#and maintaining the lifestyle we all fantasize about is EXPENSIVE
shandarfun-blog · 3 years
Making Your Schedule Flexible With Online Learning
There's a war going on: It's the war on scheduling. Often times, your lifestyle is its own unique battleground. You're constantly on the defensive against time, you're only ally is quick wits and a bit of luck, which in itself won't work without you. Your weapons include a calendar, your laptop and planning skills. But times are changing, from the language you speak, to the way that you learn. You're constantly on the prowl for knowledge, except that there are road-bumps and unexpected challenges, holding you back. In fact, these days, it doesn't really matter whether you're a student or an investment banker: the ability to schedule flexibly is your priority.
How about this: Yohana is a young entrepreneur currently experiencing her first days in career mode. She lives just outside of town - away from the city center, but not too far out. Much like any other woman, Yohana has duties to fulfill: she has a husband, works a full time job, takes care of her parents and looks after her kids every day of the week. Then all of a sudden, career kicks in. She's in charge of clients, not just in Germany, but almost the entire European continent and like many international people; she struggles with adapting to cultures, learning new languages and keeping in touch with her clients. However, she is also part of a growing trend that's catching on. As much as she loves face-to-face learning, she also embraces online learning.
Flexibility is a must for most young adults. Another growing trend is "work-life-balance". This of course is easier said that done. Most people know or at the least have heard of it, however if it was as easy as flicking on a light switch, we'd all be resting on our sofa beds, or learning how to cook better or learning a new language. Before online learning was even considered, it was simply a catch-phrase. Busy people took night classes after work, hopping on their bikes, cycling through the windy night as they sit in crammed classes and begin the exciting journey of learning. digitale leeromgeving
Now, we find ourselves at a time where learning can be achieved anywhere through means of technology and while technology changes, our lifestyles and flexibility often don't. 50 years ago, you'd organize everything with a pager that was marketed as an alarm clock plus belt and jeans. But these days, scheduling and flexibility has never been more important, especially for those that work beyond borders. To the average adult, that flexibility is becoming more and more of a requirement. But flexibility isn't something that can be bought at your local gas station, or touched and be seen. Students have to make flexibility.
Our girl, Yohana, works and is a daughter to someone as well as a friend and a sister. Right off the bat, she is already working multiple jobs at once. She has commitments to her family and dedication to her job and a passion for her career. She has no choice. Online learning however, has provided students like Yohana with an alternative to accessing education. We live at a time where 18 -20 year olds or even 14-16 year olds require flexibility that a Banker in the 70s would need. Much like Yohana, many boys and girls want work life balance. Where activities such as athletics, language skills and further education can be accessed through institutions, online learning allows these students to access them with the much needed flexible scheduling and low cost alternative.
Working and Studying
The Germany Trade and Invest center suggested that, at least in Germany, the working hour exceeds no more that 40 hours per week. Thus, maintaining a work life balance is not a steep learning curve and our girl, Yohana, could sure use that extra time to better communicate with her clients. In the sense of both, having the freedom to enjoy speaking in the same language and clear-cut audio.
Information from Diana G. Oblinger, author "Education and Information technology", stated that at least 5.6 million students are enrolled in an online class as of 2009. Now, that number is 6.3 million and that's only in the US. In fact, a study done by UNESCO in their IDEAL project (Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning) states that the most active online learning countries in Europe were Greece, United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.
If we translated these statistics, we would get the answer that the education industry is shaping and changing. Traditional adults like Yohana, studied at a traditional university and now that she's in the real world, it's time for her to take a step further. Adults, like Yohana, require flexible scheduling and need a non-traditional method to fulfill her family and career expectations. Authors such as Oblinger, suggested that adults can ease up their scheduling and not murder their calendars via online learning means.
The word "classroom" will soon have a different meaning. When you first hear the word, you'd think back to your old high school, with rows and rows of seats as far as the eye can see, filled with students docked down with hoodies and sweatshirts. The word "classroom" will mean nothing when adults can learn and access whatever class they're taking at home, in a café, in a holiday home and more or less any part of the Earth.
Like Yohana, these adults aren't concerned with prestige, labels, branding, what exotic town their learning institute is in, or whether or not the business is associated with social status. These are people who are concerned with solving real world problems, whilst battling time constraints and schedule issues and she recently had clients who speak multiple languages from different parts of Europe. But that doesn't matter; she takes language classes through online learning to help her with that. What she needs is flexibility.
Live Online Learning
Choosing an online learning platform is like finding night classes, only the process is simpler. Much simpler. You screen out the shady, untrusted ones that are too far from your house or office and pick the ones that are close. Except that you don't even have to do that anymore with online learning. You can join a session held in Belgrade, while you are in Hamburg. That one step already eliminated. There are plenty of platforms to choose from, one of the most noteworthy is Live Online Learning, or the abbreviated LOL. The first thing you'll notice is how incredibly easy it is to sign up. No paperwork or tedious application process. You fill in the details and in 5 minutes, you're set and ready.
Yohana, like most adults out there, has international clients and wants to learn English. The nearest language school is a 5 km bike ride away and she has other priorities, such as university classes at 8 in the morning and preparing meals for the weekend. She can go through the process of reading thick phone books and cold-calling teachers to tutor her at home, adding transport costs which will be out of Yohana's expense and given her finances, she's not in the mood to borrow from the bank any time soon. So, she turns to online learning. She goes back home, turns on her laptop, arranges a meeting with her teacher and on the knowledge train she goes.
The beauty of online classes is that it's repeatable anywhere and at anytime. She can be learning English while she's visiting her family in Spain and afterwards take guitar lessons while on her USA trip.
Let's be honest, most of us avoid commuting like the flu. What better way to wind down from a stressful day at work than to sit in a traffic jam and endure more stress. Students and professional workers have priorities, and sitting in traffic is most likely not one of them. The weather isn't exactly helpful as well, as snowstorms and blizzards are not only dangerous, it is also unproductive. The economic costs of canceling classes is devastating, for both students and teachers and is highly inefficient. No more time is wasted and days gone without learning won't be a problem.
Not to mention the cost of accommodation in som extreme examples. With traditional night classes, you'd probably spend hours on end, searching for close dorms and accommodation, because like the average college student, you'd try to find the sweet spot, only to find out that all the rooms have been taken. You're not exactly keen on spending half your budget on transport and accommodation, so you'll have to make decisions.
At this point, Live Online Learning is the Band-Aid to your open wounds. You sit at home, on a futon or your work desk and dive straight into class. After all, why buy a cow when you can buy milk from the grocery store? We are in the midst of a global transport-pocalypse. Except that this isn't the fun kind where you can fantasize about saving the day. The only apocalypse that's going to happen is to your wallet as you cash out euros after euros just on transport and commuting alone.
The focus of online learning is flexibility. To say that online learning will grant you flexibility is an understatement. You earn it by default once you've registered for a class. You're flexible class-wise as well. Some offer classes from plasma physics to learning how to speak Indonesian. We're talking about an institution that offers traditional classes and taught in a modern way. It's not every day that you can wake up and take any class you'd like, but with online learning, students like Yohana can easily decide to learn painting in the morning and study coding in the evening.
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cindaay · 7 years
For the past year or so, I’ve been in an on-and-off relationship. It started online and very very quickly became something much deeper than I ever imagined. We never honestly had a “friendship,” we dove almost immediately into a full blown relationship only having known each other two months. We got along really well. I mean, insanely well. We are also very different people with very different lifestyles and goals and world views.  Our proper relationship really only lasted about a month before our big explosive argument in the middle of the night that sent me home in tears, thinking I was never going to see him again. Low and behold, two weeks later, maybe less, we were back to seeing each other, but, we were “taking things slow”. “Starting over”. Nothing changed. For months we continued to hang out and make out and “not be serious” but be, basically, in a relationship.  For a number of reasons I won’t get into now, we had a very turbulent relationship.  No communication skills whatsoever. Both of us have our own very prominent mental issues and pasts that haunt us and make us lash out on one another instead of trying to talk things out. We knew it, though, and most of the time we would have an argument about something and then by the end we were laughing at each other and agreeing that we were both being fucking insane and it, honestly, felt like it made our connection stronger. But, it still felt like we were miles apart on so many things. And we were. We still are. Break up, stay friends, get too close, fight, break up, stay friends, get too close, fight again... it was always the same endless loop. And it made me miserable. That being said, growing up being the middle child in a relatively unstable household and being bullied for this and that, I grew to master the art of hiding my feelings. Burying them. Distracting myself with anything to avoid confronting my problems.  This has carried over into all of my relationships, unsurprisingly creating a lot of problems for me and my partners. Our inability to communicate properly and to level with each other on the real, the gritty, the uncomfortable created and maintained a wedge between us. He also has a daughter and an unstable relationship with her mother - who hates me, simply because I was next after her. That complicated things. I don’t want kids. I don’t want to raise anyone else’s. That’s a huge part of his life that I really ...didn’t want to be a part of. He’s a drunk, too. He’s gotten better, but, it’s such a deeply rooted habit that stems from his upbringing. His politics are on the opposite side of the spectrum as mine. Huge deal to me. His career (or lack thereof) goals were not in any way similar to mine, and frankly I think he felt threatened that I have such high aspirations and very nearly the means to attain them. I say very nearly because the only thing really stopping me from achieving my goals is myself (thanks, depression!). He got a DUI two years ago and hasnt gotten his license back. If we’re going to see each other, it’s up to me to make it happen. Everything always took place on his turf - never mine. I know all his friends. They love me. He doesn’t know any of mine. Never showed any interest in being a part of my life. Only wanted me for himself. Even to present day, he gets hostile at the very mention of me doing something other than hanging out with him. And I know, I know it’s not just that. I know it’s months and months of miscommunication and perhaps broken promises and neglecting issues until they boil over and erupt and cause basically irreparable damage to the both of us.  Also, I’m a gemini and he is a scorpio, so, let’s just consider that as well. Anyway, we broke up again and for the final time in, March, maybe? I cant even quite remember when it was but it was several months ago. We decided to stay friends, because, old habits die hard (or not at all). We did pretty well for a while. It was weird at first but we sort of managed. But simply just erasing the intimate, physical part of a relationship overnight is lets face it, impossible.  