefully put an end to the fighting there. Sebastian will send a letter back agreeing to the meeting. 
A location will then open on the map for the Inquisitor to accompany Hawke to meet Sebastian for a “diplomatic meeting to settle their differences.”  
Once they travel to the location they will be attacked by soldiers from Starkhaven. Once the soliders were dead, Sebastian will come forward after a few minutes and say that he did not order the soldiers to attack, and regrets that there has already been bloodshed, Hawke will say quite frankly that she doesn’t believe him.  The Inquisitor then has the option to talk to Sebastian about his point of view, the destruction of Kirkwall Chantry, and the role Anders played in it. Sebastian will then ask Hawke to tell him Ander’s location in return for him leaving Kirkwall alone. Hawke will tell him to fuck off 
The Inquisitor can then: 
persuade Hawke to tell Sebastian where she last saw Anders in order to save the lives of people in Kirkwall, causing Hawke to greatly disapprove. 
Allow Hawke to hide Anders’ location, but allow Sebastian to continue with the annex of kirkwall, in which case Hawke will greatly disapprove 
 Convince Sebastian that it’s more important for the Inquisition to be an ally of Starkhaven, and offer him the Inquisition's aid in Starkhaven if he leaves Kirkwall alone. Sebastian will agree to leave Kirwall, but vows to continue his search for Anders. Hawke will disapprove
Tell Sebastian that neither the Inquisition nor Hawke will help him, and that the Inquisition will do everything in it’s power to protect Kirkwall from him. Hawke will approve. 
Allow Hawke to threaten Sebastian, and duel him there and then. While she will not kill him, Sebastian will leave wounded and threatening to bring the Inquisition down. Hawke will greatly approve.
A little while after coming to Skyhold, the Inquisitor will be able to confront Hawke about her use of blood magic. Much like softening Leliana or taken Cullen off lyrium, from this point on the Inquisitor will be able to stop Hawke using blood magic. 
A high approval Inquisitor  will eventually be able to persuade her that blood magic isn’t worth the risk on her health and those around her. This is also easier to do if the Inquisitor did not allow her to fight Sebastian. Eventually Hawke will stop using it. At the end of Trespasser, if Mary is softened and persuaded to give up blood magic, it is shown that she has moved back to Kirkwall to aid in rebuilding the city, help Varric, and is working closely with the new college of enchanters. 
On the other hand a low approval Inquisitor and one who encouraged her to fight Sebastian will now be able to convince her to stop using blood magic. After Trespasser she is believed to have moved to Ferelden, but everyone other than Varric soon loses contact with her as she shuts herself away from the rest of Thedas.  
Hawke’s specialisation is “Force of Nature” which combines elemental and force magic with devastating effects, as well as some physical damage from her staff. I can’t be arsed to come up with a whole skill tree, but one of the moves would be force punching the ground while pulling up shards of ice at the same time. Another would involve imbuing her staff with fire before using it to physically hit people, that kind of thing. 
Force of Nature is actually a nod to some Bela dialogue in Mark of the Assassin because I love her  
Initial tarot card: The Tower, a card that represents immense change that shakes the foundations of one’s very life. The card depicts a tall Kirkwall building burning behind Hawke, who stands with her head bowed
High approval/blood magic given up tarot: Strength. Representing inner strength and the power of an individual to overcome obstacles in their life with a compassionate approach. The card depicts Hawke with her head held high, and her hand on a mabari at her side. 
Low approval/blood magic continues tarot: The Devil. This card represents addiction, negativity, fear, and harmful impulses. The card depicts Hawke facing forward, with two Kirkwall slaver statues chained at her feet. 
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getting the furniture catalog has done wonders for my quest to turn the guest room into a makeshift indoor garden but the rug situation is dire
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crispilee · 7 years
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I saw seven birds: the Twins, the Lover, the Protector, the Lonely Journal-keeper, the Peacemaker, and the Wordless One.
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kisscookin · 3 years
choose a pile you're most drawned to to check what angels and universe want to tell you!
