#i mean she literally bitches about how down bad her sibling is trash man
devils-bite · 11 months
i relate to orin because i too sometimes want to bash my sister’s head in for her questionable choices in men :)
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baseballbitch116 · 3 years
Dixons Next Door - Chapter 4
Introduction: Anna was a small town girl from Atlanta when she became the guardian of her two younger siblings. She was determined to keep them from the same abuse that she endured from her family, so she moved into a small beaten up house just outside the city in 2009. The new neighbors  next door - the Dixon brothers - were definitely trouble. She wanted to escape her past, not repeat her parents history with these redneck brothers. Matters only escalate when the news is talking about the possibility of some virus getting out and infecting people… Are Merle and Daryl just as bad as her past? How is she going to keep her brother and sister safe from this virus getting out? What did Anna get herself into?
Setting: Pre-apocalypse
Word Count: 6896
Series Warnings: Offensive language, mentions/suggestion of physical abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sexual themes, violence & death
Chapter Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drug use, offensive language, assault, violence, sensitive themes - potential trigger warning
A/N: I got a little carried away and made this an extra long chapter, but it’s a good one! There are some sensitive topics in it so this is a trigger warning - it’s nothing too bad but some people may not want to read it. 18+ You’ve been warned.
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I had been cleaning out the pool for the kids while they ate lunch the next time that I was interrupted by Merle. He came over with a beer and hand and stood nearby me, watching silently. I gave him a look but he made no comment, he just sipped on his beer. I sighed and continued skimming the bugs and leaves out of the pool. “Isn’t it a little early to be drinking?” I ask without looking back at him. He chuckles.
“Why ya cleanin it? Just gonna get dirty again?” He asks, ignoring your question. You roll your eyes and smack the skimmer on the ground to get the debris off of it.
“Why shower - just gonna get dirty again.” I remark sarcastically.
“Exactly.” Merle agrees, and I look up in momentary shock before catching the sarcastic smirk on his face. “Ew,” I mutter, tossing the skimmer to the side and throwing the chlorine in the pool.
“So what bar ya work at?” He asks, glancing into the pool for a moment before looking back at you. You want to lie, but there’s literally only two bars in this small town, so it’s not like it matters much.
“Happy Hour Tavern.” I respond, wiping my hands off on my shorts and crossing my arms. “Surprised I haven’t seen ya there yet.” Referring to the beer in his hand at two in the afternoon.
He smirks. “Ya wanna see me there?” He suggests, and I roll my eyes.
“Didn’t say that.”
“Don’t ya worry, sugar. I’ll stop by.” He assures me, and I know he probably will.
“Great,” I mutter, and he chuckles.
“Where ya kids at?” He asks.
“Inside eating.”
“Wanna make me somethin to eat, sugarlips?” He asks flirtatiously. I roll my eyes again and huff.
“My name is Anna, and no, I don’t really have the money to be feeding the neighborhood.” I respond.
“Ain’t the neighborhood, doll. Just a friend.” He winks.
“Oh, so we’re friends?” I ask, shifting my weight.
“Yeah sure. Ya seem to be cozying up to my brother and all, ‘course we’re friends.” He responds sarcastically. The grin is gone from his face and he seems more serious now.
“What?” I ask, baffled by what he means by ‘cozying up to his brother.’
“Don’t play dumb, sweetheart. I saw ya the other day. Got him doing shit for ya, too. Impressive.” He rolls his eyes and takes a large gulp of his beer. Suddenly, the mood shifts, and I feel uncomfortable. Is he angry at me for asking Daryl for help? He is so hard to read, everything was just fine - what happened?
“I needed help lifting a heavy ass box. He was there. Doesn’t mean I’m ‘cozying up to anyone.’” I respond sternly. I don’t like being accused of using people. Merle chuckles.
“Relax, darlin, I ain’t jealous.” He taunts, lifting a hand to shield his eyes and looking up at the sky. “Issa good huntin day, bet he’s goin out there soon. I’ll see ya around, sugarlips.” Merle says as he begins walking away from me, leaving me confused and startled. What the hell just happened?
I began getting texts from my father that same day. I wasn’t entirely surprised, but I knew he wouldn’t go to the cops.
1:04 - Bring back my fuckin kids
1:15 - U ungrateful bitch after all i done 4 u
2:06 - Ima have every1 lookin 4 u
2:10 - U best not let me find u
3:34 - Ima tell the pigs u kidnapped em
4:08 - Just wait til i find u
My brother even texted me a few times, too.
12:30 - Pa’s lookin 4 u. He’s mad
1:10 - U took them? Ur not they momma, u kidnapped em
2:30 - U best bring em back or u’ll regret it Anna
The texts continued on and off throughout the day but I ignored them. My prejudice, abusive family would not get the best of me. He was probably drunk and went to find us to pick a fight and finally noticed we were gone. I couldn’t help but worry about if he ever did manage to find us. We were only a half hour away, it wouldn’t be too hard. It was only a matter of how much he was determined to do so. He’s not a smart man, I doubt he could track us down very easily. Plus, everyone who knew him, hated him. No one who knew us would help him - they would know the kids were safer with me. I’d rather be poor than abused.
Eventually I left my phone on silent and tried to keep my thoughts occupied. I didn’t tell the kids, of course. The kids had been playing in their room for most of the day, having fun with the large box that my bed frame had come in, using it as some sort of rocket or something. So I let them be inside and sat on the front steps to think in peace. I looked up at the sky and willed myself not to cry. They did not deserve my tears. They didn’t even deserve a moment’s thought. I forced myself not to think about all that they had put me through in my childhood. The nights I spent crying myself to sleep on my mattress on the floor. The bruises and scars I hid at school. The lies I told to keep myself from being taken away - only so I could protect my siblings.
My eyes burned as I fought back the tears and I hid my face in my hands on my lap.
“C’mon, Anna. It’s over now.” I mutter to myself, trying to believe my own words. Anger boiled over inside of me at the thought of what my father might do if he found us and took the kids back. I would not let him. Even if it killed me - he would not ruin their lives like he did mine.
A crash of thunder made me jump, bringing me back to the present. I looked up just in time to see Merle approaching from the woods, resheathing a knife on his hip. I figured he was hunting, and that gave me an idea.
“Hey, Merle!” I call out, quickly wiping my face and jumping up to head over to him. He looks pleasantly surprised and stopped in his tracks, smirking as I approached him. “I have a question.”
“Whatcha want, sugar?” He drawls, wiping his hand on a rag from his pocket. I notice a bit of blood and then the bag over his shoulder, making me wince. I didn’t wanna know.
“I wanna get a gun. But I don’t know the first thing about them, and I kinda hoped you did?” I inform him, glancing behind me to make sure the kids hadn’t come out. He chuckles quietly and looks me up and down.
“Whatcha want with a gun?” He asks. I resist getting defensive, sure that he thinks a woman can’t handle one.
“To protect myself. Family problems, let’s leave it at that.” I inform him with a look. “Do you think you could help me?” I plead. I didn’t wanna go into town and get scammed into buying a crappy, overpriced gun. Merle looks at me for a long moment, looking up at the darkening sky before shrugging.
“Come with me.” He responds, nodding toward his house. I look at it then back to him, giving him a sharp look. “I’m serious, ya want me help or not?” He demands. I look back toward my house for a moment before sighing.
“I can’t be long.” I tell him, and he smirks, heading toward his porch. I hesitantly follow behind him, dreading entering his place. Considering the trash and overgrown grass outside, I had a feeling the inside was much worse. I stepped inside the house cautiously, keeping my eye on Merle as I did so. He seemed to be the only one here, which relieved me. If any of those men from the other night were, I would have left. Merle tosses the bag from his shoulder onto an old wooden table and heads down the hall toward a bedroom, leaving me alone. The floor is dirty, there’s an old, stained armed chair in front of a box TV, and there’s stuff scattered everywhere. The place smells a little weird too, but I resist complaining. Merle returns a moment later with a case in hand. “Here,” Merle opens the case and reveals a gun, holding it out to me. It’s a handgun, I know that much. I look up at him and he gives me an impatient look, so I hesitantly grab the gun. It’s heavier than it looks, and I make sure to keep my finger off the trigger. “Ya ever shot one?” He asks, smirking at me.
“Once or twice.” I mumble, having flashbacks to the one time my father tried teaching me how to shoot bottles in the backyard. It wasn’t a fond memory at all…
“Ya can have it, but it’ll cost ya.” He winks.
“How much?” I ask, and he chuckles.
“Ion want ya money,” He drawls, and I immediately frown, thinking I know what he is implying.
“I’m not doing that either,” I scowl, going to hand the gun back to him. He doesn’t take it, chuckling some more.
“Whatcha want a gun for anyway?” He asks. I didn’t want to get into it, but maybe this would be a way around having to do something for him for it. I let out a sigh and looked at the weapon in my hand for a long moment.
“My father,” I start, not meeting his eye. “He’s uh, well he’s a piece of shit basically. I took the kids from him in the middle of the night and got this place, never told anyone where we were going. If he comes around… Well, I’m gonna need this.” I finally look up and meet his eye, exhaling deeply. He looks at me for a long moment, his face expressionless. It’s quiet and I am surprised he doesn’t make any rude or sarcastic comments. He shrugs, placing the case down on the old table.
“Keep it.” He tells me, and I raise my brows at him.
“Really?” I clarify, confused why he changed his mind.
“Ya need it more than I do. Got plenty round here.” He mutters, waving his arm up in no general direction. “I know all about piece of shit fathers.” He continues, giving me a solemn look. “My pops was. You was right, yer gonna need that. So take it, before I change my mind.” He drawls, heading over to their fridge and grabbing a bottle of beer, kicking it shut behind him. I don’t argue, despite being shocked and confused.
“Thank you, Merle.” I give him a sincere smile for the first time, and turn the gun over in my hands to ensure the safety is on.
“Takes 9MM. It’s loaded.” He informs me, plopping into the beaten up chair by the TV and opening his beer, taking a large gulp. I nod slowly and shift my weight, feeling awkward holding the gun but trying not to let him know.
“Okay,” I respond, turning to head out the door as he turns the TV on. “Thanks again.” I holler before I head out the door into the humid air. The sky has gotten very dark with storm clouds and the wind picked up, so I jog across the lawn back to my house and tuck the gun into the back of my shorts, hiding it under my shirt before I walk inside. I don’t need the kids seeing this.
“Anna! Look what we did!” Colton calls out from the hallway with a big grin on his face. I smile back at him and walk down the hall to their room, letting out a dramatic gasp when I see the box colored on with a bunch of random colors. “It’s our rocket!” He exclaims excitedly, rejoining his sister inside the big box.
“Wow! It looks so good guys!” I exclaim, grinning as they go back to their playing. I watch them for a moment before remembering the gun and walking into my own room, placing the gun on the top shelf in the closet. This will have to do until I have more furniture and somewhere safe to keep it.
The texts kept coming throughout the rest of the night.
6:05 - ware tf r my kids
6:43 - dont make me hunt u down girl
7:16 - uv always been a cunt this is just like u
8:11 - wat r u gonna do when u get nocked up by some prick u dont have money 4 all dem kids
The string of insults and threats lasted most of the night, the only reason I kept looking at them was to make sure that they hadn’t found us somehow, or had any ideas. I would need a head start if they did. I’m not sure if I would be able to shoot my brother, but I know I could shoot my dad. He deserved it. After all he did to me, all he put us through. Even my dead beat mother didn’t deserve him. He was half the reason she’s as bad as she is. Apparently, my mother hadn’t started using drugs until after I was born. My father had escalated when he had his first daughter, and his true colors began to shine through. My mom used in order to live with herself, the guilt, his abuse. She even made sure to get clean each time she learned she was pregnant, but she always relapsed. She was a strong woman - I had to give her that. If nothing else, she was strong. But still a horrible mother. She should have taken us with her when she left.
But now it was my responsibility. I had to do what she couldn’t. I couldn’t help but think about my parents, my horrible family - as I stood in the doorway, watching them sleep. I may not be able to change what happened to me, but I would do anything it took to prevent it from happening to Bailey and Colton. If it comes down to it, I will kill my own father to ensure he never lays another hand on them.
Watching them sleep peacefully, side by side in their own brand new bed with clean sheets and a safe roof over their head - that made it all worth it.
Jessie and Beau came over at nine with beers and I set up a fire in the front yard. I had found this old firepit someone was throwing away on the side of the road the other night and I took it of course. I was excited for some relaxing adult time before my shift tonight. I hated my job, but I made good money there so far.
“What time you work tonight?” Jessie asks as she pops open a bottle of beer and hands it to me with a grin on her face.
“Eleven to three. At least it’ll go by fast.” I respond, taking a gulp. The alcohol burns as it goes down my throat and I let out a sigh, leaning back into the stairs. I hadn’t gotten around to getting chairs for the yard yet - an unnecessary expense I couldn’t afford just yet. Jessie sat beside me, a lemonade in hand instead of beer, given that she was pregnant, and Beau sat on the hood of his truck, rolling a joint. I always enjoyed nights like this - quiet, relaxing, worry free. Jessie had been the best friend I’d ever had, I’m glad we’re still so close.
“That man ever come back?” She asks, referring to a customer from a few nights ago. He had gotten too drunk and handsy, trying to get me to give him my number. He even waited until the bar closed for me and the manager had to call the cops to get him to leave so I could go home. That was the latest reason I hated my job that I’d only had for a few weeks.
“No. Hopefully he never comes back, I don’t wanna have to use what Merle gave me earlier on him.” I mutter, glancing behind me to make sure the kids hadn’t woken up.
“The neighbor?” Beau asks. I nod.
“What did he give you? Are yous like, talking now?” Jessie asks, leaning on her knees and giving me a worried look.
“No, it’s nothing like that. I wanted to look into getting… a gun, for protection. From Dad.” I explain in a quieter tone. “I figured someone like him would know a place, and he actually ended up giving me a handgun.” I continue, watching Jessie’s disapproving look and wide eyes. “I’ll be safe. I really need it. If Dad finds out where we are…” I trail off, taking a large sip of my beer and letting a huff out.
“Why’d he just give you a gun for free?” Beau asks, looking up from where he was rolling the joint on the hood.
“I dunno. At first he said it was gonna cost me, but then when I mentioned it was because of Dad, he let me just have it. Said he knew all about asshole fathers.” I shrugged. “Either way, works for me.”
“Just don’t let him use that against you. Who knows what he might try to pull, he reminds me of Mack.” Jessie rolls her eyes when she mentions my older brother, grimacing. She hates me as much as I do. He had tried to get with her a million times and it made him resentful, yelling and cursing at her. Which then resulted in Beau beating the shit out of him - which was a sight for sore eyes.
“Yeah, he’s a bit better than him though. From what I’ve seen, at least.” I shrug, taking another swig of my beer. “Dad’s been texting me most of the day, he texted me earlier too. The bullshit you’d expect - pretending to care I took the kids, threatening me.” I explain, handing my phone to Jessie to see the string of unanswered texts.
“I hate them,” She grumbles as she scrolls through the texts. “They won’t find you, don’t worry. They’re too stupid to figure it out.” I chuckle at her comment.
“Yeah, you’re right about that.” I giggle. Beau stands up and offers me the blunt, which I accept and take a long hit from. As I am doing so, I hear a man start laughing and sure enough, Merle and Daryl are standing at the bottom of their porch. I exhale the large puff of smoke and hand the blunt back to Beau, leaning on my knees and resisting the urge to cough.
“Damn girl, who knew ya could have a little fun!” Merle exclaims, walking across the lawn toward us. Daryl and I make eye contact for a short moment before he rolls his eyes and leans against the beat up railing, placing his crossbow on the porch stairs, seemingly waiting for his brother. I roll my eyes with a smirk at Merle’s comment. Ever since earlier, I’ve decided to cut him a little slack. If I was interpreting right, we had more in common than I thought - at least, regarding families.
“Yeah, sometimes.” I respond, offering my beer bottle to him, earning a surprised look from Jessie. I was trying to be nice to Merle to repay him for the gun, so he wouldn’t come collecting in another way. It was the least I could do for a free handgun and clip. Merle looks shocked for a short moment but smirks and takes the bottle from my hand, taking a large swig.
“Yous her family?” Merle asks, looking at Jessie. She hesitates for a moment before shaking her head.
“Friends.” She responds, readjusting her feet uncomfortably. I stand up and suddenly I’m aware of just how close Merle was to me. I am almost touching him as he leans against my railing, my bottle in his large hands, a smirk plastered across his face. He looks fairly attractive in the fire light and his seemingly clean-ish clothes. He’s wearing black cargo pants and a white T-shirt under a jacket, and I take notice of the knife holstered on his hip. “Going hunting?” I ask, taking a step away from him toward the fire and tossing another log in.
“Mhm,” He responds, taking another sip of my beer. “Wanna come with, sweetheart? Can show ya the ways.” He suggests flirtatiously.
“I actually know how to,” I smirk, stepping closer to him and grabbing the beer from his hand, taking a large sip while looking into his eyes. The alcohol and hit were starting to get to me - I was a bit of a lightweight nowadays, since I’ve lost weight and had less time to do this kind of stuff. Merle bites his bottom lip and holds the intense eye contact with me, taking the beer back when I hand it to him and I can feel his eyes on me as I retake my seat beside Jessie.
“Yer loss.” He shrugs, pretending to be indifferent.
“C’mon man!” Daryl shouts from their side of the lawn impatiently. I wish that he would come join us too - I wanna get to know him better.
“Ugh I’m comin! Get yer panties outta a bunch!” He shouts over his shoulder. Merle hands the beer back to me after one last gulp and heads off to rejoin Daryl, walking away into the dark woods.
“What was that all about?” Jessie demands when they are out of earsight. I shrug and set the beer down, not wanting to get anymore intoxicated, given that I still have work later.
“I dunno, gotta be nice. I kinda owe him.” I mumble, kicking at dirt. Truth be told, I found those brothers interesting. Mysterious and dangerous, but alluring. Yes, they were trouble, but I always ended up attracting trouble anyway.
“You better be careful.” Jessie warns me, and I nod.
The night went on peacefully and we all enjoyed talking over the fire and relaxing with the kids asleep. I left for work and Jessie stayed at my place while Beau went out with his friends after dropping me off. He was gonna pick me up after work too, since he was gonna be in the same general area.
My shift was going fine until about one, when I recognized a familiar face and my whole night went sour. The creepy man from the other night was back, and he had his eyes on me. He was with another man at a table instead of the bar, but he was very obviously watching me. I informed the manager on duty but it wasn’t the same man from the other night, so he didn’t know the extent of how creepy the man was. He only came up to the bar once, having his buddy order drinks while he watched me. I remained calm and didn’t even glance at him, handing the drinks to his friend and accepting the two dollar tip without a word.
It took about a half an hour to finish cleaning up after everyone was out of the bar and I was dreading heading outside. I had a feeling that the man would be waiting for me again, but the manager didn’t want me wasting hours and had to stay behind to finish up, so I had to go out alone. I hung up my apron at the door and sighed as I locked up behind myself, leaving the manager alone in the building to finish recounting the drawers. I had already stuffed my tip money into my purse and had my keys tucked between my fingers as I looked around cautiously for a sign of anyone. There were still people out, despite being a bit past three in the morning. Beau hadn’t answered my texts in the last half hour and Jessie was asleep, so I had to wait. Great. Across the street, I spotted a nice looking motorcycle across the street, but that was the only vehicle besides far down the road.
I started walking toward the street light by the corner to wait for Beau when I heard a male voice call out. “Hey! Bitch!” I grasped my keys tighter in my hand and turned my head, spotting the man and his buddy down the alleyway. They stood up from leaning on the wall and started heading my way, so I started walking faster, but then they started running.
“Help!” I hollered and started running across the street. The adrenaline kicked in in my body as fear took over and I ran as fast as I could down the opposite side of the street. They were close behind me and I tried to hop over a fence, but they caught up and threw me onto the ground before I could get all the way over. “Help! Please!” I screamed as loud as I could, trying to kick the men away from me. The main guy sat on top of my hip and shoved a hand over my mouth, smirking evilly down at me as his buddy started trying to lift me. I kicked and flailed as hard as I could but I couldn’t get away as they drug me across the ground into a back alley.
