#and ngl i like them quite a lot. cheesy countdown and all
blueofthesun · 3 years
i think for phalaris they should bring back the instrumental intro track
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dat-is-chill-ghafa · 5 years
Holy shit I just watched Dark Phoenix and it was so much worse than I thought it was gonna be so here’s a big fat rant.
My entire thoughts about this movie can be summarised by this picture:
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But since I need to get some agression out, ladies and gentlemen and whoever and whatever else, here we go:
- FIRST OF ALL, what the hell was the relationship between Scott and Jean in this movie? Was there any sort of chemistry that i missed in this movie because if there was I did not see a damn spark. While in the previous movies I actually liked the romance between them this movie tried to make the romance seem like it had progressed without actually making any progression to actual maturity. You have to choose one of the other
- the mystique “x women” like was probably a good example of one of the worst and crunchiest ways to include feminism into the film and took place after nightcrawler saved someone so retrospectively it just didn’t make sense
- how are you just going to completely ignore quicksilver character who is the fan favourite of the entire franchise basically. Quicksilver was there for approximately 2 seconds and him yeeting away was not thoroughly explained
- again THE REASON FOR quicksilver not being there is that he is injured... r you fucking kidding me, this is a prime example of quite possibly the laziest writing on earth to the most fan favourite character, how did you think you would get away with this?
- it is so clear to me that this movie is a giant and physical representation of everyone who has ever been part of this franchise remake being so over it
- didn’t jean already show ... that she had.. these powers... in x men apocalypse... u know what whatever let’s just move past this major plot hole it seems like we have been doing that so ok (PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG I GENUINELY NEED TO KNOW)
- this entire movie passes on information to the audience by telling instead of showing which is the exact opposite of what a movie is supposed to do. Also this telling takes place over every cheesy and cliche dialogue with extensive narration and exposition.
- Jessica chastains character is supposed to be important and drive her and jean’s actions but like honestly super dull and non threatening and nothing was convincing
- the worst part of this film is the untapped potential it could have had with its amazing actors and the storyline of the Dark Phoenix. They could have delved furthers into more risky and morally grey areas such as jean being something other than like a countdown on a Grenade... some IDK CRaZy ThOuGht dOnT miNd mE buT deVeloPmeNt??
-there wasn’t that much that was actually “dark” to me like the title tries to imply. Yeah sure she caused a lot of property damage and killed like a few people but so what.
-the timeline and lack of actual continuity within these movies shows that the people who worked on this film just did not give a crap about this. I’ve tried to ignore the timeline in the past x men films and just enjoy them for what they are but it’s kind of gotten past the point of subtle. This makes the film infuriating.
-the ending train sequence was to me probably the most exciting and well done scenes in that movie but honestly at that point I just didn’t care. Like I loved magneto just killing people but then was like oh never mind you have just completely destroyed his character yet again
-Charles Xavier was endlessly frustrating and literally not a single ounce of the character I actually loved was in this film
-we don’t need every single thing spelt out to us in pure narration and exposition Jesus Christ it was exhausting
-if you are going to completely destroy any characterisation of the actual mystique that comic fans know then you sure as hell better make it work (it hasn’t) and when the character dies you better make sure it has some impact. Oh never mind, the death had no eotiomal weight to it... whatsoever
-magneto has the same arc in every film and it felt super tired despite the supreme acting that we know that fassbender can actually do and the entire film resulted in him not actually having an arc and making sure to destroy every chance of that
- so beast.. the new headmaster is the school who’s entire plot and decision of going against Xavier was driven by mystique’s death and then when it comes to renaming the school, names it after jean instead of mystique who has been portrayed as a symbol in the movies and apparently some sort of moral compass. Again, a pattern is coming through... none of this movie being necessary or making sense
-cyclops (Scott) has no actual personality to him in this entire movie, in fact the directors seem to have done a movie ginny Weasley on him and essentially made him a poster card declaring his undying love for jean grey (which btw again was a really flat Romance) with nothing else and no character development in this film and I mean seeing that Jean is “dead” wtf is this supposed to mean for him
-quicksilver would have been able to resolve this entire plot 2 minutes into this film.. why didn’t he teleport back into the shuttle with jean and Kurt... therefore having time to get the last astronaut
- the scene with nightcrawler where he literally just massacres a bunch of people while ngl kinda cool to see destroys the entire pacifier nature of Kurt that is essential to him and I really don’t get why they felt the need to do this. You killed azazel off screen like they r different characters stop mixing them
- I’m so sorry to the actors and actresses in this film, almost all of whom have shown (Sophie turner, Nicholas Hoult, James Mcavoy and Michael fassbender in particular) that they are some of the most talented people in cinema and you can see that they tried but like how much can you actually do
- and not a single fuck was given about this movie
-what was the ending scene
-surprised that the movie broke even ngl
-you could have done so much better
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