i apologize in advance for any mistakes and misspeling in english
do not repost on any other platform without my clear consent. respect my work
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(i do not own these pictures)
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astrology placements: sagittarius, gemini, scorpio/pluto dominant, aquarius/uranus dominant
i feel like because of some betrayal, injustice, karmic situation, you went into a hermit mode, you isolated yourself from friends, loved ones. something or somebody disappointed you. you've probably lost your faith in something even tho you thought it would never happen. maybe you've put so much energy, hope or manifestation in something but it didn't turn out the way you wanted. maybe you did something against your will, morals and you feel "dirty" inside. you may think that whole world is against you and whole world want to hurt you/your feelings. but im hearing that your angels are with you all the time. they ask you to surrender to them and ask for their guidence whenever you need or feel like it. they will immediatly help you. they say that you don't need to worry, because with their help your personal problems will always be solved. it's OK to make mistakes, as long as you're willing to learn from them. things happen for you, not to you. angels have so much faith for you, they are always cheering for you just like cheerleaders. 😊
angel number: 3 2 3
affirmation: "my friendships support me, nourish me, and inspire me.", "i am in sync with the flow of life"
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astrology placement: leo, cancer/moon dominant, aries/mars dominant, taurus, piesces/neptune dominant, virgo
wow. team 2 energy is all over the place. i feel so much passion and happiness from your side. some of you were in a really dark place, you were hurt, but now you got over it, healed your wounds like a PRO 😆 maybe you just came out of difficult relationship that didn't serve you. you stepped out of the comfort zone. you've worked through your shadow side and fears. now universe and your angels are blessing you with a brend new start. you got Death card clarified by New Moon in Eclipse. you glowed up! you're probably full of passion, energy, happines, willing to go on adventure. bless. i see a lot of love in your spread. some of you might be reuniting with someone or meeting your soulmate — you might get into very fullfiling relationship. for others i see your manifestation coming to life, wish fullfilment. now you are in position of power emotionally. you developed your boundaries and matured. your angels worked hard helping you in that past period of transitioning, coming out of certain situation. they sent you loving touch when you needed it the most. please show gratitude towards your angels and stay in touch with them. they are proud of you seeing your growth. meditate often. i just smelled beautiful flowerish fragnance, like a perfum — it might resonate with somebody.
angel number: 2 5 4
affirmation: "when i lead from a place of love people respect me", "i am ready to go big rise up and step into my power", "i am a lightworker in disguise. i dont have to talk about it, i can just be it"
love is keyword in this reading. self love or love towards someone
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what a beautiful mosque!
astrology placement: cancer, scorpio/pluto dominant, capricorn/saturn dominant, gemini, libra, aquarius/uranus dominant
ouch. i sense that currently you are very stressed. i feel you found out that somebody might be shitting behind your back, a toxic friend (probably male) or group of friends. some sort of heartbreak/betrayal/disappointment in relationships/friendships. for you it felt like your whole word collapsed at once and your heart broke at milion pieces, negative overthinking took over your head. you probably are/were on hermit mode, when you were very isolated and self-defensive. i feel you were very attached to that person/group of people so it was harder for you to accept situation. you internally resisted change. but i think whatever this situation is, your angels want you to learn from it. it was lesson encouriging you to go on self-discovery journey and change your environment/friend group. everything happen for a reason. meditate frequently and stay in touch with angels and universe. they want you to work through your fears and sort out your emotions. look inside your heart, all answers are there. you need to be more selective in terms of people you give your heart to. set clear boundaries. if you do everything your angels ask you to do, abundance will come towards you.
angel number: 6 4 2
affirmation: "i bring peace with me whenever i go", "my happiness is a direct reflection of quickly i can shift my perceptions from fear to love", "i can expand time when i'm inspired".
i hope you all had a great day. stay happy, spread love. if reading resonated with you or gave you some clarity, please let me know — message me. stay tuned for next reading. you can always request any pac reading or book private one. take care of yourself. ❤🖤
please support my work, it gives me motivation 😁
decks i used: smith-waite tarot deck, moonologyastroligical deck, reiki oracle deck, spirit junkie
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tnpsychics · 2 years
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Kim Taehyung tarot reading -t.
hello guys! to continue our check up on bts' members today we will see how things are looking for tae. i already did a reading on jungkook so if you're interested you can go check it out! anyway, today we will talk about taehyung's:
current energy
love life
solo career
future overall
advice from spirit guides
remember, nothing stated here is a fact! everything is for entertainment purposes only. without further ado, let's get started!
tarot deck: quest tarot by joseph martin
oracle deck: daily guidance from your angels oracle cards by doreen virtue
[current energy]
the hermit reversed, the chariot, 6 of wands
okay, we're off to a great start! i think tae feels more than ready to push his solo career. he has a lot of potential to be really successful with his solo and he's going for it full force. he has been working on his solo projects for a long ass time lol. he just wants to put out his stuff already, i feel like he's proud of the artist he has become through his long journey with bts. that being said, his energy feels pretty much solo - i think he's always been a bit of a 'im just doing my thing' type of guy and even working in a group he shines bright by himself. he's got a star factor to him he knows it damn well! he's still down to earth tho, just confident in himself. so yea, he's currently looking out for the near future when he releases his solo project by which he's very proud of.
[love life]
5 of cups, 6 of pentacles reversed, 2 of wands reversed
now, things are not so bright over here... he has gone through a break up in the past so now he's just single and sexually frustrated. i don't feel like he's interested in anyone in particular at the moment, but he's the type of guy to look for long term relationships so it might take some time until he finds a person he sees a future with. i would advise him to be a little bit more light-hearted tho, he's always thinking far into the future which is not the best method of approaching relationships. everything happens step by step so he should learn to take his time with things and to lower his expectations a little.
