#and no one else will gaf about them unless i draw/write for them
spiceferret · 5 months
i would never wish whatever fucked up version of autism and adhd that i have on any artist ever. it is so infuriating that i can't draw better without practice, but not having motivation to ever draw anything that isn't what i explicitly want to draw. i can't really even use the 'do it bad' method because that also kills my motivation immediately and it's a forever cycle. And because my art has gotten better i also have 0 patience to draw half the time as well. i miss being shit at art and also 13 where i didnt care and just drew whatever in like 15 minutes
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zot3-flopped · 4 years
The entire argument about Harry dating Olivia being an issue because she’s “his boss” falls apart the minute you look into the cast of Booksmart, her previous project, and you realize Jason Sudeikis was part of it. Is it immoral to cast your husband in your movie?
Was it immoral for John Krasinski to cast Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place? Is the issue meeting in the workplace or dating your boss? Because at least meeting in the workplace makes for the casting to be more organic. One could accuse a director who casts their significant other as playing favorites. Wouldn’t that be worse? More immoral? More unprofessional? Where do we draw the line? How come nobody batted an eyelid at Booksmart?
And if we’re talking couples there meet on set, Zach Braff and Florence met on set when he was directing her. Hell, Steven Spielberg’s wife of decades met him while he was directing her in Indiana Jones. And HE WAS MARRIED (getting divorced). It sure screwed over the movie and his career... lmao. Tim Burton and his wife (Helena Bonham Carter) met on set and then worked together in a bajillion movies. This isn’t an intern dating the CEO, people!
Directors aren’t actually the bosses of the actors. The studios and producing companies are, and Olivia isn’t involved with either. She doesn’t write Harry’s paycheck, she doesn’t even make casting decisions on her own. There’s literally no point of this that’s controversial because it happens all the fucking time.
And the timeline wasn’t an issue when it was announced in November. No one complained about it until we saw her holding hands with Harry. If they truly hadn’t broken up until he came in the picture, and if, apparently, Jason even knew that was the case... why not say something in fucking November? Why not clarify “hey yo! We didn’t break up months ago”? when the articles first came out? Why wait until there are ten thousand pictures of your ex with her new, hotter, richer, more famous, younger boyfriend?
I’ll tell you why. Because it’s bullshit. Either his camp tried to make him sympathetic (which backfired, because the GP moved on and still likes the couple and aside from jealous fans, both Larries and y/n fans, no one else GAF about the timeline at this point), or the tabloids made it up because they were running out of things to write about.
In fact, now that they’ve run out of things to write about again, they’re starting to create rumors about Jennifer Anniston and Jason. Lmao. Like. No part of this relationship is controversial, IN ACTUALITY.
Once they get past this initial stage, they’ll just become a normal Hollywood couple. Written about in the media from time to time but otherwise mostly quiet unless there’s an event of some sort.
At this point I hope it’s endgame. Both so Harry doesn’t have to go through heartbreak again, but also because I love to see cunts suffer and that’s the only word I have for the “fans” being bitches.
Thank you - this ask is really positive, articulate and well written and covers all the main points about Harry and Olivia, with some great examples of couples who met on set.
You're right that nobody batted an eye back in November when it was announced that Olivia and Jason had split. If the relationship is endgame, let's hope we lose the negative Harries. BTS awaits them. Those guys are forbidden to date so the ex Harries will never have to deal with unexpected girlfriends.
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