#and lut + fern have connections to people there so they mesh well when they join up
cielospeaks · 2 years
im also realizing how much kasumiverse parallels my real life experiences since its broken nicely up into years
b2 (2018)- stereotypical romance but actually not bad i reread it today, as my life was probably the most stereotypical and no stakes (or very small stakes) romantic at that time
b3 (2019)- trying to be happy but actually extremely sad, trying to find normalcy in the face of feeling super down all the time, and at the same time being aware that im kinda pathetic
b4 (2020)- fucking redemption arc baby! starting to be like “im not gonna let this bad situation define me” and just powering through and becoming better for it too
b5 (2021)- loredump time! idk. complicated but like. more maturely (and verbosely) handled than before. like a mix of everything but also worldbuildey and more wordy
b6 (2022)- the sads but in a more. the transient nature of life sorta way. very melancholy and almost like “twilight years” kinda vibe. like the end of things as they were sorta feeling
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