#and my brother specifically said he doesn't think he's felt sick in the last few years at all!!!
macroglossus 1 year
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celestialsoyeon 2 months
I was the one who requested the Woozi fic and I loved it! I hope you decide to write more often because you do it very well 馃ぉ馃挅
I would like to order another one if you have time 馃馃徎
Maybe now Dino with a stomach virus being pampered like the baby from Seventeen 馃ズ
Hiii! I'm glad you liked it! I intend to try and post more often, thanks for the compliment! 馃挅
Of course! I'll give you a Dino-centered fic where he's being pampered by the other members!
Summary: It's winter and Dino gets sick, a quite bad stomach virus. But he doesn't have to handle that on his own, he has 12 brothers to take care of him.
wc: 1,68k
contents: vomiting, fever, crying/whimpering, fluff
Sickie: Dino (Lee Chan)
Caretaker: All the other members, specifically Vernon
After spending the day practicing, Chan had wanted to get some fresh air. He walked around the city, covered in a blanket of snow. It was very cold, but Chan didn't care. He needed this moment of solitary respite.
He walked for hours, stopping in a street-food stand to get a little snack. As he went back home, he felt a bit weird, but didn't think much of it.
Maybe he was just tired. After all it had been a grueling day of practice. Sleep would probably help. He still decided to talk about that to Soonyoung, who offered to either stay with him all night just in case. He refused, knowing the dancer was exhausted.
"No, it's fine.. If I don't feel good I might just wake Vernon up. He can take care of me if needed.. I think I can handle that on my own though."
"Alright, if you want it like that it's fine by me. Just make sure to rest well, okay?"
Chan nodded. His stomach was hurting a bit but he put on a smile and walked back to his room. He would try to sleep a bit before eating. At least he would try to.
He slept for an hour before Vernon came to wake him up.
"Channie? Come on, you need to wake up. You need to eat a bit.."
Chan opened his eyes, with great difficulty.
"Hyung.. I wanna sleep.. I don't feel good.."
"Oh baby.. I know you feel sick, Soonyoung told me.. But you still have to eat.. Your body needs energy to get better.. You should at least try to eat something. If you wanna eat in bed, I'll bring you your meal."
"I wanna stay in bed..."
"Okay, I'll bring your meal in and stay with you."
"You should eat with the others.. you're gonna get sick too.."
"I don't care. I'm not leaving you alone right now."
He even decided to text Soonyoung to help get the meal, really not wanting to leave Chan's side. Not when he was sick like that. Soonyoung arrived a few minutes-if not seconds- later, a tray full of food and drinks in his hands.
"Enjoy your meal guys. Do you want me to stay with you? I'm done eating anyway."
Chan shook off his head.
"You were supposed to spend the evening with Seokmin and Seungkwan, weren't you? I don't want to change your plans."
"They'll understand. And if anything, they'll even want to come keep an eye on you. You know how Seungkwan is when it comes to our health.. especially since last year."
"But.. It's nothing.. i'm just a little sick.. I can sleep it off. You should go have fun with them. And it's not like I'm on my own. The other members will help me if I need and Vernon probably won't leave my side..
"You really don't need to stay there last minute instead of enjoying the few hours of fun you can have with them. Don't worry about Chan, I'll take care of him." Vernon said, his voice gentle but firm.
Only hearing Vernon's tone was enough for Soonyoung to understand that none of them would let him stay when he could finally enjoy a few hours together with Seokmin and Seungkwan, whom he was very close to.
It had been months since the last time they had the chance to spend time together outside of work. The last time they went out was when Seungkwan came back from his hiatus. So if he didn't enjoy this evening, Soonyoung knew he was going to be mad at himself for months for ditching his friends last minute like that, even though they would not be mad at him.
If anything, Seungkwan would just get worried about Chan's health and would ask that he gets checked out properly. He would never get mad at Soonyoung for taking care of a member who needs it.
