#and make sure d/ew c/arna and m/aragold have SOME kind of childhood
erigold13261 · 2 years
Does Yinu(canon) have anger issues?
Hmmmm. It's hard to say right now.
From what we seen, she is actually very well in control of her anger. She only yells a bit at the start of her fight because her concert is being interrupted, and then again at the end of her fight after being exhausted from playing, seeing her mother get beaten up, and being ignored.
We also have to consider that Yinu is 9 and probably has problems regulating her emotions. So she might easily get angry, but she also could easily get sad or happy too. It's less of an emotional issue more than her just being young.
And going back to her emotions, she still keeps them relatively in check throughout the fight. This could be because she actually does have good control, or it could be a trauma response to losing her father or having to work at a young age. She has to be the good little girl all the time so she represses her emotions as best as she can, trying to act like idk Tatiana or something (Cold and logical, but also caring, with some bursts of anger coming out when pushed).
So for Canon Yinu I would say she doesn't really have anger issues at the moment. She more went on the path of repressing emotions. However, I can definitely see her as developing anger issues and resentment to the people around her if she doesn't get her childhood back soon, or at least relieve some of the stress that comes with being a charter.
Sure Mama most likely takes care of all the paperwork and actual work needed to be done, but it's still a lot to ask a child to be a figurehead along with all the concerts she has to do, some she probably don't even want to do.
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