So it wasn’t long before we were you know, snuggling and holding hands and sharing quick smooches. We continued on like like - “not together” - for a while. We hadn’t slept together in a long time before the break up anyway. We were, I guess we were friends. We got into the habit of not kissing anymore for a while. We got along pretty well, but would still have our tiffs and our blowouts when he would get drunk and be mean to me and do all kinds of petty things just to piss me off. I guess I should say that he’s also a heavily right-leaning Libertarian facebook troll who likes to argue with people and always thinks he’s right. He’s insensitive to “progressive” ideas. Makes lots and lots of jokes at other peoples’ expense and says a lot of really shitty, racist, sexist, elitist things. Calls Donald Trump “Daddy Trump” and thinks its hilarious to fly a flag with his ugly mug standing on top of a tank with fireworks and American flags in the background. Seriously sometimes just a very heinous person. Not the kind of person I would ever associate with. But I didn’t really know these things about him until it was too late. I had already fallen for the parts of him that fit so perfectly with parts of me. I was never looking for a relationship when I met him. I wish I had never gotten into one with him. Honestly. If we didn’t jump straight into intimacy we could have been great friends I think. I mean, hell, I kissed him the night I met him (I had also had 8-9 Bud heavy’s because I was so nervous and out of my element). I really set the bar. It had been four years since my last relationship ended -- and it did not end well -- and I was honestly excited that I had met someone so similar to me and so interested in me. I was leery of the situation from the get-go and knew, KNEW, that I should tread very carefully and make my intensions known from the start but... lust is a hell of a drug. Lust that turned into love but a very confusing love and a not-certain-if-it-really-is-love-love. To be fair I think all love is relative and no love is alike, in that something that is a deal breaker for one person might not be for another. You can’t define love is all I’m saying. When you love something or someone, it is for your own reasons and not because you checked every box on the “Is It Love?” list. But I digress. What I’m trying to get at is that two nights ago, very nearly exactly 48 hours ago, we were approaching an ice cream stand when suddenly it all came out and it all fell apart. I’d tried to end it with him a few weeks ago because I’m literally exhausted from trying to keep up with the whole ugly thing, but, through tears and compromise we decided (again) to remain friends. Since then, though, I’d been distancing myself (like I said I wanted to in the first place) and he just sort of ...lost it. I guess. I couldn’t handle the pressure of trying to be friends with someone who clearly wants to be more. I’d been fantasizing about finally telling him off and driving off into the distance, free and confident that I was going to get my life back. Now I’ve done that. I’ve cut ties. I blocked him on Twitter, on Facebook, Snapchat, even by phone number. I’d never blocked his number before. Even through all the other bullshit, I’d never blocked him.  He tried to contact me throughout that night but I wasn’t having it. I was excited, I’d finally done it. I didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.  He actually impressed me by sending me an e-mail the next day, something I did not expect. Just begging me to talk to him and to hear him out and that he would “settle for being friends,” “as long as [I] make it clear that that’s all it is”. He had a friend of his text me and ask me if I could just speak with him because he is so devastated. Eventually I did give in and I contacted him and I told him I was sorry things ended up this way, if I could go back and change certain things, I would. But my decision remains. Too many times have I gone back on the promise I made to myself that ‘this is the last time’. I need, for myself, to abstain from having any kind of relationship with him. I would love for us to be friends. I think. But it is not an option at this time. We never had a proper break up. He never got over me. I suppose I got over him, but I never truly made my feelings clear to him. I do understand that I lead him on in a lot of ways, and I don’t feel good about it, but, I think I led him on so much because he had manipulated me to the point where I didn’t think I had a choice. Our whole relationship was just sort of this cause-and-effect mind-fuck that both of our bad habits and inabilities to confront our issues perpetuated. It was all so messy. It was all so ...degrading on a lot of levels. Even though I genuinely cherished his company and the way we could say and do the same things at the same time so often and how even when we were fighting, we managed to make each other laugh. But I guess maybe it was my propensity to over-romanticize that kept me coming back.  I hated how he lived. His bed is as old as I am, it’s not comfortable. He eats steak with his hands sometimes. Only eats carbs. Never cleans up after himself. Wears dirty socks several days in a row. There were always CRUMBS and DIRT in the bed and it would freak me the fuck out to the point where I had to brush off my side of the bed before getting in it and he would strike and attitude with me because he thinks I’m being fussy but in fact I am literally having a hard time breathing because your MESS freaks me out SO MUCH. His CHILD sleeps on a tiny mattress on the floor surrounded by literal garbage and guinea pig feces (because she would kick it all out of the cage and he could never be bothered to change her bedding or sweep the floor). He is always in a bad mood. Something is always pissing him off. Work, family, lack of money, “libtards”, you name it. Something. All the time. And supposedly I was this magical creature that could *cure everything* except that wasn’t the case. He would still be just as miserable with me there than if he was alone or at the bar complaining with other drunks. Nothing you say to him (of any real helpfulness) will change his mind or put him in a better mood. It’s useless. And he’d always apologize after doing or saying something fucked up if he knew he pissed me off. And I’d tell him “you have to stop doing that,” and he’d say he would, but he never did. And we just... we got too close. Everything the other person did was somehow a dig at the other. There was no trust. No real “friendship”. Just a couple of months worth of great memories that were only great because we had no idea how fucked up the other person would end up being. He always says he can change. He’ll do anything just to keep me around. I’m his best friend. He’s driven away all his other friends. But that’s too much for me to carry. I can’t be the sole reason for you to want to be a better person. I can’t be your sun, your moon, and your morphine. I want him to be happy. I want him to have a good relationship with his family and have financial security and have a place of his own and I want him to have a life he can be proud of. Unfortunately I don’t think that I really fit into the equation. Not if this is how we’ve ended up anyway. Having him in my life is not conducive to my goals either. It sucks to say it but he has been holding me back for nearly a year and a half.  He has drained me of my energy and of my confidence and of my desire to rise above the bullshit. He has only furthered my belief that telling people how I feel is only going to get me laughed at or yelled at. He has shown me just how destructive drinking can be. And how crippling to any kind of relationship technology and social media and the internet can be.  He has also taught me that some guys do know where the clit is. And that 24 is one of the greatest shows of all time. And that despite how unhappy I am with myself, nobody else sees me the way I see me. I’ve wanted to text him a dozen times today. Everything reminds me of him. I’ve had to scratch out a few things on my calendar since Monday, which was unexpectedly sad for me. I know that he is miserable. I know that he thinks he can’t live without me. But he has to. Tough love, right? Part of me thinks that we could just not see each other but continue to text but... most of me knows that in order for us both to heal and move on we have to draw a line and stay behind it. I literally didn’t know how to function on my own after my last relationship ended. We spent every day together for two years. We lived together. We went to school together. We did EVERYTHING together. He was all I knew. When that ended I was lost. We tried to stay friends but things were too sour and we soon accepted that we had to step out of each others’ lives for the better. Eventually, I learned how to walk again and I could fill the void with things of my own, experiences, friends, you know. To my knowledge though he is probably in a worse state now than he was then. I don’t want that for him, I never did. But it’s out of my control. In the end, the most important thing is me and my well being and my happiness. If desperately clinging to a friendship that never really quite existed just for the sake of the other person isn’t making me happy... I need to stop doing it. It sucks being sad. It sucks knowing that the things I want to say to him have to go unsaid. That he is at home or at work or wherever miserable and thinking only of ways to get me back into his life. I don’t want to make him more miserable than he already is. But I think that me stepping out of his life is going to eventually give him the push he needs to get his own life back on track. And when that happens, and when I am comfortable in my own skin again, maybe we can reconnect and build a friendship. But right now everything is still too hot to handle. I don’t know how long this hiatus will last. It could be years. But we cannot be friends with this amount of tension and fresh hot emotion between us.  Still I find myself second guessing my decision. Damn my critically high level of empathy. I wish I could just sleep it all away. Wave a wand and make it all better. Go back to last year and tell myself to quit while I was ahead. But alas, I am only human and this is only a blip in my still-young life. Heartbreak sucks and it is every bit as draining and tormenting as it is said to be. But this is not my first and it is surely not my last. Anyway, I feel a little better after putting it all into words outside the realm of my stupid broken brain.  The worst part is that all I want to do is talk to him now. Wish me luck.
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Advice To Help You Meet Your Personal Development Goals
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/advice-to-help-you-meet-your-personal-development-goals/
Advice To Help You Meet Your Personal Development Goals
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If you aren’t sure how to help yourself and are looking for advice, then this article is for you. With a positive attitude and a little knowledge, you can achieve almost anything. This article will help you with the knowledge portion of your personal development endeavors.
Stress is one of the chief impediments to a happy, satisfying lifestyle. When our mind is stressed, our body suffers. Stress is an obstacle to accomplishing one’s goal. Allow yourself a set time during each day that you can relax and empty your mind. Taking a little bit of time for yourself will help you stay calm, and keep your goals in mind.
Personal Development
Stress is one of the biggest road blocks to happiness. When our minds undergo stress, this actually damages our whole body, physically and mentally. So that we think clearly and work toward our goals in life, it is important that we eliminate stress from our minds. Set aside time daily to relax and be by yourself. Taking the time to renew your center will help you to find peace within yourself.
Pick up a book to find out more about personal development. Well written books on personal development will always spark new ideas and give suggestions on altering your life. Books on the topic of personal development can be poorly written. To avoid this, make sure you read books that have been reviewed well.
Get as much work done as you can during the day. The best way to do that is to take breaks more often. Taking constant breaks, while appearing counterproductive, can allow you time to relax so that you can return to work and get more done.
Begin your personal development with a look at your leadership qualities. There are many different facets of leadership, but the one people talk about most is the ability to win friends and influence people. Examine how far you have grown as a leader. Are there any events that have had an impact in your life? What changes did those events bring forth in you? What is your best attribute that makes you a team player? Thinking deeply about these issues can bring awareness of the level of your leadership and team member skills.
There are plenty of great books on personal development available. A good personal development book can give you great advice and ideas that can change your life. Many personal development books are poorly written, so pick one that has good reviews.
If you want to enhance your approach to personal development, learn to be humble. You need to know that in the grand scheme of things, your problems are very insignificant. Staying aware of this will broaden your perspective and increase your quest for knowledge, leading to a better you.
Personal Development
Personal development involves improving your physical health. Achieving your personal development goals is more likely if you keep your energy levels high by getting a sufficient amount of sleep, exercising on a regular basis, and maintaining a nutritious diet. It might seem easy, but it can prove to be very difficult.
Always be in a position to take note of any ideas you may have, no matter what your location. Take notebook or journal with you, or even make notes on your cellular phone pad. Make detailed notes, and later, when you have the chance and are feeling creative, take your ideas further.
Weight loss is not the only reason that people need to exercise. There are lots of good, healthy reasons for exercising. Not only does it keep your body in good shape, but it also causes your body to release chemicals that will increase your happiness levels.
Tell other people positive things. Doing the opposite and taking the initiative to be kind to others helps you to be kind to yourself too.
Establish a rainy day fund. Even the slightest unforeseen event can send a person’s finances spiraling into free fall. By putting aside only a few dollars each week, you can rapidly build a respectable emergency fund. This money can help out in the short and long term because debt continues decreasing.
Your unique and individual values can help to mold a productive personal development plan. When you focus on things that don’t matter to you, your goals will never truly make sense. It is more important to develop the areas of your life that correspond with your values. By spending your time in these specific areas, you can make the changes in the areas that matter and have these changes stick with you.
You should work on ensuring that each day is an improvement over the previous one. Discover innovative ways to increase your character development. Always push yourself to be a little better than yesterday.
Instead of talking about your accomplishments, ask some other people about some of the things they have accomplished and what they are most proud of. This will enable you to learn about others and to develop a great deal of respect for the people around you.
Do you drink a lot? The harmful ingredients in cigarettes can cause COPD, cancer and a huge list of other diseases. The body is sacred, and needs to be maintained accordingly. If you are serious about improving your life, it is important to eliminate the habits which cause your body harm. Take an honest look at your traits and proclivities and figure out where you can make changes.
If you take proper care of your physical needs, you will get the maximum benefit from your personal development approach. Exercise regularly, get adequate sleep every night and enjoy a healthy diet to help you continue your personal growth. This may seem like a simple task, but for some it is the most difficult.
