#and my male coworker (who I fucking hate lmfao)
wewontbesleeping · 5 months
it is so fucking annoying when men are “ironically” misogynist. like what’s the joke here? how is just smiling when saying you hate women a joke? and then I’m the killjoy for not laughing at it ofc.
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roseyuri · 4 months
oh my head is full.
Ik pnpyns parents gotta be HOMOPHOBIC ASFF
I think pnpyn is picking "safe men" like a lot of comphet sapphics
now.. this can either be with men that are unattainable, like celebrities or men you know won't like you..
with men that already like you, and because they like you, you get into a relationship to convince others (or yourself) you're perfectly straight
she "fixates" on men that already like her, so she tries to force herself to like them. she's definitely aware she's atleast interested in women in a non straight manner, and is trying to push it down. Probably dislikes minji for bringing those feelings up and instead convincing herself that attraction is hatred (love and hate are two very similar emotions)
I think pnpyn in the argument got distracted by minji cause she's pretty and... Got mad. She's probably terrified of people suspecting she's gay, and will immediately refute the claims. some people do this by presenting as homophobic but... She's an idol I don't think she's doing that LMFAO
It's probably a really sensitive topic.. I bet she picks male celebrities she likes out of a catalog of "safe" guys she has in her head LMFAOO
her relationships never last long because she doesn't love them in the way they want or the way SHE herself wants.. the comphet is beating her ass
This will create a veeeryy interesting dynamic.. I feel her on a spiritual level I realized I was gay watching charlie's angels because LUCY LIUUU😭😭😭😭😭
poor pink 2000s girl watching mean girls seeing Regina George ik her ass was just convinced she appreciates the outfits... girl.
anyway I think that she probably has a lot of resentment towards herself because of this. she probably views herself in a bad light and definitely berates herself if she catches herself staring at minji because "girls can't like girls she's probably straight why are you being weird" and such.
especially in a country like korea. I'm hispanic and it used to be really bad here, if you were gay in public you risked your life and family. it's gotten better, but not only is she an idol but living in a not very accepting country.. and it's obvious her parents probably caused this so she risks losing her FAMILY. she probably thinks her members would hate her too so I can't blame her for being defensive. If someone even tries to make a joke about her not liking men I think she would SPIRALLLL she'd be like "FUCK THEY FOUND OUT" and be like uhmm no im not gay lmao have you seen (male celebrity) hes so hot (lie)
overall, while I can't gather her character from just one work, she definitely puts on a "unbothered girlboss" persona to hide her self hate and paranoia. she probably actually doesn't like herself at ALL.
do u think she is terrified of liking women in a male way. like how men belittle her and only see her for her looks do u think she's afraid to find women attractive in case she's "acting like a man" and also belittling them and such because that's like. lesbian experience.
one day she's gonna be found taking an am I gay quiz shaking and crying at the results guys mark my words.
ALSO. hope she has a breakdown over realizing (accepting) she's gay btw❤️I hope she actually starts crying screaming convinced her members r gonna HATE her ong
also.. other people can send analysis I don't own analysis LMFAOOO I would love to see other ppl take a crack at it especially characters I don't rlly understand (wowyn)
like I'd love to get a little more insight on specific characters from the lense of people with wildly different experiences. there is no such thing as copying character analysis I do not own this!!! u r not competition ur my friend.. coworker, even. All of us working together at the analysis factory 😞😞 we should unionize 🤓
I would love if people who have experienced comphet come and give character insight on pnpyn as well!!! I hope to see more ppl sending analysis but RICHGIRLYN IS MINE‼️💥💥(JOKE)
the mitski song I condemn her with is come into the water (maybe I'm the same as all those men, writing songs of all their dreaming— but would you tell me if you want me? cause I can't move till you show me)
this is an amazing first analysis on pnp!yn I feel like some of ur views on her might change a little as the story goes on but I’d say most of things you think about her are pretty spot on.
