#50% of adults experience nausea at some point each YEAR
macroglossus · 1 year
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rayarmat · 4 years
A Guide to Outpatient COVID Treatment: Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life
Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, of Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas testified to Texas Senate HHS Committee  about how mass media and even some government agencies are silencing clinical outpatient evidence for effective treatment of COVID19 and instead push vaccines only (video shown below).
Treatments like those mentioned by Dr. McCullough can be found in sites like https://c19early.com/ but specifically, McCullough refers to the following Appendix to a document published by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) as an educational resource. It is based on a paper published in American Journal of Medicine (link), by Dr. Peter McCullough and 22 other clinicians (MDs) and researchers (PhDs).
“Seek early treatment and be your own advocate. All of the physicians contributing to this booklet are  on the frontlines treating outpatients at the first signs of COVID illness. Studies in the US and many other  countries clearly show that patients who are treated within the first 5 days of symptoms have better  outcomes using the combination of medications in the algorithm below.”
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COVID-19 hospitalizations and death can be reduced with outpatient treatment.
Principles of COVID-19 outpatient care include: 1) reduction of reinoculation, 2) combination antiviral therapy, 3) immunomodulation, 4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy 5) administration of oxygen, monitoring, and telemedicine.
“For the ambulatory patient with recognized early signs and symptoms of COVID-19, often with nasal real-time reverse transcription or oral antigen testing pending, the following 4 principles could be deployed in a layered and escalating manner depending on clinical manifestations of COVID-19-like illness and confirmed infection: 1) reduction of reinoculation, 2) combination antiviral therapy, 3) immunomodulation, and 4) antiplatelet/antithrombotic therapy. Because the results of testing could take up to a week to return, treatment can be started before the results are known. For patients with cardinal features of the syndrome (ie, fever, body aches, nasal congestion, loss of taste and smell, etc.) and suspected false-negative testing, treatment can be the same as those with confirmed COVID-19. Future randomized trials are expected to confirm, reject, refine, and expand these principles. In this article, they are set forth in emergency response to the growing pandemic as shown in Figure 1 .
Treatment algorithm for COVID-19-like and confirmed COVID-19 illness in ambulatory patients at home in self-quarantine. BMI = body mass index; CKD = chronic kidney disease; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; Dz = disease; HCQ = hydroxychloroquine; Mgt = management; O2 = oxygen; Ox = oximetry; Yr = year.
The basic groups of prescription medicines and other therapies used in COVID-19: 
▪ Combination anti-viral medicines started as soon as symptoms occur ▪ Medicines to decrease inflammation, such as corticosteroids (called  immunomodulators) 
▪ Anticoagulant therapy to prevent blood-clots that can cause strokes, heart attacks,  kidney shut-down, and death. 
▪ Non-prescription supportive treatments with zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, electrolyte  drinks such as Pedialyte, and others. 
▪ Home-based oxygen support, such as with an oxygen concentrator. These machines  are available by physician prescription from home health medical supply businesses and are covered on most medical insurance plans. 
I. Antiviral Agents:  
These must be started quickly at STAGE I (Days 1-5):  
Symptoms include sore throat, nasal stuffiness, fatigue, headaches, body aches, loss of  taste and/or smell, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, fever.  
These medicines stop the virus from (1) entering the cells and (2) from multiplying once  inside the cells, and they reduce bacterial invasion in the sinuses and lung: 
▪ *Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with azithromycin (AZM) or doxycycline 
▪ Ivermectin with azithromycin (AZM) or doxycycline 
Either combination above must also include zinc sulfate or gluconate, plus supplemental vitamin D, and vitamin C. Some doctors also recommend adding a B complex vitamin. 
Zinc is critical. It helps block the virus from multiplying.  
Hydroxychloroquine is the carrier taking zinc INTO the cells to do its job.
An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) 16 
II. Anti-inflammatory Agents - Corticosteroids (“steroids”): Oral and Nebulized. 
These are started at STAGE II (Days 3-14) to reduce inflammation, the cause of added  damage to the lungs and critical organs. Symptoms include worsening cough, difficulty  breathing, chest heaviness/tightness or chest pain.  
As inflammation damages the airways interfering with normal oxygen-carbon dioxide  exchange, blood oxygen levels drop and people experience loss of focus, drowsiness, confusion, difficulty concentrating, low energy and severe fatigue.  
The exaggerated Inflammation response in COVID further increases the risk of blood clots. 
Prescription medicines and other support added now to Stage I medicines are: ▪ nebulized budesonide to help penetrate the lungs and reduce inflammation ▪ oral prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone 
▪ colchicine – may also be added to reduce inflammation 
▪ full strength adult aspirin 325 mg to reduce inflammation and risk of blood clots ▪ home oxygen concentrator may be needed to improve oxygen levels (requires  physician prescription) 
III. Prescription Anticoagulants (“blood thinners”):
STAGE III (Day 7 and beyond): Symptoms seen in Stage II intensify. Difficulty breathing becomes extreme, oxygen levels  drop sharply, risk of heart attack or stroke increases. At this point, people are critically ill.  
The medicines to be added to Stage I and II medicines now include: 
▪ Aspirin 325 mg unless told not to take by your doctors 
▪ And/or low molecular weight heparin injections (e.g. enoxaparin [Lovenox]) OR 
▪ apixaban (Eliquis), or rivaroxaban (Xarelto), or dabigatran (Pradaxa) or 
edoxaban (Savaysa) in standard doses for 5 to 30 days 
If these added steps do not lead to improvement, or the patient becomes unstable, a 911  call is warranted for ER evaluation and hospital admission so that more aggressive IV  medications (such as remdesivir, Regeneron, and others) may be considered, and more  intensive ventilation regimens are possible in ICU settings. 
IV. Vitamins, Supplements, and Oxygen.  
▪ Zinc sulfate, gluconate or citrate. These forms are available in pharmacies, health  food stores, and sold online. Zinc sulfate 220 mg provides 50 mg elemental zinc, the  recommended anti-viral dose. Zinc in the form of zinc picolinate form is not  recommended following reports of liver damage and tumors from studies about 20  years ago. Following these reports, the German Commission E that regulates  supplements used in medical practice in Germany banned this form of zinc. 
An educational resource from The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPSonline.org) 17 
▪ Vitamin D3, preferable in oil in capsules for better absorption. Recommended doses  for anti-viral benefit vary from 5000 IU or more for 5-30 days 
▪ Vitamin C with bioflavonoids for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. Dose  
recommendations from our contributors vary from 1000 mg (1 gram) once or twice  a day up to 4 or more times a day. 
▪ A word about quercetin. Some physicians are recommending this supplement to  reduce viral illnesses because quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore to improve zinc  
uptake into cells. It is much less potent than HCQ as a zinc transporter, and it does  
not reach high concentrations in lung cells that HCQ does. Quercetin may help  
reduce risk of viral illness if you are basically healthy. But it is not potent enough to  replace HCQ for treatment of COVID once you have symptoms, and it does not  
adequately get into lung tissue unless you take massive doses (3-5 grams a day),  
which cause significant GI side effects such as diarrhea.
Control of Contagion
A major goal of self-quarantine is the control of contagion. Many sources of information suggest the main place of viral transmission occurs in the home. Facial covering for all contacts within the home as well as frequent use of hand sanitizer and hand washing is mandatory. Sterilizing surfaces such as countertops, door handles, phones, and other devices is advised. When possible, other close contacts can move out of the domicile and temporarily stay with others not ill with SARS-CoV-2. Findings from multiple studies indicate that policies concerning control of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are effective and extension into the home as the most frequent site of viral transfer is paramount.
Reduction of Self-Reinoculation
It is well-recognized that COVID-19 exists outside the human body in a bioaerosol of airborne particles and droplets. Because exhaled air in an infected person is considered to be “loaded” with inoculum, each exhalation and inhalation is effectively reinoculation. In patients who are hospitalized, negative pressure is applied to the room air largely to reduce spread outside of the room. We propose that fresh air could reduce reinoculation and potentially reduce the severity of illness and possibly reduce household spread during quarantine. This calls for open windows, fans for aeration, or spending long periods of time outdoors away from others with no face covering to disperse and not reinhale the viral bioaerosol.
Combination Antiviral Therapy
Rapid and amplified viral replication is the hallmark of most acute viral infections. By reducing the rate, quantity, or duration of viral replication, the degree of direct viral injury to the respiratory epithelium, vasculature, and organs may be lessened. Additionally, secondary processes that depend on viral stimulation, including the activation of inflammatory cells, cytokines, and coagulation, could potentially be lessened if viral replication is attenuated. Because no form of readily available medication has been designed specifically to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication, 2 or more of the nonspecific agents listed here can be entertained. None of the approaches listed have specific regulatory approved advertising labels for their manufacturers; thus all would be appropriately considered acceptable “off-label” use.
Zinc Lozenges and Zinc Sulfate
Zinc is a known inhibitor of coronavirus replication. Clinical trials of zinc lozenges in the common cold have demonstrated modest reductions in the duration and or severity of symptoms. By extension, this readily available nontoxic therapy could be deployed at the first signs of COVID-19. Zinc lozenges can be administered 5 times a day for up to 5 days and extended if needed if symptoms persist. The amount of elemental zinc lozenges is <25% of that in a single 220-mg zinc sulfate daily tablet. This dose of zinc sulfate has been effectively used in combination with antimalarials in early treatment of high-risk outpatients with COVID-19.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an antimalarial/anti-inflammatory drug that impairs endosomal transfer of virions within human cells. HCQ is also a zinc ionophore that conveys zinc intracellularly to block the SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is the core enzyme of the virus replication. The currently completed retrospective studies and randomized trials have generally shown these findings: 1) when started late in the hospital course and for short durations of time, antimalarials appear to be ineffective, 2) when started earlier in the hospital course, for progressively longer durations and in outpatients, antimalarials may reduce the progression of disease, prevent hospitalization, and are associated with reduced mortality. In a retrospective inpatient study of 2541 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, therapy associated with an adjusted reduction in mortality was HCQ alone (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.46, P <0.001) and HCQ with azithromycin (HR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.22-0.40, P <0.001). HCQ was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1955, has been used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide since then, is sold over the counter in many countries, and has a well-characterized safety profile that should not raise undue alarm. Although asymptomatic QT prolongation is a well-recognized and infrequent (<1%) complication of HCQ, it is possible that in the setting of acute illness symptomatic arrhythmias could develop. Data safety and monitoring boards have not declared safety concerns in any clinical trial published to date. Rare patients with a personal or family history of prolonged QT syndrome and those on additional QT prolonging, contraindicated drugs (eg, dofetilide, sotalol) should be treated with caution and a plan to monitor the QTc in the ambulatory setting. A typical HCQ regimen is 200 mg bid for 5 days and extended to 30 days for continued symptoms. A minimal sufficient dose of HCQ should be used, because in excessive doses the drug can interfere with early immune response to the virus.
Azithromycin is a commonly used macrolide antibiotic that has antiviral properties mainly attributed to reduced endosomal transfer of virions as well as established anti-inflammatory effects. It has been commonly used in COVID-19 studies initially based on French reports demonstrating markedly reduced durations of viral shedding, fewer hospitalizations, and reduced mortality combination with HCQ as compared to those untreated. In the large inpatient study (n = 2451) discussed previously, those who received azithromycin alone had an adjusted HR for mortality of 1.05, 95% CI 0.68-1.62, and P = 0.83.23 The combination of HCQ and azithromycin has been used as standard of care in other contexts as a standard of care in more than 300,000 older adults with multiple comorbidities. This agent is well-tolerated and like HCQ can prolong the QTc in <1% of patients. The same safety precautions for HCQ listed previously could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Azithromycin provides additional coverage of bacterial upper respiratory pathogens that could potentially play a role in concurrent or secondary infection. Thus, this agent can serve as a safety net for patients with COVID-19 against clinical failure of the bacterial component of community-acquired pneumonia. The same safety precautions for HCQ could be extended to azithromycin with or without HCQ. Because both HCQ and azithromycin have small but potentially additive risks of QTc prolongation, patients with known or suspected arrhythmias or taking contraindicated medications or should have more thorough workup (eg, review of baseline electrocardiogram, imaging studies, etc.) before receiving these 2 together. One of many dosing schemes is 250 mg po bid for 5 days and may extend to 30 days for persistent symptoms or evidence of bacterial superinfection.
Doxycycline is another common antibiotic with multiple intracellular effects that may reduce viral replication, cellular damage, and expression of inflammatory factors. This drug has no effect on cardiac conduction and has the main caveat of gastrointestinal upset and esophagitis. As with azithromycin, doxycycline has the advantage of offering antibacterial coverage for superimposed bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract. Doxycycline has a high degree of activity against many common respiratory pathogens including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, anaerobes such as Bacteroides and anaerobic/microaerophilic streptococci and atypical agents like Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Chlamydia pneumoniae. One of many dosing schemes is 200 mg po followed by 100 mg po bid for 5 days and may extend to 30 days for persistent symptoms or evidence of bacterial superinfection. Doxycycline may be useful with HCQ for patients in whom the HCQ-azithromycin combination is not desired.
Favipiravir, an oral selective inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, is approved for ambulatory use in COVID-19 in Russia, India, and other countries outside of the United States.35 It has been previously used for treatment of some life-threatening infections such as Ebola virus, Lassa virus, and rabies. Its therapeutic efficacy has been proven in these diseases. Like, the antimalarials and antibiotics, favipiravir has no large-scale randomized trials completed at this time, given the short time frame of the pandemic. A dose administration could be 1600 mg po bid on day 1, following by 600 mg po bid for 14 days.
The manifestations of COVID-19 that prompt hospitalization and that may well lead to multiorgan system failure are attributed to a cytokine storm. The characteristic profile of a patient acutely ill with COVID-19 includes leukocytosis with a relative neutropenia. These patients have higher serum level of cytokines (ie, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10) and C-reactive protein than control individuals. Among patients with COVID-19, serum IL-6 and IL-10 levels appear even more elevated in the critically ill. As with any acute inflammatory state, early treatment with immunomodulators is expected to impart greater benefit. In COVID-19, some of the first respiratory findings are nasal congestion, cough, and wheezing. These features are due to excess inflammation and cytokine activation. Early use of corticosteroids is a rational intervention for patients with COVID-19 with these features as they would be in acute asthma or reactive airways disease. The RECOVERY trial randomized 6425 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in a 2:1 ratio to dexamethasone 6 mg po/IV daily for up to 10 days and found dexamethasone reduced mortality (HR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.51-0.82, P <0.001). One potential dosing scheme for outpatients starting on day 5 or the onset of respiratory symptoms is prednisone 1 mg/kg given daily for 5 days with or without a subsequent taper.
Colchicine is a nonsteroidal antimitotic drug that blocks metaphase by binding to the ends of microtubules to prevent the elongation of the microtubule polymer. This agent has proven useful in gout and idiopathic recurrent pericarditis. The GRECCO-19 randomized open-label trial in 105 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 found that colchicine was associated with a reduction in D-dimer levels and improved clinical outcomes. The clinical primary end point (2-point change in World Health Organization ordinal scale) occurred in 14.0% in the control group (7 of 50 patients) and 1.8% in the colchicine group (1 of 55 patients) (odds ratio, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.01-0.96; P = 0.02). Because the short-term safety profile is well understood, it is reasonable to consider this agent along with corticosteroids in an attempt to reduce the effects of cytokine storm. A dosing scheme of 1.2 mg po, followed by 0.6 mg po bid for 3 weeks can be considered.
Antiplatelet Agents and Antithrombotics
Multiple studies have described increased rates of pathological macro- and micro-thrombosis. Patients with COVID-19 have described chest heaviness associated with desaturation that suggests the possibility of pulmonary thrombosis. Multiple reports have described elevated D-dimer levels in acutely ill patients with COVID-19, which has been consistently associated with increased risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Necropsy studies have described pulmonary microthrombosis in COVID-19. These observations support the notion that endothelial injury and thrombosis play a role oxygen desaturation, a cardinal reason for hospitalization and supportive care. Based on this pathophysiologic rationale, aspirin 81 mg daily can be administered as an initial antiplatelet and anti-inflammatory agent. Ambulatory patients can be additionally treated with subcutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin or with short-acting novel anticoagulant drugs in dosing schemes similar to those use in outpatient thromboprophylaxis. In a retrospective study of 2773 inpatients with COVID-19, 28% received anticoagulant therapy within 2 days of admission, and despite being used in more severe cases, anticoagulant administration was associated with a reduction in mortality (HR = 0.86 per day of therapy, 95% CI: 0.82-0.89; P <0.001). Additional supportive data on the use anticoagulants reducing mortality has been reported in hospitalized patients with elevated D-dimer levels and higher comorbidity scores.53 Many acutely ill outpatients also have general indications for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis applicable to COVID-19.
Delivery of Oxygen and Monitoring
Because ambulatory centers and clinics have been reticent to have face-to-face visits with patients with COVID-19, telemedicine is a reasonable platform for monitoring. Clinical impressions can be gained with audio and video interviews by the physician with the patient. Supplemental information, including vital signs and symptoms, will be important to guide the physician. A significant component of safe outpatient management is maintenance of arterial oxygen saturation on room air or prescribed home oxygen under direct supervision by daily telemedicine with escalation to hospitalization for assisted ventilation if needed. Self-proning could be entertained for confident patients with good at-home monitoring.
Many of the measures discussed in this article could be extended to seniors in COVID-19 treatment units in nursing homes and other nonhospital settings. This would leave the purposes of hospitalization to the administration of intravenous fluid and parenteral medication, assisted pressure or mechanical ventilation, and advanced mechanical circulatory support.”
This is the group’s statement on vaccines:
“Vaccines in Development: 
Several vaccine models are being investigated for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) including DNA and RNA  vaccines. These vaccines take genetic information from other sources that is introduced into the cells. This  information includes instructions to produce a SARS2-like viral antigen itself, and the immune system then  reacts to it to develop immunity to the virus.  
The most important consideration before approving a vaccine for human use is to make sure that the  vaccine is safe and effective. Developing safe and controlled infection models for humans normally takes many  years of phased testing in the lab and then in humans. Many physicians and scientists have been concerned  that vaccine manufacturers, with government support, are speeding up this process in ways that are not  allowing adequate time for the usual phased testing leading up to human clinical trials. Two vaccine  manufacturers already have voluntarily paused their clinical trials in people due to serious adverse events. 
Currently, there are no RNA-based vaccines approved for human use so it would seem prudent to take  the time needed to ensure safety. Vaccines for RNA viruses are notoriously challenging and difficult to  develop. We still, after all these years since AIDS emerged in the 1980s, do not have a vaccine for the AIDS  virus, or the SARS-1 coronavirus that emerged in 2002-2003, and both are RNA viruses.  
Several attempts have been made to create vaccines for coronavirus and other respiratory viruses but  none of the vaccines have survived the testing phases. The vaccine trials for SARS-1 from 2003, for example,  was shut down because it produced autoimmune hypersensitivity reactions when exposed to the natural virus  after immunization in animal studies.  
Another problem is that the SARS-2 virus has already shown many mutations. Viruses adapt to the  environment to survive. Like the flu virus, it is difficult to predict what mutations will occur and circulate  around the world each season. A new vaccine must be reformulated to adjust to the changing genetic makeup  of the SARS-2 virus.  
Even the best vaccines for flu are only about 30-60% effective. Compare that with an effectiveness for  improvement ranging from 64% to more than 90% in more than 100 new studies showing early, outpatient  treatment with our existing medications described in chapters.  
As research on the vaccine continues, safety and effectiveness are of primary concern. The good news  is there are very safe and effective early treatments already available as we described in Chapter 3. Clearly,  early, home-based treatment has now been so successful and offers so much hope, there is less urgency to  have a vaccine.”
You can sign up to receive the full protocol here: https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/  or find the research paper here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410805/
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skylersummer · 6 years
My Secret Phobia
Until I was eighteen years old, I kept a secret from every single person in my life. I didn’t tell a soul. Had I been brave enough to take to the internet and read about my secret, I would have realised that what I was dealing with on a day to day basis was nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, in fact it’s fairly common.
My secret? I suffer from emetophobia.
Emetophobia is the fear of vomit; either physically being sick, seeing, hearing or smelling sick will send me in to a panic attack. Anxiety UK claims that 6-7% of women and 1.7 - 3.1% men will experience emetophobia in their lifetime. Had I known earlier that this anxiety disorder existed outside of my own personal life, let alone amongst thousands of people, I am certain I would have confided in someone about my fear. There’s only a handful of information on the internet (that I’m not too scared to read) about this disorder I’ve grown up with, so I would like to share my own personal experience in the hopes that it helps those suffering in silence realise that they are not alone and to help those who don’t have it, understand the complexities of the condition. I want to keep this as trigger-free as possible, as a lot of sources I have found on the internet I’ve found far too graphic to be of any help to actual sufferers of emetophobia, but bare in mind I will be continuously using the word vomit (a word which would make me flinch and feel physically sick until recent years.)
I am not aware of any one trigger for my emetophobia, there was no obvious experience that set off this whole disorder, all I know is that I have had it for as long as I can remember, from around the age of four.  
Here’s something I want to make clear now, to those who don’t have emetophobia. It is a phobia of vomit. When I’ve told people in recent years, I’ve had some laugh at me, Of course you don’t like sick, no one likes being sick. Emetophobics don’t just ‘not like’ vomit, or being sick. Of course, it’s not pleasant for anyone and no one particularly enjoys the experience, however this is a fear. We fear it on a daily basis.