Soonyoung ended up leaving the room, leaving Chan in Vernon's care, not without pressing a small kiss to the younger member's forehead.
"Your forehead feels warm. You might run a fever and if it's the case, I count on you to take your medication. Rest well, Channie. We'll be back before you know it, and you can call any of us if you need okay? No one will be mad at you if you ask us to come back home."
Chan nodded and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Vernon stayed near him, laying on his bed and reading a book while Chan was resting. He was keeping a close eye on him, in case he needed anything. The youngest slept for a few hours, but a bit after midnight, he woke up feeling even worse than before. He called out for Vernon, who immediately came to his side.
"Channie-ah? What's wrong? What do you need?"
"Nonie-hyung.. I think I'm gonna throw up.. I don't feel good.."
"Hold on, I'mma get a bucket for you. You can't get up and go to the bathroom like that."
He sprinted out of the room to get Chan what he needed, meeting Wonwoo who was still in the living room, playing games with Mingyu.
"Vernon? Is there something wrong?" the oldest asks, surprised to see Vernon like that. He paused his game, looking at Vernon with confusion.
"Chan's gonna throw up. He's not feeling well. I'm getting him a bucket so he doesn't make a mess on himself.. He's probably unable to get up and go to the bathroom given the state he's in."
"Oh.. Do you need us to help you? We don't mind." The oldest says, his voice showing a hint of concern.
"I think I can handle that on my own. I just need to get this bucket to him before he throws up all over himself."
"Okay. Just know you can call us if needed."
"Thanks, hyung."
Vernon smiled reassuringly, and dashed back to Chan's room. But when he arrived in the corridor, he heard a small thud and little cries.
"Oh no.."
He ran to the room, hoping it was no big deal. He froze when he saw Chan on the floor, curled up and crying near a puddle of sick. He approached him carefully and helped him back to bed.
"It's okay Channie.. I'm going to take care of everything, just rest. If you feel like throwing up again, the bucket is on the side of the bed okay?"
The youngest weakly nodded. He felt even worse than before. And it was something he hated. He wanted to be independant and reliable, and the fact that he was now bed-ridden and having his fellow members taking care of it was kind of humiliating to him. He wanted to be see as strong and dependable, not as a baby they needed to take care of.
Vernon seemed to sense his inner turmoil. He halted his task to look at him softly
"It's alright Channie. Just rest. It's not your fault if you're sick. Just let me be a good hyung and take care of you until you're doing better okay? I just want you to be safe. No one will be mad at you because you're sick okay?"
The youngest nodded once more.
Jihoon, alerted by the commotion, came into the room.
"Is everything okay? I heard someone crying.."
"It's alright Jihoonie, Channie's a little bit sick but I'll handle it. it's no big deal."
"Okay.. take care then. I'll be right there if you need anything. I probably will go to bed very late anyway.
"As always Hoonie.." Chan tried to joke a weak smile on his face.
"Yah, you both~ I'm still your hyung you know that-"
"Yup, but we don't care~" Chan says, trying to lighten the mood. He didn't want anyone to worry about him.
Jihoon laughed slightly. He was glad to see that Chan was still able to laugh even when being sick. Vernon finished cleaning up the mess and sat by Chan's bedside.
He smiled at him and carefully took his temperature.
"Damn.. 39掳C.. You need to rest well and take a bit of medication. You have a quite high fever, Channie-ah."
Chan looked a bit out of it and sleepy.
"Come on, Channie, stay awake for a while longer, I'll give you the medication."
He hadn't said anything else yet that Jihoon was back with a glass of water and some fever-relieving medication.
"Make him take this and make sure it stays down so it can take effect." He said, his voice showing a tone of a concern he didn't really show.
Vernon nodded and gave the youngest the medication, along with some other so that he doesn't throw up more. Chan takes it then falls asleep. Jihoon stays for a while longer, humming a soothing melody whenever Chan got agitated or woke up.
