#and makes a nice compliment to Genya as the First Tailor
x-winging-it · 3 years
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“Just a moment,” David said, planting a finger on the page to mark his place in his book. 
“If you upset my wife again, I will kill you where you stand.” 
Shadow and Bone Countdown 7/14 (x)
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Light’s Corruption-Chapter VII
Summary: With few friends at the Little Palace, Alina must work to win the favour of her fellow grisha and their commander, who makes her feel light headed every time she sees him.
After training in Os Alta for two years, the king grows tired of waiting and demands the Sun Summoner joins a western post near the Fjerdan border along with the rest of The Second Army to test her abilities.
Something happens. Suddenly, Alina wants blood to run down the rivers and those who stand in her and The Darkling’s way will be blinded by her light and swallowed by his shadows.
It won’t be pretty.
Pairing: The DarklingxAlina
Rating: 18+ (better safe than sorry, u know)
Anyone fancy a playlist?
As usual, the tags are in the comments; if you no longer want to be in the list or wanna be added, please don’t hesitate to let me know :)
Click here for chapter VI
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Chapter 7: Within the Palace's Walls
 Dear General Kirigan,
Dear General
Dear Kirigan
Dear Darkling
"Ugh!" Alina let her face drop on top of the paper, not caring if the ink got into her face, and groaned, loudly and at length. "Why?!" She asked into the nothingness of her room.
She had no reason to write to him. She knew he must've had frequent reports of the ongoings of the Little Palace, so she had no other excuse except to admit the truth, which was that she craved his attention, even if he was days away.
This was so pathetic of her; letting go of a life-long unrequited love just to fall into the arms of the first man who complimented her, even if she did feel a strange pull towards him.
What she needed was time for herself. Yes. She had finally said goodbye to Mal, falling for someone else so quickly would do her no good.
Oh, but Saints! The way in which he had kissed her, like he'd been waiting for centuries, like she was a treasure, like he truly wanted her. She had kissed people before, but never like that. She had enjoyed it, sure, but always stopped it before the clothes started to disappear. It usually bored people, but Alina didn't mind that much. It wasn't like when Genya was in the room while she bathed, helping her get to whenever she needed to be in time by pulling at the knots in her hair and handing her a towel. Genya was trustworthy, she was her friend and she had never given her one of those looks that had made her uncomfortable during her training at Poliznaya, nor made an unwanted comment or advance on her figure.
But The Darkling… That day, she had felt more than willing to let him have his way with her; nobody had set her body aflame the way The Darkling had done that afternoon a few weeks prior; she dreamt of it at night and woke up sweaty and hot, and it was a real effort to not daydream about it during her day.
General Imbecile Brute,
I write to you on this day to let you know of the first snow at the Little Palace. It makes quite the pretty paint...from the inside.
Also, I cannot stop thinking about you and your kiss, and I've been staring at the rose you gave me for such long amounts of time I fear my eyes will cross and I'll be stuck like that forever.
Please, tell me: do you feel the same? Mark 'yes' or 'no'.
Forever at your service,
Alina Starkov, Sun Summoner, Idiot.
Ps: You're not an imbecile, only a little rude; and you're not a brute, but some of your manners need polishing. Other than that, you're perfect.
Signed again,
Alina Starkov, she who lacks decency.
She looked at the letter, a low, prolonged, pitiful sound parting from her lips that turned into an animalistic groan. She grabbed the piece of paper, scrunched it into a small ball and threw it into her fireplace.
The snow covered the grounds of the Little Palace almost entirely, the lake would soon be completely frozen, and finalize the beautiful picture. Some Grisha were excited over the opportunity to skate. Alina had never done it, but Marie and Nadia promised to teach her.
From her horse, Alina moved uneasily. She still wasn't used to horse-riding, but Nina had invited her along with a few of her friends, who were all of different orders. It was a chance she wouldn't miss.
She tugged her kefta closer and held onto the reigns, advancing slowly along with the group, heading to the edges of the woods that surrounded the place.
A Fabrikator passed her a flask of kvas, and despite her dislike for the strong drink, Alina took it anyways and tried not to grimace as the liquid went down her throat.
If she were honest, she'd rather be inside the warm walls of her room in the Little Palace, chattering the afternoon away with Genya. She hadn't need to ask if the Tailor could join them at the stables; Alina was well aware of how little regard the other Grisha had for her -until they needed something-.
"I heard a few of you have been working on new keftas." she tried to make light conversation with the woman as she handed her her kvas back.