I always find it funny that it’s hard for u to analyze wow!yn’s I feel like because ur not the biggest fan of her it makes it hard for you to understand her because there’s some asks that I’ve gotten on her and they’re pretty spot on with her. but she rlly is my most complex yn so that kinda makes me glad that you have a hard time understanding her that means my job is done
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ALL of this ^^^^ and top of that she unlocked something when she said *men are our natural predators*👈👁️!!
Bestie!!!! You chose violence this morning (well it’s morning for me) and I’m here for it.
Personally I agree with every point she made and I do think it’s really hard at times as a woman to not actively hate men. I wrote a poem about this before. I’m gonna share it below. I want to say I don’t actively hate a lot of men as individuals but I do hate them as the collective.
I know some amazing men. My father, as not great with emotions as he is, is loyal honest and never been physically abusive. He and my mom had an unhealthy relationship, but their divorce taught him how to be more emotionally available, he’s flawed but he’s still growing and I see it and I love him. I have a very close male friend from high school. He’s the one who suggested antidepressants. We’ve been friends for over ten years and he is amazing. Like has never disrespected me in my life and has truly been there for me during some real shit. Plot twist: he can’t find a woman worthy of him. Because a lot of women suck too! Even my second ex, we had a toxic relationship, but he wasn’t a bad guy. He taught me what respect even is from a man and even not officially together he never “cheated” on me. So I feel the need to say, I have and continue to have experiences with men that are refreshing and give me hope. My coworker is dating this one guy who said once that he realized he’d never learned to clean because they had a maid growing up and that he was deciding to learn how to do things for himself. When I say my mind was blown 🤯. And he’s very refreshingly aware of himself.
Oooo man we’re going deep. So I grew up in a place that was mostly populated by black people and something me and my close black female friend talk about is how the conversation around black lives seems to center around black male lives. And we were talking about how in all races of men, even minority men, the treatment of women is shit. She said a quote by someone that’s like black women are the most persecuted race, and talking about how black men (as a collective) treat black women like trash.
My first ex is Hispanic, and I saw it and heard about hispanic men a lot in college where there was a heavily Hispanic population, people from all different parts of South America, and we talked about machismo and the dominance over women.
So it’s not just white men out here, it’s literally all men, and it’s so gross to think sometimes that some piece of shit that was horrible to you is someone’s soulmate. That’s how I feel when I look at Justin and Hailey Bieber and I think about how wrong he did Selena (not saying she doesn’t hold blame as well) and I’m like ewww. He’s someone’s husband now? Like I’m nervous as fuck to meet my person and to have to hear how they did their exes. And I know they will cry when they have to hear how men treated me. It’s a very deeply sad reality. But I think some men and maybe the younger ones are growing up and seeing they can be different. At least in the western world. God I hope so. Because it’s chaos out here.
I really want to date. Like so badly. I’ve been single and celibate working on me and I feel ready to try again but I also am so nervous about what’s out there. Why dating men makes me feel like shit. Click the link bestie. You’ll love this. I tried dating many times and it just sucks so much. I felt like I had to constantly call people out and assert boundaries and god. Anyway, here’s my poem
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kekepuaa · 4 years
this week at work, a white male coworker lectured my coworkers and i about systems of oppression in the work place bc he got mad that my officemate said that women are superior. mind you, the team I work on has only women and half of the team are woc. my boss had to handle it and we were all spoken to bc the male coworker threatened going to hr. I wasn’t even contributing to the convo!!! I told my boss it’s fucking BULLSHIT that you have people like me, and our other woc in the office, who have to fucking tiptoe around the topic of workplace discrimination bc people get uNcOmFoRtAbLe, meanwhile this asshole is casually flinging around serious accusations and has the audacity to mansplain sexism to us. It’s bullshit and a testament to his privilege that he gets offended about something that has no consequence in the world and we all get spoken to. His wife apparently hates our asses lol. I hate everyone lmfao.