[solo career]
2 of pentacles, the devil, ace of wands
he really went all out on his solo guys i swear-- the devil makes me think of a sensual/sexy concept. i'm getting daddy vibes from this and y'all are gonna love it lol. there might be a duo with another artist. in any case, he's going to be successful and his releases are going to be a big slay. his artistic identity is very distinct and it's going to be felt through his music. it's a style only he can pull off from bts and everyone that knows even a little about the group would be able to recognize a song as his just by the concept. honestly his artistic flavour so unique, it's going to make headlines. be prepared for taehyung to really blow up with his music online. i see him everywhere on tiktok as a trend i said what i said. love that for him!
[future overall]
death, the moon, knight of cups
this energy is really interesting. it feels really secretive and it's quite hard for me to pick up on it. that makes me think of him being in his head doing his own thing while everyone around him is going to question what's going on and if there's anything happening at all. he might not feed armys well, sorry guys. no matter what he's working on there's a great chance he's keeping fans in the dark until the very last second. he should be careful about leaving fans with absolutely no content. also, he might go on a little soul searching in the near future. he's going to look after his mental health a lot more, he hasn't done that properly in a while. his emotional fulfilment is important to have a stable career so he's going to make sure he's feeling alright. there's a possibility that he might crush on someone in the future too.
[advice from spirit guides]
ground yourself, blessing in disguise, listen
first thing that popped up in my head is about a particular scenario. there might be a situation where there is a good idea coming from a source that tae doesn't really trust because he thinks he's more experienced and knows more on the subject. spirit is advising him to be more open to other people's ideas and visions. no matter how good tae may be in whatever he does it doesn't mean other people don't know what they're talking about. also, there might be some type of failure he's going to experience that's going to lead him to a new direction, he should take control of the situation and make it so he benefits as much from the situation as he possibly can. not everything unplanned is necessary bad, he should learn that.
that's it for today! let me know what readings you want to see next, feel free to leave a comment and tell us what you think. have a great day/night, wish you all the best! until next time ❤️ -t.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
BTS members's reaction to their future spouse wearing their clothes....
Disclaimer: This analysis/reading is based on my experience and knowledge of astrology, it is not meant to be the absolute truth, as BTS are real people, and astrology can only capture so much about multidimensional humans that have had past experiences and cultural approaches amongst other things, it does not have to resonate with you since this is in no way related to anyone reading it (unless you are a member of BTS in which case, get out of here lol ) This is just for entertainment purposes.Remember that tarot as a form of divination only allows us to read current energy and as time advances it becomes less accurate, so it basically reads up to a 6 months period of time, which leads me to also mention that by s/o I mean any soon to be relationship or an already established relationship, indistinct of whether they are a soulmate relationship or not. Entertainment purposes only.
Warning: contains slight mentions of smut, not explicit.
he feels this sort of fondness inside of him, kinda like taking a big needed gulp of air after holding your breath for too long, this man has stars inside his eyes from watching his s/o in his clothes, can’t help but think hey, maybe they look even better on them than I do (only for a split second tho) the feeling you get all warm and fuzzy inside? that’s a given in him. Ear bright red, he might not be too much into lending his clothes on a daily but he sure as hell discovers a fondness in it. There’s also this sort of… domesticity to it, like- this man wants to feel at home and watching his s/o using something of his definitely delivers that homey feeling. Apart from all that, the quote that comes up us “you deserve love” so maybe… that impulsive need you sometimes get when you wanna wrap up something cute and squish it? That's the feeling that’s most prominent here. (5oCrx, the star, the empress oracle cards)
now this is interesting… when watching his s/o in his clothes, Yoongi has this conflicted set of feelings, overwhelmed, mainly, he truly knows how to appreciate the cuteness behind the act but he can’t help but feel kind of undeserving of it, it seems like the action starts an overthinking spiral of yeah they’re cute and all but what they do for me is so much more than I could ever give back. He kind of feels selfish by keeping them by his side, can’t really bring himself to mutter a bigger compliment that a ‘you look nice’ don’t get him wrong, he definitely acknowledges the small act of love but he’s.. carrying so much inner baggage that he can’t really look past what the scene makes him feel. (the hermit rx, 6oS, 10oC+ oracle cards)
Now… Hobi is a fashion icon okay keep this in mind. He seems to be very particular of his clothes so while he knows there are no bad intentions behind it, he kinda feels itchy at the sight. It is funny though, there’s a playful feeling of surrender as he watches his s/o wear his clothes, like ‘fine okay I won’t get as itchy just this once cause you look cute or whatever’ soft smiles and warm hearts. Although he’s not the biggest fan of the action, it definitely serves to boost his ego, makes him feel like the man in a non greasy way/non toxic way, like a reassurance that his s/o is deciding to stay by his side after all. Similar to having conflicted feeling like Yoongi but from different parts from within, sure, he can’t help but think ‘oh god please be careful with that jacket if it gets stained there’s no going back’ but at the same time watching his s/o in it softens his rough edges and makes him smile even just a little. (7oWrx, 10oS, the emperor + oracle cards)
