#and mayb suggests himself for a marriage alliance bc they were a lil gay back when sanemi saved him👉👈
nerosdayinanime · 2 years
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Shinazugawa head family! (whos still alive at least, minus Kyogo)
I dont have anything like. history/folklore/origin myth for them yet but present-time the Shinazugawa clan is generally known as barbaric and merciless in their endeavors and lifestyle. They train children from the moment they learn to walk and expected to give their life to help the clan, Kyogo as clan head (was) the latest link in the long line of war-mongers who thought that more land = better and used the clan as fodder to get more riches & reputation.
Said reputation was not improved by the clan's kekkei genkai, an ability to consume chakra and absorb it for their own use. the 'consumtion' is infamously mistaken as just plain cannibalism, because the most common method of getting another's chakra is from the source. Users who have the kekkei genkai have englarged fangs, slit pupils, and when the ability is activated, dark sclera. Those who carry the gene for it (even if they dont have it) have sharper canines and their pupils can stretch to slits.
the Kochos were in some deep shit with a lightning-natured clan & agreed to a marriage alliance in turn for protection, thus Shizu got stuck with him. It was almost good at first because Kyogo thought he could trust her with his back, but he decided she was too weak to do that and she turned into a glorified paper pusher.
Shizu was still a hard worker and did her damn best to make life even a little bit easier for those she saw, and when she had children she tried to shield them from the horrors the best she could. when she couldn't she'd at least be there to comfort them.
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Teiko was the first child to die- she was being trained by Shizu as a medic since Kocho are well versed in iryo-jutsu, but Kyogo had her sent with a patrol group in one of the more contested areas and she was killed in the fight.
Koto was second- he was brought to a border battle and was subsequently killed in action.
Shuya was last- he was sent on a mission with Sanemi and a few other clansmen, it went south very fast and Sanemi couldn't save him.
When Sanemi got home after that to give a mission report, Kyogo completely waved it off as the usual casualties and was generally disrespectful and dismissive about it. Sanemi finally snapped. He started laughing & Kyogo told Shizu to get her kid under control, but she was still in shock processing that another of her children were killed. When he slapped her Sanemi went into a fit of rage and enhanced his muscles with chakra and sent his fist right through his chest.
After all that chaos was processed and settled out, Sanemi was then the new clan head. He his mother and a few trusted advisors set about fixing a lot of shit wrong with the clan and set about improving relations with the surrounding clans.
Kumeno were wary about the sudden change in authority but weren't adverse to Sanemi being head, Kocho were very glad that 1 they were still allied even tho Kyogo's dead 2 they still get protection & 3 that they're trying to change the deeply violent & toxic culture within the clan
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