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Thunderclap (M) | Chanyeol & Sehun
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Author: @julietsoddeye​ AU: Canon Genre: Smut Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader x Sehun Trigger Warning: Nothing triggering, really? I’m pretty sure people on this site are used to smut by now. BUT IF YOU’RE UNDER 18, DO NOT READ THIS! TURN AROUND AND WALK AWAY!!! Word Count: 2,190
Summary: Sehun caught you and Chanyeol doing things and now he’s mad. You have to do something to try and appease him.
A/N: Just PWP (with a little backstory lmfao), I guess. My first nasty ass scenario in a long time. Also we do love writing about threesome stuff in this blog, don’t judge us!!! 😂😂😂
—  —  —  —  —
“Chanyeol, don’t stop I’m almost there.”
You sigh out in Chanyeol’s ear, your left arm looped around his back, your nails clawing his skin there and the other up his neck with you fisting his hair in your right palm as he continues thrusting his hips. Both of you are chasing your high.
You can feel your shirt getting crumpled and wet, collecting both of your sweat on it as your chest is plush against Chanyeol’s unclothed one.
You didn’t even bother removing your shirt because Chanyeol went straight ahead to eating you out. He said tonight is your night, that you will be spoiled and pleasured until it hurts and he wasn’t wrong. He only stopped wrecking your pussy after you literally have tears roll down your cheeks from cumming for the nth time. You were aching for him to be inside of you and you almost pluck all his hair out after your last climax.
You never planned on sleeping with a coworker, let alone with one of the boys. You’ve known all of them since you’ve got the internship at SM in 2011 and they eventually take you in because they were impressed by your dedication and ideas. You were one of the few people responsible for EXO’s extraordinary and immensely loved concept, that’s what got you in, in the first place.
Chanyeol was overseas for his solo activity when you had a meeting about their next comeback last week and today was his only free day. So you told him to just stay put and relax at the dorms and you will be coming to him instead after your meeting with a producer from a broadcasting company SM is tied up with to discuss what he missed on the meeting a week prior.
You thought he would be home with one or two other members, but as it turns out he was alone. They were all out doing solo activities and that’s when he acted upon and advanced on you.
He wasn’t an asshole about it, in fact, he was quite the gentleman. You’ve always known there was a little something, something because every time you and your team arrives in every meeting, Chanyeol and a few of the younger members would start whispering among themselves. You always ignored them, thinking it was just inside jokes among them.
But today, he confessed that he has always been curious about you. Because even though you’re pretty close with all nine of them, you never shared anything passed common courtesy and little jokes outside work-related stuff.
He wasn’t sure if you were single because there never was any indication that you were. You never show or tell anything related to your personal issues. He admires your professionalism and said he finds it (you especially) very sexy.
And now, here you are, fucking each other’s brains out on his bed.
Chanyeol props himself up and grabs the headboard of the bed, and you clutch both of the edge of Chanyeol’s bed on either side of you to prepare for the impact. Your moans and Chanyeol’s grunts counter each other as he pushes deep inside of you.
“Chanyeolie Hyungie, I…”
The both of you were too occupied and too drunk in the moment, you didn’t even hear that someone came in the house and suddenly barge open Chanyeol’s bedroom door.
“What the fuc—”
You scream and pull your shirt down to cover what was happening in between you and Chanyeol. Chanyeol then grabs his comforter to cover the both of you with, him still inside of you.
The three of you exchanges. You can feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment so you cover your face with your hands.
“Hyung!!! This is so unfair!!!”
You hear the whine in Sehun’s voice.
“You knew I always liked Noona! And this is what I came home to?!”
“Sehun, listen to m—”
“No Hyung!!! I thought we promised no one will make a move on Noona!!!”
With the way Sehun is acting, he sounded like a petulant child who didn’t get what he wanted.
“What the hell?”
You speak out suddenly, making Sehun look at you and his cheeks flush with your current awkward position.
“Look, Sehun. I am balls deep inside Noona right now, are you really gonna yell at me?”
You almost chuckled at what Chanyeol said, but you stopped it and purse your lips tight to suppress your laughter.
“Sehun, please get out.”
You said calmly after a while of just watching the both of them stare each other out as if it’s gonna make things better for all of you.