“Hey!” I heard a different male voice holler and then there was the sound of glass breaking. The main man let go of his hand over my mouth to look behind him and I took that opportunity to scream as loud as my lungs would let me, before the second guy punched me in the face. I swore I saw stars as my face throbbed, the two still pinning me, my head propped against the second guy’s chest where he held a knife to my throat.
“Get off her. Now.” A deep male voice demands. I can’t see with the main guy on top of me but I am grateful for whoever it is coming to my rescue. The men only chuckle evilly but then something happens and the second guy jumps away from me quickly, making me slam my head down on the concrete. I groan and my vision goes blurry with tears as the stinging in my head intensifies. “Help…” I mutter as I fight to stay conscious, my head throbbing. The cold, rocky concrete is painful against my cheek, but not as bad as the weight of the man or the stinging in my head.
I can finally see around the main guy and spot a man a few yards away, aiming something in our direction. It’s hard to see with my blurred vision and the darkness, but it looks like a weird sideways weapon. “Ay, man. Chill out. We was just having some fun, that’s all.” The second guy insists, holding his hands up a little. I try to wiggle away but the man on top of me grabs onto my throat and holds a knife toward me.
“Think I won’t? Get the hell outta here or I’ll kill her right here, right now.” The man growls. I stare at the sharp tip of the knife in my face, fearing this is where my life will end. What will happen to Bailey and Colton without me?
The next moment is a huge blur. One second, there is a knife in my face, and the next, the man falls off of me, screaming in pain on the ground beside me. I jump up off the ground as fast as I can and stumble away from them, running blindly in the direction of where I had seen the shadowy figure of the other man. I stumble and trip in the combination of darkness and the pain throughout my body, reaching out to the brick wall to catch myself from falling but someone else catches me and I start flailing and trying to get away, until I look up.
It’s Merle. He hoists me up from where I was half fallen on the ground onto my feet and puts a hand around my waist to keep me up against him. His face is serious and it’s the first time he hasn’t cracked any jokes to me. I’ve never been more relieved to see someone in my life. I reach up and hold onto his neck, trying to keep my balance. The man continues screaming and cursing and I look back, spotting Daryl holding up a crossbow. “Oh shit! Fuck!” The second man screams, running away and leaving his friend behind with an arrow in his ass. Daryl walks over to him and takes his knife, pressing a foot on the man’s back and yanking the arrow out from his asscheek. I turn and hide my face in Merle’s shirt, disgusted and terrified. The screaming continues and then I hear a second scream and a trash can get knocked over. When I look back again, the other man is laying on the ground toward the back of the alley, an arrow in his leg.
Daryl stalks over to him and rips the arrow from his leg as well, kicking the man in the face before heading back toward the first man. “Ya ever, ever - come back here again… I’ll kill ya.” Daryl growls at the main guy who had been stalking me. Daryl rejoins us and puts a hand on my back hesitantly, looking down at me. I’d never been this close to either of the brothers and yet, somehow, I felt safer now.
“T-thank you.” I mumble into Merle’s chest, holding onto him tight, too afraid to let go. Tears stained into his shirt but I couldn’t bring myself to care - I was shaking and biting back crying.
“C’mon,” Merle mumbles, grasping onto my tight and trying to turn me around. I held onto him tight and let them lead me away, not paying attention. I saw Daryl grab my purse and keys in the corner of my eye and noticed Merle was leading me to a motorcycle. “You take her back, little brother. I’ll meet ya there after I finish up here.” Merle lets go of me and I feel like I’m going to fall over from the pounding in my head, but Daryl grabs onto me before I can fall completely over.
“Damn,” Daryl mutters, grabbing me tight and I notice that we are face to face. He’s got me by my waist and my hands grasp onto his shirt collar. “Sorry…” I mumble, blinking away fresh tears. He doesn’t respond but he helps me onto the back of the motorcycle. “Hold onto this.” He takes my hand and places it on these handlebar things, and I do. I do my best to stay up straight while he attaches my purse and his crossbow onto the back of the motorcycle and then sits in front of me. I whip my head toward the alley when I hear more screaming, but Daryl starts the engine and revs the bike. “Hold onto me. Tight.” Daryl hollers over his shoulder, and I do so without hesitation. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and lean my head against his shoulder, terrified to fall off. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before - if I had been in a normal state of mind, I would have objected. But at this point, I wanted to get home as fast as possible.
The motorcycle is fast and the wind blows past us. I keep my eyes closed and focus on holding onto Daryl, feeling lightheaded and scared of falling off. It’s a short ride and he has to help me off of the bike. Holding onto his rough hand made me feel anxious and insecure but I had to in order to keep upright. He led me inside his house, and I did not object, as I did not want the kids to see me or for me to wake them up. He leads me over to a beaten up couch and I hesitantly sit down, looking around cautiously. I didn’t know if anyone else was here, but it seemed we were alone. I held onto my own arms tightly and tried to focus on my breathing. “I should uh, check ya out.” Daryl mumbles, crouching down in front of me. He waits for me to respond in some way, so I nod and uncross my arms. He runs a hand up my bare leg and I force myself not to flinch. I’m not afraid of Daryl, but tonight’s events have me shaken up. “Stand up,” He says, offering me his hand to help me get up. He lifts up my shirt a little and I flinch when he touches my back. “Yer pretty scratched up.” He comments, removing his hand from my back. “Should put somethin on that, so it don’t get infected.” He stands up when I sit back down and walks away, presumably to grab something. I hold onto my head and wince in pain where there is a large bump already forming.
Daryl returns with a few items in hand. He gives me a package of peas and shrugs, not meeting my eye. “Don’t have ice packs.” He mumbles, kneeling in front of me. “Turn around.” He tells me, and I move so that he can get to my back, placing the ice on my head. He starts applying something cold to my back and I sit as still as I can, wincing at the pain from where I was drug across the concrete. “Yer shirt’s all torn.” He notes when he pulls it back down. “Lemme see yer head.” I remove the ice and he gently runs his fingers through my hair, eventually finding the lump and I jump in pain, tearing up. “Sorry,” He mutters. “How do you feel? Ya might have a concussion.” He says, and I groan.
“I can’t afford to have a concussion.” I mumble and lean back into the sofa, holding the ice against my head once more. Daryl places a gentle hand on my cheek, below my eye, where I was punched. I look into his eyes as he gently rubs his rough thumb over what is surely a black eye. “M’sorry this happened to ya.” He mutters, looking away.
“Thank you for saving me.” I respond quietly.
“Wish I’d been there sooner.” He grumbles, standing up and removing his vest, tossing it onto the seat. He is wearing a black button down shirt and black jeans, his hair is matted against his forehead - but he looks very attractive. I look down at my bare knees that are now scratched up and feel my eyes burning again.
“What were you doing there, anyway?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Merle wanted a drink. Said ya worked there, wanted to bother ya I’m sure.” I let out a small chuckle and he continues. “We were leavin to head back, but we heard ya yellin.” I nod and look down again, trying not to think about it. I should be used to this sort of thing by now, given what I went through as a child.
Before either of us can say anything more, the door opens and Merle steps in, wiping his hands off on a rag. I notice the faint red marks on his knuckles and wonder what he had been doing, but try not to think of that either. Whatever he did, I didn’t care. Those men deserved it.
“She good?” Merle asks his brother, looking over at me huddled on their sofa. Daryl nods and explains my injuries briefly to Merle, who huffs. “Lucky we were there, sugar.” He comments. I don’t respond, hugging myself and shivering a little. Daryl notices but Merle heads to the bathroom, probably to clean up. Daryl walks away but returns shortly with a shirt and sweatpants. “Here. Ya can change in my room.” He mutters, handing the clothes to me. I am shocked but I accept and stand up slowly, following him back to his room. He shuts the door behind himself and I stand there for a moment, surprised to be in his room. He’s a lot sweeter than he likes to come off, it seems. It’s a very standard room. Pretty messy, no decorations, basic sheets on the bed, old paint. He clearly doesn’t care much for the room, it seems like he probably only uses it to sleep. It’s not “homey.” I remove my now ruined shirt and skirt and throw the large T-shirt on and tie the sweatpants on tight so they will fit me. The shirt is baggy and I notice it smells like Daryl. I hadn’t known what he smelled like before today but now I recognize it. It kinda smells like the outdoors, like firewood or something. It’s a nice scent, though, and I find it comforting.
I open the door with my old clothes in hand and spot Daryl waiting down the hall, leant up against the wall. Merle comes out of the bathroom at the same time and we make awkward eye contact. “Look like a Darylina.” He comments with a chuckle, walking past me toward the kitchen. Daryl looks at me for a long moment, until I meet his eye, and then he drops his gaze to the floor. I slowly approach him and give him a forced, appreciative smile. “Thank you.” I tell him gratefully. He has been so kind to me tonight. Before today, I hadn’t barely spoken to him before and he was always standoffish and seemed to avoid talking to me. It was a weird change, but welcomed. If only the circumstances it occurred under were different…
“Want me to throw em away?” He asks, referring to my clothes in hand. I shrug and hand them to him. He tosses them into a trash can and Merle walks over to the chair by the TV, popping open and beer and kicking his feet up. He seemed so nonchalant about the whole situation, it was weird. “Oh shit,” I mutter, realizing Beau is probably worried, waiting for me. “Do you have my phone?” I ask Daryl.
“That’s what yer worried bout?” Merle speaks up.
“No, I had been waiting for my ride. He’s probably worried.” I explain, looking to Daryl, hoping he had grabbed it. Silently, he pulls my phone from his pocket and hands it to me. “Thank you.” I unlock it and find a million missed calls from both Beau and Jessie. He must have woken her up when I never showed up. “Shit.” I grumble. I hated worrying them, after all they do for me.
“Yer boyfriend?” Merle asks, gulping down some of his beer.
“No, my friend’s boyfriend.” I respond as I text both of them in a group message that I was okay and that I would explain.
“Why would yer friend’s man be pickin ya up at three in the mornin?” Merle asks with a wink.
“Ew, no. I’m not like that. He’s a good friend, she’s watching the kids for me at my house right now. I gotta go let them know I’m okay…” I trail off, then remember I’m in Daryl’s clothes. “Uh, I can go change and bring these back-” I start, but he shakes his head.
“Keep em.” He insists, and I feel bad, but don’t fight back. “Ya might have a concussion, so ya should have someone check up on ya when ya sleep tonight, and get it checked.” He explains.
“Doctor Daryl.” Merle jokes sarcastically, and his brother shoots him an evil eye.
“Thank you guys for helping me. I don’t know how I can repay you…” I trail off, refusing to think about the course of the night again.
“Don’t worry bout it, darlin.” Merle smirks.
“Couldn’t just leave ya there.” Daryl mutters awkwardly, shuffling his feet.
“Well, still. Thank you.” I repeat before heading toward the door. Daryl follows behind me, handing me my purse and keys, and I wave before walking out and heading back to my house slowly, careful not to trip. I look back and notice he is watching me and I feel my cheeks heat up, fumbling to get my key out and open my door. I notice Beau’s truck is here and when I open the door, the two of them are sitting on the sofa, waiting for me.
Jessie and Beau were furious when I told them what happened and I ended up crying on her shoulder, letting the emotions from the night settle in. Beau threatened to go back out looking for them but I told him what I suspected Merle did and he didn’t. Jessie helped me get cleaned up and settled into bed. She slept next to me in my bed that night and woke me up every two hours, in case I had a concussion. Beau slept on the couch and I had never felt more appreciative for anyone more than I did for them and Daryl in that very moment...
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Welp! That was a dark chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it, please feel free to leave some feedback and let me know what you thought! Chapter 5 should be up soon, so keep an eye out!
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
So...I finished season two. And I’ve got a lot of thoughts.
I’m putting ALL my thoughts under the tab so please, don’t click unless you’ve seen it all, and/or you just....like don’t care about spoilers? But please if you’ve not watched it, watch it first ‘cause it deserves all the hype and attention. 
(if you haven’t watched yet, go into your settings and blacklist the tag ‘tua spoilers’ because that’ll help you avoid anything if you don’t want to be spoiled, at least on here)
Also, this is part one to my thoughts, because it’d be much too long to list it all here! Part two will be linked below this :)
This is going to be SO badly organized, but I’m gonna do my best to make it otherwise! I’m separating it all under sub-headers, just so you don’t have to read through ALL my thoughts on the series (but there’s a lot, sorry).
I legit just watched it all last night, so it’s fresh but also still jumbled and messy. So bear with me.
Also, let me know what you thought, I’m eager to hear others’ opinions of this show!
AS A WHOLE... So, so, SO damn good. I was scared, and worried and I thought there was gonna be a lot more pain...but it was so good. Arguably better than the first season, I think because the characters are fleshed out and have developed more, and I felt myself caring more for their wellbeings (even though I would have already died for most of them).
Honestly, no. This season WAs better than the first and I’m gonna stick with that.
I also really loved the colour scheme of it all?? I think they did that really well the first season too, but the colour choices and how they alternated between blue and orange, it keeps your attention and adds a vibrance to the characters that was there before but not so loudly.
I want to watch it again and admire how they shot/edited it too, because I actually really was impressed with the shots too (normally Netflix shows aren’t super cinematography-heavy, don’t know if that’s how to say that, but TUA really came through and I’m impressed). I don’t want to drone on about that because i know most don’t care about that as much, so I’ll leave it at just...I was impressed, and most happy with the overall presentation of the show.
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The way i actually now love him?? 
I mean I felt bad for him in S1, but here he’s an actual character and I cared about HIM, rather than what he had gone through. From the moment he said ‘I don’t give a shit’ in episode one, I liked him again and I’m SO glad. 
I didn’t really love how he still pushed for him and Allison...I mean, I understand that you can’t just erase the feelings, they still stand, but I would have liked a little bit less of it. It’s just awkward to watch and to contrast with Klaus literally calling them out, I appreciate that it wasn’t so prevalent but it was still there. 
But overall!! He became a character I actually really liked, he was actually funny too?? Dorky too, and also just more sure of who he was as a person rather than the number...Luther rights.
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One word: BIIIITCH.
He was one of my favourites from the show pre-S2, and now I can say he might just be my favourite. I would fight fire for that man.
I didn’t think he’d be almost the main character of this show (obviously one of them, because they’re all main characters ig) but I liked it a lot! We really got nothing about who he is as a person in Season One, and though a lot of people were able to fill in the emotional blanks, there was a lot more given to his character and who he is beneath the hard-headed vigilante.
I think David Casteneda did a brilliant job on his character, and had one of the best performances out of all of them. I knew he was good, but I truly was shocked at how good he did as Diego, and I’m happy to see him as an actor thrive and get more credit. He deserves it, and I’m quite happy. 
Surprisingly, he was the character to make me cry (I cried at Ben too, don’t worry, but!). When Reginald said that shit to him, I was in fucking pain. I won’t get too deep into it, but just the way his face dropped, and then the stutter - it struck a cord and I cried more at that then I did the rest of the show. Dunno. Maybe that’s just me.
But just like...I wish he had more support...everyone just kept calling him dumb and mocking him and I KNOW his obsession with JFK was dumb and aligned with the Luther moon thing and he didn’t have the greatest plans and I’m not saying all of his actions were right, but he was fucking TRYING. And some of it, they played it off for comedic effect but they were literally just trashing on him for doing the right thing and making him look stupid...it made me a little sad.
I am glad, however, at how he rekindled with all his siblings. Because arguably, Diego was an asshole to all of them and though again, arguably they all were and none of them are doing well and there are reasons - they were all assholes to each other, and especially him to them, especially Vanya when she really didn’t deserve it. And to see them at least begin to mend their relationship made me so happy. The way that in the end, they sat together?? And how he accepted her apology just like that?? I sob.
The scene where diego just says ‘there’s this girl I like - I CRACKED UP AND I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY IT’S SO FUNNY BUT JFC THAT WAS SO FUNNY. That and threatening Olga - top tier funniest moments of the season for  me. They really amped up the comedy this season and I’m happy.
One thing I didn’t get was in the last episode, when he bent the bullets’ trajectory for Five...did he know he could do that? Like I understand that he could do it, but we never saw him do anything else around those lines, aside from in the doomsday season ep1, but that was an alternate history so...I’m guessing Reginald taught him, but??? It was kinda random and I would have liked if they hinted at it at least once before.
To summarize, I love him. I love how far he’s come and I hope he just finds some happiness because he keeps getting the short end of the stick. He deserves the world.
(also, diego hargreeves a huge ass nerd. y’all can’t convince me otherwise. big dork energy)
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You know what? I loved her.
I didn’t like her character as much post maybe episode 6/7, basically once she brought Diego in I was disappointed but I liked her character. I think she was cool and different and chaotic and though I was disappointed that towards the end, she felt a bit thrown in, I still appreciated who she was. I was honestly hoping that she would have left the Handler a lot sooner, I thought they were gonna make her realise the truth a lot sooner but at the same time...this is her maternal figure, she’s been basically brainwashed into that support and there’s gonna be an element of love regardless.
I knew she was gonna be one of the 43 though, the second I saw 1993 I called it and I was happy I was actually right on something. Idk her powers, that too seems a lil bit messy but still, I thought it was neat. I just want to see more! And I think we will, hence why I’m trying not to judge her much, but i hope that we get to know more about her. I don’t want a half-baked love interest, and I was hoping that there was going to be a little bit more this season - but we shall see.
(ritu arya, though, is quite good in her role. and stunning. i quite love her)
I also didn’t HATE the relationship between her and Diego. I know it’s a divided topic but I liked it, I thought they were fucking cute and even though i KNEW there was something off about her, I was just HOPING that it’d be different. I mean, that scene on the bed with them???? I think my heart gave out. Palpitations, bitch. I was so fucking soft for them and even when she was exposed....I stillllllllll wanted the best. :(
And then like shit happened and then it got a little messy (y’all should learn how to communicate...throwing out boyfriend and ex-girlfriend terms like that???) and like yada yada, I was okay but I don’t necessarily like the ‘I love him/her’ thing. I mean sure you can, but THAT felt a little quick. I don’t know why tv shows just LOVE to throw out the I love you’s that FAST, but I’m not into it. 
TL;DR - I still REALLY like Lila Pitts, and I still like them together, somewhat (though like maybe slow your asses down folks).
(question though...are we supposed to think of them as siblings now?? bc...idk I don’t see it like luther/allison because they weren’t raised together and really didn’t associate like that?? but are they all reginald’s alien children cause in THAT case wtf am I suppose to think help-)
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tetsuwan-atom · 4 years
Holy Grail War - Unraveling
(So, this is basically something I’ve been meaning to write for weeks. It’s in a specific verse about a specific event that had unfolded, that was plotted out between a few people. I have decided to give this event a bit of a ‘conclusion’ from the perspective of my muse and canon, to show how the story could have gone, how it could have ended.)
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It really was like hell.
It looked like it, felt like it, like this was the most evil place, in all of existence.
Another dimension, another world but not at the same time. An experience that would burn into the retinas forever. A world in a world, like you had stepped into the end of it all.
And it really did seem like it was the end, of it all.
You never expected the Holy Grail to look like this. A beacon of such evil, of apocalyptic catastrophe. The very symbol that brought such chaos, time and time again, feeding upon the greed, the selfishness, of those who sought to use it to it’s truest potential.
But this individual wasn’t here for that.
This person had fought through the war. He had faced countless forces, foes, enemies. How many had to die? How many brought no other option to him, despite his attempts to make it out of the war without bloodshed?
A wishful outcome, that was doomed to perish.
The many he did save, those who joined him on the cause. Those he had to leave behind at the very end. Despite the pleas of those who tried to remain, he knew, he had to take care of this himself.
Because, there can only be one.
And here he stood. He stared evil right in the face, like it was his destiny to face this. There could have been others that would have taken his place, the sibling princesses, the spiky haired schoolboy, the Sorceress Supreme, but in the end he took his objective right to this moment.
He knew he had to take care of this himself.
Bowen Chuuno, The Mighty Atom.
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He stared at the embodiment of the Holy Grail. He knew of it’s power, it’s energy, it’s deceit. How it calls out to him even now to turn back on all of his goals and make a wish he so deemed to come right from the heart.
But he knew better than to give in.
Hands gripped his IDND, a step forward in stance. He’s ready. He’s about to take the matters into his own.
To put an end to this.
For goo-
“Oh! There you are!”
Eyes widen in surprise. The male hesitates, stops, lowers his device. He’s not alone after all.
There is someone else here.
