#and ofc an extra frankie belt
peppapigvevo · 1 year
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I love my boys they deserved a 2 pack so bad
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pascalscenarios · 4 years
THE ONE (Frankie Morales x Reader)
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Frankie Morales x Reader  
Summary: You party with the bridesmaids in the city, only for you to get lost and ending up in Frankie’s care.
Warning: Alcohol consumption // Intoxication
Words: 2428
Authors Note: Find you someone that is willing to take care of you like Frankie Morales will. I cry.. - k
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4
Chapter 4
It’s been several weeks since the night you hung out with Santiago and Frankie. Tonight your bridesmaids were throwing you a party and heading into the city to celebrate you getting married and an excuse to party one last time like you were single. Your friends booked a hotel for the night so you all didn’t have to worry about getting home, and so that in the morning you could go shopping and have a fun day in the city.
You were ready to let loose. You needed it. Tonight was about having fun.
“Wow!” Alex says as he watches you walk out of the bathroom.
You give them a twirl and strike a pose in the outfit you were wearing “You like?”
“Like? I love it!”
You smile at their response as they come to give a kiss on the cheek.
“Are you sure you can’t just stay home?” they say, raising their eyebrow up.
“The girls have been planning this party for months! I can’t back out now and plus I need this.” Your phone buzzed on the coffee table. You walked over to pick it. It was your maid of honor texting you that they and the rest of the bridesmaids were outside waiting in the car.
“Ah! They're here! I gotta go!” You smile, picking up your bag, and stuff your phone inside.
“Alright, well have fun, and stay safe, if you need anything call me, yeah?” Alex gives you a hug.
“Of course! I’ll see you later. ”
With that, you headed outside, walking to the car that was parked in your driveway. “Hey everyone!” You smiled as you stepped into the car.
“Ready to party?”
“I’m more than ready!” You laughed. “LET PARTY BABY!” you yell as you turn up the radio in the car. Everyone cheered as the car pulled out of the driveway, starting your destination into the city.
“ANOTHER ROUND OF SHOTS! You yelled to the waiter over the loud music. You were taken to a popular club for your party. Your friends had given you a plastic crown that you wore on your head and a cheesy white sash that said ‘getting married’.
Right when you stepped foot into the club, you immediately started drinking. You wanted to forget about the wedding, forget about the mess with Frankie, forget about doubts you’ve been recently having about the wedding. You wanted to forget it all and just go wild.
That's what you did. You drank a shit ton of alcohol, you lost count of how much you had. You felt great and amazing throughout the time you were there, but you soon began to feel sick.
You were standing in the middle of the dance floor, looking around for your friends. As you looked around things began to swirl, your vision becoming blurry. You tried your best to make out where your friends could be, but they were nowhere to be found. You were sweaty and hot, the warm club atmosphere started becoming unbearable to be in. You felt like you were suffocating. You need to get out.
You rip the crown off your head and sash off. With your bag on your arm, you reached for your cell phone. You stumbled your way to the club exit. When you stepped outside you started to walk, not knowing where you were going. Was the hotel this direction or that direction or was it back there? Maybe you should turn back.
You turned back around only to realize you had no idea where you were or what direction you originally came from.
You looked at the time 1:13 am. Alex, you should call Alex. You unlocked your phone and clicked on Alex’s name. You pressed the phone against your ear, waiting for him to pick it up.
“H-hey! I need you to pick me up” You slurred.
“What?” They sounded confused.
“I- don’t know where my friends went. I walked out of the club in the city and I-I'm kinda lost-lost I don’t know where I am”
They started talking, blabbing on about something, but you were zoning out.
“Hello? Hey! Are you there?”
“Hmm? What's up?”
“I need you to listen to me, okay? Do you know where you are?”
You giggled. “Ofc-course not! That's why I CALLED you silly! I need helpppp I don’t know where I am! Now Can you please come to pick me up? I wanna go home” You groaned.
“I’m going to come get you, but is there anything that's open near you or a place you can sit that is well lit?”
“uHhhhhhhh” you say as you spin your body around, scanning the area. You stop once you see a church that was lit up from the small spotlight lights that were stuck in the ground.
