#and ofc none of that goes away but until he says smth more its never gonna feel the same
stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
I have decided to do a self-insert- 😃😃 Lily is now part of the Genshin world-
If ya’ll are interested in her backstory, pls continue- but if u aren’t, its okay- :pp i just want to share it-
(I also decided to edit the Yatagarasu a bit :pp bc i only know abt it thru ace attorney: miles investigations- ya know, Kay? So imma center it abt that-)
So I was planning to make Lily a Yatagarasu, i’ve heard that he was a great thief in Japan (idk if this is tru- cause when i look it up- it showed a three-legged crow-) or in this case Inazuma- and I also want her to have some connections with Cecilia (ya’ll remember her right-?). So this is what I have in mind-
Lily was born in Inazuma, in a rich, powerful family. Her parents were actually ppl that do experiments on children, one of this was Aura (or, as we all know, Cecilia). Lily was never aware of this fact however, since she views her parents as idols. She has two older brothers, of whom she loved dearly.
Her parents weren’t home much so she usually spends time inside her room or with her brothers and servants. Her life was practically perfect until-
Lily was curious on what her parents do so she followed them one day. You can imagine her horror when she found out- her parents soon discovered that their youngest child followed them. Knowing that she would tell everyone, they promptly banished her from Inazuma.
[I also have smth in mind abt banishment. Since her parents are powerful, they must know spells, right? What if they make an enchantment on her that makes her unable to return to Inazuma? Like tatoos. They’ll burn in her skin if she ever gets too close to Inazuma. Just a thought- 👀]
Lily, now frightened and alone, was scared. She didn’t know where to go. So she wandered in the wilderness, gaining injuries and bruises along the way. She only ate what she could. It isn’t until she stumbled upon a village (im not sure abt this part actually but lets wing it-)
The villagers (mINEcRAfT-) took pity on Lily and an elder took her in. There she slowly healed. And its also there where she learned how to fight. Since this villagers were known for their stealth (or ninja) background, they decided to teach it to Lily.
Lily slowly mastered their techniques and such. She learned how to use a polearm (yes, i like polearms- fite me-) and slowly became a master. Through trials and errors of course. She left Inazuma when she was around 5-6, and she arrived at this village when she was around 7 (so she wandered for 1-2 years-). She stayed in the village until she was around 12 or 13 years old.
Her life was completely normal, until a fire broke out and wiped everyone in the village. Everyone but Lily. Devastated, she fled once more. But she now carries the knowledge of the techniques that the village has taught her.
She wandered around once more before arriving to Liyue Harbor (i actually dont know where Inazuma is located but lets just roll with it-). There, she saw how ppl behave. And saw how ppl is having a hard time with money, poverty in short.
Ever since she was young, she was told of the great thief Yatagarasu, who would often steal something and return it. No one knew about their true intent. Then they revealed that their only goal was seeking the “Truth”. After saying that, they took down the malicious ruler (at that era) and made Inazuma a paradise once more. (I’m not sure abt this- hshsh-)
Ever since then, tales about the Yatagarasu has been passed down from generations to generations. Lily always wanted to be like them, to be someone that is fighting for justice and freedom. So, she decided to become the second generation of the Yatagarasu.
Instead of doing what the tale said, she decided to be like Robin Hood and steal from the rich and give it to the poor. Ofc, since she was young and albeit clumsy, she was caught multiple of times. But she was always let out, free of charges. This is bc of Ningguang, who gain a deep respect towards Lily for her actions (i believe she would respect those who wants to help the poor since i read that she suffered from poverty as well-).
News started spreading abt the Yatagarasu, who steals in the night and vanishes in the morning. It spread like wildfire abt the sudden appearance of the Yatagarasu. Lily continued her actions, believing what she’s doing is good. As much time goes on, she soon became a master of stealing things from ppl.
But soon, the ppl in Liyue Harbor protested. They wanted the Yatagarasu to disappear. As much as Ningguang wants her to stay (she pities Lily-), she had no choice but to send her away. Even tho the ppl want to know the identity of the Yatagarasu, Ningguang kept it a secret and manages to calm the ppl in Liyue Harbor.
Now on the run once more, Lily continued to flee (she continued to ran for days-) until she reaches a mansion near the river. Starving, she took some grapes but was caught by a man. This man was none other than the mansion’s owner, Diluc. Diluc noticed her immediately and ask her where she came from.
“Inazuma. But I was banished.” She simply answered. Diluc noticed how thin and frail she look, having not eaten anything ever since she run away from Liyue Harbor (imagine that long trek- yikes-). Diluc decided to take pity on this girl and offered her a place to stay in the mansion, only for a while. In which Lily immediately accepts.
Diluc gave her food and some new clothes. (Her current design is albeit similar to his actually- just wanna point it out bc i want to draw her after this- 🤧) Lily’s pale skin began to glow and the light in her eyes came back. Diluc soon discovers her ninja-like skills when she was trying to reach for the cookies in the cupboards above-
He decided to let her stay in the Dawn Winery, making her his assistant or smth. So now, Diluc has a girl who’s following around, even in Angel’s Share. Many rumors started spreading abt the sudden appearance of Lily and the sudden disappearance of money for the rich ones-
Afterall, the tale of the Yatagarasu continues on- even if she’s not seeking the truth. (Diluc knows abt her Yatagarasu identity btw- 🤧🤧 he basically becomes her older brother-)
She doesn’t have a vision btw, i’m planning on giving her a vision thru the story- 👀 i’m still debating whether or not she’s an Anemo or a Pyro-
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