A voice, he recognises. A man he knows.
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“I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
Adachi Shiro.
A supposed detective of the National Police Agency, sent to Academy City to investigate the concerns that were happening literally during the time of the Holy Grail War. A very strange coincidence. One that the male took with quite a bit of suspicion at that, despite his cheerful character.
He only turned his head, to the man in question.
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“What are you doing here, Adachi? How did you get in?”
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“What do you mean? I just walked through. I was asking your friends where you were and they pointed me here. I gotta admit they were all acting strange. They didn’t want to let me pass, but I needed to see you. They can’t just interfere with police business like that.”
Adachi had been Bowen’s ‘sidekick’ throughout the war. Of course Bowen couldn’t hide it from him when the fighting started getting bad. Even he knew better than to lie to a cop.
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“I’m busy. What you require of me can wa-.”
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“Hey.” The man interjected. “Is this the ‘grail’ you’ve been looking for? Kinda looks odd for a piece of metal, doesn’t it?”
In case your wondering, yes, this man does get on Bowen’s nerves... especially right now, though he knew to remain calm.
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“...........Yes. This... is the Holy Grail.”
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“Aahhhhhhhh! Well done! I knew you would be the one to make it! Them bad guys got nothing on you, huh?”
His smile is just... why does it irritate him so much?
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“...I guess...”
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“So, what you going to do, huh? You said it grants a wish, right? I bet you planned this right from the very beginning, what you wanted out of it. I can’t believe I’m here to witness a man’s dream finally being granted!”
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“I’m not going to give it a wish, Adachi.”
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“You’re... not?” He looks surprised, for sure. “But you came all this way. I was there as you kicked those guys butts for the good of the world. Why would you come all this way if you weren’t going to make a wish? Weren’t you going to do something for mankind? Weren’t you going to save it?”
Bowen hadn’t told Adachi of his intentions, because he didn’t feel the man needed to know. But now, right at the last moment, when he couldn’t hide it anymore, there was no reason to lie.
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“I am going to do something for mankind, I am going to save it.....”
The blonde grips his IDND, as if readying himself a second time.
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“....By destroying the grail for good..”
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There was this... pause. A silence, an awkward silence. How long did it last for? Probably a good ten, fifteen seconds, before some form of response was found from the arrival.
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...That was an unexpected reaction, one which actually brought the blonde to turn around and face the other, still serious, but with confusion now mixed into his features.
Why the hell was Adachi... laughing?
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“You, you really think I’d actually let you destroy this artifact of grand power?!?”
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“What... are you on about?”
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“Come now. You’ve got a good brain, you can figure this all out. Am I really a cop? Why did I actually hang around you of all people while this shit was going down, huh?”
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”You know. I found it really weird that you showed up out of nowhere right at the start of the war. Then when things started heating up you reeeeallly didn’t act like I’d expect out of a cop. It was like you weren’t too caring when people were driven to death. You were also acting very strange when certain things were going on. I had a feeling you were in this war all along.”
There was this pause, but in that moment, the expression on Adachi’s face began to change... no his FACE began to change. It turned.. paler... in colour.. and his eyes.. they were turning yellow. A sort of... sickly... unsettling yellow.
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“Well it doesn’t matter in the end, does it? I got exactly what I wanted. I played you to ensure you were the one at the very end. Nobody else could match up to you anyway.”
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“...What do you mean?”
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“Don’t play coy with me! You know exactly why. Your reputation precedes you far more than what you understand about it! While everybody else was distracted I kept my eye on the real threat. They were so worried about that dumb boy and that girl.. and then the others. They were all so useless. ”
The man then begins to circle the blonde, in conversation.
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“Right at the beginning my eyes were on you. But it was quite a ride, wasn’t it? You were so good at minimising the work we had to do, putting people on side, finding some way to drop them from the war without killing them. But man everybody was making it hard, wasn’t it? I almost took advantage of that situation when the lucky kid got sent away. Can you believe it, a fake marriage just for the war! I knew it meant shit at the end of the day. More people, more mess, a whole Kingdom trying to get in on the war, those two princesses asserting their dominance. Remember how you reacted at first? You didn’t like them intruding, didn’t you?”
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“...I don’t like getting others involved. But they were here for the same goal. As long as the initial plan was followed there wouldn’t be any problems.”
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“But the younger one was such a real bitch about it! Making it out that it wasn’t all about you. You didn’t want to be playing second fiddle as others meddled in your objective... I can relate, for they were meddling, in MY affairs!”
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“I had to take a breather after all that. I left Academy City for a bit while you cleaned up the trash. Some ‘fighter’ chick caught me talking to myself one day. I tried to downplay it cause I didn’t want more people coming into it but.. the stupid bitch nearly got sucked into it! It would have been soooo funny, seeing a tourney fighter getting wrecked by some loaded-ass Servant! More junk for the janitors to mop up!”
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“But then too... I was laughing at the beginning. You got paired with Stacia Sequenzia! An ‘Atomite’ helping another Atomite! The irony there is laughable! You even tried to put her on the sidelines too, but you know, Servants are there to help their masters! I wonder if you ever had to perform a Mana Transfer on her!”
A laugh escaped the man. He wasn’t looking for an actual answer.
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“Then there was that guy who just muscled in just to fight everyone, he wasn’t even IN the war. What a waste of fuckin’ time. And the Makiris, the Einsworths. Those fools were all bickering and bitching and making a mess of things. I nearly lost my cover when the war was to move to England.. but I got to pull some... strings and keep it here where I wanted. They were all so concerned about the lucky kid. I was ‘lucky’ I didn’t get to see Violent Violet or that Crowley moron come around to the war. I got to focus my efforts on you while the families shat on about their supposed ‘vessel’.”
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“...Vessel... you mean... Index?”
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“You dumb piece of shit. Index. Please. Everyone looks at her like she’s a fucking meal. No. She is not their ‘vessel’. Come on, think. Think reeealll hard. Do you remember a girl that the idiot took under his wing?”
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“Her... you mean.. Akatsuki Miyuki?!”
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“Mmm! Strange isn’t it? They were going to use her as a vessel. Too bad it wouldn’t have worked. I wasn’t interested. I don’t give a shit about humans and homunculi anymore. None of them lived up to my expectations. I wouldn’t have even used your girl either. No, I only had one person on my mind. I got what I wanted in the end, didn’t I?”
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“....That’s... me... isn’t it?”
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“Oh. No duh, what do you think? Of course I mean you. The Mighty Atom! The one with the power to change it all! It had to be you. The boy would have just been a candy bar. Those two princesses? I would have just killed them the moment they tried to walk through into my space! It was ME that made you an initial participant, it was ME that got you through right until the end. I knew you weren’t going to risk the suffering of those around you because maybe deep down you knew it had to be you, that anyone else would have died one way or another. They all underestimate my power... even those influenced by gods.. but not you. You knew what I can do... you knew it had to be you.”
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“....But then... what are you... if you wanted so much.. out of me?”
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“...Do I need to spell it out for you, boy? I AM the Holy Grail!”
That.. that was a bombshell.. he didn’t see that coming at all.
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“Yes. Me. But I’m rather an extension of the beast, allowed to roam in a body that people could lower their guard around. Nobody ever expected the beast would grow intelligent, to form a mind of it’s own. I’ve seen it, I’ve seen how greedy and malicious humans can get, for peace and for power. I was never surprised by how much they wanted to take over everything for themselves... I always enjoyed it when they were the ones losing right at the end. And then there’s those that want a ‘utopia’, but still kill, still maim, like any life is a sacrifice for the good of others. And then I kill and maim them, an eye for an eye, along with many many others. I loved playing on their wishes, lulling them in, bringing out their true nature, leaving them vulnerable right at the moment I strike! In the end they all get absorbed... ready for the next war. But.... no matter how powerful they are, it’s never... ever enough..”
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“I’m bored of this game, this charade. I’m sick and tired of prancing around in a shit body. It’s still fun to prey on the gullible but, I have always yearned for something far... far greater. What I am... what I really, really am, they never suspect what I can really, really do, what they were playing with from the start. The power they were using. They thought they could play god... for their sick, twisted gains! Through their sick, twisted means!”
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“But now I’m actually going to become one... thanks to you.. I’m going to be born, properly born! I’m going to burst forth as the being I should have become in the very beginning. Humanity will crumble as I consume anything and everything. Mark my words this will be the last Grail War because of you. You soul will be used to complete the process... it will make me... me! There was truly no vessel greater than you! Even now I’ve been slowly draining your energy away to grow, to develop... oh isn’t this exciting! You’re going to be a part of multi-universal history, the end of everything! Nobody will get in my way! Your power will make everything happen at once! You, responsible for the end of it all. The beginning and the end, death for life, the rise and the fall! Everybody shall die, your friend, your girl, your family, everything and everyone... and you will be the sacrifice that starts it all! It’s inevitable, boy. You cannot fight what has already happened, what was lead to happen. The game of cat and mouse is over. This is your fate. This is my fate. The less you struggle.. the easier it will be, for both of us!”
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...Boy... this was a lot to take in. A LOT to take in.. and he didn’t even have the time to process it all, not when he was actually being affected right now. Inhale, exhale, carefully, gently. Remain composed.. then face the man head on.
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"You know, as well as I do, I'm not going to willingly give in to you and just let this happen. You know what I am, what I do.. and what I'm going to be doing right here, right now. Your words have further influenced me in the belief that the Grail must be destroyed. And it will be destroyed. I made that promise to everyone, to Camellia, to Academy City, to my world, to Touma... to my beloved. I had an inkling I might have been targeted, that if I wasn't the one doing it, I'd be made to do it. I always had this feeling in the back of my mind that if I let others try ahead of me that they were only going to die in the end... turns out I was right."
His eyes began to glow. The usual process, close the eyes, then open them with sparks flying.
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"So rather than causing more death, rather than beating around the bush, I'm going to take the matters as I was always planning to do. This was always my fight, because I was always the target. You wanted me. You have me... but man I'm not going to give up until I have no breath left. I have done so much for the multiverse, for Academy City. I never thought I'd be in a position where it all hinged in the balance like this. I know the stakes... I know what I must do. Whatever it takes, you will be destroyed for good, so that nobody can use you... so that you... can no longer use anybody. I won't let you live. I will not bring your birth. If I have to erase your very soul and existence to end this, then so be it."
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“.... Well, so much for making this easy. I had a feeling your resolve was too great to kneel before me. No matter..”
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“....But then there is no harm in having one last bit of fun before the next stage of life! And it would be better to wear down your.. rambunctiousness to make it easier for me to devour. Do not underestimate me... either way.. this.. will be your end!”
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...And as the darkness swelled, the blonde readied his IDND again, at the man, at the embodiment of the Holy Grail. If this was to be his final fight, so be it.
This... would be the very fight that decides the fate of everything.
Of Academy City, of the multiverse, of everything.
So it shall be.
Game on.......
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raineydaywrites · 4 years
Nesting, Chapter 9
link to ao3 in the reblog
Fic Summary: Taako and Lup are determined to kick ass at going to university, even though their childhood education was anything but traditional.Then, Taako finds himself in a situation that threatens to undermine all their hard work.But there's plenty of university students that have kids! Really, this is just another chance to show how much better they are at everything they do- they can definitely manage to graduate and raise a kid at the same time.
Chapter Summary: This chapter has it all! Panic attacks, Magnus cameo, baby clothes, crushes, siblings messing with each other! Also, yeah, this definitely moving into some solid Lupcretia.
Miscarriage. How had that never occurred to him? He should have thought about that.
It wasn't likely, he tried to remind himself. It probably wasn't going to happen.
He should focus on other things instead. Like school work. The rest of his life wasn't going away just because his mind decided to go crazy over something that wasn't even happening.
Despite the rationality of his thoughts, Taako couldn't bring himself to actually follow through on them. His mind kept spiraling. He couldn't stand the thought of losing the thing now. He'd finally let himself actually want it!
He was so deep in thought that he forgot himself and where he was- namely, in public- for a little bit. It took the realization that someone was speaking to him to bring himself back.
"Hey, buddy? You okay?"
Taako startled backwards away from the stranger speaking to him, but he was already in the corner of the tiny booth in the coffee shop, so there wasn't really anywhere to go.
"Fine," he managed, watching the human in front of him carefully.
The guy was about the same height as he was, but he was a lot broader. Clearly more of a physical type of a guy than a magic user or anything else. He had reddish hair and big, worried eyes.
"Are you sure?" he asked, as those worried eyes looked Taako over. "You seemed kind of out of it there."
"I'm good, homie." Taako waved a hand dismissively, despite the way that his mind was screaming and his fingers were trembling.
And oh. Great. He wasn't sure if it was the anxiety or the morning sickness or some dreadful combination of both, but his stomach had started churning too.
"Did you come here with anybody? Can I... help you somehow?" the guy asked, looking around worriedly as if someone would pop up to relieve him of this duty he'd taken on himself for no apparent reason.
"Nah, man, you're good," Taako insisted. This guy needed to fuck off before Taako puked on him.
"Hey, just breathe, okay?" the guy said, and oh. When had he started to have trouble with that? Taako wasn't sure, but he was definitely breathing too fast now, the oxygen not quite getting through to his brain like it was supposed to.
He did so, because even if this guy was intruding on his personal shit, he wasn't wrong about the breathing thing.
"You wanna get out of here? Go somewhere quieter?" the guy asked, watching Taako carefully.
Taako nodded, because he did. Started to gather his shit, kept dropping stuff, godsdamn he was too clumsy. He had to get that under control before the baby got here- if he didn't fuck it up first.
The guy leaned over and started to help, holding Taako's things with steady hands.
"Thanks," Taako choked out.
"No problem," the guy smiled. "Is it okay if I touch you? Just to help you get somewhere else."
Taako shrugged, and the guy lifted one arm protectively over Taako's shoulder, but didn't let it drop to actually touch him. He led Taako carefully away from the cafe, finding an empty room and ushering them both inside.
Taako planned to say something, but before he could, his stomach started protesting again, and he was very glad to see that the room had a trash can nearby.
"Ew," the man who'd helped him muttered, seemingly torn between stepping closer to help and leaving.
Taako snorted, amused by the reaction. He seemed a decent guy, but Taako could hardly blame him for being grossed out.
"It's chill, my dude. You don't gotta do anything," Taako said, leaning back against the wall.
"Okay," the guy said, offering a sympathetic smile. "You still gonna try to say you're fine? Cause that must have been a hell of panic attack to make you puke."
"Nah, not really," Taako deflected. "I mean, yeah, unpleasant, but actually, this," he gestured to trash and wrinkled his nose, "was just morning sickness. Not nerves. Thanks, though, for checking and whatever."
"Oh. Uh, are you feeling better now, though? On both fronts? If you need to vent, dude, I'm cool with that. No pressure or anything. Just maybe easier to vent to a stranger, ya know?" the guy asked. "Or I could... get you some... water?" He sounded painfully unsure of what to do, in a way that was endearing, not that Taako would let it show.
It was awful sweet of him to offer, and he might have a point. If it didn't work, not like Taako ever had to see the dude again.
Still, he only shrugged in response, not loving the idea of opening up to a stranger- especially considering the guy had already seen him so vulnerable already.
"I'll get you that water," the guy said, hurrying out of the room.
Taako watched him go, not really expecting him to come back again. The guy had been nice and helped him out, and he'd repaid the kindness by being surly, so he could hardly blame him. Not like it mattered anyway. Taako didn't need some stranger poking his nose in his business.
Still, it was harder to hold off the nerves without the presence of another person. He wished he'd asked the doc more about any signs that anything had gone wrong. Better to know that as soon as it started right? If he noticed fast enough, maybe they could do something to save the thing.
Unless there was no chance of saving it. Then maybe it would be better to live in blissful ignorance for a while.
Taako realized that he'd pulled his knees up to his chest and reminded himself to breathe. This was hormones and senseless worries, nothing more. He was fucking up his bad bitch image by having anxiety and he needed to stop it.
The door opened back up, and the guy came back. He had a bottle of water in his hands, and he handed it to Taako.
"Drink that. And breathe, okay?" he said.
"How do you know what to do?" Taako asked. He’d meant for it to sound more like doubt in the guy’s skills then it did, but he figured the point would still get across.
“My sister gets panic attacks a lot! I help her sometimes!” The guy apparently didn’t get the point, as he spoke with pride and smiled widely at Taako.
Well, it was whatever. If the guy took it as genuine gratitude, more power to him. Didn’t hurt Taako.
He stood up again after a moment, still feeling a little shaky but back to himself for the most part.
“Hey, homie, thanks or whatever, but I’m good and I’m out, ‘kay?” Taako said, gathering his things.
“Uh, yeah, okay,” the guy said, still watching Taako carefully as he left the room. Taako decided to believe that he was watching his ass, instead of admitting that the guy was probably worried something would happen.
Didn’t need to be that honest with himself, after all.
“My name’s Magnus! Magnus Burnsides! I’m-“ the guy called.
“Yeah, uh, hail and well met,” Taako said, closing the door behind him.
He didn’t tell Lup about the incident. Why should he? What good would it do? It happened and it sucked, but she couldn’t do anything about it.
He just had to accept that things were going to suck for a while. He couldn’t do anything to change that at the moment or for the foreseeable future so he just had to deal.
When he got back to the apartment, Lup was there, digging through some bags from the store.
“Groceries?” Taako assumed, glancing into them as he passed by, prepared to help her put them away.
“Yep,” Lup agreed, but she quickly shoved one bag behind her back, refusing to let him see into it.
Taako raised an eyebrow at that, but he didn’t press it. He'd figure out what was in there sooner or later, and it would be better if Lup let her guard down first, instead of just trying to grab it out of her hands. His center of balance had been off lately, and she’d have a definite advantage at keeping shit away from him. Not about to embarrass himself like that.
As they finished up with the groceries, Lup pulled the secret bag back out.
"I was gonna wait to do anything like this, but I saw this and couldn't fucking resist," she said, reaching into the bag and pulling out a small scrap of fabric something- oh. A baby clothing- a onesie or whatever it's called. It read "My Aunt is like my Dad, but Cooler."
"You shouldn't have," Taako started. "Parasite's not gonna go out wearing such an obvious lie."
Lup scoffed, a bit of relief slipping into her expression at the fact that he didn't freak out about it.
"You really think you're gonna be able to keep up with me on the cool factor when you've got a sticky monster crawling on you and keeping you up all night? I'd love to see that," she said, setting the onesie down on the counter, and pulling out some very small socks.
"Oh my gods, those are tiny," Taako said, immediately, momentarily disregarding the first part of her comment in favor of grabbing the socks and staring, because how. How could any person be little enough to need those?
"I know!" Lup shouted. "Get this, apparently a ton of newborns are so small, these are literally too big at first."
"How?" Taako demanded. "Also- the little thing is going to be messy, yeah, but also adorable, natch, so it'll even out."
"Ehhh," Lup made a skeptical face at him. "Maybe when they're bigger, sure. But newborns are kinda ugly, not gonna lie. You can't say it, because it's rude, but they are. All scrunched up and red and shit, and they can't smile or anything either. So as long as it's this little, it's gonna be accurate."
Taako just flipped her off, digging into the bag and seeing a few other pieces of tiny, tiny clothing. Lup hadn't gotten much, and the rest was pretty plain, but it was blowing his mind how little all of it was.
He supposed that they had to be pretty little, to actually get born without killing their parent, but it was still hard to imagine.
He scooped the clothes up into his arms to put them away when it occurred to him that he had no idea where to put any of this.
"We're gonna have to move, aren't we?" He groaned.
"Yeah, probably," Lup agreed. "But that's way too far away too worry about. Just stuff it in your room for now."
Taako grumbled under his breath, but figured she had a point. Their lease wouldn't run out for months and the little guy was even further away. Still wouldn't be fun trying to move later on, because by then he'd probably have a lot more trouble with the whole 'moving around' thing.
He hadn't started to show at all yet, which was apparently normal, even if it seemed kind of weird to him. His whole fucking life had changed since he found out he was pregnant, and yet, there was still nothing to show for it. He didn't mind not being huge and awkward already, but something this big seemed like it should be noticeable.
But once it was noticeable, then he'd have to deal with reactions. Everybody he knew would be able to see it. And they'd have questions, or want to talk about it out of politeness or whatever. And strangers would be able to tell even. And they would think- who even knew what? It was going to be another layer on the bullshit sandwich.