One way to overcome anxiety is to go see a movie with a friend or family member. This allows you to be in a social setting without the added pressure of talking to a lot of people. You will also begin to get comfortable being around large groups of people.
Stressful Situation
It is possible to teach yourself the best ways to deal with hard situations. If you learn how to keep a good head when you are in a stressful situation, you can get the confidence in order to succeed in anything you do! Above all, remember to take a second and breathe deeply before confronting any stressful situation.
Exercising is not only a way to lose weight. There are many reason you should do physical exercise. Exercising causes the release of endorphins that make you feel happier and less irritable.
Remove the disorder and chaos from your life. If you are able to get your life organized and keep it that way, you will see a real boost to your self-confidence. The stress caused by disorganization will also be relieved. When you know where everything is, you probably feel calmer.
Do not be afraid to take risks in the pursuit of happiness. Many people stay in their comfort zones to avoid rejection or failure, so they aren’t as happy or fulfilled. If you take risks, chances are you will be happier.
Put thought into what you want to get out of life, and make a plan and go for it. You will never create the life you desire by simply fantasizing about it. Do something about your dreams and you will see them come true.
Do what it takes to create an emergency fund and add to it even if you can only add a few dollars at a time. Too often, unexpected expenses are put on credit cards, which only adds interest to the debt and increases your burden. By putting aside only a few dollars each week, you can rapidly build a respectable emergency fund. That fund will be helpful now and later, especially as your debt decreases.
Having the powerful information from the article above will give you the confidence you need to grow and achieve your personal development goals. Continue researching new ways to improve yourself, then take the time to apply this knowledge.
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sciforce · 5 years
A Glimpse into the Future of Labor and Education
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People have always wanted to know their future — from astrology and Tarot cards to modern futurology have been providing them with more ideas about the future and changes it will bring to us, our families and the mankind. We can, of course, sit cozily on a sofa and reread old Sci-Fi books and keep fantasizing about the future which will never be true — or we can study the current trends and try to get ready to what is coming and prepare ourselves and, above all, our children to their adult lives in the changed world.
The most obvious fact about the future is that technology will dominate both our everyday life and market. McKinsey Global Institute estimates, for example, that by 2030, artificial intelligence will have displaced up to one fifth of the global workforce. At the same time, new technology will create new jobs, but what will they be like and what skills will be necessary for our children and for us?
Labor Market Trends
As stated in the WEF Future of Jobs Report 2018, technological breakthroughs change the frontier between the human jobs and automated machine tasks, global labor markets are undergoing massive transformations, and people are largely unprepared to them.
1. Technology will advance rapidly in several directions: AI, Big Data, Cloud and high-speed mobile internet.
2. The frontier between humans and machines tasks will shift significantly: in the past year 71% of total task hours were performed by humans, and only 29% by machines. Even in five years, the ratio is expected to be 58% vs. 42%.
3. The spreading of new technologies will shift the core skills required to perform a job. The Future of Jobs Report estimates that by 2022, no less than 54% of employees will require re- and upskilling.
4. The geography of production, distribution and value chains will change in response to the changes in the task distributions. Even now, the necessity of skilled local talent is considered to be more critical than the labor costs (74% vs. 64% of respondents).
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Not surprising, the jobs landscape will change as well with roles based on and enhanced by the use of technology, such as AI and ML Specialists, Big Data Specialists, Process Automation Experts, Robotics Engineers, Blockchain Specialists or already established roles such as Data Analysts and Scientists, and Software and Applications Developers. Besides, to counter the growth of robotics, the market will need more distinct ‘human’ skills, expanding the need for Sales and Marketing Professionals, Training and Development, People and Culture, and Organizational Development Specialists and Innovation Managers.
It is evident, that companies will have to manage the skill gaps resulting from the adoption of new technologies by sifting to almost complete automation, hiring new staff or retraining existing personnel (or hoping that they will eventually pick up the necessary skills themselves). It is believed that the likelihood of hiring new staff with relevant skills is nearly twice the likelihood of strategic redundancies of staff lagging behind in new skills adoption, so maintaining the knowledge at the acceptable level or even thinking ahead of new demands becomes a vital skill.
How we should respond?
What is evident now is that the days of a lifetime job, and of a single curriculum and training that fits for that job, are gone for good. Both children and adults will have to study for their whole life being always ready to embrace new trends and develop new skills. In this lifestyle, it is important to be equipped with foundational skills that will stand you in good stead regardless of a specific job.
Probably, in these settings, the flexibility and the readiness for change become the critical skills to be developed from the early age. We can’t know for sure what skills will be required for the future, but what we can be ready for them. When technologies change fast, we can spare our children’s time in learning current trends, but give them a broader and a more stable perspective on the evolution of the world around them.
The four C’s
In his book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Yuval Noah Harari argues that the general-purpose skills should dominate schooling and children should be taught critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity rather than technical skills and rigid disciplines. Only in this way they will be able to learn new things and preserve their mental health in unfamiliar situations as well as to fit the emerging demand for “human” skills in industry. In our article, How to Build Data Culture and Make Data Your Friend, we state that critical thinking is the basis for building data-driving teams — now and in future.
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Despite the focus on general education, it is impossible to ignore the utmost need for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills that are needed to fuel the 4th Industrial Revolution. The curricula in these disciplines are developed in collaboration with industry experts, giving young people a clear and straightforward path into STEM careers and giving professionals ways to upskill with respect to the demands of their industry.
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One of the most difficult and important tasks of education is to foster the required specialists without creating skills gaps in other areas. Growing the STEM workforce, for instance, must not be done at the expense of creativity, social skills and collaborative problem-solving, the abilities that resist automation and therefore will be valued for decades to come. On the other hand, limiting education to soft skills will end up in the lack of scientists and engineers needed to build the new economy.
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For all mammals, not speaking about humans, learning through play is vital, and digital technology can support us in this. There are multiple efforts to gamify the process of learning to gain foundational skills in an enjoyable way. Eben Upton, Raspberry Pi’s CEO names such skills as numeracy, literacy and critical thinking that are integral for future education and can be tackled by teaching children basic computer science in the games format. Far beyond simple coding for kids, this approach is intended to prepare everyone, independent on their age, for a more digital, more automated world. Gamification is enjoyable but it also offers a glimpse on how to combine the capabilities of people and machines, automate repetitive tasks and free our time to more creative aspects.
All in all, we are on the verge of the 4th Industrial Revolution, and it has huge potential to boost economic growth and raise living standards. But first of all, we should prepare ourselves to view it as an opportunity and not a threat, so we need to get serious about education and skills both for the current workforce and future generations.
0 notes
timclymer · 5 years
Making Your Schedule Flexible With Online Learning
There’s a war going on: It’s the war on scheduling. Often times, your lifestyle is its own unique battleground. You’re constantly on the defensive against time, you’re only ally is quick wits and a bit of luck, which in itself won’t work without you. Your weapons include a calendar, your laptop and planning skills. But times are changing, from the language you speak, to the way that you learn. You’re constantly on the prowl for knowledge, except that there are road-bumps and unexpected challenges, holding you back. In fact, these days, it doesn’t really matter whether you’re a student or an investment banker: the ability to schedule flexibly is your priority.
How about this: Yohana is a young entrepreneur currently experiencing her first days in career mode. She lives just outside of town – away from the city center, but not too far out. Much like any other woman, Yohana has duties to fulfill: she has a husband, works a full time job, takes care of her parents and looks after her kids every day of the week. Then all of a sudden, career kicks in. She’s in charge of clients, not just in Germany, but almost the entire European continent and like many international people; she struggles with adapting to cultures, learning new languages and keeping in touch with her clients. However, she is also part of a growing trend that’s catching on. As much as she loves face-to-face learning, she also embraces online learning.
Flexibility is a must for most young adults. Another growing trend is “work-life-balance”. This of course is easier said that done. Most people know or at the least have heard of it, however if it was as easy as flicking on a light switch, we’d all be resting on our sofa beds, or learning how to cook better or learning a new language. Before online learning was even considered, it was simply a catch-phrase. Busy people took night classes after work, hopping on their bikes, cycling through the windy night as they sit in crammed classes and begin the exciting journey of learning.
Now, we find ourselves at a time where learning can be achieved anywhere through means of technology and while technology changes, our lifestyles and flexibility often don’t. 50 years ago, you’d organize everything with a pager that was marketed as an alarm clock plus belt and jeans. But these days, scheduling and flexibility has never been more important, especially for those that work beyond borders. To the average adult, that flexibility is becoming more and more of a requirement. But flexibility isn’t something that can be bought at your local gas station, or touched and be seen. Students have to make flexibility.
Our girl, Yohana, works and is a daughter to someone as well as a friend and a sister. Right off the bat, she is already working multiple jobs at once. She has commitments to her family and dedication to her job and a passion for her career. She has no choice. Online learning however, has provided students like Yohana with an alternative to accessing education. We live at a time where 18 -20 year olds or even 14-16 year olds require flexibility that a Banker in the 70s would need. Much like Yohana, many boys and girls want work life balance. Where activities such as athletics, language skills and further education can be accessed through institutions, online learning allows these students to access them with the much needed flexible scheduling and low cost alternative.
Working and Studying
The Germany Trade and Invest center suggested that, at least in Germany, the working hour exceeds no more that 40 hours per week. Thus, maintaining a work life balance is not a steep learning curve and our girl, Yohana, could sure use that extra time to better communicate with her clients. In the sense of both, having the freedom to enjoy speaking in the same language and clear-cut audio.
Information from Diana G. Oblinger, author “Education and Information technology”, stated that at least 5.6 million students are enrolled in an online class as of 2009. Now, that number is 6.3 million and that’s only in the US. In fact, a study done by UNESCO in their IDEAL project (Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning) states that the most active online learning countries in Europe were Greece, United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.
If we translated these statistics, we would get the answer that the education industry is shaping and changing. Traditional adults like Yohana, studied at a traditional university and now that she’s in the real world, it’s time for her to take a step further. Adults, like Yohana, require flexible scheduling and need a non-traditional method to fulfill her family and career expectations. Authors such as Oblinger, suggested that adults can ease up their scheduling and not murder their calendars via online learning means.
The word “classroom” will soon have a different meaning. When you first hear the word, you’d think back to your old high school, with rows and rows of seats as far as the eye can see, filled with students docked down with hoodies and sweatshirts. The word “classroom” will mean nothing when adults can learn and access whatever class they’re taking at home, in a café, in a holiday home and more or less any part of the Earth.
Like Yohana, these adults aren’t concerned with prestige, labels, branding, what exotic town their learning institute is in, or whether or not the business is associated with social status. These are people who are concerned with solving real world problems, whilst battling time constraints and schedule issues and she recently had clients who speak multiple languages from different parts of Europe. But that doesn’t matter; she takes language classes through online learning to help her with that. What she needs is flexibility.
