#and no woman ever likes her sisters boyf bc i say so
devils-bite · 11 months
i relate to orin because i too sometimes want to bash my sister’s head in for her questionable choices in men :)
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bitchinbarzal · 11 months
“but hear me out,, mase always swore he’d never be like mama mct’s ex boyf bc he was a piece of shit,, then he goes and cheats on her… that’s definitely that catalyst in mason & trevor’s friendship bc trevor trusted mason with his baby sister”
Just this… 👐🏻
It happened before they were together so could I really be considered cheating, Trevor thought so.
It was all fun and laughter in the ducks locker room majority of the time. Guys would make digs at one another it was all quite fun.
Jamie and his wife had recently announced their venture to adopt a babygirl and were picking out names so the team decided to weigh in.
Names were thrown about until Jamie said “My mom said Lola”
“Hey Tav, remember when you fucked that girl from where was it? Texas or something? Wasn’t her name Lola?” Someone shouts and Mason’s body freezes.
“Hard to believe Mason was ever with anyone who wasn’t little Z, she’s got him wrapped around his finger for like three years now”
The teammate frowns “No… tav you screwed that girl like three-“
“Okay enough dude” Mason snaps and Trevor interjects “No, let him finish. He screwed this girl when?”
“Like three years ago? It was what start of the season?”
Trevor looks at Mason who is visibly on edge before he pounces on him “You son of a bitch!”
Everyone has to get in to rip them away from one another. Eventually pulling them apart while their chests heave
“I trusted you! She trusted you! You have a baby!” Trevor screams.
“I know, I know ok?! We weren’t together yet and it was just one stupid night Z!” Mason défends to which Trevor snarls
“The first night, the night you picked her up I told you, I said to you to take care of her! You promised me!”
Trevor didn’t often get so wound up when it didn’t concern his kids but his baby sister was not grounds for disrespect.
“Trev it was nothing!”
Trevor rolls his eyes and grabs his bag “You better tell her”
“Trevor she’s just had a baby, I can’t-“
“Tell her. Or I will” he snaps, leaving the locker room.
When Mason left the facility he drove around a bit just trying to hold off coming home so he wouldn’t have to face you.
When he eventually walked in you were sat with Jude on the couch reading to him
“Hey sweet boy” you greet, standing up to meet him in the doorway “Say Hi Jude, hi daddy”
The sweet moment is followed by a silent pause when mason says “Babe can you sit down? I have to speak with you”
You frown “Baby what’s wrong?”
“Please?” He gestured to the couch and you oblige, shushing Jude in the process.
Mason leans against the coffee table and you say
“Mason just say it, you’re scaring me!”
“I slept with someone” he blurts out and your heart drops.
“You What?”
He sighs “It was a long time ago, it was when you went back to New York to stay with your parents after your ex and you said you needed space so I went out and I just- fuck babe I’m sorry, ok?”
“So you just stuck your dick in another woman because what? I needed space?” You Ask and it’s scary how calm you are.
“It wasn’t like that! I didn’t know if you’d even want me when you got back!”
“But you didn’t care to find out eh? What happens if she’d stuck around? Would you have been with her? Would this never have happened?”
The this in question is gestured by pointing between you both and mason looks at your sleeping baby boy, thinking of the life where he wasn’t here.
“I didn’t want to hurt you”
You scoff “Well you have”
“Babe please it’s not like I did it ever again, we weren’t together!”
“But we had an emotional connection Mason! I wanted you and you couldn’t wait until the next thing that opened her legs came along” you cried “I thought you weren’t like him”
His face drops “Hey, I am nothing like him!”
“Oh yeah? I’m not finding all that much different right now” you taunt and mason knows you’re trying to get under his skin so he lets it slide.
He sighs “What do you want me to do, I’ll do anything to prove how sorry I am” he begs and you nod
“After this, I’m done” you nod to Jude “I don’t want anymore babies with you”
You’d spoken about at least three kids with you being one of four and mason being one of two.
“And I don’t want to get married” you reply, handing back the ring he’d recently given you when you’d given birth “I can’t trust you won’t break by heart again”
Mason watches then as you stand up and drop a sleeping baby Jude in his arms and walk out the room. Then Jude begins crying to which mason hushed him and mumbles
“I know exactly how you’re feeling bud”
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