#honestly i am rooting for a second season because i did laugh out loud multiple times which is rare for me
pu-butt · 2 years
Discussions of nostalgia porn aside if there is anything that can be said about That 90's Show it is that it can be added to the ever growing list of shows that should have had 20+ episode seasons like it would have had in ye olden days because you simply cannot realistically sell any sort of character development or relationship development in ten 22-minute episodes and it is such a loss that networks and streaming services keep forcing creators to try to do so anyway
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IHOP and the Enigma (Connor Murphy x Reader)
Asked by Anonymous: Can I please get a Connor x Reader where the reader is basically Belle and Connor is the Beast. Thank you
Bro tbh I have no idea what I just fucking wrote. I think I started to work with your request, but it slowly veered away from it and I’m so so so sorry about that. Even though this took me forever to write, I honestly hate how it came out and I will most likely redo it in the future.
WC: 2,751
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of attempted suicide, Shitty writing, Jared Kleinman
Again, sorry for the horrible writing. I really should not post this. I am not proud of how this turned out at all. Please don’t send me messages about how random it is and how I can’t stick to one plot line.
Because I know that already.
Also I haven’t slept in like 24 hours so give me a break.
Connor Murphy was an enigma.
By definition, an enigma is a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
So, yeah. Connor Murphy was an enigma. And everyone at school avoided him like any other enigma in their lives. Including the area underneath the left side of the football fields bleachers. That’s where Connor went to smoke. No one dared to venture near that side, fearful of what the “School Shooter” might do if he found out.
You, of course, weren’t fearful. You were rather curious. Curious if Connor Murphy actually smoked there or if it was just a myth. Curious about what he would do if he found someone in his area. Curious as to how enigmatic this enigma really was.
Therefore, you conducted an experiment. In all honesty, you just didn’t want to sit through another boring history lecture. So instead, you decided to put your curiousness at ease.
You sat under the bleachers, pulled out your phone, and scrolled through some apps while you waited for Connor.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait too long.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” Connor asked as he walked under the bleachers. He stuffed an unlit joint back into his hoodie pocket.
You look up at him. “I was just doing an experiment.”
“An experiment? That’s a poor ass excuse. What are you actually doing here? Trying to find out some creepy shit about me so I’ll freak out?” Connor accused, his temper growing by the second.
You shook your head, putting your hands up. “No! I swear it was just for an experiment! I’ll be on my way!” You spring up and start to walk away until you feel a tug on your backpack.
“Nope. No fucking way are you leaving just yet,” Connor snarled. He harshly pulled you back against one of the metal poles. Your head slammed against the metal but you weren’t worried about the pain. You were more frightened by what Connor was doing. “You’re gonna help me show people that I’m not to be fucking messed with. So as of now, you’re my slave.”
You opened your mouth in protest, but quickly shut it when Connor glared at you with eyes full of darkness. Wordlessly, you nod.
Connor smirked slightly before letting you go, pulling his joint back out of his pocket. He grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to you. “Write down your number. I’ll text you whenever I need you for something.”
Again, you nodded and obeyed. Your shaking hand made it difficult to write the numbers cleanly, but you managed. You handed the paper back to him and gripped your backpack straps.
Connor stuffed the paper in his pocket and lit his joint. “Now get your ass out of here before people see you with the School Shooter.”
So you ran back to class. What did you get yourself into?
During lunch, you got your first text.
From Connor: Y/N this better be your fucking number
You rolled your eyes and went outside to eat, as always. You sat against a tree away from everyone else and took out your lunch.
To Connor: It is. Chill.
From Connor: where the fuck are you
To Connor: Outside eating lunch. Why does it matter?
You put your phone away and start eating your sandwich. Just as you were about to take your first bite, someone sat down next to you. So much for away from everyone else. You sigh and look next to you, surprised to see the enigma himself. “What are you doing here?”
Connor shrugged. “Figured if you’re my slave, I should at least fucking try to get to know you,” he said, taking his bag off his shoulder.
You nodded and ate silently. But Connor just sat against the tree, staring off into the distance.
“Don’t you have a lunch?” you asked, slightly concerned by how calm he was.
Connor shook his head. “Nope.”
“Do you want some of mine?”
His head whipped towards you. “What?”
“Do you want some of my lunch?” you repeat, holding out your apple towards him.
“Why the fuck would you share your shitty lunch with me?”
You shrug. “Why not?” Connor stared at the apple for a few seconds before grabbing it cautiously. “It’s just an apple, Connor. It’s not gonna bite.”
