#lily’s backstory
hioriyostwin · 5 months
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
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doodled some cycle nuts kiddos on a notepad i yoinked from a storage facility
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hello-vampire-kitty · 10 months
Servamp chapter 136 spoilers
I only read the chapter once so I haven't understood some parts because I haven't looked up the meaning of some words, that's what I'll do when I get to properly translate the chapter, but in the meantime, I'm just going over a few pages so you can get an idea of what's going on.
Oh my God, this chapter reveled so much!
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I haven't talked about this, because I still have a few chapters to work on, but the previous one ended with Lily saying that everything was done in order to make the revived Count become the 9th Servamp with Mikuni as his Eve.
If that's the plan, could it mean that Mikuni will break his contract with Jeje or will it be possible to also keep him too?
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Lily reveals to Misono that initially he wanted to put Kuro in Mikuni's path, but that would have been a great risk if Tsubaki went after Kuro, so instead he chose Mahiru.
"As someone from a family of magicians that could be easily monitored and who didn't posses the combat skills of a magician...And most of all, he was the son of a certain man"
Lily tells Misono about Touma being Mahiru's father, who was a hindrance because Touma was close to the realization of the Count's reincarnation. Lily thought that if Tsubaki would target Mahiru, Touma would be dealt with if he tried protecting Mahiru.
Lily didn't think that Touma would try shooting his son, but he was wrong.
"Love is the most difficult to read."
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Lily tells Misono about his mother and what we knew about her was a lie. To start off her name was Tatsunami Hokaze which is so weird and perhaps it was a mistake because it happened before that some character's name were misspelled, like it happened with Pisca (it was even brought up by Tanaka on Twitter) and I recall one time where Tsurugi's name was written Rurugi xD
So, I looked up Hokaze (歩風) and it seems to be a boy's name and I have found the readings Ayuka or Honoka for girl names, so maybe one of those is actually her name?
Well, if it won't be mentioned by Tanaka if it was a misspelling, for now she will be called Hokaze.
Moving on, I noticed that in the first panel on the left, if you look closely at the book she's holding, it most likely "Jane Eyre" written on the cover, so we have a literary work that's associated with her.
Alright, so she was one of the orphans Lily brought to the Alicein house, like Dodo and Mitsuki.
Lily described her as ambitious woman and he encouraged her to get into Mikado's good graces. If she became his mistress, she could control him from the shadows.
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The letters from his mother that Misono read were censored by Mikuni and crafted a beautiful story. In Japanese it specifically says検閲 which means censorship, so that seems to imply that he didn't fabricate the letters entirely, some things that were written in them might have been left unchanged.
Poor Misono :((
Man, the drama of this family...
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So, we get to see Lily's past and I'm assuming (because it doesn't say) that he was selling his body? That's the impression I get from that image with the old guy who's giving him money...
Alright, moving on to Kuro's fight against Tsubaki!
It's awesome how Kuro made the candlestick into a sword! It looks cool!
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Tsubaki says that demon Kuro was apparently sensei's "something", that he called things such as friend or brother and the demon was sort of like a familiar.
Kuro wants to hear from Tsubaki why is he obsessed with the Count, but Tsubaki isn't reluctant to tell him.
Kuro uses "Elpsis" to try looking into his memories and it's so cool that he can use Mahiru's ability, like he even changed the sword into a staff like Mahiru's!
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Tsubaki had a little sister :(
So, apparently the reason he wanted to revive sensei isn't because he cared about him. He wants the ritual to be fulfilled because he awaits what comes after. Tsubaki made a promise with sensei, the latter telling him that he would make his little sister happy.
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What could that mean? If she's dead, could it mean that he will bring her to life? It doesn't mention what happened to her...
Oh boy, so, I feel sorry for Misono because of how much he was deceived and we also find out that Tsubaki wasn't actually looking forward to be reunited with sensei because they had a deep bond or something, he even admits in this chapter that he's probably just a means to sensei's objective to be united with Kuro, because sensei was only interested in him.
So yeah, that's about it. I want to end the post by saying that I thank you for the patience with the scanlations, I still have three more chapters to finish until I start working on this one.
