#and now have the further gall to complain that it is pilling.
unopenablebox · 1 year
i want to get into youtube knitting blogs but so far i am just being suffocated with rage envy that there are so many people whose incredibly structurally robust wrists let them produce like eight sweaters a year, and yet they use this to make the blandest, most poor-taste poorly constructed garments i’ve ever fucking seen
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torque-witch · 1 year
TMI Periods
(I can’t hide posts on mobile anymore that I know of)
But like goddamn is it messing with my guts and Crohn’s. I almost called off or called in late to work this morning but I just opted to lay down until I had to put some clothes on and powered through it fine. I usually don’t eat until 2-3pm on work days to avoid any potential issues, but especially right now.
I’m off birth control currently (my main use was to prevent this from happening) to see if it’s been causing an uptick in my nervous system response (endocrinology said bc of the pill my cortisol was very high) and I guess who really knows because no one ever bothers to look at anything further - but I’m annoyed that my choices seem to be a) anxiety and no babies/period + gender affirming or b) severe IBS, migraines, uncontrollable flow but my sleep feels incredibly more stable which is where the bulk of my anxiety displays itself. I’ll also give it that I’ve barely had any cramps this round which is nice.
But, my Gastro has stated that I have a very fast-moving digestion process, which is why he labeled me as severe IBS post Prednisone use. Some of that is not having a gall bladder + the less acid production as well. But those flare ups also make me more anxious as a byproduct.
*Generally though, I feel like I have a really regular routine outside of my period, my sleep is deeper and with less nightmares, and the transition of waking up has been a lot easier. My reflux has improved SO much after getting off the pill omg.
But still. What trade off is better? What is actually meaningful?
The whole reason I ever got on bc in the first place was actually because of Crohn’s. I’ve been on near continuous pills since about 2014. I’m sure there are health ramifications because of that, but the doctors originally thought all my issues were period related. They could be, for sure, but allowing me to be on meds for almost 10 years without any regular testing could have also contributed to my nervous system going completely out of wack when we added two cortisol-affecting medications on top of that.
I’m just complaining because I want bodily peace. It keeps me from doing everything that I want, producing everything that I want. I feel like so much of my life over the last year and a half has just been laying down. I should be happy with progress regardless, and I am, but I am also tired of being so physically exhausted from my nervous system being in near constant turmoil from multiple angles.
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dietpillswatchdog · 7 years
Lipo Slim Extreme
Lipo Slim Extreme is one of many weight loss supplements you can get online. It has been advertised to help you lose weight quickly and feel great in no time. It uses a combination of natural ingredients and claims that you will notice a clear change in your weight within a few weeks of use. It also claims to suppress appetite, burn more fat, and improve metabolism.
Lipo Slim Extreme uses a proprietary blend and offers no information about how much of each ingredient is in the formula. This leaves people wondering if they should try this supplement. Here is a detailed review to help you make a decision.
Lipo Slim Extreme Pros
May boost energy
Natural ingredients
Money-back guarantee
Lipo Slim Extreme Cons
Relies heavily on caffeine
Causes several side effects
No details about the amount of ingredients
Difficult to get a refund
Uses an auto-ship program to rip you off
Very expensive
Watchdog Rejected Diet Pills
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What You Need To Know About Lipo Slim Extreme
Lipo Slim Extreme makes big claims stating that their proprietary blend of natural ingredients can trigger fat loss and help you lose weight in a short time. They do include some good ingredients such as green tea extract and even caffeine, but you know nothing about how much of these ingredients are in each serving. Moreover, they offer a free trial that leads to an inevitable auto-ship program, which is extremely hard to opt out.
What Are The Side Effects Of Lipo Slim Extreme?
You cannot find a list of side effects on the official website. It does not mean it is safe for everyone. The manufacturer has not mentioned how much of each ingredient is there in each serving, which is why you should never take it when pregnant or breastfeeding. Check out our ‘Side Effects’ section for further details.
How Much Does Lipo Slim Extreme Cost?
Lipo Slim Extreme comes with a free trial that costs you only $4.95. After the free trial is over, you will be charged $79.99 for every new bottle.
Our Verdict On Lipo Slim Extreme
Lipo Slim Extreme is supposed to help you lose weight by using a formula that includes natural ingredients. Unfortunately, they use a proprietary blend, and many of their ingredients, such as acai berry, ginger and psyllium husk are not known as fat burners. They offer a 14-day free trial, which starts from the day you place your order. They take so long to dispatch it that your trial is almost over when you get a supply of Lipo Slim Extreme. The problem is that they also enrol you into their auto-ship program and charge you when your trial period is over. You will never get a chance to try the product and they will charge you for another bottle. Any company that relies on auto-ship and free trials should be avoided as much as possible, and Lipo Slim Extreme is no different.