He could handle it though. He could handle a lot of bullshit, and it had to happen for the kid to get here. And when the kid got here, that crap would be over with, and he'd have his baby. And that would be good. Probably. He hoped.
Lucretia figured that it might be best if she kept working with the twins on the paperwork for the child support. Now that she knew that Sebastian didn't plan on skipping out completely, it was less necessary that she play a role in the process, but it still might be the wisest decision. She had a rapport with the twins that Sebastian was lacking, and, despite everything, she actually liked seeing them. So it wouldn't be a hardship to work through this with them and relay the relevant information to her brother later.
Today, for the first time, Lucretia had been invited over to the twins' place. Lup had texted her the address of their apartment, and Lucretia was curiously looking around as she made her way over.
The place wasn't far from where the actual IPRE classes took place, which wasn't surprising. Still, it was an area that Lucretia wasn't very familiar with, and she was careful to keep track of where she was so she wouldn't find herself hopelessly lost.
It was a nice area, if definitely designed for college age kids. Lucretia and Sebastian still lived with their parents, in a completely separate part of town, and that might make it difficult for them to see the baby very often. If Seb even wanted to, and if Taako and Lup even let them.
Lucretia knew that she wanted to, at least. And she thought- hoped- she'd have a decent chance of being allowed that.
It was strange, thinking of her brother as a parent. And Seb's attitude wasn't doing anything to help that. But even if her brother never actually acted as a dad to this child, Lucretia still found herself thinking of them as family. It was irrational, maybe. There was nothing tying them other than blood, and it wasn't even a direct connection. But she couldn't shake it regardless.
The baby was her brother's kid, which meant that they were family. Family- family was important. It wasn't fair to take away the kid's only chance of accessing that part of their family just because Seb was an immature dick. And- it wasn't fair to her, either, that she cared about the baby already and she could have lost any chance of seeing them because of her brother's irresponsibility.
As she got closer to the twins' apartment, Lucretia forced herself to focus on the numbers of each address, rather than let her mind run wild.
She found the right building, and made her way inside and up to the twins' unit quickly, pausing only briefly when she arrived at the door.
It was quickly answered by Lup, who smiled brightly and grabbed Lucretia's hand to pull her inside.
Taako was in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled really good. He waved as Lup pulled Lucretia behind her into the kitchen and shoved her towards a chair, before joining her brother.
"What'd you bring us?" Lup asked, indicating the envelope Lucretia had been fiddling since she'd arrived.
"A gift," Lucretia said, pushing the envelope over.
Both twins looked at the envelope curiously, almost eerie in the similarity of their expressions, but Taako was the one to grab the envelope from the counter.
He opened it, pulling out the money inside.
"My favorite kind of gift," he said, grinning.
"Nice!" Lup agreed, looking over at Taako excitedly.
"What's the occasion?" Taako asked, pocketing the money and resuming his cooking.
"It's from Seb. You could call it the first support payment, I suppose," Lucretia explained.
"Why's he suddenly being nice?" Taako asked, turning to face Lucretia as he spoke. "He doesn't have to fork anything over yet. What's in it for him?"
"This counts for some of the support he owes during the pre-natal period. Seb decided he'd rather make a bunch of small payments than a couple big ones later on," Lucretia said. "Figured it would be easiest for everyone. He doesn't have to save up so much, you guys get cash faster."
"Best for everyone, huh?" Lup said, a little skeptically.
"Yes," Lucretia responded, exasperated. "He's not a monster, you know. If it's good for him and good for you, then he's not going to go out of his way to make things harder just to spite you guys."
Taako and Lup exchanged a quick look at her words, and Lucretia got the feeling that they were having a whole conversation without her.
"Still an ass, though," Lup muttered, finally.
"Never said he wasn't," Lucretia said, a peace offering.
The kitchen fell into silence for a moment- not quite awkward but not entirely comfortable either. Lucretia found herself tapping her fingers against the counter nervously, wishing she had a notebook to doodle in.
"Hey, now that we have more cash, we can go supplies shopping," Lup said, breaking the silence.
"Oh, hell yeah!" Taako immediately perked up at her words, excitement breaking across his features. "Time to make a bombass nursery!"
The juxtaposition of the words made Lucretia grin in amusement. But she was glad that the twins were getting excited about this. She wanted her nibling to have a good family and childhood, and it was something of a relief to see the obvious affection they twins had for them already. She liked Taako and Lup, but they didn't exactly give off mature or parental vibes. Lucretia hadn't been worried about it, exactly, but she liked the reassurance that they cared anyway.
"You know any good baby stores, Luce?" Taako asked.
Lucretia hadn't been expecting the question, but she responded eagerly.
"I do! I actually helped out on a ranking of local baby-centered supplies shops only a few months ago, so I can look over my notes from that and give recommendations."
"Ranking? For what?" Lup asked.
"I'm a writer. I do some work for a local media group. I haven't done many reviews in a while, not since I was a junior writer, but a friend asked for some help on that project," Lucretia explained, sheepish at forgetting to give context.
"Wait, how old are you? If you're already a senior writer, or whatever?" Lup asked, tilting her head curiously.
"I'm not a senior writer, just not a junior writer anymore. I've been working for them since I was sixteen and I'm nineteen now," Lucretia explained, letting a little pride slip into her voice. She was a good writer, and she knew it. She'd gotten the job as part of the youth outreach and education program, but most of the teens employed through that program were temporary hires. She was one of the few who proved herself enough to stay on longer.
"Damn, that's pretty good for a baby!" Taako said, raising a hand for a high five that Lucretia returned with a giggle.
"Thanks. But I'm not a baby, and you probably don't want to call me one," she said.
"You're nineteen. I hadn't lost all my milk teeth by nineteen. You're a baby," Taako said.
"Okay, I guess, but if I'm a baby and my brother is a year younger than me, what does that make you?" Lucretia responded.
Taako and Lup both made disgusted faces at the words, which made Lucretia laugh.
"Okay, shit, you're an adult, just don't ever remind me of that again!" Taako said, mock gagging. "I'm never fucking dating a human again, gods."
"Deal," Lucretia said, still laughing a little.
"And here I was trying to be nice," Taako said, face relaxing out of the disgust. "You're an ass too, huh? Just a sneaky one."
"Takes one to know one," Lucretia said, dry. "How'd you think I had you two figured out so fast?"
"Hey, non-assholes are boring anyway," Lup shrugged. "This way, we can actually be friends."
Lucretia smiled at the suggestion that they were friends. She wasn't a complete loner, but she hadn't made very many friendships here so far. She was glad to have more among that number.
Still, amongst the happiness was the slightest twinge of discomfort at the words. She wasn't quite sure why, and mentally prodded at the feeling, reminding herself that this was a good thing. She liked the twins and she liked spending time with them. Yes, it may be a little awkward and complicated because of the situation with Seb, but overall this was good.
The twins finished cooked, and started to plate their food. Lucretia was surprised when they made up a third plate for her, and took it from Lup gratefully.
"Thank you. This smells wonderful," Lucretia said.
"Natch! We're fucking awesome cooks," Lup boasted, and Lucretia believed it, as she took a bite and had to hold herself back from eating it too quickly.
"You certainly are," Lucretia agreed, between mouthfuls.
Taako and Lup both preened under the praise, but Lucretia only had eyes for Lup's happy expression.
Lucretia almost choked on her next bite as it hit her. She had a crush on Lup. And she couldn't do anything about it, because she couldn't take the risk of making things awkward with one of her nibling's only family members. Because it would be awkward, because no way would Lup feel the same. Not only was she absolutely gorgeous and amazing, but this whole conversation had proved that Lup saw her as a child and a friend, not a potential partner.
She willed herself to calm down and not react. She didn't need to say or do anything about this. It would pass as long as she reminded herself that it wasn't going anywhere. It would be fine.
"I'll make sure to send you my notes," Lucretia said, turning to Taako and changing the subject. "On the baby stores."
"Nah, actually, you should just come with," Taako responded. "I'm sure you write great and all, but I don't feel like reading all that when you can just tell us."
"I- are you sure?" Lucretia asked. "I don't mind- but it's not my apartment or my baby. I don't want to intrude."
"That's even better. You can be a neutral opinion when me and Lulu start bitching over what to get," Taako said, grinning mischievously at Lup as he said it.
"Then, yes, I suppose I can come," Lucretia agreed, trying not to think about the fact that she was agreeing to spend hours shopping for cute and domestic things with the girl she'd just realized she had a crush on. Taako would be there, and none of this was her stuff, so it would be fine.
"Nice. Me or Lu will text you with the deets, okay?" Taako said, still looking at Lup as he said it. Then- "Ow!" - the look turned into a scowl.
"Whoops! I gotta be more careful where I swing my legs, sorry 'Ko."
4 notes · View notes
wetalkinboutbooks · 5 years
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir
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Summary:  Elias and Laia are running for their lives. After the events of the Fourth Trial, Martial soldiers hunt the two fugitives as they flee the city of Serra and undertake a perilous journey through the heart of the Empire.
Laia is determined to break into Kauf—the Empire’s most secure and dangerous prison—to save her brother, who is the key to the Scholars’ survival. And Elias is determined to help Laia succeed, even if it means giving up his last chance at freedom.
But dark forces, human and otherworldly, work against Laia and Elias. The pair must fight every step of the way to outsmart their enemies: the bloodthirsty Emperor Marcus, the merciless Commandant, the sadistic Warden of Kauf, and, most heartbreaking of all, Helene—Elias’s former friend and the Empire’s newest Blood Shrike.
Bound to Marcus’s will, Helene faces a torturous mission of her own—one that might destroy her: find the traitor Elias Veturius and the Scholar slave who helped him escape…and kill them both. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  
Overall: Sabaa Tahir manages to avoid the second book curse with A Torch Against the Night, she picks up where she left off in An Ember in the Ashes (our review). Laia and Elias have escaped Blackcliff, Helene and the rest of the Masks are after them, and Darrin has yet to be saved. Everything that could go wrong DOES go wrong, but then at the same time, we get some wholesome moments in this book and overall we LOVED IT!!!
~ Spoiler-full review below
The Good:
→ Laia
Kae: Laia. Our sweet little angel. She can never do anything wrong ever in life. We love her and we stan. She has broken Elias out of Blackcliff and now they’re on the run! It’s a hot ass mess. She and Elias escape through some catacombs or whatever, and they end up at an old Veturius warehouse where Keris, Elias’ evil ass mother is waiting for them. They battle it out! CLASH SLASH SLASH! Swords and scims are SWANGIN. They knock Keris out, tie her up, and get away. But… Keris done got a little slice in and cut Elias. Now he’s sick, seizing, and passed TF OUT. So while he and Laia are on this journey, taking care of him the whole way through. Things are getting worse and Elias is getting WORSE. So she takes a risk and goes to a sketchy town to find meds for him. The destination to find safety and also rescue her brother, Darrin is going to take a long longer than she anticipated. 
Geena: Kae got the start of the book really well, and like she mentioned we find out the Keris managed to cut Elias with a throwing star (lmao I THINK) which was poisoned. But Elias doesn't let Laia know that he’s been poisoned by a chemical that has no cure and that he’ll just end up slowly and painfully dying 😭 LAIA THO? She thinks of everything she can to help him, like going into a shady town full of mercenaries and killers to find him an antidote that she thinks might work. Does that backfire? Yes. But did she try her best? HELL YES. Laia makes a lot of mistakes in this book, but rather than wallowing in some sort of self-pity she takes shit into her own hands and learns from her screw-ups and I really loved how Sabaa handled her. A lot of people drag Laia down and compare her to Helene, and I think I mentioned this in our last review too that those comparisons aren’t right because: 
Helene is a trained soldier, and she got white feminists antics so please…
Laia literally has had no training but she (with Elias) manage to outsmart Helene and other Masks so like…..
Anyways, I love Laia and I’ll fight ANYONE who talks shit about her. Scratch that, Elias will manifest and beat the shit out of anyone that talks shit about Laia. Like even when she was hanging out with Keenan, Elias was like ‘If it weren’t for my love for Laia I would have murdered your ass’ just because he suspected Keenan of being a snake (and he was right…). But yea, in Book 2 Laia takes command of what happens and starts formulating her own plans along with help from her companions, and she doesn’t let any backfired plans stop her (even when Izzy died 😩). When Elias is captured and imprisoned she plans to break out both him and her brother, and through quick thinking, she and Elias are able to devise a plan which obviously goes to shit but still ends up working out... So Laia haters… how my ass taste?  
→ Ilyaas and the Tribes 
Kae: Geena summed up Laia perfectly! So now we’re going to talk about Ilyaas and the tribes. Elias, as we all know, was abandoned by his mother when he was a baby. She left him in the desert for the tribes people to find instead of just killing him, which she deeply regrets. SO!! Elias is not his birth name. His birth name is Ilyaas, which is the name given to him by the tribes people. They are who Elias considers to be his real family. He has siblings, a mother (Mamie Rila), friends, and more, who he grew up with before he was taken to go to Black Cliff. Here is where Ilyaas feels the most comfortable with himself and his surroundings. He feels his safest when he is with the tribes. He had kept in contact with them his whole life and continued to do so even after being on the run which is why they ended up back with the tribes. They took him in and consider him family and when they met Laia, they instantly loved her. Especially Mamie Rila, who thought she had “GOOD BIRTHING HIPS” LMAOOO SHE WILD FOR THAT ONE. Anyway, when Elias and Laia show up as fugitives, they know they have to hide them. So Mamie Rila and family keep them hidden. When the Martial’s come riding the camp and looking for them, they figure out a distraction. Mamie Rila calls a big meeting during a special ceremony in which she gives a speech. During the speech, she riles everyone up and shit talks to Martials and what they did to Elias and how they are ruining society. This gives the tribal people the motivation to cause a big enough riot for Elias and Laia to book it! Elias runs into Helene during their escape and they meet for the first time in weeks, possibly months. Helene is stunned, but Elias tells her he is sorry and he misses her. After a good fight, Elias gets the best of Helene. She ends up letting them get away. 
Geena: Kae really hit all the points! I really liked how Sabaa mentioned that Elias’ (Martial) grandpa changed his name from the given Ilyaas and anglicized it for Martial society (shoutout to Colonialism ha ha). But Ilyaas and his connection with his family is one of the things that sets him apart from other YA protagonists I’ve noticed, he’s genuinely a good person and it’s because he was raised in such a loving and caring environment and my hort 🥺 In this book he stays on the same trend of always getting into shit bc he’s a good guy, he’s vowed to help Laia break out Darrin but then shit goes down… The poison killing him sends him to the Waiting Place (essentially a purgatory) where he meets the Soul Catcher (Shaeva) who helps him come to terms with the fact he’s dying. Through Ilyaas we also learn about what lead to the creation of the Nightbringer (how the Shaeva helped some Scholars essentially destroy a thriving Jinn community r.i.p.). This is spread throughout the book and really enhances Sabaa’s worldbuilding and we loved it! Also, we can’t forget the rawest lines throughout the whole series which was said in this book:
 “You are my temple. You are my priest. You are my prayer. You are my release.” 
LIKE HELLO?????????????????????????????????????? When Elias realized he only had a month left to live and that he’d move faster without the tribal folk, he leaves Laia and whispers that to her while she’s asleep and SHE DOESN’T EVEN HEAR IT BRO?? Anyways, Elias leaves to bust Darrin out himself but things happen and he ends up imprisoned,  but still manages to get to Darrin and finds out that KEENAN’S BITCHASS ISN’T WHO HE SAYS HE IS. 
Kae: Also when Elias breaks into the prison he’s almost immediately caught by the Warden who experiments on the prisoners. These prisoners are mostly the scholars. So the Warden recognizes Elias from when he has to patrol the prison when he was younger. When the Warden recognizes Elias, he puts him in prison and it begins to torture him. But Elias ain’t no bitch so he handles that shit like a MAN!!! Whenever the Warden is done with Elias he sends in a little Scholar boy to clean him up. The boy continues to clean Elias up and be nice to him and Elias is like “I love this child as if he were my own. I will kill ANYONE who does him HARM and there will be MURDER.” And so like, Elias is a softie and once again, genuinely a good person that is out in bad situations. 
Geena: Elias engaged dad mode in the middle of a torture chamber, imagine what’ll happen if he and Laia ever have children…. 
Kae: Need me a man like Elias ngl asdfghjkl. BUT LIKE. HE’S LIKE “my new son… what is your name?” And the little boy is like “Puhpa.. I have no name*insert sad eyes here*” So Elias names him Tas.  Tas helps him break out of prison with Darrin. But Elias dies as they’re escaping and he goes to the Waiting Place and he makes a deal with Shaeva to take her place so she can move on to the next life, then BOOM. He’s alive again and wakes back up in the prison. 
Tas: Yo wtf wake yo big ass up. I, a six year old, have been carrying you. 
Elias: LMAOOO my bad I was dead. Let’s roll. 
And so they escape with Darrin and Laia and the rest of the Scholars. And Kauf burns down. 
The Bad:
→ Keris
Geena: Keris may not be a good person or a good mother but at least…………………………… I was trying to think of something good to say about her but this bitch really is all trash. Like she finds some sort of sick joy in killing her own son. Like, why let him live after you gave birth to him only to turn around and torture him. Anyways, we find out some interesting tidbits about how she’s in cahoots with the Nightbringer, who seems to be controlling everything she does. And we also find out that she’s planning a coup against Markus, who is the new and shitty emperor, but because the support behind him is weak Keris is like ‘This will be no biggie’. She finds some sort of sick joy in killing scholars, she wakes up and is like “I eat genocide for breakfast,” and I’m like *monkey side eye* bc who in the fuck... Like I don’t know what she was fed growing up but the concentration of hate and bitterness in this woman is too much… we also find out she had Helene’s torturer, Avitas Harper, spying on Helene throughout the whole book. Keris doesn’t just have eyes in the back of her head, she got eyes on every living surface. 
→ Harper
Kae: Harper! I didn’t like him when he was first introduced. I didn’t like the fact that he was beating the shit out of Helene even though I wasn’t exactly a fan of her either but I understood that she had to do what she had to do so she wasn’t a number one on my enemy list just yet. But I hated having to read Harper whoop her ass. I mean, Harper didn’t LIKE doing it. But ya kno… Keris made him do it. Harper started off as a spy for Keris. He was assigned to basically be Helene’s second, so he was to aid her in whatever mission she was sent on , while also reporting everything she did back to Keris. LITTLE DID WE KNOW THO!!! THAT OUR BOY AVITAS HARPER DIDNT FUCK WITH KERIS. He had his own personal motives that we don’t discover in this book. So after awhile he was like “....nah I’m done with that.” So he becomes loyal to Helene. He shows mild displays of not wanting to kill anyone that doesn’t need to be killed (the tribes after they helped Elias escape). He also goes out of his way to make sure Helene eats and gets sleep and has fresh clothes. I think little things like that is how he tries to show his loyalty. He also knows that Helene has a soft spot for Elias and that she doesn’t really want to hurt him. We learned that he has a soft heart and is a pretty cool dude. He really just wants to help Helene in any way that he can. He worries for her. 
Geena: Harper has always been a shady character for me, like I didn’t expect Sabaa to turn Helene’s torturer into her love interest… WHEN I TELL U I SCREAMED at all their moments I was LIKE WAT IS THIS but I sat back because I was like imma trust Sabaa. But it was interesting to read Harper be like “Yea, I’m a snake and?” and Helene just accepting it like “This is my life I guess”. But Harper wanting to emulate Elias and being like “Maybe I too will attempt to be a good human being now”... a very interesting development… Also, Im curious to see how Harper (and by extension, Helene’s) stories end… will Sabaa give the soldiers of the state a happy ending… DO they deserve a happy ending 🤔 Will they make up for their war crimes in the series finale? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z.