"Yes." she answered politely, "We're making a special fabric that should give us more freedom of movement during battle."
Alina rose her eyebrows. It wouldn't help her much if she didn't improve her fighting skills, but it was an interesting idea.
"How's it coming along?"
The woman tried to hide a grimace.
"It's complicated, but we're making some progress."
Alina smiled.
"Maybe you can tell me more about it during dinner." she suggested. "I, for once, would love a different type of trousers."
The woman smiled starkly, her blond hair getting on her face.
"They are rather stiff, aren't they?"
"I can barely flex my legs as it is."
The woman, whose name was Lada Alina remembered, agreed.
"I know. They're not suitable." she said in a strange tone, to which Alina gave her an odd, sideways look.
"Did you hear Zoya is back?" Fedyor interrupted, marching up to keep up with them.
Alina stared at him, groaned, and rolled her eyes.
"That's great." she said dryly.
Her absence was nice while it lasted.
"Maybe if I get under her skin and she attacks again, The General will send her off for a longer time. Or better yet, I could actually beat her."
Who was she kidding? Zoya was a formidable fighter, and Alina was just starting to win every now and then. Also, she suspected that Nina might have gone easy on her during their first sparring match a few weeks prior. She hadn't won against her ever since.
"Tell me about it." the woman in question said, rolling her eyes. "I don't understand her obsession with being on The General's inner circle."
"Says the one who is in the inner circle." Fedyor pointed out.
"Barely." Nina made a gesture with her hand, as if trying to rest importance to the matter. "Besides, it's not such a big deal. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it."
"Well, the higher we are, the better we can protect other Grisha." Alina said, almost hesitantly. "I mean, if we have The General's ear, more ideas will flow about. I'm sure everyone has something to contribute to the cause."
"You don't need to worry about that, sun bean;" Nina smirked. "You're the Sun Summoner, it's likely he'll listen to you."
Alina's cheeks flushed as everyone in the group turned to stare at her.
"I think it's good to aim high;" Fedyor said, drifting the attention to himself, thanks the Saints. "As long as it's for the better of the Second Army."
Nina looked away and uttered something only Alina heard.
"Oh, yeah, betterment of forced servitude."
The Summoner stiffened on her saddle at the bitter words. Was Nina unhappy at the Little Palace? Why? She was one of the most powerful Grisha there; she lived in the most secured place in all Ravka, and her General held her in high regard.
A part of Alina wished she had never hidden her light. Maybe it would've been for the better to leave Keramzin, to leave Mal behind sooner.
It also made her think of someone who scarcely passed through her mind those days: her own mother.
She shook her head, ridding herself of such thoughts. She was thankful for the commodities and safe life she had at the Little Palace. Even if she was one of a kind, everyone else seemed to be adapting well to her, especially since she began to summon on her own and join in their little games by the lake.
She had been hesitant about it at first, but Genya insisted that going would be a great opportunity to both show her power and make allies.
"Besides, they won't believe you're a snob or a fraud if you show them a little." she had said, lazily lounging on a chair as they shared a nice tea one afternoon, while the queen took an especially long nap the very same day the Duke of Balakirev had arrived at court.
Lately, Alina felt more normal, and she was sure that her latest choices had a lot to do with it. From showcasing her powers, to sitting in different sections on different tables during meals and just talking normally about trivial things -even if those did exhaust her mind- and wearing an Etherealki kefta, she was more approachable, and the other Grisha seemed to slowly start to notice it too.
"It's not enough."
"We surely do deserve some more credit." she spoke, even if she didn't fully believe in the sentiment. The First Army was full of otkazat'sya, and they didn't have the advantages of bullet-proof clothing, private tents, furs for the winter and three decent meals per day.
It was all so difficult for Alina. She had once envied the advantages The Second Army possessed over The First, yet she couldn't deny there were other kinds of dangers for the Grisha, that not everything was perfect inside the walls of Os Alta.
Like the distrust of those who weren't like them, their fear, tamed only by their usefulness due only to the Black Heretic's greed.
All around her, her fellow Grisha nodded their agreements.
She wondered, briefly, what would Grisha life be like in Ravka if The Fold hadn't been created in the first place. What would happen if she ever managed to tear it down?
She didn't want to dwindle in those thoughts further.