This man- the absolute death of me. Kim NAmjoon enjoys a good teasing. And he can’t help but keep feeling like that is exactly what his s/o wearing his clothes entails, and man is he glad to play along. Not quite exactly sexual, but more of a sensual part of it, he’s just dying to get the clothes off. Can’t keep his hands to himself (cue that one Selena Gomez song) it flips a PDA switch on him, he feels absolutely loved to the edges, has this warm feeling inside his heart that he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky, and honestly, it isn’t frequently when people get to see his bright sunny side so it ends up being even softer than intended, he just feels so full and bursting at the seams with happiness. (5oC, the sun, ace oC+ oracle cards)
Error 404. Park Jimin.exe has stopped working. This man loves good dramatics in his day to day and really, there’s no stopping him when he sees his s/o in his clothes, Time stops, his heartbeat is erratic, all he wants is to be their loyal servant, personal hype man at their service. Whatever it is that he was doing before? forget that completely, he's devoted to his s/o now. He gets to experience new sides of the relationship with such a simple action, like realising that he truly is head over heels for this person. There’s just a lot of loudness in this. I meant it when I said personal hype-man, would probably even go as far as to let his s/o “shop” inside his vast clothes collection ‘yeah take this and this, these would look amazing on you’ So yeah maybe he feels a tad bit insecure that his s/o is absolutely rocking his wardrobe but he can quickly get those feelings aside if it means watching his s/o just a little bit longer being the truest model there could possibly be out there. (IM SORRY I LOST THE CARDS LMAO)
This man goes 0 to 100 real quick. And don't get me wrong, he’s pretty romantic, but seeing his s/o wear his clothes? Now that’s a switch going off very clearly. Again, not in a toxic masculine way, but Taehyung is bursting with this distinctive dominating shine when watching his s/o wear his clothes, he’s absolutely on top of the world, cloud nine, and there’s no coming back down. He’s pretty playful about it, but there’s absolutely no doubt that inside his mind those clothes are currently non-existent. It’s the final nail in the coffin, the final reassurance that his s/o is his and his only, like a reminder that he is in a relationship and he’s 100% devoted to it. It does go down the traditional relationship line of thought but he’s quite a traditional man himself, so without any ill intention behind, he would really just like to show off his s/o being cute inside his clothes, a proud feeling behind when he talks about it, like a little kid teasing his friends about getting the best candy out of them all. (the hierophant, justice, the chariot)
Okay this is about to be quite a ride. As things are right now, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of tact when it comes to lovey dovey couple stuff, this man is more of a- man of deep rooted actions and sometimes cute words sprinkled on top rather than superficial actions, he doesn’t seem to find the appeal behind his s/o wearing his clothes, at least in an intended to be romantic type of way. He finds it trendy and he might just act cold about it, it doesn’t really hold a deeper meaning to him personally. Listen, he might be the type of boyfriend to ask for his hoodies back as soon as possible. If it isn’t meant to be done in a “oh look the couple sharing clothes” way, he might find his s/o cute in them, but not overwhelmingly so like many other people do. He’s just- very particular about his possessions being his. Funny inner thought that came up ‘we can buy matching shirts just please don’t steal my clothes’ (judgement rx, the tower, QoSrx)
Decks Used: the romance angels oracle cards, the prisma visions tarot
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bluemoonpunch · 3 years
I just discovered your website and fell in love with your readings! I love how you give your insights and your approach to the reading. One thing I want to ask is does the group energy reading represent the energy of the group at the time of the reading, or just the energy as the group exists? This is mostly towards the Stray Kids group reading. I'm curious, because as a fan watching them from afar, I think there has been a dynamic shift among them. (1/2)
(2/2)This is not me asking you to do another reading for them though, and I also believe it's not the time yet. They are still in the middle of a shift that is not yet ripened. They are going to join a survival show with big exposure this year too, so they might drastically change as a group after that. On a totally unrelated note though, I let out the ugliest wheeze as you refer to page of wands as the Signature Jungkook' Card.
📕 Referencing:
Stray Kids Group Energy Analysis Part 1 (2018)
Stray Kids Group Energy Analysis Part 2 (2021)
A: Yes, any reading I do should be looked at as more of a "snapshot" of the state of things there at the moment of doing the reading, which is why I always provide the date that the reading was performed as well as when the reading was posted as I can sometimes do bigger readings a week or so in advance. I've done two different group energy readings for Stray Kids and there is a noticeable change between them, but, for example, before the first group reading for them I posted, I had done the reading a couple of times before that and got a lot of negativity which didn't really change that much between those first couple of readings.