When I was younger, and suffered with more severe symptoms of anxiety, the sound of someone nearby coughing would be enough to set me off into a panic attack. I avoided school trips for fear of anyone getting travel sick on coaches and I avoided places I couldn’t easily exit in case someone did vomit. For these reasons I found school, in particular, very troublesome as there were rules and regulations - you couldn’t just leave lessons whenever you felt worried.
No one could work out exactly why I was so scared of school trips, or wanted to sit by the door in assembly or in class. Age 11 I had my first counselling session with the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). I quickly came up with a lie, telling my psychologists that I had claustrophobia (ironically a phobia I actually gave myself), an excuse I deemed socially acceptable and far less embarrassing than the truth. I discharged myself within 6 weeks.
The fact that no one understand the root of why I was so scared of seemingly normal situations meant that no one could properly help give me the therapy that I needed, and I don’t want this to appear as a critique of CAMHS, or school, or my family who I know tried to do what they could, given the information they had.
As I joined secondary school my anxiety and panic attacks became more and more frequent. I would have to leave lessons almost every day, and would avoid the school toilets where possible.
Unfortunately one of the main symptoms that my emetophobia causes is nausea, and naturally this makes me worry even more that I will be sick. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Throughout my adolescent years I was in and out of doctors and hospitals multiple times as healthcare professionals tried to find the cause of my stomach pain and nausea. I had blood tests upon blood tests, I tried cutting out dairy, cutting out gluten, but nothing worked for me long term. The daily nausea persisted: from the moment I got out of bed to the moment I fell asleep at night.
During some of my worse periods I feared leaving the house entirely, in case I somehow became sick outside the safety of my home or in case I came into contact with someone else who was sick. I refused to go to school on a daily basis; until the age of 16 I would be dragged into school crying and screaming by my parents. By the time I was 17 and on study leave for my AS levels my school attendance had dropped below 50% and I was very depressed. My  claustrophobia had turned into agoraphobia and being home alone during study leave had me spiralling into periods of psychosis, imagining voices and seeing imaginary figures around my house.
My parents and sisters tried desperately to find the source of what we all knew was just pure anxiety. I persevered with CAMHS until an unfortunate misdiagnosis of my emetophobia as anorexia. Only recently have I started to realise how much the emetophobia affects the way I treat food. I’ve always been naturally slim but, I think, during my school years I was subconsciously eating very little, for fear of feeling too full in case it made me feel sick. Between the ages of 16-18 I had an average BMI of 13.5 which, upon discovering, doctors believed was caused by anorexia. I’ve read recently of emetophobics who’ve become hospitalised; their fear of vomiting making them too scared to eat anything at all. I only wish that the mental health professionals I dealt with at 17 had known about other atypical eating disorders instead of quickly trying to label me with anorexia, which ultimately led me never to return to them (I did a full on running-out-of-the-CAMHS-building and never looked back).
By the time I was 18 I thought I’d exhausted every way of getting better. I had heard the phrase ‘fight or flight’ in reference to my panic attacks (if you know, you know) too many times to count and I was begging for someone, anyone to figure it out, so I didn’t have to tell them. I legitimately thought my daily panic attacks were normal, and that this giant secret that was gnawing away at my insides was going to be something I dealt with my whole adult life. The thought of being stuck like this made me even more depressed and my body was struggling to keep me healthy at such a low weight - I had severe (and recurring) bronchitis during my final year of school which led to me getting post-viral fatigue; I was completely exhausted. I was so tired of being tired all the time, I really felt close to giving up.
Whilst my friends were out experiencing their adolescence as they rightly should, I was instead being picked up from parties at 9pm, too scared to drink alcohol in case it made me sick, too scared of someone else being sick from over-drinking as was so common at teenage parties - unfortunately something I couldn’t always avoid. I wouldn’t touch cigarettes as I’d heard so many people say they’d been sick after trying their first one. I couldn’t, and still can’t, go to the cinema for fear of an unexpected and graphic vomit scene, or go to fairgrounds or theme parks. I’m still petrified of flying in case myself or anyone around me is sick. I couldn’t enjoy anything a normal teenager was supposed to and I became somewhat of a recluse.
During my final year of school I was attending a private therapist with my mother and sister (I was too anxious to be alone with strangers by this point.) It was around then that I started to crack, and they began to notice how I reacted when the word ‘vomit’ was mentioned - I would immediately leave the room, crying in panic.  They’d always known I didn’t like being sick, but I don’t think anyone really knew the extent of the phobia, how it dominated my life each day.
At age 18, I was finally put on Citalopram to target my anxiety and panic disorder as well as the depression. I know that antidepressants do not work for everyone, but personally it changed my life. I’d been a shell of a person for the past 5 years, and I honestly think I would have just vanished had it not been for the medication. Alongside the relief of being honest with my family (and eventually friends) I dramatically became a fuller, happier version of myself. I finished school with three A Levels (something I am not sure anyone expected to happen only a year before) and even managed to go on holiday with my friends for a week (taking an aeroplane and even a dreaded coach!) Without the structure and pressure of school I really was a new person.
I started my Art Foundation at Oxford Brooke’s University in September 2015, and my exposure to lots of student drinking and therefore vomiting (other people’s as well as my own) dramatically helped me begin to overcome this phobia which has stolen half my life.
I’m in my final year of university now and living in London, and it hasn't been a completely smooth ride. I’ve had to switch medication twice now and I still struggle daily with public transport and the thought of being sick in public, but it’s definitely an improvement on where I was only 4 years ago, barely even living.
I still haven’t received any professional help or treatment besides my medication, for my emetophobia and that’s something I really want to do in the future, but I’m just trying to take small steps at the moment whilst I finish my degree. The thought of potentially having children (morning sickness, general kid sickness etc.) seems completely unattainable and terrifying to me, but one day I’d like to be brave enough to have the option.
I’m still recovering and I do have set backs, I’m still only just figuring out the extent of how much this phobia affects my daily life, but I do want to say that it is possible to get better. Age 11 I would have never dreamed of even telling someone about my phobia let alone be writing a public post on the internet like this, ten years later, but I think that’s probably why it’s so important that I do this. It’s not going to be easy, and I know the most obvious way forward for me is to get proper exposure therapy (gently exposing myself to sounds, television shows and movies featuring vomit etc.) but I do know for sure that I am going to beat this, one day, whatever it takes.
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kristinsimmons · 4 years
Cold Sores: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Cold sores, or “fever blisters”, are painful blisters that form on the face, usually near the lips. 
They’re caused by one of the most common viral infections in the world. According to the CDC, nearly 50% of people have at least one cold sore outbreak every year.
You can’t cure cold sores permanently, but certain medications and home remedies may help shorten outbreaks and improve symptoms.
What is a cold sore?
A cold sore is a red or dark pink fluid-filled blister around the mouth caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores may appear on other parts of your face. Rarely, cold sores can spread to your nose, inside of your mouth, or even your fingers.
Cold sores are also known as fever blisters, herpes labialis, or oral herpes.
Generally, cold sores spread through close contact, like kissing or oral sex, with another person during an outbreak. Even before you can see the blisters, cold sores may be contagious if skin contact is made.
Cold sores may come back at any time, even after an active outbreak has ended. There is no known cure for cold sores, which are a recurring skin condition.
What does a cold sore look like? 
There are 5 cold sore stages that each look different:
Stage 1/Tingling: For about 24 hours, your mouth may itch and/or tingle. Many people describe the feeling as a burning sensation. No visible signs may appear.
Stage 2/Blistering: Blisters form and fill with fluid. You may develop several small blisters or one large blister. Sores appear white, greyish, or yellow while skin becomes inflamed and red.
Stage 3/Weeping: Blisters break (burst) and may ooze. Painful sores form and are often varying shades of red.
Stage 4/Crusting: After a few days, sores dry out and a scab forms. Itching and cracking are common. 
Stage 5/Healing: The scab falls off and the skin heals.
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Cold sores are contagious at every stage until they heal completely. They spread most easily during stage 3.
You cannot speed up cold sore healing by popping it or by ripping off the scab. Both of these actions may lead to a scar once the cold sore has healed completely.
Cold Sore Symptoms
Tingling, burning, and itchy facial skin are the first signs of a fever blister/cold sore. Catching a cold sore early is important to shorten its duration, so begin treatment immediately.
As the cold sore virus progresses, you’ll experience pain and tenderness. Multiple sores may appear.
Especially during your first cold sore outbreak, you may also experience symptoms like:
Sore throat
Painful gums
Swollen lips
Swelling of the lymph nodes
General muscle and joint aches
During your first cold sore, you may contract gingivostomatitis, an infection of the gums and mouth. This may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, bad breath, and a desire to avoid drinking water. 
Rarely, your eyes may become infected. If you experience any symptoms in or around your eyes during a cold sore infection, call a doctor immediately. HSV-1 infections in the eyes may lead to vision loss if not addressed right away.
What causes cold sores?
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). 
“Herpes” can sound alarming, but it’s an incredibly common virus. 50-80% of adults in the United States carry HSV-1, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. However, some individuals never develop a cold sore even though they carry the virus.
Most people, however, will experience at least one or two cold sores in their lifetime. 
The herpes virus “hides” in the ganglion of nerve cells under the skin of your face after an initial outbreak has ended. There, it is considered “dormant” or “latent.” When triggered again, HSV-1 replicates through the nerve and out to the skin to create a new cold sore. This is why recurring oral herpes outbreaks often happen around the same area of the face as prior outbreaks.
HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2) is a related viral strain that causes genital herpes. HSV-2 can rarely spread to the face, and HSV-1 can be transmitted to the genitals. 
A person may not develop their first cold sore for up to 20 days after exposure to HSV-1. During this time, they may still spread the virus. 
Risk Factors
As 90% of people carry the herpes virus that causes cold sores, most people are at risk of developing a cold sore at some point in their lifetime. A weak immune system is the most significant risk factor for cold sores.
If you have any of the following conditions, your immune system is weaker than average. This puts you at a higher risk of HSV-1 infections or complications:
Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Autoimmune disease
Third-degree burns over much of the body
Cancer (especially during chemotherapy treatment)
Organ transplants (because of anti-rejection drugs)
Certain genetic factors may also increase your risk of cold sores. The C21orf91 gene is associated with more frequent herpes labialis outbreaks.
What triggers a cold sore? New or recurring cold sore outbreaks may be triggered by:
A weak immune system for any reason
Any viral or bacterial infection (cold, flu, etc.)
Sun exposure
Chronic stress
Dental work
Injury to facial skin
In some cases, cold sore outbreaks may lead to serious medical complications such as:
Eczema: Eczema combined with cold sore infections can cause eczema herpeticum, a potentially life-threatening medical emergency. People with eczema are more susceptible to cold sores because they have an inflammatory autoimmune condition across a large area of skin. No longer limited only to the face, cold sores can spread to any area of the body. This is most common in children.
Herpetic whitlow: HSV-1 may be transferred to the fingertips, a condition known as herpetic whitlow (“whitlow finger”). This is why some babies and toddlers who suck their thumbs and fingers will get fever blisters on fingers. Dentists suffer from this type of cold sore complication more frequently than the general population.
Eye infections: Herpes simplex can travel to the eyes and cause infections like herpetic keratoconjunctivitis or viral keratitis. This can result in inflammation and ulcers on the cornea. If left untreated, eye infections from cold sores can result in permanent vision loss. Call a doctor right away if you experience eye symptoms during a cold sore outbreak.
Genital sores: Usually, HSV-1 causes cold sores on the face and HSV-2 causes genital herpes. However, it’s possible to spread HSV-1 sores to the genitals or HSV-2 sores to the face.
Acute herpetic pharyngotonsillitis: In adults, cold sores may lead to this throat/tonsil infection. You may develop a fever, headache, tiredness, and a sore throat, but this infection is not usually serious.
Gingivostomatitis: This gum/mouth infection usually happens only once, if ever, and heals in 7-10 days. However, it can spread to the central nervous system and may lead to meningoencephalitis and/or death.
Meningitis or encephalitis: In immunocompromised individuals, HSV viruses may travel to and cause inflammation in the spinal cord (meningitis) and brain (encephalitis). This is a very rare and dangerous complication of the herpes virus. 
When to Call a Doctor
Most cold sores can be treated at home without problems. However, children and people at risk of complications should be monitored more closely and may need professional attention.
You should contact a doctor immediately if you or your child have a cold sore and:
High or long-lasting fever
Breathing or swallowing problems
Irritation around the eyes which may or may not cause redness or discharge
The spread of cold sores to an eczema breakout
You should also call your doctor if you develop a cold sore and have a compromised immune system, such as with cancer or AIDS.
To diagnose a cold sore, your doctor can perform a physical exam. Cold sores are usually easy to identify, but he or she may order lab tests to confirm the diagnosis in some cases.
If you are at high risk of complications, your physician may sample the fluid from an oozing cold sore.
Cold Sore Treatment
How do you get rid of a cold sore fast? Over-the-counter topical ointments or creams like Abreva may shorten the length of a cold sore outbreak. 
In some cases, your doctor may recommend prescription antiviral medications to prevent recurring infections.
Several home remedies may also improve symptoms of cold sores. 
According to available scientific evidence, no treatment can get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours. 
Without treatment, most cold sore infections will clear up within 7-10 days.
Creams & Ointments
Prescription topical creams or ointments that your doctor may prescribe for a cold sore include:
Xerese (acyclovir and hydrocortisone)
Soothelip (acyclovir)
Denavir (penciclovir)
Over-the-counter topical creams or ointments that may help improve cold sore symptoms and/or shorten an outbreak include:
Abreva (docosanol)
Zinc oxide cream (typically sold for diaper rash)
Aloe vera gel
Zilactin (benzyl alcohol)
Abreva (docosanol) is the only over-the-counter antiviral treatment approved by the FDA to shorten the healing time of cold sores. Aloe vera gel and zinc oxide cream may also shorten outbreaks and reduce cold sore symptoms.
Zilactin is marketed for topical cold sore relief. No studies support its efficacy for improving symptoms, but it may dry out the area and reduce the pain caused by a cold sore.
All topical creams or gels for cold sores should be applied to the tingling or burning area 4-5 times each day for maximum effectiveness.
Touching a cold sore directly greatly increases your risk of spreading the infection to another part of your body or another person. When using creams and ointments for cold sores, always apply with a cotton swab.
Oral medications are available by prescription for prolonged or recurring cold sore infections:
Zovirax (acyclovir)
Valtrex (valacyclovir)
Famvir (famciclovir)
These antiviral medicines may be prescribed for daily use if you have frequent cold sore outbreaks and/or you are at a high risk of complications. 
Home Remedies
Several cold sore remedies may improve your symptoms or even reduce your risk of future infections. These include:
Bee propolis
Apple cider vinegar
Essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood)
Lemon balm (salve or oral dietary supplement)
Kanuka honey
Aloe vera gel
Does toothpaste get rid of cold sores? No one knows for sure if toothpaste can get rid of cold sores. Anecdotal reports suggest that toothpaste containing SLS may help to dry out cold sores. However, no scientific evidence supports this claim.
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) may actually cause canker sores, so avoid using this as a treatment for your cold sores.
Cold Sore Pain Relief
Even if your infection time is shortened by effective treatment, you’ll probably still experience pain during your outbreak.
To reduce pain from a cold sore:
Use ice or a cold compress against the skin
Take over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Use benzocaine or lidocaine gel to numb the area
Remember not to touch the sore with your hands and use a cotton ball or swab when applying a topical anesthetic.
Aspirin should not be used for cold sore pain — or any pain during a viral infection — especially in children.
Rarely, aspirin use during a viral infection may lead to Reye syndrome, a serious childhood condition that begins with persistent vomiting and may lead to neurological problems and other life-threatening complications.
How to Prevent Cold Sores
The virus is generally passed through skin contact or by touching personal items used by an infected person. To prevent spreading cold sores, do not:
Share drinking glasses, water bottles, or eating utensils
Use someone else’s lip balm
Share toothbrushes or other hygiene products
Kiss someone who has a cold sore or has been in close contact with another person who has a cold sore
Perform or receive oral sex with someone who may have a cold sore or genital herpes
You should also wash your hands frequently and thoroughly during a cold sore outbreak.
To prevent or reduce your risk for recurring cold sore infections, you should avoid triggers for new outbreaks and keep your immune system healthy:
Use a lip balm with sunscreen: Use an SPF 30 or higher lip balm.
Avoid sun overexposure: Always use sunscreen and avoid spending several hours in the sun on a regular basis.
Replace your toothbrush regularly: Your toothbrush or toothbrush head can hang onto viruses including HSV-1. Replace your toothbrush every 1-3 months and immediately after a cold sore outbreak.
Practice stress-relief techniques: Journaling, meditation, time outdoors, exercise, and restful sleep can all help reduce stress and fatigue that can trigger cold sores.
Support immune health during menstruation: Women may be more prone to cold sores during their periods. Don’t neglect immunity and healthy habits/eating during your cycle, as this could increase your risk of new cold sores.
Boost your immune system: As with any virus, cold sores are less likely if your immune system is strong. Ensure you’re getting plenty of vitamin C, vitamin D, and nutrient-dense foods. You may also try a probiotic supplement and/or oral probiotics to support a healthy microbiome.
Be cautious after dental work: Dental cleanings and other procedures can temporarily weaken your immune system by exposing your bloodstream to higher amounts of oral bacteria than normal. 
How long do cold sores last?
First cold sore outbreaks may last as long as 2 weeks. 
Recurrent outbreaks usually heal in 7-10 days.
The cold sore virus does not go away, even when a cold sore outbreak has healed. It remains dormant in nerve cells until the infection is triggered again.
Cold Sores vs. Canker Sores
A cold sore outbreak is the result of a viral infection, while canker sores are non-contagious ulcers caused by several different factors.
The easiest way to spot the difference between cold sores and canker sores is by their location and appearance.
Cold SoreCanker SoreLocationFace, usually on or around the lipsInside the mouth, on the tongue, cheeks, or throatAppearanceRaised, red, fluid-filled blisters; eventually, ooze then scab overFlat, red circular ulcers surrounded by a white haloCausesViral infection from herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) Outbreaks may be triggered by: – Weakened immunity – Stress – Sun exposure – Hormonal imbalance– Injury (biting your cheek) – Toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) – Zinc, iron, or vitamin B12 deficiency – Hormonal imbalance – Oral microbiome imbalanceTime to Recovery7-14 days1-6 weeksContagious?YesNo
Popping a Cold Sore
Does popping a cold sore help it heal faster? No, popping a cold sore does not help the blister heal faster. In fact, popping your cold sore will more than likely lead to:
More cold sores as the blister fluid spreads
Risk of new, different infections by exposing an open sore
Increased pain
Popping a cold sore is especially dangerous if you are at risk of complications due to a compromised immune system. Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis make it easier for the HSV-1 virus to spread all over the body, which may lead to life-threatening complications.
Are there clinical trials available for people with frequent cold sores?
A: The US National Library of Medicine has a database for active clinical trials for oral herpes treatments.
Do cold sores mean you have an STD?
A: Most people contract the HSV-1 virus during childhood years, not related to any type of sexual contact. Cold sores are not considered an STD, unlike genital herpes caused by HSV-2. 
Keep in mind, though, that HSV-2 outbreaks in the genital area can pass to the mouth during oral sex and cause sores on the face. It’s also harder to prevent with condoms than other STDs since it can be transferred from the skin not covered by a condom.If you’re concerned you’ve contracted the HSV-2 virus, see your doctor for treatment options.
11 References
McQuillan, G. M., Kruszon-Moran, D., Flagg, E. W., & Paulose-Ram, R. (2018). Prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in persons aged 14-49: United States, 2015-2016 (pp. 1-8). US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Full text: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db304.htm
Kolokotronis, A., & Doumas, S. (2006). Herpes simplex virus infection, with particular reference to the progression and complications of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. Clinical microbiology and infection, 12(3), 202-211. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stergios_Doumas/publication/7323444_Herpes_simplex_virus_infection_with_particular_reference_to_the_progression_and_complications_of_primary_herpetic_gingivostomatitis/links/59dd40ba458515f6efef4cd7/Herpes-simplex-virus-infection-with-particular-reference-to-the-progression-and-complications-of-primary-herpetic-gingivostomatitis.pdf
Arduino, P. G., & Porter, S. R. (2008). Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection: overview on relevant clinico‐pathological features. Journal of oral pathology & medicine, 37(2), 107-121. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18197856
Kriesel, J. D., Jones, B. B., Matsunami, N., Patel, M. K., St. Pierre, C. A., Kurt-Jones, E. A., … & Hobbs, M. R. (2011). C21orf91 genotypes correlate with herpes simplex labialis (cold sore) frequency: description of a cold sore susceptibility gene. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204(11), 1654-1662. Full text: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3203230/
Rowe, N. H., Heine, C. S., & Kowalski, C. J. (1982). Herpetic whitlow: an occupational disease of practicing dentists. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 105(3), 471-473. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6957456
Dawson, C. R., & Togni, B. (1976). Herpes simplex eye infections: clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and management. Survey of ophthalmology, 21(2), 121-135. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/988644
Klastersky, J., Cappel, R., Snoeck, J. M., Flament, J., & Thiry, L. (1972). Ascending myelitis in association with herpes-simplex virus. New England Journal of Medicine, 287(4), 182-184. Abstract: https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM197207272870411
Sacks, S. L., Thisted, R. A., Jones, T. M., Barbarash, R. A., Mikolich, D. J., Ruoff, G. E., … & Morrow, P. R. (2001). Clinical efficacy of topical docosanol 10% cream for herpes simplex labialis: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 45(2), 222-230. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11464183/ 
Godfrey, H. R., Godfrey, N. J., Godfrey, J. C., & Riley, D. (2001). A randomized clinical trial on the treatment of oral herpes with topical zinc oxide/glycine. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 7(3), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11347285/ 
Rezazadeh, F., Moshaverinia, M., Motamedifar, M., & Alyaseri, M. (2016). Assessment of anti HSV-1 activity of Aloe vera gel extract: an in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry, 17(1), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26966709/
Chavan, M., Jain, H., Diwan, N., Khedkar, S., Shete, A., & Durkar, S. (2012). Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a review. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 41(8), 577-583. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahesh_Chavan5/publication/221891773_Recurrent_aphthous_stomatitis_A_review/links/5b69611392851ca650512153/Recurrent-aphthous-stomatitis-A-review.pdf
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dentalinfotoday · 4 years
Cold sores, or “fever blisters”, are painful blisters that form on the face, usually near the lips. 