“I see a church...”
“Okay, good, can you tell me the name of the church?”
“Sainttttt Mary’s Baptisttttt Churchhhhhh” You say slowly, dragging out the words as you reading the light-up sign.
“I need you to go sit in front of the church and STAY there. Whatever you do, DO NOT move. Do you understand?”
“Okayyy.” You make your way over, stumbling over to the steps, you plop yourself down.
“Hey, don’t hang up, I want you to stay on the phone with me.”
“okIE Dokie, Artiechokie” you giggled. You place the phone on speaker and set it down next to you on the step.
“I’ll be there soon alright, just hang tight.”
You yawned. Laying down on the concrete step. You slowly drift off to sleep.
“Smiles…” You were being shaken away. You groaned, scrunching your face up.
“Smiles, come on you gotta get up.” The person sets you up slowly. You moan, feeling light-headed. You opened your eyes to see Frankie squatting in front of you.
He slips off his thick jean jacket and slips it over your shoulders.
“W-what are you- I-I called Alex?” You slurred.
“No, you called me.”
“What?- I’m so confused..I swear I called-” you say, placing your hand on your head.
“Hey, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I’m gonna take you home.” He places his arm around your waist securely, helping you stand. You lean against him slightly as he leads you to his truck.
Your face lit up as you noticed his old beat up pick up truck. “Oh, my godddddd the red truck!’ You giggled. “Hahahah I remember all the funnnnn times we had in here” you couldn’t contain your laughter as you raised your eyebrows up and down.
Frankie opens the passenger door. “Come on, Smiles,” he says, helping you get into the truck.
You felt sick, a tight and unsettling feeling sat in your stomach. He was about to close the door, when you pushed it wide open, leaning over and throwing up out of the car.
“Whoa!” He says back up quickly, but it was too late, you throw up on his feet.
You lean into the bench seat, groan. You began to cry, embarrassed you just threw up on him and how drunk you got yourself.
“Hey, Hey, smiles don’t cry. It’s okay.” He says stepping over your vomit and moving your hair out of your face and caressing your cheek.
“H-how can you even say that? I threw up on your shoes…” you wailed. You were full-on ugly crying.
“It’s okay!” He laughs softly. “It’s no big deal. It’ll wash off and I got an extra pair of shoes in the back.”
“Are you sure? You aren’t mad?” you sniffled.
“No, not at all. I promise I’m not mad, there’s no need to cry.” he softly says wiping your tears and stroking your cheek. “Put on your seat belt.”
You listened to him. You picked up the lap strap and clicked it into the buckle. Frankie shuts the door, walking around towards the backside of the truck, leaving over the side to grab his extra boots. He walks over to the very back, popping open the tailgate to sit down and wipe out these throw-up shoes, with another.
You felt the car dip back up. The tailgate slam shut, and Frankie comes around and slides into the truck.  
He puts the key into the ignition and turns on their car.
In the cup holder was a water bottle. He picks it up, handing it to you.
“Here, drink some water.”
“Thanks,” you say, taking the bottle.
Frankie put the car and drive and headed out of the church parking lot.
Frankie had been driving for a while. It was silent most of the time, small talk here and there.
“What are we doing here?” you asked, your eyes tired as you started at the neon diner sign as he was pulling into the parking lot.
“Getting food, what does it look like?” He says driving into the stall.
“But it's like almost 3 AM…”
“So. I know you’re hungry and probably haven’t eaten much since clubbing”, he says, opening his car door and hopping out.
You were pretty hungry. You sigh, opening the car door. Frankie came on your side helping you out of the car. You still had Frankie's jean jacket around your shoulders. You quickly slip your arms into the sleeves after feeling the cool breeze of the early morning.
You stand beside the truck, getting a better look at the diner. You smile realizing where you were. “Dolly’s,” you say quickly looking over to Frankie.
You and Frankie used to come to Dolly’s all the time when you were dating. They were open late at night, into the early morning. Sometimes in the middle of the night, you would crave breakfast and pancakes. You would drive to Dollys to get your fix.