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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Also we’re FINALLY getting Might of the Ancients Part 2, featuring Golden Cheese and White Lily’s canon small designs
Also random notes, but Golden Cheese originally had long hair, not to mention she has her same spear in adulthood, just less shiny, and White Lily has both of her eyes uncovered, instead of one like we saw in their Academy days. Makes me wonder when it changed
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holographic-abstract · 3 months
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gin-draws · 11 months
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reading after a long workday-
(-poppy has discovered smut)
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oneluckygoose · 1 month
Something something soldiers something something raised in a war something something the nature of the place they were put in something something unjust persecution something something fighting back something something the start of the conflict something something first act disaster something something story structure something something doomed by the narrative
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Are there any other wizarding families that are underexplored in canon and pique your interest in a similar way to the Blacks?
This is a unique function of what food my brain worms like to eat, but no one's doing it like the Blacks. The drama? The intrigue? The Gothic horror? The prodigal sons and lost daughters and killers and sinners and martyrs and saints? The wizard Catholicism of it all? The story of the House of Black is the best book never written.
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japepperony · 1 year
Stop writing marauders fics and making peter this outcast that they ignore and didn't love. His betrayal hurt for a reason. Remus truly believed Sirius did it. And Sirius didn't want Pete dead because he let him go to Azkaban. No, he wanted him dead because he did what they promised they never do and that's hurt each and he did that. And I know for a fact James would resent him because he didn't just put James and Sirius in danger, he put lily and harry in danger. But secretly he'd forgive him. He'd pray it was a trick and peter was tortured. Or he was being a spy for Dumbledore and had to say something. James loved peter. Remus loved peter. Sirius loved peter. PETER IS A MARAUDER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. That doesn't mean you have to hate him. But stop making him this terrible, evil, scheming, person.
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kaelily · 1 year
why does the fandom mischarecterize ayaka, keqing, nilou and now layla so badly?
they're all completely twisted into these crazy yandere girls who fight with each other for aether's love when they've been nothing but sweet to us. these jokes made by aether harem mfs are not funny at all. aether is not a playboy, he's just looking for his sister. i'm not attacking anyone who ships them but this kind of mischarecterization is just... not great. they make girls' entire personality about being aether's yandere lovers and fighting with each other when they're more than that. some of them also hate on ppl who like harmless queer ships. i'm just a lil weirded out with that side of the fandom because these girls are just few of the sweetest chars in the game, i love them sm :((
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this is just my personal opinion. if you don't like it, just scroll away please!!
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darknoverse · 1 year
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Watch me go insane with the m&l hyperfixation part 143657767
Idk this one is more of a test but yea .
Also have lotta wips & doodles
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askfacultystaff · 1 year
Stellar Galaxy AU or Finding big brother
Short roleplay
6 years ago
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Rita: *Offscreen, looking picture of her children and pets, talking to Neko on her phone* You said you have foster father? What's his name, Sufi sweetie? 🙂
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shortcakelils · 11 months
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@cupheadocscasino Lily's view on relationships + her casual outfit
(Quote from @4ce-of-2pades)
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butchbetty · 5 months
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spider-verse edits (2/?): earth-307021
after the death of their best friend, gwen stacy, soon followed by spider-man, all mary-jane and harry have left is each other. mary-jane fulfills peter's dying wish by continuing to protect the city as spider-woman, and now faces a new enemy, black cat, who has taken a particular interest in her. but the hero might have more to fear, as an unspoken illness starts to threaten harry's life.
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ceiling-karasu · 28 days
World Building continued: Backstory for the wars involving Flower Hill, Teikoku, and Usuhan Jiyeog, and subsequent occupations.
Apologies in advance for this being so long. I wanted to know how widespread Japanese weasels are in real life, and found something interesting I could use.
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Japanese weasels originate from three areas of Japan, that being Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku.
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Coincidentally, Japan famously has three Ceremonial Regalia in the form of a sword, magatama beads, and a mirror. These items are not seen by anyone other than the royal family and certain priests (images on the internet are recreations of what they could possibly look like, and those seen in public are symbolic stand-ins), but they symbolize the authority of the royal family.
Which allows me to make a backstory for my AU to help explain the wars and occupations, very loosely based off of events and locations in history, especially since animal biology limits certain events from happening.
In the past, there was an Emperor, who preferred for Teikoku to be in isolation. Under his rule, and of those before him, are smaller prefectures run by princes, lords, or other lessor royal families.
Contact with the United States Alliance and other nations led to a period of aggression and imperialism surrounding the empire of Teikoku, as they strove to fight against a stagnating economy that believed in its own superiority in the world, as well as a strict caste system preventing innovation.