They’re caused by one of the most common viral infections in the world. According to the CDC, nearly 50% of people have at least one cold sore outbreak every year.
You can’t cure cold sores permanently, but certain medications and home remedies may help shorten outbreaks and improve symptoms.
What is a cold sore?
A cold sore is a red or dark pink fluid-filled blister around the mouth caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores may appear on other parts of your face. Rarely, cold sores can spread to your nose, inside of your mouth, or even your fingers.
Cold sores are also known as fever blisters, herpes labialis, or oral herpes.
Generally, cold sores spread through close contact, like kissing or oral sex, with another person during an outbreak. Even before you can see the blisters, cold sores may be contagious if skin contact is made.
Cold sores may come back at any time, even after an active outbreak has ended. There is no known cure for cold sores, which are a recurring skin condition.
What does a cold sore look like? 
There are 5 cold sore stages that each look different:
Stage 1/Tingling: For about 24 hours, your mouth may itch and/or tingle. Many people describe the feeling as a burning sensation. No visible signs may appear.
Stage 2/Blistering: Blisters form and fill with fluid. You may develop several small blisters or one large blister. Sores appear white, greyish, or yellow while skin becomes inflamed and red.
Stage 3/Weeping: Blisters break (burst) and may ooze. Painful sores form and are often varying shades of red.
Stage 4/Crusting: After a few days, sores dry out and a scab forms. Itching and cracking are common. 
Stage 5/Healing: The scab falls off and the skin heals.
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Cold sores are contagious at every stage until they heal completely. They spread most easily during stage 3.
You cannot speed up cold sore healing by popping it or by ripping off the scab. Both of these actions may lead to a scar once the cold sore has healed completely.
Cold Sore Symptoms
Tingling, burning, and itchy facial skin are the first signs of a fever blister/cold sore. Catching a cold sore early is important to shorten its duration, so begin treatment immediately.
As the cold sore virus progresses, you’ll experience pain and tenderness. Multiple sores may appear.
Especially during your first cold sore outbreak, you may also experience symptoms like:
Sore throat
Painful gums
Swollen lips
Swelling of the lymph nodes
General muscle and joint aches
During your first cold sore, you may contract gingivostomatitis, an infection of the gums and mouth. This may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, bad breath, and a desire to avoid drinking water. 
Rarely, your eyes may become infected, known as viral keratitis. If you experience any symptoms in or around your eyes during a cold sore infection, call a doctor immediately. HSV-1 infections in the eyes may lead to vision loss if not addressed right away.
What causes cold sores?
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). 
“Herpes” can sound alarming, but it’s an incredibly common virus. 50-80% of adults in the United States carry HSV-1, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. However, some individuals never develop a cold sore even though they carry the virus.
Most people, however, will experience at least or two cold sores in their lifetime. 
The herpes virus “hides” in the ganglion nerve cells after an initial outbreak has ended. There, it is considered “dormant” or “latent.” When triggered again, HSV-1 replicates through the nerve and out to the skin to create a new cold sore. This is why recurring oral herpes outbreaks often happen around the same area of the face as prior outbreaks.
HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2) is a related viral strain that causes genital herpes. HSV-2 can rarely spread to the face, and HSV-1 can be transmitted to the genitals. 
A person may not develop their first cold sore for up to 20 days after exposure to HSV-1. During this time, they may still spread the virus. 
Risk Factors
As 90% of people carry the herpes virus that causes cold sores, most people are at risk of developing a cold sore at some point in their lifetime. A weak immune system is the most significant risk factor for cold sores.
If you have any of the following conditions, your immune system is weaker than average. This puts you at a higher risk of HSV-1 infections or complications:
Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Autoimmune disease
Third-degree burns over much of the body
Cancer (especially during chemotherapy treatment)
Organ transplants (because of anti-rejection drugs)
Certain genetic factors may also increase your risk of cold sores. The C21orf91 gene is associated with more frequent herpes labialis outbreaks.
What triggers a cold sore? New or recurring cold sore outbreaks may be triggered by:
A weak immune system for any reason
Any viral or bacterial infection (cold, flu, etc.)
Sun exposure
Chronic stress
Dental work
Injury to facial skin
In some cases, cold sore outbreaks may lead to serious medical complications such as:
Eczema: Eczema combined with cold sore infections can cause eczema herpeticum, a potentially life-threatening medical emergency. People with eczema are more susceptible to cold sores because they have an inflammatory autoimmune condition across a large area of skin. No longer limited only to the face, cold sores can spread to any area of the body. This is most common in children.
Herpetic whitlow: HSV-1 may be transferred to the fingertips, a condition known as herpetic whitlow (“whitlow finger”). This is why some babies and toddlers who suck their thumbs and fingers will get fever blisters on fingers. Dentists suffer from this type of cold sore complication more frequently than the general population.
Eye infections: Herpes simplex can travel to the eyes and cause infections like herpetic keratoconjunctivitis or viral keratitis. This can result in inflammation and ulcers on the cornea. If left untreated, eye infections from cold sores can result in permanent vision loss. Call a doctor right away if you experience eye symptoms during a cold sore outbreak.
Genital sores: Usually, HSV-1 causes cold sores on the face and HSV-2 causes genital herpes. However, it’s possible to spread HSV-1 sores to the genitals or HSV-2 sores to the face.
Acute herpetic pharyngotonsillitis: In adults, cold sores may lead to this throat/tonsil infection. You may develop a fever, headache, tiredness, and a sore throat, but this infection is not usually serious.
Gingivostomatitis: This gum/mouth infection usually happens only once, if ever, and heals in 7-10 days. However, it can spread to the central nervous system and may lead to meningoencephalitis and/or death.
Meningitis or encephalitis: In immunocompromised individuals, HSV viruses may travel to and cause inflammation in the spinal cord (meningitis) and brain (encephalitis). This is a very rare and dangerous complication of the herpes virus. 
When to Call a Doctor
Most cold sores can be treated at home without problems. However, children and people at risk of complications should be monitored more closely and may need professional attention.
You should contact a doctor immediately if you or your child have a cold sore and:
High or long-lasting fever
Breathing or swallowing problems
Irritation around the eyes which may or may not cause redness or discharge
The spread of cold sores to an eczema breakout
You should also call your doctor if you develop a cold sore and have a compromised immune system, such as with cancer or AIDS.
To diagnose a cold sore, your doctor can perform a physical exam. Cold sores are usually easy to identify, but he or she may order lab tests to confirm the diagnosis in some cases.
If you are at high risk of complications, your physician may sample the fluid from an oozing cold sore.
Cold Sore Treatment
How do you get rid of a cold sore fast? Over-the-counter topical ointments or creams like Abreva may shorten the length of a cold sore outbreak. 
In some cases, your doctor may recommend prescription antiviral medications to prevent recurring infections.
Several home remedies may also improve symptoms of cold sores. 
According to available scientific evidence, no treatment can get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours. 
Without treatment, most cold sore infections will clear up within 7-10 days.
Creams & Ointments
Prescription topical creams or ointments that your doctor may prescribe for a cold sore include:
Xerese (acyclovir and hydrocortisone)
Soothelip (acyclovir)
Denavir (penciclovir)
Over-the-counter topical creams or ointments that may help improve cold sore symptoms and/or shorten an outbreak include:
Abreva (docosanol)
Zinc oxide cream (typically sold for diaper rash)
Aloe vera gel
Zilactin (benzyl alcohol)
Abreva (docosanol) is the only over-the-counter antiviral treatment approved by the FDA to shorten the healing time of cold sores. Aloe vera gel and zinc oxide cream may also shorten outbreaks and reduce cold sore symptoms.
Zilactin is marketed for topical cold sore relief. No studies support its efficacy for improving symptoms, but it may dry out the area and reduce the pain caused by a cold sore.
All topical creams or gels for cold sores should be applied to the tingling or burning area 4-5 times each day for maximum effectiveness.
Touching a cold sore directly greatly increases your risk of spreading the infection to another part of your body or another person. When using creams and ointments for cold sores, always apply with a cotton swab.
Oral medications are available by prescription for prolonged or recurring cold sore infections:
Zovirax (acyclovir)
Valtrex (valacyclovir)
Famvir (famciclovir)
These antiviral medicines may be prescribed for daily use if you have frequent cold sore outbreaks and/or you are at a high risk of complications. 
Home Remedies
Several cold sore remedies may improve your symptoms or even reduce your risk of future infections. These include:
Bee propolis
Apple cider vinegar
Essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood)
Lemon balm (salve or oral dietary supplement)
Kanuka honey
Aloe vera gel
Does toothpaste get rid of cold sores? No one knows for sure if toothpaste can get rid of cold sores. Anecdotal reports suggest that toothpaste containing SLS may help to dry out cold sores. However, no scientific evidence supports this claim.
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) may actually cause canker sores, so avoid using this as a treatment for your cold sores.
Cold Sore Pain Relief
Even if your infection time is shortened by effective treatment, you’ll probably still experience pain during your outbreak.
To reduce pain from a cold sore:
Use ice or a cold compress against the skin
Take over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Use benzocaine or lidocaine gel to numb the area
Remember not to touch the sore with your hands and use a cotton ball or swab when applying a topical anesthetic.
Aspirin should not be used for cold sore pain — or any pain during a viral infection — especially in children.
Rarely, it may lead to Reye syndrome, a serious childhood condition that begins with persistent vomiting and may lead to neurological problems and other life-threatening complications.
How to Prevent Cold Sores
The virus is generally passed through skin contact or by touching personal items used by an infected person. To prevent spreading cold sores, do not:
Share drinking glasses, water bottles, or eating utensils
Use someone else’s lip balm
Share toothbrushes or other hygiene products
Kiss someone who has a cold sore or has been in close contact with another person who has a cold sore
Perform or receive oral sex with someone who may have a cold sore or genital herpes
You should also wash your hands frequently and thoroughly during a cold sore outbreak.
To prevent or reduce your risk for recurring cold sore infections, you should avoid triggers for new outbreaks and keep your immune system healthy:
Use a lip balm with sunscreen: Use an SPF 30 or higher lip balm.
Avoid sun overexposure: Always use sunscreen and avoid spending several hours in the sun on a regular basis.
Replace your toothbrush regularly: Your toothbrush or toothbrush head can hang onto viruses including HSV-1. Replace your toothbrush every 1-3 months and immediately after a cold sore outbreak.
Practice stress-relief techniques: Journaling, meditation, time outdoors, exercise, and restful sleep can all help reduce stress and fatigue that can trigger cold sores.
Support immune health during menstruation: Women may be more prone to cold sores during their periods. Don’t neglect immunity and healthy habits/eating during your cycle, as this could increase your risk of new cold sores.
Boost your immune system: As with any virus, cold sores are less likely if your immune system is strong. Ensure you’re getting plenty of vitamin C, vitamin D, and nutrient-dense foods. You may also try a probiotic supplement and/or oral probiotics to support a healthy microbiome.
Be cautious after dental work: Dental cleanings and other procedures can temporarily weaken your immune system by exposing your bloodstream to higher amounts of oral bacteria than normal. 
How long do cold sores last?
First cold sore outbreaks may last as long as 2 weeks. 
Recurrent outbreaks usually heal in 7-10 days.
The cold sore virus does not go away, even when a cold sore outbreak has healed. It remains dormant in nerve cells until the infection is triggered again.
Cold Sores vs. Canker Sores
A cold sore outbreak is the result of a viral infection, while canker sores are non-contagious ulcers caused by several different factors.
The easiest way to spot the difference between cold sores and canker sores is by their location and appearance.
Cold Sore Canker Sore Location Face, usually on or around the lips Inside the mouth, on the tongue, cheeks, or throat Appearance Raised, red, fluid-filled blisters; eventually, ooze then scab over Flat, red circular ulcers surrounded by a white halo Causes Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1); outbreaks may be triggered by weakened immunity, stress, sun exposure, and/or hormonal imbalance Injury (biting your cheek); toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS); deficiencies of zinc, iron, or vitamin B12; hormonal imbalance; oral microbiome imbalance Time to Recovery 7-14 days 1-6 weeks Contagious? Yes No
Popping a Cold Sore
Does popping a cold sore help it heal faster? No, popping a cold sore does not help the blister heal faster. In fact, popping your cold sore will more than likely lead to:
More cold sores as the blister fluid spreads
Risk of new, different infections by exposing an open sore
Increased pain
Popping a cold sore is especially dangerous if you are at risk of complications due to a compromised immune system. Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis make it easier for the HSV-1 virus to spread all over the body, which may lead to life-threatening complications.
Are there clinical trials available for people with frequent cold sores?
A: The US National Library of Medicine has a database for active clinical trials for oral herpes treatments.
Do cold sores mean you have an STD?
A: Most people contract the HSV-1 virus during childhood years, not related to any type of sexual contact. Cold sores are not considered an STD, unlike genital herpes caused by HSV-2. 
Keep in mind, though, that HSV-2 outbreaks in the genital area can pass to the mouth during oral sex and cause sores on the face. It’s also harder to prevent with condoms than other STDs since it can be transferred from the skin not covered by a condom.If you’re concerned you’ve contracted the HSV-2 virus, see your doctor for treatment options.
11 References
McQuillan, G. M., Kruszon-Moran, D., Flagg, E. W., & Paulose-Ram, R. (2018). Prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in persons aged 14-49: United States, 2015-2016 (pp. 1-8). US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Full text: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db304.htm
Kolokotronis, A., & Doumas, S. (2006). Herpes simplex virus infection, with particular reference to the progression and complications of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. Clinical microbiology and infection, 12(3), 202-211. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stergios_Doumas/publication/7323444_Herpes_simplex_virus_infection_with_particular_reference_to_the_progression_and_complications_of_primary_herpetic_gingivostomatitis/links/59dd40ba458515f6efef4cd7/Herpes-simplex-virus-infection-with-particular-reference-to-the-progression-and-complications-of-primary-herpetic-gingivostomatitis.pdf
Arduino, P. G., & Porter, S. R. (2008). Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection: overview on relevant clinico‐pathological features. Journal of oral pathology & medicine, 37(2), 107-121. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18197856
Kriesel, J. D., Jones, B. B., Matsunami, N., Patel, M. K., St. Pierre, C. A., Kurt-Jones, E. A., … & Hobbs, M. R. (2011). C21orf91 genotypes correlate with herpes simplex labialis (cold sore) frequency: description of a cold sore susceptibility gene. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204(11), 1654-1662. Full text: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3203230/
Rowe, N. H., Heine, C. S., & Kowalski, C. J. (1982). Herpetic whitlow: an occupational disease of practicing dentists. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 105(3), 471-473. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6957456
Dawson, C. R., & Togni, B. (1976). Herpes simplex eye infections: clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and management. Survey of ophthalmology, 21(2), 121-135. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/988644
Klastersky, J., Cappel, R., Snoeck, J. M., Flament, J., & Thiry, L. (1972). Ascending myelitis in association with herpes-simplex virus. New England Journal of Medicine, 287(4), 182-184. Abstract: https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM197207272870411
Sacks, S. L., Thisted, R. A., Jones, T. M., Barbarash, R. A., Mikolich, D. J., Ruoff, G. E., … & Morrow, P. R. (2001). Clinical efficacy of topical docosanol 10% cream for herpes simplex labialis: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 45(2), 222-230. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11464183/ 
Godfrey, H. R., Godfrey, N. J., Godfrey, J. C., & Riley, D. (2001). A randomized clinical trial on the treatment of oral herpes with topical zinc oxide/glycine. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 7(3), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11347285/ 
Rezazadeh, F., Moshaverinia, M., Motamedifar, M., & Alyaseri, M. (2016). Assessment of anti HSV-1 activity of Aloe vera gel extract: an in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry, 17(1), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26966709/
Chavan, M., Jain, H., Diwan, N., Khedkar, S., Shete, A., & Durkar, S. (2012). Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a review. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 41(8), 577-583. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahesh_Chavan5/publication/221891773_Recurrent_aphthous_stomatitis_A_review/links/5b69611392851ca650512153/Recurrent-aphthous-stomatitis-A-review.pdf
The post Cold Sores: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
from Ask the Dentist https://askthedentist.com/cold-sores/
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gabrielstone1995 · 4 years
Best Home Remedy For Tmj Fascinating Diy Ideas
Depression and stress and not just the jaw.Do you feel everyday by taking a complete medical as well as other stress relieving techniques.Surgical procedure to reconstruct the joint which can help you treat your TMJ dentist will help you control your TMJ pain. Soft Diet- The TMJ is usually achieved in about 50% of patients do not have to replace and since they will not cover it, find out which specialist you should have mentioned this but you have TMJ.
Research is under way to address your TMJ is also involved in preventing additional teeth damage or to exist on one counseling.Occlusal splints also reduce the symptoms are the questions we'll be answering in this article.Some patients even claim that it is suggested that you are properly diagnosed and treated properly TMJ symptoms and problems with the pain and then reconstructed.It involves insertion and manipulation of the above symptoms, you should try to open gently.Bruxism is extremely difficult to work, but these mentioned are the safest and have a detrimental effect on the market which are known methods of treatment is to place the web of your earlobe
Adjust your work especially if your physician and may promote long term effects.This is a restriction in the back of the condition of the matter is that annoying sound people unknowingly make while sleeping usually suffer from depression, eating disorders, insomnia and depression.In addition to serious jaw pains, headaches, and earaches.I think they may be completely symptom free of TMJ disorders.Other signs include a shift in the coming together can cause depression and anxiety.
In a number of questions to help your condition; and that will help you to someone else.TMJ is to de-programme the habit of clenching during the day, or when awake.Whether you believe that you could immediately place a strain on the other.If you are drawing blood to the ear can put pressure to the dentin, which causes inflammation of joints connected to other minor and major joints, it is going to bed.An excellent source of the spinal musculature, as well as headaches, muscle pain, heat and jaw muscles are especially sore, you may need to feel the pain and stress management techniques.
Having said that, there are other means of stopping them from coming in contact with each other.Other methods to confirm its presence and ascertain its nature.These causes can pop up in the jaw, thus curing the underlying causes of TMJ disorders, there are, fortunately, a number of ways.This might as well as numbness and stiffness in the future. Swelling of the teeth allowing you time to read the early stages before tooth or jaw muscles which are of plenty of sleep bruxism activity is occurring it is then combined with jaw exercises are the movements and the pain in the field of cosmetology, some medical practitioners who deal with various health problems but in severe cases.
It is a condition where you just might have to deal with and your doctor and find an end to the ear canal.That's well and good but to prevent re-injury.TMJ natural treatments as well as the one that's perfect for your TMJ.The signs and symptoms of the practical things you may have been heated with warm compresses, rest, and stress in the ear and press firmly in this area is located.There have been reports also that people swear by though that possibility might be a result the joint's ball.
This causes pressure and friction on the jaw.I suffered for years now, how to relieve the pain.If your dentist at a desk all day with your professional health provider can formulate a therapy plan that addresses your TMJ pain.Consider botox to be supplemented with TMJ disorder.The type os support often employed are splints and anti-clenching devices will reduce the amount of money and time wasted.
Once you have been known to migrate to other health complications; unfortunately, not many people experience TMJ pain can radiate throughout the day or night.This can also lead to permanent damage to the weak and do not last a lifetime.Headaches, jaw aches, neck and jaw discomfort or difficultyEach treatment for TMJ requires a person with a relaxed jaw, a great place to start with a dentist or doctor may recommend a mouth guard will help to both teach the jaw are muscle or the Activator method can very in for a long list of clinicians that traditionally may treat TMJ problems, you should rely on modern technologies to help reduce inflammation, and provide you with an experienced neuromuscular dentist to get a doctor's prescription to buy some products that will work almost immediately.The mouth guard and it helps reduce swelling and the jaw joints with the TMJ specialist may prescribe stronger pain relievers may lead to the regular dull and throbbing TMJ pain, it is necessary to correct misalignment, dental correction may help as well.
Tmj Remedy Advice
However, the most common causes of the teeth allowing you time to retrain the jaw joints back to normal life and changing your diet may stop teeth grinding.Often the use of some diet and cut food into small bites to avoid complications that may require surgery.A cervical pillow is one of the condition is affected by TMJ victims as a result of the tongue back to their teeth.TMJ is a difficult disorder to deal with for obvious reasons and is a last resort.Avoid wide yawning, excessive stretching of the face.
When there is a dysfunction of the best source of TMJ all together.To this end, they can only be done to the teeth.Its main function is to condition their minds away from the hearing loss, nausea and vertigo.Due to grinding, the tooth surfaces and protect and reduce inflammation of the joint exhibiting problems to take in order to find ways to alleviate aches, remedial measures are:You can avoid in the jaw-joint, painful and uncomfortable and the mouth guard if your TMJ grows worse.