→ Markus
Kae: So now we have skankass Markus. Markus used to have a twin brother named Zacharias. Markus killed  Zacharias in the first book during the trials and now his twin brother haunts him and whispers in his ear. People claim that Markus talks to himself when it’s really him trying to get his brother out of his head. After the trials, Markus became Emperor. He is a tyrant and is killing whoever gets in his way. Markus is doing everything in his power to stay relevant because he is a very unliked by literally everyone in this society. He is a Plebeian and that is one of the lower ranking caste in this world. The Martials don’t like that someone of a lower rank is in charge of all of them so they want him off of the throne.  He also has a lust/hate thing for Helene and tries to belittle and make her uncomfortable as much as possible. He also absolutely hates Elias and has ordered Helene to kill him. Markus ALSO arranged to marry Helene’s sister, Hannah.  Hannah is kind of a bitch so she’s down with the shits to get back at Helene. Why she hates Helene? I seriously don’t know.  In the end, Markus is like “So you didn’t kill Elias? *evil laughter*  Well, since I can’t kill YOU, Helene, I’ll kill your family” so he slices the neck of Helene‘s parents and his fiancé, Hannah. He leaves Livia (Livvy) alive and married her instead. Ngl, that part made me so sad I got tears in my eyes. That was so fucked up dude. That’s when I KNEW Sabaa didn’t fuck around. I’m convinced she wants no survivors in the end lmaopleasedontdothatSabaa. 
Geena: Oh yea like Markus is nasty as Kae outlined, he could’ve been Keris. But unlike Keris, Markus is a dispshit with no braincells (bc they died with his brother). He’s a disgusting human being who assaulted Laia back in book one and has been implied to have done that to other scholar slaves 🤢 AND LIKE …….. HELENE KNEW THIS……. AND SHE KNEW HER SISTER WAS TOO GOOD FOR HIM…. So, imagine her horror when her favourite sister is forced to marry him….. I guess he was “smart” for marrying her favourite sister and realizing that was the only way to control Helene to get her to do what he wanted. bUt das it.  
The Ugly:  
→ Keenan’s Fugly Ass. Bitchass. Manipulating ass. 
Geena: Do you know…. Do you know how much denial I was in??? All through book 1 and majority of book 2, I was like FUCK KEENAN but seeing how Laia was into him I was like *angry pingu meme* LIke FINE FINE, I’ll like him because Laia likes him and I just want him to be happy. SO, I ACCEPTED THAT KEENAN AND LAIA WAS THE IT COUPLE… And like did I skim over the part where they got nasty? Kinda. But i was like okay fine, Laia loves him and he’s helping her. But then the big reveal…. THIS MANS WAS PLAYING HER THE WHOLE TIME??? HE WAS NEVER KEENAN, THE SCHOLAR REBEL, THIS HOE WAS THE NIGHTBRINGER THE WHOLE TIME??????? He’d played Laia into developing feelings for him, JUST SO that he could take the armlet that he mother had given her. Which, we find out, is an important part of some weapon that the Nightbringer needs to bring about the apocalypse or some shit. And, he can only take the weapon if it’s given out of love. This implies he was in love with Laia too, but I’d fight that bitch like hOW DARE YOU????
Kae:  You skipped the nasty scene!? LMAOOO I WAS SHOOK BUT ALSO MAD BUT ALSO LIKE OKAY WHATEVER. I WAS A HARDCORE LAIA X ELIAS SHIPPER FROM THE START! But like, same. I was like “If Laia is happy with Keenan, then I’ll be happy too.” But maaaaann… 
Geena: I WANTED TO GIVE KEENAN BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT OKAY, AND LIKE SABAA really subverted my expectations because usually in YA only the true love interests end up getting nasty so I was like… I guess this is it! But she was like “SIKE!!! YOU THOUGHT!!!” Anyways, I still don’t think this series should be YA but whatever...
Kae: I just wanted to say that I hate Keenan/ The Nightbringer with a BURNING PASSION. I hate when guys trick women into trusting them so that they can sleep with them and get what they want. That pisses me off to the highest degree I think it is a scumbag move and he is just a dirty little fucker and I can’t stand him. There is nothing that can  represent all of the hatred that I have for Keenan. I absolutely loathe him/The Nightbringer. I hope he suffers. 
Geena: Fuck dude, that’s so valid. 
Kae: In conclusion, the Nightbringer is a bitch and I HATE HIM. 
Geena: SAME! We hate the Nightbringer as much as we love Laia and Elias so there’s that. Sabaa really shows out with the characters she’s crafted from An Ember in the Ashes, takes a baseball bat, and starts beating the shit out of our emotions and her characters at the same time. ANYWAYS, please read this series!
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frostygar · 5 years
The Flash S5 Ep5 Thoughts
- If I were Nora I wouldn’t come either, you betrayed her heart and her trust.
- Nora may have almost hurt a couple BUT I love sassy Nora who rebels against her parents it’s really refreshing for someone to actually not like Iris. And she caught the bad guy so WOO NORA MY BABY IS DOING JUST FINE
- So the writers finally wrote someone to tell Iris how she acts “condescending, I know better than you” and they most certainly do not have Iris change, AND Nora ends up forgiving her? Wack. Unrealistic. Boring. Change things up smh
- “You know, Nora, I wish you would try to understand who your mom is today.” UMMM BITCH SHE’S THE SAME DIDN’T YOU JUST HEAR HER???? Also why don’t YOU try to understand your daughter’s actions under years of neglect from your step sister. (also I watch Riverdale and that show pisses me off but NOTHING has ever pissed me off this much omggggggg)
- OMG PROFESSOR STEIN!!! Small crossover we love to see it, and we also love to see Cisco and Caitlin’s friendship! Even if it hurt Cisco ugh a crying atm
- UMMMMM EW. EW WHAT THE FLYING FUCK WHY IS THAT CREEPIER THAN ANY RECENT HORROR MOVIE please…….. I much prefer Elongated Man… aLSOO ALSO how did they not hear that weirdo fucking pounding his fucking hands into the glass I feel nauseous. 
- I know I wanted journalist!Iris again but like because she’s being even worse than she normally his (and Barry) I literally just want her to get the fuck off the screen. I even took a small break and watched something else and I can still feel the anger inside of my body… like I just can’t even look at Iris OR Barry. That’s just sad… the worst sibling duo since Bughead 
- Barry working with your journalist sister-wife is probably not professional but no one would ever point that out so… rip to me wanting to watch shows that down ruin everything over a disgusting
- Schrap… give us more of these cool words to use I love them. ALSO NORA AND CECILE BONDING WE LOVE TO SEE IT
- Oh Cecile not you too… if Iris doesn’t respect her own daughter she’s not owed respect back. Besides, since when the FUCK is it “disrespectful” to say that your mom nags at you… all mom’s do it. Nora is raving about her mom wanting to control her and is talking abut her nagging at her over everything and Cecile is like "this is the west household and that means that all west's are respected" like girl you have been civil and understanding to everyone and everything this whole time and suddenly its out the window??? I understand that in black households it’s a big thing to respect your parents, especially a mother who raised a child alone, but this is some pedestal bullshit and highkey right now I want basically everyone except Nora, Caitlin, Cisco, Ralph, and even Sherloque, fucking dead for the rest of the episode………. wow I never thought a show could literally make me this mad.
- That scene afterwards was really weird. Like in my family we can never really move on like that, but also how would Nora get all of that to fit together and stay for like five seconds and why wouldn’t Cecile give Nora the screws like—
- Cisco vibing the chalkboard and knowing it’ll hurt him and he’s not going to tell anyone I’m: sad.
- “Did I scare him away?” CAITLIN! 😭🥺 Also didn’t he MAKE Killer Frost or am I just dumb and slow lol
- This Meta is so gross yet so cool asdfghjkl EW THAT’S GONNA GIVE ME NIGHTMARES, THE META’S MASK HEAD THING BEING IN SIGHT AND THEN DISAPPEARING AFTER SAYING “FLASH” EWWW although funnily enough I’d rather watch that than Iris and Barry so um
- How is The Flash able to make the most disgusting, creepiest thing than like any horror movie
- Barry trying to force date shit with Iris is so awkward and weird and forced… I hate it a lot
- This woman not being impressed with Iris or Barry is giving me life … ARE THEY REALLY NOT REALIZING THAT IRIS IS BASICALLY THAT WOMAN IN THE FUTURE WITH NORA??? “She’s so cold, she gave her son what she thought he needed but was wrong” like… how dense are these fuckers???
- Why is Barry acting like this is his last night with Iris? Like I can wish but why is this forced domesticity that makes me want to rip out my eyes happening rn? EW I WAS LOOKING DOWN AT MY LAPTOP AND I ALMOST DIDN’T SEE THE META IN THE CORNER I’M SO DISGUSTED.
- Barry,,, she is exactly like that woman fuck off there’s a time to be supportive to both women and rn it’s not to Iris. GOD NOT IRIS ACTUALLY REALIZING IT OVER BARRY??? The fanservice and ruining Barry’s character is real and it HURTS
- Why is the meta looking at Barry and Iris as if he knows who they are… he only knows the flash
- Caitlin realizing he was hurting himself to help her I— “I could bring my value to the team” BUT YOU DID WAY BEFORE YOUR POWERS. You’re smart, you know science, you help The Flash help people. Sure the powers are a big bonus but he brought so much value even before :( If anything ever happens to Cisco and Caitlin’s friendship, ever, I will kill everyone and then myself
- I know this show is about The Flash and rn the season is about Nora but like,,, constantly talking about her and having westallen scenes is just so… overdone. They talked about it outside of the gala, then it showed Cisco and Caitlin for a few minutes and then they’re back. Give it some rest Jesus
- Every time someone says that Iris probably dampens Nora’s powers to keep her safe literally feels more like “the more I say it the more true it has to be” like… shut the fuck up can someone (Caitlin or Cisco) PLEASE slap some fucking sense into this boy??? Blindly following after your sister-wife isn’t healthy and it’s dumb as fuck. See, kids, this is why you don’t date and marry (and eventually have a kid with) your step sister
- Now Iris is being the smart one…………………. this is the weirdest, forced bullshit that I’m more used to from Riverdale.
- I’m glad there’s more cute bonding between Cecile and Nora. But what kind of kids would be mean to someone who lost their parents? That’s a tv thing yes but irl??? I’ve never heard or seen it and it just… cannot be true. Also how does Cecile know about a story from when Barry was ten?? Like how would this come up with her and Joe for him to tell her? Really that story was… westallen? And the fanservice grows… That was an awful way to show Nora that Iris sometimes can be a good person when she was in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. God why does NO ONE get that Nora was raised by an awful mom and she already has all of these bad feelings for her? Why are they trying so desperately hard to downplay Nora’s rightful feelings? Oh, right, because Iris isn’t supposed to be able to do wrong… God why do we watch the CW’s awful shows that pander to toxic/gross couples that are catered to while the better main side cast is tossed to the side?
- That was a weird (and creepy) scene with a random face call by Iris lol
- OH GOOD RALPH IS BACK BECAUSE APPARENTLY EVERYONE FORGOT ABOUT HIM LOL. HE’S FUCKING SPIDERMAN-ING HISMELF OMG??? Also why does Iris have to come along every single fucking time?? Also also how didi the meta know whoo to capture like all he saw was The Flash
- Did Iris just fucking jump… for Barry… when Ralph should be the one getting him? The pandering I—
- The way that Iris is suddenly called a badass… the fanservice isn’t even trying to be hidden
- Don’t tell me that after a couple of stories of Iris as a kid suddenly makes Nora forget all the times future Iris treated her like trash and thinks it’s okay because she has the ability to be nice (but never is)???
- Future Iris made her “accomplishments” off limits??? What kind of dumbassery—
- They’re gonna make the one character who actually called Iris out forgive her after five episodes??? Jesus we couldn’t have one thing, one character who doesn’t like Iris could we?
- I’ve never seen any books or movies about Nancy Drew (but I will give the new one a try because I’ve heard it’s good) but when the awful detective female leads (basically just Betty and Iris) call themselves Nancy Drew makes me automatically hate Nancy Drew. If Nancy is a selfish, annoying, whiny bitch who can’t do no wrong and butts into people’s lives then she sure is like Iris and Betty
- This family bonding is just so fucking FORCED. Poor westallens having their scenes have to shoved in and the quality ruined. I’d feel bad if I wasn’t called racist for how they write Iris (and Barry together). I already go through this shit on Riverdale I’m basically just dead inside lol
- Cisco understanding that Caitlin is afraid and not ready yet 🥺🥺
- So that episode was fucking AWFUL. The only good thing about it was Cisco and Caitlin’s friendship and the cool yet horrifying meta. Everything else was just… the fucking worst. I’d literally rather watch disgusting Bughead step sibling kissing scenes than people try to downplay Nora’s feelings all because “no one can hate Iris” uwu
- I’m not usually this… hateful. But something about that and (typically older) people using the “you HAVE to respect your elders!” mindset when they don’t respect the people younger than them. Like, if my older sister doesn’t respect me, why the fuck would I respect her? Respect isn’t given, it’s earned.
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lcighz-blog · 5 years
❛ new york’s very own leigh st ares was spotted on broadway street in  black+white vans. your resemblance to matthew daddario is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty sixth birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being reckless , but also sweet. i guess being a virgo explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be summer afternoons on the balcony with music coming from a vinyl record with a guitar in hand, following along to the music. & ( cismale & he/him ) + JJ, 23, she/her, best)
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hi, it’s me JJ, and I’m going to be adding from my previous intro, so if you want to know the origins of leigh CLICK HERE, and if you want to just read that new new, read below. I’ve made a bit of a cheat sheet but if you want to know more then you can check his original intro. this is still long
birth name: quincy morrison jr.
name: leigh st ares.
birthday: september 10th 1993 | VIRGO
ethnicity: italian-american
gender: cismale
sexuality: heterosexual
occupation: musician
drug use? yes
alcohol use? yes
leigh’s mom left early on in his life, and he was raised by an alcoholic/abusive dad, his dad chilled out when he got into a relationship with a woman named Tiffany but even she wasn’t safe for leigh.
he grew up with siblings and he always took care of them before himself. 
at 14 he was put into foster care with his siblings after a lot of social workers passed by the house. leigh was ripped away from his family and he started to rebel with each foster home he went to.
he eventually landed a nice foster home with a nice couple (leighton & Andrea Holt) and they gave him the chance for a whole new life.
through learning how to be a part of the Morrison family, leigh grew a relationship with Mr. Morrison. they conversed about music, specifically 80′s rock and roll. Leigh learned to admire bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, KiSS, etc. 
didn’t mean he wasn’t a bad kid bc oh boy he was super bad, did all the drugs, all the parties. he grew addicted and had an overdose at 17, giving up on everything and it wasn’t until he saw his foster parents the next day along with his siblings that gave him hope, and the thought that he wouldn’t fuck it up again.
so he tried, and his foster parents got him a guitar, that’s when he started his own band bc he discovered he really has a passion for music. 
Lifeline is the name of leigh’s band.
I basically base their sound of Skillet, and other bands but MAINLY Skillet.
Lifeline got big once leigh and his friends graduated high school. 
they toured with VANS: Warped Tour almost every summer, that’s how his band got recognized.
The band started collabing with pop stars and other artists to create a rock fusion kind of sound while keeping rock elements in the music.
Personally, leigh doesn’t stick to the rock genre, it’s just the one he’s most comfortable with.
leigh doesn’t have a relationship with his father, he choses not to look back.
once Lifeline took off, leigh changed his old name and gave himself a new one honoring leighton morrison, the man that he considers his father now. 
the morrisons officially adopted leigh when he was 18 - yeah he was old, but they wanted to be considered family legally too. so leigh was super emotional during that day, and he never is. 
everything was going good until ... leighton morrison passed away from a heart attack and leigh didn’t hear about this until after one of his shows. it was supposed to be a good show but it wasn’t when he got the call from mrs morrison. 
it’s been tough for leigh ever since. 
Lifeline is already known to be ... a lot to handle (think motley crue), but now with leigh caring less, they’re a lot worse. they trash hotel rooms, blow cars on fire, go streaking --- and most of it are leigh’s idea
leigh and Lifeline are touring, during promotional work, but a lot of their promotional work is in New York so he doesn’t really leave too often. 
he’s secluded himself from his band unless he’s performing, so most of the time you can catch him in his small apartment, playing on his guitar or bass, figuring out some lyrics.
he’s doing his very best not to spiral down again, and thankfully because he’s older, and so are his siblings, he’s able to have support from his adopted family and his actual family. 
he’s really shit at relationships, it’s just that it never works out somehow which is weird cos this guy is oddly affectionate, i wouldn’t say cheesy but when he likes someone he loves to be around them. but yeah, it’s just never worked, probably his schedule and his need to not listen to others.
throughout everything, he’s managed to stay pretty humble. 
he’s got a joking personality but a lot of people assume he’s an asshole over how critical he is on himself and others.
everyone he works with sees him as a hard worker, he likes everything to be perfect from the lights to the notes on the keys. think beyonce when she’s prepping for her shows. he’s THAT bitch.
he’s pretty serious on responsibility. it’s that ‘i dont have time for this shit’ personality. he’s super blunt about everything, and if you’re not the same way, he really will get super ANNOYED bc he’s not a mind reader. 
this guy is so stubborn, idk how he gets everything done, but maybe that’s why he always gets his way.
he’s a fun time when it comes to parties and doesn’t mind.
I like to think of him as a huge bear that is sometimes cuddly. 
he really loves to be creative and he’s good at it. he finds he can best express himself through music. he’s written love songs for girls in the past. ew i know but he did it, it got him brownie points lol
literally anything you can think of, i’ll probably be down for it but here’s some ideas ??
band mates
old friends
childhood friends
rehab friends
pre-fame friends
exes with benefits
exes turned friends
friends turned exes
childhood crush
friends with potential for more
angsty plots hmu, i love angst
siblings (?) 
cousins/anything familial
music collaboration or some other creative kind of collab (modelling? movies? etc im here for it!)
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polygamyff · 5 years
19. Part 2
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This is such a surprise to me, I didn’t even know what to wear so I only have this brown dress and sneakers. I have put the bare minimum make up on so shades it is, let’s get this over with. Leon ain’t shit, he is just happy to do some shopping for himself and it’s on Maurice. I bet Nalah did drag that card from him, closing my bedroom door “I don’t have much to wear, I just found this but let’s go” placing my phone in my bag “you look good though, you are naturally beautiful, I mean once I take this face off it’s crazy. You’ll see my uneven skin tone and freckles, just like Maurice but you look so good” Nalah complimented me “thank you so much and don’t put yourself down, you look bomb, I be jealous of your diamonds” placing my bag on the table “that going to be you next, trust me” she got up from the couch “let’s go and cute apartment, cute friend too. He’s funny” Leon is something else “she called me funny” he said to me “she did stupid, but thanks. You want me to drive? Or do you?” I asked “SUV boo, it’s outside” picking my bag up from the table, this is going to be different. It’s going to be eventful, I get to know his sister but I am shocked. Tiffany said she is a bitch but look at her, she wants to shop with us.
Nalah sat right next to me in the back, not saying it’s bad but it’s a little close “oh yeah, my brother told me to say hi to Bonita, the one in her stomach which I won’t attempt but just thought I would say it” my heart literally missed a beat hearing those words, I feel a little emotional. Swallowing hard “thank you” smiling wide “he would be talking to my stomach saying that, he embarrasses me. He does it in public too” I giggled saying, my eyes are all teary now “seriously? What a weirdo, I can never imagine him like that. Honestly, this is different to hear” Nalah must see a different side to him “he is really like that, at my work. He would be like you saved a life today? And I was like yeah, the guy is alive, he just started praising our daughter saying look at how clever you are baby, saving lives already. I was like stop it, we are in the middle of the hospital” shaking my head laughing, both Leon and Nalah are laughing but it’s funny cute “wow, that is different. I don’t see my brother like that, he would never do such a thing. Look stupid, but I guess that is what happens when you are in love, and he’s deeply in there. I really want to see that you know, awww he’s such a loser” Maurice won’t be amused I told her this but I find it adorable, my man being the cutest “I think of my brother as he wears his heart on his sleeve but he hid that away, I know he did that because dad never allowed him to show feelings. It’s the work he’s in, you have to be hard faced. He’s actually a mommy’ boy too, my mom is always like my baby, look at him and then me it’s like hi Nalah but I can honestly say Maurice has showed me care just we wasn’t allowed to be together as siblings and be there for each other, it was always Maurice has to be away with dad” Maurice really got secluded from his siblings.