It's good to keep in mind that with group energy readings, I look at what the individuals project into the group, which is sometimes a lot different from the general energetic projection of the individuals separate from the group. I then look at how those projections mix together, how they interact with each other, which can vary between conscious level interaction and energetic interaction. Then, after all that, I look at the overall projection, the general ~vibe~ of the group as a whole, how they function as a unit, what they are able to produce physically or energetically through the group projection. It can be quite complex and fluid, but there are many factors to take into consideration, so just because some things seem different doesn't always mean that things have changed in terms of their energetic balance and connection.
Of course, major changes in career or how things are done superficially in relation to their work and routine, as well as any dynamic changes with members leaving or even changes in contracts, can alter the energetic projection of the individuals and change up the overall balance of the group. So, for sure, in the future, I'll probably look into them again if there's a demand for it, but yeah, they do need some time to settle into new things before anything would come up as being different.
Q: thank you for the reading!! I'm glad that there has been progress for them personally, that was good to see. I've been getting that vibe from them and it seemed like taehyung's core was no longer split so I'm glad that it actually isn't. I hope that even with the not-so-good energy that they'll be okay. the end of the reading had me feeling kind of 😔 it would make sense if it has something to do with any kind of enlistment. im hoping it's not disbandment. im aware it could happen but it'll still hurt lol i just want them to be happy either way =( but thanks again -Anonymous @ BMP Tumblr
📕 Referencing:
BTS OT7 2021/2022 Outlook Reading
A: Yeah, the reading was a bit of a bummer toward the end, but overall things were relatively balanced for them as individuals on a more personal level. However, I do think we're seeing a lot of that general tension now with how a lot of fans are responding to the new music, specifically their last three releases. I'm sure that's stirring up some debate and conversation behind the scenes both with the group and the company overall. So, it seems like one of those things where work-life can be a bit stressful going forward, but personal work and personal life for them can be relatively smooth and enjoyable, which can be more rewarding in the long run.
Q: oh wow, I did not expect ur 2022 outlook to hit me that hard lol, I was hoping for something more positive for BTS but on the other hand they have been doing all this for over a decade so it's natural for it to finally come to close. still feeling emotional tho hahah -Anonymous @ BMP Tumblr
A: Same, honestly. 😥 But yeah, it tends to be a natural progression for a lot of artists that get that big, almost as if their careers grow past them and they just ride the wave the rest of the way. Still, a fascinating thing to watch play out over the years, definitely something to appreciate and be proud of.
Q: love love love your dream and georgenotfound reading! I agree dream's reading is especially interesting, and an individual analysis on either of them would be amazing!! -Anonymous @ BMP Tumblr
Q: This might sound crazy but I read your tarot reading on DNF and remembered you mentioning Cecil? I'm watching their geoguessr stream happening live rn and just saw them go past a sign that said Cecil. I thought that was a funny coincidence -Anonymous @ BMP Tumblr
Q: Hi! All of your readings are so well written and I loved your reading you did on Dream and George and I was wondering if you could do a reading on Dream. You mentioned maybe doing one. -@glimmercherr
📕 Referencing:
How do GeorgeNotFound and Dream connect?
A: Yes, most likely I'll be doing an Elemental Alignment reading for Dream at some point and maybe I'll include some stuff about his birth chart as he has some underlying cosmic imprinting that I think is really interesting. And yeah, coincidences like that are my favorite, just the little things that pop up that seem to tie things together in a funny way, lol. I'm sure there's always some underlying meaning to it somehow.
Can you do a mini reading on jimin and jungkook? Whether it’s more equal now? Idk maybe because I am a Pisces I have been able to read other people’s vibes (I call them ) better I am no expert but I feel jimin thinks of jungkook as like an individual grown-up but still would always see himself as a protector kinda like powder siblings too? Also because this doesn’t show up consciously Like they always seem like equal and above sand all in behind the scenes too? Can you explain or clarify if I am right? -Anonymous @ BMP Tumblr
A: Yes, things are definitely more equal now. There's a very interesting progression for them that plays out energetically and even as deeply as on a soul level, lining up with their personal development and separation from the Soul Body. Of course, with Jimin being older and having had known Kook for so long, I have no doubt that no matter what, some part of him would always feel protective of Kook, the only difference is that Kook is in a headspace now where he can be protective back, be more of an equal support for Jimin right back. And, I agree, behind the scenes when they're not performing and not "in character," they can definitely display more of that equalizing push and pull, more so reflecting their energetic connection on a conscious and physical level, which tends to show a very strong soul bond that is being supported on both sides.
