#and my mom always did the hmm maybe if u eat ice it will smooth out
vexx-the-egg · 5 months
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
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birthday cake | suna rintarou  
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in which u insist that suna makes a cake with you for his birthday. grocery shopping trip, him loving that bum of yours, fluff
a/n: not proof read :’) i really hope you like this hehe <3
word count: around 1.2k 
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“but it’s your birthday today,” you plead, taking his hands in yours and looking at him with soft eyes. “you’ve ought to do something special.” 
suna looks up from his slumped posture with a small smile. you’ve already made it special enough. waking up to you everyday is enough to have his spirits soaring. suna never did much on his birthday, it’s only a regular 24 hour day just like every other day. but you made it special, like his birthday is more than just a day. 
“rin?” you snap him out of his thoughts. 
“hm.” he blinks and lifts his hands out of your hold, cupping your hands instead. “now what were you talking about?” 
your eyes glow. “cake! we can make a cake and light candles and i’ll sing and you’ll make a wish and we’ll both eat cake :)” 
suna tilts his head in interest. not interest in the cake, but interest in how adorable you look when you’re excited. “what type of cake?” 
“hmm,” you tap your finger in thought. “that’s up to you. it’s your birthday after all.” 
“let’s just go with a simple cake, yeah? i’ve never made one before.” suna says as he runs his finger up and down your palm.
“i saw this video about a simple chocolate and strawberry cake,” you excitedly say, pulling your hand away to dig into your pocket for your phone. “look look, we have most of the ingredients at home already :)” 
suna’s eyes goes to your phone, wanting to look as interested as possible for you. after a few seconds into the video, he points out, “but we don’t have strawberries or that....” he swirls a finger in the air. “...that chocolate powder thing” 
your shoulders slump, but before you can say anything, suna adds, “but we can always go to the store and get them.” 
“always gotta look at all the strawberries in the container,” suna mutters, lifting the clear container over his head to see the strawberries under. “that’s what my mom always said.” 
“our shopping cart won’t move” 
suna looks down and sees you struggling to push the cart. you’re pushing with all your might but the cart isn’t moving even the slightest. a wheel must be stuck... 
“it...won’t move,” you sigh, giving it one last push. “it was working perfectly fine when we got it :/” 
suna sets the box of strawberries down and awkwardly stares at the cart. “...maybe we can get a new one? we’ll have to put this one back first...” 
you look up at him in question. “how’re we gonna put it back if it won’t move?” 
... suna blankly stares at the cart before giving you a lazy smile with a shrug. “i don’t know” 
“at least we got the strawberries and cocoa powder,” you laugh, hugging the groceries to your chest as you rush up the stairs to your shared apartment. your boyfriend follows behind, going up two stairs at a time. you want to point out that his hair is all over the place but decides against it. 
suna has one tote bag in one hand and one hand free, giving him the perfect opportunity to palm your butt as you go up the stairs ahead of him, which is exactly why you’re rushing up the stairs instead of walking. 
once you’ve reached your apartment floor, you wait for him to arrive and unlock the door since both of your hands are occupied. 
“rin, hurry and unlock the door,” you hastily say, panicking as the cocoa powder, sugar, and box of strawberries nearly slips out of your embrace. 
when suna finally reaches the last step, a soft chuckle slips out of his mouth. “i’ve got cha,” he hums, taking the box of strawberries with one hand. “a box of strawberries to hard to carry?” he teases. 
“that’s only because i was running up the stairs,” you quickly defend. suna smirks and slides the tote bag handle on his forearm while reaching into his pocket for the keys. with a jingle and a twist, the front door unlocks. he waits for you to step in and follows after, sliding his shoes off as he places the food on the counter. 
“first, we mix the eggs and sugar ...” you trail off, suddenly unsure of what to do even though it’s the first step. 
“i’ve got the eggs,” suna calls, lifting his arm up to show a handful of eggs. “how many do we need?” 
“are you sure you didn’t add too much sugar?” suna asks, peeking over your shoulder as you mix the cake batter. 
“i put exactly what the recipe said,” you reply back, trying to not squirm under suna’s gaze. “i wonder how much mixing is enough mixing....”
suna gives you a small shrug and goes to organize the bowls and pans on the counter. 
“no need to make cake if i’ve got enough here,” he lowly chuckles, poking your right butt cheek with one finger. 
you fight off the smile urging to creep onto your face and frowns at him. “hands off” 
you sheepishly smile at him. suna’s eyes crinkles up in wonder. 
“icing cakes isn’t an easy job, is it?” 
you laugh as you try to smooth the top of the cake. “nope, definitely not. i wanted to make it like the picture but it’s a lot harder than it looks” 
“looks pretty good to me” 
“stop lying, it just looks like blobs” 
he laughs. “you’re right, it does. maybe we can use strawberries to cover it up?” 
“make a wish, make a wish!” you excited say, clapping your hands together as you urge your boyfriend to blow his candles out. suna looks at you with a goofy smile. you have an unbelievably cute smile on your face; he wonders if he should wish to see it more often. 
the cake is placed in front of him on the coffee table. you can see suna sitting criss-crossed with his hands in his lap...and also him looking at you weird. 
“rin? the candles are gonna go out if you don’t blow them out! :)” 
suna playfully rolls his eyes and softly blows at the candles. 
“wait- you didn’t even make a wish!” you protest. “you’re-” 
“but i did, i thought of one in my head before blowing it out...” 
you sink back on the floor in relief. the cake looks more delicious than it did a few minutes ago. 
“wanna tell me your wish?” you tease, eyebrows playfully raised. 
“no, not really.” he smiles and plucks a strawberry off the cake, waving for you to scooch closer so he can feed it to you. you take a huge bite and chews on the fruit, giving him a big thumbs-up to make sure he knows how good the strawberry is. 
suna stares at you intently before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.  he pulls back, smiles at how cute you look when you chew, and goes in for another kiss. 
he wishes with all his might that his next birthday will be just as great as this one. 
minus the shopping cart not working. explaining to the employee was way more embarrassing than he expected.
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