Vernon didn't sleep at all that night, even after Jihoon went to sleep advising him to do the same. He would get scolded by Seungcheol, Soonyoung and Seungkwan if they were to know about that, but what they ignore can't hurt them, right?
And the next morning, Chan was already doing better, so he knew he would be able to sleep peacefully.
Anyway, the others would all take care of Chan for as long as he needed. So he could fall into a deep slumber, not worrying about him anymore. He was in good hands. He texted Seungcheol to explain the situation, before going to sleep. The leader had been sleeping early the previous day and might not know what had happened, unless Jihoon told him. But for now, the only thing Vernon wanted was to get some rest. He'll handle the rest later, when he was a bit more rested. He was in no state to handle anything anyway.
He slept for hours. When he got up, Chan was next to him.
"Slept well, Sleeping Beauty~?"
"Yah, go to rest, you're not fully healed yet~ and quit rizzing me, Seungkwan and Wonwoo will get jealous~"
Chan just flashed him a small smile before settling back in bed. They would both rest. Both of them could use it.
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thefirstknife 3 years
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Some of the more interesting bits of today's reset and dialogues. I loved this from Mara. She acknowledges her participation in steering Uldren towards his downfall AND she realises that she will have to do better with him in the future. This is from the ending dialogue when you finish the exotic quest for the Ager's Scepter.
I want to mention something from the start of the week because I've seen people get angry (but when do they not when it comes to Mara?)
Long post under read more:
It's about the discussion she and Ikora have at the terminal. Hot take, but both Mara and Ikora are right and wrong in the argument. Transcript:
Mara: "How long have your Hidden been privy to Uldren's resurrection?" Ikora: "Long enough to watch over him in your absence." Mara: "And you didn't direct him home. Why?" Ikora: "There was a concern he'd pick up some old habits." Mara: "You know the Garden made him sick. Riven twisted his mind. Eris would have seen it. She is not so easily deceived by skin-deep tricks." Ikora: "It's true I made mistakes, out of an idea of justice... out of grief. Are you leveling this same scrutiny toward Petra? Wasn't she supposed to be watching his grave?" Mara: "Petra has paid her dues. The Vanguard murdered him and has yet to pay theirs." Ikora: "We both lost family. I am sorry for my part in yours, but... Crow has been treated --" Mara: "My brother is dead. He was exhumed; his body twisted into a caricature. You had your vengeance." Ikora: "Is that what you're after? Cayde... I still feel that grief like a stone caught in my chest. Some days, it's more pronounced than others. Vengeance didn't erode that grief." Mara: "Then tell me. Who am I to blame? Who sent him to Savathun's clutches? Who bludgeoned Uldren into a scared animal and drove him from his home?" Ikora: "You did, Mara. And those Guardians that hurt him, did so out of misguided anger. Don't make the same mistake. Don't make my mistake."
This is some heavy stuff and there's a lot going on. First, I like that Mara doesn't respond at the end. It's uncharacteristic for her. It shows that Ikora's words did something to her. This is evident in the exotic quest later which I've already put at the beginning of the post. She's had time to think and she's admitting the part she played.
I dislike some of Ikora's arguments a lot. First, "concern that he'd pick up some old habits" goes entirely against the Vanguard policy and belief that Guardians are new people. They were only concerned because of bias towards Uldren due to what he's done. And Crow knows this! He said so last week when he wondered why is he the only Guardian judged by his past life. No one else is subjected to the same way of thinking. This is the reason why Guardians aren't supposed to dig around their past lives. Obviously with Crow, there's no way for him to avoid it, but the argument that, if he knew, he'd just magically become Uldren (and not just base!Uldren, but murderer!Uldren who will... I don't know, go after Ikora and Zavala or the innocent people in the City?) really shows how much the Vanguard mistreated Crow.
I also dislike the move to Petra. As Mara says, Petra has paid her dues. She really has. Let's not forget that Uldren was not just some guy to her or just her Prince; he was her friend. She had to watch him spiral out of control due to things she couldn't help him with, she had to make the choice to put him away until Mara comes back and at the end she had to make the choice to kill him. This trauma has shaped her.
