#and non-Marx+Magolor requests lol...
desultory-novice · 1 year
Marxolor - “Zombies”
It’s done!! Meant to have this request finished in time for Valentine’s Day but I enjoyed this idea so much that I keep going on it till I was satisfied! Based on “Zombies” by Deco*27 feat. Hatsune Miku
Six pictures (and some accompanying writing) below!
CW: eye contact, eye strain, angst, character death, blood
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"Marx says there’s a zombie virus going around Pop Star? I'm not concerned. It's obviously a hoax. This planet is snooze-inducingly peaceful."
"Everyone's still talking about the supposed zombie virus. Ridiculous, when no one's been infected yet."
"Today, Marx told me we should go along with it. ...We're going to dress as zombies and pretend we're infected. He says with everyone already spooked, it'll be a great prank."
"I won't lie, I think the prank is a good idea. Marx's pranks often are. But sometimes...? I wish we could do something more serious together...”
"Today's the day. I've done my part. But Marx was supposed to be here by now. What could have kept him? I'm sure nothing went wrong..."
"At last! I see him on the screen now! Man, his zombie make-up looks REALLY convincing! I changed my mind. This is going to be a blast!"
"...It wasn't a hoax. The virus wasn't a hoax. This isn't a joke either. Marx is a...a... The Lor says there's no cure. How can there be no cure?!? ...This isn’t... I never even got to tell him that I......"
"His body is cold to the touch. He looks like he's in pain. I've decided... I'm going to let him bite me... If I can't save him... at least we can be together this way..."
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Notes: This is meant to be a pre-Marxolor story. Magolor is the first to come around to the idea that he might like Marx, but Marx’s feelings for Magolor are unknown.
The infection begins in the RtDL windmill tree. The Lor’s screen is meant to display warnings, life meters, and a few pictures of Marx and Magolor that Magolor has secreted away in his personal files.
Marx regains consciousness briefly directly after biting Magolor (temporarily losing the heart/parasite eyes) just long enough to realize what’s going on and react with horror.
Will Magolor wake as a zombie? Will he and Marx “unlive” happily ever after? Is a half-decomposed “I luv u” really not that bad...?
“Why are you cold, even when we hug?”
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