#and of course those chests must cost 300 crystals each
sharky857 · 6 years
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Oh, thanks heaven! The fugly Viktor is finally gone from main menu screen.
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 Inside a certain forest, two figures with strange clothings that looked like (Basic) outfits worn by characters in RPG games could be seen hiding behind a bush.
 “Hey Yimso, are you sure this is a good idea?” The one wearing a mage robe whispered to the one wearing chainmail armour. “Huh? Oh, of course I’m sure.” Yimso gave a wide grin as he drew out his sword. “We just need to wait for ‘it’ to let its guard down for a single moment.”
 “Aight then…. .” The mage gave a sigh and said while still feeling nervous and turned his gaze away. The one besides him was a tank so he could take quite a lot of punishment but he was a mage; a class that was known to be weak in close combat. They much were better suited studying and researching magic behind closed doors or giving support from behind so his nervousness was justified. Of course, there were exceptions, but they could never compare to other classes when it came to endurance. Especially the one beside him; he was a tank.
 “….” After comforting the mage, Yimso turned away and looked over the bush where around 20 meters away, a 3 meter long and 1.6 meter tall black wolf was eating a brown rabbit.
 The rabbit being eaten by the wolf was not really any different that one you normally see on earth, except that this one was around 60 centimetres tall and had an over 20 centimeter long horn on its head. The horn must be the rabbit’s weapon, and a pretty good one at that at it seems to have put up a fight against the wolf, seeing that a small red puddle of blood had formed, trickling down from a wound on the wolf’s belly.
 There were also carcasses of other horned rabbits close by. They were probably hunted by the wolf too.
 After a while, the wolf had had its fill and seemed to have fallen asleep.
 Right then, an arrow flew out from a tree top and hit the wolf. The arrow couldn’t penetrate the wolf’s hide though; falling to the ground after it hit its body. Fortunately the arrow was never meant to penetrate through the wolf’s hide but carry a vial which broke after hitting the wolf.
 The foul smelling liquid contained in the vial instantly drenched a part of the wolf’s face, startling it awake.
 “Tito, now!” Yimso roared as he rushed towards the wolf with a shield a sword in each hand from behind the bush. Right then, the man in the red robe pushed his opened hand forward and a ball of fire the size of a human head shot towards the wolf’s head.
 The wolf roared in anger towards the bush they were hiding in. Unfortunately for the wolf, the fireball had shot right into the open maws of the beast and set the wolf’s head on fire. Moreover, the flames, upon coming in contact with the foul smelling liquid had created a small explosion and caused the flames to burn even more brilliantly.
 “ROAR” The wolf bellowed in pain and anger.
Just then, Yimso, who had reached the wolf narrowly dodged a blind claw strike from the wolf and bashed its head with the shield and quickly moved backed after giving it a kick in the face.
 Right after, a lean man wearing light leather armour and wielding two short swords rushed out from behind him and towards the wolf. He also had a short bow on his back, likely to be the one that shot the arrow earlier. He had made his way towards the wolf and slashed it with his swords, leaving 2 long gashes on the side of the wolf after which he quickly jumped into the bushes.
 The wolf cried out again and wanted to attack the creature that had wounded him. But taking advantage of the moment the wolf looked away, Yimso brought his broadsword down on the wolf’s neck.
 The sword hit the wolf’s neck, making it kneel and tearing the skin but failed to cut through the firm neck muscles. The wolf quickly recovered and sent a paw towards Yimso.
 He hurriedly lifted his shield to block. The attack hit the shield, making his arms go numb and pushing him back by almost 3 meters before he could get back his footing. Suddenly, his body was washed over by a wave of green and light while the wolf’s was covered by a grey one, greatly relieving the numbness in Yimso’s arms, while the wolf felt it’s body grown heavier in an instant.
 These were the spells [Heal] and [Slow] casted by the mage Titus just now. He was hiding behind a bush with the lean looking guy who was preparing to shoot another arrow.
 Yimso, sheeting his sword, held the shield with both hands and charged straight at the wolf. The wolf who had its left eye blinded by the fire glared at him while squinting its remaining eye and pounced forward with its maw, filled with knife like teeth wide open.
 Yimso put the shield over his head and dived to the right, before colliding with the wolf. Just then, a fireball and an arrow with a vial of the liquid from before entered the maw of the wolf that could fit a child inside it causing an explosion even louder than before to occur.
 The wolf collapsed on the ground, twitching and continuously puking out black coloured blood. The blood from the wounds made by the short swords on its side also turned from red to black. Clearly, it had been poisoned and was quckly nearing its end.
 “Whew” Breathing out a sigh of relief, Yimso dropped his shield and collapsed on the forest floor and said “Hey, Tito, Puvi! How long are you going to be watching from over there, come over and let’s finish up here!” He then turned to look in the wolf’s direction and a floating blue box appeared in front of him.
