#and now i won't touch illustrator for another year lol
episims · 6 months
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Simlish Cheese Lover Art on Grilled Cheese
I wanted a few of the prints I shared earlier on the grilled cheese mesh too (their natural environment!). And I also made a couple more. So, 5 recolors for cheese lovers.
You can add variety with add-ons (1, 2, 3).
🧀 Download (SFS) (alternate)
The files are compressed and I included swatches. Resources came from Freepik (nothing AI-generated), some of the fonts are by @franzillasims and I used a font by @simsinlowspace as well.
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filminghere · 8 months
15 People, 15 Questions
Tagged by @norashelley. Thank you so much for the tag, Rose! I won't tag 15 people, but anyone who wants to do this, please feel free! I'll tag @sonnet77 @glamourofyesteryear @ladybegood @audreytotter @valsemelancolique @summers-in-hollywood and @oldhollywoodholla
1. Are you named after anyone?
Technically, the Biblical figure (mother of John the Baptist & cousin of Mary, the mother of Christ).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier today while I was reading! I cry very easily when I watch movies/videos, read books, hear touching stories, etc. Today though, I cried for a very odd reason (I didn't cry because something in the story touched me, which is usually why I cry while reading a book; I actually cried because I related too hard to the protag).
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did a lot of sports during elementary school that I was bad at lol. I was never good at anything athletic. The sports I did the longest were swimming and tae kwon do (was at least able to get a first degree black belt before quitting).
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm, not too often, I don't think. My problem is that I'm too honest/blunt; I don't have the wit to be able to use sarcasm 😅.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their face. And the thing I notice first about their face is their nose. I focus a lot on nose shapes lol.
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark, dark, dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings 100%!!! I'm not scared of scary movies, but I really don't enjoy them.
9. Any talents?
10. Where were you born?
In a hospital in the United States of America haha
11. What are your hobbies?
Watching movies, reading books, writing, video editing
12. Do you have any pets?
No. I had two Zebra finches until pretty recently, but then one of them died, and I didn't want to get another finch (Zebra finches shouldn't be alone). We actually had gotten another finch after one died a few years back, and I didn't want to be in an endless cycle of getting a new finch every time one of them died. It was too emotionally taxing, and honestly, I don't think I'm a very good pet owner. I don't think I'm someone who personally wants to put in the time and care you should put into raising pets, so we gave the living finch away to a woman who owns several Zebra finches. And to be clear, it's not that we bought the birds and regretted them! They were given to my family because the original owner just had too many birds. I liked them a lot and wish I could've done more for them; I didn't really put serious care into them until later on, and I regret that a lot now. But the living finch is doing well in his new home now.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Literature. I did not have the capacity to pay attention during any class except in lit class because I enjoy reading and talking about books.
15. Dream job?
As of now, it's to be a children's novelist-illustrator (I don't want to say a writer-illustrator because I think that gives the impression that I want to write picture books, but I actually want to write middle grade novels with illustrations in them 😂). I finished a manuscript for a book a few months back, but it's taking me FOREVER to do the illustration part. So who knows when I'll actually finish it and if I'll actually be able to put it out...
Unrealistically, I really want to be a criminal investigator, but I don't think I have any of the skills needed for that kind of a job. And I know most criminal investigators start out as cops, and I know I don't have the skills to be a cop lol.
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