With the Winter Fete approaching, everyone at the Little and Grand Palace seemed to buzz with all kinds of different energy. The servants were comprehensively nervous and stressed as they ran from one place to the other. Alina's fellow Grisha were either excited or indifferent, but none the less they all put the same amount of effort into practicing their yearly demonstration.
As for Alina herself, she had received the news that she was expected to showcase her power in front of the royal family and the other nobles of Ravka.
"The king wanted to throw a bigger party; invite diplomats from all continents and such, but General Kirigan insisted that it wasn't necessary yet." Genya said one afternoon, as Alina braided her hair.
She was seated very still, her eyes continuously darting from one side to the other as if trying to peek at her friend's work, concern etched on her face.
"He seems impatient." Alina commented, to which Genya huffed, accommodating her friend's new possessions on her vanity with a precision that seemed borderline obsessive.
"You have no idea. He can't wait to see the mighty Sun Summoner." she said, pouting and trying to imitate his deeper voice.
Alina frowned, said nothing, and continued braiding, her movements slowing but almost precise.
The Darkling
 Miss Starkov,
Due to my sudden absence, I had no time to notify you that I shall oversee your training personally from now on.
Being far away, I do not wish for you to stall, so I leave you some instructions on what to practice and how, and a few reading recommendations fo-
He leaned back in his chair and sighed.
He was being a fool, and he hated it.
Writing to her with instructions on how to practice her summoning was a foolish idea. She was barely starting and needed overseeing, and the only one besides himself who could help her was his mother, who remained bitter at the woman. He really wanted to know what Alina had said to Baghra to make her so upset.
He almost smiled, feeling something wickedly, childishly happy in his chest at the possibilities.
Tossing the letter into the fire, he leaned back in his chair.
Teaching her through letters would only lead to disaster, but how else would he know about her? How else could he earn her trust while being so far away?
"Moi Soverennyi." Ivan presented himself, bowing before further entering his tent. He offered him an envelope. "A letter from the Grand Palace."
The Darkling took it and quickly read it, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Although he had convinced the king that inviting foreign diplomats was not yet a good idea, the stupid man insisted that the Sun Summoner performed alongside the other Grisha. Alina was finally able to summon on her own, but he knew a part of her still feared her gift; putting on a show for an audience was not the best idea.
He…worried? for her?
"We will have to be back in time for the Winter Fete."
Ivan grunted. "I hate that thing."
The Darkling nodded in agreement. After all those centuries, he was more than bored of them. It was always the same waste of time and resources for his army, only to entertain the nobles for a few hours. As if they would not go back to turning their back on them the very next day.
Those fools often seemed to forget that his Grisha could have them for lunch if they so wanted it.
Privileged as The Second Army may seem, people were wary of them, even the nobles who lived in the surrounding areas.
"But they will not attempt anything so long as they need us."
"We have little choice, Ivan."
"We could always host it near The Fold and accidently push the royal family inside it." he said, sardonic as usual.
"Tempting." The Darkling smirked, setting the letter aside with little care.
The Heartrender stepped aside to allow him out, and The Darkling marched towards the river, where a few of his fabrikators were working on a new skiff. It wasn't nearly as grand as the one Alina had boarded that fateful day, but that was due to a different purpose.
There was a strange device being placed underneath it.
"Are you sure this will work?" he asked Petya.
The woman hesitated for the briefest moment, and The Darkling reminded himself internally to summon new graves for his Grisha.
"Such a pity." he thought, sincerely.
"Yes. So long as the Squaller sets a slow pace and nobody exerts themselves too much, they should be able to pass in relative tranquillity."
He had a feeling it would not work. His Grisha had already tried several times to cross through the river, but David Kostyk was sure his new invention would cancel out the soft sounds of the skiff against the water and dwindle the sounds of a heartbeat.
"Do not expect the path to be clear." he said.
"That is exactly why we're going, sir." a Squaller, Igor, approached and bowed. "If this works and we can clear the path, we should be able to make it to the other side eventually."
"Let us hope it does not take too many tries." he said.
Too many Grisha lives, he had wanted to say.
"David is rarely wrong, Moi Soverennyi." Petya said.
That was true. David was one of his best Grisha, which was why The Darkling tried to keep him inside the safety of the Little Palace's walls unless absolutely necessary.
Still, The Darkling though the plan stupid and a waste; but it was either that or forcing Alina into The Fold, and she was far from being ready to make a crossing, even through its thinnest point up north.
As a Squaller, a Heartrender, two Healers and two Inferni boarded the skiff, followed by a few strong otkazat'sya men from the First Army, The Darkling thought of David.