Live Online Learning
Choosing an online learning platform is like finding night classes, only the process is simpler. Much simpler. You screen out the shady, untrusted ones that are too far from your house or office and pick the ones that are close. Except that you don’t even have to do that anymore with online learning. You can join a session held in Belgrade, while you are in Hamburg. That one step already eliminated. There are plenty of platforms to choose from, one of the most noteworthy is Live Online Learning, or the abbreviated LOL. The first thing you’ll notice is how incredibly easy it is to sign up. No paperwork or tedious application process. You fill in the details and in 5 minutes, you’re set and ready.
Yohana, like most adults out there, has international clients and wants to learn English. The nearest language school is a 5 km bike ride away and she has other priorities, such as university classes at 8 in the morning and preparing meals for the weekend. She can go through the process of reading thick phone books and cold-calling teachers to tutor her at home, adding transport costs which will be out of Yohana’s expense and given her finances, she’s not in the mood to borrow from the bank any time soon. So, she turns to online learning. She goes back home, turns on her laptop, arranges a meeting with her teacher and on the knowledge train she goes.
The beauty of online classes is that it’s repeatable anywhere and at anytime. She can be learning English while she’s visiting her family in Spain and afterwards take guitar lessons while on her USA trip.
Let’s be honest, most of us avoid commuting like the flu. What better way to wind down from a stressful day at work than to sit in a traffic jam and endure more stress. Students and professional workers have priorities, and sitting in traffic is most likely not one of them. The weather isn’t exactly helpful as well, as snowstorms and blizzards are not only dangerous, it is also unproductive. The economic costs of canceling classes is devastating, for both students and teachers and is highly inefficient. No more time is wasted and days gone without learning won’t be a problem.
Not to mention the cost of accommodation in som extreme examples. With traditional night classes, you’d probably spend hours on end, searching for close dorms and accommodation, because like the average college student, you’d try to find the sweet spot, only to find out that all the rooms have been taken. You’re not exactly keen on spending half your budget on transport and accommodation, so you’ll have to make decisions.
At this point, Live Online Learning is the Band-Aid to your open wounds. You sit at home, on a futon or your work desk and dive straight into class. After all, why buy a cow when you can buy milk from the grocery store? We are in the midst of a global transport-pocalypse. Except that this isn’t the fun kind where you can fantasize about saving the day. The only apocalypse that’s going to happen is to your wallet as you cash out euros after euros just on transport and commuting alone.
The focus of online learning is flexibility. To say that online learning will grant you flexibility is an understatement. You earn it by default once you’ve registered for a class. You’re flexible class-wise as well. Some offer classes from plasma physics to learning how to speak Indonesian. We’re talking about an institution that offers traditional classes and taught in a modern way. It’s not every day that you can wake up and take any class you’d like, but with online learning, students like Yohana can easily decide to learn painting in the morning and study coding in the evening.
Online Learning – Available in a local shop near you!
Don’t be mislead, Live Online Learning is a tool for teachers as much as it is for students. In fact, Online learning has paved way for new industries and a way for small businesses to reach their customers. Moving away from textbook studies and theories, there are of course real life examples. Interact! is a language school situated in Hamburg and it offers online learning as an alternative for its students. Business is as usual, but every dog has its days – sometimes, customers are overwhelmed and their available times don’t match with the teacher’s time. The result is a schedule-organizer’s worst nightmare. The solution was simple: what if teachers and students were taught using video cameras, so students can stay at home and teachers can stay at home and communicate through the internet.
It doesn’t stop at language schools. Several multinational corporations organize meetings via web cam and online platforms. This example is not strictly “learning”, it is however a useful concept to know. Back in the day, you’d have to send emails to each other back and forth, organize phone calls and possibly flights. Now, from Mumbai to Sydney, you can discuss business.
Online learning is a part of a new era of simplicity. We used to listen to music through CDs, now we YouTube it. We used to watch movies on DVD and now we stream it. Online learning is next on the conveyor belt. Educators have been asking the wrong question. It’s not about the what, or the whys or the whos. Rather it’s all about the how. How is it helping the students and how is it helping the teachers. Textbooks, for example might not even be necessary. 20 or so years ago, if you were to say. “I think textbooks are useless and will die out”, people would immediately think you’re some kind of hippie weirdo who’s only job is to wake up in the morning and blame the government for everyone’s problems. Books have been a part of human culture since the dawn of time and there’s no way people will ever stop using books.
But now, with online learning, it’s perfectly logical to ask “will we need textbooks anymore?” Of course, textbooks will always be part of education and learning, however with Live Online Learning, how we use textbooks could be entirely different. For one, it’s important to note that no matter who you are, student or adult, you’re probably sick and tired of having to travel around everywhere carrying tons of thick books, when it could all be traveling light weight and have everything in a laptop. Online learning and e-textbooks go hand-in-hand. When Netflix’s CEO, Reed Hastings, first proposed the idea of streaming movies and TV Shows through the internet, traditional retail giants of entertainment laughed the idea off and passed it on as “frivolous”. However, much like online learning, Hastings believed that what people want is to stay at home and achieve their needs without having to leave their front door. Think of online learning in the same light. You’re achieving the same output with fewer resources.
Online Learning – It’s for Everybody
So far we’ve covered Online Learning for adults, students but as a matter of fact, online learning is accessible by just about anyone. Even the youngest pupil can learn their favourite subjects at home. This also gives them more useful and productive activities to do, rather than increasing their high score on candy crush. Here’s an idea, why not increase their IQ scores instead and with online learning, children can stay at home and access videos and catch up on last week’s Math homework. Sharing information has never been easier and only today has online learning been put on the spotlight.
Inspiration from Online Learning
As human beings, our imagination virtually knows no limits. If everyone could be astronauts, then we probably would. So why aren’t there more astronauts in our society? A possible explanation is interest and motivation. Going back to our girl, Yohana, she spends most of her weekends lying around in bed, possibly meandering back and forth between the student lounge in her dorm and back into her room. All the while, the time she spent pondering about what movie she should watch next, she could have learned a new language, or a new instrument or any set of skill. But to figure out our question “Why aren’t there more astronauts?” we’d have to understand how we get inspiration. As most of us know, an inspiration is like having an epiphany. It’s not something that can be switched on and off like a light switch and if we want inspiration, we’d automatically get it. Inspiration comes from sources and there are plenty of ways that you can find inspiration, from books, education sites, TV shows and given today’s demographic, most of us would get it online. Let’s face it, most of us wanted to learn French because we heard that one robust, thick and exotic French accent from a scene in a Hollywood movie. But given that signing up for a French class means more energy spent, more phone calls to make and more French people to respond to, most of us forget about it and continue with more important activities, like seeing if a millionaire YouTube vlogger’s baby is a boy or girl.
As mentioned earlier, instead of asking the “what”, we should all be asking the “how”. How do we keep finding sources of inspiration and how do we apply ourselves, so we don’t forget about it after 5 minutes? The answer to that is to put yourself in an environment that’s comfortable to you. Whether it’d be your home or a café, you’d want knowledge to come to you and not the other way around. You don’t want to pursue your ideas, because you make a mental calculation that you’d have to splash out resources such as transport, time and energy. But now we have everything in our laptops. YouTube, Online Learning, Google, the works.
Should you sign up for online classes?
All your friends seem to be signing up for online classes, like there’s no tomorrow and there’s a good reason why. A lot of the times, it’s because of flexible scheduling and time constraints. A study done by the Economics and Education Review revealed that distance between home, the workplace and university is the underlying factor of enrollment. Why was online learning invented in the first place? The same reason why anyone would want to start a business or sell a product or idea: because it solves an underlying need. People want knowledge, so you give it to them. You can either do this the traditional way, through stores and shopping malls. Or you can sell it through an online platform. Amazon tried this, and it worked. Netflix tried this and it worked. Online learning was first created by colleges in North America, who’d like to allow their students to engage in classes, even through those tough blizzards and long distance travels. Absent days may not seem like much on paper, but in reality it costs a lot when thought about. Knowledge is actually a valuable asset and people are willing to pay more to those that have more. Instead of knowing how to play no instruments, why not start learning or learn 3 languages instead of 2. Take private lessons without having to leave your front door.
The fact that we have access to education with the click of a few buttons is one of the greatest miracles of the modern age. For most of human history, knowledge was kept jealously at the affluent level of society and it was one of the unfair realities of living at that time. That’s right, what family you were born to could influence whether or not you’d be educated or not. But times are drastically changing and we no longer live in an age where those that can afford to buy a car can have easier access to education. You can simply, sit at home and enjoy a long list of subjects to learn and pitch in seminars. Thus, busy adults like our girl, Yohana, can educate herself and it might not take much paperwork or her time and energy. So should you subscribe to the idea of online courses? Why shouldn’t you? For all we know, it might be up your alley. We learn in different ways and who’s to say that through digital means isn’t a way to learn. These days, there are plenty of businesses and institutes that offer online learning as an alternative to traditional means and that’s the beauty of it all. You can still learn through traditional means and if the timing isn’t right, you no longer have to sacrifice days and can learn through websites.
Source by Fahry Maulana Slatter
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/making-your-schedule-flexible-with-online-learning/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/188043011820 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
Making Your Schedule Flexible With Online Learning
There’s a war going on: It’s the war on scheduling. Often times, your lifestyle is its own unique battleground. You’re constantly on the defensive against time, you’re only ally is quick wits and a bit of luck, which in itself won’t work without you. Your weapons include a calendar, your laptop and planning skills. But times are changing, from the language you speak, to the way that you learn. You’re constantly on the prowl for knowledge, except that there are road-bumps and unexpected challenges, holding you back. In fact, these days, it doesn’t really matter whether you’re a student or an investment banker: the ability to schedule flexibly is your priority.
How about this: Yohana is a young entrepreneur currently experiencing her first days in career mode. She lives just outside of town – away from the city center, but not too far out. Much like any other woman, Yohana has duties to fulfill: she has a husband, works a full time job, takes care of her parents and looks after her kids every day of the week. Then all of a sudden, career kicks in. She’s in charge of clients, not just in Germany, but almost the entire European continent and like many international people; she struggles with adapting to cultures, learning new languages and keeping in touch with her clients. However, she is also part of a growing trend that’s catching on. As much as she loves face-to-face learning, she also embraces online learning.
Flexibility is a must for most young adults. Another growing trend is “work-life-balance”. This of course is easier said that done. Most people know or at the least have heard of it, however if it was as easy as flicking on a light switch, we’d all be resting on our sofa beds, or learning how to cook better or learning a new language. Before online learning was even considered, it was simply a catch-phrase. Busy people took night classes after work, hopping on their bikes, cycling through the windy night as they sit in crammed classes and begin the exciting journey of learning.
Now, we find ourselves at a time where learning can be achieved anywhere through means of technology and while technology changes, our lifestyles and flexibility often don’t. 50 years ago, you’d organize everything with a pager that was marketed as an alarm clock plus belt and jeans. But these days, scheduling and flexibility has never been more important, especially for those that work beyond borders. To the average adult, that flexibility is becoming more and more of a requirement. But flexibility isn’t something that can be bought at your local gas station, or touched and be seen. Students have to make flexibility.
Our girl, Yohana, works and is a daughter to someone as well as a friend and a sister. Right off the bat, she is already working multiple jobs at once. She has commitments to her family and dedication to her job and a passion for her career. She has no choice. Online learning however, has provided students like Yohana with an alternative to accessing education. We live at a time where 18 -20 year olds or even 14-16 year olds require flexibility that a Banker in the 70s would need. Much like Yohana, many boys and girls want work life balance. Where activities such as athletics, language skills and further education can be accessed through institutions, online learning allows these students to access them with the much needed flexible scheduling and low cost alternative.