If you haven't already, I recommend reading these readings in order as they can really display that development between them over the past few years:
Relationship Reading for Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook P1 (2018)
Relationship Reading for Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook P2 (2020)
The Internal Alignment of Park Jimin (2020)
How do Jimin and Kook connect? (2021)
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tordenvejr · 4 years
hey vic. my name’s ezra. im really going through it and was wondering if i could have a tarot reading. it doesn’t have to be right now as i know ur takin a break from advice asks ! jst figured i’d ask while i was thinking about it so i wouldn’t forget. it’s also ok if u can’t tho! love u. wishing you well
🧡🧡🧡 hi ezra! i did your reading! love u and i wish a lot of healing on u 💓✨
also hi sorry this is ezra again, what’s ur paypal info for the readings? im on mobile n scrolled for a long time but couldn’t find it !
paypal.me/vicmarkmann 💛
i asked my guides to connect to yours and see what messages there are for you 💓
what would be uplifting for ezra to know?
page of cups, "we are with you. when you feel a sudden relief or sudden warmth or joy even for a moment, that is us. even when you feel like we've left, we hold you and we love you, and we are so proud of you. you are more beautiful of a soul than you know. when you feel lost we see your magnificence, we know the mastery your soul holds and the love that is deep and broad and the true nature of your being." i get a feeling of fondness and pride in my heart when i look at this card and i fill up with love, they just want you to know that they are with you. you're allowed to ask for more help too, there's no limit to the guidance or the healing you can request, it is their joy and your souls agreement that they be there for you and aid and love you.
message for ezra
page of pentacles, your body needs rest because you are integrating a lot of newness, let it rest, listen to what it needs (silence, doing nothing, walking, what movies pop up in the back of your head like a little voice that says: "this would be a good idea to watch" watch that, do that) and when energy comes direct it to what nourishes you, what excites you. the best compass out of a funk is very often excitement, even if it's a faint one at first.
what does ezra need?
the tower, to remember that when the structure around us crumbles it makes space for the new wonders to be build. and often this is a necessary thing when what gifts lie ahead of you are too grand and expansive to share the space with the old. it is startling and nerve wrecking to see the familiar fall away or see that it no longer works, but it helps to know that it's because you're meant for something more beautiful and fulfilling to take its place, and that you're making space for it. hierophant and page of swords for clarification, you do not need to figure the path out for yourself, let it be revealed to you. ask your guides for guidance and follow your interest, your excitement like i mentioned before, let that be your compass. if it gives you energy, give your energy to it. 💓 strength, you need to look at yourself with compassion and you need, when you are able (and oh you are deeply loved when you cannot muster it as well), to focus on what gives life to you, you must begin to collect the things of happiness in your life and amplify your attention to them.
what can ezra do to ease their hardship?
temperance, meaning keeps coming up, look for meaning. when there is a perspective or an emotion, a state of mind, that brings you clarity, then let it dictate your perspective. and as hard as it is, be patient. it is difficult when we are hurting, but when we're patient with our pain it tends to ease and when we're patient with our surroundings they tend to change. the star, is the hope that follows the collapse of the tower. this is the new life we sometimes have to make space for, and the joy that will not exist parallel to a tower with a skeleton that brings us reoccurring harm - so it has to fall. this is a message of hope, this is the star dancing down to smile at you gently and cup your face as she tells you everything will be wonderful. everything will be okay.
what does ezra need to remember about themselves?
the world, you are everything. you are perfect, you were handcrafted by the divine to be exactly as you are and if there is somewhere that you do not feel happy in it is because you are meant to find your happiness somewhere else. if there is something you do not like to do or that you feel you are not good at it's because there is something else you're wonderful at and the universe didn't want you to be distracted by what isn't meant for you. you being born is creation celebrating itself.
last message for ezra
queen of wands, remind your heart of courage and let it know that it's okay when it can't find it, tell it you love it regardless. and know that your angels, your guides love it always. they know everything there is to know about you and they adore you. the last message from your guides is that you bring joy to the world around you, more than you know, and when you feel there is none in you. the world is in teary gratitude and love for you being in it and i hope you can really take that in because i'm almost tearing up writing it, it is that truthful.
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elisabeth-carrion · 4 years
2020 was... a year. Tbh, 2019 was worse for me. Ive read my 2019 diary and i dont know how i managed, and in the end i was still optimistic. 2020 was supposed to be my year of spoiling myself and doing new things. Of course not everything went according to the plan.... but i managed to do a few things.
Lets see
This year i did two things i thought i would never, ever do. Like even last year, i didnt even consider it. 1. i got a tattoo. The idea came to me at the beginning of the year, the plan was to do it in spring, but then quarantine happened, then renovations, and in the end i had it done in september. Its a flower and i love it.
2. i left academia. last year i got accepted into phd program. It was a mess and in the end, i had enough. Ive stayed a few months longer for the scholarship money, and resigned. I am now academia free and enjoying my very frist study free christmas break. Im vibing
among other thing, there are: 3. i cut my hair. it was waist lenght and i cut it shoulder lenght. I dont know why it was such a huge deal for me, but it was. The hair grew back real fast and i had it cut again in november. I think im gonna keep it this way. Or shorter. I’ll see.