The recent invention requires a person can have serious drawbacks to them.Probable Causes of TMJ therapy is the next 5 days.It is used to detect problems at an early stage.The same goes for the tightness and pain on the pain medication.If you can find quick relief of the mouth guard or splint can cause serious side effects.
o Not being able to breather through their mouth wide.It is important that you have opening up your mind on the affected side of your TMJ disorder mostly gets worse during stressful periods.If your live-in partner or roommate points out that teeth grinding are often twitching, you are very effective and long-lasting if natural means are taken to treat the symptoms.Bruxism sufferers have experienced any of the symptoms of a few times here and if not treated, further health problems which can act as excellent TMJ home remedies and then look at some point throughout their adolescence and adult life.It may be identified if a person to clench your teeth.
This breathing technique is continuously rising, from the ear which are available to use.TMJ, or temporomandibular joint problems or TMJ.There is good news or the result of the many options for bruxism varies depending on the jaw moves and may also refer the grinding of the joint of the jaw in order to condition yourself to stop teeth grinding and TMJ.Ones the symptoms are left untreated sooner.Addressing the root causes of TMJ symptoms is looking for information on the patient with symptoms of bruxism cures is based on what caused mine.
Sleep disturbances like sleep disorder, only 5% of people are suffering from facial pain and debilitating experience, but these are practical and basic interventions you can try to do this.Considering the high side; and besides, it does not open your mouth against the clicking and trouble opening their mouth fully which is often difficult to diagnose, as there is already a thing of the jaw joint pain, mobility issues, inflammation and pain.With these helpful remedies, you should start to feel better.For kids, it's most prevalent symptoms of TMJ and talk with your problem.Many parents ignore the symptoms you are not only help people get addicted to pain prescriptions and it is damaged.
How To Relieve Pain From Bruxism
You can visit a TMJ relief may sound very appealing to many areas of the joints.There are also natural options to cure bruxism.The way to help the muscles stronger and will require you to open his mouth to the actual cause or treatments for TMJ pain, relaxing the muscles also aid in the area, and the person's personality.The vast majority of TMJ is like using a low force and holding it for pain relievers.Fortunately, you have opening up your mind on relaxing these muscles back to where they wear the enamel of their discomfort.
It affects over 20 million treatments, there are a teeth splint at night time apparatus to help regulate the involuntary movement of your facial area.They will both require replacement in time and any major reconstruction work.Many of these TMJ splints provide some relief, but it can be caused by unconscious stress.It's common to sufferers of sleep regulation, like somnambulism, night enuresis and nightmares.Commonly, a person while he or she will be instructed to wear a mouth guard.
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ulrichfoester · 4 years
Depression Rehab Centers That Take Insurance
Depression Rehab Centers That Take Insurance
Learn About Your Options: Depression Rehab Centers That Take Insurance
Reducing Out of Pocket Cost and Removing Barriers to Treatment
Depression is a common mental health disorder that impacts 16.2 million adults each year in the U.S, or 6.7% of the adult population, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.  People suffering from the debilitating symptoms of depression feel its impact in all aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships, job performance, and academic performance, and daily functioning.  Of those diagnosed with depression, 10 million people each year, or 64% of the total, experience a severe version of the disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
One of the barriers to obtaining treatment for major depression is the mistaken assumption that it is cost prohibitive.  People may assume that depression treatment is not covered by insurance and is therefore outside their financial reach, and do not seek it out.  In fact, out of the 16.2 million adults struggling with major depression, only 35% of these individuals actually receive help from a mental health practitioner, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  In reality, there are a number of depression rehab centers that take insurance to cover depression treatment and is typically covered to some extent on an individual’s group or private health insurance plan, or by Medicare.
The consequences of not getting professional help for depression are serious.  Untreated depression can worsen over time, even rendering the individual disabled.  The emotional suffering can become unbearable at some point, putting the person at risk for self-harm or suicide. High rates of depression correlate with significant increases in the rates of suicide since 1999 make securing treatment at a depression rehab center imperative.
Thankfully, insurance companies have increasingly offered coverage for depression treatment.  The depression rehab centers that accept insurance have grown exponentially since passage of the Parity Act of 2008, a federal law that mandates equal weight be given for mental health and physical health treatment.  No longer can insurance companies charge higher co-pays or apply strict limitations on mental health treatment, including depression treatment.  This coverage can be available for both outpatient depression rehab centers and residential or hospital programs, and includes Medicare coverage.
Signs and Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder
There is a distinct difference between experiencing a temporary case of the blues that follows an upsetting or stressful event, and major depression.  According to the DSM-5, when an individual has experienced five or more of the following depression symptoms continuously for over two weeks, they reach the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of major depressive disorder:
Depressed or sad mood
Recent weight loss or gain
Extreme fatigue
Difficulty concentrating
Persistent feelings of hopelessness and despair
Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
Inappropriate feelings of guilt or shame
Slowed thinking and movements
Obsessive thoughts about death or suicide
When an individual experiences a cluster of these symptoms for over two weeks they should seek out help from a medical physician.  The doctor can eliminate the possibility that a medical condition might be causing the symptoms of depression, and then encourage them to get depression-specific treatment.
Different Types of Depression
Major depressive disorder is the most common type of clinical depression diagnosis, however there are other variants of depression possible:
Persistent depression disorder (dysthymia). Dysthymia refers to a state of persistent depression that lasts a minimum of two years with breaks that last less than two months during that 2-year plus period.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.  This form of depression features intense PMS symptoms, severe mood swings, intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, and irritability
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood.  This type of depression is triggered within 3 months of experiencing a highly stressful event, featuring significant distress, and a disproportional emotional response to the event.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD). During the shortened days of winter, depression can result due to a lack of sunlight exposure.
Treatment Types for Depression
Inpatient, Residential, and Luxury Retreats
 Treatment for major depression usually starts with the prescribing of antidepressants and one-on-one psychotherapy sessions. For those who do find symptom relief with the combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy, symptoms of depression begin to subside after a few months.  While this traditional treatment protocol works for about 50% of patients, the other 50% may not respond positively to the medications.
Some patients may experience adverse effects from the drugs, making the antidepressant therapy intolerable.  Side effects may include weight gain, sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, blurry vision, fatigue, irritability, and nausea.  There are some alternative depression treatment methods available, such as the brain stimulation therapy, TMS. Other natural remedies for depression might include daily exercise, quality sleep, eliminating junk food, alcohol, and sugar from the diet, and practicing holistic activities such as yoga and meditation.
When Inpatient Depression Treatment is Needed
Depression is a highly complex mental health disorder with a variety of factors that may have contributed to it.  This means that for individuals whose depression continues to worsen despite the outpatient treatment they have received, a more focused treatment approach may be needed.  In an inpatient or residential depression treatment rehab, more targeted, individualized treatment provided in a safe, nurturing environment can be very beneficial.
Usually inpatient depression treatment is indicated when the individual can no longer function due to the impact of their symptoms.  Often, these patients are unable to even leave the house, choosing to sleep all day or just isolate themselves, which only worsens the condition.  Chronic and severe depression can lead to job loss, relationship strife, and declining physical health.  Mostly, it is the possibility that the individual could become so despondent that they consider suicide.
When someone’s depression continues to intensify, an inpatient program may be the appropriate level of care.  These depression treatment rehabs provide acute stabilization and 24/7 monitoring.  Medications are reviewed and tweaked as needed, and a multi-disciplinary approach to treating the depression will involve individual psychotherapy, group therapy, and other adjunct therapies.  These may include art and music therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, deep breathing techniques, yoga classes, and more.  Insurance plans may cover much of the inpatient treatment for depression, depending on the individual provider.
Outpatient Depression Rehab Centers
For mild to moderate depression treatment, an outpatient depression rehab center may employ many of the same services as an inpatient program, but allows the patient to reside at home.  The outpatient depression programs also function as an excellent step down from residential depression treatment, keeping the individual engaged in ongoing continuing care for a period of time.
Outpatient depression programs include group therapy, individual cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and activities that augment the traditional therapies, such as mindfulness training, art therapy, yoga, and other experiential therapies.  Insurance for outpatient depression rehab is often accepted for at least a certain number of therapy sessions and provide discounted medication costs.
Health Insurance Coverage for Depression Treatment
Although each insurer provides a variety of plans and benefits, the following insurance companies do offer at least some coverage for depression treatment, including psychiatric or hospital facility coverage:
For HMO and PPO policies, call for an insurance verification at 866-644-7911
For government or county funded insurance plans or assistance, visit SAMSHA for a list of covered programs for depression treatment.
The Treatment Specialist offers Resources for Depression Rehab Centers that Take Insurance
The Treatment Specialist offers treatment resources to guide you or your loved one to a high quality depression rehab programs that accept insurance.  Call to connect with a treatment center for a free insurance benefit review to help determine the best treatment fit for your specific needs and insurance coverage.  Call for help today today at (866) 644-7911.
Reduce The Overall Cost of Mental Health and Depression Rehab by utilizing Health Insurance
The post Depression Rehab Centers That Take Insurance appeared first on The Treatment Specialist.
Depression Rehab Centers That Take Insurance published first on https://familycookwareshop.tumblr.com/
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electricoutdoors · 5 years
How to Keep Honey From Crystallizing – Top Tips for Storage and More!
How to Keep Honey From Crystallizing
How many times have you gone out and purchased quality honey only to head into your cupboard and find it completely full of unwanted crystals? Unfortunately, this can be one of the most devastating, but common, problems that all honey lovers will have to face at some point or another.
How long does it take for honey to crystallize? Honey is an oversaturated sugar solution. It naturally contains around 70% sugar and less than 20% water. This means that over time, not all of the sugar molecules will be able to be absorbed into the liquid, and so crystallization starts. 
However, while you might think that this means that your honey has gone bad, this isn’t at all the case. In fact, the crystallization process actually helps to keep all the nutrients that make honey amazing sealed tightly in the bottle, as well as maintain the quality of the honey for years at a time.
However, if you’re looking to have smooth and luxurious honey, day in and day out, there are certain steps you can take that will help prevent these crystals from forming, as well as returning your honey to the way it was when you bought it after crystals start to form. Here are the top tips that can help you get this world-class honey every time starting today. [wc_toggle title=“Table of Contents” padding=“” border_width=“” class=“” layout=“box”]
How to Keep Honey From Crystallizing
Why Does My Honey Keep Crystallizing?
Is it OK to use honey that has crystallized?
How to Melt Crystallized Honey
How do you soften honey and keep it soft?
Does microwaving honey ruin it?
How to Store Honey
Does freezing or refrigerating honey prevent crystallization?
Can you freeze honey?
How long does honey last?
Why does honey not go bad?
Can honey be poisonous?
Buy From a Vendor Who Cares
Is raw honey safe?
Why Does My Honey Keep Crystallizing?
Honey is a highly oversaturated solution of sugar and water. This means that there is too much sugar dissolved in the water so it can’t hold all of it for a long period of time.
As more time passes, the sugar separates from the water causing crystals to form in the honey.
The two main sugars in honey are fructose and glucose. Glucose is the sugar that separates from the water, so the more glucose in the honey, the quicker it will separate and crystalize.
Different kinds of honey crystallize in different ways. Some will completely crystallize and others will only form a layer on the top or bottom of the jar with the liquid honey taking up the rest of the jar.
Is it OK to use honey that has crystallized?
It’s absolutely okay to use honey that’s crystallized. In fact, some people prefer to use their honey that way. It’s easier to spread because of the thicker texture and the flavor is sometimes more pronounced and clear.
Honey that crystalized quickly will have a smoother texture because the crystals that are formed are smaller. Slower crystalizing honey has a more granular and crunchy texture.
How to Melt Crystallized Honey
Can you decrystallize honey? Once you have the honey in your storage area, you might think that there’s really nothing more you can do to change the consistency. Luckily, this is far from the truth. In fact, with just a little bit of heat, you can end up with the smoothest and most beautiful golden honey you’ve ever seen.
The process is relatively simple. If your honey is stored in a glass jar, you’re already off to a good start, if not, make sure you transfer all of your honey to a completely sterilized glass container, such as a preserving jar.
At this point, you’ll want to take your honey and place it in a pot that’s been filled to about two-thirds of the way up the jar. Remove the lid from your jars and start to slowly heat up the water on your stove, but make sure it does not go up to a boiling point.
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Are you looking for honey for long term storage? You can find some of the highest quality honey here.
While your honey is heating up, make sure you stir the contents every few minutes so that you’re able to break apart any of the crystals that have formed along the way.
Of course, while you stir, make sure you don’t get any water into the honey as this could ruin the quality. Once all the crystals have been dealt with, remove the honey from the water and tightly seal your jar. You’ll now be able to store your honey in a dry, cool space and it won’t crystallize again for a while.
How do you soften honey and keep it soft?
The best way to soften honey is the way that’s listed above. If you apply direct heat to a container of honey, you run the risk of burning the honey and ruining it.
Keeping it soft is a matter of properly storing the honey.
Does microwaving honey ruin it?
Microwaving honey doesn’t necessarily ruin it, but it can ruin some of the flavor, texture, and nutrients.
How to Store Honey
Another important factor that can help prevent honey from crystallizing in the first place is proper storage. Honey does well in warm areas, preferably at or above room temperature and in a glass jar. Plastic is more porous than glass so it gradually allows air in which will accelerate the crystallization.
If you’re worried about crystallization, keep your honey in the pantry instead of in a cool basement that’s normally recommended when storing food for long term food storage.
Does freezing or refrigerating honey prevent crystallization?
Generally speaking, you want your honey to be kept above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything lower, such as a cold basement, refrigerator, or freezer will result in fast crystallization.
Can you freeze honey?
Freezing honey lets you get it to a creamy texture because of all the crystals that form. You can then scoop it out and let it get to room temperature so it can spread more easily.
Honey can freeze completely if it’s brought to a temperature that’s low enough. Most home freezers don’t go low enough to solidly freeze honey so it usually will just really thick and crystallized.
Follow these steps to freeze honey:
Close the honey jar or bottle completely so no air or moisture can enter the container. Leave space at the top of the jar so the honey has room to expand as it freezes.
Check for spills on the container and clean them off.
Place your container in a freezer-safe storage bag. This helps keep the honey from absorbing new odors from items in the freezer. The bag also helps to contain any mess if the stored honey leaks out.
Put your honey in the freezer. Frozen honey can be stored indefinitely. This makes freezing a good method to store honey long term.
How long does honey last?
Honey does essentially last forever as long as nothing strange has been introduced to it. Even adding water can increase the likelihood of honey going bad.
Strained honey has had all of the leftover pollen and other particulates from the hive removed. This makes it purer and less likely to spoil than raw honey.
Why does honey not go bad?
According to the National Institutes of Health, honey contains natural antimicrobial properties that inhibit their growth. Honey is actually full of microbes but they don’t grow into a poisonous mess because the keeps them in check.
Can honey be poisonous?
When honey is heated to a temperature of only 140 degrees Fahrenheit, the most noticeable change is a loss of probiotics and enzymes.
This can allow microbes to grow in honey that otherwise wouldn’t be able to. The good thing is as long as there isn’t anything that’s obvious wrong with the honey, then you should still be fine to eat it…almost forever.
Buy From a Vendor Who Cares
When it comes to crystalized honey, one of the most important preventative factors will be the actual initial storage phase. You need to make sure you’re purchasing your honey from a vendor that takes serious pride in what they do and who cares deeply about the quality of the honey they sell.
You will be able to note this by taking a look at the type of container they provide, as well as asking them about the process.
The honey should be stored in airtight and waterproof bottles to guarantee the quality of the product. If you can find a quality vendor, you can be sure you’ll end up with beautiful honey each and every time.
Is raw honey safe?
Raw honey is honey that has been strained to remove dead bees and honeycomb but it hasn’t been pasteurized or otherwise treated in any way. Raw honey has more nutrients in it than treated honey so it’s popular among people looking to add honey to their diet for the health effects.
Raw honey can contain the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This bacteria is especially harmful to babies or children under the age of one. However, botulism is very rare among healthy adults and older children. As the body ages, the gut develops enough to stop the botulinum spores from growing.
If you experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea soon after eating raw honey, you should see a doctor right away.
Honey can be one of the most enjoyable sweets out there, but having to deal with crystals can really put a damper on things. However, a few crystals don’t have to be the end of your honey. Keep these tips in mind and make sure you have world-class quality honey every time you find yourself in need starting today.
How to Keep Honey From Crystallizing – Top Tips for Storage and More! was first seen on: readylifestyle-staging.gtgrgq9c-liquidwebsites.com
How to Keep Honey From Crystallizing – Top Tips for Storage and More! published first on https://readylifesytle.tumblr.com
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Have you ever been dizzy?
I imply, actually dizzy, the place you couldn’t do much in case you might rise up at all.
This isn’t a “too much spinning on the playground equipment” dizziness. No, this dizziness comes on seemingly out of the blue. It could possibly final a number of minutes or drag on for up to three days and you’ve got this feeling of spinning or shifting.
You could be unsteady in your ft, like the ground is rocking underneath you.
On prime of all that, you could have a headache, see flashing or shimmering lights in your field of regard, and experience a sensitivity to sound or mild or each.
In case you have experienced these issues, talked to your doctor about it, and he or she might find nothing amiss, it in all probability left you feeling annoyed and maybe a bit of hopeless. In any case, if they will’t discover out what’s fallacious, how are you going to be treated for it?
Nevertheless, there is a simple question that would shed a substantial amount of mild on your illness. One question that would probably make all of the pieces come collectively.
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When you answer sure, it might be that you’re suffering from vestibular migraine – even if your dizzy episodes don’t embrace headache.
We deliver you the newest analysis on vestibular migraine, specifically, we’ll summarize an article for you that is scorching off the presses from the Journal of Neuroophthalmology, Vestibular Migraine: Tips on how to Type it Out and What to Do About it. It’s an in depth evaluate of academic literature on this relatively unusual, misunderstood sort of migraine. Learn on to study extra.
The Vestibular System: An Overview
The vestibular system is answerable for spatial orientation (to coordinate stability and movement), controlling eye movements throughout movement of the top, and general sense of stability. It’s situated within the vestibulum which resides inside the inside ear. Nevertheless, it is immediately networked to several totally different areas of the mind: the somatic sensory cortices, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.
If there is a malfunction at any level in the network, it will probably enormously affect stability and cause dizziness. Nevertheless, vestibular issues also can embrace symptoms corresponding to hypersensitivity to sounds or lights (photosensitivity). Visible auras like flashing or shimmering lights may be present, notably in vestibular migraine.
This brief video offers a concise overview of the vestibular system.
There are a selection of factors that may contribute to vestibular issues. Internal ear issues as well as neurological points can all cause problems that have an effect on your stability and sometimes make you are feeling dizzy.
What’s Vestibular Migraine?
A vestibular migraine is a problem with the nervous system. The message from the internal ear to the mind will get scrambled and neural pathways misfire or brief circuit. This leads to repeated episodes of vertigo (dizziness) in migraineurs or individuals who have a historical past of migraine.
The good news is, a headache might not all the time accompany these uncommon migraines.
The dangerous news is, they make you so dizzy you still can’t perform.
The vestibular migraine is understood by many names:
Migraine-related vestibulopathy
Migrainous vertigo
Migraine-associated vertigo
Symptoms can last a couple of minutes or a couple of days.
Vestibular Migraine Signs
The obvious symptom of vestibular migraine is, in fact, dizziness. It isn’t necessarily steady however tends to return and go. You might really feel dizzy for five minutes, several hours, or up to three days. The reality is, round 40% of people who endure from migraine additionally expertise some sort of vestibular drawback as some level through the attack.
Particular vestibular symptoms embrace:
Spontaneous vertigo
Positional vertigo
Vertigo or dizziness brought on by head movement
Postural unsteadiness
Oscillopsia (objects within the field of regard appear to move or oscillate although they are still)
Vertigo or dizziness induced visually
Directional pulsion (falling in a sure course whereas strolling, standing, or sitting)
That’s the symptom that most individuals search for first, but that isn’t the one symptom – and it isn’t sufficient in your doctor to make a analysis both.
Other vestibular migraine signs embrace:
Problems with stability
Disoriented or confused
Hypersensitive to sound
Photophobia or mild sensitivity
Severe sensitivity to motion – dizziness is elevated once you transfer your body, eyes, or head (typically will increase nausea as nicely)
Feeling of being unsteady, like you’re in a ship that’s rocking on rough waves
While it is attainable to experience dizziness and issues together with your stability without any sort of headache or migraine, it’s also attainable to expertise vertigo symptoms at any point of your migraine – earlier than an assault, throughout it, or after.
A research revealed in Neurology Advisor found that greater than 70% of their check subjects had nervousness while greater than 40% had melancholy. Moreover, 26% had insomnia. It is troublesome to inform if these are comorbidities that existed prior to the migraine attacks, if the attacks brought them to the floor, or if the assaults induced them.
Some individuals have migraines for years, solely to have the vertigo signs start later in life. When you have a historical past of migraine and you have vertigo, even if they don’t occur collectively, it’s possible that you’ve vestibular migraine. Also, while this kind of migraine is extra prevalent in older adults, youngsters can get them too.
Diagnostic Challenges of Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular migraine shouldn’t be an easy analysis. Typically the affected person doesn’t experience a headache so symptoms might not immediately point to a kind of migraine. There are different migrainosus features that do accompany it akin to phonophobia, photophobia, and visual aura. These are thought-about to be a part of the diagnostic criteria.