Working and Studying
The Germany Trade and Invest center suggested that, at least in Germany, the working hour exceeds no more that 40 hours per week. Thus, maintaining a work life balance is not a steep learning curve and our girl, Yohana, could sure use that extra time to better communicate with her clients. In the sense of both, having the freedom to enjoy speaking in the same language and clear-cut audio.
Information from Diana G. Oblinger, author “Education and Information technology”, stated that at least 5.6 million students are enrolled in an online class as of 2009. Now, that number is 6.3 million and that’s only in the US. In fact, a study done by UNESCO in their IDEAL project (Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning) states that the most active online learning countries in Europe were Greece, United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.
If we translated these statistics, we would get the answer that the education industry is shaping and changing. Traditional adults like Yohana, studied at a traditional university and now that she’s in the real world, it’s time for her to take a step further. Adults, like Yohana, require flexible scheduling and need a non-traditional method to fulfill her family and career expectations. Authors such as Oblinger, suggested that adults can ease up their scheduling and not murder their calendars via online learning means.
The word “classroom” will soon have a different meaning. When you first hear the word, you’d think back to your old high school, with rows and rows of seats as far as the eye can see, filled with students docked down with hoodies and sweatshirts. The word “classroom” will mean nothing when adults can learn and access whatever class they’re taking at home, in a café, in a holiday home and more or less any part of the Earth.
Like Yohana, these adults aren’t concerned with prestige, labels, branding, what exotic town their learning institute is in, or whether or not the business is associated with social status. These are people who are concerned with solving real world problems, whilst battling time constraints and schedule issues and she recently had clients who speak multiple languages from different parts of Europe. But that doesn’t matter; she takes language classes through online learning to help her with that. What she needs is flexibility.
Live Online Learning
Choosing an online learning platform is like finding night classes, only the process is simpler. Much simpler. You screen out the shady, untrusted ones that are too far from your house or office and pick the ones that are close. Except that you don’t even have to do that anymore with online learning. You can join a session held in Belgrade, while you are in Hamburg. That one step already eliminated. There are plenty of platforms to choose from, one of the most noteworthy is Live Online Learning, or the abbreviated LOL. The first thing you’ll notice is how incredibly easy it is to sign up. No paperwork or tedious application process. You fill in the details and in 5 minutes, you’re set and ready.
Yohana, like most adults out there, has international clients and wants to learn English. The nearest language school is a 5 km bike ride away and she has other priorities, such as university classes at 8 in the morning and preparing meals for the weekend. She can go through the process of reading thick phone books and cold-calling teachers to tutor her at home, adding transport costs which will be out of Yohana’s expense and given her finances, she’s not in the mood to borrow from the bank any time soon. So, she turns to online learning. She goes back home, turns on her laptop, arranges a meeting with her teacher and on the knowledge train she goes.
The beauty of online classes is that it’s repeatable anywhere and at anytime. She can be learning English while she’s visiting her family in Spain and afterwards take guitar lessons while on her USA trip.
Let’s be honest, most of us avoid commuting like the flu. What better way to wind down from a stressful day at work than to sit in a traffic jam and endure more stress. Students and professional workers have priorities, and sitting in traffic is most likely not one of them. The weather isn’t exactly helpful as well, as snowstorms and blizzards are not only dangerous, it is also unproductive. The economic costs of canceling classes is devastating, for both students and teachers and is highly inefficient. No more time is wasted and days gone without learning won’t be a problem.
Not to mention the cost of accommodation in som extreme examples. With traditional night classes, you’d probably spend hours on end, searching for close dorms and accommodation, because like the average college student, you’d try to find the sweet spot, only to find out that all the rooms have been taken. You’re not exactly keen on spending half your budget on transport and accommodation, so you’ll have to make decisions.
At this point, Live Online Learning is the Band-Aid to your open wounds. You sit at home, on a futon or your work desk and dive straight into class. After all, why buy a cow when you can buy milk from the grocery store? We are in the midst of a global transport-pocalypse. Except that this isn’t the fun kind where you can fantasize about saving the day. The only apocalypse that’s going to happen is to your wallet as you cash out euros after euros just on transport and commuting alone.
The focus of online learning is flexibility. To say that online learning will grant you flexibility is an understatement. You earn it by default once you’ve registered for a class. You’re flexible class-wise as well. Some offer classes from plasma physics to learning how to speak Indonesian. We’re talking about an institution that offers traditional classes and taught in a modern way. It’s not every day that you can wake up and take any class you’d like, but with online learning, students like Yohana can easily decide to learn painting in the morning and study coding in the evening.
Online Learning – Available in a local shop near you!
Don’t be mislead, Live Online Learning is a tool for teachers as much as it is for students. In fact, Online learning has paved way for new industries and a way for small businesses to reach their customers. Moving away from textbook studies and theories, there are of course real life examples. Interact! is a language school situated in Hamburg and it offers online learning as an alternative for its students. Business is as usual, but every dog has its days – sometimes, customers are overwhelmed and their available times don’t match with the teacher’s time. The result is a schedule-organizer’s worst nightmare. The solution was simple: what if teachers and students were taught using video cameras, so students can stay at home and teachers can stay at home and communicate through the internet.
It doesn’t stop at language schools. Several multinational corporations organize meetings via web cam and online platforms. This example is not strictly “learning”, it is however a useful concept to know. Back in the day, you’d have to send emails to each other back and forth, organize phone calls and possibly flights. Now, from Mumbai to Sydney, you can discuss business.
Online learning is a part of a new era of simplicity. We used to listen to music through CDs, now we YouTube it. We used to watch movies on DVD and now we stream it. Online learning is next on the conveyor belt. Educators have been asking the wrong question. It’s not about the what, or the whys or the whos. Rather it’s all about the how. How is it helping the students and how is it helping the teachers. Textbooks, for example might not even be necessary. 20 or so years ago, if you were to say. “I think textbooks are useless and will die out”, people would immediately think you’re some kind of hippie weirdo who’s only job is to wake up in the morning and blame the government for everyone’s problems. Books have been a part of human culture since the dawn of time and there’s no way people will ever stop using books.
But now, with online learning, it’s perfectly logical to ask “will we need textbooks anymore?” Of course, textbooks will always be part of education and learning, however with Live Online Learning, how we use textbooks could be entirely different. For one, it’s important to note that no matter who you are, student or adult, you’re probably sick and tired of having to travel around everywhere carrying tons of thick books, when it could all be traveling light weight and have everything in a laptop. Online learning and e-textbooks go hand-in-hand. When Netflix’s CEO, Reed Hastings, first proposed the idea of streaming movies and TV Shows through the internet, traditional retail giants of entertainment laughed the idea off and passed it on as “frivolous”. However, much like online learning, Hastings believed that what people want is to stay at home and achieve their needs without having to leave their front door. Think of online learning in the same light. You’re achieving the same output with fewer resources.
Online Learning – It’s for Everybody
So far we’ve covered Online Learning for adults, students but as a matter of fact, online learning is accessible by just about anyone. Even the youngest pupil can learn their favourite subjects at home. This also gives them more useful and productive activities to do, rather than increasing their high score on candy crush. Here’s an idea, why not increase their IQ scores instead and with online learning, children can stay at home and access videos and catch up on last week’s Math homework. Sharing information has never been easier and only today has online learning been put on the spotlight.
Inspiration from Online Learning
As human beings, our imagination virtually knows no limits. If everyone could be astronauts, then we probably would. So why aren’t there more astronauts in our society? A possible explanation is interest and motivation. Going back to our girl, Yohana, she spends most of her weekends lying around in bed, possibly meandering back and forth between the student lounge in her dorm and back into her room. All the while, the time she spent pondering about what movie she should watch next, she could have learned a new language, or a new instrument or any set of skill. But to figure out our question “Why aren’t there more astronauts?” we’d have to understand how we get inspiration. As most of us know, an inspiration is like having an epiphany. It’s not something that can be switched on and off like a light switch and if we want inspiration, we’d automatically get it. Inspiration comes from sources and there are plenty of ways that you can find inspiration, from books, education sites, TV shows and given today’s demographic, most of us would get it online. Let’s face it, most of us wanted to learn French because we heard that one robust, thick and exotic French accent from a scene in a Hollywood movie. But given that signing up for a French class means more energy spent, more phone calls to make and more French people to respond to, most of us forget about it and continue with more important activities, like seeing if a millionaire YouTube vlogger’s baby is a boy or girl.
As mentioned earlier, instead of asking the “what”, we should all be asking the “how”. How do we keep finding sources of inspiration and how do we apply ourselves, so we don’t forget about it after 5 minutes? The answer to that is to put yourself in an environment that’s comfortable to you. Whether it’d be your home or a café, you’d want knowledge to come to you and not the other way around. You don’t want to pursue your ideas, because you make a mental calculation that you’d have to splash out resources such as transport, time and energy. But now we have everything in our laptops. YouTube, Online Learning, Google, the works.
Should you sign up for online classes?
All your friends seem to be signing up for online classes, like there’s no tomorrow and there’s a good reason why. A lot of the times, it’s because of flexible scheduling and time constraints. A study done by the Economics and Education Review revealed that distance between home, the workplace and university is the underlying factor of enrollment. Why was online learning invented in the first place? The same reason why anyone would want to start a business or sell a product or idea: because it solves an underlying need. People want knowledge, so you give it to them. You can either do this the traditional way, through stores and shopping malls. Or you can sell it through an online platform. Amazon tried this, and it worked. Netflix tried this and it worked. Online learning was first created by colleges in North America, who’d like to allow their students to engage in classes, even through those tough blizzards and long distance travels. Absent days may not seem like much on paper, but in reality it costs a lot when thought about. Knowledge is actually a valuable asset and people are willing to pay more to those that have more. Instead of knowing how to play no instruments, why not start learning or learn 3 languages instead of 2. Take private lessons without having to leave your front door.
The fact that we have access to education with the click of a few buttons is one of the greatest miracles of the modern age. For most of human history, knowledge was kept jealously at the affluent level of society and it was one of the unfair realities of living at that time. That’s right, what family you were born to could influence whether or not you’d be educated or not. But times are drastically changing and we no longer live in an age where those that can afford to buy a car can have easier access to education. You can simply, sit at home and enjoy a long list of subjects to learn and pitch in seminars. Thus, busy adults like our girl, Yohana, can educate herself and it might not take much paperwork or her time and energy. So should you subscribe to the idea of online courses? Why shouldn’t you? For all we know, it might be up your alley. We learn in different ways and who’s to say that through digital means isn’t a way to learn. These days, there are plenty of businesses and institutes that offer online learning as an alternative to traditional means and that’s the beauty of it all. You can still learn through traditional means and if the timing isn’t right, you no longer have to sacrifice days and can learn through websites.
Source by Fahry Maulana Slatter
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/making-your-schedule-flexible-with-online-learning/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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Realty Committing Blunder # 1.