Sitting down in this cafe on Melrose “drink?” Nalah pointed at me asking “just water” can’t be having coffee now “no cake? You have to have cake, I will get you something and Leon” I do want cake but I don’t want to be a fat bitch anymore “a large Latte please” Leon is loving life “Nalah!” I shouted “yes boo?” It’s wrong she is paying “let me pay for this, please” getting up from the chair “why? I ain’t paying either, Maurice is” she cackled walking off “I fucking love her” Leon said as I sat back down “that she is spending my man’ money?” Leon gasped “ok bitch, she just gives me that bad bitch vibe. She is the bomb, if I saw her on the streets I wouldn’t want to approach her but she is actually nice” my smile grew, he is right “I wonder why she came and not Maurice?” Pouting my lips out “she did say she wants to get to know me, not a bad thing right?” Looking that over at Leon “she wants to be involved in that baby’ life, not a bad thing at all. So the interview? Did you get wet just watching him?” Leon is nasty “maybe” I said with a smirk “I can tell you got so angry though, when he said wife. But he honestly looked so uncomfortable, you the only wife for him so stop it” Nodding my head Leon is right, I have to stop these thoughts and think of it as he wants me which he does want me.
Nalah placed my water down on the and then some beautiful piece of cake “that looks so moist!” I had to say it, cravings are kicking in bad “best cakes they make, I love a good coffee and cake before I shop. You see me, I ain’t skinny, I love my fat ass and eating cake” Nalah is funny, she is making me laugh “but you’re not huge, you have a good ass on you” which she does “thank you but eat up, I wish I was pregnant so I could eat doubles” Nalah shuffled her chair in “I feel the baby is already huge so no, I cannot be doing that. I feel like I am with my stomach poked out already, I don’t know but I am trying to not be double. I eat a lot at night, I have a feeling that this baby is awake at night because I eat so much, the baby I can feel move more. I hope Maurice is ready, he can stay awake” all of a sudden I’m her fried, she got me cake. I feel like a fat bitch for this “I believe in you Robyn, he will do it. He adores you so much” it’s weird to hear it from someone else.
I think I just orgasmed eating that cake, I never come here but I will be now “but seriously, how did you get Maurice’ card? I can’t imagine him letting it go that easily?” Leon asked “I just said to him, ok I may have told a lie but he knows me. I said it’s for the baby” she used my baby already “he believed me it’s fine, he did say. Not a lie, get Robyn something from me so I need to choose it, sorry. Don’t be feeling shy with me now” I am not like that, I just feel like this is not real “I won’t girl, where have you been all my life!” Leon is a such a bitch “don’t forget me ok?” I pointed at myself “you don’t get friends in the life I live, you get fake friends that want to use you. It makes me sad because I can’t find a man, they say it’s me I am a bitch but it’s not. They can’t handle that I don’t need them, all I want is love and they cannot give me that because they just want to use me for my money, well mostly name. This one guy I thought we was getting on, I would take him shopping and then Malik kept on saying he is using you and then he just upped and left, then I found out it was because my brothers threatened him and he just went because they said you either marry my sister or don’t be with her at all, he wasn’t real. So yeah” that is horrible “why are people like that?” I’m asking like she knows “people are cruel girl” she’s not wrong, I need to hook her up with a man. That is on my list.
I feel annoyed at myself, I don’t feel I made the effort at all, I am a mess “shall we see if DASH got anything nice, those Kardashians can’t dress for shit but will look in there” never been here “or maybe not” Nalah said as she stopped abruptly “what is it?” I asked “actually screw them, come” Nalah continued to walk inside “it’s just some trash I have seen” Nalah said ever so loud as she walked inside I soon realised what she meant, imagine that. Seeing the two bitches that tried to harm me, I have the right mind to beat their ass. I felt the anger enter me, walking off towards them “no, fuck them” Tiffany stared at me, taking my shades off “come, you have more class Robyn” Leon held onto my arm “Bianca!! Girl, this is my. Robyn, come here! Don’t pay them no mind” Nalah waved me over, I am so angry I want to scream why. I cannot believe she tried that’s shit with me “so anyways, this is Robyn. We came out here to get some things. Bitch you need to show me the new shit in the back” I want to kill Tiffany and it’s not because of me but she tried to harm my baby.
I am so not in in the mood to shop now after that bullshit with Tiffany and Deja, now they best friends, they didn’t even like each other and Deja bitched about Tiffany, bitches ain’t fucking shit in this lifetime at all. I wanted to fight Tiffany, why didn’t I do it and now I’m angry at myself for this “we are in Fendi and you’re angry?” Leon said into my ear in a whisper “I am angry at the fact I did not fight her, she was there. She tried to hurt my baby and I feel like I let it happen. I am so stressed Leon, I feel like I didn’t do anything” Leon rolled his eyes at me “listen to me woman! You are pregnant, you can’t do shit. So please” Leon is so sick of me “buy anyways, you like this top?” Leon is already getting things “look at what auntie Nalah has got her” looking away from Leon and seeing this pink and white baby grow “awwww my, look at that. That is so adorable” touching the arms “maybe that’s too tiny, get a bigger size. I am guessing that this baby might be big. That is so sweet Nalah, actually the first piece of clothing you know” my daughter going to have some pretty ass dresses “I won’t buy anything more, Maurice said to buy you things. Not the baby so I will stop” Nalah is going to spoil this girl “pick something now Robyn” she walked off, the store assistant followed her, she is known.
I really didn’t want to buy things, the jacket alone is like two thousand pounds but Nalah will not drop it so I got a jacket and bag. That alone was terribly expensive “y’all have Instagram?” Nalah said as the bags got loaded into the SUV “yes I do, I mean I kind of use it” Nalah spun around with the camera facing us “oh no sweetie, I don’t look good” turning around hitting into Leon “oh stop it girl, we shopping bitch!” Leon cheesed turning me back around “serve face, come on. You look like a hard faced bitch with those shades on anyways, come on” Nalah took the picture, I just didn’t smile “ok, I am not here for this I don’t look good bullshit. You are actually very pretty” seeing Victoria Secrets “I want to go there” I pointed out changing the subject, I am feeling very horny and to make him stay in one place I can use myself for this.
Maybe I shouldn’t bring his sister with me but she is here now “I noticed how I can make him stay in one place” looking through the line “sex” I will work this “well the power of a woman is their vagina, you go girl. I mean that will really work but honestly, my brother would stay with you either way. He does adore you” I am sure he does “this should work” holding up this red burlesque style lingerie with a split in the middle of the lace top which exposes my stomach, matching thong too “you will look bomb in that, you need to wear those red heels!” Leon spat, he is right. My red heels “I need to lure him back to LA” I found something so perfect “he should be here for the scan, like we was trying to come up with a plan to get him here but he will, you don’t need to lure him” Nalah is really all for her brother in this, I miss him anyways and I just want to hug him.
I can only imagine how much Nalah is paying for this meal, this food is nice but the portion sizes is not good I want more, I am eating for two here “do you hate my brother for lying to you? Not being around for you?” Nalah asked me, I paused taking a long deep breath “I don’t hate him, hand on my heart I do not. I just want to hold him close and protect him, it makes me so sad how everything is, how he grew up. How your dad makes him feel. The issue of him not being around it upsets me, it makes me feel lonely I would say. I don’t get enough of him, just to wake up to him. Spend a few days, you know. I don’t know, I can’t explain it. I saw him, I saw her there on that stage. I saw the people shout about it, gushing over it. I felt bad, I felt like the woman that is on the side but I am that, I am fine with being a secret because I don’t want to deal with this heir business, I am not about that. The world knows he is married and then it’s me, I will be made out to be the bad person. Then he is a flirt, it could be that stupid old woman that kept touching him on his birthday. God, she just touched him non-stop and he was still a flirt with that but I know he loves me and that is why I back down but I don’t like it but it’s something I am in because I want to see your brother succeed, to see him flourish” that sounded like a rant to me “oh Tina” Nalah chuckled “she is an old woman that wants Maurice, she has too much money. She is a designer, when she has her shows she uses our hotels. I mean I get it, he is the way he is and I don’t think he will change that but Robyn, a man will cheat if he is unhappy. He is not that with you, I can see it. He has changed, I mean with him being married I wish that never happened. It was a stressful time, I am honestly happy that he is happy because it’s his time to be that. What I need to know is that you will ride this out with him” that is a big question to ask, so bluntly too.
“Yes but I just get tired, it’s like us time is him checking his phone and then jumping out of bed. Then the time I am like great, silence we are in bed then I get called in. I get I have been demanding but I just thought tame the beast early but it’s hard, like what am I to him?” I shrugged shaking my head “you have tamed the beast enough to make him move from Texas to LA, to have him travelling like a mad man. You’re his girlfriend Robyn and the only advice I can give you, just stand by him. He is battling a lot of people on the other side, he doesn’t want to upset you and then have my dad start thinking what is he doing and then to clock onto you. I am going to help my brother as much as I can, and honestly the boy loves you so much. Saying all these stupid names, texting me saying don’t get baby things, I am doing it. I will do it, I am coming. I am like who is this man, he has testing times coming up Robyn and it will be when that hotel open in Dubai, he was already saying that is my hotel. I want my daughter there, I said it may not be logical to do but you never know. You don’t think about things like heir but that little girl holds a lot, and especially when Maurice has already decided to give his Bonita whatever the rights. I just feel like with the both of you, you are both so good together. I want for him to make time for you, I can see his schedule now. It’s looking like he can come, as long as things are running fine then he is yours. My brother is sensitive, and I don’t want him to lose his happiness which is you” that is a lot to take in “so what is Noami to him?” I had to ask “his wife which the world knows but nothing, my dad pushes her in his face. I think honestly, they could have worked but it was too much with lies, I do hope this makes you comfortable with me and also shows you that my brother is serious, this ain’t no phase in his life. Like, make sure you buy Robyn something please. That nigga ain’t ever say please to me unless he wants me to make him some damn food” my smile grew, to hear such things, I mean his sister is seeing the difference in him and that is because of me.
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That interview was the most pointless shit, I just exposed what we are planning but why should people know that. Picking my suit jacket up from the chair, I just want to go now “you really just going to start your own real estate?” Naomi asked in annoyance “well why not, I need to make sure we the best. Thanks for the tips” winking at her “fuck you” turning around “what did you mean when you’re married it is just on paper?” my dad would bring it up “you should know what that means now, I am only doing what you told me to do. So please, are we done?” eyeballing my dad “you coming London with me” that sounded like a demand “mhmmmm no” walking around him “I am out of here, you want to go so much so you go. I am done, Malik come” I need to finish off a few things here and then I can actually make it for the scan.
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simblrbreezycakes · 6 years
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i was tagged by @chippedcupanddustybooks sweet bb. i am tagging @irrelephantsims @magnoliidae @simplymelaninated and anyone who hasn’t been tagged i swear i feel like the last person doing this LOL. heckin long ass questionnaire under the cut.
1. What is your full name? Brianna Leigh [Redacted] 2. What is your nickname? Breezy 3. Birthday? may 4th 4. What is your favorite book series? hmmmm series? idk.... i really like every single john grisham book and they aren’t related but when you have such a niche brand of book i feel like it counts lol.  5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? kinda on both. 6. Who is your favorite author? oh whew. tough one right here. idk man, i have a few? but if i had to choose i guezz i would say george orwell.   7. What is your favorite radio station? who tf listens to the radio like det anymore lmfao. i don’t have one. before i listened to 107.1 in memphis in the car sometimes, but i moved so. 8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? i loveeee pineapple anything. 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? lit 10. What is your current favorite song? currently really into pink in the night by mitski and also sicko mode by travis scott.
11. What is your favorite word? good ole fuck(in/ed/etc.) i also really like voluptuous and bubbles. 12. What was the last song you listened to? last thing i listened to was another lifetime x nao.  13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? absolutely check out the good place. also hilda, the dragon prince, she-ra princess of power, criminal minds, law and order (the original), and snapped. 14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i used to watch the notebook religiously when it rained/felt upset like shit. but lately i’ve been watching say yes to the dress to combat my depression lol. 15. Do you play video games? yah 16. What is your biggest fear? dying alone and no one finding me. like literally alone not like meta alone “oh no one loves me” like dead ass alone somewhere isolated. 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? hmmmmm idk that i care a lot about other people? 18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? all of them lmfao. i’m annoying, i’m physically unattractive, i talk too damn much, i can be kind of a bitch both intentionally and unintentionally, i’m a trash writer, i can be selfish, and i self depreciate a lot (lol see above response “all of them”) and i’m sure that gets on people who love and care about me’s nerves ((but like....i mean it lmfao)) 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? whew tough. prolly cats though.  20. What is your favorite season? winter followed by a tie between spring and fall.  21. Are you in a relationship? nah lmfao.  22. What is something you miss from your childhood? not being so fuckin ugly and depressed lmfao. 23. Who is your best friend? “my person” as greys anatomy stans would say is ivy lynn [redacted] [redacted] but i also wanna shout out my home girl mary (i know you follow me on here), my home girl christina (also follows me on here but she never checks her simblr anymore), my smoothie gang bitches, my NSA bitches (which includes both ivy and mary lmfao), and my memphis as fuck family. honorable mention to loml [redacted] who is skating on thin fucking ice with me right now lmfao. 24. What is your eye color? brown 25. What is your hair color? brown 26. Who is someone you love? don’t make me answer this tumblr gods. 27. Who is someone you trust? all my best friends, my parents, my brother. 28. Who is someone you think about often? fucking murder me @ this question lmfao. my friend kate (RIP) my grandmother grannypeg (RIP) and [redacted] 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? i’m excited to spend christmas in a new country! forging new traditions and all that. 30. What is your biggest obsession? currently i’m obsessed with wedding stuff and mens fashion and how mens fashion such as suits translates into womens fashion. we love a hot lady in a tailored suit amiright? 31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? spongebob squarepants RIP :”( 32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? [redacted] 33. Are you superstitious? kinda i guess? not really about stuff like stepping on cracks breaking mamas’ backs or opening umbrellas indoors but little things about familial traditions. 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? not really a phobia but i have misophonia. i also hate eye shit. like eye violence or anything fuckin around with eyes is a big no from me dawg. 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? absolutely behind the camera. i used to be a theater kid so like being on stage i don’t mind but when it comes to the spotlight and being filmed??? no no no no no. lemme be a cinnamontawgrowfur all day.  36. What is your favorite hobby? watching movies, playing skyrim (I MISS IT SO MUCH), reading, watching music videos, modern calligraphy/hand lettering, baking (ALSO MISS IT MUCH) 37. What was the last book you read? lol a textbook about developing countries.
38. What was the last movie you watched? i just rewatched the swan princess the other day but in terms of watching something brand new i think it was this tom cruise movie my friend showed us and i thought she said someone else ( i don’t remember now. maybe tom hanks?) it was pretty good he was irish or sum with nicole kidman and they came to the united states and pretended to be siblings but the sexual tension was so fucking high dawg. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? nothing i’m wack and a disappointment to my musically gifted family (my dad and brother)  40. What is your favorite animal?  polar bears followed by giraffes. 41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? i’m gonna go with my main tumblr because ion wanna hurt nobody’s feelings but i follow a celebs of color page i really love, a fashion page i really love, and a few artists i really love. 42. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation or shape shifting.  43. When and where do you feel most at peace?  i feel most at peace when it is raining and i’m in my room, everything is clean and tidy, candles are lit, i have nothing to do so the world is my oyster, i have a nice cup of coffee or hot cocoa or tea, and i just am v i b i n g.  44. What makes you smile? seeing my friends, my brother (when he isn’t pissing me off), funny videos of red dead people falling off their horse in cinematic mode, pretty flowers, cute art, round birds. 45. What sports do you play, if any? i don’t lmfao. 46. What is your favorite drink? honestly a frozen margarita no salt. 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? a month ago.  48. Are you afraid of heights? absolutely. 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? people chewing with their mouths open and people talking to me like i’m incompetent/assuming i don’t know anything about what they’re trying to talk to me about especially if it is my area of expertise lol. 50. Have you ever been to a concert? hail yeah. many. 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? nope! 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? honestly i don’t know but i have a distinct memory of a bunch of girls in my second grade, yours truly included, wanting to be strippers. and i don’t know why or how this came up or if we even truly knew what stripping meant but. yeah. OH i guess around the time i was in 4th/5th grade i started wanting to be a harvard law graduate and be a lawyer but i gave that up in like high school and then bounced being a lawyer back and forth in my noggin up until i applied for grad school. shout out to my mary for doing it though.  53. What fictional world would you like to live in? hmmmm idk. none of em really. 54. What is something you worry about? if i made the right decision(s) in life lol.  55. Are you scared of the dark? not really.  56. Do you like to sing? yeah i do! doesn’t mean i’m good at it though haha. 57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah lmfao. 58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i miss Rwanda a lot. but honestly my favorite place is wherever the people i love are. my family loves to travel so whenever i’m with someone i love sharing an experience? i’m in heaven. 59. Where would you like to live? idk anywhere i guess. somewhere it is mostly cold most of the time though haha. 60. Do you have any pets? my bb boi fred lives with my dad and my mom has a dog and 2 cats. we used to have 3 but one of em ran away when she moved to her house, we caught him, he ran away again. oh whale. 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? oh a big time night owl. big time. 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? honestly i like sunrises better but i am never awake to catch em hahah. 63. Do you know how to drive? yah and i fuckin love doing it. 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? i prefer headphones. like really quality ones too. but i tend to use earbuds more often because i don’t need quality while im working out or going to class just easy grab and go. 65. Have you ever had braces? nope but i used to want some so bad. 66. What is your favorite genre of music? i love rap, dream-y pop music and dream-y rap music, i love 80s music. all 80s music really lmfao.  67. Who is your hero? mi mum and mi dad. also viola davis queen of inventing acting and every single color in the rainbow. 68. Do you read comic books? kind of. i was trying to build up a collection before i moved but i only had my BP comics. 69. What makes you the most angry? injustice and offensive ass content and behaviors. also don’t fuck with my friends. i got two dudes on my shit list right now that it is *on sight* if i ever see them again. 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? a real book all the way. idk what it is about digital reading my brain shuts the fuck down. i am super fast reader but the second i try and read something digitally it takes me maybe like 10-15 min to get through just a few sentences. 71. What is your favorite subject in school? history lol i was a history major. 72. Do you have any siblings? yeah my chicken nugget puppy brother dylan. asshole. 73. What was the last thing you bought? some historical romance i think? it’s in dutch so idrk.  74. How tall are you? 5′7 i think. 75. Can you cook? yeah i love cooking but saddly don’t do much of it. 76. What are three things that you love? my teddy bear my momma got me for valentines day, my st. agatha figurine, and my yikes tapestry mary got me. i realize now after reading the next question you probably meant like shit in general so. the smell of a fresh cup of coffee, snuggly warm sweaters, postcards and tiny gifts from friends. you know the ones “i just got this for you because i thought you’d like it” 77. What are three things that you hate? funky ass attitudes, the smell and feel of lavender oil, corn. 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? female 79. What is your sexual orientation? i’m a big ole heterosexual. sorry to disappoint :/  80. Where do you currently live? the netherlands. 81. Who was the last person you texted? my friend and former roommate. today is her birthday. 82. When was the last time you cried? like an hour ago lmfao. 83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? i don’t have one haha. vevo i guess. 84. Do you like to take selfies? do i like taking them? not really. it takes me too damn long to get one that looks good enough. i like sending stupid selfies to friends though. 85. What is your favorite app? i use twitter probably the most but my favorite app is my spider solitaire game haha. 86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? we are very close. i would say both of my parents are my biggest supporters and cheerleaders but how they do that looks a bit different. my mom and i are very similar but sometimes how we handle certain things is very different so we can be the best of friends one day and the completely butt heads the next. 87. What is your favorite foreign accent? i loovveeeee a scottish accent and an irish accent. also tbrh i love a good southern boy drawl. like idk if i could play for you all the way this one dude who works with my mom talks? i would because i wanna bottle it and listen to it whenever i feel bad. 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? i would really like to go to norway for my birthday. 89. What is your favorite number? i don’t have one. 90. Can you juggle? nope but i did try and learn i have a video of it somewhere lmfao. 91. Are you religious? kind of. i’m more spiritual than religious and lowkey hate saying that because it sounds so hoitietoitie but it’s true. 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? the ocean. so much of it we haven’t explored. thinking about space makes me feel existential and dead inside.  93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? nah haha 94. Are you allergic to anything? yeah i’m supposed to take one claritin a day but like i don’t. 95. Can you curl your tongue? yeah 96. Can you wiggle your ears? nope :(  97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i’ll admit i’m wrong if i’m actually wrong but you’re gonna have to a helluva lot of convincing to get me there lmfao. though if my being “wrong” has caused harm to someone else i’ll apologize quicker than lightning because the last thing i would want is for my stubbornness to hurt someone i love. 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? um the mountains 99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? "never turn down a date. you never know who you might meet while you’re out” -my grandmother to my mother to me. 100. Are you a good liar? lmfaooooo i am a reformed liar. 101. What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPUFF BAYBEEE 102. Do you talk to yourself? yah 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? an introvert. i may be loud and talkative sis but i promise you i’m over compensating because i want you to like me lmfao. 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? i have a private twitter does that count. 105. Do you believe in second chances? depends. 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?imma keep it real with you chief i would keeps the money lmfao. in the past i would’ve tried to return it to the owner but i am big broke bois with a lot of unexpected expenses coming up so like... yeah lmfao. we keepin that coint. 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? sometimes. 108. Are you ticklish? yes lmfao 109. Have you ever been on a plane? yeah! 110. Do you have any piercings? yah i got my lobes pierced one on each ear, my nose, and a cartilage piercing. 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? my girl nancy drew. 112. Do you have any tattoos? yeah i got 2 of em. 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? idk lmfao. probably when i applied for cityterm and when i appled to go back to undergrad. 114. Do you believe in karma? Yeah but not in a “oh you hurt me? you’re gonna get your come uppins” way but in a every action affects your soul and your being kinda way.  115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? im supposed to wear glasses but ask me if im wearing em right now lmfao. 116. Do you want children? presently i don’t see myself wanting or having kids but i want to foster. 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my friends lol. 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? literally every single memory has a tinge of embarassment lol. but probz when i walked into the cafeteria my first day of highschool as a smol freshman and my knees locked up and i fell forward and my giant ass backpack (because i never used my locker ever in any grade) wrapped around my neck and had me stuck in a strange position in the middle of the parting of the tables in the cafeteria.  119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? hell yeah lmfao. 120. What color are most of you clothes? blue or black 121. Do you like adventures? yeah! 122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah but like on the news and shit. 123. How old are you? 24 124. What is your favorite quote? i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) 125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? OOF TOUGH BUT UHHH probz sweet. 