The Vanguard hasn't paid any dues. That's kinda the whole point of Mara's questioning. Ikora tries to explain that this was due to grief and losing family, but pray tell Ikora, has Mara not lost family too? Mara mentions this immediately as expected.
Ikora is however right to say that it was ultimately Mara's actions that led to the situation we're currently in. The Vanguard had no say in Awoken royal family affairs. Mara knows this, she said as much in the past few weeks and other lore in general: she spoke at length about the distance she pushed between them out of perceived necessity, the need to shape Uldren in a way to make him less like himself (since she disliked his recklessness and dangerous behaviours), but ultimately that only made things worse. She's aware that his venture into the Black Garden was fuelled by Uldren's need to prove himself. Ironically, in an effort to make him loyal and devoted, Mara pushed him into more recklessness instead of stopping it. She's aware of this. Asking Ikora "who am I to blame" was just waiting to be roasted.
But Mara is also right to ask about how the Vanguard treated both Uldren and Crow. How they washed their hands from killing him "officially" by hiding behind the Guardian, how nobody in the Tower answered for this. Their treatment of Crow as well: forcing him into hiding, isolating him. Excusing all the suffering he felt at the hands of the Guardians as "misguided anger." The torture he endured from Guardians just for showing his face was so much more than just "misguided anger" and Mara is right to feel heated and enraged when she talks about this and when she asks her questions. She expressed similar distaste and anger in a voice line with Glint in regards to how the Spider treated Crow.
I got an interesting dialogue at the end of my Shattered Realm run which also made me really irritated on behalf of both Crow and Mara when it comes to the Vanguard. Ikora asks Crow why didn't he send his latest report and Crow replies that he's had a lot going on and a lot to deal with. Which is true! He's not the Drifter who doesn't send reports out of spite; Crow genuinely wants to help but he's struggling with a lot of things that we can't even begin to unravel. He deserves patience and understanding. However, the following then ensues.
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This last part is a nice sentiment. But excuse me. Crow has literally been resurrected, isolated, tortured, enslaved and then "rescued" only to be thrust into a cage in the Tower and given "responsibilities." He is not obliged to be the Vanguard's errand boy. It's honestly quite rude from Ikora to tell him that he has to take his responsibilities seriously. The man hasn't lived a single day in his life without anxiety over whether he'll be tortured to death in the street if he shows his face.
I know the Vanguard gave him protection from the Spider and stuff to do (which he enjoys) and accepted him into their ranks. That's all good. But there's very little empathy here that acknowledges the life he's lived. Crow deserves to experience things that aren't isolation, imprisonment and following orders.
And most of all, he deserves to know the truth. Something the Vanguard has denied him for almost a year now. I know Savathun's schemes were involved and specifically, they were involved through impersonating Osiris which made a lot of people turn a blind eye. But now that this is known?
Crow can't share his burdens without knowing the truth. That's the whole problem. Everybody, except him, knows who he was. Everyone looks at him and treats him through that lens. He can't unburden himself without being told half-truths and being denied information. His burdens exist precisely because he doesn't know while everyone else does. So while the sentiment is nice, it reads more like a "that sucks buddy" than a genuine offer to help him with what is really bothering him.
On the other hand, obviously sharing the truth is difficult. His past life is more complicated than for most other Guardians. He's been through things that other Guardians haven't. The situation is complex on every single level and every character has a reason for the choices they've made.
Sometimes those choices are wrong and they are mistakes. And Mara isn't the only one who made the wrong choices and mistakes, consciously and unconsciously. It's a disservice to the complexity of the situation, Ikora, the Vanguard and Uldren to boil everything down to "Mara bad." Doesn't make for a compelling story.
That's what I wanted to address in detail because on the surface, it's easy to just dismiss either of the character you dislike more. And that's just reducing the story to a spectrum of black and white that Destiny really, ironically, isn't about.
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