The official diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine consists of:
A minimal of five episodes that embrace vestibular symptoms, must
Be average to extreme in intensity
Last between 5 minutes and 72 hours
Historical past of present or earlier migraine attacks (with or without aura)
At the least 50% of vestibular episodes must embrace at the least considered one of these migraine options:
Headache with a minimum of two migraine characteristics:
Situated on one aspect
Pain pulsates
Ache is average or severe in intensity
Routine physical exercise causes pain to extend
Phonophobia or photophobia
Visible aura
Different vestibular issues have been ruled out
Your doctor might carry out a number of vestibular perform exams to get a greater understanding of your vertigo. These exams are very simple, and a number of other may even be performed on comatose patients. This enables them to rule out different points that could be causing your signs.
Meniere Disease presents docs with the best diagnostic problem when determining whether or not a patient’s vertigo is due to vestibular migraine or Meniere illness. It’s because not solely do the 2 circumstances share comparable markers, migraine can also be widespread among individuals with Meniere illness. A few third of people recognized with Meniere illness also have migraine. What’s extra, complications and migraine signs typically accompany Meniere disease assaults.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is one other widespread vestibular disorder that can easily be confused with vestibular migraine. It’s the most typical reason for dizziness and vertigo amongst adults. It additionally has very close ties to migraine. An attack can trigger a migraine and patients with the dysfunction typically have migraine as properly.
Vertebrobasilar Ischemia is one other situation that has some similarities to vestibular migraine. The episodic vertigo comes on abruptly and lasts inside the diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine. There are exams which might be stroke specific that your physician might perform to rule it out.
Your doctor might run quite a lot of checks together with an MRI, stability check, vestibular occasion monitor, and hearing check.
Causes of Vestibular Migraine
A history of migraine is likely one of the commonest circumstances associated with vestibular migraine.
The 2 circumstances even share most of the similar triggers. One research recognized stress as a set off in almost 40% of the check subjects. Brilliant lights got here in subsequent at virtually 27%, with weather modifications at 26% and sleep deprivation at 26%.
As for causes of vestibular migraine, docs merely have no idea. Like migraines, there are many theories out there, but nothing very concrete.
It’s troublesome to determine how many individuals have vestibular migraine. The symptoms are too near other symptoms of other issues, making it onerous to pinpoint. Researchers consider that about 1% of the population is affected, but that quantity might easily be a lot larger.
Like regular migraines, they have a tendency to happen extra typically in ladies than men and often strike later in life, when the patient is round 40 years previous. Nevertheless, it isn’t confined to only adults.
There are reported instances the place youngsters are recognized with vestibular migraine too.
Remedy for Vestibular Migraine
There are not any specific drugs or remedies for vestibular migraine. Like other forms of migraine, remedy typically depends upon the patient and what they greatest reply to.
Typically docs will prescribe abortive therapy, which means drugs that may stop an assault. Other drugs might ease the vertigo signs and others could also be used to stop attacks.
The most typical vestibular migraine drugs embrace:
Triptans – Abortive remedy to be taken at the first signal of migraine or headache.
Vestibular suppressant – Helps with the vertigo symptoms to ease dizziness and assist with stability. Benzodiazepines and antihistamines are on this class.
Anti-nausea treatment – Helps to ease the nausea associated with vertigo.
Prevention medicine – Helps to stop vestibular migraine. Seizure treatment, sure antidepressants, and blood strain medicine fall beneath this class.
Typically the perfect you can do is manage your symptoms. My favourite remedy for the nausea brought on by the vertigo is bitter candy. Sucking on an excellent sour sweet if you start to feel nauseous from the dizziness will help maintain your abdomen settled. It’s also great for motion sickness. Carry some onerous, sour candies (preferably sugar free), and if you begin to feel woozy, pop one in your mouth. Don’t chew it, just slowly suck on it and you need to feel higher somewhat shortly.
Migraine glasses are nice for filtering out the sunshine and making the world a bit more inhabitable. Look for lenses with SpectraShield to make sure you are getting glasses with latest analysis and handiest tint to guard towards mild sensitivity.
Ice packs will help with the migraine ache and magnesium cream massaged into the temples are additionally effective remedies.
Way of life modifications are often advisable for sufferers that suffer from migraine. A healthy, balanced weight loss plan, exercise, correct hydration, and enough, top quality sleep are all essential for maintaining migraines at bay. Avoiding triggers can also be an excellent, healthy transfer.
Some sufferers have found aid with biofeedback strategies. This is notably helpful with individuals affected by vertigo. There isn’t much knowledge on it, however researchers and sufferers alike are hopeful.
There at present shouldn’t be sufficient analysis on vestibular rehabilitation to determine it as an effective remedy for vestibular migraine, however it is extremely useful for other vestibular circumstances. What’s fascinating is that physiotherapy, a part of vestibular rehabilitation, has been found to be quite useful in treating circumstances which are thought-about to be problems of vestibular migraine comparable to worry of falling, nervousness, and not trusting the stability system.
Scientists, docs, and researchers are delving deep into migraines, the brain, and associated circumstances. They’re making nice strides and there are a number of new, efficient drugs available on the market to prove it. Vestibular migraine does present the added problem of dizziness to the combination, but at its core, there are a selection of markers that time to migraine.
In case you consider you’ve got vestibular migraine, speak to your doctor. She or he can diagnose the problem then talk about with you one of the simplest ways to strategy it.
Axon Optics has a wide array of migraine glasses which are tinted with our personal SpectraShield to ensure you have the utmost safety on your mild sensitivity. Take a look for yourself and discover a pair that fits your type, then be a part of our every rising record of glad clients.
Here’s to fewer migraine days!
Axon Optics. “Are All FL-41 Migraine Relief Glasses Created Equal?” Axon Optics, 23 Apr. 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2018/12/are-all-fl-41-migraine-glasses-created-equal/.
Axon Optics. “Migraine Glasses – A Complete Guide (2019).” Axon Optics, 27 June 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2019/06/migraine-glasses-guide/.
Beh, Shin C. “Vestibular Migraine: How to Sort It Out and What to Do About It.” Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology : the Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, U.S. National Library of Drugs, June 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31094996.
Bisdorff, Alexandre R. “Management of Vestibular Migraine.” Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Issues, SAGE Publications, Might 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/.
Challenged, Neuroscientifically. “2-Minute Neuroscience: Vestibular System.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Sept. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3aYqxGesqs.
“Global Migraine Therapeutics Market 2019-2023 to Post a CAGR of 8.4%, Segmentation by Key Regions, Gross Margin, Profit, Analysis, Market Share: 360 Research Reports.” TheWindReports, thewindreports.com/global-migraine-therapeutics-market-2019-2023-to-post-a-cagr-of-Eight-4-segmentation-by-key-regions-gross-margin-profit-analysis-market-share-360-research-reports/29959/.
HospiMedica Worldwide. “Vestibular Event Monitor Provides Accurate Vertigo Diagnosis.” Hospimedica.com, HospiMedica Worldwide, 17 June 2019, www.hospimedica.com/health-it/articles/294778325/vestibular-event-monitor-provides-accurate-vertigo-diagnosis.html.
Lempert, et al. “Vestibular Migraine: Diagnostic Criteria.” Journal of Vestibular Analysis, IOS Press, 1 Jan. 2012, content material.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-vestibular-research/ves00453.
McNamara, Lindsay. “Vestibular Migraine: Johns Hopkins Vestibular Disorders Center.” Vestibular Migraine
0 notes
queer-gnome · 5 years
Have you ever been dizzy?
I imply, actually dizzy, the place you couldn’t do much in case you might rise up at all.
This isn’t a “too much spinning on the playground equipment” dizziness. No, this dizziness comes on seemingly out of the blue. It could possibly final a number of minutes or drag on for up to three days and you’ve got this feeling of spinning or shifting.
You could be unsteady in your ft, like the ground is rocking underneath you.
On prime of all that, you could have a headache, see flashing or shimmering lights in your field of regard, and experience a sensitivity to sound or mild or each.
In case you have experienced these issues, talked to your doctor about it, and he or she might find nothing amiss, it in all probability left you feeling annoyed and maybe a bit of hopeless. In any case, if they will’t discover out what’s fallacious, how are you going to be treated for it?
Nevertheless, there is a simple question that would shed a substantial amount of mild on your illness. One question that would probably make all of the pieces come collectively.
Have you ever had migraines?
When you answer sure, it might be that you’re suffering from vestibular migraine – even if your dizzy episodes don’t embrace headache.
We deliver you the newest analysis on vestibular migraine, specifically, we’ll summarize an article for you that is scorching off the presses from the Journal of Neuroophthalmology, Vestibular Migraine: Tips on how to Type it Out and What to Do About it. It’s an in depth evaluate of academic literature on this relatively unusual, misunderstood sort of migraine. Learn on to study extra.
The Vestibular System: An Overview
The vestibular system is answerable for spatial orientation (to coordinate stability and movement), controlling eye movements throughout movement of the top, and general sense of stability. It’s situated within the vestibulum which resides inside the inside ear. Nevertheless, it is immediately networked to several totally different areas of the mind: the somatic sensory cortices, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.
If there is a malfunction at any level in the network, it will probably enormously affect stability and cause dizziness. Nevertheless, vestibular issues also can embrace symptoms corresponding to hypersensitivity to sounds or lights (photosensitivity). Visible auras like flashing or shimmering lights may be present, notably in vestibular migraine.
This brief video offers a concise overview of the vestibular system.
There are a selection of factors that may contribute to vestibular issues. Internal ear issues as well as neurological points can all cause problems that have an effect on your stability and sometimes make you are feeling dizzy.
What’s Vestibular Migraine?
A vestibular migraine is a problem with the nervous system. The message from the internal ear to the mind will get scrambled and neural pathways misfire or brief circuit. This leads to repeated episodes of vertigo (dizziness) in migraineurs or individuals who have a historical past of migraine.
The good news is, a headache might not all the time accompany these uncommon migraines.
The dangerous news is, they make you so dizzy you still can’t perform.
The vestibular migraine is understood by many names:
Migraine-related vestibulopathy
Migrainous vertigo
Migraine-associated vertigo
Symptoms can last a couple of minutes or a couple of days.
Vestibular Migraine Signs
The obvious symptom of vestibular migraine is, in fact, dizziness. It isn’t necessarily steady however tends to return and go. You might really feel dizzy for five minutes, several hours, or up to three days. The reality is, round 40% of people who endure from migraine additionally expertise some sort of vestibular drawback as some level through the attack.
Particular vestibular symptoms embrace:
Spontaneous vertigo
Positional vertigo
Vertigo or dizziness brought on by head movement
Postural unsteadiness
Oscillopsia (objects within the field of regard appear to move or oscillate although they are still)
Vertigo or dizziness induced visually
Directional pulsion (falling in a sure course whereas strolling, standing, or sitting)
That’s the symptom that most individuals search for first, but that isn’t the one symptom – and it isn’t sufficient in your doctor to make a analysis both.
Other vestibular migraine signs embrace:
Problems with stability
Disoriented or confused
Hypersensitive to sound
Photophobia or mild sensitivity
Severe sensitivity to motion – dizziness is elevated once you transfer your body, eyes, or head (typically will increase nausea as nicely)
Feeling of being unsteady, like you’re in a ship that’s rocking on rough waves
While it is attainable to experience dizziness and issues together with your stability without any sort of headache or migraine, it’s also attainable to expertise vertigo symptoms at any point of your migraine – earlier than an assault, throughout it, or after.
A research revealed in Neurology Advisor found that greater than 70% of their check subjects had nervousness while greater than 40% had melancholy. Moreover, 26% had insomnia. It is troublesome to inform if these are comorbidities that existed prior to the migraine attacks, if the attacks brought them to the floor, or if the assaults induced them.
Some individuals have migraines for years, solely to have the vertigo signs start later in life. When you have a historical past of migraine and you have vertigo, even if they don’t occur collectively, it’s possible that you’ve vestibular migraine. Also, while this kind of migraine is extra prevalent in older adults, youngsters can get them too.
Diagnostic Challenges of Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular migraine shouldn’t be an easy analysis. Typically the affected person doesn’t experience a headache so symptoms might not immediately point to a kind of migraine. There are different migrainosus features that do accompany it akin to phonophobia, photophobia, and visual aura. These are thought-about to be a part of the diagnostic criteria.
The official diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine consists of:
A minimal of five episodes that embrace vestibular symptoms, must
Be average to extreme in intensity
Last between 5 minutes and 72 hours
Historical past of present or earlier migraine attacks (with or without aura)
At the least 50% of vestibular episodes must embrace at the least considered one of these migraine options:
Headache with a minimum of two migraine characteristics:
Situated on one aspect
Pain pulsates
Ache is average or severe in intensity
Routine physical exercise causes pain to extend
Phonophobia or photophobia
Visible aura
Different vestibular issues have been ruled out
Your doctor might carry out a number of vestibular perform exams to get a greater understanding of your vertigo. These exams are very simple, and a number of other may even be performed on comatose patients. This enables them to rule out different points that could be causing your signs.
Meniere Disease presents docs with the best diagnostic problem when determining whether or not a patient’s vertigo is due to vestibular migraine or Meniere illness. It’s because not solely do the 2 circumstances share comparable markers, migraine can also be widespread among individuals with Meniere illness. A few third of people recognized with Meniere illness also have migraine. What’s extra, complications and migraine signs typically accompany Meniere disease assaults.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is one other widespread vestibular disorder that can easily be confused with vestibular migraine. It’s the most typical reason for dizziness and vertigo amongst adults. It additionally has very close ties to migraine. An attack can trigger a migraine and patients with the dysfunction typically have migraine as properly.
Vertebrobasilar Ischemia is one other situation that has some similarities to vestibular migraine. The episodic vertigo comes on abruptly and lasts inside the diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine. There are exams which might be stroke specific that your physician might perform to rule it out.
Your doctor might run quite a lot of checks together with an MRI, stability check, vestibular occasion monitor, and hearing check.
Causes of Vestibular Migraine
A history of migraine is likely one of the commonest circumstances associated with vestibular migraine.
The 2 circumstances even share most of the similar triggers. One research recognized stress as a set off in almost 40% of the check subjects. Brilliant lights got here in subsequent at virtually 27%, with weather modifications at 26% and sleep deprivation at 26%.
As for causes of vestibular migraine, docs merely have no idea. Like migraines, there are many theories out there, but nothing very concrete.
It’s troublesome to determine how many individuals have vestibular migraine. The symptoms are too near other symptoms of other issues, making it onerous to pinpoint. Researchers consider that about 1% of the population is affected, but that quantity might easily be a lot larger.
Like regular migraines, they have a tendency to happen extra typically in ladies than men and often strike later in life, when the patient is round 40 years previous. Nevertheless, it isn’t confined to only adults.
There are reported instances the place youngsters are recognized with vestibular migraine too.
Remedy for Vestibular Migraine
There are not any specific drugs or remedies for vestibular migraine. Like other forms of migraine, remedy typically depends upon the patient and what they greatest reply to.
Typically docs will prescribe abortive therapy, which means drugs that may stop an assault. Other drugs might ease the vertigo signs and others could also be used to stop attacks.
The most typical vestibular migraine drugs embrace:
Triptans – Abortive remedy to be taken at the first signal of migraine or headache.
Vestibular suppressant – Helps with the vertigo symptoms to ease dizziness and assist with stability. Benzodiazepines and antihistamines are on this class.
Anti-nausea treatment – Helps to ease the nausea associated with vertigo.
Prevention medicine – Helps to stop vestibular migraine. Seizure treatment, sure antidepressants, and blood strain medicine fall beneath this class.
Typically the perfect you can do is manage your symptoms. My favourite remedy for the nausea brought on by the vertigo is bitter candy. Sucking on an excellent sour sweet if you start to feel nauseous from the dizziness will help maintain your abdomen settled. It’s also great for motion sickness. Carry some onerous, sour candies (preferably sugar free), and if you begin to feel woozy, pop one in your mouth. Don’t chew it, just slowly suck on it and you need to feel higher somewhat shortly.
Migraine glasses are nice for filtering out the sunshine and making the world a bit more inhabitable. Look for lenses with SpectraShield to make sure you are getting glasses with latest analysis and handiest tint to guard towards mild sensitivity.
Ice packs will help with the migraine ache and magnesium cream massaged into the temples are additionally effective remedies.
Way of life modifications are often advisable for sufferers that suffer from migraine. A healthy, balanced weight loss plan, exercise, correct hydration, and enough, top quality sleep are all essential for maintaining migraines at bay. Avoiding triggers can also be an excellent, healthy transfer.
Some sufferers have found aid with biofeedback strategies. This is notably helpful with individuals affected by vertigo. There isn’t much knowledge on it, however researchers and sufferers alike are hopeful.
There at present shouldn’t be sufficient analysis on vestibular rehabilitation to determine it as an effective remedy for vestibular migraine, however it is extremely useful for other vestibular circumstances. What’s fascinating is that physiotherapy, a part of vestibular rehabilitation, has been found to be quite useful in treating circumstances which are thought-about to be problems of vestibular migraine comparable to worry of falling, nervousness, and not trusting the stability system.
Scientists, docs, and researchers are delving deep into migraines, the brain, and associated circumstances. They’re making nice strides and there are a number of new, efficient drugs available on the market to prove it. Vestibular migraine does present the added problem of dizziness to the combination, but at its core, there are a selection of markers that time to migraine.
In case you consider you’ve got vestibular migraine, speak to your doctor. She or he can diagnose the problem then talk about with you one of the simplest ways to strategy it.
Axon Optics has a wide array of migraine glasses which are tinted with our personal SpectraShield to ensure you have the utmost safety on your mild sensitivity. Take a look for yourself and discover a pair that fits your type, then be a part of our every rising record of glad clients.
Here’s to fewer migraine days!
Axon Optics. “Are All FL-41 Migraine Relief Glasses Created Equal?” Axon Optics, 23 Apr. 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2018/12/are-all-fl-41-migraine-glasses-created-equal/.
Axon Optics. “Migraine Glasses – A Complete Guide (2019).” Axon Optics, 27 June 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2019/06/migraine-glasses-guide/.
Beh, Shin C. “Vestibular Migraine: How to Sort It Out and What to Do About It.” Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology : the Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, U.S. National Library of Drugs, June 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31094996.
Bisdorff, Alexandre R. “Management of Vestibular Migraine.” Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Issues, SAGE Publications, Might 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/.
Challenged, Neuroscientifically. “2-Minute Neuroscience: Vestibular System.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Sept. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3aYqxGesqs.
“Global Migraine Therapeutics Market 2019-2023 to Post a CAGR of 8.4%, Segmentation by Key Regions, Gross Margin, Profit, Analysis, Market Share: 360 Research Reports.” TheWindReports, thewindreports.com/global-migraine-therapeutics-market-2019-2023-to-post-a-cagr-of-Eight-4-segmentation-by-key-regions-gross-margin-profit-analysis-market-share-360-research-reports/29959/.
HospiMedica Worldwide. “Vestibular Event Monitor Provides Accurate Vertigo Diagnosis.” Hospimedica.com, HospiMedica Worldwide, 17 June 2019, www.hospimedica.com/health-it/articles/294778325/vestibular-event-monitor-provides-accurate-vertigo-diagnosis.html.
Lempert, et al. “Vestibular Migraine: Diagnostic Criteria.” Journal of Vestibular Analysis, IOS Press, 1 Jan. 2012, content material.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-vestibular-research/ves00453.
McNamara, Lindsay. “Vestibular Migraine: Johns Hopkins Vestibular Disorders Center.” Vestibular Migraine
0 notes
punkestboy-blog · 5 years
Have you ever been dizzy?
I imply, actually dizzy, the place you couldn’t do much in case you might rise up at all.
This isn’t a “too much spinning on the playground equipment” dizziness. No, this dizziness comes on seemingly out of the blue. It could possibly final a number of minutes or drag on for up to three days and you’ve got this feeling of spinning or shifting.
You could be unsteady in your ft, like the ground is rocking underneath you.
On prime of all that, you could have a headache, see flashing or shimmering lights in your field of regard, and experience a sensitivity to sound or mild or each.
In case you have experienced these issues, talked to your doctor about it, and he or she might find nothing amiss, it in all probability left you feeling annoyed and maybe a bit of hopeless. In any case, if they will’t discover out what’s fallacious, how are you going to be treated for it?
Nevertheless, there is a simple question that would shed a substantial amount of mild on your illness. One question that would probably make all of the pieces come collectively.
Have you ever had migraines?
When you answer sure, it might be that you’re suffering from vestibular migraine – even if your dizzy episodes don’t embrace headache.
We deliver you the newest analysis on vestibular migraine, specifically, we’ll summarize an article for you that is scorching off the presses from the Journal of Neuroophthalmology, Vestibular Migraine: Tips on how to Type it Out and What to Do About it. It’s an in depth evaluate of academic literature on this relatively unusual, misunderstood sort of migraine. Learn on to study extra.
The Vestibular System: An Overview
The vestibular system is answerable for spatial orientation (to coordinate stability and movement), controlling eye movements throughout movement of the top, and general sense of stability. It’s situated within the vestibulum which resides inside the inside ear. Nevertheless, it is immediately networked to several totally different areas of the mind: the somatic sensory cortices, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.
If there is a malfunction at any level in the network, it will probably enormously affect stability and cause dizziness. Nevertheless, vestibular issues also can embrace symptoms corresponding to hypersensitivity to sounds or lights (photosensitivity). Visible auras like flashing or shimmering lights may be present, notably in vestibular migraine.