Sehun storms out and chucks the door close with a loud bang. Both you and Chanyeol grimace with how the sound of the door blows into your ears.
“I’m so sorry, Noona...”
Chanyeol apologized and he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat before continuing.
“I didn’t know he’d be home early.”
“What does he mean when he said ‘no one will make a move on Noona’? Does all of you talk about me like that behind my back?”
You start pushing Chanyeol off of you and he panics so he grabs your cheeks and showers your face with rueful kisses.
“No, no, Noona, no. Please, please let me explain. It’s just…”
“Okay, I’m listening.”
You said as you relax your face, Chanyeol sigh in relief and gave you a very wet smack on your mouth before speaking.
“It’s only between Sehun and I. I found out both of us likes you and now I feel like shit because I broke my promise.”
You didn’t exactly know what to do now. It has been a couple of weeks since that incident and Sehun has been dead ass ignoring not only you but also Chanyeol. Sehun gets away with it because he became busy with movie and drama shoots all of a sudden.
During meetings though, Sehun has been nothing but a condescending little butthole who keeps sarcastically countering whatever you put on the table as a joke. The other members, especially Baekhyun and some people in your department, find it funny and thought Sehun’s only being a prankster.
It is normal, after all, that you bicker like best friends during these meetings. A lot of times you would just brush off his being snooty, but sometimes his minuscule jeer would get to you and actually hurt your feelings. Chanyeol can only scowl at Sehun and send flowers or food your way as a form of apology.
That’s why you made Chanyeol convince Sehun to ‘go with him somewhere’, but the truth was you just wanted them to go to your apartment and make peace with the younger man. You don’t know how exactly you’re gonna do it, but you are committed on striking the happy medium with Sehun.
Sehun, before the circumstance happened, was a very sweet guy. He was fun to be with and very accommodating with not only you but also to your whole team.
The seven knocks you specifically asked Chanyeol to do to let you know it’s them indicates their arrival. You lowered the volume of your blasting television and unhurriedly make your way to your door, smoothing out your hair and clothes before opening the door wide.
You greeted and Sehun’s face soured up immediately right after he saw it was you. A stark contrast of Chanyeol’s wide and happy beam, telling you that he succeeded in delivering Sehun to you.
“Ah, Hyung I thought we’re grocery shopping, why did you bring me here? Where even are we?”
Sehun glares at Chanyeol, with you facing his side profile. Chanyeol didn’t respond or even move, just continued smiling like a robot programmed to just hand over things to you.
“This is my home, Sehun. Come in both of you.”
You stepped aside and motions your hand for them to enter, Chanyeol started moving but was stopped when Sehun stomped his foot like a spoiled brat that he is.
“No, I don’t want to!”
He protested and you sigh out your frustration. Is he going to continue acting like a cranky jerk, God why is this so difficult?!
“Do you wanna cause a scene here, Sehun? Wanna get caught by fans because I am one-hundred percent sure some of my neighbors are EXO fans.”
You lied, mumbling your words through gritted teeth. You’re not angry, you just wanted to make your voice sound low. With what you said, Chanyeol’s already big eyes widen, grabs Sehun by his shoulders and proceeded to push the younger male inside your home. You look around outside just to make sure no one saw or followed them here before closing the door. You went straight to your kitchen to grab a few bottles of different drinks for them to consume.
“What is this, what is happening?”
Sehun snapped as you make your way to them in your living room. Chanyeol was already seated on your sofa and Sehun was just awkwardly standing there beside the coffee table.
“I just wanna talk, Sehun, please sit down.”
With a scowl on his face, Sehun complied and sat down on the couch a few feet away from Chanyeol. He crosses his legs and grabs one of the chilled coffee drink you placed on the coffee table in front of them.
Sehun was pretending to watch the television while drinking his coffee and Chanyeol was just seated there, staring at you like a little puppy waiting for commands. You offered him a sweet smile before squeezing yourself on the couch in between them.