Connor rolled his eyes and mumbled incoherently before taking a bite of the apple. When he was finished, he threw the core as far as he could into the grassy field ahead of them.
“Connor, what the hell? Why didn’t you just throw it out?” you question, packing up the rest of your lunch.
“It’s an apple. It’ll decompose. Just give it some time,” he said, standing up and putting his bag back on. “Plus, that’s where the shitty soccer team practices so hopefully they’ll slip on it,” Connor mumbled before walking back into the school.
Even though the bell rang, indicating lunch was over, you kept rooted in your spot.
What kind of fucking enigma was Connor Murphy?
It was a few months since that day and that enigma still called you his slave. You did multiple things for him, including doing his homework, buying him more nail polish, and once you even had to pick up some weed from his dealer for him.
From Connor: tomorrow get me some coffee
“Ugh!” you cry out, flopping onto your stomach on your bed. It was currently 11:47 at night, just when you were about to fall asleep, when Connor Murphy gave you another job as his slave.
To Connor: Fine. What kind?
From Connor: dark roast with two creams
To Connor: Really? You don’t want any of the fancy stuff? I think the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back in season.
From Connor: im not drinking that shit
To Connor: Alright. Dark Roast it is.
You turned off your phone and rolled onto your back. You closed your eyes, ready to go to sleep.
From Connor: ill give you money at school tomorrow
“That asshat!” you yelled into your pillow before replying.
To Connor: Okay.
From Connor: okay
To Connor: Don’t start with that Fault In Our Stars shit. I beg of you.
From Connor: damn i didnt mean it like that fuck
You smiled a little bit.
To Connor: You okay, Connor? It seems like you’re just trying to make conversation.
From Connor: im fucking perfect
To Connor: You don’t seem fine. Send me your address. I’m gonna pick you up. We’re going to IHOP.
You got dressed in some jeans and an old T-Shirt and headed downstairs where your mom was still watching TV. “Hey, Mom? One of my…friends isn’t feeling well so I’m gonna take him out to IHOP,” you said.
Your mom muted the TV and looked up at you. “At midnight? On a school night? I don’t think so, Y/N.”
You bit your lip. “Mom…he’s attempted suicide before.” The memory of the assembly from years ago flashed through your mind. The first time Connor tried to kill himself. You didn’t know him then (if you even knew him now) but you did learn a bit about it and what signs to watch out for.
Her eyes widened. “Oh…yes…yes that’s fine. Just keep me updated, okay?”
You nodded and kissed her cheek. “Thanks!” You grabbed your keys, pulling out your phone when Connor texted you his address.
You sat down across from the enigma at the booth. There were a handful of other people in the restaurant, but you and Connor asked to be sat away from them. So they gave you a back corner booth.
After ordering your food, you decided to start the conversation. “So…you’re getting waffles?”
Great conversation starter.
Connor nodded, pulling his hair back into a messy bun. “Yeah. Waffles are pretty fucking good.”
You shrug. “I prefer pancakes, myself.”
Connor smirked. “What’s the difference?”
“Nothing except that pancakes are the best.”
“What proof do you have?”
“I have the proof of everyone here!”
Connor let out a laugh. Whoa. “Oh yeah? How do you know if they prefer shitty pancakes over the almighty waffles?”
You smiled brightly. “I’ll just ask them!” You grabbed a napkin and pulled a pen out of your pocket (magic!). You quickly made a T-Chart on the napkin and walked around, asking everyone there if they preferred pancakes or waffles. Connor laughed as he watched you walk around all the half asleep patrons, trying to pry an answer out of them.
You walked back to the table and showed Connor your results. “So we’ve got five for pancakes, five for waffles, and two that are allergic to eggs.”
Connor smiled, whoa part two, and crossed his arms. “So you still don’t have any proof?”
You shook your head. “I guess not.” Your food then came out. The waitress set the plates down and started to walk away. “Wait!” you said. “Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?”
The waitress thought for a moment. “I’d say pancakes.”
“YES!” you yelled, pumping your fists in the air. “PANCAKES RULE!”
Connor laughed. “Now you’re gonna get our asses kicked out of here for yelling so fucking loud.”
You laughed and began to eat.
The drive back home was much more enjoyable than the drive to the restaurant. You two couldn’t stop talking. And it wasn’t just awkward conversations, either. It was laughing and debating and truly enjoying each others company.
You pulled into Connors driveway and turned off the car. “Well, I guess we’re here,” you sighed, turning to face him.
Connor nodded and looked at you. “Yeah. Guess we are.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I, uh, thanks…for that, I guess. It…it really helped? I don’t fucking know how you knew I wasn’t feeling well but somehow you fucking did so yeah.”