4. had my ears pierced. I had one set of earrings, now i have two. I bought a lot of earrings. I really like it. More jewerly is better jewelry.
5. discovered the band breaking benjamin, very nice
6. discovered the book captive prince. ive read it three times already. would recommend
7. made a candle out of what was left of other candles. easier than i thought, but putting dried flowers into it wasnt a good idea
8. made a hat. and then another hat. im kinda proud of them. didnt get to wear them outside yet tho
9. made a brooch. out of an old notebook cover and christmas decor. its kinda big. i dont mind
10. made a head band. this one needs some improvements tho
11. i thought online classes and im still alive. i prefer real life classes but i managed. i learned about teaching too, i hope i can improve my knowledge next year
12. renovated my kitchen! it was old and disgusting. now its nice and clean and pretty and i love it
13. started french, german and turkish on duolingo somewhere around march. im still doing it every day. kinda like it!
14. tried embroideiry. it was fine. i want to go to embroidery class after the plague is over
15. started taking my own outfit photos. i got a cheap tripod for it and it works! 
16. honesly i didnt count it, but i did some writing. I didnt finish anything, but i wrote significantly more than in the past. I want to finish something  next year
17. started using reusable pens again. sadly the ink doesnt really work on some of my cheap notebooks... it leaks. But i do when i can
18. expanded and cleared my wardrobe. I love every single dress i have. I cant believe i really do have a full wardrobe of pretty dresses! its a dream that came true
19. shaved my eyebrow. they grew back darker. now i have visible eyebrows for the first time in my life
20. got a resuable shaving blade. it looks baddas and i have so many razors they will last me a lifetime
21. met the google car! cant wait to see myself on google street view.
22. i learned kanji like crazy, im over 1700 now. Thats enough for the n2 exam, i will try to take it in december next year
23. renovated my room and rearranged the furniture. It is now the cute pink room i wanted for some time. I got a cute carpet and a vanity table. I feel like a princess and for the first time i feel that all my belongings are in order
24. started studying and doing tarot. i got cards for birthday and got really into it
25. assembled a diy tiny doll room. It was fun! its like puzzles but 3d. Its not perfect but i really enjoyed it
26. seen Laura Makabresku exhibition in Sosnowiec. It was nice.
27. Seen tour de pologne race. kinda randomly, i didnt plan to, but it was nice
28. went to a watercolor class. i really enjoyed it!
29. survived the plague so far 
30. started counting calories again. in the past i did it to control, to restrict, and to punish. Now i just want to know
Ive tried new things. I wrote down every single one of them, even the tiniest: 1. kurtosz in both sweet and sour verson
2. Kitkat in the following tastes: melon, peanut butter, salt caramel, gold caramel, strwaberry, salty lemon
3. okonomiyaki
4. carrot kissiel
5. smoking . yes im doings some back to the teenage years things. it tasted like ashes. i still have some left i dont know what i will do with them
6. spring rolls /sajgonki
7. chinese take out fried pasta
8. dandelion and burdock tea
9. mushroom bun - a polish street food with pieczarrki
10. pancakes with juice instead of milk. kind of accidently but it is a thing
11. boiled corn
12. lavender lemonade
13. vegan subway
14. salty licorice
15. vegan sandwich from żabka
16. oyakata soy ramen
17. halvah wafffles
18. gingerbread twix
19. shampoo in a bar... like soap but its shampoo. very nice
20. tofubar
21. bora bora black tea that tastes like roses
22. chocolate coated ginger
23. flavored coffe: five flavour mix, marzepan, raspberry meringue
24. Visited a few new coffe shops and restaurants [sowa, we coffee, mont blanc, zicherka, pod prosiakiem, kaffka, zielona krowa, proper coffee, suzette, starbucks, coffee faza, pigal] and places [zamek sielecki, this one park that has no name but has rainbow lights]. It may seem insignificat but for me its a big deal to visit a new place even if its just a coffee shop.... and its stressful. so yes im proud of that
i must say that i changed. im not the same person anymore. ive grown, ive learned my wants and needs, i started giving myself what i want and what i need, and maybe even more importantly, ive stopped punishing myself. No more of that. I deserve everything and im gonna get it :)
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Here we goooo in 2020!
God I hope we see Essek or at least hear from him this episode. I miss him.
"Ewok to remember" omg
Stealing the beacon is THE worst idea.
Oh my god seriously do not break in
You will lose all the trust you have
Fjord solo spa day xD
"Bob?" "Bob??"