Eventually, after some time, three princes are sent out to conquer the final few neighboring islands, so that may join the empire, and provide a larger force for when they make a move for the peninsula and the mainland.
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The three princes are named after their prefectures, and the Emperor has given them each one of the Imperial Regalia as proof of their superiority.
The Sword
Honshu is the main island of Japan, and is also known as the dragonfly island. Teikoku will call it Tonbo, which refers to dragonflies, which are fierce and deadly creatures. As such, their Imperial Regalia is the sword, Yūki no ken (the sword of valor), and is based off of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Grass-Cutter). Tonbo is the main physical fighting force of Teikoku.
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The Magatama Jewels
Kyushu is smaller than Honshu, but it had a lot of trade circuits around the ocean and the mountains. So I will make a prefecture named Kairo (Circuit), and have the area be responsible for trade and roads around the empire, as well as in the fighting forces. I would use the famous Magatama jewels (Benevolence) to symbolize their rule.
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The Mirror
Shikoku means four provinces, and is the least populated area of the three areas. Shikoku also has a lot of temples (perhaps run by green pheasants, the national symbol of Japan), which draws in a lot of pilgrims. But they also maintain a lot of gateways to other prefectures. So maybe Genkan for entryway. They are responsible for planning and strategizing for the other two. They can have the Michi no kagami, mirror of the path to represent wisdom/truth, based on the Yata no Kagami.
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VERY loosely taking inspiration from The Tale of the Heike, a collection of Japanese epic poetry with many translations and retelling (actually written down 200 years after said events supposedly happened), which says that the royal families that held these Regalia were defeated in a naval battle, and threw themselves and the treasures into the sea. Subsequent legends suggest that many search and diving parties have been led to recover the Regalia.
In my AU, I hold that the items were thrown into the sea, with the princes believing that they could return for them later even if they were captured, although they managed to escape. It was a complete disgrace for the Emperor, as without the Ceremonial Regalia, the legitimacy of the entire palace was thrown into question.
And then the box holding the Magatama washed up on the shores of the peninsula.
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It is returned as a gesture of good will, but as no good deed goes unpunished, Teikoku believes that they must have taken the other Imperial Regalia for themselves, starting a land invasion. The small army is annihilated by farmers, fresh out of overthrowing their own monarchy, wielding guns, which Teikoku has never seen before.
Which results in a larger army being sent, which is also defeated and the princes captured and possibly executed by the hedgehog army in the north of the country. At this point, without the authority of the Ceremonial Regalia, and increasing economical desperation, the country is forced to undergo a reformation. While there is still an Emperor, he does not hold as much political power as he once did.
Teikoku left behind settlements of soldiers and colonists controlling the southern portion of the peninsula, which they name Usuhan Jiyeog, who take up ruler-ship and fish farming.
The hedgehogs use the proof of their power in defending their areas to take control of what they would name Flower Hill.
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It is a strongly held belief that before they backed away from Usuhan Jiyeog, the Emperor promised that anyone who managed to retrieve the Ceremonial Regalia from Flower Hill would be reinstated as the next emperor, and be rewarded with power beyond their wildest dreams.
Did the other two, heavier, items, even wash up on the shores of the peninsula like the jewels, locked in an airtight box? Or did they sink to the bottom, as they were heavier? Who is to say...
But alongside the greed, desperation for power, and food production issues, the temptation of finding the supposedly stolen Imperial Regalia locked away in some distant stronghold is a good enough reason as any to attempt to occupy Flower Hill.
Now, I'm not about to retcon what I have already written and say that Commander Jogjebi wanted the sword and mirror, and Huinjogjebi is a weasel of science who would likely not be interested anyway. But claiming that Flower Hill stole precious items and symbols of their country in the past, and them not being able to disprove it, is enough of an excuse to make quite a few countries in the international courts turn a blind eye to the happenings surrounding Flower Hill.
Oil Production
I did figure out the oil and gas situation. I did go ahead and give the Jindo Empire a large amount of oil. The Venezuela country below the United States Alliance is now the República de Cultivos Oleaginosos, and is trying to prevent the wolves' country from occupying their regions.
Meanwhile, the vast majority of the world's oil in my AU is being produced in this country.
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While it used to be many different nations in the past, the leaders understood that their vast oil and gas reserves would result in large scale invasions, and agreed to band together into the Equatorial Allegiance.
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gin-draws · 9 months
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Poppy is playing it really cool…
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