Sehun glared at you as if you did something really bad and when he was about to stand up, you grabbed his thigh to stop him from going anywhere. He immediately froze and gulped strongly, you can see his Adam’s apple bobs up and down.
“Sehun, please don’t be mad at Noona anymore. I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
You say in a sickly candied voice as you rub the inside of his thigh soothingly, making sure not to touch his groin.
Sehun purses his lips and his eyes rolls at the back of his head, letting go of his opened bottle of drink. It almost spilled on your sofa but you caught it just in time with your other hand. You put the bottle aside on the table and turned your whole body towards Sehun who was now looking at you with hooded eyes and very flushed cheeks.
“Are you still mad at Noona, Sehunnie~”
You made sure you say his name very suggestively. Sehun nods his head like an obedient puppy and you gave him a teasing smile.
“I need to hear words, Sehun. Are you still mad at Noona?”
“N-No, I’m no-not mad at Noona.”
Sehun’s breath hitched when he felt the pointer finger of your other hand outline his shard jaw.
“Now, what do you want Noona to do for you to forgive her?”
You lean over him to whisper in his ear softly, making sure your breath lingers over his skin. Sehun closes his eyes shivered slightly.
“Kiss me, Noona… Please.”
The pleading of his last words sends a wave of want down your spine. You then grab the collar of his shirt so you can pull him down on your level and you allow a small smirk before crashing your lips onto his.
Kissing Sehun for the first time is like a breath of fresh air. Unlike Chanyeol who was very soft and gentle with you, Sehun is a different story. He was full of passion, but not rushing and he knows exactly what he’s doing. Not that Chanyeol doesn’t, he’s just sure and is not afraid to match your pace.
Sehun grabs your waist and made you mount his lap. You can tell Sehun’s already super affected because of the tent on his pants that’s thumping on your clothed heat.
You push Sehun off after a while and grabs Chanyeol’s shirt and tug him closer to you.
“Come here.”
You say before capturing his lips with yours. Sehun then pulls your loose sweater down, exposing your neck for him to start sucking bruises with his mouth.
“Let’s go to my room, yeah? My bed is much bigger than this couch.”
Both Sehun and Chanyeol nod their head and you get off Sehun, grabbing them both by their hands to lead them to your bedroom.
You dog finally decides to show itself and you stopped midway when you see it standing in front of your bedroom door.
“Oh, a puppy!”
Chanyeol gushes, actually screeched, when he saw your two-year-old Golden Retriever, its tail wagging like crazy when it saw that it has visitors.
Aikie Masterlist | Michiko Masterlist | FIC RECS | FIC REC SIDEBLOG
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deardeartaylorswift · 6 years
1. What’s your middle name?
Don’t have one!
2. What are you listening to right now?
I’m watching Queer Eye lol
3. What was the last thing you ate?
Frozen Yog
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My business partner
5. Do you drink?
Maybe once a month
6. Do you smoke?
Nope, never liked it
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone?
Their smile and eyebrows lol
8. What is your hair color?
9. What is your eye color?
10. Do you wear contacts/glasses?
Glasses when I spend too much time starting at my laptop (for work reasons)
11. Dogs or cats?
Dogs but I love cats too
12. What’s your favorite animal?
13. What’s your favorite television show?
Game of Thrones
14. What’s your favorite movie?
I always struggle with this question.
Probably Titanic and Les Mis... so dramatic, I know.
15. What’s your favorite band/singer?
LOVE The Killers
Adore Harry Styles
My obsession is Taylor Swift
Matisse, so good!
Guilty pleasure: Fedez
16. How old are you?
17. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Not at the moment
18. What’s your sexual orientation?
Straight, sadly.
19. What’s your favorite color?
20. What was your most embarrassing moment?
An employee opened the bathroom door at the train I was peeing at. Right when I was pulling my panties up... there was a line waiting... three guys saw me. I cried and yelled at him, I was soooo embarrassed. 
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Sometimes I daydream about having someone else’s life but not being them.
22. What were you like when you were a kid?
Pretty calm on the inside but my brain would go crazy and try to do 100 things at the same time. I still am like that.