Library dayyyyy again
On the one hand I see Caleb's point about the beacons technically being most significant overall right now, but I wonder about his hesitancy to look at Nott's stuff. Is it procrastination because he's afraid he won't be able to do it at all? Is it more selfish, in that he's more focused on serving his own interests by researching the beacons? Is it selfish in that he fears that once he helps her change back to her true form she'll leave them/him? Or is it really just that he feels the beacons are the most pressing for everyone? I'd love to know.
Taliesin is prepared to teach Laura ALL the tarot and then she rolls a 7
Taliesin: "you have a Moonweaver deck which means they're blank or weird and basically make no goddamn sense so good luck!"
Omg Molly was making his own deck I'm crying
Taliesin just REALLY wants to talk tarot xD
Ah, the Caleb and Nott feelings again
I def think he's worried she'll leave...
Yasha and her cool bone harp heck YEAH time for Yasha and Caduceus to start their band
Y'all have GOT to stop procrastinating and just go. I know we all want to avoid the possible disaster but it's time. Things are getting more and more tense.
Playing Hot Cross Buns lol
Aw, Jester honey
She's so upset someone hug her!!
Yayyyy Darrow!
"Can I buy you like, a corn dog or something?"
I LOVE him
He better not be being shifty in any way lol
Sam is like FFS can we GO and as funny as this is I'm with him
Darrow had better have been genuine
They're not taking this at all seriously but I love them anyway
Pfff poor Fjord getting his clothes illusioned into hideous technicolor bath robes
Back to the Xhorhaus yay!
I missed him
He's missed them
I've missed him
Why does he look weary and sound kinda down tho im concerned
This should def be Fjord's job because he's so good
N: "Fjord, if you do well in there I'll give you... a BUTTON."
F: "A button...?"
N: "But not just any button. It's a special button, from Buttonbeard's ship."
Mind control?
Oh this is fascinating
If it was Obann though then why the beacons?
Unless it's like... the Assembly is really behind it all
Whsipersssss but we all know hott boi is telling the truth
J: "should we always stay a little bit away from you?"
C: "I hope not"
Uh-oh she sounds unhappy because Rexxentrum
I love that they're pushi n't for mercy for this guy
Oh Yasha, my sweet girl
BQ: "Do you believe you are redeemable?"
Y: "I should hope so."
Goddamn Caleb what a speech
I like the Bright Queen so much better than Dwendal
Please send Essek please send Essek please send Essek
Except not if he's gonna die but don't let him die so please send Essek
Omg Jester sending an informative and concise message?? A miracle!! I'm so proud of her
Essek is so proud of them
And I want him to come hang out more I've MISSED HIM
Oh god PLEASE ask him about himself
"What's his mother's name" lol Liam
Essek: "I'm not particularly interesting and don't like to talk about myself" LIES the Internet needs to KNOW Essek!
J: "hey, Yasha? You're definitely redeemable."
Hmm was Essek being weird around Caleb? Or was he just tired?
I have a feeling now and idk what it is y'all stop trying to make he have doubts
lol this jam session
The neighbor's are probably sighing and going "Luxon help us the weirdos are back"
I've missed them man I'm glad we're back
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polyamorouspunk · 5 years
awwwwww!!!! im sorry you cried, and its okay to be sweaty it means you worked hard and im proud of you!! i love criminal minds tho, its my comfort show when im sad, whos your favorite character? anyway thank you so much ur so amazing and kind!!! drink lots of water!!! (ily, if u want i can sign off with 💕)
You always do so you can have the tag.
Yeah my last shift was... rough... this time I just hurt though so not too bad! Hurt us better than stress 😅 I’m drinking so much water.
I have no idea I’ve never seen it until tonight on my breaks and I have no idea what’s going on. There’s a lot of screaming. My comfort show is Bon Appetit, especially videos with Brad. I watched one before I left tonight. Lol I’m always sweaty :’) now I’m just laying on the break room floor because floors are my natural habitat... gay culture...
Thank you for being proud of me 🥺 I am babey and about half an hour ago is when I hit my wall haha I still have 3 hours left and then I get to do it all vet again tomorrow night... but I’m so happy to finally have a job! I can’t wait to start traveling which is what I’m saving up for. And little things here and there... would like something polyam, maybe from @unorthodox-hero-shop.... they have sales on Zazzle this week.... yesterday I bought two jumbo stuffed animals for $20. Buying yourself a giant dear plushi that’s half the size of you if self-care and punk. And I’m a clothing whore and I would love more clothes and I’m working in my favorite clothing store (besides Hot Topic but Hot Topic is like the size of a closet). I can’t wait to get more punk/emo/goth/occult stuff when I travel... I want to get tarot cards and stuff from the satanic temple and something from @cryptidsareeverywhere and something from my favorite band’s lead singer’s clothing line and so much more at Salem and then maybe some cool ingredients at New Orleans.... making that $$ and maybe some more patches for m jacket either from others or more to make... I have a bag full of blank ones I haven’t made designs for yet and ones I got from HT. Much excite.
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