Redaction is actually a crucial tool when particular parts of records must be actually maintained categorized while the rest can be read through/ accessed through anybody. The 5th mistake providers create is to never ever take into consideration making an image as well as identity for their provider. Having said that, the qualified and fully grown factor to do is actually to possess up as well as admit to your boss or even manager that it was you that created the blunder. MISTAKE 3: Replicate or even unoptimised information- Several content farms exist on the internet that provide posts on numerous subjects that have been replicated off other sources. Gadgets that detect an improper activity or component could be utilized to oversight evidence a procedure. Some of my favorite authors, F. W. Boreham, made this observation: Leave your house early in the morning and also the very first individual you get to know have them apart and also create their biography. For the reasons of this particular short article and to remain within the world from my adventure, I am actually certainly not visiting handle business oversights that threaten lifestyles, regardless of whether a 10,000 label misprint could think that extreme. He found yourself stealing $35,000 bucks from me. My very first oversight was overlooking the indicators, which little error found yourself becoming an incredibly costly error for me in the end. If greater than a single person is making the exact same error in a healthcare facility or even other health care organization, and also this oversight is actually drawn to their focus through characters of issue, the health care physical body may instantly do something about it as well as offer any kind of training that is actually necessary to avoid the same oversights off happening once more. A male considering a hippopotamus might at times be actually tempted to pertain to a hippopotamus as a huge mistake; however he is actually also goinged to confess that a lucky inferiority prevents him directly off creating such errors. It is consequently vital that you first off understand concerning the common membership internet site mistakes prior to you set about the whole procedure. That is actually not about our blunders in life that specifies who our company are actually, it has to do with the personality that is actually constructed due to them, the knowledge that our team gain coming from all of them and also the understanding that when we do create errors we will definitely get past them as well as still stay a terrific lifestyle. That doesn t mean you have to totally reinvent the tire but you definitely have to share an information that you give one thing that none of your competitions do. Look at carrying in a service consultant that specializes in assisting firms build an one-of-a-kind identity in their field if you re stymied for suggestions. Sometimes customers will certainly try to avoid making use of a REAL ESTATE AGENT (R) under the wishful thinking that they will spare cash through exemplifying themselves in an acquisition deal. This was professed that Cullinan created the mistake after receiving distracted when he tweeted an image, which has actually given that been actually erased, from Emma Rock after she succeeded Ideal Starlet at 9:05 pm - just moments prior to the greatest Image oversight. The very best type of oversight is where the expenses are actually low however the understanding is high," Schoemaker says. Instance 3 set up that popular blunder could void an agreement only if the blunder from the subject-matter was actually sufficiently basic to provide its identity other from just what was actually employed, making the performance from the deal difficult. You should accept errors and also failings as an aspect of life and also a pure feedback as well as nothing more yet feedback. A mistake where each individual has an incorrect understanding of the other's position, or where both sides share the same mistaken belief, normally a manner for terminating the contract. By staying clear of these usual errors you are going to rapidly begin becoming an effective communicator and individuals will begin valuing and also admiring you even more. Some may be tested through either evaluating one's personal, or others, for errors, or by certainly not managing to have ownership of one's own blunders. So permit me provide you a rundown from the 10 most typical blunders I see fellas creating when they first come close to a lady - and this isn't only pupils - this applies to routine guys I monitor when I go out. If your mistake has resulted in someone to drop count on you, come close to the person and also deliver a sincere apology. The Hynix courthouse reveals the distinction between a blunder from legislation ... where the realities are actually recognized but the lawful outcomes are not, or are felt to be different in comparison to they definitely are ...," Century Importers, Inc When I refused that, I after that assumed regarding just how I would certainly compose that post and made a few ideas I might use those suggestions to write an article on my own, in order that quick repeated post generated a tip for me yet this will not be duplicating. Blunder # 1) Acting Needy: Among the largest keys from tourist attraction as well as seduction is a male who resembles he carries out NOT need to have a girl. All things considered, these are several of the best well-known oversights that house owners normally create the instant they choose to replace their outdated home windows along with PVC home windows. Work toward eliminating these errors and everything, and everything you desire is actually within your comprehension. Should you have any questions with regards to in which along with how to work with yellow pages online (http://aninf.it), you'll be able to contact us at the webpage. Therefore, try to observe oversights and breakdowns as an excellent possibility to grow and also learn as a person. The alternative is your supervisor learning the mistake anyhow as well as finding that you're at deficiency - which is not a good situation to become in. The concern along with criticizing other people for our error is actually that we will definitely endure the pain and also outcomes from our mistake, but won't pick up from this, therefore bingo! Revealing in a non-defensive method what brought about the oversight may aid folks better know why that took place and how you can prevent that in the future. Error # 4)) No Dating Funnel: A man walks up to a lady, users a creative opener, receive's her telephone number, contacts her a married couple days later, he establishes a very first day and afterwards they go out. Watch that you do certainly not supply a severe repercussion for a mistake that was actually offered good attempt. I do not believe excellent when I screw up yet I carry out aim to keep things in perspective as well as remind myself that people are certainly not perfect and that oversights are about knowing as well as expanding and also blah yawn producing Oprah blah. It is actually no use mentioning a blunder or complication and also possessing no suggestion how you can resolve it. Work out exactly how you can repair it if you've removed an essential data mistakenly. from the backup system and the length of time it will take. If you carelessly discard info associating with your account after that you are actually an effortless target for identification crooks and also fraudsters. The number one blunder supervisors make-and considering that it is actually essentially subconscious it is crucial to become thoughtful along with our own selves and also each other-is to certainly not hear of, include, allow, and also have your own authorization. However, this is just magnifying the inaccuracy you've produced in increasing up on a losing field by motivating you carry out the exact same thing upcoming time you remain in this position. Actually, a lot of the mistakes that daddies and also mommies make are actually oversights produced in an effort in order to get an unfair advantage. The list could continue. Nevertheless, my experience as a card-carrying member of the POPULAR CULTURE brings me to the final thought that the perfect error is the faux pas. Permit on your own to fantasize and assume major, dare one thing worthy, create loads of errors along the road-- and also fill up your know-how carton to the verge! A lot of individuals are afraid to even have a few small risks considering that they might induce an oversight." So they do not make an effort anything brand new. . Slang), blunder (informal), misjudge, goof (casual), drop a clanger (casual), put your feet in this (laid-back), be broad from or be actually off the mark I thought I had miscalculated, so I remodelled it. While your oversight might possess affected numerous other people, that's still up to you to elbow most of the after effects. Because from the higher amount from plagiarism that was being actually pushed at him, I guaranteed him that this was not usual; that the directory proprietor had possibly produced an error.
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P.E.I.'s 'Dancing From The Heavens' Portion Of Globe Sensation.
For beginning a profession as a masseuse, one might hire a room; purchase tools and also might secure a number of consumers, still there is absolutely one significant selection which if ignored could lead to dreadful buyer expertise and also is just what kind of massage therapy table are you going to purchase? If you have your picture on a cloudy day, you can record your wildlife subject in delicate, even light that permits best visibility without ugly darkness. Solar energy takes a trip coming from the sun to the earth in the form of electro-magnetic surges. First of all, in order to get a recognizable tan along with the help of the sunshine, you will certainly need to spend at the very least a handful of times in the sunshine. Instances consist of Contents about or worrying General Health & Health And Fitness, Hair Removal, Well-being, Tiredness, Metabolism and also Well-balanced Lifestyles. Always remember that natural direct sunlight in the kitchen area will definitely http://przepowiednia-z-kart.pl change in strength throughout the time. To resolve this issue folks must wear sunglasses. For one, I prefer this were a little more vibrant: This's completely legible in wide sunlight, however phones like the Universe S8 and iPhone 7 are brighter and much more accurately clear under the sun. Till 2011, solar power played a very small component of energy in the UK. Around the globe, the UK now sits in 6th place for complete put up capability. The gentle sandy seasides and also warm and comfortable waters around Sydney are actually excellent for swimming, searching, water snow skiing, or just sunshine taking a bath. The sundial was divided in to ten partitions, which likewise included 2 golden hours. In some cases, however (and also undoubtedly in additional modern-day instances from 'humor' accounts), it is actually merely down to simple old misconception. Total sunlight eclipses typically aren't particularly uncommon, even with just what lots of people assume. . Along with glaze & various other oil located coatings etc, thinning thus will create your coating circulation much better but this will weaken the concealing electrical power and dulls a bunch of the sparkle after an opportunity. That's about 9.5 opportunities farther than the span from Planet to the sun. Regardless of decreasing motivations in many of Sunrun's markets, it has been able to maintain its exceptional growth rate from years past. Three forms of lights were actually utilized: simulated daylight, headlighting only, as well as a blend of headlighting plus corrected sign lights. Efficiently cutting out the demand for green houses and also power station, solar energy depends on one thing: the SUNLIGHT. I possess six (sun, mercury, venus, solar system, moon, jupiter) earth in Fourth residence i.e. in libra. Therefore currently if you take a look at each gamer and initially our organisation is fairly properly balanced between as far as development between those pair of portions. We continue to expect project value are going to decrease slightly as time go on, but prices should decline much more although in the quick run there certainly may be quarterly fluctuations. Kitty the fantasizer- thanks for your see as well as your kind reviews- I love the pictures as they help make 100 years ago seem a great deal nearer in time.
Therefore, Tim, you called out a great deal of expenses today that were actually type of short-term in nature or even when our experts examine the firm a year off right now will certainly lag. Therefore every brand new time delivers a special posture of planets that signify a different sun sign astrology for every zodiac indicator.
