#and now that glamorous shot is on both their devilgrams
frangipansi · 4 years
Satan x Evelyn (oc)
Purely. Mindless. Self. Indulgence.
I miss driving the Great Ocean Road. So I decided I wanted my oc Evelyn to take Satan for a short holiday.
Satan stood as close to the edge as the fencing would allow; his hands upon the railing and leaning forward as he breathed deep the ocean air as the icy winds whipped up salt and foam to fill his senses.
He felt so calm; looking out onto the unforgiving throes of the water; its white wash a reminder to anyone who dared defy their safety that the water would be their end. He watched how it rushed up and slammed into the jagged rock formations that had been eroded away from the main land and still managed to stand imposing on their own.
“This place is beautiful!” Satan declared as he looked over his shoulder; Evelyn standing just behind him, huddled under her large puffy jacket. His voice was barely heard from beneath the sharp gush of crisp air and the thunderous bellows of the water against rock, really standing up to its given name Thunder Cave.
“I knew you’d love it here,” she called out with her soft smile and closed the distance between them, pulling her hand out from her pocket and slipped it beneath his clothing to caress his back.
Indeed, it was true; Satan had never felt so calm and detached from his own sin since Evelyn had taken him along one of her favourite stretches of road. The Great Ocean Road had held so many wondrous natural beauties, a sad story of its creation as they stopped at each pocket of beach towns to refuel, or eat or to simply wander and to stop at any prop of information spread across a tourist board or printed in metal plaques set in large rocks.
She would even find random pockets along the road where you could park, no town or seemingly anything of importance; until she took his hand and when safe, dashed across the road to take him down hidden pathways to show off hidden streams, pools and waterfalls. It was a plethora of concealed beauty; you just had to know where to look.
With each stop they made Evelyn would do her best to give Satan a little history; ever hungry for learning more, Satan enjoyed every second. She explained how the Chocolaterie in Torquay was a small family run business while telling him how amazing everything tasted. Bells Beach was possibly the most well-known location when it came to surfing in Victoria; the two of them standing at the very top to watch a few brave – or idiotic – souls take on the waves in the overly frigid waters.
He found the story of Tom Pearce and Eva Carmichael truly astounding as he and Evelyn stood on the sand between the towering sandstone cliffs of Loch Ard Gorge while she told the tale; but, Thunder Cave was probably his most favourite spot. Even more so than standing on the sand near the 12 Apostles when the water rushed over the shore to hit their feet and Evelyn had squealed at the icy contact.
Here, At the Thunder Cave, Satan had felt so in tune to his surroundings. It was as beautiful as it was dangerous; the fencing a reminder to keep humans at bay. This place was dangerous; with every crash against the rock, a booming sound filled his chest and he sighed completely at peace.
He moved his weight off his arms, placing his feet back to the ground beneath him and turned to Evelyn; admiring how the wind tore strands of her vibrant red hair and whipped it across her speckled face, deep blue eyes still shining even under the overcast skies.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her; listening to her hum happily. It was slight, but he knew the sound meant she was impressed with herself.
“I love it so much here,” she sighed as she propped her chin onto his shoulder; looking out into the grey clouded sky and grey waters. “Especially this time of year… I love the cold, and there’s never as many people around.”
He chuckled softly; as he watched the minuscule amount of people walking the pathways; either continuing to a different area to admire, or ignoring that he and Evelyn were having an intimate moment and walked over so they could take in the wondrous display of Thunder Cave.
“Of course, someone had to come along and burst a little bubble,” Satan sighed loudly as the two separated from one another.
She laughed, hushing him and gently whacking his shoulder with the back of her hand before slipping it into his and made the walk back to the car park; letting out shivered breaths as they sat themselves into her car and slammed the doors closed.
“You kind of forgot how chilly it actually is,” Satan noted as a shiver ran up his back while Evelyn started the car and turned the heating on low; enough to chase the chill from the air but not have them sweltering.
“Until you get into the car, hey,” she chuckled as she rubbed her hands together and held her fingers close to the vent.
Satan looked at the faint blush across her nose and cheeks; a gentle sniffle as her body adjusted to the change in temperature; he loved how such simple things affected a human more than it did him. The drive back to Port Campbell was blissfully quiet; conversation coming and going in an easy flow over the radio softly playing.
Port Campbell was a small quaint town; Evelyn describe it as more of a stopover for herself, just a place to stay a night or two while using the day to venture out to see the sights. Quiet, friendly; she liked it. They stopped there to have a sit down dinner; enjoying the boisterous yet soft ambience of 12 Rocks Beach Bar Café. Satan found sitting down in a human restaurant; looking at a menu full of human world food exciting; he didn’t get to do it anywhere near enough and listened to the quiet ooh’s and yum’s as Evelyn silently read over the menu before calling out dishes she thought Satan might enjoy trying.
Afterwards, there was a quick stop at the supermarket to grab a few sweets before making the short drive to Daisy Hill Country Cottages where they had splurged on the Callistemon spa suite. The views from their suite were green rolling hills, the occasion sheep strutting into view in their paddocks, a windmill peaking over trees; it was again quiet and calm, and while Satan enjoyed it; the sight of Evelyn nestling comfortably into a bubble bath while tucking into a pint of ice cream was by far the best thing about the place. He was quick to join her.
She had explained how she like the town as it had a lot of the coastal sights with just a short drive; a good stopover point if she wanted to go to Warrnambool but making a weekend out of it; and it was also right near the Gourmet Trail where travelers would be spoiled with cheese, fudge and chocolates, strawberries, ice cream, and whiskey.
Satan had suggested bringing Beel next time and Evelyn had laughed before explaining most places were small businesses; he would have run them into the ground while complaining he had only been fed a sample.
When the pint was empty and the bath had run cold; Satan and Evelyn dried off, turning the rooms heater on before slipping into bed; Satan listening with interest as Evelyn explained with an eagerness of all the places she still wanted to take him the following morning as they sat against the headboard of the bed; her arms around his waist, a hand fiddling with the doona cover; his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him and laced his fingers into hers. He rather her attention on him than fiddling with any bed sheet.
Neither remembered falling asleep; simply waking to the sunlight chasing the cold of night away and its soft glow spilling in through the window they forgot to cover with the curtains the night prior. After getting themselves ready; they headed back into town, grabbing a something for breakfast and perched themselves at a public table close to the beach; huddled together in their puffer jackets to rid the chill of the wind before heading off for another full day of adventure, food and for Satan, more lessons from Evelyn.
If you’re still here; “Hi! Hello! And thank you!”
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