#and obviously leia and gwen should end up together
pu-butt · 2 years
Discussions of nostalgia porn aside if there is anything that can be said about That 90's Show it is that it can be added to the ever growing list of shows that should have had 20+ episode seasons like it would have had in ye olden days because you simply cannot realistically sell any sort of character development or relationship development in ten 22-minute episodes and it is such a loss that networks and streaming services keep forcing creators to try to do so anyway
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katecarteir · 2 years
so what are you thoughts on t90s then? spill all the tea
This might all sound like complaining lol although I did particularly enjoy the show but it should have been at least 12-15 episodes. I think we need to bring back full season series, especially when the episodes are 30mins. There's not enough time to cover everything and leaves things feeling unfulfilled and rushed (for example, the entire nate/leia situation.)
I also would've liked a little more Kelso/Jackie/Eric, and a little less Fez. It's a bit weird to me that he's the only original member of the gang that got a storyline?
I wish they would have at least mentioned Laurie? Outside of the one throwaway comment from Red. I understand the original actress has died, but they also recasted her... before that happened? And if they wanted the character to have died (sad) I also would've liked to have had that mentioned. Eric and Laurie may not have been close, but they were siblings and siblings are rare as hell in television tbh.
I totally understand and respect why Hyde wasn't mentioned and obviously why he and Jackie were never going to be endgame or get back together. And I'm overjoyed that the writers got their shit together and realized that Jackie/Fez was horrible pairing so I really am okay with Kelso and Jackie ending up together. I just wish that they didn't have reduce both characters seven years of growth and revert them completely (in the 2 minutes we saw of them), to the couple they were in season one.
WHY did Jay and Leia not know each other prior?? I understand people grow apart and maybe Eric/Donna & Jackie/Kelso didn't stay close but you'd think them having kids together so close in age as young as they were, Leia and Jay would have at least been around each other when they were very young. Estranged childhood friends to lovers would have been a way more compelling and interesting romantic storyline for the two of them than the good girl falls for player boy (he's like 14?) and the player boy wants to change his ways for her crap.
I really actually don't have any complaints regarding the rest of Gwen's gang, aside from that I wish the seasons were longer so that we could see more of them develop and backstory into them.
Gwen/Nikki >>
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glitter-vortex · 2 years
I have some thoughts about That 90’s Show
It’s not that bad but it’s also not great, I think some writing and fleshing out would’ve done a lot of good.
I don’t mind the idea of Jackie & Kelso having a kid, I do mind that writers made them end game. (I understand why they aren’t bringing back Hyde as a featured character, but I do think it’s weird to just not mention him at all. He literally lived in that basement, I personally would’ve at least like to have seen a nod. Cause while the actor is gross, the character is a fan fave. Maybe Hyde’s in jail, he did say he’d probably end up there, like that would’ve been fine)
I don’t really think that the writers actually thought about Jay’s character…like at all. The first episode Kelso even says that Jay got his fathers looks and his mothers brain, and I understand that someone can act like an idiot but be academically smart. It’s just I wish that aspect of him was shown. I’m also pretty sure that for Jay to be ~15, Jackie would’ve had to had him like, directly after the OG ended. Or at least be pregnant with him.
I’ve seen some people say Leia and Gwen are being lowkey set up for some queer baiting, which…yea probably. But I’ve seen the argument that it’s was set up purely by how Leia was reacting to being in a “fight” with Jay vs being in a “fight” with Gwen. Even before the Nate thing, deep down, Leia knew that Jay was just a boy that she liked (and may or may not get back together with) but Gwen is her BEST FRIEND, obviously that kind of relationship would and should take precedence. THIS specific interaction and narrative is not what you should be basing the queer baiting on…it’s the everything else about it.
Why do NONE of these couplings have a single ounce of chemistry?! JayxLeia don’t. NikkixNate don’t. I hope for a narrative sake, this is purposeful because oof
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