You both started walking to the entrance, you still a little wobbly, grabbing onto Frankie's arm for stability. Frankie opens the front door, allowing you to walk in first.
You were hit with the smell of coffee and bacon sizzling on the greasy stove. There were a few people scattered around the quiet diner.
“Frankie Morales!” You hear Ms. Dolly yell from behind the counter, grabbing two menus and walking over to you both. She was the sweet old lady that owned the Diner. Dolly and her husband bought it in the ’50s and haven’t stopped working.
He takes off his hat and fixes his hair to look more presentable. “Hi, Ms. Dolly.”
“What are you- oh my!” she says as she notices you standing beside him. “Sweetheart! It’s been so long!” she says, pulling you into a hug.
“Hi Ms. Dolly”
“I haven’t seen you in ages! And you’re here with sweet boy Frankie! Gosh, you kids are making me feel so old! I remember when the two of you used to come here all the time when you were in college and Frankie was still in uniform.” She gushed.
“Ms. Dolly, it's so late, and you’re still working!”
“I live and breathe this place! I may look old, but I’m still going strong!” She laughs. “Gosh, you don’t need these menus, I still remember your orders! Go sit wherever you like, your food should be out in a jiffy!”
“Thank you!” you and Frankie say walking and slipping into a booth.
“I haven’t been here in ages.” You look around the dinner, it still looked the same as you remembered it. “Brings back good memories, fun memories of the two of us”. You smile at Frankie.
“It does. This was always our favorite place to eat... I come here every once in while. Sometimes I’ll bring-” he stops himself, not finishing his sentence.
“Bring who?” You ask, cocking your head to the side. Was it the person he was talking to on the phone at Santiago's house?
“I come here with-”
“Here you are darlings.” Ms. Dolly placed a huge stack of pancakes, with a side of bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns and two orange juices and extra plates in front of the both of you.
Frankie watched as your tired eyes lit up at seeing the breakfast. Your mind instantly forgot about what you two were talking about before.
“Dig in! If you need anything let me know!”
You quickly lung for your favorite, the pancakes. You pick one up biting into it. You grab a plate and the syrup, pouring the sticky brown liquid into the plate. You take the pancake, rubbing it on the plate to soak it in syrup, then take another bite.
You moaned at its taste. It tasted so good, like heaven.
Frankie smiles at you. You never liked cutting up your pancakes. You liked to eat it whole, dipping it into syrup. He shakes his head as he fills up his plate with food. “Still the same Smiles I know.”
“I’m tired and full… mostly tired.” You groaned leaning into the booth. “Future me is going to kill me in the morning, Frank.”
“I’ll take you home.” He takes out money from his wallet and drops it on the table. He places his hat back on his head, and slides out of the booth walking over to your side, helping you stand up.
“Thanks, Ms. Dolly!” You drunkenly wave and Frankie holds you up.
“Bye! Come back and visit now!”
Frankie thanks Dolly, then walks you to the car helping you get in.
Once your both were n the car and buckled up, Frankie started the car and started to drive back home.
You slide yourself across the bench seat, pressing up against Frankie. You lean your head against his shoulder as he drives.
“Thank you, Frankie,” you say, closing your eyes.
“For what?” He says, his eyes focused on the road.
“Getting up at the wee hours of the morning to get my drunk ass and for buying me breakfast” You chuckled. “You didn’t have to do that, but that’s one of the things I love about you.”
Frankie felt his heart stop. He grew tense at what you said.
“I love that you’d go out of your way to help anyone. You always had such a big heart. You’re gentle, patient, caring, and loving. I’ve always loved that about you. It’s the reason why I fell in love with you as a kid. Before I even knew what love was...” he can hear you growing tired, your voice slowly fading as you yawned.
You deeply sigh, “You’re the one I…the one…” you stop talking, not finishing what you were saying
He was waiting for you to continue speaking. “The one? The one what, smiles?” he asks, wanting to know what you were going to say.
You remained silent.
“Smiles?” he turned his gaze down towards you. You let out a little snore, you were out cold, sound asleep.
Frankie leans down, kissing the top of your head, and continues to drive home.
tags // @icanbeyourjedi 
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