23. What would your dream house be like?
Boho decor, lots of plans, with a biiig backyard so I have space to throw day parties there and picnics, also I want my dogs to have lots of space to run.
24. What last made you laugh?
Joking with my coworkers
25. What is your favorite word?
Pericoloso (dangerous in italian) 
26. What is your least favorite word?
Encamorrado (that feeling when you just woke up and you’re still sleepy)
27. What turns you on?
Guys who are not afraid to show their emotions or show their sensitive side
28. What turns you off?
Mean people
29. What is your star sign?
30. What are your favorite books?
99 ways to say I love you
31. Do you have any siblings?
2 brothers
32. Do you like to dance?
33. What is your definition of cheating?
not being truthful to your partner, spiritually, mentally and phisically. 
34. Have you ever cheated on someone?
35. Do you regret anything?
36. Do you have any phobias?
I don’t know if it can be categorized as a phobia but I’m always afraid when I travel on the road, like on a bus. I 100% much rather take a plane.
37. Ever broken any bones?
38. Ever come close to death?
39. What is your religion, if any?
Catholic but I don’t practice
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist?
41. Are looks important in a relationship?
i think finding your partner attractive is important. I don’t think you should be looking for someone who is beautiful according to your personal standards, I believe when you are in love with someone you automatically find them attractive. So, I guess no. 
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad?
Like my dad.
43. What is your favorite season?
44. Do you have any tattoos?
45. Do you have any piercings?
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
1 boyfriend
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
48. Who is your celebrity crush?
Leo Dicaprio, Harry Styles, Matt Bomer
49. Are you a virgin?
50. Do you get jealous easily?
51. What is your favorite type of food?
Mexican and Italian
52. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, someday
53. Who was your first kiss with?
54. Have you ever been cheated on?
55. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Outdoors movie and picnic
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?
Yes, it’s ridiculous to think we are alone in the universe.
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with?
Singing and learning easily how to play instruments
59. What is your saddest memory?
The time when my mom had cancer
60. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I love dogs at first sight
But humans?... no. Attraction? yes but love.. i doubt it.
61. Do you believe in soul mates?
Yes but not in this platonic you have one soulmate in your life kind of thing. I believe friends and family can be our soulmates. I believe they are rare and you’re lucky to find them. I believe partners can be your soulmates too and it’s ok if you don’t end up with them because they were the soulmate of the person you were in that period of time. 
62. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes, I did the Californian thing a few years ago. 
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?
Yes, only once that I know of and it fucking hurt.
64. Would you go against your moral code for money?
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you?
I love writing poetry
Sometimes I wish I was an actress
I hate olives
66. Who are you jealous of?
I don’t think I’m jealous of anyone
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
Never have
68. How long was your longest relationship?
8 months lol
69. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Half full
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
neck kissing
71. Who is your most loyal friend?
you know who you are
72. Are you in a relationship?
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
74. Are you a bad person?
75. Are you a lover or a fighter?
what in what context
76. What did you do on your last birthday?
Cry lmfao
77. What is your favorite quote and why?
We have done so much with so little for so long that now we can do anything with nothing forever. 
78. If your best friend died, what would you do?
she’s my soulmate, I would literally be broken
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
My eating habits lol
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
spend the day with my fam and friends and EAT A LOT.
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
It’s so wrong I can’t even write it here
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
I don’t think happiness should be based on your relationship status. I’m almost always happy.
83. Who were you in a past life?
probably like a free happy hippie kind of soul
84. What is your happiest childhood memory?
Pool days with the fam
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
Yes. I’ve been on both sides.
Sucks to not be loved back and sucks to not be able to love back someone.
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
87. If you were the president, what would you do?
88. What is your ideal career?
Design and that’s what I did.
89. What is your political affiliation?
90. Are you conservative or liberal?
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?
what? every body is perfect.
92. Do you like kissing in public?
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change?
94. Where would you like to live?
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation?
96. Describe yourself in one word.
97. Describe yourself in one sentence.
She talks like june and she walks like rain.
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