#and marlene sorta?? very close younger cousins
birlwrites · 2 years
ttdl is just younger children and only children unionizing
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ofvcnguard · 4 years
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Name: Augustus Luthor Rookwood Nicknames/Alias: Gus, Auggie, Rookwood Tag: ( augustus | unfeeling and bloodless you are like a god )
Face Claim: Charles Melton Age: 26 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Ethnicity: British; Korean Date of Birth: November 13 Place of Birth: Cambridge, England Currently: London, England Bloodstatus: Pureblood Former House: Slytherin Occupation: Unspeakable ; Time Room ;  Dept. of Mysteries. Owner of Merlin Rouge. Allegiance: Death Eaters
Childhood/Family Life: There was little warmth but Augustus never really cared. The Rookwoods had money and power, and he was raised knowing he would inherit it; while there were times where he resented his younger siblings for their comparative freedom, he has always known the importance of protecting his own. Emotionally, he may never have been close with his parents, but he is loyal to them nonetheless, and he adores his sisters. Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Regrets: Now, it is not doing something to prevent Adonis’ death - he was busy chasing the thrill of the fight and he feels as if he let his baby brother down. Before that, and regarding anything else in his life, he makes a point to have none. Secrets: To most people, the fact that he is a spy within the Ministry is a very important secret, although most Death Eaters know, so it is not exactly something personal to him alone. Any doubts he’s ever had about the war or the cause are kept carefully secret. Of course, his feelings for Kat have been kept a secret from even himself.
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Affable, charismatic, laid back ;  he might wear a mask but it is one that puts others at ease, and he does genuinely enjoy other people. He craves knowledge, so he is always learning, and he is a good shoulder to cry on ( although he may use that weakness to his own advantage later ) ; skilled in the dark arts and a dutiful researcher Flaws/Weaknesses: Arrogant - despite his friendly air, he does know he is better than most ; cruel and sadistic - bloodlust is a given for him, he needs violence to feel like himself, and in a fight he cares little what harm comes from his efforts. Personality Type: ENFJ Dreams/Ambitions: All of his ambitions start and end with entertainment, usually in the form of power ; he grows bored easily, and he dreams of enough power that he is never left bored Fears: Vulnerability ; letting anyone have power over him
Parents: Ares Rookwood ; Adele Rookwood Siblings: Alessia Rookwood ; Ariadne Rookwood ; Adonis Rookwood ( deceased ) Children: N/A Extended: Violet Wood ( cousin ) Spouse: N/A Current Partner: Katarina Dolohov ( it’s complicated ) Ex-Partners: Marlene McKinnon ; Anaya Shafiq Friends: Amycus Carrow ; Apollo Avery ; Barty Crouch, Jr. ; Douglas Mulciber ; Igor Karkaroff ; Lucius Malfoy ; Rita Skeeter ( sorta ) Enemies: Anyone who isn’t a pureblood really Coworkers: Douglas Mulciber
Weapon of Choice: Wand Physical/Magical Strengths: Undaunted and fearless, so is not easily cowed during a battle ; skilled in offensive magic Physical/Magical Weaknesses: Lowkey not sure he has any
Scars: None ; any he gets are magiced away Tattoos/Piercings: None Physical Disabilities: N/A Mental Disabilities: He might be a sociopath frankly
( augustus & katarina | if i love you is that a fact or a weapon )
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