  Species: Black Wolf
Type: Wolf, Beast
Level: 8
Rank: Elite
HP: 100/2550
MP: 200/200
Status: Poisoned, Fatigued, Heavily wounded
Description: A species of wolf. Its stats are focused towards agility, making it fast but sacrificing defensive capabilities. As a beast type, this creature is also vulnerable to fire.
 Rustle, Rustle
 After the rustle of leaves, the 1.65 meter tall mage and the 1.8 meter tall assassin walked out. “Hey, how is it going for you down there?”  ‘Puvi’ joked. “Any chance you’ll be going into the light soon? Hahaha!”
 “Yeah right, and who’s going to take aggro if I go?” Yimso sneered. “As if i could die sooner than you do.” He joked as he was pulled up by Puvi. “Now let’s hurry before more monsters appear.”
 Although they had not gone too far in, this was still the jungle, and there were predators that could catch the whiff of blood from miles away. So they had to either wipe out the scent of blood or leave the scene after they are done. They had already learned their lesson before when they had camped out in the forest and had slaughtered a deer next to the camp without burying the entrails, leaving it in the open which caused the camp to be surrounded by wild animals pretty quickly. 
Luckily, they hadn’t attracted a big animal and only smaller ones had appeared. They had quickly packed up and escaped before the bigger predators had appeared; like this wolf that they just killed.
 “Here you go.” Titus handed Yimso a vial made of transparent glass containing light green liquid and drank one himself. The only difference was that his was blue in colour. “And I told you not to call me that. Call me Titus, I said” He spat.
 “Thanks, ‘Tito’.” He looked at him with smiling eyes at him as he took the vial. Of course, Yimso wouldn’t reject the vial that was being given to him. He knew that it was an item, a [Health Potion] to be exact, that they had found was obtainable in this strange world they had found themselves in one day. 
The inhabitants of this world seems to have been born with a game like floating interface that they could use to check out their ‘status’ or sometimes others’ too. And the three of them had discovered that they had it too. Yes, similar to the ‘system’ described in novels back on earth.
 The ‘system’ had appraised them as below.
 Lowest grade Health Potion
-Heals most light wounds and restores 300 Hp instantly.
-Use: You drink it. What did you expect?
Lowest grade Mana Potion
-Restores 200 mana upon use.
-Use: You drink it. 😊
 “Yuck! I really wonder what in the world do they put in these things? They taste disgusting.” Yimso thought out loud while making an exaggerated ‘disgusted’ expression to which Titus just answered with a shrug.
 “System, show me my status.” Instantly upon saying those words, a blue box with numerous texts appeared in front of him.
HP: 620 /700
MP: 160/250
#Note: Recovery rate increases when not in battle
HP= (V)*100
MP= (I)*50
-1. (1) [SHIELD BASH] (1): Attacks the opponent with the shield, doing extra damage with chance to stun the opponent.
Extra damage depending on strength stat
30% chance to stun opponent
-2. (1) [VERTICAL SLASH] (2): Cuts down vertically with the sword.
Extra damage depending on strength stat
-3. (1) [BATTLE CRY] (1): Gives out a loud bellow and casts a buff on the user.
+20% Strength
+10% Agility
+20% Damage reduction
MP COST: 100
 “Well, my wounds are healing at least.” Yimso mind shrugged as he looked at his previously wounded shoulder. He had been grazed by the wolf when he had dived to dodge the explosion.
 Over to the wolf’s side, Puvi had stabbed his sword into the wolf’s chest, ending its life, then collected its knife like teeth and claws and dug out a crystal orb the size of a fist from its chest, then put them in a pouch. “Hey Tits, catch!” He yelled as he threw the bag at Titus.
 “Sigh, I feel like I’m being bullied.” Catching the orb and putting it into a backpack, Titus couldn’t help but sigh and grumble as he thought about how his friends keep giving him nicknames.
 After resting for a few minutes, they discussed for a while before deciding to take back the entire wolf carcass back. And so, they departed, with Titus carrying a backpack half his size and Yimso carrying an almost 3 meter long wolf carcass on his back.
 “I’ll scout ahead!” With that, Puvi dashed ahead and started jumping from one tree to tree, soon disappearing.
2 hour later
 “Huaah~, thank goodness we are finally out of that damned forest” Yimso sighed as he could finally see their destination; a village surrounded by 5 meter high walls made of wood.
 “Gasp, pant” “Finally. W-we are finally…. o-out of… that forest.” Turning around, Yimso was greeted by the sight of Titus gasping for breath while carrying a backpack that had become almost as big as him after collecting items from beasts they encountered on the way and several plants and herbs in the forest. As for Puvi, he was carrying a small boar he had caught on the way; this was going to be their meal for tonight.
 Puvi looked towards the town surrounded by walls and sighed. “Come on guys we’re almost there.” After stopping for a moment to catch their breath, they started moving again.
 End of chapter 1: In a certain forest
*Note: The numbers inside the brackets on either sides of the name of the spell refer to the tier and level of the spell, respectively. Thank you for reading. Arigato!
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