This brief video offers a concise overview of the vestibular system.
There are a selection of factors that may contribute to vestibular issues. Internal ear issues as well as neurological points can all cause problems that have an effect on your stability and sometimes make you are feeling dizzy.
What’s Vestibular Migraine?
A vestibular migraine is a problem with the nervous system. The message from the internal ear to the mind will get scrambled and neural pathways misfire or brief circuit. This leads to repeated episodes of vertigo (dizziness) in migraineurs or individuals who have a historical past of migraine.
The good news is, a headache might not all the time accompany these uncommon migraines.
The dangerous news is, they make you so dizzy you still can’t perform.
The vestibular migraine is understood by many names:
Migraine-related vestibulopathy
Migrainous vertigo
Migraine-associated vertigo
Symptoms can last a couple of minutes or a couple of days.
Vestibular Migraine Signs
The obvious symptom of vestibular migraine is, in fact, dizziness. It isn’t necessarily steady however tends to return and go. You might really feel dizzy for five minutes, several hours, or up to three days. The reality is, round 40% of people who endure from migraine additionally expertise some sort of vestibular drawback as some level through the attack.
Particular vestibular symptoms embrace:
Spontaneous vertigo
Positional vertigo
Vertigo or dizziness brought on by head movement
Postural unsteadiness
Oscillopsia (objects within the field of regard appear to move or oscillate although they are still)
Vertigo or dizziness induced visually
Directional pulsion (falling in a sure course whereas strolling, standing, or sitting)
That’s the symptom that most individuals search for first, but that isn’t the one symptom – and it isn’t sufficient in your doctor to make a analysis both.
Other vestibular migraine signs embrace:
Problems with stability
Disoriented or confused
Hypersensitive to sound
Photophobia or mild sensitivity
Severe sensitivity to motion – dizziness is elevated once you transfer your body, eyes, or head (typically will increase nausea as nicely)
Feeling of being unsteady, like you’re in a ship that’s rocking on rough waves
While it is attainable to experience dizziness and issues together with your stability without any sort of headache or migraine, it’s also attainable to expertise vertigo symptoms at any point of your migraine – earlier than an assault, throughout it, or after.
A research revealed in Neurology Advisor found that greater than 70% of their check subjects had nervousness while greater than 40% had melancholy. Moreover, 26% had insomnia. It is troublesome to inform if these are comorbidities that existed prior to the migraine attacks, if the attacks brought them to the floor, or if the assaults induced them.
Some individuals have migraines for years, solely to have the vertigo signs start later in life. When you have a historical past of migraine and you have vertigo, even if they don’t occur collectively, it’s possible that you’ve vestibular migraine. Also, while this kind of migraine is extra prevalent in older adults, youngsters can get them too.
Diagnostic Challenges of Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular migraine shouldn’t be an easy analysis. Typically the affected person doesn’t experience a headache so symptoms might not immediately point to a kind of migraine. There are different migrainosus features that do accompany it akin to phonophobia, photophobia, and visual aura. These are thought-about to be a part of the diagnostic criteria.
The official diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine consists of:
A minimal of five episodes that embrace vestibular symptoms, must
Be average to extreme in intensity
Last between 5 minutes and 72 hours
Historical past of present or earlier migraine attacks (with or without aura)
At the least 50% of vestibular episodes must embrace at the least considered one of these migraine options:
Headache with a minimum of two migraine characteristics:
Situated on one aspect
Pain pulsates
Ache is average or severe in intensity
Routine physical exercise causes pain to extend
Phonophobia or photophobia
Visible aura
Different vestibular issues have been ruled out
Your doctor might carry out a number of vestibular perform exams to get a greater understanding of your vertigo. These exams are very simple, and a number of other may even be performed on comatose patients. This enables them to rule out different points that could be causing your signs.
Meniere Disease presents docs with the best diagnostic problem when determining whether or not a patient’s vertigo is due to vestibular migraine or Meniere illness. It’s because not solely do the 2 circumstances share comparable markers, migraine can also be widespread among individuals with Meniere illness. A few third of people recognized with Meniere illness also have migraine. What’s extra, complications and migraine signs typically accompany Meniere disease assaults.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is one other widespread vestibular disorder that can easily be confused with vestibular migraine. It’s the most typical reason for dizziness and vertigo amongst adults. It additionally has very close ties to migraine. An attack can trigger a migraine and patients with the dysfunction typically have migraine as properly.
Vertebrobasilar Ischemia is one other situation that has some similarities to vestibular migraine. The episodic vertigo comes on abruptly and lasts inside the diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine. There are exams which might be stroke specific that your physician might perform to rule it out.
Your doctor might run quite a lot of checks together with an MRI, stability check, vestibular occasion monitor, and hearing check.
Causes of Vestibular Migraine
A history of migraine is likely one of the commonest circumstances associated with vestibular migraine.
The 2 circumstances even share most of the similar triggers. One research recognized stress as a set off in almost 40% of the check subjects. Brilliant lights got here in subsequent at virtually 27%, with weather modifications at 26% and sleep deprivation at 26%.
As for causes of vestibular migraine, docs merely have no idea. Like migraines, there are many theories out there, but nothing very concrete.
It’s troublesome to determine how many individuals have vestibular migraine. The symptoms are too near other symptoms of other issues, making it onerous to pinpoint. Researchers consider that about 1% of the population is affected, but that quantity might easily be a lot larger.
Like regular migraines, they have a tendency to happen extra typically in ladies than men and often strike later in life, when the patient is round 40 years previous. Nevertheless, it isn’t confined to only adults.
There are reported instances the place youngsters are recognized with vestibular migraine too.
Remedy for Vestibular Migraine
There are not any specific drugs or remedies for vestibular migraine. Like other forms of migraine, remedy typically depends upon the patient and what they greatest reply to.
Typically docs will prescribe abortive therapy, which means drugs that may stop an assault. Other drugs might ease the vertigo signs and others could also be used to stop attacks.
The most typical vestibular migraine drugs embrace:
Triptans – Abortive remedy to be taken at the first signal of migraine or headache.
Vestibular suppressant – Helps with the vertigo symptoms to ease dizziness and assist with stability. Benzodiazepines and antihistamines are on this class.
Anti-nausea treatment – Helps to ease the nausea associated with vertigo.
Prevention medicine – Helps to stop vestibular migraine. Seizure treatment, sure antidepressants, and blood strain medicine fall beneath this class.
Typically the perfect you can do is manage your symptoms. My favourite remedy for the nausea brought on by the vertigo is bitter candy. Sucking on an excellent sour sweet if you start to feel nauseous from the dizziness will help maintain your abdomen settled. It’s also great for motion sickness. Carry some onerous, sour candies (preferably sugar free), and if you begin to feel woozy, pop one in your mouth. Don’t chew it, just slowly suck on it and you need to feel higher somewhat shortly.
Migraine glasses are nice for filtering out the sunshine and making the world a bit more inhabitable. Look for lenses with SpectraShield to make sure you are getting glasses with latest analysis and handiest tint to guard towards mild sensitivity.
Ice packs will help with the migraine ache and magnesium cream massaged into the temples are additionally effective remedies.
Way of life modifications are often advisable for sufferers that suffer from migraine. A healthy, balanced weight loss plan, exercise, correct hydration, and enough, top quality sleep are all essential for maintaining migraines at bay. Avoiding triggers can also be an excellent, healthy transfer.
Some sufferers have found aid with biofeedback strategies. This is notably helpful with individuals affected by vertigo. There isn’t much knowledge on it, however researchers and sufferers alike are hopeful.
There at present shouldn’t be sufficient analysis on vestibular rehabilitation to determine it as an effective remedy for vestibular migraine, however it is extremely useful for other vestibular circumstances. What’s fascinating is that physiotherapy, a part of vestibular rehabilitation, has been found to be quite useful in treating circumstances which are thought-about to be problems of vestibular migraine comparable to worry of falling, nervousness, and not trusting the stability system.
Scientists, docs, and researchers are delving deep into migraines, the brain, and associated circumstances. They’re making nice strides and there are a number of new, efficient drugs available on the market to prove it. Vestibular migraine does present the added problem of dizziness to the combination, but at its core, there are a selection of markers that time to migraine.
In case you consider you’ve got vestibular migraine, speak to your doctor. She or he can diagnose the problem then talk about with you one of the simplest ways to strategy it.
Axon Optics has a wide array of migraine glasses which are tinted with our personal SpectraShield to ensure you have the utmost safety on your mild sensitivity. Take a look for yourself and discover a pair that fits your type, then be a part of our every rising record of glad clients.
Here’s to fewer migraine days!
Axon Optics. “Are All FL-41 Migraine Relief Glasses Created Equal?” Axon Optics, 23 Apr. 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2018/12/are-all-fl-41-migraine-glasses-created-equal/.
Axon Optics. “Migraine Glasses – A Complete Guide (2019).” Axon Optics, 27 June 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2019/06/migraine-glasses-guide/.
Beh, Shin C. “Vestibular Migraine: How to Sort It Out and What to Do About It.” Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology : the Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, U.S. National Library of Drugs, June 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31094996.
Bisdorff, Alexandre R. “Management of Vestibular Migraine.” Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Issues, SAGE Publications, Might 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/.
Challenged, Neuroscientifically. “2-Minute Neuroscience: Vestibular System.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Sept. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3aYqxGesqs.
“Global Migraine Therapeutics Market 2019-2023 to Post a CAGR of 8.4%, Segmentation by Key Regions, Gross Margin, Profit, Analysis, Market Share: 360 Research Reports.” TheWindReports, thewindreports.com/global-migraine-therapeutics-market-2019-2023-to-post-a-cagr-of-Eight-4-segmentation-by-key-regions-gross-margin-profit-analysis-market-share-360-research-reports/29959/.
HospiMedica Worldwide. “Vestibular Event Monitor Provides Accurate Vertigo Diagnosis.” Hospimedica.com, HospiMedica Worldwide, 17 June 2019, www.hospimedica.com/health-it/articles/294778325/vestibular-event-monitor-provides-accurate-vertigo-diagnosis.html.
Lempert, et al. “Vestibular Migraine: Diagnostic Criteria.” Journal of Vestibular Analysis, IOS Press, 1 Jan. 2012, content material.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-vestibular-research/ves00453.
McNamara, Lindsay. “Vestibular Migraine: Johns Hopkins Vestibular Disorders Center.” Vestibular Migraine
0 notes
kristinsimmons · 4 years
Cold Sores: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Cold sores, or “fever blisters”, are painful blisters that form on the face, usually near the lips. 
They’re caused by one of the most common viral infections in the world. According to the CDC, nearly 50% of people have at least one cold sore outbreak every year.
You can’t cure cold sores permanently, but certain medications and home remedies may help shorten outbreaks and improve symptoms.
What is a cold sore?
A cold sore is a red or dark pink fluid-filled blister around the mouth caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores may appear on other parts of your face. Rarely, cold sores can spread to your nose, inside of your mouth, or even your fingers.
Cold sores are also known as fever blisters, herpes labialis, or oral herpes.
Generally, cold sores spread through close contact, like kissing or oral sex, with another person during an outbreak. Even before you can see the blisters, cold sores may be contagious if skin contact is made.
Cold sores may come back at any time, even after an active outbreak has ended. There is no known cure for cold sores, which are a recurring skin condition.
What does a cold sore look like? 
There are 5 cold sore stages that each look different:
Stage 1/Tingling: For about 24 hours, your mouth may itch and/or tingle. Many people describe the feeling as a burning sensation. No visible signs may appear.
Stage 2/Blistering: Blisters form and fill with fluid. You may develop several small blisters or one large blister. Sores appear white, greyish, or yellow while skin becomes inflamed and red.
Stage 3/Weeping: Blisters break (burst) and may ooze. Painful sores form and are often varying shades of red.
Stage 4/Crusting: After a few days, sores dry out and a scab forms. Itching and cracking are common. 
Stage 5/Healing: The scab falls off and the skin heals.
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Cold sores are contagious at every stage until they heal completely. They spread most easily during stage 3.
You cannot speed up cold sore healing by popping it or by ripping off the scab. Both of these actions may lead to a scar once the cold sore has healed completely.
Cold Sore Symptoms
Tingling, burning, and itchy facial skin are the first signs of a fever blister/cold sore. Catching a cold sore early is important to shorten its duration, so begin treatment immediately.
As the cold sore virus progresses, you’ll experience pain and tenderness. Multiple sores may appear.
Especially during your first cold sore outbreak, you may also experience symptoms like:
Sore throat
Painful gums
Swollen lips
Swelling of the lymph nodes
General muscle and joint aches
During your first cold sore, you may contract gingivostomatitis, an infection of the gums and mouth. This may be accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, bad breath, and a desire to avoid drinking water. 
Rarely, your eyes may become infected. If you experience any symptoms in or around your eyes during a cold sore infection, call a doctor immediately. HSV-1 infections in the eyes may lead to vision loss if not addressed right away.
What causes cold sores?
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). 
“Herpes” can sound alarming, but it’s an incredibly common virus. 50-80% of adults in the United States carry HSV-1, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. However, some individuals never develop a cold sore even though they carry the virus.
Most people, however, will experience at least one or two cold sores in their lifetime. 
The herpes virus “hides” in the ganglion of nerve cells under the skin of your face after an initial outbreak has ended. There, it is considered “dormant” or “latent.” When triggered again, HSV-1 replicates through the nerve and out to the skin to create a new cold sore. This is why recurring oral herpes outbreaks often happen around the same area of the face as prior outbreaks.
HSV-2 (herpes simplex virus 2) is a related viral strain that causes genital herpes. HSV-2 can rarely spread to the face, and HSV-1 can be transmitted to the genitals. 
A person may not develop their first cold sore for up to 20 days after exposure to HSV-1. During this time, they may still spread the virus. 
Risk Factors
As 90% of people carry the herpes virus that causes cold sores, most people are at risk of developing a cold sore at some point in their lifetime. A weak immune system is the most significant risk factor for cold sores.
If you have any of the following conditions, your immune system is weaker than average. This puts you at a higher risk of HSV-1 infections or complications:
Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Autoimmune disease
Third-degree burns over much of the body
Cancer (especially during chemotherapy treatment)
Organ transplants (because of anti-rejection drugs)
Certain genetic factors may also increase your risk of cold sores. The C21orf91 gene is associated with more frequent herpes labialis outbreaks.
What triggers a cold sore? New or recurring cold sore outbreaks may be triggered by:
A weak immune system for any reason
Any viral or bacterial infection (cold, flu, etc.)
Sun exposure
Chronic stress
Dental work
Injury to facial skin
In some cases, cold sore outbreaks may lead to serious medical complications such as:
Eczema: Eczema combined with cold sore infections can cause eczema herpeticum, a potentially life-threatening medical emergency. People with eczema are more susceptible to cold sores because they have an inflammatory autoimmune condition across a large area of skin. No longer limited only to the face, cold sores can spread to any area of the body. This is most common in children.
Herpetic whitlow: HSV-1 may be transferred to the fingertips, a condition known as herpetic whitlow (“whitlow finger”). This is why some babies and toddlers who suck their thumbs and fingers will get fever blisters on fingers. Dentists suffer from this type of cold sore complication more frequently than the general population.
Eye infections: Herpes simplex can travel to the eyes and cause infections like herpetic keratoconjunctivitis or viral keratitis. This can result in inflammation and ulcers on the cornea. If left untreated, eye infections from cold sores can result in permanent vision loss. Call a doctor right away if you experience eye symptoms during a cold sore outbreak.
Genital sores: Usually, HSV-1 causes cold sores on the face and HSV-2 causes genital herpes. However, it’s possible to spread HSV-1 sores to the genitals or HSV-2 sores to the face.
Acute herpetic pharyngotonsillitis: In adults, cold sores may lead to this throat/tonsil infection. You may develop a fever, headache, tiredness, and a sore throat, but this infection is not usually serious.
Gingivostomatitis: This gum/mouth infection usually happens only once, if ever, and heals in 7-10 days. However, it can spread to the central nervous system and may lead to meningoencephalitis and/or death.
Meningitis or encephalitis: In immunocompromised individuals, HSV viruses may travel to and cause inflammation in the spinal cord (meningitis) and brain (encephalitis). This is a very rare and dangerous complication of the herpes virus. 
When to Call a Doctor
Most cold sores can be treated at home without problems. However, children and people at risk of complications should be monitored more closely and may need professional attention.
You should contact a doctor immediately if you or your child have a cold sore and:
High or long-lasting fever
Breathing or swallowing problems
Irritation around the eyes which may or may not cause redness or discharge
The spread of cold sores to an eczema breakout
You should also call your doctor if you develop a cold sore and have a compromised immune system, such as with cancer or AIDS.
To diagnose a cold sore, your doctor can perform a physical exam. Cold sores are usually easy to identify, but he or she may order lab tests to confirm the diagnosis in some cases.
If you are at high risk of complications, your physician may sample the fluid from an oozing cold sore.
Cold Sore Treatment
How do you get rid of a cold sore fast? Over-the-counter topical ointments or creams like Abreva may shorten the length of a cold sore outbreak. 
In some cases, your doctor may recommend prescription antiviral medications to prevent recurring infections.
Several home remedies may also improve symptoms of cold sores. 
According to available scientific evidence, no treatment can get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours. 
Without treatment, most cold sore infections will clear up within 7-10 days.
Creams & Ointments
Prescription topical creams or ointments that your doctor may prescribe for a cold sore include:
Xerese (acyclovir and hydrocortisone)
Soothelip (acyclovir)
Denavir (penciclovir)
Over-the-counter topical creams or ointments that may help improve cold sore symptoms and/or shorten an outbreak include:
Abreva (docosanol)
Zinc oxide cream (typically sold for diaper rash)
Aloe vera gel
Zilactin (benzyl alcohol)
Abreva (docosanol) is the only over-the-counter antiviral treatment approved by the FDA to shorten the healing time of cold sores. Aloe vera gel and zinc oxide cream may also shorten outbreaks and reduce cold sore symptoms.
Zilactin is marketed for topical cold sore relief. No studies support its efficacy for improving symptoms, but it may dry out the area and reduce the pain caused by a cold sore.
All topical creams or gels for cold sores should be applied to the tingling or burning area 4-5 times each day for maximum effectiveness.
Touching a cold sore directly greatly increases your risk of spreading the infection to another part of your body or another person. When using creams and ointments for cold sores, always apply with a cotton swab.
Oral medications are available by prescription for prolonged or recurring cold sore infections:
Zovirax (acyclovir)
Valtrex (valacyclovir)
Famvir (famciclovir)
These antiviral medicines may be prescribed for daily use if you have frequent cold sore outbreaks and/or you are at a high risk of complications. 
Home Remedies
Several cold sore remedies may improve your symptoms or even reduce your risk of future infections. These include:
Bee propolis
Apple cider vinegar
Essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood)
Lemon balm (salve or oral dietary supplement)
Kanuka honey
Aloe vera gel
Does toothpaste get rid of cold sores? No one knows for sure if toothpaste can get rid of cold sores. Anecdotal reports suggest that toothpaste containing SLS may help to dry out cold sores. However, no scientific evidence supports this claim.
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) may actually cause canker sores, so avoid using this as a treatment for your cold sores.
Cold Sore Pain Relief
Even if your infection time is shortened by effective treatment, you’ll probably still experience pain during your outbreak.
To reduce pain from a cold sore:
Use ice or a cold compress against the skin
Take over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Use benzocaine or lidocaine gel to numb the area
Remember not to touch the sore with your hands and use a cotton ball or swab when applying a topical anesthetic.
Aspirin should not be used for cold sore pain — or any pain during a viral infection — especially in children.
Rarely, aspirin use during a viral infection may lead to Reye syndrome, a serious childhood condition that begins with persistent vomiting and may lead to neurological problems and other life-threatening complications.
How to Prevent Cold Sores
The virus is generally passed through skin contact or by touching personal items used by an infected person. To prevent spreading cold sores, do not:
Share drinking glasses, water bottles, or eating utensils
Use someone else’s lip balm
Share toothbrushes or other hygiene products
Kiss someone who has a cold sore or has been in close contact with another person who has a cold sore
Perform or receive oral sex with someone who may have a cold sore or genital herpes
You should also wash your hands frequently and thoroughly during a cold sore outbreak.
To prevent or reduce your risk for recurring cold sore infections, you should avoid triggers for new outbreaks and keep your immune system healthy:
Use a lip balm with sunscreen: Use an SPF 30 or higher lip balm.
Avoid sun overexposure: Always use sunscreen and avoid spending several hours in the sun on a regular basis.
Replace your toothbrush regularly: Your toothbrush or toothbrush head can hang onto viruses including HSV-1. Replace your toothbrush every 1-3 months and immediately after a cold sore outbreak.
Practice stress-relief techniques: Journaling, meditation, time outdoors, exercise, and restful sleep can all help reduce stress and fatigue that can trigger cold sores.
Support immune health during menstruation: Women may be more prone to cold sores during their periods. Don’t neglect immunity and healthy habits/eating during your cycle, as this could increase your risk of new cold sores.
Boost your immune system: As with any virus, cold sores are less likely if your immune system is strong. Ensure you’re getting plenty of vitamin C, vitamin D, and nutrient-dense foods. You may also try a probiotic supplement and/or oral probiotics to support a healthy microbiome.
Be cautious after dental work: Dental cleanings and other procedures can temporarily weaken your immune system by exposing your bloodstream to higher amounts of oral bacteria than normal. 