You don’t know how it happened. Maybe it was from all the sugar you just had. Maybe it was because it was 2:32 in the morning. Maybe it was because you were the only person who saw this side of Connor so you felt like you could do anything. But whatever the reasoning, with a sudden bolt of confidence, you did it. You reached out, grabbed the collar of Connors shirt with your hands, and slammed your lips against his.
Teeth clacked, noses bumped, eyes closed too tight. It was a horrible kiss as kisses go. But it felt so right. At least, you thought it did.
Connor gripped your shoulders and detached his lips from yours. “What the actual fuck, Y/N?”
You blushed deeply and avoided his eyes. “I’m sorry! It-it-it just felt like what I w-w-was supposed to do! I-I won’t d-do it again I pr-“ You were cut off by Connor once again. He kissed you, properly this time.
Sighing contently, you loosened your grip on his collar and reached a hand up to his hair. Carefully, you took out his ponytail holder and let his hair fall around you two. You giggled against his lips as his hair tickled your nose.
Connor smiled and let go of your shoulders. He tangled one hand in your hair and put the other one on your waist. He gently squeezed your waist, causing you to let out a small moan. Connor took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You two made out for a few more minutes until you both forced yourselves apart. Your backs slammed against the car seats, both of you panting.
“Whoa,” you mumbled, running your fingers over your swollen lips.
Connor ran a hand through his hair. He licked his lips and took a deep breath. “So…what now?”
You shrug. “I…I don’t know,” you mumbled. “Does this count as Stockholm Syndrome?”
Connor laughed. Like, really laughed. Like, threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut tight laughed. “I have no fucking clue!”
You laughed along with him. Wow. That just happened. You made out with the enigma of the school.
And boy, oh boy, were you happy about it.
The next day, not even five hours later, you pulled into the Murphy’s driveway. Clutching his coffee, you walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Connor appeared, his hair tangled in knots and bags the size of carry-ons. But seeing you, his face lit up just a bit.
“Hey,” Connor said and leaned down to peck your lips.
You smiled and returned the kiss. “Hey. Ready to go?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah. Just let me grab my shit.” He took his coffee before walking into the other room. A few moments later, he returned and grabbed the keys out of your hands. “Let’s go.”
You nodded and followed him to the car. Normally, Connor would drive to school while he’s still in a somewhat decent mood, and you would chill in the passenger seat, not daring to say a word. But today, you took a risk. You grabbed his free hand and intertwined your fingers. From the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you saw Connors mouth turn up in a slight smile.
When you got to school, Connor parked in the back of the lot and quickly turned off the car. He faced you and squeezed your hand. “Y/N, I don’t want you as my fucking slave. I want you as my S/O. Okay?”
You smiled brightly. “Okay.”
“Don’t start with that Fault In Our Stars shit.”
You giggled and got out of the car, grabbed his hand, and walked into school with your enigma. Of course, having spent the past few months as his slave, you knew Connor’s class was before yours. “I guess I’ll see you at lunch?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah. See you then.” He leaned down to give you a quick kiss before letting go of your hand and walking into his class. You smiled and began your trek to the other side of the school.
That is, until Jared Kleinman came along.
“So you’re dating the school shooter, huh? Tell me, how’s the freak in bed?” Jared smirked, walking beside you.
You frowned. “He’s not a freak, Jared. Fuck off.”
“See, this is what happens when he threatens you. He’s probably holding your family hostage so you’ll agree to date him, huh Y/N?” Jared nudged you.
“Shut up, Kleinman! Leave me the fuck alone!” You started a quicker pace towards your class.
Jared, of course, didn’t leave you alone. Cause why would he? “You’re not actually saying you like that stoner, are you?”
“Actually, I’m saying I fucking love him, alright? Connor’s changed, Jared. Maybe you could learn something from him,” you spat before stomping into your class. You quickly took your seat and laid your head in your arms.
Soon enough, lunch came. You ran out to the tree and smiled when you say Connor. “Hey!”
Connor turned and smiled at you. “Hey.” He wrapped an arm around you as you two sat down. He pressed a small kiss to your temple. “I guess if we’re dating we should actually go on a fucking date, right?”
You shrugged. “Yeah kinda. We can just go to IHOP again, though,” you said, handing him your apple from your lunch.
Connor nods. “Yeah, but we should do other things too.”
“To be honest,” you say, smiling at him, “if it’s with you, I’d do anything, Connor.”
The long haired boy laughed. “Oh man, this is so Stockholm Syndrome.”
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