#and luzia was outspoken about it
bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
Is there anything in the series that hints when Fintan joined the Neverseen?
Fin would probably be a better person to ask, but from what I remember, he was part of it for at least a few decades, prior to meeting and training Brant. However at this point he was the leader, so he had to have been around longer to get it established and get to the top--I can't recall if by saying he didn't cast the first sparks but was willing to fan the flames (Exile) he meant he hadn't formed the organization, or if he meant he'd taken the sparks and formed the organization (flames) from it.
We do know that after agreeing to the pyrokinesis ban and stepping down, he did try and live with it for some time. But then it became unbearable and he realized his error, then turning towards alternatives and finding the Neverseen. It's hard to get a specific time window with ancients, but I'd guess he joined a few thousand years ago? That's not to say everything was established then as it is now, just that he started turning that way and that snowballed into what it is now
But again, this is a surmise based on what I know and I've never paid particular attention to Fintan, so take it with a grain of salt
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