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ONE HUNDRED Traits That Make Me Happy
I cannot discuss what is happening with everyone, yet this undoubtedly verifies that this's certainly not simply abundance that makes a person delighted. Andrew was up upcoming, when he got up to the mic he claimed, So, I made a decision to vocalize this given that I really love a really good song concerning daddy issues." He launched into the song, and there was actually one thing about it that appeared proper, although the track was actually extremely various off Andrew's personal account. You are actually the reason I have not dropped my thoughts by now, you make me happy as well as you were actually REGULARLY certainly there for me hands down. Males are quite stubborn as well as possess big vanities, so this is challenging for them to permit anyone to earn them do something. Marketing is crucial, yet the most important is the jobs you carry out, because there is constantly a person in the audience who is organizing a gathering in the future and also require a really good entertainer. When our team do just what satisfies him, he gives our team that which is our best requirement, even if we do not seek or require for that. If you make him happy, you can never ever be saddening on your own. When I locate myself making excuses as well as not residing the absolute best life I can easily I assume concerning her and I closed up, sometimes. The following five joy and happiness quotes highlight her overview of joy as well as a well stayed life. At Hanukkah, I don't forget to mention Happy Hanukkah," and to those who commemorate Kwanzaa, I wish all of them a Happy Kwanzaa", from appreciation. This is lots of and also very popular do this, yet you should be actually quite comical and extremely really good to make that actually pay off. During our splitting up I performed not intend to be actually the one creeping back to him, so I chose to play hard to get, and also produce him recognize that he was the one losing out below, certainly not me. To revive your energy, you need to produce opportunity to restore your spirit via whatever behaves or practices that make your heart sing! This's quite simple: Acquire a note pad or even a strip recorder and track any sort of delighted seconds you observe during your day. When my aficionado left me i never ever showed that i will definitely manage to receive her spine nevertheless she has put me by means of, But i am thus satisfied that after the interference from Dr.Zabaza i was able to get my fanatic back after 48hours as well as i may happily that which ever before need help in arriving fan back needs to get in touch with Dr.Zabaza on these connect with details below +2348182620374 or zabazalogan @ for appropriate understanding of just what i have just witness. If they are actually not, make sure you do not rush right into relationship, as you may find out that there is somebody else around that is actually implied for you. If you are likewise trying to find an option which would deliver a new stage of enthusiasm back right into your lifestyle, ensure that you increase sex drive and also make your other half the happiest individual on the earth. She definitely sampled of me and had me to a shut eatery close to our working location as well as discuss her very own affection concerns along with me and just how she obtained a spell caster that carried her male, her goals and also wish back to her and make him like her like certainly never before. It has a considerable amount of interest and also affection in the lives from a person making certain that both works along with each other. And talking genes, there is actually a really good possibility that since our human brains are actually wired in different ways and also generate other levels of chemicals that determine our thought processes, several of our company are actually mosting likely to have a harder opportunity creating a delighted hookup". They permit you uncover truth features of affection and makes your love life even more happy as well as cheerful. For instance, if you are actually waiting for a lover ahead into your life so as to enjoy at that point you are actually most likely paid attention to exactly what the feeling will certainly be like when you meet your partner and just how your lifestyle are going to be different after that this is right now. This could sound a little weird, but think about this momentarily ... you really want more loan due to the fact that you believe it will definitely create you satisfied. That is actually for that reason important that our team recognize just what makes The lord happy and also maintain doing all of them to entice his true blessings. Pair of Swiss business analysts that studied the effect of commuting on joy and happiness located that such factors might not make up for the suffering made by a lengthy commute. Due to the fact that serotonin plays a role in learning, experts assumed that visibility to Mycobacterium will produce their computer mice smarter. Our experts were actually all together for over 8 years and also our experts were constantly delighted with our relationship, i enjoy him a lot and he like me.later he said to act differently he quit calling me and he informed me that he do certainly not like me once again. Our team do not bill any type of management expenses if you bring in changes (omits termination charges) given that you manage your plan online. It is when an individual does something good for somebody else, and that person, in turn, carries out one thing wonderful for the following person, then that individual does one thing nice for an the upcoming person and more. For more info on yellow pages uk reverse lookup, click here now, stop by our own web page. That is actually just how our experts have an effect on as well as create the realm around us a far better spot. They will definitely make our company delighted for a brief or not therefore short time frame, yet in the long run you will certainly respond to your first condition. However, a stepping in nap blocked or even reversed this unfavorable emotional sensitivity to anger as well as fear while however enriching ratings from positive (satisfied) articulations. If you enjoy a certain amazing meals, discuss it and also if this is possible he is going to book at a dining establishment that offers that regardless of whether he never tried this before. May create every comic book fans fantasize a fact with a reported launch from the Compensation Game in 2015. Certainly not that I hate how I look-- this's additional just that I need to create some lifestyle improvements. Spanish locations like Majorca carry unique interest holidaymakers outward Europe. Now unless you desire the partnerships to finish, you have to perform one thing to earn amends for your actions that distress your pal (or sweetheart or even girl). I made a decision to consider traits that make me pleased, and after that looked for methods to earn money by performing them. I hope you located one thing useful within this brief post and wish you all the best and satisfied functionalities. Carry out something new from time to time to earn every encounter exciting as well as memorable. I marvelled - no longer perform I assume that acquiring that pleasant purse or even pair from shoes (that I certainly never put on, given that in the store I think 'obviously I could walk in these heels' and also acquire home to find I can't stroll as well as they injure!!) will certainly make me happy. The unlimited sacrifices that a papa creates to guarantee his family is happy makes you ponder what our team will give up him. Consume chocolate along with out guilt, be actually nise to reduce paid out persons as well as create all of them think included, Inform police officers what you realy presume!
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
By now everybody realizes that in cataclysmic SHTF event the number one ‘culture shock’ moment for unprepared crybabies will be no more electricity! At first it will be more expected than anything else.
Many of us have been through a power outage from a bad storm or equipment failure at one time or another in our lives. But what if the electricity didn’t come back on again as it usually does, in the nick of time, just at about when our flashlight batteries start to die?
Or what happens when it might be months before power is restored by the regular power companies, and maybe not for years?
Puerto Rico STILL is without power in most areas after this summer’s hurricane! We then come to the critical understanding that it might be time to have an off grid electrical power set up to fall back on if we ever want to recover from a caveman lifestyle in a SHTF event.
The problem is that there’s so much information out there now that a lot of us are still confused about exactly what we really need to be ‘off grid’ and how to go about doing this. To help clear things up, here’s a quick general intro to everything you really wanted to know about an off-grid system but were afraid to ask!
What Exactly Does Off-Grid Mean?
I know everybody has an idea of what going ‘off grid’ means. But someone answered that for me once by saying, ‘Oh, that’s like being a mountain man and living off the land with only your horse, a knife, and your gun,’ she answered.
Well, not exactly. Living off the land with only a couple tools can be called being ‘off grid’ I suppose, but to me that’s more like being in a very basic emergency survival mode, living each day just to maintain your miserable existence with only your bushcraft and survival skills. To me this is more like a temporary survival exercise until you can get back to civilization!
Having a little more than just a basic stomach filling meal and campfire to keep you from freezing at the end of the day will get worse than boring after a while.
Because I guarantee you, bare bones 18 century homesteading won’t be anything like you are used to, or ever fantasized it to be, when you were enjoying your favorite Grizzly Bear chasing the HD cable movie, on your nice flat screen TV with a bowl of hot buttered microwaved popcorn in your comfy thermostatically controlled modern habitat.
Big Power Companies Will Unfriend You
Going off-grid in prepping means that you are not going to be connected to one of these major public power company grids any longer so you also won’t be paying them outrageous monthly electric bills which also allows them to install smart meters on your house, and spy on your personal habits.
It doesn’t mean you will be without electricity for the electrical devices you need and want because it’s hard to do much without electricity except waste your entire day trying to feed yourself and keep warm.
But instead you simply are going to become your ‘own power company’ and you will be your only customer. Well that sounds interesting?
  This smart device will help you slash an excess of 70% off your power bill overnight…
  Obviously your personal power plant is going to have to be scaled down a bit. It won’t use a giant turbine steam engine and certainly won’t be nuclear. You don’t need miles long railroad cars loaded with tons of coal to feed the boilers for your power plant.
All you need are batteries—proportionally larger than your radio, flashlights, and cell phone equipment uses, but still similar in fundamental operational principle– and a way to keep them charged long term.
A word of caution at this point because there’s a cornucopia of appealing cool ideas on YouTube for providing off grid electricity to your place. Everything from zero point energy to perpetual flywheel motion, but most of it is so complicated and produces such limited power for practical use if it even barely proves the concept that these are really just experimental ideas and won’t really work for your survival purposes at this point in time.
The standard tried and true off grid power systems almost invariably use a combination of battery banks and solar/wind power. Even a scaled down battery and charging system for just your own personal house, won’t be ‘dirt’ cheap as most of advertisers seem to be implying.
A complete standard home electrical system converted to complete off grid power is averaging less in total cost than it was a few years ago but it still can be out of reach for most of us ‘Po Folks’ who can’t just casually lay out several thousands of ‘dead presidents’ (a.k.a. dollars) for a professional whole house commercial conversion.
But if you just intend to set up electricity for your smaller bug out location shelter which might be a tiny cabin, or travel trailer, or even a heavy duty tent like a yurt, with off grid electrical power, that’s a different and much more affordable, story.
All you need to do first is look up at the sky and find out how many days out of the week you are likely to average peak full sunlight hours. Because, again, the most common and least expensive way for small off grid applications is to use ‘ol sun to charge your batteries with solar panels.
This is so you can then start to plan how many batteries you might need, or if you might need additional battery chargers like a windmill or a small gas generator which is what many people use for a temporary outage anyway all by itself if they think ahead to store enough gas for it properly.
But if we’re talking long term survival and power needs at the BOL, we want something that lasts a long time without a lot of headaches. To put it simply your location has a lot to do with just how you balance and put together your system in terms of batteries and charging systems and solar panels.
And to keep the system cost effective, all these components become a trade-off depending upon your location and of course your power requirements.
You Can Do It Yourself!
First of all, you’ll save yourself a lot of labor money if you want to DIY and there’s all kinds of internet tutorials and books and quick guides out there.
You’ll also learn valuable useful knowledge about electricity and it’s really not hard even if you’ve never done it before. And then afterward, you can pay an electrician familiar with solar off grid set ups a one time relatively modest inspection fee to check it out for you.
So, here’s the bargain basement basics just to get you started.
“Watts” Up With That?
It all starts with WATTS! Think of it as the resulting amount of vibrating microscopic atomic electrons which can be manipulated and transformed into the electrical current ‘juice’ that powers all the plug-in stuff.
Your electrical wiring in your house has to carry electrical power to feed these watts to feed all of your electrical stuff and when you plug in the particular device just takes/draws out the amount of watts it needs to operate.
This is the electric ‘currency’ on a power system. Everything you have that uses electrical measures that usage in Watts. You pay you’re your utility company for what they refer to as Kilowatt Hours used.
Every tag on the back of every appliance tells you how many Watts your gadget needs to do what it’s supposed to do. Microwaves from 600 to 1100 watts on average, lightbulbs 30 to 200 watts on average, refrigerators and appliances between 2 and 6 hundred, and so on.
Determining how you get the amount of Watt power you want for your needs and deliver them to your home through a combination of Amps and Volts are part of the common formula, Watts=Volts x Amps.
Because volts, which is the electrical energy potential measurement in representing the electrical ‘forces’ factor which provide ‘pressure’ to move the electrical energy around the circuits through conductors which are the common types of house wiring you see everywhere.
Voltage potential can be stored, like in batteries, or generated constantly by electrical generators which are basically magnets that generate vibrating atoms to cause their protons and electrons to ‘energize’ through movement and then ‘flow’ a distance to another point through conducting wires for power use on that end.
Then we have Amps in the formula.
Amperage has to do with the ‘rate’ of the electromagnetic ‘flow’ in an electrical conducting wire. This one’s pretty easy to do an analogy for, just like a skinny garden hose trying get enough water (electrons’) to take care of a large burning building is not going to work, neither is a thin electrical wire enough of a conduit to provide enough watts to power a huge office building.
You have to balance the capacity of the wires to handle electrical ‘loads’ for optimum utility.
The Watts= Volts X Amps math can be used to determine all combinations of batteries and wiring sizing you will need to give you your necessary watts.
Remember that batteries eventually run out of stored potential energy and then must be re-charged. So, the charging system and wiring components then make it a bit more complicated, but not insurmountable for the average handy person.
Let There Be Light!
Okay, you decided that for now that you could survive comfortably in the middle of the wilderness in your survival shelter with around 1500 continuously available watts.
This means you can have on a couple 100 watt light bulbs, or a few 60 watt bulbs instead, a computer, TV, radio, and electric refrigerator, and even a microwave all on at about the same time before possibly overloading the system, and tripping the circuit breaker.
