#and may i add tmi inc
yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
I wonder if Simon’s hands are heavy?... It happens that someone puts their hand on your head and you immediately realize that “fuck, the hand is as heavy as a brick, now your skull will crack.” Oh, do you remember his hands in the bar? Perfect nails, long fingers, and the skin on his hands looks glossy. You just want to bury your face in these hands like a cat.
You said it best, Anon. I find his hands so lean and strong *-* His hands aree heavy!* May i add;
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and Soft :3
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gentle pats all around
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Managing Your Business
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Managing Your Business
Mel Feller, MPA, MHR with Offices in Texas and Utah
Mel Feller Seminars, Coaching For Success 360 Inc. /Mel Feller Coaching          
See www.melfellersuccessstories.com and www.melfeller.com
 Do you want to be more effective at managing your business? Make decisions quicker and take action sooner!
 How do you feel after you have decided on something important in your business and you have taken the first step towards making it happen?  It is like a shot of caffeine or the sensation of just winning something!  You feel good about getting it started (or done) and relieved that you do not have to think about it any longer.  Unfortunately, for every good decision that is put into practice, many more simply miss the boat of opportunity.
  To be sure, it is most important to consider your options and seek advice if you are not comfortable with the subject before deciding to move forward. Many times, however, the research people continue doing or ‘that’ additional person they feel needs to be consulted with, only drags out the deliberation process causing good, timely decisions to be dropped.
 If you find yourself spending too much time sifting through mounds of information and thinking about everyone else’s opinions; afraid to take action because ‘what if you’re wrong!’, you are already in a bad spot. Making good, confident decisions and acting on them is a behavior that takes practice.  Like every other body part that needs exercise, your brain needs to be trained to evaluate, deliberate, decide and move forward. After all, the fun is in knowing you are engaged in doing something, right!
 Set a Deadline and Stick to It:
 Regardless of how important or how big the decision is and what you must commit to in order to make your actions successful, set a date when your decision will be made.  Align this date with whatever factors determine the opportunity’s availability and make a hard commitment to act by that time.  If you do your homework and decide it is not for you, you will still feel good that you made a conscious decision not to move forward. Having to walk away from things because you waited too long only contributes to your continued inability to move in a timely fashion.
 You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know:
 This is a symptom of a great idea that opens up a completely new area of opportunity for you. The idea maybe something you have been mulling over for a while or a suggestion by someone else that got your cerebral juices flowing.  Let’s say you have an industrial tool making business and a friend suggested you look for government contracts.  You think, ‘wow, I don’t get any of the government’s business- I need to do this!’ Then you realize you have no idea how to start this new revenue venture. It is likely going to take time and money to meet whatever requirements are needed and the ability to connect to the right folks.  Just thinking about where to start could keep this decision from ever getting off the ground.
 One thing to consider is checking to see if there are people that provide this service as a business.  Just by Googling ‘government contracts for small businesses’ you’ll get a list of services to contact.  You could also ask among your business contacts to see if anyone else has done this. This usually works best as anyone who has been there is likely to want to show you the ropes.
 The debilitating effects of too much information:
 I am not talking about a TMI moment you experience while having dinner with someone.  I am referring to the endless sources of information available to anyone who likes to do a little research.  If you don’t limit your sources, you can literally stay in investigation mode forever! Pick three sources of information that pertain to your decision and get what you need from each.  If you are unfamiliar with the area of interest, look for websites or books that can bring you up to speed on the ‘ins and outs’. If other people’s opinions matter, find a website with reviews to look at.  If the issue at hand involved a major area of your business that you would like to know more about, seek out a trusted expert to fill in the knowledge gaps. Then, weigh the pros and cons and decide.
 Consider someone who can help you through the decision making process:
 Taking action has benefits in so many areas, it is a shame most people feel more secure waiting for someone or something to give them a sign.  If you typically wait and often regret not moving sooner or faster once the opportunity has passed, consider getting an advisor to bounce ideas and actions off. Many times, you already know the correct direction to head in, you just need confirmation that everything has been weighed and considered before committing yourself.  In the end, your life will be less complicated and your confidence much greater when you tackle decisions promptly and make decisions that move you from deliberation to action.
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 Mel Feller a Texas /Utah Personal Development, Business, Real Estate, Realtor Trainer, Branding, Business Funding and Finance Coach.  In addition, Mel Feller has served in a variety of executive leadership roles for medium and large organizations, including multiple Fortune 500’s.  He is a charismatic leader who has facilitated change and growth in all sized organizations, including non-profit and Board development.  Mel Feller has successfully led organizations in the areas business development, marketing, real estate and Realtors, sales, team building, operations, and the like. Mel Feller is in Texas and Utah with offices, staff and investments in both states.
 Mel Feller is committed to serving.  In the Texas / Utah community, he chairs several organizations.  Mel Feller volunteers his leadership at two churches in a variety of ways, including serving on council, bible study facilitator, and more.
 Mel Feller has been a featured speaker for career professional is groups, business leaders and continuing education sessions, and aspiring business startups.
 When he is not coaching, you can find Mel Feller reading, listening to podcasts, exercising, fishing, or with his kids and grandkids exploring the greatness God has gifted us all.
 Mel Feller states, “An effective coach is someone who tells you what you may not want to hear, helps you navigate around your blind spots, and helps you identify opportunities…so that you can be who you’ve always known you can be” Mel Feller
 Mel Feller’s purpose is to add tremendous value to those business owners/entrepreneurs by helping them reach their potential.
 Mel Feller is an effective, charismatic and powerful speaker, corporate advisor, and best-selling author. In 1998, Mel founded Coaching for Success 360 to help professionals worldwide design subtle changes in their presentation, attitude and leadership style that increases their personal and professional effectiveness and subsequently their financial status.  This also includes both real estate as an agent and/or investor.  See www.melfeller.com  and www.melfellersuccessstories.com .  Now with offices both in Texas and Utah.
 As a business, executive, personal development, and real estate coach, I work with a wide range of professionals and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual in concert with the organizational environment.  In a supportive atmosphere, I work to build trust and support the professional in the attainment of goals and measurable outcomes.  
 Mel Feller offers sessions, both in-person and virtual.   We will start with an initial assessment to clearly define your short and long-term goals, everything from communication skills to personal acceptance. We will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy and build the path for attaining these objectives.  Change is typically a major component of reaching goals and sustainable change becomes more likely in a coaching partnership.  
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uedoahlex · 8 years
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Thank you so much, Teatro Marikeño Inc. for having me yesterday in your pre-Valentine dance workshop. ❤💖💓 Exaclty ten years ago when I became an ADD member of TMI. For a year, I am able to explore and enhance in performing arts. So much love! 😘 And last night, ako naman ang nagshare ng knowledge sainyo. Whew. Sarap sa pakiramdam bumalik. Tita Rizza, thank you po sa flowers. Hindi na po ako mapepressure magkabulaklak sa tuesday. May nauna na! Hahaha. Loveyou, tita. Sa uulitin po. Thank you po sa tiwala. #TMI #TeatroMarikeñoInc #perksofbeingadanceteacher #xodancedate #dancerslife #dance
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