He thought of Alina.
And his thoughts returned to David.
With a sharp nod, he sent off the small team to do their last test and headed back to his tent, where he began to write a letter addressed to Mr. Kostyk.
Click here for chapter 8
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Soulmates? pt. 5
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina and Vampire General Kirigan/ Aleksander Morozova
word count: 2043
I saw the carriage door open and Aleksander was first to get out of the carriage as he put his hand out to me. The sound of people talking was clear as I took his hand, feeling it was slightly cold but still warm as I got out of the carriage. People seemed shocked to see me but it wasn't like I had a choice. I wasn't a Grisha who was part of the little palace but he adjusted my hand to be on his arm as I saw my family getting out of the other carriage. My father was in the dark blue like my grandmother with no design since they were unknown as far as everyone knew. 
Aleksander led me to the group of people as they seemed to take in my appearance of who I would be. A Dual Summoner being escorted by General Kirigan as my family followed behind us I'm sure. A lot of people were whispering as I was going past them with the General keeping my eyes off of people till we made it to the ballroom. There I saw a few Grisha, it was easy to tell who they were from the Dark Blue Kefta dresses and suits, along with the red kefta dresses and suits, purple kefta dresses, and suits. 
"Let's find Genya, she may be able to help you just a little not that you aren't adorable the way you already look." Aleksander said, I blushed at his compliment but tried to bury that down as I looked back at my family. My father didn't seem overly pleased with his only daughter being escorted around in the little palace but we all knew the saints had deemed him my soulmate. 
When we kept walking I noticed we came across a woman in white, she had auburn hair and green eyes as I looked at her. "General Kirigan, what can I do for you?" The woman asked as he looked at her. "Genya, this is Amira Silina, she's my special guest tonight. Can you use your tailor's magic to make her look just a little extra special tonight." Aleksander said, I was going to protest but then he looked at me and I decided against it. '' Genya looked at me surprised by my appearance. "Saints, are you a sun summoner?" Genya asked and I shrugged a bit before Aleksander let me go so Genya could lead me away. 
Genya led me to a room where she had someone bring her kit, she seemed to be thinking about what she was going to do. I was not used to such things, I could tell she was a tailor with her kit. "So what are you?" Genya asked with a smile, "you clearly don't live here in the little palace or I would have met you before today." 
"A Dual Summoner, very rare but not uncommon." I said as she had her surprised look "close your eyes and relax your eyebrows." Genya said to me as she started to work on me. "So, General Kirigan escorted you in. Does that mean you're staying in the little palace after tonight?" I waited till she was done and opened my eyes "No, After the Fete, I am going home to continue my training with my family. I want to keep my distance from him." I admitted
Genya didn't understand and I could not out him for being what he was, a vampire. She tapped the necklace and I laughed a little. "Well you see..uh...my initials are on his wrist." I said as she looked at me surprised. "Well that would explain why he wanted me to add a bit more to you. Who did your hair? It looks just plain." Genya said and I knew that I didn't do a lot with my hair regularly. "Oh I uh..we didn't have any accessories for my hair I think they forgot it." I admitted
Genya had me sit right here then she went to get something as I waited, I wasn't to see myself in the mirror until she returned and when she did she worked on my brunette hair as I felt her put in a hair accessory. "There, now you can look." Genya said 
I was hesitant but I looked in the mirror and gasped a bit seeing the transformation as I didn't recognize myself. I knew there was no way this was going to just be ignored as Genya took my hand "Come on now, we must show your soulmate but you walk ahead. I want to take in the General's expression as he sees you walk in." Genya said, I had to admit I like Genya but I felt bad because I didn't know her story and why white?
As we made it back to the ballroom, I knew people had already seen me before with him so I walked in. Everyone was turning to look at me as I was making my way in and even my family looked surprised. I knew I had to look older than my age just a bit as even General Kirigan looked awestruck as I noticed he was talking with the King and Queen as he walked over to me. "I didn't think Genya would have such an effect on your appearance." General Kirigan said as he looked seeing people staring at me. "You look stunning by the way." He added before he offered his hand to me. 