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holbrookwrites · 6 years
NAME: Bethany
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Firstly, I have Ezra Beneventi. Like most I have no control and had to apply for two characters. Anyways, he’s a NOLA Native and is a blackjack dealer. He’s like one of those strong silent types but not really. He has a pretty rough history so the dude is pretty guarded in who he lets in his inner circle. But that’s not to say he’s standoffish. He’s kinda straight to the point. Doesn’t like to waste anyone’s time or his own. So, when I say rough history the guy was severely abused by his Father until he was 18 when the neighbors next door heard blood curling screams and Ezra laying face down on the kitchen floor while his Father was beating his lower back with a crow bar (Intense right). His Dad is now in prison for attempted murder. Anyways, nobody really knows the extent of the abuse over the years from his childhood until he was an adult besides one person or maybe two. He doesn’t like to talk about it and from an outsider looking in, you could never tell. Everyone has secrets and Ezra has perfected the craft of keeping that hidden. His own version of a poker face which is why he’s a pretty decent at his job.
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Secondly, here’s Antonio Corinthos. He’s toxic. His smile will poison you. His boyish charm dangerous. The glint in his eyes as he challenges you to do something devious is lethal. The oldest out of him and his siblings. Basically, he’s a kiss ass to his Father in hopes to have his Father pass on the family business to him. Not that he wants to take it was from his Pops anytime soon because obviously like any obeying and loyal son, he truly respects what his Father does. Now, he might be respectful in that sense but everything else he’s just trash. The man has a mouth like a sailor though he would never call a woman a bitch for the sake of fear that his sisters would cut his balls off. But really, he has no filter : no matter how derogatory or filthy it is. And he’ll more then likely hit on anyone and everyone if he finds you hot. But his weakness is the hard to get one’s. Antonio sure loves a challenge. He’s also an adrenaline junkie. He learned how to hot wire a car at ten and ever since he’s always been wanting to go faster. The faster the better. Just like his motto with life.
For Ezra
His Favorite books as a kid were Harry Potter. He found himself relating to Harry on many levels which ultimately he found comfort him. The fact that he could relate to someone, it got him through the dark times. And even now, if you ever see him eyeing one of the books or watching the movie a small smile will surface. Almost in solace 
Growing up in New Orleans - he didn’t really have much of a childhood. His Father was a boxer and they were hot and cold with the man’s winnings. So, Ezra found himself scamming tourists in their times of desperation. 
Ezra’s Mother died giving birth to him. Every year since he was 12 - he always visits her twice a year to her grave ( her birthday and the day she died) and plants a bouquet of lilies next to it. His own version of the meaning behind that particular flower (Devotion). 
For Antonio
His childhood crush was Selena and when she got murdered he must have cried for days. Hell, even now he has a few playlists of some of her songs on there. It’s like his guilty pleasure. That and let’s be real - the dude has some weird choice in music. But that’s a secret.
It’s no secret that Antonio finds himself into trouble but probably the most embarrassing story was when he was having an affair with a married woman and her husband who was a cop found out and shot him right in the ass. He still has the scar from it. 
After his brother Vincent passed, he didn’t mourn due to wanting to be strong for the rest of his siblings. He might be an asshole most of the time but he’s severely protective of his Family. The man didn’t even shed a tear at his burial as he didn’t want to be found weak by the attendees but it seems like even years later, the man hasn’t gotten over it and even though he grieves now -- the worst feeling is the blame that embodies him. Not known by most, Antonio is rather hard himself and he feels like he didn’t protect Vincent enough and is always looking back at all the ‘what if’s’.
Ezra: Anything and everything basically. Just a few ideas: regular clients, drinking buddies, friends, enemies, the whole shebang. Definitely the priority though is someone Ezra can connect with friendship wise. One’s he can trust and isn’t afraid to be around. Because let’s face it, he can be kind of skittish sometimes with somethings, though it’s very subtle. I’d like to explore something of that, whether good or bad. 
Antonio: Friends who can keep up with him, someone he can be a bad influence towards (He literally lives for that shit). One of those friendships where they have a love/hate for one another because let’s face it the bickering matches are always so amusing. Past flings since he is a bit of a playboy. I also had one particular plot in mind that would deal with him settling down when he was younger but she kind of screwed him over and now it’s just hate. If this is something of interest just message me and I can give you the whole premise of the said plot.
DID YOUR CHARACTER HAVE ANY RELATION TO ELIZABETH?: Ezra: He knew the Webber family so of course that family he was familiar with. Antonio: Also knew, but unlike Ezra he wasn’t so kind to them. Obviously the whole family rilvarly altered him from being even the slightest bit friendly towards them.
WHO DO YOU THINK KILLED ELIZABETH? DO YOU HAVE ANY THEORIES?: I guess only time will tell. But definitely excited to see it all play out! 
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rosey-writes · 6 years
Eliot- Violin, Marimba, Fiyero- Bagpipes, Jason- Harp, Jonathan- Oud, Sparks- Recorder, Matthias- Organ, Axel- Harpsichord, to the mod- Marimba, Hai Lin- Trumpet, sorry for such a long one, you don’t have to do them all!
mSorry I took for literal ever, I wanted to make sure they were all good, hopefully I succeeded! I’ll try to be faster next time Eliot
Bravon’s going to call me an ‘emo bitch’ for this, but- I don’t get sad all too often. Never have. Usually it comes out as me being pissed, which I personally find much more useful. Even at things that do make me sad instead of the much more useful anger, I do everything in my power to turn it into anger- to find a problem and solution and do it. I don’t believe in lying down and accepting whatever happened. You move on and you break whatever did it to you, or you die trying.
As for my ‘defining trait’? I have no fucking clue- let me go ask Bravon and Axel.
(Ten. Minutes Later)
Well Bravon said it was that I’m bottom, and Axel said it’s that I can make great hot chocolate so they’re useless. 
I guess if not those, I don’t fucking know- I guess I’m resilient? If that’s the word? I don’t like inaction, not doing anything to me is worse than self destruction. Humans weren’t meant to take being pushed down, you keep going even if it hurts you more. 
How sweet of you for asking ❤️
My heritage is my lifeblood. Why wouldn’t it be? Not everyone is lucky enough o be a Deamorte, why wouldn’t I show it as much as I could~ We’ve been celebrities since Venice, what’s there not to be proud of! ❤️ 💖
As for country wise, while I admit I’m not the largest fan of my hair, I love my Irish background from my father’s side, they’re such a fiery people, how could I not? And my mother’s Roman ancestry is the reason I have the gifts I do- the bedrock of civilization and all that. And nothing in this world could compre with the marble streets of Italy.
Of course, I would love to add some more Irish to the family line, right, @liliesinwrittendreams ?
Bagpipes? Really? You pick the most lame-ass instrument there is? Whatever- least I got a better ask than Johnny. Good luck to that creep explaining his shitty parents. 
Anyway- pride? In my heritage? I mean, gotta say, I’m white as fuck. We’re Mayflower bitches. Some of the first police officers in the state, went back since for literal ever. Pretty proud I guess, police, generals, pretty badass. But I don’t really like relating to my old man unless I have to.
Fuckin’ dick.
I drink a lot of beer? That count as ‘showing my heritage’? Fuck it, sure, love German beer. We’ll call it that.
I don’t know why Jason would think I wouldn’t want to answer this, I love my family, all of them, even the...problem child, Jason grew up to be.
Well, not ‘grew up’. He was always like this. Throwing my dolls in the river and all that.
It’s a hard call, honestly, between Jason and my ma, but, I’m sure you’ve all heard enough about Jason to last a lifetime.
[”Jonathan you creepy fuck stop trying to write me ou-]
Ignore him. He got his attention seeking from father.
Besides that, I’d say my ma’s the one who taught me. She fell sick when I was younger, so I was the one who took over the farm work, especially when Jason left to move to the city with father. Seeing her so weak, helpless, the woman who gave life, who held me when I was crying as a child, protected me from my father’s rampages, would jump in front of his fist in the name of protecting her child, I learned just how important it was to protect the weak.
That’s why I know it’s my callin’ in life, protecting what can’t protect themselves. Animals, children, weaker adults. Even if my mother is no longer in this world-bless her heart- I’m still around to keep her legacy around. 
And, if I can say anything about it, I’m goin’ to make a world safe for people like her.
Oh, gosh, I-I, I don’t remember much of when I was a kid. I spent a lot of time inside, we were traveling all the time, s-so I didn’t get much of a chance to make friends. I had a lot of siblings, though, who were always with me, I loved a lot! I don’t keep in much contact with them anymore, my older sister, Mai, tries to call me sometimes but, u-usually it’s to try and get me to join It Works...
Oh! I remember it. It’s like a really really specific thing but...
When I was a kid, really young, I got picked on a lot. I was kinda weird, had- have- a gaptooth, didn’t really get other kids. A couple kids started messing with me, pushing me to the ground and I hurt my arm really bad on the school steps.
I guess...I just remember really clearly how I felt in that moment. Well, that, that I didn’t feel. I’d seen in every movie, seen other kids in that moment, they’d cry, they’d feel bad and...
I didn’t.
I wanted to. I tried to talk mean to myself while they did it. I repeated the names they called me, I called myself ugly and stupid and a freak, but, I couldn’t make myself sad. It was weird. I wanted to know what sad felt like, if nothing else than curiosity. 
That was when I realized why I was different, I think. I didn’t know why mom was taking me to doctors before that, I didn’t understand. I do now though. It’s been hard but, I’ve worked through it. I just needed an ù̶̟͋p̶͇͈̑d̷̦͊a̴̠̳͗̔̇t̶͇̬͆́e̷͇̜̋͑̿.
LOL, thought you said Organ. Like, ya know. A dick. Is a dick an organ? BRB, gotta google that.
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Well I’ll be danged.
Anywhoswhatevers. Blowy thing. Duuude, we watched the Ring, it was sick. Dad and I have horror movie Mondays, which, yeah, tehcnically god doesn’t like or whatever, but, dad says as long as we get permission from the pastor ahead of time, we’re good. 
And, when ya’ got the pastor’s nudes, anything is good by him.
It’s so funny, that movie scares the poop out of anyone, so watchin’ dad watch it was so freaking funny. Wish I had a vid. He started crying once, unplugged the phone, it was great. 10/10, would recommend. V good.
I got one! ;LDKFDSAKJ That is so cool!!!!
This whole thing is cool, I haven’t heard a harpsichord, what’s that? It’s like a super big piano right, with ploppy keys? I should learn to play one- it’d be so cool I could play that cool song from Rainbow Rocks with the siren peopl-
Eli says I need to get back on point because he has homework 
Oh...when I was told I was ‘weird’? It’s not super happy I guess but, I get called that a lot at school. There’s a group of girls who like making fun of me a lot, say my clothes are all raggy trash and stuff, and throw stuff at me, say I’m weird...but it’s okay! I don’t mind really, if they think I’m weird- they can think I’m weird, since it makes them feel better!
If I’m weird, it means they’re not, and not feeling weird is nice, so, it’s got to make them feel good to throw things at me right? That’s what matters? Right?
Hai Lin:
Blog. You people. Started. A blog.
I’d say I’m surprised, but honestly- this is not the dumbest thing you people’ve done. Not that it says much.
Alright, though, I’ll bite. Sue’ll be happy about it.
Honestly? I’d say I’m almost there. I’ve clawed my way from poverty to queen of the underworld, there’s not a soul who wouldn’t refuse to kneel before me...well, one who’d live to say anything about it. 
I guess, if there’s one thing I do still wish for though, is a life for my little sister. I know she doesn’t like this life, even if she knows little about it, but, I don’t want her forced into the same world I was. I want to give her a good, safe, life. 
I know sometimes she gets swept up in the romantic idea of the thief, she thinks she’s the kind to swing from masts and find a Romeo and Juliet love story, with her as the criminal and them as the good boy, but, I just can’t see her as anything other than my little bird. Maybe that’s on me, but, that’s the last milestone I have before I’m where I feel I can really rest.
Rosie! (Me)
Fun fact, when I first signed up for band, I tried to get the Marimba. I cried trying to hold two mallets because I have really sensitive skin thanks to childhood eczema. Then tried Timpani, couldn’t figure it out, freaked out, quit, and refuse to go to the half of the school where the band room is to this day. 
I know. I’m a wreck. 
My defining trait, I’d say, is probably my...for lack of a better term, ‘fuck it’ mentality. I’m the kid who, and this is true, rolls around school in Heelies with a yeet or be yeeten shirt. I was voted Most Unforgettable for Senior Superlatives. Generally, in life, I try to assume that nothing matters so I may as well have fun with whatever I’m doing :)
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 1
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 2129
A/N: IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!! I literally wrote half of this over the course of two very busy days and pulled the rest out of my ass in an all nighter oops I have a parade today I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙💙
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synopsis     chapter 2
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie” -Nancy Sinatra
“You need a refill, George?” Asks the green eyed, burgundy haired woman as she quickly rounded the corner of the counter. Morning rush for her was always such an exciting time, due to her love of people, both newcomers and regulars.
“If it’s not too much trouble for you, Lindsey. You’re always so busy.” The older man replies back, sitting on a bar stool and pushing his empty mug towards her.
Lindsey laughs while picking up a coffee pot and pouring it, causing the dark liquid to pour out.
“Too much trouble? It’s my job to make sure you’re good!” She pushes her glasses further up on her nose. The man sips his coffee while she races around grabbing things needed for other customers.
“Order up!” a voice from the kitchen yells. Lindsey speeds over to the window saying a quick
“Thanks Marty!” before taking the food, putting it on a tray and walking it over to a couple in their mid sixties
“I got a waffle platter with scrambled eggs and a fruit bowl for Miss Kathy and a pancake stack with poached eggs and hashbrowns for the one and only Franklin” She says placing the plates to the respective people and turns the tray into her abdomen, crossing her arms over it.
“Anything else I can get for you folks? More water?”
The two smile at her before Franklin says
“No, Lindsey we’re really great thanks.”
She smiles and nods.
“Alright, you two, well you let me know if you need anything alright? How are the kids doing?”
The two smile at the mention of their children
“Well, Matt is finishing up university and he just got accepted into medical school and Darcy just got engaged to her boyfriend last night”
The young girl grins at their excitement.
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing!”
“How’s your show going?” Kathy asks
“We hear a lot about those kids of yours”
She giggles and brushes the hair out of her face.
“Well it’s not really my show it’s all the kids but, they’re doing great! It’s really amazing to see how far they’ve come and how devoted they are. Plus the show’s actually pretty cool”
They both look at her with amazement.
“You really are devoted, you put in so many hours here and with those kids and then at the shelter too! How old are you again?”
“I just turned 22 a few weeks ago”
She hears the order bell ding again and waves at the couple while walking back to the counter
The blue eyed man rubs his face with his hands as he looks over the files. So much information racked his mind and he was hitting a wall. He directs his attention upward at the sound of a knocking door.
“Yeah what” The man said.
Another guy enters saying “Anderson hasn’t paid up and yesterday was the deadline”
The blue eyed man leans back in his desk chair, sighing and running his hand through his light brown curls.
“‘S Tom back yet?”
The other man shakes his head.
“Okay,” He sits up, resting his elbows in his lap and putting his face in his hands.
“Let me know when he does.”
“Alright, Haz”
The door closes as the other man leaves as the blue eyed man sighs, runs his hand through his hair once more and gets out of his chair and walks out of his office. Closing the door behind him, he looks at the name on the door
Harrison Osterfield
He smirks to himself, reflecting on the amount of power and authority he has. He walks over to the door that says Harry Holland and lightly knocks while already entering the office.
“Hey, mate Anderson didn’t pay up so I gotta go do some form of beatdown tonight. You in?”
Harry reflects the same smirk on Harrison’s face and nods.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been out and about. Let’s do it”
“Hey Lindsey can you help me out for a sec?”
Lindsey snaps out of her thoughts and turns her head to see another volunteer carrying three bags of dog food piled on top of each other. She smiles and walks over from the help desk to the front door grabbing two of the bags and slowly walking them over to the food room. Along with working at the diner and helping out in the marching band, she also helps out at the dog shelter.
“Jeez Lindsey you’ve got some muscle there!” The two girls laugh.
“Yeah well I grew up around guys that we’re pretty much my brothers so I’m kinda used to it”
They both laugh again and Lindsey sits herself back at her desk, taking out her phone to text her roommate.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Friendly reminder I’m not gonna be home til like 9:30-10:00ish cause there’s band so do whatever for dinner and you don’t need to wait up for me 😁
Immediately, her phone buzzes back with
Grace Moore🌷 Thanks for the heads up. Have fun with your kids
Lindsey smiles at the message. She never really considered the kids to be hers but everyone else did so she rolled with it. As she gazes at the clock, then at the door, she decides she has enough time to go over notes on things the kids need to work on tonight.
As the sun set, the boys were getting antsy, Tom wanted his damn money, Haz wanted to do his job and Harry? Harry just wanted something to do.
“I don’t see why we can’t just go right now.”
Tom chuckles, looking at his brother with raised eyebrows.
“You’re always so jittery Harry just shut up and wait ‘til he’s alone”
Harry groans and the two older boys laugh. They see their target walk into the warehouse.
“Let’s go boys” Tom mumbles as the three step out of the shadows and into the warehouse the man known as “Anderson” walked into.
Harrison finds the guy first, alone in the room and blocks the doorway. Harry soon follows, blocking the doorway from the other side. Tom stayed back, wanting to make an intimidating entrance. He does need to make an impression after all. Anderson still doesn’t notice the guys presence until Harrison clears his throat. Anderson turns his head, eyes wide once he catches a glimpse of who made the noise and instantly starts walking towards the other doorway. Harry laughs, leaning on the door frame and saying
“You didn’t actually think we’d let you get away that easily, now did you?”
Tom emerges from the darkness.
“Where’s my fucking money, Anderson?”
The man lets out a labored breath.
“T-Tom. I can explain”
Harrison steps forward, gearing up for what’s about to happen
“You can explain?” Tom asks with raised eyebrows.
“Cause that seems like a waste of my time. What do you think guys?” Harry smirks.
“I’d rather be home right now if we’re being honest”
Tom chimes in again. “And Haz over here? Haz is looking for a girl. He could be out doing that kinda thing right now!”
