#and on days that arent those ill chsnge to 15 mins of that to keep my streak
nezumasa · 5 years
My exercise routine is basically
-45 minutes of Fitness Boxing (strength/cardio, stretches on, full body) — can be replaced with like martial arts, sports, a youtube fitness video, etc.
-10 squats at minimum (done right before starting fitness boxing as to get up my heart rate)
-a minimum 15 minute brisk walk (ideally minimum 1.5 miles; more is better and you count what you walk throughout the day)
-knee push ups (as many as you can do before you feel like collapsing; i can only do 10 rn and you add 1 more every week for progression; goal is to eventually swap to full push ups and then to diamond and military)
-situps (same as knee pushups; as many as you can go and add 1 more each week if possible)
-every once in awhile I add Just Dance (the intense songs set in a playlist; ex. 5 Ra Ra Rasputin in a row)
-and I plan to add in weights once I get them (3 pounds, 5 pounds, 8 pounds; im thinking of going for the goal of 5 sets of 10 first though I probably can’t go all the way set).
-and on some days P90X or one video from Fitnessblender
I do this 7 days a week combined with my lifestyle changes (ie. No more fucking taco bell and fast food 3-4 times a week, no soda or non-“healthy” chips or or candy or that shit unless I count the calories and I have leftover, no juice only fruit, actually measuring food and oils, etc.)
Normal day to day Diet is
-Bowl of boiled greens (cup of spinach, brocoli crowns, 4-5 spears of asparagus, etc. depending on what I have boiled w/ vegetarian mushroom seasoning, bit of salt, one asian rock candy, a bit of sugar)
-2 Big Biscuit Shredded Wheat Biscuits with 1/2 cup of Horizon Organic Whole Milk
-boiled corn
-1 to 3 boiled eggs depending on size (no salt or pepper)
-a fruit or two (orange, banana, apricot, mango, kiwi, watermelon slice, etc. pick one or two)
-snack of one or two white or yellow corn tortillas with one pack of diablo sauce (every once in awhile)
-chicken congee w/ green onion, sweet onion, salt+pepper (no chicken skin, dump the broth after you boil the chicken and boil the congee in water and add the boiled chicken near the end alongside the green onions and onion; congee needs a bit of vegetarian seasoning, salt and sugar while cooking)
-lean protein (or salmon/fish in general) boiled, oven roasted, or steamed (chicken usually) w/ a small bowl of jasmine rice and maybe some low sodium soy sauce (tho i usually don’t).
-craisins and raisins according to serving size
-treats are one royal family mochi, 1 tim tam, etc. once or twice a week; maybe 3 times if I’m feeling a craving.
Eat your major meal between 3pm and 8pm; anything before must be a light snack/very light meal. Ie. Intermedient Fasting. I don’t eat all of this in one day either. I pick and choose depending on cravings (granted I eat like a medieval peasant so it doesn’t bore me at all). Fast Food is allowed but strictly regulated based on day’s intake and not to be done regularly.
Daily calorie intake limit is 1200 or less (and calories burned are not “extra calories” to eat; they don’t add to my limit).
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