How long do cold sores last?
First cold sore outbreaks may last as long as 2 weeks. 
Recurrent outbreaks usually heal in 7-10 days.
The cold sore virus does not go away, even when a cold sore outbreak has healed. It remains dormant in nerve cells until the infection is triggered again.
Cold Sores vs. Canker Sores
A cold sore outbreak is the result of a viral infection, while canker sores are non-contagious ulcers caused by several different factors.
The easiest way to spot the difference between cold sores and canker sores is by their location and appearance.
Cold SoreCanker SoreLocationFace, usually on or around the lipsInside the mouth, on the tongue, cheeks, or throatAppearanceRaised, red, fluid-filled blisters; eventually, ooze then scab overFlat, red circular ulcers surrounded by a white haloCausesViral infection from herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) Outbreaks may be triggered by: – Weakened immunity – Stress – Sun exposure – Hormonal imbalance– Injury (biting your cheek) – Toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) – Zinc, iron, or vitamin B12 deficiency – Hormonal imbalance – Oral microbiome imbalanceTime to Recovery7-14 days1-6 weeksContagious?YesNo
Popping a Cold Sore
Does popping a cold sore help it heal faster? No, popping a cold sore does not help the blister heal faster. In fact, popping your cold sore will more than likely lead to:
More cold sores as the blister fluid spreads
Risk of new, different infections by exposing an open sore
Increased pain
Popping a cold sore is especially dangerous if you are at risk of complications due to a compromised immune system. Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis make it easier for the HSV-1 virus to spread all over the body, which may lead to life-threatening complications.
Are there clinical trials available for people with frequent cold sores?
A: The US National Library of Medicine has a database for active clinical trials for oral herpes treatments.
Do cold sores mean you have an STD?
A: Most people contract the HSV-1 virus during childhood years, not related to any type of sexual contact. Cold sores are not considered an STD, unlike genital herpes caused by HSV-2. 
Keep in mind, though, that HSV-2 outbreaks in the genital area can pass to the mouth during oral sex and cause sores on the face. It’s also harder to prevent with condoms than other STDs since it can be transferred from the skin not covered by a condom.If you’re concerned you’ve contracted the HSV-2 virus, see your doctor for treatment options.
11 References
McQuillan, G. M., Kruszon-Moran, D., Flagg, E. W., & Paulose-Ram, R. (2018). Prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in persons aged 14-49: United States, 2015-2016 (pp. 1-8). US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Full text: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db304.htm
Kolokotronis, A., & Doumas, S. (2006). Herpes simplex virus infection, with particular reference to the progression and complications of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. Clinical microbiology and infection, 12(3), 202-211. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stergios_Doumas/publication/7323444_Herpes_simplex_virus_infection_with_particular_reference_to_the_progression_and_complications_of_primary_herpetic_gingivostomatitis/links/59dd40ba458515f6efef4cd7/Herpes-simplex-virus-infection-with-particular-reference-to-the-progression-and-complications-of-primary-herpetic-gingivostomatitis.pdf
Arduino, P. G., & Porter, S. R. (2008). Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection: overview on relevant clinico‐pathological features. Journal of oral pathology & medicine, 37(2), 107-121. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18197856
Kriesel, J. D., Jones, B. B., Matsunami, N., Patel, M. K., St. Pierre, C. A., Kurt-Jones, E. A., … & Hobbs, M. R. (2011). C21orf91 genotypes correlate with herpes simplex labialis (cold sore) frequency: description of a cold sore susceptibility gene. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204(11), 1654-1662. Full text: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3203230/
Rowe, N. H., Heine, C. S., & Kowalski, C. J. (1982). Herpetic whitlow: an occupational disease of practicing dentists. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 105(3), 471-473. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6957456
Dawson, C. R., & Togni, B. (1976). Herpes simplex eye infections: clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and management. Survey of ophthalmology, 21(2), 121-135. Abstract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/988644
Klastersky, J., Cappel, R., Snoeck, J. M., Flament, J., & Thiry, L. (1972). Ascending myelitis in association with herpes-simplex virus. New England Journal of Medicine, 287(4), 182-184. Abstract: https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM197207272870411
Sacks, S. L., Thisted, R. A., Jones, T. M., Barbarash, R. A., Mikolich, D. J., Ruoff, G. E., … & Morrow, P. R. (2001). Clinical efficacy of topical docosanol 10% cream for herpes simplex labialis: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 45(2), 222-230. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11464183/ 
Godfrey, H. R., Godfrey, N. J., Godfrey, J. C., & Riley, D. (2001). A randomized clinical trial on the treatment of oral herpes with topical zinc oxide/glycine. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 7(3), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11347285/ 
Rezazadeh, F., Moshaverinia, M., Motamedifar, M., & Alyaseri, M. (2016). Assessment of anti HSV-1 activity of Aloe vera gel extract: an in vitro study. Journal of Dentistry, 17(1), 49. Abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26966709/
Chavan, M., Jain, H., Diwan, N., Khedkar, S., Shete, A., & Durkar, S. (2012). Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a review. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine, 41(8), 577-583. Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahesh_Chavan5/publication/221891773_Recurrent_aphthous_stomatitis_A_review/links/5b69611392851ca650512153/Recurrent-aphthous-stomatitis-A-review.pdf
The post Cold Sores: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
Cold Sores: Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments published first on https://wittooth.tumblr.com/
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Have you ever been dizzy?
I imply, actually dizzy, the place you couldn’t do much in case you might rise up at all.
This isn’t a “too much spinning on the playground equipment” dizziness. No, this dizziness comes on seemingly out of the blue. It could possibly final a number of minutes or drag on for up to three days and you’ve got this feeling of spinning or shifting.
You could be unsteady in your ft, like the ground is rocking underneath you.
On prime of all that, you could have a headache, see flashing or shimmering lights in your field of regard, and experience a sensitivity to sound or mild or each.
In case you have experienced these issues, talked to your doctor about it, and he or she might find nothing amiss, it in all probability left you feeling annoyed and maybe a bit of hopeless. In any case, if they will’t discover out what’s fallacious, how are you going to be treated for it?
Nevertheless, there is a simple question that would shed a substantial amount of mild on your illness. One question that would probably make all of the pieces come collectively.
Have you ever had migraines?
When you answer sure, it might be that you’re suffering from vestibular migraine – even if your dizzy episodes don’t embrace headache.
We deliver you the newest analysis on vestibular migraine, specifically, we’ll summarize an article for you that is scorching off the presses from the Journal of Neuroophthalmology, Vestibular Migraine: Tips on how to Type it Out and What to Do About it. It’s an in depth evaluate of academic literature on this relatively unusual, misunderstood sort of migraine. Learn on to study extra.
The Vestibular System: An Overview
The vestibular system is answerable for spatial orientation (to coordinate stability and movement), controlling eye movements throughout movement of the top, and general sense of stability. It’s situated within the vestibulum which resides inside the inside ear. Nevertheless, it is immediately networked to several totally different areas of the mind: the somatic sensory cortices, the cerebellum, and the brainstem.
If there is a malfunction at any level in the network, it will probably enormously affect stability and cause dizziness. Nevertheless, vestibular issues also can embrace symptoms corresponding to hypersensitivity to sounds or lights (photosensitivity). Visible auras like flashing or shimmering lights may be present, notably in vestibular migraine.
This brief video offers a concise overview of the vestibular system.
There are a selection of factors that may contribute to vestibular issues. Internal ear issues as well as neurological points can all cause problems that have an effect on your stability and sometimes make you are feeling dizzy.
What’s Vestibular Migraine?
A vestibular migraine is a problem with the nervous system. The message from the internal ear to the mind will get scrambled and neural pathways misfire or brief circuit. This leads to repeated episodes of vertigo (dizziness) in migraineurs or individuals who have a historical past of migraine.
The good news is, a headache might not all the time accompany these uncommon migraines.
The dangerous news is, they make you so dizzy you still can’t perform.
The vestibular migraine is understood by many names:
Migraine-related vestibulopathy
Migrainous vertigo
Migraine-associated vertigo
Symptoms can last a couple of minutes or a couple of days.
Vestibular Migraine Signs
The obvious symptom of vestibular migraine is, in fact, dizziness. It isn’t necessarily steady however tends to return and go. You might really feel dizzy for five minutes, several hours, or up to three days. The reality is, round 40% of people who endure from migraine additionally expertise some sort of vestibular drawback as some level through the attack.
Particular vestibular symptoms embrace:
Spontaneous vertigo
Positional vertigo
Vertigo or dizziness brought on by head movement
Postural unsteadiness
Oscillopsia (objects within the field of regard appear to move or oscillate although they are still)
Vertigo or dizziness induced visually
Directional pulsion (falling in a sure course whereas strolling, standing, or sitting)
That’s the symptom that most individuals search for first, but that isn’t the one symptom – and it isn’t sufficient in your doctor to make a analysis both.
Other vestibular migraine signs embrace:
Problems with stability
Disoriented or confused
Hypersensitive to sound
Photophobia or mild sensitivity
Severe sensitivity to motion – dizziness is elevated once you transfer your body, eyes, or head (typically will increase nausea as nicely)
Feeling of being unsteady, like you’re in a ship that’s rocking on rough waves
While it is attainable to experience dizziness and issues together with your stability without any sort of headache or migraine, it’s also attainable to expertise vertigo symptoms at any point of your migraine – earlier than an assault, throughout it, or after.
A research revealed in Neurology Advisor found that greater than 70% of their check subjects had nervousness while greater than 40% had melancholy. Moreover, 26% had insomnia. It is troublesome to inform if these are comorbidities that existed prior to the migraine attacks, if the attacks brought them to the floor, or if the assaults induced them.
Some individuals have migraines for years, solely to have the vertigo signs start later in life. When you have a historical past of migraine and you have vertigo, even if they don’t occur collectively, it’s possible that you’ve vestibular migraine. Also, while this kind of migraine is extra prevalent in older adults, youngsters can get them too.
Diagnostic Challenges of Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular migraine shouldn’t be an easy analysis. Typically the affected person doesn’t experience a headache so symptoms might not immediately point to a kind of migraine. There are different migrainosus features that do accompany it akin to phonophobia, photophobia, and visual aura. These are thought-about to be a part of the diagnostic criteria.
The official diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine consists of:
A minimal of five episodes that embrace vestibular symptoms, must
Be average to extreme in intensity
Last between 5 minutes and 72 hours
Historical past of present or earlier migraine attacks (with or without aura)
At the least 50% of vestibular episodes must embrace at the least considered one of these migraine options:
Headache with a minimum of two migraine characteristics:
Situated on one aspect
Pain pulsates
Ache is average or severe in intensity
Routine physical exercise causes pain to extend
Phonophobia or photophobia
Visible aura
Different vestibular issues have been ruled out
Your doctor might carry out a number of vestibular perform exams to get a greater understanding of your vertigo. These exams are very simple, and a number of other may even be performed on comatose patients. This enables them to rule out different points that could be causing your signs.
Meniere Disease presents docs with the best diagnostic problem when determining whether or not a patient’s vertigo is due to vestibular migraine or Meniere illness. It’s because not solely do the 2 circumstances share comparable markers, migraine can also be widespread among individuals with Meniere illness. A few third of people recognized with Meniere illness also have migraine. What’s extra, complications and migraine signs typically accompany Meniere disease assaults.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is one other widespread vestibular disorder that can easily be confused with vestibular migraine. It’s the most typical reason for dizziness and vertigo amongst adults. It additionally has very close ties to migraine. An attack can trigger a migraine and patients with the dysfunction typically have migraine as properly.
Vertebrobasilar Ischemia is one other situation that has some similarities to vestibular migraine. The episodic vertigo comes on abruptly and lasts inside the diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine. There are exams which might be stroke specific that your physician might perform to rule it out.
Your doctor might run quite a lot of checks together with an MRI, stability check, vestibular occasion monitor, and hearing check.
Causes of Vestibular Migraine
A history of migraine is likely one of the commonest circumstances associated with vestibular migraine.
The 2 circumstances even share most of the similar triggers. One research recognized stress as a set off in almost 40% of the check subjects. Brilliant lights got here in subsequent at virtually 27%, with weather modifications at 26% and sleep deprivation at 26%.
As for causes of vestibular migraine, docs merely have no idea. Like migraines, there are many theories out there, but nothing very concrete.
It’s troublesome to determine how many individuals have vestibular migraine. The symptoms are too near other symptoms of other issues, making it onerous to pinpoint. Researchers consider that about 1% of the population is affected, but that quantity might easily be a lot larger.
Like regular migraines, they have a tendency to happen extra typically in ladies than men and often strike later in life, when the patient is round 40 years previous. Nevertheless, it isn’t confined to only adults.
There are reported instances the place youngsters are recognized with vestibular migraine too.
Remedy for Vestibular Migraine
There are not any specific drugs or remedies for vestibular migraine. Like other forms of migraine, remedy typically depends upon the patient and what they greatest reply to.
Typically docs will prescribe abortive therapy, which means drugs that may stop an assault. Other drugs might ease the vertigo signs and others could also be used to stop attacks.
The most typical vestibular migraine drugs embrace:
Triptans – Abortive remedy to be taken at the first signal of migraine or headache.
Vestibular suppressant – Helps with the vertigo symptoms to ease dizziness and assist with stability. Benzodiazepines and antihistamines are on this class.
Anti-nausea treatment – Helps to ease the nausea associated with vertigo.
Prevention medicine – Helps to stop vestibular migraine. Seizure treatment, sure antidepressants, and blood strain medicine fall beneath this class.
Typically the perfect you can do is manage your symptoms. My favourite remedy for the nausea brought on by the vertigo is bitter candy. Sucking on an excellent sour sweet if you start to feel nauseous from the dizziness will help maintain your abdomen settled. It’s also great for motion sickness. Carry some onerous, sour candies (preferably sugar free), and if you begin to feel woozy, pop one in your mouth. Don’t chew it, just slowly suck on it and you need to feel higher somewhat shortly.
Migraine glasses are nice for filtering out the sunshine and making the world a bit more inhabitable. Look for lenses with SpectraShield to make sure you are getting glasses with latest analysis and handiest tint to guard towards mild sensitivity.
Ice packs will help with the migraine ache and magnesium cream massaged into the temples are additionally effective remedies.
Way of life modifications are often advisable for sufferers that suffer from migraine. A healthy, balanced weight loss plan, exercise, correct hydration, and enough, top quality sleep are all essential for maintaining migraines at bay. Avoiding triggers can also be an excellent, healthy transfer.
Some sufferers have found aid with biofeedback strategies. This is notably helpful with individuals affected by vertigo. There isn’t much knowledge on it, however researchers and sufferers alike are hopeful.
There at present shouldn’t be sufficient analysis on vestibular rehabilitation to determine it as an effective remedy for vestibular migraine, however it is extremely useful for other vestibular circumstances. What’s fascinating is that physiotherapy, a part of vestibular rehabilitation, has been found to be quite useful in treating circumstances which are thought-about to be problems of vestibular migraine comparable to worry of falling, nervousness, and not trusting the stability system.
Scientists, docs, and researchers are delving deep into migraines, the brain, and associated circumstances. They’re making nice strides and there are a number of new, efficient drugs available on the market to prove it. Vestibular migraine does present the added problem of dizziness to the combination, but at its core, there are a selection of markers that time to migraine.
In case you consider you’ve got vestibular migraine, speak to your doctor. She or he can diagnose the problem then talk about with you one of the simplest ways to strategy it.
Axon Optics has a wide array of migraine glasses which are tinted with our personal SpectraShield to ensure you have the utmost safety on your mild sensitivity. Take a look for yourself and discover a pair that fits your type, then be a part of our every rising record of glad clients.
Here’s to fewer migraine days!
Axon Optics. “Are All FL-41 Migraine Relief Glasses Created Equal?” Axon Optics, 23 Apr. 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2018/12/are-all-fl-41-migraine-glasses-created-equal/.
Axon Optics. “Migraine Glasses – A Complete Guide (2019).” Axon Optics, 27 June 2019, www.axonoptics.com/2019/06/migraine-glasses-guide/.
Beh, Shin C. “Vestibular Migraine: How to Sort It Out and What to Do About It.” Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology : the Official Journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, U.S. National Library of Drugs, June 2019, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31094996.
Bisdorff, Alexandre R. “Management of Vestibular Migraine.” Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Issues, SAGE Publications, Might 2011, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3105632/.
Challenged, Neuroscientifically. “2-Minute Neuroscience: Vestibular System.” YouTube, YouTube, 1 Sept. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3aYqxGesqs.
“Global Migraine Therapeutics Market 2019-2023 to Post a CAGR of 8.4%, Segmentation by Key Regions, Gross Margin, Profit, Analysis, Market Share: 360 Research Reports.” TheWindReports, thewindreports.com/global-migraine-therapeutics-market-2019-2023-to-post-a-cagr-of-Eight-4-segmentation-by-key-regions-gross-margin-profit-analysis-market-share-360-research-reports/29959/.
HospiMedica Worldwide. “Vestibular Event Monitor Provides Accurate Vertigo Diagnosis.” Hospimedica.com, HospiMedica Worldwide, 17 June 2019, www.hospimedica.com/health-it/articles/294778325/vestibular-event-monitor-provides-accurate-vertigo-diagnosis.html.
Lempert, et al. “Vestibular Migraine: Diagnostic Criteria.” Journal of Vestibular Analysis, IOS Press, 1 Jan. 2012, content material.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-vestibular-research/ves00453.
McNamara, Lindsay. “Vestibular Migraine: Johns Hopkins Vestibular Disorders Center.” Vestibular Migraine
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/louisiana-faces-hepatitis-a-outbreak-heres-what-you-need-to-know/
Louisiana faces Hepatitis A outbreak; Here's what you need to know:
The Louisiana Department of Health declared an outbreak of hepatitis A for the state on Tuesday.
According to the department, most of the recent cases have been reported in Morehouse Parish, cases have been reported in other parts of the state.
By declaring the 24 known cases to be an outbreak, the health agency hopes to raise the public’s awareness about the disease, convince those who are at risk for hepatitis A to get vaccinated and to best coordinate federal, state and community resources.
The News-Star first reported an uptick in hepatitis A cases in Morehouse Parish on Dec. 7.
More: Morehouse Parish sees hepatitis A uptick as Louisiana numbers climb
Dr. Frank Welch, immunization director for the Louisiana Department of Health, said the state was ending the year with more cases than normal with an uptick in Morehouse over the past two to three months.
Welch said the state normally sees between 15 to 20 cases per year. With that average, seeing seven in Morehouse Parish was a lot, according to Welch.
Health officials have not identified a common pathway for the source of the virus such as foods, beverages or drugs.
Instead, Dr. Frank Welch, immunization director for the Louisiana Department of Health, said transmission of the virus appears to be through direct person-to-person contact and illicit drug use.
Officials add that people with a history of injection and non-injection drug use, homelessness or transient housing and incarceration are most at-risk in this outbreak.
“To address the outbreak, the Department’s Office of Public Health has received one-time funding to purchase vaccine for the virus and is working with partner organizations to provide services to people experiencing homelessness or drug use – two of the most at-risk groups for hepatitis A,” Welch said.
Due to a national outbreak of the virus occurring since 2016 and increased state vigilance and coordination with federal and community entities, the state has purchased and distributed additional vaccines to reach high-risk areas in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, as well as in Morehouse Parish, where clusters have been identified.
More: Morehouse schools to reorganize over winter break
Through federal and state funding, LDH is partnering with communities to respond quickly to new clusters and vaccinate high-risk individuals to prevent the spread of hepatitis A. So far, the state has purchased 3,000 doses of the vaccine and intends to purchase 1,600 more.
The two most important methods of preventing the spread of HAV are hand washing and vaccination. Because the most common spread of HAV is through the fecal-oral route, people should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and warm water after using the bathroom or changing a diaper.
After a person is exposed to hepatitis A, it can take three to four months to actually get the disease, and unfortunately, the person is infectious before symptoms appear.
“There is about two weeks where they feel perfectly fine, and they’re infectious before they start to feel sick,” Welch said.
A person is also infectious for about two weeks before and one week after experiencing jaundice, or liver damage that causes the skin to turn yellow.
Hepatitis A is vaccine preventable, and Welch said the vast majority of children are already vaccinated. Anyone who is not vaccinated can contact their primary care provider or parish health unit.
In addition to cases reported in Morehouse Parish, the following parishes have each experienced at least one case but less than five: Ouachita, Allen, Pointe Coupee, Lafayette, West Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Ascension, Livingston, St. Tammany and Orleans.
Hepatitis A Facts
Hepatitis A is a serious, highly contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus which is found in the feces of people with hepatitis A.
The illness is spread by eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated beverages, during sex or through close contact such as living with an infected person.
Illness can appear 15 to 50 days after exposure and people can be sick for several weeks. In some cases, people can die.
Although not all people infected with hepatitis A experience illness, symptoms can include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, feeling tired, fever, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, pale-colored feces and joint pain.
Adults are more likely to display symptoms than children. Symptoms generally last less than two months, though some people may be ill for as long as six months.
Diagnosis is obtained through a blood sample. Treatment usually includes rest, adequate nutrition, fluids and medical monitoring.