Knowing I didn't have much of a choice I took his hand as he led me around but we came back to the royals. "Moi Tsar, Moya Tsaritsa, this is Amira Silina. She is Amara's daughter, our tidemaker who left to take care of her husband and daughter." Aleksander said as I curtsied in front of them "Your Majesties." I said politely. I saw the king taking in my design and I was concerned that they would know but His Highness seemed to be wasted a bit. "She seems like a fine girl, but why isn't she with the 2nd army?" He asked 
"I live with my family, we don't have the luxury of the little palace but we make due with what we have. My grandfather is needing care that everyone takes part in, your highness." I said it was a lie my grandfather didn't need that care but he did get sick his Grisha life would not last as long as my grandmother's Grisha life. "If you'll excuse us, Tsar." General Kirigan said as he led me away. "Eventually you will have to come to the little palace, whether you wish to or not." 
I scoffed slightly knowing he couldn't force me, well he could try but I had the attitude to fight back. I saw a woman who was showing her age. Her hair was grey and she wore black. "Amira, this is Baghra." Aleksander said and Baghra looked at me seeing my dress design was not the usual summoner. "She is what?" Baghra asked, "I've never seen her before." Aleksander merely smirked "A Dual summoner Baghra, and she is my soulmate. Her name is Amira Silina, Amara's daughter and Catalina's granddaughter. She lives in Catalina's home as they did not send her here to train. Catalina and Amara have taken over her training." Aleksander pointed out
I looked at her, seeing her expression was calm until he pointed out I was his soulmate. She could probably tell I was neither happy nor angry about it. I was just humoring him tonight as I planned to never see him again if that was possible, living alone was an option too. Most Grisha was overjoyed by meeting their soulmate but he was a vampire, I would not subject myself. Still, I could tell more than anyone this woman wasn't just the trainer cause of the tone his voice carried as I showed her a bit of respect "It's nice to meet you Baghra, I have heard so many good stories from my mother." I said with a slight smile, but I knew that name from somewhere else...I had to think about it before it came to me and I remembered where I had heard about a shadow summoner woman who was Aleksander's mother. I felt a bit bad for her to have a vampire as her son. 
I saw my mother trying to get my attention as I excused myself from them and went to go over to her as she led me away. I needed space from him and I knew there was no way of getting around it but I worried I put my parents in more danger if I told them. We walked over to get something to drink as we relaxed. "Has he tried to do anything?" My mother asked, I shook my head not knowing he'd been nothing but a Gentlemen tonight. "Keep your guard up, the fact he had you wear black means he has intentions." Mother said. "After tonight, we will not see each other again so I do not care." I admitted 
Mother looked at me with surprise as I was talking like I was so certain but I knew he probably had my blood scent from the way he smelled me the other night. Grandma Catalina walked over standing on the other side of me as we all looked out at the party. I wanted nothing more than to leave but that was not an option. I finished the punch and decided to walk out of the ballroom heading anywhere but there as I came across a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and a purple Kefta dress as I tried to pass her but she got in my way. "Who are you to wear the General's color?" Zoya asked, "Just someone he insisted on coming and I didn't choose it. I can't wait to go home." I said to her a bit annoyed already.
I tried once again to get past her but she got in front of me again as she seemed like she was going to use her Grisha power. "You really don't want to do this." I said, "I'm the General's favorite and you're just some stranger." She said, I put my hands behind my back putting them together in case I had to use my power as I turned to walk away. Suddenly I heard the sound of wind and I put my hand up covering me in light as I saw the light cut the wind. Looking back I saw her shock and I quickly switched the light and used water smacking her back with it as I looked seeing people had noticed. 
Saints! I am not living here. I thought 
I went back and I gathered everyone up as I talked them into leaving, we headed out of the ballroom fast. I knew this whole thing was bad but then I remembered that he had brought us here. We kept walking till we made it outside and I knew that people saw what I was capable of doing. I refused to destroy the fold and what lies within it as much as the vampires in the fold needed to be saved or given a mercy death that was not going to be on my hands. 
"So how are we going to leave?" Mother asked, I didn't have an answer but soon I saw Baghra come out as she must have seen my power. She whistled as a carriage came and I looked at her wondering why she let us go. "You need to go, he's looking for a sun summoner and you, my girl as a Dual Summoner must be very powerful." Baghra said, "We will meet again, I think I may be able to train you in many things." 
"Thank you Baghra." I said
Without hesitation, we got in the carriage as I was ready to get away from him and as soon as the carriage left the grounds I knew his initials were gone from my neck so I removed the necklace. I felt disgusted by him right now. I could only imagine that the Squaller girl may be in trouble for leading to my quick exit. 
we're away, we can just relax now. I thought 
Taglist: @lifeisingrey​
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