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Lipo Slim Extreme Review
The company behind Lipo Slim Extreme makes it look like one of the best weight loss supplements you can get online. Unfortunately, it is no different from many substandard weight loss products available today. It uses a proprietary blend, has ingredients with no scientific data to suggest they burn fat, and traps you by offering free trials. Here is why we believe it is not what you should be trying.
Lipo Slim Extreme contains acai berry, which is supposed to help you lose weight quickly. While acai berries certainly have high levels of antioxidants, which may improve your overall health, there is no independent, peer-review study to suggest that acai berries promote fat loss. You may already be getting antioxidants from your diet, which means you do not always require an antioxidant supplement, especially when you are concerned about being overweight.
We also have no idea about how much of acai berry extract is present in each serving of Lipo Slim Extreme, which is the reason why it is hard to comment on its effectiveness. But, even if there is enough, you are less likely to lose fat with it. Experts have also stated:
The claim that the acai berry is good for weight loss seems to be groundless. There is no literature in the scientific journals about weight loss and the acai berry. That part of the acai berry story appears to be just another diet scam.
The manufacturer also makes big claims because they have included green tea extract in Lipo Slim Extreme. While there is some evidence suggesting that catechin in green tea may boost metabolism, you may not notice a significant change in your weight.
In a review published in “The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews” in 2012, researchers looked at clinical studies on both weight loss and maintenance and determined that green tea provided a small, statistically insignificant increase in weight loss but did not help prevent the weight from returning.
Another thing is that many studies have shown that green tea extract fails to offer any significant result when used in isolation. Some studies have included polyethylene glycol in the mix to get good results. The combination works because polyethylene glycol allows the galled catechins from green tea to stay in the intestines for an extended time, which in turn triggers fat loss and limit glucose absorption.
It is worth mentioning that whatever little benefits come from green tea extract is from its EGCG content, which is the reason why you will be better off taking a supplement that contains standardised extracts of EGCG than taking a supplement that only provides you with green tea extract. That is why Lipo Slim Extreme is not going to prove that effective.
Lipo Slim Extreme Facts
60 tablets per bottle
Natural ingredients
Money-back guarantee
Some studies have shown that green tea extract may help when consumed with caffeine. Lipo Slim Extreme provides you with caffeine as well. Does this mean it will help you lose weight? Not really. Even the combination of green tea extract and caffeine may help produce some results in people who are already overweight or moderately obese. You are not going to get any results if you are currently worried about losing those last few pounds to reach a healthy weight. Moreover, green tea extract and caffeine may work only when you take large doses on a daily basis. For instance:
In a study, 10 healthy men with a wide range of body fatness spent 24 hours in a whole room respiratory chamber to measure metabolic rate on three different occasions. During these experiments, they consumed green tea extract containing 150 mg caffeine and 270 mg EGCG (divided into 3 doses), 150 mg caffeine or a placebo. There were no effects of caffeine compared to placebo but treatment with green tea extract was shown to increase 24-hour metabolic rate by 4% compared to a placebo.
It shows that even if the combination of caffeine and green tea extract works, the effect is not huge. Moreover, there is no guarantee that Lipo Slim Extreme provides you with at least 270 mg of EGCG and 150 mg of caffeine per serving.
While some ingredients may or may not prove effective, there are some that are not directly related to fat loss. For instance, Lipo Slim Extreme includes psyllium husk, which may help increase your intake of fibre to keep you full, but it is not directly going to burn any fat you have already accumulated. The same is the case with ginger, which may improve your digestive system but is not going to burn fat quickly.
How to Take Lipo Slim Extreme
There are 60 tablets and you have to take two daily. No other instructions are available.
Okay, so now it is established that you are not going to see a significant change in your weight after using Lipo Slim Extreme. However, it is also important to point out that you should stay away from this product because they trick you into placing an order by giving you ‘free trail’ option. There are numerous customer reviews stating that you are going to lose your money when you decide to take advantage of their ‘free trial’ offer. In fact, that is the only way to get this product – you sign up for their ‘free trial’ offer and they enrol you into their auto-ship program. It means that they will continue to charge you after regular intervals and they will get the money because they already have your credit card information.
They say you will be paying only $5 to use their ‘free trial’ offer, but so many customers have complained of being charged with $79.99 and even more in some cases. You may be thinking you can opt out of their auto-ship program and get a refund, but that is not easy. They make you sign an arbitration agreement, which keeps you from taking any legal action when you fail to get a refund.
