#and ofc ur on anon bc you dont have the guts to reveal your blog?
osachiyo · 7 months
I mean since we’re doing call outs I guess we can talk about the fact that you write about minor characters 😭🙏
Don’t try saying “it’s a fictional character” because fiction is a reflection of the real world and human desire's. What we create in fiction is what we desire in real life, and when people use fiction to sexualize minors they do it in the same way adults do it to real minors they use the same excuses and ideas
“they’re more mature” “they look older” their only different excuse is that they aren’t real, but it ignores the victims of such behavior and how it continues to normalize the behavior
“but fiction is completely different from real life”without inspiration and wondering from the real world fiction wouldn’t exist. And if that were true then why do people use it to commentate on the real world, why do use things from the real world and expand on it
not to mention the non con works 😟
baby, the fact that you say I write for 'minor characters' is crazy because I redid that rule. the fact that you don't even bother to check my rules makes this even more embarrassing for you, yknow..and can you actually point out a SPECIFIC fic in which I wrote for a minor? and by the way, I'm guessing you're a follower of tee, so why don't you tell me, why you're attacking me for "writing for minors" when your oh so loved tee has this in her rules?
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and honestly, I don't care about aging up any more, because it's literally fiction LMAO if you can't tell apart fiction from reality you need genuine help and I'm not a psychicayatrist, honey.
and my pinned post literally says I write for dark content, so if you read my shit just to bash me abt that, then idgaf about what you have to say because I really could not care less about someone WHO PURPOSELY IGNORES MY PINNED. I hope this is enough attention for you because apparently you need it and you cannot survive without it 😢
edit: and also, if you still continue to read a writer's works, even after they said 'i age characters up and if you have a problem with that u can leave' then that's completely on your ass for ignoring it. you're not into that? leave. literally it takes 2-3 clicks, I'm sure you can do that, no? There are soo manyyy writers here who don't age up characters and that's good for them! what isnt good is you bashing a writer for aging up characters and dark content when you could easily click off and go on about your day. oh but I know you don't want to click off because you are so desperate for attention. if it makes you uncomfortable? leave?? nobody wants u here sweetie, I can promise you that much.
also love how you sent this in anon like tf you scared of? if you gon criticize my shit on my blog then at least talk to me face to face in dms or off anon, oh but you won't because you're a fuckin coward like bitch I'm not a lion or a bear− why're you so scared?
y'all talk mad shit on anon and don't have the guts to reveal yourself and that is genuinely so embarrassing. like do better.. ew...
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