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sherristockman · 6 years
Diabetes Meds Are Infecting Genitals With Flesh-Eating Bacteria Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The number of individuals suffering from diabetes continues to rise. In 2012, 20 million Americans had diabetes or prediabetes.1 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),2 the number is now over 30 million. This includes 23.1 million diagnosed and 7.2 million who are unaware of their condition. Statistics also indicate there are 84.1 million adults with prediabetes. Interestingly, the estimated percentage of those with Type 1 diabetes has remained stable at 5 percent.3 Total medical costs and lost work and wages are estimated at $245 billion, and the risk of death for adults with diabetes is 50 percent higher than for nondiabetic adults.4 The rapid rise in prevalence strongly suggests Type 2 diabetes is not due to genetics. Insulin and leptin resistance are the foundational causes of diabetes. High blood sugar is merely a symptom thereof. It is essential to make a point of discussing this condition frequently, as it is one of the greatest health threats facing much of the world, while also being one of the easiest to treat with simple lifestyle strategies. However, while many physicians recommend dietary modifications, most individuals begin using oral and injectable hypoglycemic drugs to control blood sugar without addressing the underlying cause. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned that a class of oral medications increases a diabetic’s risk of a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection.5 FDA Warns Diabetes Drug May Be Linked to Serious Genital Infection The infection, called Fournier's gangrene, occurs in the genital area of men and women. The bacteria usually enter the body through a cut and quickly spread. A diagnosis of diabetes is a risk factor for developing Fournier's gangrene. The class of medication associated with an increased risk are sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors. The infection causes necrotizing fasciitis, or flesh eating disease, of the vaginal area in women and the area between the scrotum and anus in men. The FDA warns patients to seek immediate medical attention if they experience any symptoms of tenderness, redness or swelling or have a fever above 100.4 Fahrenheit (F). The symptoms worsen quickly, so it is vital to seek immediate treatment. In the five years between March 2013 and May 2018, the FDA identified 12 cases of patients taking the medication who developed the infection. They acknowledge these numbers only include reports submitted to the FDA and found in the medical literature. The real number may be higher. According to the FDA:6 “[T]here may be additional cases about which we are unaware. In 2017, an estimated 1.7 million patients received a dispensed prescription for an SGLT-2 inhibitor from U.S. outpatient retail pharmacies. Although most cases of Fournier’s gangrene have previously been reported in men, our 12 cases included seven men and five women. Fournier’s gangrene developed within several months of the patients starting an SGLT-2 inhibitor and the drug was stopped in most cases. All 12 patients were hospitalized and required surgery.” The FDA found one patient had died and others required multiple disfiguring surgeries to stem the infection.7 As diabetes increases the risk of Fournier’s gangrene, the data were analyzed for patients who were taking glucose-lowering agents.8 The infection is more typically found in men ages 50 to 60.9 The SGLT-2 inhibitors are a class of hypoglycemic drugs designed to work against SGLT-2, a low affinity, high capacity transporter protein found in the kidneys. This class of medication was approved as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in Type 2 diabetes and not for use in Type 1 diabetes. These are the brand name and generic names of the drugs currently on the market:10,11 Canagliflozin (Invokana) Dapagliflozin (Farxiga) Empagliflozin (Jardiance) Empagliflozin/linagliptin (Glyxambi) Empagliflozin/metformin (Synjardy) Dapagliflozin/metformin (Xigduo XR) Ertugliflozin (Steglatro) Infection Is Not the Only Concern With SGLT2 Inhibitors Besides several safety communications that included concerns about increased risks of leg and foot amputations,12 this was the second safety warning the FDA issued against SGLT-2 inhibitors. May 15, 2015,13 the FDA issued a warning the drugs may lead to ketoacidosis, a condition in which the body produces high levels of acids often requiring emergency care or hospitalization for treatment. In a search of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), they identified 20 cases of diabetic ketoacidosis associated with the medications. Each patient required an emergency room visit or hospitalization for treatment. The FDA recommended discontinuing the drug if acidosis was confirmed, and instituting supportive medical care.14 The FDA found triggering factors in some cases included acute illnesses, such as urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis or the flu.15 Other patients found a reduced caloric or fluid intake and reduced insulin dosing could trigger diabetic ketoacidosis while taking the medication. One month after the FDA announcement, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also announced an investigation into the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis with SGLT-2 inhibitors.16 Health Canada quickly followed. The EMA decision was prompted by their adverse events reporting database indicating more than 100 people suffered from diabetic ketoacidosis while using SGLT-2 inhibitors, serious enough to require hospitalization. By the end of the year the FDA safety review prompted the addition of printed warnings on all labeling regarding the risk. They also included risks regarding life-threatening blood infections (sepsis) and kidney infections that began as urinary tract infections in people taking SGLT2 inhibitors.17 Diabetes Drugs Affect More Than Blood Sugar There are nine classes of oral diabetes drugs, all of which differ in their side effect profiles. Some of the other known side effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors include vaginal yeast infections and yeast infections of the penis, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections and changes in patterns of urination. Others have reported hypotension, kidney dysfunction, bladder cancer and hypersensitivity reactions.18 The surge in new drug classes to treat Type 2 diabetes has been fueled by the rising number of individuals suffering from the disease. Drug companies are quick to step in and fill a growing desire for quick treatments, often leaving consumers to experience the side effects of taking a pill rather than changing their diet and lifestyle. Many of these drugs also interfere with other medications you may be taking, including several heart medications and antibiotics. Injectable insulin plays a unique role in the exacerbation of diabetes, which I discuss in a previous article, “How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, Why Insulin May Actually Accelerate Death, and Other Ignored Facts.” Potential side effects from various oral medications include the following:19 Thiazolidinediones — Liver disease, fluid retention, weight gain and increased risk for fractures and bladder cancer DPP-4 inhibitors — Hypoglycemia, fluid retention, hives, urinary tract infection and facial swelling Biguanides — Stomach discomfort, diarrhea, decreased appetite, interference with B12 absorption and exercise-induced hypoglycemia Sulfonylureas — Skin rashes, reduced red blood cell count, liver disease and upset stomach A-glucosidase — Gas, bloating and diarrhea Bile acid sequestrants — Stomach discomfort or pain, constipation and heartburn Bromocriptine mesylate — Nausea, headache, weakness, dizziness, sinusitis and constipation Diabetes Triggers Long-Term Damage to Organ Systems In the long term, high glucose levels, which are the result of insulin resistance, damage large and small blood vessels, ultimately leading to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke, as well as problems with the kidneys, eyes, feet and neurological systems.20 It is also possible to experience nerve damage to internal organs, such as the stomach, intestines, bladder and genitals. These may result in digestive issues, urinary tract conditions and sexual dysfunction.21 Damage to small blood vessels also increases the risk of frequent infections and problems with wounds that will not heal. Nerve damage in the hands, feet or arms, called diabetic neuropathy, affects nearly half of those with diabetes and is more common in those who have had the disease for a number of years. Symptoms range from pain and numbness in the feet or hands to problems with function with internal organs, such as your heart and bladder.22 Autonomic neuropathy damages nerves controlling your internal organs, while focal neuropathy typically damages a single nerve, often in your hand, head or leg. Proximal neuropathy is rare and disabling, causing nerve damage to your hip or thigh and often affecting only one side of your body. The good news is the risk of these kinds of complications can be reduced by making lifestyle changes to improve your insulin and leptin sensitivity. Medical Treatments Don’t Treat the Condition Conventional medicine has pegged Type 2 diabetes as a problem with blood sugar control, and the medical goal of treatment is to reduce blood glucose levels in order to prevent blood vessel damage. However, as diabetes is primarily triggered by a seriously flawed diet and lack of physical activity, prescriptions to address blood sugar levels fail to address the root cause. In other words, the medical community’s approach is to treat the symptom of elevated blood sugar and not the condition of malfunctioning insulin and leptin signaling, and to use medications that come with their own long list of side effects that impact a number of bodily systems. Lifestyle Strategies That Address the Root Cause of Diabetes You do not have to become a part of the diabetes epidemic taking place in the world today. You merely have to be mindful of your everyday habits. Your body is a complex combination of chemicals, enzymes and hormones and, while it may be tempting to believe one hormone controls an entire system, the reality is far more intricate. There is no question that regularly consuming excessive amounts of net carbs dramatically increases your risk, and consuming too much processed fructose will inevitably wreak havoc on your body's ability to regulate proper insulin levels. Although refined fructose initially has a relatively "low glycemic” profile, it leads to chronic insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar long-term. So, while you may not notice a steep rise in blood sugar immediately following fructose consumption, it is likely changing your endocrine system's ability to function properly behind the scenes. Here are several simple and effective choices to naturally help your body control insulin resistance and sensitivity. Increase your fiber intake — Include both soluble and insoluble fiber in your daily diet. Grains, even organic ones, are not an ideal source of fiber. Instead, eat more organic whole, unsweetened husk psyllium, chia seeds, sprouts and vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Aim to include 50 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat daily. Reduce net carbs — A low-net carbohydrate diet reduces inflammation and the amount insulin required to use the energy from the food you eat. Aim for 50 grams of net carbs per day. This number is calculated by taking the grams of carbs you've eaten and subtracting the number of grams of fiber. In this way a high-fiber diet also helps you to lower the amount of insulin you need to utilize your food for fuel. Increase high-quality fats — When you reduce carbohydrates, your best alternative to replace them is high-quality, healthy fats necessary for keeping your heart healthy, feeding your brain, modulating genetic regulation and prevent cancer. Healthy fat sources include: Avocados Coconut and olive oil Organic, grass fed meat and dairy products such as butter Organic raw nuts Exercise — Exercise is a diabetic’s best ally, and can produce rather rapid results. Research23 published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found, for example, that a single session of moderate exercise can improve the way your body regulates glucose and reduces the spikes in blood sugar that occur after a meal (elevations in these spikes, known as postprandial glucose, or PPG, are associated with Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and death). When you exercise for diabetes prevention or treatment, intensity is key. A slow walk around the block, while better than watching TV on the couch, is not likely to cut it (although if you're morbidly obese and very out of shape this is a good way to start). Instead, high-intensity interval training, which is a core component of my Peak Fitness program, should ideally be included in your fitness program to achieve optimal results. Hydration — As you become dehydrated, your liver secretes a hormone that increases your blood sugar.24 As you hydrate, blood sugar levels lower naturally. To stay well-hydrated drink enough to maintain your urine color straw yellow throughout the day. Reduce stress — Stress increases the secretion of cortisol and glucagon, both of which affect your blood sugar levels.25,26 Control your stress levels using exercise, meditation, yoga, prayer or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Sleep — Getting enough quality sleep is necessary to feel good and experience good health. Poor sleeping habits may reduce insulin sensitivity and promote weight gain.27,28
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The STI Files: Hepatitis
Finn Black
Hepatitis is is an inflammation of the liver almost always caused by different hepatitis viruses. Learn about prevention and treatment for hepatitis A, B, C, and beyond.
What is viral hepatitis?
Hepatitis is when the liver becomes inflamed (painful and swollen), so viral hepatitis is when someone’s liver becomes inflamed due to a viral infection.
There are a few different viruses that can cause hepatitis, including the Hepatitis A Virus (HAV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).
Beyond causing hepatitis and being sexually transmitted, these three viruses don’t have a ton in common – although their names are similar, they aren’t closely related to each other and there are some important differences when it comes to transmission, prevention, and treatment. It’s understandably easy to get the hepatitis viruses mixed up (they weren’t given very imaginative names), so the rest of this article breaks things down by A, B, and C.
Hepatitis A
Before the Hepatitis A vaccine became available in 1995, there were over 22,000 cases of HAV per year in the United States. Today, there are about 1000-2000 cases of HAV reported each year in the U.S.
In countries without clean drinking water or toilets and where the HAV vaccine is not available, about 90 percent of people get infected with HAV during childhood. Kids who get HAV often don’t have symptoms and usually get better without needing special medical care.
Hepatitis A is a gastrointestinal bug – it’s spread by feces (poop), and it’s most common in places where people don’t have access to clean toilets, safe drinking water, and places to wash their hands. HAV is most common in low-income countries, in refugee camps, and among homeless folks.
Most people who get HAV don’t get it from sex: they get it from contaminated water or food. If a person with HAV does not wash their hands after pooping, they can spread HAV to others from surfaces they touch or through food, so people often pick up HAV through not washing their hands before they eat. Similarly, if drinking water gets contaminated with human poop and people don’t have a way to purify their water, HAV can spread really easily.
HAV can be sexually transmitted through any activity that might causes your mouth to come into contact with feces. This includes rimming (oral-anal sex), not changing condoms between anal and oral sex, and not washing your hands after using them to touch someone’s anus.
In wealthy countries, HAV is becoming less common among young people due to vaccination. People who get HAV are usually too old to have been vaccinated as kids (the vaccine didn’t come out until the 1990s) and they usually get it from sex, food poisoning, or living on the streets without access to clean toilets. Sometimes outbreaks of HAV are caused by raw shellfish that lived in contaminated water.
Symptoms of HAV infection include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, pale colored stools, dark yellow urine, fever, fatigue, and jaundice (yellowing of the whites of the eyes). Symptoms begin within 2-4 weeks following exposure. Children aged six and under usually don’t have symptoms.
Hepatitis A is an acute (short-lived) illness, so the symptoms go away on their own after a month or so. After someone gets better from HAV, they are immune and can’t get it again.
Hepatitis A is not routinely tested for. You only need to be tested for Hepatitis A if one of the following is true:
You aren’t sure if you’ve ever been vaccinated against HAV. A blood test called a hepatitis panel test can tell you whether you are immune to HAV (either because of previous infection or vaccination).
You have symptoms of HAV infection. An RNA test will be able to tell if you have an active HAV infection.
If you are immune to HAV (either due to vaccination or previous infection), you do not need to get tested for HAV. If you think you might have HAV or don’t know if you’ve been vaccinated, you can get tested at a community health clinic, doctor’s office, or sexual health clinic (including Planned Parenthood).
HAV is very easily prevented by vaccination, which consists of a two-shot series. If you have not been vaccinated for HAV, you can get the vaccine from most medical providers (including travel clinics, public health clinics, and student health centers). Protection is lifelong and is almost 100 percent effective.
The HAV vaccine became available in 1995 and in higher-income countries, most people born after that point were vaccinated as children. If you aren’t sure whether you need the vaccine, you can talk to a medical provider about getting a hepatitis panel test. If you have a primary care provider, you can also ask to see your vaccination records to find out if you got the vaccine as a child.
You can also protect yourself from HAV by using barriers (like latex dental dams or non-microwaveable plastic wrap) for oral-anal sex and always washing your hands with hot, soapy water after touching someone’s anus. Even if you’ve been vaccinated against HAV, these measures can protect you from other tummy problems (like stomach viruses or parasites) that are sometimes transmitted during oral-anal sex.
Hepatitis A goes away on its own and there are no specific drugs used for treating HAV. The treatment for HAV is “supportive,” which means it focuses on keeping a person well-hydrated, nourished, and comfortable while their body clears the virus on its own. This usually means lots of fluids and rest, but if a person with HAV gets really sick, they might need to go to a hospital to get care.
Almost everyone who is infected with HAV makes a full recovery within two months. HAV tends to be more serious in older adults and in people who already have liver conditions. In the United States, less than one percent of people with Hepatitis A die from it.
People who recover from HAV are immune for the rest of their lives. HAV does not cause infertility or other long-term complications.
Hepatitis B
In the United States, between 850,000 and 2.2 million people are infected with the Hepatitis B virus. About 50 percent of these people do not know they have it.
Globally, about 257 million people are infected with HBV.
Hepatitis B infection is a major cause of liver failure and liver cancer, which can be fatal. The World Health Organization estimates that in 2015, almost 900,000 people died from liver problems related to Hepatitis B infection.
Hepatitis B can be spread by blood and sexual fluids (vaginal fluid, rectal fluid, semen, and pre-ejaculate). Fluid from an infected person must get into your blood (either directly or through cuts or open sores) for you to get Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B can also spread from a pregnant person to a baby during pregnancy or birth.
The activities that spread Hepatitis B include vaginal sex, anal sex, and blood contact (such as sharing injection drug use supplies). In the United States, most people who get HBV were infected by injection drug use and most of these people are between 30-50 years old. In high-income countries, HBV is rare in younger people because most people under 30 have been vaccinated.
Hepatitis B is not spread by casual contact, kissing, touching surfaces like toilet seats, or breastfeeding.
When a person is first infected with HBV, they might experience an acute (short-term) illness, with symptoms similar to HAV infection (listed above). These symptoms start around 90 days after exposure and can last for up to six months. Around 95 percent of adults and teens who get HBV will get better on their own.
In the five percent of adults and teens who do not get better on their own, HBV infection becomes chronic (long-term). A person with chronic HBV infection might not have any symptoms at all, but over time, they might develop liver disease. Chronic HBV infection can cause cirrhosis (when scar tissue forms in the liver), liver failure, and liver cancer. These conditions can be fatal.
There are two main types of tests for HBV. The first one is called a panel test, which looks for antibodies to Hepatitis B. A panel test can tell the difference between someone who has been vaccinated against HBV, someone who used to be infected with HBV, and someone who currently has HBV.
If a person’s panel test suggests a current HBV infection, they will get a second type of test called a viral load. This test measures the amount of HBV in the person’s body.
If a panel test shows that someone is not immune to HBV, that person can get vaccinated. People who have been vaccinated against HBV do not need routine testing for HBV.
The following people should be tested for Hepatitis B:
Anyone who is from a part of the world where HBV is common, including Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Sub-Saharan Africa should be tested at least once in their lifetime.
Anyone who was born to someone from one of the above regions, or who was born to someone with Hepatitis B should be tested at least once in their lifetime.
People who are not vaccinated against HBV who inject drugs and/or have anal or vaginal sex without condoms should be tested at least once a year.
You can get a hepatitis panel test at a community health clinic, doctor’s office, or many sexual health clinics (including Planned Parenthood).
Hepatitis B is vaccine-preventable. In the United States, routine vaccination of children began in 1991. If you were born in the United States after 1991 or attended school in the United States (where the vaccine is required), you have probably already been vaccinated. If you have a primary care provider, they might have a record of whether you got the vaccine. If you do not have a primary care provider, you can get a hepatitis panel test to find out if you need to get vaccinated.
Normally, the HBV vaccine is a series of three shots. In rare cases, a person may require additional shots to become immune or won’t become immune at all (a lab test for HBV antibodies will let you know whether the vaccine worked). The vaccine is 95 percent effective at preventing HBV.
In addition to getting vaccinated, Hepatitis B can be prevented by:
Using condoms consistently and correctly for anal and vaginal sex.
Not sharing injection drug use supplies, including needles, syringes, cottons, and cookers.
These types of prevention are extra important for folks who don’t respond to the HBV vaccine. Both of these types of prevention are described in greater detail in the HCV prevention section below.
There is no cure for HBV infection. However, a 6-12 month treatment with antiviral drugs will cause the infection to become “inactive.” An inactive infection means the virus is still in the body but is no longer making the person sick. People with chronic HBV can live long, healthy lives with treatment, and treatment helps prevent HBV from causing problems like liver cancer.
After antiviral treatment, an HBV infection can sometimes “reactivate” and begin to damage the liver again. If this happens, an additional course of treatment is required. This means a person with chronic HBV will need regular viral load tests to check whether their infection is active.
HBV can cause liver failure and liver cancer and both of these conditions can be fatal.
HBV does not cause infertility but it can be passed from a pregnant person to an infant during pregnancy and birth. However, antiviral drugs can prevent HBV from being passed to the infant, and a person who has chronic HBV can still breastfeed without passing HBV to the infant.
A and B and C…and D and E?
There are two other viruses that cause hepatitis – Hepatitis D and Hepatitis E. We’re only touching on them briefly here because they aren’t super common (and Hepatitis E is not usually sexually transmitted).
Hepatitis D (also called Hepatitis Delta) is a little unusual in that it can only infect someone who has Hepatitis B already (which means the Hepatitis B vaccine protects you from D as well). HDV is transmitted the same way as HBV but there is no treatment or cure, which is another really good reason to get the Hepatitis B vaccine. About 15 million people worldwide have Hepatitis D. HDV is rare in North America and Western Europe, but in the rest of the world, about five percent of folks with HBV also have HDV.
Hepatitis E is really similar to Hepatitis A – it’s transmitted through feces, it’s an acute (short-term) illness, and most folks who get Hep E get it from drinking contaminated water or from eating the meat of infected animals (wild pigs and deer can carry Hep E). About 20 million people worldwide have Hep E. There is no vaccine for Hepatitis E but you can protect yourself by avoiding unpurified drinking water and undercooked game meat.
Hepatitis C
The CDC estimates that about 3.5 million people in the United States are infected with Hepatitis C, making HCV the most common type of viral hepatitis in the U.S.
Worldwide, about 71 million people have HCV.
HCV is most often spread by blood-to-blood contact from the following activities:
Sharing any items used for injection drug use, including needles, syringes, cookers, cotton filters, and water.
Sharing any items used for snorting drugs, like straws, or sharing items used for smoking crack or meth, like glass pipe stems or mouthpieces.
Getting a piercing or tattoo with needles or ink that are not brand new.
Sharing any BDSM gear or sex toys that might have blood on them.
HCV is also spread by vaginal and anal sex. Until recently, it was believed that sexual transmission of HCV was rare, but we’re learning that HCV is sexually transmitted more often than was thought. HCV seems easier to transmit through anal sex than through vaginal sex, especially when one or both partners are HIV-positive (having HIV makes it easier to transmit and become infected with HCV). There is no evidence that HCV can be transmitted through oral sex.
The symptoms of an initial infection with HCV are the same as for HAV and HB from MeetPositives SM Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2JmRcD5 via IFTTT
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