This would be only one 20 amp breaker on one main 12 gauge wire in your hard wired house system off the inverter, to split up between your mini-grid appliances and outlets, (unless you just temporarily ran a couple heavy extension cords directly off your inverter.)
So with this set up you’d be living about like they did in rural areas about 75 year ago with their electrical systems where ‘out houses’ were common and outside hand pumps into buckets brought the water in, until electric well pump motors were gaining popularity so indoor plumbing eventually became the norm.
But there were few, if any electrical washing machines and dryers or electric kitchen counter tops and heating was still virtually all done with fossil fuels.
So you want to figure out how many batteries you need for continuous 1500 hundred watts application for at least a couple days, but preferably a week of basic power before draining, and needing complete recharging if the sun or your solar panels don’t work to keep your batteries charged up. You want to keep them above 60 percent capacity during use to preserve their lifespans. Too many complete discharges/cycles are not good.
If you do live in an area where it gets so cloudy and dark that you often can go for many days without seeing the sun, then you will want to have a small wind generator to keep up the charge along with your solar panels, or a back-up portable gas generator.
There’s plenty of DIY projects on building wind turbines too, or you can get ready made commercial models. Here are some of them, to ease your research.
So having only one 12 volt deep cycle/marine battery which is not much bigger than a standard car battery but that lasts a bit longer between charging that on average says generates 675 amps and also says it gives you 100 amp hours at 20 hours, with different numbers here depending on the type/brand of battery, which is another confusing measurement of how long your battery lasts without charging before it goes dead, and is a little deceiving for practical purposes.
What you have to do is divide the 100 Amp/hour number by the other ‘@20 hour’ number to get 5 amps (to use in the equation for watts) of continuous amperage for the entire 20 hours before it drains and is discharged.
So now let’s solve for watts when watts = volts x amps. so 12 volts x 5 amps equals a whopping 60 watts. Yup, that doesn’t seem like much and sure is long way from 1500 continuous watts at one time? You can power maybe one 60 watt lightbulb for up to 20 hours. You can also power that lightbulb directly from a 60 watt solar panel on a sunny day.
Or a windmill that puts out the same wattage when it’s running at speed. All these work together on a system to cover all weather contingencies. But the ‘load’ is mostly on the batteries because they don’t care what the weather is as long as they stay charged.
However, for shorter time periods the battery can actually deliver more of the ‘cranking’ amps in its capacity and therefore more watts for a shorter time.
That’s how your single car battery starts your car’s powerful electric starter motor which needs a lot of watts and amps to crank over the gas car engine. 450 cranking amps X 12 volts is like around 7400 watts!
However, If you crank for more than a few minutes straight, you’ll usually wear down and kill the battery. And of course this energy/power trade-off is why if you accidentally leave your headlights on overnight you can’t start your car the next day because that usually pushes the 20 hour limit with only 5 amps per hour draw.
A single battery might work for a very short time for high energy needs up to a point, but not that well for extended off grid use.
The device that handles all these variables is called a power inverter. It changes 12 volt battery current to the AC (alternating current) that Tesla invented which is what is typically used in virtually all of our house and commercial electricity systems today.
You need this inverter off your 12 volt battery system because typical home wiring also uses 120/240 volts of power energy from the big power line service entrance to your house. So your TV, refrigerator, etc. is not set up for DC (direct current from the battery) and has to be ‘inverted’ to AC. The inverter changes the 12 volt battery mode to the 120 AC mode so you can just plug in your AC appliances right into the inverter with extension cords if you want. This makes the wiring for your off grid is not that complicated at all for basic purposes. It’s just like plugging into a wall outlet.
Video first seen on Power Inverters.
You find inverters at Home Depot, Amazon, and even Walmart. You can get a 1000 watt basic model for about 35 dollars or a better 2000 watt sine wave model with battery voltage gauge and charge controller for around $250.
If you just want something already to plug and play, there are quite a few portable off grid units that can be purchased ready to go, complete with folding solar panels and portable carrying case. Some of these, as expected, are a bit pricey.
But some are good deals if you have no inclination to put together your own system from components!
Separately an average new deep cycle 12v battery from Home Depot is around a hundred bucks. Solar panels are sold online for about a dollar a watt.
So you can still have your 1500 watt off grid power set up as long as you’re not burning up all 1500 watts continuously when there’s no wind or sun, which you never really would have to do when you think about it. You could get away with a basic setup of just maybe two or three batteries, a hundred watt solar panel to start with, and/or a small wind generator for charging and a cheap inverter, all for around a thousand dollars right off the commercial shelf.
If you are handy you can follow the instructions and build your own, and even your own wind turbine and solar panels for much less! This might sound a bit complicated at first, but after you get into it more, it’ll be no more difficult than changing the battery and cables on your car.
Start Small and Grow as You Become More Enlightened
For preppers who just want their bug out location or even their main residence to have basic off grid power, it’s a lot easier and much cheaper than you think if you start by getting one of these step by step detailed guides like this one here:
And then you expand as your resources permit if you want. It’s not hard to find decent used junkyard car or golf cart batteries and refurbish them for just a few bucks each and simply keep adding them to your battery bank for longer duration power potential.
So the answer to the question of what is the best off grid power system for a wilderness application, the main qualification will be the least expensive and the simplest, which will be something along the lines of what was just described here.
Your bug out location, even in the wilderness, doesn’t have to be a sensory deprived punishment sentence with miserable primitive living conditions. You can still have a decent comfortable modern electrical power setup for a relative bargain.
And why not? It’ll be bad enough otherwise trying to survive a grim long term scenario.
Modern electrical ‘work’ assistance from electricity will help you concentrate more on other necessary things like security and supplies. Maybe even watch Zombie movies from your VCD library once in awhile…to relax!
This article was written by Mahatma Muhjesbude for Survivopedia.
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What To perform Prior to You Relocate to LA
I was in the supermarket the other day speaking to an extremely sunny boy behind the delicatessens counter who was actually exceptionally thinking about the advantages of Hypnosis. Lastly, the north end Santa clam Monica and also Pacific Palisades begin to be similar to the type of estates and properties located somewhere else in capitals. Santa Monica's sustainability job began in 1994 when that started its own first Maintainable Urban area Planning (SCP). In June 2011, the well known Boston ma mobster Whitey Bulger was actually arrested in Santa Monica after being a fugitive for 16 years. Santa clam Monica motivates organisations to use lasting practices including recycling and eliminating non-recyclable products as well as plastic bags. In Santa clam Monica, the City had managed to allocate regarding $15 thousand a year coming from RDA funds to help finance economical casing construction. After a number of hours of testament offered by both flight terminal supporters and anti-airport protestors alike, the Councilmembers as well as mayor each discussed their factors for supporting the proposition as well as enacted support of that, 7-0. The records likewise revealed THIRTEEN Santa Monica Area employees picked up over $400,000 in overall payment. Among the members of the crew was actually Bob, an amazing, bubbly, quite likeable individual that had a love for the outdoors as well as an enthusiasm for fine art, literature, and also Irish culture. Los Angeles is undoubtedly a significant urban area, so that would be actually a good idea to lease an automobile, ideally a convertible, in order to believe that being a part of the area. Santa Monica Place, a closed shopping center created through Frank Gehry, was built as a redevelopment task in 1980. Our team give the setting to help our members thrive and also be successful by means of a proactive working collaboration along with all degrees from federal government and also community associations to obtain a healthy and balanced local area economic condition as well as quality of life. Ordinary total settlement for area employees in Downey, a primarily middle-class town from concerning 113,500 citizens, was actually $150,129 in 2015 - merely a handful of hundred bucks lower than Beverly Hillsides. The City Council is actually posted at the building, in addition to the Area Lawyer, Salesperson and Supervisor, the Santa Monica Cops Division, Community Performs, Rent Control panel, Preparing & Area Development Team, Property and Economic Advancement Division, Community & Cultural Provider Team, Financial Division, Relevant information Equipment Team, as well as the workplaces of Big Blue Bus. We then found that our company were actually going to travel to Santa Monica Pier, and also be actually entrusted to walk along the coastline as well as into the city. What has occurred in Santa Monica could possibly offer a layout to Los Angeles, which recently reached an agreement with Airbnb to collect transit tenancy taxes even as the common council thinks about brand-new regulations on temporary rentals. I usually fantasized about just what it needs to have felt like to live in Santa Clara, long just before a white colored person had ever before prepared foot on its own blessed rainforests, beaches and hillsides. Unlike the majority of internal fiber systems, Santa Monica does not possess a metropolitan energy service provider - City Internet is actually lost the Info Solution Division. The Regulation likewise provides administration remedies as well as penalties intended to show Santa Monica's devotion to applying violations of the above provisions. Culver Area Real Estate showcased a 9.33% reduce in median list prices ($ 720,333 Feb 09 - $653,125 Feb 10) as well as Torrance Real Estate saw a 2.53% rise ($ 534,655 Feb 09 - $548,179 Feb 10). If you want to maintain its own facilities in high working purchase and to deliver a the best possible level from services, the Metropolitan area of Santa Monica workers much more than 1,700 people in about 600 different place. Our experts had the loop trail, which is an intermediate trip that uses panoramic perspectives from Santa clam Monica and the Hollywood Hillsides - a fantastic area to obtain a little bit of exercise while tasting what seem to become a countless lot of L.A. attractions. As the tiniest in that friend through a vast margin, Santa Monica looked like an outlier from the start, but its own small size likewise created its proposal a lot more viable, offered its own mentioned aspiration of certainly not merely breaking total lifestyle in to a set of measurable elements, but in fact going out as well as assessing them in its population from 93,000. It is actually very near Santa clam Monica city, which is actually home to the Pacific Ocean, seasides, the boat dock along with several tourist attractions and the Promenade where people may constant a variety of shops and restaurants, while visiting street enjoyment. Should you adored this article in addition to you would like to be given details relating to mountains in england to climb (saludabledentroyfuera.info) kindly pay a visit to our web-page. Our latest weekend in L.A. reminded us of merely the amount of there is to perform as well as see because metropolitan area at any moment of the year. The Union has performed many points including a Health and wellness Advantages Contract along with integrated price from residing increases, Set up a Medical Insurance policy Rely on for Retirement, established a Partnership with the Metropolitan area to stay clear of cutbacks, Modified evaluation types, Boosted PERS Fatality Conveniences, Modified evaluation types as well as a lot more. The General Fund pays for personnel expenses, work supplies, principal city renovation projects - like Tongva Playground and the future Colorado Esplanade - and to subsidize other funds like the Burial site and the Boat dock funds, which do not always produce adequate income to preserve their personal operations. When she finds this to head to the exotics in the yard and also sit as well as appear at them for 3 hrs. Currently, the metropolitan area from Santa clam Monica is actually assumed to strike a choice in federal government court where the area is bound due to the FAA to carry on procedures from the airport terminal with 2023 after approving a give of $240,600. Avon likewise attends to 15 passenger van rental and concern mattress vehicle rentals which can be really beneficial for relocating and also moving throughout Los Angeles and also close-by locations from Santa clam Monica and also Beverly Hillsides. The Douglas Provider (later McDonnell Douglas) maintained centers in the metropolitan area up until the 1960s.
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