Harrison raises his eyebrows and tilts his head in agreement. He isn’t wrong.
Anderson stutters as the three of them move closer and closer, closing in on him.
“I-If it’s girls you want, I have a niece about your age and I think you might like her-” “-That’s pretty sick, mate” Haz cutts him of.
“You would be willing to give us your niece, the flesh and blood of your sibling, so you can get out of some fucking money?”
Harrison swings and lands a punch to the man’s stomach.
Anderson doubles over in pain mumbling a raspy
“Th-that’s not what i meant. I-”
He gets cut off by a knee to the gut, knocking him to the floor, groaning.
Tom squats down to his level, taking Anderson’s face in his hands.
“Now, it’s still fairly early in the night and my guys and I, well, we got shit to do. So, you’re gonna make this nice and simple for me. I’m gonna ask you a question and you’re gonna show me yes,”
He stops to forcefully nod the man’s head, squishing his cheeks.
“Or no.”
Tom shakes Anderson’s Anderson’s head, signaling no.
“You understand me?”
Anderson nods his head, sweat dripping from his forehead indicating fear.
“Alright, Anderson. Do you have my money?”
There’s a pause, even more tension fills the air and the man  slowly shakes his head.
“No?” Tom asks.
He looks at Haz and Harry.
“Well, at least he’s being honest.”
The three of them smile but then Harry interjects
“But, I mean it’s already a bad idea to take out a loan from the biggest mob boss in London, let alone not pay it back. I feel like lying would make everything worse. Wouldn’t you think Tom?”
Tom shrugs and nods, soon asking.
“So, what should we do with him then?”
Immediately, Anderson starts begging
“Please, Mr. Holland I’ll do anything. Just give me one more week. I can give my brother a call and set you and your friend up if that’s what you really want.”
The three guys roll their eyes before Harrison takes out his gun, pointing it at the man.
“I have an idea” he says, smirking.
The begging intensifies as Harrison cocks his gun.
“You sick son of a bitch. You could’ve given us the money that you owe us but instead, you find out that I just so happened to be kinda not really looking for a girl and you offer up your own family? I’m not even related to those two and they treat me better.”
He says, gesturing towards Tom and Harry with his gun.
“Please, Mr.Osterfield. I’m sorry!”
Harrison sighs.
“If only your niece could see you now”
“Nice rim shot at the end snares!” Lindsey says as she jogs back from where she was watching them.
“I would just say watch your heights on the sextuplet rolls, a good lot of you are accenting your right hand which is not what we need right now alright?”
She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and takes it out to see
Grace Moore🌷 Hey! Btw there’s a package here for you
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Go ahead and open it if it’s actually addressed to me… I don’t really remember ordering anything so it’s either some sort of surprise or a bomb.
She smiles at the message she sent and it immediately fades. She could’ve sworn she felt a pair of eyes on her. She cranes her head left and right, seeing nothing.
Her phone buzzes again.
Grace Moore🌷 It’s from the people living in your old house? They said they found an old scrapbook of yours and sent it along with a note… damn you were an adorable kid
“Ugh” Lindsey says to herself at the last part of the text. She looked around again, still getting the feeling that someone was watching her from a distance.
“Watch that roll snares! It sounds like blulululuah which is a bad thing!” She yells after the marching snare drummers.
Lindsey lets out a big yawn while looking at the time.
“Long night, Lindsey?” One of the drummers asks her.
She laughs.
“I can’t tell if you’re being sincere or if that’s part of the high school humor that i definitely do not miss since graduating.”
The younger boy smiles and says
“Honestly, it was a bit of both but all of us here know you stretch yourself pretty thin.”
She laughs again.
“Yeah, nothing caffeine and a kickass show can’t fix though”
Lindsey arrives at her apartment to see her old scrapbook and a note sitting on the kitchen table.
“Hi Lindsey! We found this scrapbook in a box in the attic, saw your name in the inside cover and decided it would be a good idea to mail it to you! I hope all is well wherever you are!
-Phyllis and Clifford Sullivan”
She flips through the book, reflecting on the memories she and her friends made of her childhood. Two families in particular come to mind right away. Constant sleepovers with the two boys her age, playing cowboy or football with them and exchanging smiles. Along with the memories of the two families, a song comes to mind. It was sung to her on so many occasions by one woman and only one woman. She would push the red hair out of her face and lightly comb Lindsey’s brown and sing
“I was five and he was six. We rode on horses made of sticks.”
Lindsey soon sang to herself softly.
“He wore black and I wore white. He would always win the fight.
Bang Bang.”
strikethrough means it wouldn't let me tag you. please message me!!
@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @softiespidey @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18
Harrison Osterfield:
@upsidedownparker @mischiefmanaged49
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spnbaby-67 · 7 years
Chapter 3
Summary: What happens when you work for a company that suddenly changed the rules on you, and you had no idea about it. Things change all the time, and sometimes changes lead to a good thing. But sometimes, it can lead to trouble.
A/N: This is my first fanfiction that I am happy to bring to you, I’m nervous as hell, but as the summary says. Changes happens all the time. Please no hate to Danneel or JJ, I love them both dearly and one day wish to meet them, but for the sake of the story Jensen is single. My work is to NOT be PUBLISHED on any other sites without my consent, Gif’s are not mine and thank you to the ones who do them. ALSO a MAJOR THANK YOU for Lee @wheresthekillswitch for the time she took to help me beta this chapter, Go check out her blog, amazing stories to. Also to @secretlyfurrydragon for her help to keep pushing me on. and @impalaimagining for the awesome aesthetic she made for me. And all of you awesome writers who have inspired me to write. THANK YOU! My heart goes out to everyone whose in the hurricane’s paths. stay safe. 
Warnings: None other that a bit of language here and there. (I cuss sorry)
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Craving You,
Chapter 3
Once I finally made it back to the office I must have had one hell of a smile on my face, because when I got off the elevator Abbie, our receptionist, looked at me. She had a look on her face like the kind you see on someone when something great or unexpected happened, and they want in on it.
“You must have had a good break, what happened?” She looked at me with questioning eyes.
I went over to her, “It was the normal everyday thing, other than they messed up my order twice. I mean, come on, how in the heck can one person, who’s been there for a while now, mess up on a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino?” I took the last sip of what I had left, before tossing the cup and straw in the trash next to us. “Are they ready for a meeting or what?” I asked, trying to avoid her asking any more questions.
“You might want to fix your shirt first.” She giggled looking at me.
“Oh crap, I forgot.” I smiled embarrassingly as I remembered how I got the beautiful shirt.
I ran into the bathroom by my office, took the top shirt off, then my shirt, which clearly you could see the big coffee stain, then I put his shirt back on. It was a green short sleeved Henley that felt so comfortable against my skin, at least it didn’t look bulky or feel tighter like before. It was just perfect, just like he was. I inhaled the scent of him, and it was so mesmerizing that I laid my head back against the wall to picture him standing there. Big mistake, because Abbie came in and saw me.
“{Y/N}! I knew something happened, and you’re going to tell me before you leave today. But right now you got five minutes to get in your office to gather your notes for the meeting. Mr. Singer is counting on you.” She pulled on my arm to put me in front of her, only to push me to walk faster.
“Ok, ok Abbie. I get it, I’m going.” I picked up the pace a bit and went to gather my notes, but the thought of his candy apple green eyes still haunted my vision.
About 3 pm everyone decided to call it quits for the long Labor Day weekend. Getting an early day, and an extra day off next week? Sign me up. I have loads of laundry, and a small apartment to clean. The meeting, which Mr. Singer was present for, went really well. He pulled me aside after to tell me how happy he was with the way I presented our final product to a firm we'd been trying to hook for a while now. Before he left, he congratulated me again on a job well done, and advised me to "keep it up". I gathered my purse with a smile on my face, not stopping for Kali when she tried to ask me about my shirt. How I got the shirt was none of her damn business, and the bitch could stew for the long weekend for all I cared.
I got home, and checked the messages on my machine. Course same ol’ same ol’, bill collectors, family and friends begging me to come this weekend. I really didn’t want to go anywhere, but the thought of going to Jo’s house this weekend was really tempting. She had a beautiful 6 or 7 acre land in Texas filled with all sorts of animals, including horses. I love horses they’re my favorite animals, next to dogs. I used to have one growing up, but my dad got into bad gambling debt. Him selling off my only friend to help pay off what he owed left me heartbroken, and that’s why I threw myself into books that summer.
My father drank a lot, and when he did, he was abusive in so many ways. Reading and escaping to the loft in the barn was my outlet. Especially, on bad days which at times, got real bad. You’d think having an older brother and three older sisters, would be a comfort. Turns out it wasn't. I dunno if it was because we were from different marriages, or maybe they just didn't like me. Either way, anytime they wanted to get someone in trouble, I was the target. Siblings, they say you gotta love ‘em, but I'm not so sure “they” were right.
Lynyrd Skynyrd, singing Simple Man, drags me back to reality. I look down at the display, the photo of Jo and I from our last get together stares back at me, and it puts a smile on my face. I slide the bar over to answer. "Hey you."
“Hey, I’m so hoping you will come down this weekend. We are having a huge BBQ, very Texas style, and I want you to be here. Please say you will.”  She practically begs.
I giggle softly, because she doesn’t know I’m already packing and had booked my flight. “I dunno Jo, I mean I only have three days off; and that won’t be enough for me to have any kind of fun to be back at work on Tuesday.” I go to my closet to pull out some sundresses, Texas is hot right now.
“{Y/N}! Please, you have to come. I’ll even buy your plane ticket. I have some reward points I can use for you. You just have to be here.”  She was graveling now.
“Jo, I honestly can’t. We have a short week next week, and I have a presentation next Friday.” I walk to the bathroom to grab some shampoo and such. I’m so bending the truth a bit, but I want to surprise her.  
I almost swear I hear her near tears. “Fine! I’ll remember that {Y/N}. I had some things planned for us, I guess we’ll have to cancel them.”  She sounds so heartbroken.
“I’m sorry Jo, really. It’s just bad timing and all.” I secretly smile, because she’s going to shit when she sees me there.
“Ok, promise me you will at least make it to my bachelorette party next month. I mean you are my maid of honor, so you really have no choice to be here.”
I zip the small carry-on luggage closed, and smile. “I will be there, I already have time off for that.”
“Ok, you have a great weekend, even though it won’t be that great without you here. You could be having loads of fun right about now.” The country music blasting in the background almost drowns her out.
“I know babes, but it’s Netflix and ice cream for me this weekend. Don’t worry I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” I grab a few things, and my passport wallet that I put in my purse on the way out.
“Fine! I’ll call you later.”  Her dejected tone is muffled by a sniffle.
“Ok, tell Jeff to behave now. Love you both.”
“Love you too, {Y/N}.”  She hangs up, and my heart literally breaks. But in the end I know she will be so happy to see me anyway.
I look around the apartment to see if I forgot to pack anything. I grab my carry-on and add my laptop, just in case I need to do some work next week while I’m away. Before I left for the weekend I asked Mr. Singer for the whole week off, so I could have some time in Texas. He agreed, on the condition that I would be on standby. Mr. Singer is awesome, he's the one I would talk to about the Kali thing, if I ever get the nerve to. But we shall see, probably by the time I get back, I'll have calmed down.
After one last look around, I turn off the lights, and set the alarm. I smile knowing that in a few hours, six to be exact, that I will be back home in Texas. Austin was my home, and at times like this I really missed it. But the heat, I roll my eyes just thinking about it, let’s say I’m glad I packed a few pairs of shorts and tank tops.
I arrive at the airport, clear security and go to my gate to wait to be called to board. I had saved enough to get first class this time, because heck why not, I worked for it. I’m in a good mood and that rarely happens, but today bumping into that beautiful stranger named Jensen, then the meeting going great, today turned out to be fantastic in the end when you think about it.
When I board the plane there are only maybe four people in first class. At least the flight attendant will have her job easy tonight. I get settled in my seat, and wait for the plane to push back. Right before the doors are about to close, an announcement comes from the cockpit, the pilot has been instructed to hold the plane for a guest. When I look up to catch a glimpse of the jackass who waited until the last minute to board a plane, my eyes grow big. It’s him, again. Twice in one day, but will he remember me?
I sit back to read a book, and my cell phone rings. I forgot to turn off. I quickly turn it to silent mode, it’s only Jeff, Jo’s husband, he knows I’m coming in and needs to know the time I’m landing. I text him quickly and turn my cell phone off, feeling embarrassed.
“Hey, I know you.” Jensen says, as he sits beside me.
I turn to look his way. “Hey, twice in one day. Must be my lucky day,” I try not to blush.
He smiles, and I melt. If he only knew what he does to me. I don’t see a ring on his finger or a shadow of one, but knowing my luck though, he’s engaged or has a girlfriend; but the flirting is fine by me. I can pretend he’s mine for six hours anyway. There’s no rule or harm in that, right?  
*if you want me to tag  you on update let me know. *
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My Reaction to “Thor Ragnarok”
Bless.  This.  Movie.
Oooh, we’re panning up, oooohhh....
Thor, what happened?  Seriously, like how did you get into this situation?
The freaking skeleton though...
*starts singing Fresh Prince of Bel-Air*
Thor’s hair is so long here.  Too bad it won’t last
Oh my gosh, Thor
They freaking included “The Immigrant Song” into the movie!  Holy shit!
Totally did not see Surtur as a tall, skinny dude.
Thor movies totally redefining the body shape of bad guys everywhere
Wait, so that’s not Surtur’s eyebrows?!?
Seriously, Thor, why are you in Muspelheim?
Hahahahaha... the freaking dragon head...
How come Skurge doesn’t have a personal horse there that he can ride into Asgard instead of actually jogging his heavy ass there?
Goddamn it, Loki...
Wait, is that Liam Hemsworth as Actor!Thor?
Wait, please tell me that’s Sam Niell as Actor!Odin
Fake!Odin literally just said “Oh shit”
*ugly, ugly snickering*
So why is Odin’s color scheme now orange?
Thor’s pulling the freaking Jack Bauer Interview Technique on Loki
Aayyyy he [Loki] look good!
How has no one caught onto Fake!Odin?
One epileptic trip through the Bifrost later...
“I’m not a witch.”  “Then why did you dress like one?”  Oh my God
Thor, you’re too cute when it comes to taking pictures
“Sorry Jane dumped you [Thor].”  “It was a mutual dumping.”  NO SCREW THAT NOISE
He [Thor] disguised Mjolnir... as an umbrella...
Doctor Strange!
Oh now they’re just replaying the end credit scene from “Doctor Strange”
“I [Thor] don’t have a phone.”  Then send a raven!
All right, I know it’s comic accurate for Dr. Strange to have yellow gloves but here they look weird
Mjolnir just freaking destroyed the New York Sanctum flying its way to Thor
“I [Loki] have been FALLING FOR 30 MINUTES!!!”  *cue ugly snickering*
Well shit, now I gotta go rewatch “Doctor Strange.”  Expect a rewatch post before Netflix removes all the Marvel movies.
“Alright, bye bye!”  Pffftttt....
This music here is great
Holy crap we haven’t seen Odin in four years.  I’m old.  I was a sophomore in high school when “Thor:  The Dark World” came out.  Dang.
Wait, so who’s Hela’s mother?  It’s definitely not Frigga, right?
Also wow, way to drop the secret sibling bomb on your son at the last minute, Odin.
Ooohhh there she [Hela] is!
Hela:  Kneel
Loki:  Bitch, you stole my line.
Hela’s entrance consisted entirely of her trash talking her younger brother.  Amazing.
Whaaaa that’s awesome!!
Aaaahhh it’s the Warriors- NOOOOO!!!
Man, Cate Blanchett looks freaking amazing
The heck?
That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST
That ramp is awesome
Valkyrie!  I dressed up as her for a Halloween party a few weeks ago!
She [Valkyrie] just freaking toppled off the ship, drunk...
This movie should be subtitled “Thor and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Weekend”
Oh hi Sakaar!
Where did Hela get her cape?  Did she rip off Volstagg or Fandral’s corpse or something?!?
“My father is dead.  As are the princes, you’re welcome.”  Pfffttt...
Ooohh I like that shot of Hogun’s mace
Oh shit are Asgardian capes bulletproof?  That’s awesome!
Damn Hela
Is Thor on a Disney ride or something?
Who is freaking narrating the ride?
Oh, can’t you [Grandmaster] get up and walk the ten feet to Thor?
Valkyrie’s freaking flirting with the Grandmaster after getting paid... that’s totally Han Solo here
Isn’t that the dealer from “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the one Peter tried selling the Orb to?
“OHHH MY GOD!”  Thor, I love you.
Confirmed:  the Grandmaster’s bi
Korg!  Taika!
“I tried to start a revolution...”  Hahaha!
“It’s a circle... more like a freaky circle.”  Hahaha!
“Faake!”  Oh my God!
The Tesseract!
The hell is that?
Wait, so is that Hel?  Like Hel, as in Hell, the place?
Whaaa that’s awesome!
Thor’s doing the Viking Prayer.  That’s awesome.
“PISS OFF, GHOST!”  Hahahaha!
Wait, there’s vampires in the MCU?
“Oh my God, the hammer pulled you off?”  HAHAHAHAHA!
“An elite form of [female] warriors.  It’s about time.”  Damn right, Thor!
Lots of screaming Thor in this movie
Damn Loki, that glass grab was slick
Unpopular Opinion:  I think Thor looks better with shorter hair
“I [Loki] have to get off this planet!”  Pffffftttt....
Even Loki’s freaking out for Thor
He’s [Thor] trying the calming down technique Natasha did from “Age of Ultron”
So what kind of Asgardian is Skurge?
Umm, doesn’t Gungnir have the same power of Heimdall’s sword though?
Umm, can we talk about how gorgeous Asgard looks?
That’s not awkward at all
Gotta get a shirtless Chris in somewhere in a Marvel movie
We just saw Hulk’s butt onscreen...
Never imagined Thor being picky about interior design.
He’s probably a big fan of “Property Brothers”
Things I Like:  Thor with orange eyes
Hulk is very much the petulant child here
Aaawww Hulk and Valkyrie are buddies!
“NO TEAM, ONLY HULK!”  Oh my gosh
Holy crap it’s been two years since we’ve seen the Quinjet
Point Break!
Wait, Bruce doesn’t remember the last two years?
Aaw Tony keeps a stash of clothes on the Quinjet whenever Bruce de-Hulks
Oh my gosh that’s awesome!
Wait, what do they mean “Banner might not come back?”
“I’m sorry, Tony wears his pants super tight around the crotch.”  Oh my God, no...
I am totally down for an AU of Bruce and Thor attending Holi and getting covered in colored chalk
“The Re-Revengers”  Oh my God I love it!
Holy crap, Loki’s the only one who actually addresses Bruce by his first name
“Wait, whose Anus?”  Oh my God no
“I need safe passage through the Anus.”  Loki just said that.
Aaww Thor’s favorite animal is a snake... WAIT OH MY GOD NO IT’S A REFERENCE TO THE WORLD SERPENT
“Aah, it’s me!”  Hahahaha!
“Loki, I thought the world of you.”  Aaawww...
Goddammit another double
Whoaaaa big fluffy boy [Fenris]
Skurge, no
“I [random Asgardian] know where the sword is.”  Goddammit
Ohh I like the detail of summoning people to the court with Gungnir
“OK, get up.”  Oh my gosh that line delivery was awesome.  She’s like an annoyed sibling- which she is- and that’s the sort of tone of voice I’ve used a lot surprisingly
Man, the Fenris Wolf looks awesome
Let’s go, Heimdall!
Wait, that means...
“Your savior is here!”  Freaking Loki
They’re pulling some “American Gods” shenanigans with these Odin visions and the colors
C’mon, Skurge...
Nooo- oh thank God
So are none of the Revengers gonna discuss how, oh I don’t know, Thor’s missing an eye?!?
C’mon, Skurge...
Dooon’t.... don’t think about it [the Tesseract], Loki!
God dang it
Yoooo Clancy Brown’s back!
Hulk, no!
Goddamn Hela, that’s awesome!
Please don’t tell me they killed off Hela
So... Asgard’s just.... gone
Liking the new eyepatch
He’s [Loki] actually there now!  Yay!
Oh my gosh, Thor’s little wave
Aaand we’re off to Norway
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