Lipo Slim Extreme Concerns:
Ineffective ingredients
No information about ingredients per serving
Tedious refund process
Very expensive
Another important thing to understand is that they try to scam you by manipulating their free trial, which they say starts when the order ships. They offer a 14-day ‘trial’, but they usually take so long to ship that your ‘trial’ period is almost over by the time you receive the product. You will have no time to try the product and know that it is useless, and if you decide to take some time, your credit card will be charged for a new shipment. Here is what they say:
We are so confident that you will love LIPO SLIM that we are offering a one-time trial offer for you to sample our product. Initially, just pay $4.95 for shipping and handling to fully evaluate LIPO SLIM for 14 days. If you are unhappy with the product simply call us at 1-888-376-5386 or email to cancel your membership. If you like LIPO SLIM, then do nothing. We will bill $79.99 (USD) upon the completion of your initial order and $79.99 (USD) for every fresh 30-day supply thereafter.
It seems that they do not mind giving you a full refund, but so many customers have mentioned that once you have been charged for subsequent shipments, there is no way to get in touch with them. Either someone never attends your phone or the operator is so rude that you will never be able to get your refund request approved. Therefore, the best thing is to avoid Lipo Slim Extreme and instead learn about maintaining a balanced diet to lose weight naturally.
What Does Lipo Slim Extreme Claim To Do?
Lipo Slim Extreme provides people with a way to trigger fat loss. It uses a combination of ingredients and claims to offer the following benefits.
It helps you have an hourglass shaped figure.
It amplifies your mood and energy.
It helps curb appetite.
It helps turn fat into energy.
It helps you have a flatter tummy.
It helps detoxify your body.
Does Lipo Slim Extreme Work?
No, Lipo Slim Extreme does not work. Certain ingredients such as green tea extract and even caffeine may help burn some fat, but even that is possible when you take these ingredients in larger doses. With no information about how much of these ingredients is in one serving of Lipo Slim Extreme, there is no way to tell if it is going to deliver any results whatsoever. Other ingredients, such as psyllium husks, acai berry, and ginger cannot burn fat, but they may only help suppress your appetite a bit. Still, this is not going to help you when you are quite overweight. Overall, you should avoid Lipo Slim Extreme. Pay attention to your diet and consider using a supplement with clinically tested fat burners.
What Are The Ingredients of Lipo Slim Extreme?
Lipo Slim Extreme includes a number of ingredients, and though the ingredients are natural, there is a lack of scientific research to support their weight-loss benefits.
Acai Berry: It is supposed to provide you with antioxidants that reduce free radical damage and triggers fat loss. While it has antioxidants, it does not work greatly to reduce weight.
Green Tea Extract: It also provides you with antioxidants to improve overall health, but there is some evidence suggesting that catechin in green tea may help trigger fat loss.
Psyllium Husk: It provides you with soluble fibre, which in turn help keep you full and prevent hunger pangs. It is not going to do great to burn fat you have already accumulated.
Ginger: It is supposed to work by boosting your metabolism. It may help improve your digestive system, but may not work greatly to reduce weight in a short time.
Caffeine: There is some evidence that caffeine helps burn fat, but its long-term use can cause serious side effects.
Does Lipo Slim Extreme Have Any Side Effects?
Lipo Slim Extreme contains natural ingredients, but that does not mean it is safe to take for everyone. Its ingredients can cause side effects and even interact with other medications.
It contains green tea extract, which has caffeine. It also includes caffeine as an individual ingredient. With so much of caffeine in a supplement, you may experience some temporary boost in energy, but it can cause several side effects, such as nervousness, insomnia, irritability, increased heart rate, vomiting, nausea, and stomach irritation.
Similarly, you may experience certain side effects related to the use of acai berry extract. For instance, it can lower blood sugar levels, so if you are taking diabetes medications, you should avoid acai berry and Lipo Slim Extreme.
Caution: Not suitable for people below 18. Avoid if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For Lipo Slim Extreme?
Most reviews for Lipo Slim Extreme are about their auto-ship program. Here is what customers say:
Lipo Slim Extreme sent me ad about new products and I decided to order two bottles for $5. Two days later my credit card was billed for $160 more and I’m absolutely sure that I didn’t give my permission for this second charge. I want my money back now!
I too have had a similar problem with them, but when I received my free trial, and then was charged $79.99 I told them that this bottle was free and to take any money owing off my bill and that when I was done trying their free sample, and if I like it I will order more. They took the money off my credit card and I haven’t heard from them since.
I mailed 2 packages back to them, and they have not sent me my money back. This is a rip off and it can take quite awhile for the ‘cancellation’ to go through! Meanwhile they send more and it’s taken out of your account, sometimes causing problems.
Does Lipo Slim Extreme Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes, they offer a money-back guarantee, but keep in mind that the return policy is not consumer-friendly, as you need to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorisation first.
Where Can I Buy Lipo Slim Extreme?
You can buy it directly from the official website.
The post Lipo Slim Extreme appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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